The composition I met in Junior Two (16 recommended)
Mint Night
2023-11-01 00:58:41
Junior two

I met my composition in Junior Two (1)

Who will be the first person we meet when we come to this world? Maybe the doctor in the hospital? No, I think the real meeting is that I met my mother.

When I float down from the stream of life in the world and park in this harbor, it means that a new life has embarked on the journey, and the first person I met will play an important role in this process.

Every child is a blank sheet of paper. I didn't meet a top painter, but I met a person who can draw the background carefully. Although some places are more formal, this is a good start. My mother, who loves to be a paintbrush, has decorated my life for the first ten years.

In the past, I had a high fever in the middle of the night, and my mother took care of me carefully; The rainstorm after school gave me a large dry space under my mother's umbrella; In the hot summer, I got the coolness from my mother's sweat.

In the past few years, my father was not around us. It was my mother who shouldered the responsibility of cultivating me. Maybe I believe in the importance of early education. There are many books in our bookcase, such as "The Sutra of Teaching Children", which are specially bought by my mother. Under the influence of my mother, I felt that my childhood was very fruitful, and most of my personality, morality and habits were formed during this period. The summer vacation when I was seven years old, my interest in mathematics and ancient poetry and prose came into being at that time? During the winter vacation when I was eight years old, my handwriting changed greatly from childish to rough. There is no lack of mother's intentions in everything. This is my wealth!

All children in the world will have a mother. I know that there are more than thousands of excellent mothers than my mother, but I still think this is the best arrangement. Please cherish this meeting. The first guide on our life path will guide us to the right direction.

Meeting is fate; There must be a reason for such a fate!

I met my composition in Junior Two (2)

Friendship is the summer breeze, dispelling the clouds in my heart; Friendship is the hot tea in winter, which warms my heart. Friendship, really good.

One hot summer, there was no wind, and the thick air seemed to freeze. I was working in the classroom, and my forehead was covered with sweat. Watching my classmates turn in their papers, I was so worried that my chest was full of cotton. At this time, you appeared in front of me, and I asked you to give me a lecture like grasping a straw. You took up your pen and calculated on the draft paper without saying a word. Your slightly sweaty hair and attentive expression gradually calmed me down. I knew that friendship was growing around me. You answered my questions again and again until all my problems were solved. Finally, I also handed in the paper, and the stone in my heart also fell down, and the boredom in my heart was swept away. Friendship, in this hot summer, is like a breeze blowing across my face, dispelling the green clouds in my heart, and bringing a refreshing coolness.

In the winter after snow, the biting cold wind will always come as promised, which makes us feel embarrassed when we go outdoors to sweep snow? But there is no way. The task still needs to be completed. The cold north wind was blowing with a sharp chill, until my hands and feet were stiff with cold, and then I was gasping and stomping back to the classroom. However, a cup of steaming tea stood quietly on my desk. It's you again! Maybe as a class representative, you can't share the cold in the snow with me, but you use a cup of hot tea to drive away the chill for me. I picked it up carefully. The warmth was transmitted through the cup wall into my palm. My body was warming up, but my eyes were gradually moist. In this cold winter, friendship, like a cup of hot tea, warms my heart. Friendship, really good.

Friendship is a cool breeze, even in the hot summer. Friendship is hot tea. Even in winter, it can be as warm as spring. It touched me carelessly. It's really good.

I met my composition in Junior Two (3)

Six years in primary school, I wasted four years. I have many brothers and friends who think they are iron. At that moment, I met an extraordinary friendship.

Xu Ranxing, I often understand it as a rising, brilliant and gorgeous star. Yes, she is just like her name. She is like a shining star hanging above her head, with a bright future. But we are two parallel lines, and it seems that we will never intersect. "Li Ruixi, I want you to be my friend." She said coldly, but I ignored her and continued to surround the head teacher's car with parking signs. Finally, I built a triangle with a stick. Well, I can't move it now.

"What do you want?" I raised my eyebrows, It makes people feel heroic, capable and indifferent. But this temperament gives me a sense of security. I think she can shine on me and lead me forward. "Good." I trust her.

I abandoned those friends and felt that I would become a follower of her. I would unconsciously stop being unruly and treat everything carefully and calmly; I will also imitate her neat small regular script and change the font of flying dragons and dancing phoenixes. Even like her, she would immerse herself in a book, like a plant in the water in the rainy season. It was crispy green, as if it would answer with a cry. Maybe we are used to being criticized, and suddenly such a girl has changed my life trajectory. The road is flat and bright. You can feel the warm glow of dusk enveloping you. I am in the sky. She is special to me. Unlike those friends who put on a fight for "righteousness", she is changing me and living up to my trust in her. I want to be better and stand on the podium with her to make a speech. I want to thank her. She cleared her throat and spoke in a very light tone. Her voice fell into the night, like the moonlight shining among the leaves, with a kind of quiet power. Standing in the sea of Renshan people, I saw her being kissed by Zaoxia on her hair. She is so excellent and is my example.

This is the two years I spent with you, and my primary school career is not full of regret. But I don't know how lucky I am. The sky light has changed from bright to light. The shadow behind me is growing longer and longer. The time never stops. We always walk hand in hand.

I will never forget the scene when I first saw you. You shine brightly under the bright sun, illuminating my empty heart. Thank God, I met a different friendship.

I met my composition in Junior Two (4)

Friendship is one of the most precious feelings in life. Many famous people at all times and in all over the world have praised it with many beautiful poems. A great man once said: "Those who can't get friendship will be poor loners for life; a society without friendship is just a bustling desert." Friends are the spokesmen of friendship. They have never rejected anyone and abandoned anyone. And use their generous heart to accommodate and accept others. Make others feel the warmth and care of friendship on them.

It's hard to find a friend in the vast crowd! It's more difficult to find a bosom friend! But all these encounters seem to be arranged by God, depending on whether you are willing to cherish them. Maybe, friendship is like this. It comes unexpectedly.

If friendship is an evergreen tree, then it must be watered by a clear spring from the heart; If friendship is an invincible flower, then what shines on it must be the sun rising from the heart.

How many laughter are called by friendship, how many tears are wiped away by friendship, the harbor of friendship is warm, the breeze of friendship fills the sail, friendship is not an investment of feelings, it does not need interest and dividends.

In the bright moonlight, I hold the clearest flower; Falling afterglow, I hold a ray of the warmest; Burning red leaves, I pick up the hottest; Luxuriant grass, I pick a bunch of the most brilliant; Long life, I pick the world's most important friendship.

Friendship is good wine, the older the more mellow; Friendship is fireworks. It is more beautiful when it blooms on high places; Friendship is the lingering fragrance of flowers.

Friendship is a piece of sunshine that shines in winter, making the poor and sick feel the warmth of the world; Friendship is a spring that appears in the desert.

Friendship is also the sun that never sets. Let friends approach your heart and nourish your soul. Please extend your hand of friendship, let us hand in hand, side by side, sincerely experience friendship, sincerely feel friendship, cherish friendship, and let the flowers of friendship bloom everywhere. I firmly believe that our tomorrow will be more beautiful and brilliant!

I met my composition in Junior Two (5)

Time is like a song, high and active or shy and comfortable, friends are like stars, shining and bright. The days with stars are my fastest time.

Time is not old, we will not part

"Guess who I am? The words flowing like water were suddenly blown away by the wind, and I patted my eyelids heavily." Star, it's you! "I looked up at the shining eyes of the star, which were as bright as stars." Oh, you guessed me again! "The star sighed helplessly." Let's go to a good place! "It seems to be a light swallow, but it can't be seen in a blink of an eye." Wait for me! "I stagger to catch up, but I stumbled. I cried out in pain, and the star turned and ran to call anxiously." Are you all right! "I smiled at him:" Help me. "-- Later, after many failures, Star finally proudly raised my hand covered with bandages," I finally tied it up for you "The other side didn't respond for a long time - only the snoring that came and went. I interrupted my chat with Duke Zhou, only to find that he had already treated me as a human pillow. I smiled wickedly and took the brush... After a while, the star pushed the star and looked at me vaguely. I couldn't help laughing, and seeing what I was holding, she understood more than she did. We rushed at me angrily, laughing and making noises The sound spread far.

If you are well, it will be sunny

It seems that ripples suddenly appear on the surface of a flat mirror like water. It seems that graceful flowers suddenly bloom in the iron tree. I have had a big quarrel with the stars for three days. The memories under the old locust tree suddenly stop, leaving only the beautiful and desolate white flowers falling from the sorghum tree. I lean alone under the locust tree, pluck the white flowers on the ground, and a cluster of dark shadows flash across the hidden ground, which may be an illusion. The hallucination said coldly, "Hey, I didn't look up" to call you! "I took a deep breath and said faintly to the bright eyes of the star," I was wrong that day. I apologize to you. "I stared at the stars," I was wrong, I didn't listen to your explanation. We can... "She doesn't talk anymore." I'm not right about that day. "I blushed," can we make up? "Yes," Xing smiled and took out her hand, and winked her eyes mischievously. Suddenly her face suddenly changed, "Be careful! Something is falling! "Later, while stepping on the huge locust resin that made me win the prize, I gritted my teeth and said," I'm going to eat up his peers. Let's go to pick locust flowers! "Hand in hand, we gradually disappeared on the horizon.

The days when I played with Xing are my happiest days. In those days, stars like a pair of wings took me to fly freely in dreamlike youth.

I met my composition in Junior Two (6)

There is a jujube tree at the entrance of the Hutong of Grandma's house. The tree is thick and strong, which is as tall as the second floor. Grandma often said, "Ah! I've never seen such a tall jujube tree before."

When I was young, I would go to my grandmother's house to play every summer vacation. I stayed there for four or five days. At that time, my favorite game was to stop ants' nest under the jujube tree. I carefully searched under the tree. When I found a small hole, I squatted down, cleared the small mound around it, and then put a small stone on the hole to block it. The ants outside could not get in, and those inside could not climb out. They pushed the stone desperately. More and more ants were able to push it away. I squatted beside them and watched, I didn't know the sun was going down. Every time I run home with a disheveled face, my great grandmother immediately takes out a towel to wipe me when she sees me as a dirty child, and then hands me my favorite jujube cake. I usually wipe it casually, and then take it to my mouth. My great grandmother smiles and says, "Slow down, don't choke."

A few years later, jujube trees still blossom and bear fruit. But I have less and less time to go to my grandmother's house. Every time I drive into the familiar alley, I always see her old figure under the jujube tree. She sits on the saddle, wears the most beautiful flower coat, keeps looking at the end of the road, and carefully identifies each car. Finally, she sees us, shows a happy smile, and stands up hard, Trembling towards us.

"Grandma, your legs are not convenient, so don't pick us up in the future." Mother told Grandma sadly. "It doesn't matter. You haven't come here for a long time. Come here, come in quickly. I'll get you some jujube cakes."

Last year, the village was demolished and the old houses were demolished. Grandma tried to keep the jujube tree, but it was cut down because it affected the layout too much.

Later, my grandmother, who was over 90 years old, went to the nursing home and heard that she loved to talk about the jujube village and her great grandson.

At the end of the year, my great grandmother left. That night, I slept with tears in my eyes, and dreamed of the jujube tree sprouting again

I met my composition in Junior Two (7)

Everything in the world is to meet. It's like cold meets warm, with rain; Spring meets winter, with time, and heaven meets earth, with eternity; When people meet people, they have life. When I met you, I had a wonderful relationship.

When I met you, I had the key to open the door of the literature palace.

You took me to Ba Jin's "Stars", sat on the boat and watched the stars twinkle in the sky. You took me to Bing Xin's "Paper Boat". In the class, your soft voice made me think of my mother, and I couldn't help crying. You took me to the wild in Zhu Ziqing's "Spring", and saw the world full of vitality. You took me to learn "Walking", and I understood the collapse of adults without any hesitation. You took me into the Three Gorges, and I marveled at the uncanny workmanship of nature. In the past, I realized that Chinese is not only limited to the bottom of the well, but also has more noble poetry and distance. Mr. Shang, it's lucky to meet you?

Meet you, I have the courage to face the future.

It was another failure in the exam. The class was quiet and waiting for your punishment, but you said, "No exam can determine your future? You will always encourage us after each exam. You will appreciate the progress of each student. You will once again set a firm goal for the good performance in the class. You will still carefully design each lesson. So why don't we work hard? Mr. Shang, when I met you, I had the motivation to move forward.

Meet you, I have the power to move forward.

In the past, I was just ordinary, and I was listed as excellent by you just because of my appreciation of some highlights. But in every class, you will hold wonderful exercises or appreciate them on the platform for the whole class to learn, but there are few of mine on the lofty platform. I know, I'm not good enough. Therefore, I will yearn, be anxious, and reflect, because I also want to bring my own works to the booth, and I don't want to be in the corner to applaud others, and this vigorous heart is what you gave me. Mr. Shang, it's a kind of redemption to meet you?

I wanted to harvest a spring breeze, but you gave me the whole spring. Let's use three years to leave the best memories for each other's meeting. It's a long way to go. How lucky we are to meet you!

I met my composition in Junior Two (8)

At the weekend, I was upset by the numerous homework. Throwing away my pen, I "thumped" down on the bed, grabbed a people magazine, flipped through it and hummed a song to relieve my boredom: "I think I'll wait for my expectation... how far the person I'm waiting for is in the future..."

Looking at it, I couldn't help but fantasize: "Ha ha, I will become a famous writer when I grow up and write a masterpiece! Oh, maybe I can become a movie star who is famous all over the world!" Just as I was dreaming of being a writer and a star, a cold hand patted my crossed legs. I looked up and was startled: a man, with hair all over his head, had the unique hairstyle of a street beggar; There is no spirit in both eyes, and some cunning and greed flicker in the confusion; Dry and cracked lips, without a trace of blood; His face was haggard, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness. Her body was dry and weak, swaying, as if her soul had been taken away.

"Ah - who are you?" I was scared and felt every cell and hair on my body trembling. "I am the future of you!" she coldly replied. "Nonsense! I'm going to be a writer and a star in the future! I'm not a beggar who looks like a person or a ghost!" I sat up and scolded her. After listening to me, she smiled contemptuously: "Little girl, don't be paranoid, I am the future you! You were really ambitious, but you never did anything, and only dreamed of nothing. And I, you are lazy and not eager to make progress!" These words seemed to give me a blow, leaving me stunned. "Are you afraid? You look so ugly. Ha ha! If you still can only daydream, all your wishes will turn into a dream! Ha ha......" I said in the future and laughed. "No!" I shouted with the greatest strength in my life. My future figure gradually blurred and disappeared, leaving only lingering laughter echoing in the room.

I collapsed on the bed again and muttered to myself: "Did I do something wrong? Is this meeting of you and me in the future accidental or fated?" At the end of the song: "I met you is the most beautiful accident..." Maybe I met myself in the future is the most beautiful accident. Indeed, I should try my best

I met my composition in Junior Two (9)

In this world, the most beautiful thing is to meet. The people, things and things we meet in our life are the most beautiful. As long as we are predestined to meet, we will meet them. Therefore, we should cherish the beautiful meeting in our life.

In the morning, the fresh air rushed towards me, and the red sun rose slowly. In such a good weather, I finished my homework early and went out for a walk. Then, I met the most beautiful spring.

I met spring on the branches, with buds, willows on the roadside, and apricot blossoms on the branches. It was very beautiful. I saw many apricot flowers on the branches, each with its own posture. Some apricot flowers crowded together like a big disk; Some apricot flowers hide behind the branches, like a shy girl; Some flowers and bones are blooming like a graceful girl! This eyeful of scenery, this beautiful spring, is the most beautiful meet!

I walked forward slowly, and vaguely heard a gentle wind. When the sound of the breeze passed by, I heard a clear and pleasant sound. It was the birds singing in the branches. Their songs were clear and pleasant, which made people easily intoxicated.

Grass naturally refuses to lag behind, and tries hard to squeeze up. Grass bends down and looks at large areas full of new green. In the distance, trees grow thick leaves. Grass under the trees is still green, dark green, the scent of grass, and the delicate fragrance of flowers make the earth full of vitality. People are full of spirit. Nature is full of vitality at a glance, ah! "One year's plan lies in spring"

Ah! The spring rain comes, which moistens all things and revives all things. After the rain, the sky is clear, and it is a beautiful scenery.

Spring is in my eyes; I hear spring; I feel spring in my heart. Spring is my most beautiful encounter. Thank you for these encounters. On the background of my life, there are beautiful colors everywhere. Encounters are beautiful. Bring us happiness!

I met my composition in Junior Two (10)

The most precious time is the youth of the students, the most beautiful meeting is the rigorous and humorous deskmate. You are well behaved, tall, thin, with dark skin, and a pair of glasses on your face, looking like a serious old pedant. The eyes are black and white, and occasionally flash a dark and sly light from behind your glasses. You prefer to smile. When you smile, your mouth and eyes will wrinkle, which makes you look young and old.

You are a very strict person. Once, when correcting a wrong mathematical problem, you were not sure about a problem, so you asked me. I told you that after you solved the problem, you went back to your seat, took out the manuscript, and carefully calculated it three times. After that, you casually raised your head, frowned, and two suspicious and puzzled lights shot out of the lens. Then, you looked at the problem again, tilted your head and asked, "Are you really sure?" "Sure." You still persist in asking, and your eyes behind your glasses closely stare at me: "Sure He looks condescending and glares at me with your black and white eyes. I can't help but feel a little uneasy. I'm in a cold sweat. Then you take back your eyes and ask my deskmate again. Don't fill in the answer until you know there is nothing wrong with it.

You are also very humorous. You have a serious expression and few words, but you often make us laugh. At this time, you will regularly open your mouth, laugh with us, and enjoy our youth's simplicity and happiness.

Rigorous and serious as you, humorous and happy as you, my deskmate, in this beautiful autumn, collided with the most beautiful meeting of my junior high school.

Encountered Composition Grade 2 (11)

When the fragrance is gone and the last leaf falls on the plane tree, you will meet the faint breeze again, and you will meet the autumn that doesn't love snow.

I met the simple nature of autumn, and even if there is no bustling ornament, I also live out my own color. I want to pick up the last petal and hide in the arms of autumn. Maybe I want you to dance and dance in the hometown of youth too much, and I want to meet you too much.

When I met the elegant fragrance of autumn, I only liked the thick light ink color. It only lingered in the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, whether it left only a shadow - a light ink colored oil paper umbrella standing on the moss stone steps, under the moon, quietly listening to the quiet rain, waiting for the last ray of fragrance to fall.

When I met the autumn, I was aloof and silent. I didn't like to hang withered vines, old trees, and crows. I just wanted to silently spit out the most real season of flowers and rain, and be calm and quiet. I used aloof to cover up the contradiction of the lonely sea in my heart. I like to spot drips of rain in the deepest night, and I also like to listen in silence in the corner, looking for the last ray of purity in the world, to release the beautiful music in the gentle deep sea.

I met autumn, met my original dream, Ink Rain, in Xitang Alley, met Ink Rain belonging to autumn, which is not quiet, but also belongs to my most beautiful encounter.

Last night, the west wind withered a few green leaves, and the hot sun outside the window suddenly warmed, I realized whether it was just a dream to meet autumn.

Perhaps, when I wake up, flowers wither, tears pass, and I meet the last autumn in the mirage, I would rather, because I just met you, leaving the most beautiful expectations.

Encountered Composition Grade 2 (12)

"Beauty" is not a noble word, nor just a surface. If a person can lend a helping hand to those in need, or go forward bravely without fear of difficulties... no matter what his appearance, he is worthy of the word "beautiful".

On a cold winter day, the "beautiful flower" bloomed proudly in a bus that had lost its paint, warming the time.

The bleak wind blew that day, and it was bitterly cold. The bus was overcrowded, and the frozen body in the crowd regained consciousness. Everyone is looking forward to the bus driving faster so that they can go home early.

On my left is a high school student with heavy makeup, gorgeous clothes, two beautiful eyes filled with indifference, bent head and fiddled with mobile phone, which is a typical "rebellious girl". Her strong perfume made me choke and I leaned to the right.

On the way, a small group of elderly people scrambled to get on the bus which was already full. The car became noisy. A tall boy shouted angrily, "The car is crowded. Why did you come back?"

Someone in the crowd applauded, and the boy proudly said a few ugly words. The old people were full of wrinkles, and their faces were red with cold. They barely held up an apologetic smile. They were embarrassed to look at a bus of people watching the theater, and were at a loss.

"If you are too crowded, you can get off first."

It was the girl beside me who seemed indifferent. She just glanced at the tall boy with disdain, and then calmly helped the remaining old people to get on the bus, ignoring the boy who was red with anger and wanted to talk to her.

Bad appearance, contemptuous attitude, frivolous tone, and the act of holding the old man is gentle and penetrating into the eyes.

The old people grabbed her and murmured words of gratitude and praise. The girls are not coy, and they smile generously.

I can't help feeling warm, and feel guilty about judging people by their appearance. The perfume in the air suddenly became soft and sweet.

I met Beauty. It is a proud and soft heart, burning in its own way.

Encountered Composition Junior Two (13)

Former friends:


The world is changeable, but it is invariable. It seems that there is no eternity between people, only constant encounter and loss, almost without interruption.

friend! No, former friends. I'd rather never meet you.

If I had not met you three years ago, but like two parallel lines in mathematics, there would never be the possibility of intersection, there would not be the opposite direction after the intersection, going farther and farther, leaving only helpless and sad.

I think you are extreme. Anyone who hates a person has no chance of reconciliation. It is different from the cold war and discord between good friends, but it is completely like there is no such person. Yes, that's how you treat me - firm attitude, leaving no room. I think if I didn't meet you, you wouldn't hate me, and I wouldn't have another "familiar stranger".

If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have been beaten. I think that every person who is often beaten by you is your good friend. Once, I was afraid of meeting you, because I was afraid of leaving a few more marks on my shoulder, but I never had the ability and power to fight back. But now, you will never give me a punch from time to time, and my left shoulder will not ache faintly. Everything seems unusual.

If I didn't meet you, I wouldn't doubt the meaning of my existence. In the past, you used to say, "You have nothing but learning!" You once gave me an inventory of many things I didn't have. Now you can only remember friendship. Although I was very sad when you said this sentence at the beginning, I also silently agreed with it after a long time. Because of you, I doubted myself more than once, and because of this sentence, I will always remember you.

If I had not met you, I would never have realized that there was something wrong with my character. I am impatient and impatient when dealing with people. Sometimes I am selfish enough to make mistakes and dare not admit them, or even lie. If I hadn't met you, even if I knew I had these problems, I wouldn't think they were serious. But now, I know that their seriousness is enough to change a person's view of me, enough to make me lose a friend for three years.

I would rather never meet you, let me less regret, more magnanimous.

I am grateful for meeting you, which makes me less self righteous and more introspective.

I wish you the same poem you often read: "I smile to the sky from the horizontal knife, leaving the two Kunlun", or, as you wrote in the "Last Letter", "I smile to the sky from the horizontal knife, never regret doing things".

Former friends

Encountered Composition Junior Two (14)

Everything in the world is to meet. When cold meets warm, there is rain; When spring meets winter, there will be years; The heaven meets the earth and has eternity. Everyone, I met my grandpa. From the moment when I started my life, I had confidence and happiness. We met a "good brother" who can confide in each other.

It was the first time in 20XX.

My grandpa is the happiest person in the whole family when I come to this world. Looking at my meaty face, I was too excited to sleep all night. From my babbling, learning to walk, to flying high, my grandpa is like a beacon, illuminating the road ahead of me; It is also like the brightest star in the night sky, dispelling the darkness for me. Because I met you, I could fly higher and higher.

My grandpa picked me up every day when I went to school. The sun and rain leave deeper traces of time on your old face. In front of me, you are just like a piece of paper, which I arbitrarily twisted and left to my bad temper; It is also like a huge stone, which blocks the wind and rain for me and firmly holds up my suffering. Because I met you, I could grow up smoothly.

After school, you like to watch me do my homework. At this time, you will turn off all your favorite electronic products and guard me in silence. It seems that you are very happy to know about my situation in school. Any little thing will bring you great joy, but you dare not ask more questions for fear of disturbing me. You just sit there quietly and watch my every move. Sometimes you will smile secretly, and your eyes are full of satisfaction. Because I met you, my life is so warm and full.

Now, dear grandpa, you have gone away from me, watching me quietly in another world. You add firewood to the fire of my life and raise my salary, but the flame of your life slowly withers until it is exhausted. I can't do anything about your leaving, but I am satisfied because you have given me enough.

When the wind blows, the petals float like rain. Grandfather, with your thoughts and gratitude, my footprints in the world will be clearer and more beautiful because I met you.

I met my composition in Junior Two (15)

Some people say that a hand in hand in this life will experience hundreds of searches in previous lives; A hug in this life, and thousands of times of looking back in previous lives. I think I must have experienced hundreds of millions of times of searching and looking back when we met?

In the summer of 20XX, I met her for the first time. It was the first time that we entered junior high school. Everything was so strange. During the military training, I didn't want to talk with my classmates when I was a stranger. I thought I would keep quiet until she shone into my heart like the sun and lit up my cold heart. She opened her mouth and said the first sentence to me. It was precisely because of this first sentence that we got to know each other, knew each other, and now we are "in love".

Her name is Cui Jiangyu. As her name suggests, her first impression is one word: beauty. Bai Juyi's famous line "Looking back and smiling, six palaces of pink and black have no color" has been perfectly interpreted on her.

She has such silky black and beautiful hair, with two crystal clear "jade beads" embedded in her eyes, and curly eyelashes flapping playfully, just like a lovely butterfly. The white flawless skin exudes light pink, and the thin lips are as delicate as rose petals.

Her personality is sunny and cheerful. Since I knew her, I haven't seen her worried about anything. She is also very humorous. Her whole body reveals the temperament of "Doubi". Her words may make you laugh up and down. So when I am sad, as soon as she comes, I will laugh and cry in ten seconds.

Although our friendship is less than two years old, she has taught me a lot. We are almost inseparable now. We go to the toilet together -- to the snack bar -- to run exercises -- to the restaurant and so on.

As the saying goes, all the splendor in the world is not as good as a good friend who treats you sincerely. Cui Jiangyu is lucky to meet you in the most beautiful years.

It's lucky to have you all my life!

Encountered Composition Junior Two (16)

One morning, I washed my face in front of the mirror. I was about to leave the bathroom for breakfast when suddenly a strong light shone on me. I closed my eyes and covered the light with my arms, but it was useless. In an instant, a powerful and unknown force sucked me into the mirror, and I fainted. When I wake up, I sit on the floor of the bathroom. When I was about to get up to have breakfast, a magnetic voice sounded: "I think you are my childhood!" I suddenly turned around and saw a young man.

He is about twenty years old, tall and handsome, wearing a suit. There are a pair of deep pool like eyes under the pale eyebrows; There is a cute and funny dimple on the right face, but there is no dimple on the left face. Isn't that me when I grow up? I was full of doubt and curiosity about his words. He looked at me with a smile and his deep pool eyes and said, "Are you Xie Jiahao?" I nodded in bewilderment and said, "Can you be the future me?" He smiled and nodded, and I gasped. My mouth was in the shape of "o", which could hold an egg. He asked, "When I grew up, what college did I go to? What job did I find? How were my parents? --------" He smiled and said, "I went to Zhejiang University and became an engineer. My parents are very good." I nodded with satisfaction. It seems that I have fulfilled my childhood dream, which is really great! I jumped three feet high with joy.

When I grew up, I still smiled and said softly, "Well, when you were young, you needed more extracurricular books. Now I lack knowledge of literature, and I have some difficulties writing papers." I nodded firmly and said, "Well, I will read more extracurricular books. It will not waste time." He smiled with satisfaction, He said, "It's getting late. It's time for you to return to the real world. Goodbye!" He motioned with his hand, and I returned to the real world from the mirror. Thinking of this adventure, I went to read a book immediately.