Mythical Characters (15 Collections)
Flowers too fragrant
2024-02-11 09:33:19

Mythical Characters (1)

One day, I was watching the TV show of the Yellow Emperor and Chiyou on the sofa. Suddenly, the door of our house was heavily knocked open. I thought: Is the thief coming. The man outside the door said to himself, "The door of the master's house is strong enough, so I will repair one when I go back. I looked closely, and this... is not this the Yellow Emperor I have always wanted to see? He solemnly said to me," Now our country is going to fight with Chiyou, please have a divination. "I could not understand his language. He said nothing and quickly took out a round object, When I saw the silver flash in front of me, I came to his country. I asked the Yellow Emperor, "What was that thing just now?" The Yellow Emperor said, "That's the time shuttle. My brother, the Jade Emperor, sent it to me." After a while, I came to the Yellow Emperor's palace to start divination.

After a while, all the ministers of the Yellow Emperor gathered in the palace, and I began to do divination. I said that Chiyou would send out a fog during the battle, and the Yellow Emperor's troops would lose their way... After hearing this, the Yellow Emperor ordered the engineer to make a guide car immediately

When it was time for battle, Chiyou and his eighty one brothers went to battle together. Chiyou's eighty one brothers were copper headed and iron armed. They did not eat grain, but actually ate iron! Each one is half beast and half man, which looks very scary. The soldiers' morale was greatly reduced when they were frightened. The Yellow Emperor captured the thunder beast and Kui beast and made drums and sticks out of their skin and bones. The soldiers' courage was greatly increased. Chi You saw this scene and asked Feng Bo and Rain Master to blow the wind and flood. Ying Long rushed up, collected the water and stopped the wind. Chiyou really put a fog like in the prophecy, beat Chiyou's army to pieces, ran around, and Chiyou was killed by the Yellow Emperor!

I was about to let the Yellow Emperor take me to the battlefield when a dark ditch opened under my feet. "Oh, it hurts!" I opened my eyes and saw that I had rolled to the ground! I really want to spend another day with the Yellow Emperor!

Class 402, Camel Central School, Zhenhai District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province

Mythical Characters (2)

The alarm clock woke me up in the morning. I woke up drowsily and turned off the alarm clock, only to find that there was a stranger in the room with a ball head tied and a collar on his neck. It suddenly dawned on me. Isn't this Nezha? Then Nezha said to me, "The Dragon King will catch the boy and girl every year. Today, I will take you to clean him up." He then took me to the East China Sea.

After arriving in the East China Sea, we entered the Dragon King's Dragon Palace. The Dragon Palace is beautifully decorated. What festival is this? It turns out that today is the birthday of the Dragon King. No wonder it is so grand. When the Dragon King saw Nezha and me, he smiled and said, "Who am I talking about? It's the famous Nezha. What kind of wind has brought you here?" But Nezha was angry in his heart. Without saying a word, he rushed to the table and kicked it over. The Dragon King immediately asked the shrimps and crabs to catch us.

Nezha dragged me up and down, but they couldn't catch me. At that moment, Nezha threw one end of Huntian Silk at me. I knew at once that he wanted to tie them up. We had a tacit understanding to run in the opposite direction. The shrimps and crabs were stunned for a moment. They ran east and west at once, and became a mess. Nezha and I soon tied them into a super big rice dumplings.

It happened that the third prince of the Dragon King was not here today, so the Dragon King had to fight in person. The Dragon King was very powerful, but he could not defeat the two of us. At first, the Dragon King was like Nezha. Nezha reacted quickly and dodged. Nezha and I attacked together, giving him a chance to breathe. The Dragon King was very tired. Nezha took the chance to hit him with a sharp fire gun. Finally, the Dragon King couldn't catch the move and was shot to the ground.

The Dragon King fell down and swore never to harm anyone again. The task was completed, and it was dark. Nezha took me home on the wind fire wheel.

This day is really interesting. I will never forget it.

Mythical Characters (3)

I spend the day with Yandi

This morning, my mother and father said that they were going on a business trip for a whole day. After breakfast, I could only watch TV in boredom. After a while, I suddenly heard someone calling my name behind me. I turned my head in doubt and saw that it was Yan Di, the "god of medicine".

Yan Di said to me happily, "Do you want to go to my world and find herbs with me?"! Hearing this, my eyes lit up and I excitedly pulled the Yan Emperor's hands and asked, "Can I really join you?". Yan Di smiled and said, "Of course." Then he took out a red whip, which was very conspicuous in his hand because his body was transparent. Then, he took the whip and waved at the air. A black crack opened in the air. He pulled me through the crack and led me to his world. It turns out that the red whip can not only identify herbs, but also open a door that can cross the world. It's amazing.

I followed the Yan Emperor to his tribe, where people lived and worked in peace and contentment under the leadership of the Yan Emperor. The air was filled with a breath of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the southern mountains". After visiting the tribe, Emperor Yan took me to his room, which was specially used to put herbs. There was a strong smell of Chinese herbs in the room. I became a "little medicine boy" all day long. Emperor Yan taught me how to know herbs and how to decoct and refine pills.

On this day, I had a very happy life. My parents came back, and I reluctantly went home. I like Emperor Yan very much, because he is a helpful, selfless and kind person. I love Emperor Yan, and I love fairy tales.

Mythical Characters (4)

If you want to ask me who I want to spend the day with, I will definitely say that I want to spend the day with Monkey King and let him take me to see the scenery.

In the morning, when it was sunny, I said to Monkey King, "Monkey King, can you take me to your mountain to see the scenery?" As soon as the words went down, he took me on his back and flew into the sky. In a short time, he arrived at the distant mountain. As soon as I got to Huaguo Mountain, I saw flowers everywhere. The wind blew gently, blowing the thick fragrance of flowers far away, attracting a small butterfly, dancing on it. Also attracted a small bee, flying around, busy collecting honey. I saw peaches growing on every peach tree on the mountain. My mouth watered. I asked Monkey King to help me pick one to eat. He immediately flew to the peach tree and brought me a sweet and delicious peach. I took a quick bite and said, "How delicious! How delicious!" Many monkeys are doing what they like. Some are sleeping quietly, some are playing games, and some are picking peaches to eat. It's very lively! We'll be back soon.

On the way back, I suddenly saw the East China Sea and said, "Can you take me to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea?" As soon as I finished, Monkey King turned back. In the East China Sea, he became a submarine. When I went to the sea, I saw colorful corals, red, yellow and purple. There are countless animals in the coral, including big turtles, lovely dolphins and fat lobsters. After watching the Dragon Palace, Monkey King flew out of the sea with a whoosh.

When I look up at the sky, I think of Tiangong. He said, "Monkey King, Monkey King! Can you take me to the Heavenly Palace to have a look?" Then he flew up to the clouds and arrived at the Heavenly Palace. There are so many people in the Heaven Palace, including the Queen Mother and Shunfeng Ear. It is said that he can hear all the voices in the world, including the Supreme Master, but he is still refining pills beside his alchemy furnace. The immortals in the sky are really free. Everyone can do their own things. After seeing the Tiangong, Monkey King flew to my yard.

What a happy day!

Mythical Characters (5)

Today, when I came to the river and found Nuwa there, I went there.

I came to Nuwa and saw that she seemed unhappy. I asked her, "Why are you unhappy?" Nuwa replied, "Nobody plays with me here. I'm too lonely!" I said, "We can make people like us!" "This is a good way," Nuwa said.

There is a way, but how to create people is still a problem. I asked Nu Wa, "How can we make people?" Nu Wa said, "We can knead mud!" I said, "That's great!"

However, just as we were about to make clay figurines, the problem came again. We each grabbed a lump of mud from the mud pit, and a mud monster suddenly appeared in the mud pit! It said, "How dare you catch my meat? It's killing me!" I was shocked, but Nuwa was brave enough to kill the monster. I also killed the monster. After a long time, the monster finally died, and we can finally create people with peace of mind!

Now, it's my favorite time - making time. We happily kneaded clay figurines. I think human life is limited, so we divided them into men and women and let them reproduce themselves.

In this way, human beings will live in the world forever and happily!

Mythical Characters (6)

"Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, you are really amazing. The Five Elements Mountain can't hold you down, and a grandson has jumped out..." With the loud singing, do you seem to have returned to the famous Journey to the West, or to the "Three Star Cave on the Moon of Lingtai Fangcun Mountain"? Ha ha, you guessed right. This time I will introduce the imposing "Bi Ma Wen".
Everyone must be familiar with this "Bi Ma Wen". Let's review it together!
You see, his big and divine eyes were "fiery eyes" that had been refined from the alchemy furnace of the Supreme Master for ninety-nine and eighty-one days. It seemed that thousands of golden lights could flash when he opened his eyes, and he could use the golden light to identify the monsters transformed into human figures.
What does he have when he is powerful? There are "seventy-two changes", "hundreds of changes" and "somersault clouds"... In those days, Monkey King took a bamboo raft from Huaguo Mountain to "Lingtai Fangcun Mountain Xieyue Three Star Cave" and learned from Bodhi for twenty years to become immortal.
Look, what's that? Oh, it's the little tree that Monkey King turned into! He can not only become a small tree, he can change everything in the world, the gods in the sky, the ghosts on the ground; He can become birds and beasts, houses and trees. It's really unique in the world.
Look, those tens of thousands of Goku are fighting with centipede spirit with a "trident stick"! How come there are so many Goku? Oh, it's the one who literally pulled a bunch of hairs off his body to change it! The 84000 hairs on his body can change all the time, and he can do whatever he wants. The transformed monkey cannot be cut with a knife or hurt with a gun.
Look, what's that in the sky? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a meteor? Oh, it's the "Bi Ma Wen"! It can jump a hundred and eight thousand miles by driving a somersault cloud. The Jindou Cloud is composed of golden clouds, which are shining in all directions. It gathers the aura of the weather and the essence of all things, and is extremely colorful.
After listening to its skills, let's listen to its weapons and armor! Listen! It has a "Sea Immortal Needle and Iron", also known as "Ruyi Golden Stirrup Stick", which is "famous at home and abroad". It weighs 3600 kg and is unparalleled in the world. It is the treasure of the East Sea Dragon King. There are also a series of armor, such as "the gold lock armor of the West Sea Dragon King, the purple gold crown of the South Sea Dragon King, and the lotus silk step cloud shoes of the North Sea Dragon King". Do you think the Monkey King is powerful?
Sun Wukong is not only super skilled, but also resourceful, fearless of hardships and dangers, brave and strong, and loyal. He would rather spend six leaves connecting the liver and lungs, and three cents and seven holes for Tang Sanzang. Tang Monk did not discriminate between right and wrong, and did not distinguish between human beings and demons. He wrongly blamed Wukong. Wukong was expelled three times. He was very sad, but he still paid four obeisances to his master. When Master was in trouble, Wuneng had no choice but to ask Wukong to come back to save her. Wukong always came back to save her without hesitation.
But Sun Wukong also has a disadvantage that he likes to play tricks on others.
In short, the Monkey King has many advantages as well as many disadvantages. I can't say enough.

Mythical Characters (7)

After watching the movie "Nezha's Devil Child Comes to Earth", I thought: If only I could have a day with Nezha! Thinking of the golden flash in my eyes, there appeared a little boy wearing a red belly pocket, a lotus leaf skirt, a heaven and earth ring around his neck, a mixed sky silk, a pointed gun in hand, and a wind fire wheel in his foot. He shouted, "I am Nezha, the third prince of the King of Tota. Who are you?"

I replied excitedly: "Nezha, hello! I'm Song Wanzheng, can I play with you for a day?" Nezha looked at me and agreed. He took my hand and stepped on the Fenghuoluer under his feet, so Nezha and I flew in the clouds, and soon we came to the East China Sea.

When I came to the boundless East China Sea, I was very excited. Nezha said that he would take me to the Dragon Palace to play. Just then, we saw the frustrated Dragon King, who was cleaning up the garbage in the East China Sea with a group of shrimp soldiers and generals. After a closer look, it turns out that the East China Sea is in a mess because of the garbage thrown away by tourists.

Nezha picked up Huntian Silk and threw it into the air. The rubbish in the sea was all rolled up, and the sea became clean at once. I and the soldiers and generals cheered for Nezha. Nezha said seriously that this would not work. To improve people's awareness of environmental protection, we should strongly appeal to people not to throw rubbish into the sea and protect the marine environment. After listening to Nezha's words, I had a brainwave and made a poster of "Protect the Ocean and Protect the Environment". Nezha praised me for my good work. He copied 10000 copies of my posters and sent them to the tourists by stepping on the wheel of wind and fire. I and shrimp soldiers and shrimp generals have become voluntary environmental protection propagandists, and a busy day has passed

When I was talking with Nezha vigorously, my mother's familiar voice suddenly came to my ears, "Get up!" Before I could say goodbye to Nezha, I woke up with a start. So I spent a day with Nezha in my dream!

Mythical Characters (8)

It has been a long time since I read The Thousand and One Nights, but until today my heart still beats a strong desire: "I want Aladdin's magic lamp, even if it is only for one day!" Because it must help me realize a dream. Incredibly, this wish was realized in early November 2019.

It was Saturday, and when the house was covered with autumn sunshine, I opened my eyes lazily. At that moment, I felt like getting an electric shock. I pushed aside the quilt and sat up. A palm sized thing on the bedside table is shining, the thin and curved handle, the flat and round body, the long and gradually thin mouth, and the soft golden line like the slowly flowing stream are all silently announcing that it is a lamp, a lamp I have dreamed of.

"Aladdin's magic lamp!" I exclaimed. After rubbing its eyes hard, it was still shining in the warm sunshine.

"Wow, it's true!" I couldn't help turning over in bed. After the excitement calmed down a little, I rubbed my hands on my pajamas carefully for a few times, then I reached out my left hand and gently held the lamp handle. A deer immediately ran in my chest: Tokukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukuku, I quickly opened my eyes. Oh, my god, on a wisp of blue smoke rising from the spout of the kettle, a blue elf standing in front of the window almost broke the roof. Look at him. He has bulbous blue eyes, a curly beard, and a bunch of cute little wrenches on his head. The big golden earrings dangle under his ears, just like those seen in cartoons.

"Master, what can I do for you?"

Looking at his wide open mouth with a full smile, my fear vanished in a moment and I said eagerly:

"I want to see me when I grow up!"

As soon as he spoke, he heard a loud noise, and everything in front of him changed:

Wearing a pure white dress, I sat alone in the spacious and bright big office, facing a one square ultra-thin computer on the wall, holding online meetings with several people of different skin colors in Shenzhen, New York, Paris and Tokyo on the screen in fluent English. The big French window is reflecting my graceful figure; Dark long hair gently draped over the shoulders; Exquisite white high-heeled shoes are properly put on the feet.

When the time came to four o'clock in the afternoon, I had put on my skates and danced in the skating rink as light as a swan.

At six o'clock in the evening, it was time for me to share dinner with my parents. We whispered in the quiet and comfortable restaurant.

At 8:00 sharp, we sat together in the comfortable seats of the National Grand Theater. Ballet artists from Russia were intoxicated on the stage.

Of course, I also saw that I was as happy as a fish in the swimming pool at different times; I read quietly in the library; I talk with my friends on the beach; I sleep safely in the clean bedding

So,great! All this is wonderful! Suddenly, my heart seemed to open the window, and I suddenly understood why my parents usually force me to sign up for so many classes and learn so many classes, which was all for my good life!

"I see!" --- My whole person seemed to be bathed in the bright sunshine in spring, and said to the magic lamp joyfully:

"I want to go home!"

After a loud noise, I lay in the warm bed again. Outside the window, the yellow ginkgo leaves rotate gracefully with the wind, and the sun is falling all over the corner of the bedroom. Aladdin's magic lamp has disappeared, but I'm not sorry. Instead, I'm full of energy. All right, get up quickly, look carefully at the daily curriculum, and start my full life towards the future!

come on.

Mythical Characters (9)

One day, I was reading in the library. Suddenly, I saw a majestic name "Jade Emperor" on the book. My head began to ache and I fainted.

When I woke up, I found that I looked up on the clouds and saw four big words, Lingxiao Temple. I thought, did I come to the heaven? Is it the book? When I came to the door, two gods suddenly appeared. They were as tall as giants. They asked me who I was and where I came from? They are not as ferocious and scary as I imagined. They said, "I, Qu, Mingxuan, want to see the Jade Emperor." They let me in after hearing this. The Lingxiao Palace is no worse than the imperial palace. As soon as I saw the Jade Emperor, he said, "Come on, someone broke into the Lingxiao Palace alone and killed me." I quickly explained my intention to the Jade Emperor, who invited me to attend the upcoming Peach Panning Conference. Later, I saw the beautiful Chang'e, the kind Queen Mother, the tall and powerful King Tota Li, the lovely and powerful Nezha, the Buddha with boundless Buddha dharma, the great sage who defeated the Buddha in battle, and the Erlang God with three heads and six arms

Soon after, the peach meeting began, and the table was filled with delicious food, wine, peaches, and so on. I say hello to all the immortals one by one. The flat peach is round and big, red and tender, which is the mouth watering of the great saint. I know the magic power of these flat peaches, so just as the Queen Mother said, I rushed to the food like a beggar when he saw a steak (the gods are the same).

After the Peach Blossom Meeting, the Jade Emperor gave me a horn and said, "If you can blow this horn, you can come to the Heaven to find me.". The Jade Emperor gave me a piece of cake to eat, and I fainted after eating it. When I woke up, I found that I was back in the library.

Mythical Characters (10)

I was watching "All Saints" on TV when the TV screen went black.

At that moment, Sun Wukong stood in front of me with a golden hoop stick and said, "Can you accompany me to your world today?". It turned out that it was Monkey King who hit the glass! "Bang dong" He fell down again. I said to Monkey King, "Are you all right? You can't fly in the house if you want. You have to go out from the door if you want to go out. After going out, Monkey King flew in the sky with a somersault cloud, flying like a bird flying freely in the sky. Monkey King looked at it with thousands of miles, but could not find it for a long time.

After a while, Monkey King came back, and I asked in a low voice: "Monkey King, have you finished sending peaches?" Monkey King lowered his head and muttered, "I... I don't know where your friend's home is, because I see from the sky, all the houses look exactly the same. They are high-rise buildings. I can't find them, which is even harder than I can find monsters in the mountains!" I patiently said to Monkey King, "Come on, I'll tell you how to deliver peaches to others on your mobile phone. A few days later, a friend called and said," I've received peaches, which are very fresh, thank you! "Monkey King said," Now this era is not suitable for me, so I'd better go back! "" whoosh "Monkey King drove the somersault cloud back to his Huaguo Mountain.

I hope the Monkey King will come to my home next time.

Mythical Characters (11)

One day, I was watching the TV show of the Yellow Emperor and Chiyou on the sofa. Suddenly, the door of our house was heavily knocked open. I thought: Is the thief coming. The man outside the door said to himself, "The door of the master's house is strong enough, so I will repair one when I go back. I looked closely, and this... is not this the Yellow Emperor I have always wanted to see? He solemnly said to me," Now our country is going to fight with Chiyou, please have a divination. "I could not understand his language. He said nothing and quickly took out a round object, When I saw the silver flash in front of me, I came to his country. I asked the Yellow Emperor, "What was that thing just now?" The Yellow Emperor said, "That's the time shuttle. My brother, the Jade Emperor, sent it to me." After a while, I came to the Yellow Emperor's palace to start divination.

After a while, all the ministers of the Yellow Emperor gathered in the palace, and I began to do divination. I said that Chiyou would send out a fog during the battle, and the Yellow Emperor's troops would lose their way... After hearing this, the Yellow Emperor ordered the engineer to make a guide car immediately

When it was time for battle, Chiyou and his eighty one brothers went to battle together. Chiyou's eighty one brothers were copper headed and iron armed. They did not eat grain, but actually ate iron! Each one is half beast and half man, which looks very scary. The soldiers' morale was greatly reduced when they were frightened. The Yellow Emperor captured the thunder beast and Kui beast and made drums and sticks out of their skin and bones. The soldiers' courage was greatly increased. Chi You saw this scene and asked Feng Bo and Rain Master to blow the wind and flood. Ying Long rushed up, collected the water and stopped the wind. Chiyou really put a fog like in the prophecy, beat Chiyou's army to pieces, ran around, and Chiyou was killed by the Yellow Emperor!

I was about to let the Yellow Emperor take me to the battlefield when a dark ditch opened under my feet. "Oh, it hurts!" I opened my eyes and saw that I had rolled to the ground! I really want to spend another day with the Yellow Emperor!

Mythical Characters (12)

The sun, like sharp arrows, flew in and warmed the house. I opened my eyes and looked: "Where is this?" The door made of white clouds, the wardrobe made of thousands of snowflakes, and the dressing table made of pure drops of water

I sat up from my bed and walked out of the bedroom. Walking, walking, my eyes are a magnificent palace. Thousands of colorful flowers surround this magnificent palace. There are three words "Guanghan Palace" written on the palace.

Suddenly, a girl came out of it. Her skin is as white as snow, her hair is long and black, as long and black as the beautiful night sky, her eyes are big and round, as round and bright as pearls. Long eyelashes, black and curved, hang on these beautiful eyes. It looks lively and good-looking.

She said to me, "My name is Chang'e, and I am the owner of Guanghan Palace." Her voice was very beautiful! She asked me again, "Who are you? How did you get here?" I answered her one by one. Then she said, "Let me take you to see the Swan Pool, OK?" I thought to myself: What will the Swan Pool look like in the sky? So I nodded. She pointed to the two clouds in the sky, which fell from the sky like two obedient little girls. She let me stand on the cloud. I thought to myself, "Is a small cloud dream holding me up?" But I still stood up. Unexpectedly, a small cloud can support me! How beautiful the Swan Pool is! A lot of green lotus leaves emerge from the bottom of the water. They are very cute! Groups of beautiful swans swam about in the water. Beautiful!

Chang'e took me to the Queen Mother's Peach Garden again. We ate some delicious peaches in the Peach Garden. I also went to the Hundred Flowers Garden of the Hundred Flowers Fairy. There are so many kinds of flowers there. There are many precious flowers and trees, such as pink carnations, white magnolias, blue rose witches, and so on... It's very spectacular!

Suddenly, she disappeared, and everything in front of me disappeared. "Chen Hao, Chen Hao got up!" Oh, it was a dream. What a wonderful and beautiful dream!

Mythical Figures (13)

In our ordinary daily life, we always have to touch composition. Composition is a speech activity in which people express their feelings in written form. I'm sure many people will find it difficult to write a composition. The following is a 600 word daily composition of me and mythical figures compiled by my editor. Welcome to read and collect it.

Today, I woke up early and was about to get up when I suddenly felt dizzy. When I woke up again, I found myself and my mother on Jiufeng Mountain.

At this time, I found a man in ancient clothes lying on a strange stone in front of me, picking the flower of a plant. It was a small pink flower as beautiful as a butterfly, and its leaves were like the feathers of a bird. It looked very beautiful. At this time, the man picked up the flower, smelled it, put it in his mouth and tasted it, then turned to look at me and said; "This kind of grass tastes sweet and has a faint fragrance. It's perfectly suitable to call it licorice." I asked curiously when I saw him eating grass‘ "May I ask your name?" he said‘ "My name is Shennong." "Ah!" I asked in surprise, "Is it the 'Shennong' who tasted hundreds of herbs?" He smiled and replied, "Exactly." I said excitedly, "Grandpa Shennong, welcome to Jinhua! Can I help you do something?" Shennong touched his beard and said, "I heard that camellia is the city flower of Jinhua. I came here to find camellia. Can you be my guide?" I said excitedly, "I'd love to!"

So we took Shennong to Camellia Park. The first thing that catches our eyes is the camellias in the garden, which are bright in color, white, red, pink, and mixed; There are many varieties. Most of them are unknown to me. They are all the varieties of camellias that my mother checked with her mobile phone. I only know the camellias... Shennong began to work at this time. While tasting, he made specimen records, which can be serious. Suddenly he found a golden, hand like plant in the camellia cluster, and turned to ask me: "Is this also a kind of camellia?" I looked at it and said: "This is Jinhua bergamot, and the yellow is its fruit bergamot, which can cure asthma and has high medical value." Shennong immediately said: "Then I must take one back."

Soon it was getting dark. Grandpa Shennong said, "Thank you for being my guide, little friend. I will go back soon. Goodbye!" At this moment, I felt dizzy again. When I woke up, I found myself still in bed.

Mythical Characters (14)

One day, when Nuwa felt bored at home alone, she went to the East China Sea to play by herself. The East China Sea is calm and blue. She has a good time rowing her boat. Suddenly, the East China Sea became furious. The waves roared and rolled over. Before the girl could respond, she was mercilessly engulfed by the sea.

Many years later, Nuwa became a bird - she looked like a crow, dressed in colorful patterns, and cried "Jingwei, Jingwei" every day. People called her "Jingwei" bird. Remembering that she was drowned in the East China Sea, Nuwa felt indignant and vowed to fill the East China Sea in her lifetime and never let anyone lose their lives as innocently as herself.

Since then, she has traveled thousands of miles every day, bringing branches and stones from the West Mountain to fill the East China Sea. The sea is billowing. It's like saying, "Jingwei, Jingwei, I advise you to give up, you can never fill me up!" And a few birds around you are also twittering to persuade Jingwei: "Don't fill it again, the sea is uneven, even if you fill it for several million years, it will be useless!". Faced with the mockery of the sea and the persuasion of the birds, Jingwei did not waver. She continued to pick up the stones and fly toward the East China Sea.

In this way, day after day, year after year, she has been insisting on

Although, I have never met Nuwa since thousands of years ago. But she taught me to persevere, be fearless of hardships and dangers, and be indomitable. Let me understand the value of persistence, Jingwei is the most "special" friend in my life.

Mythical Characters (15)

In recent years, Tianting has implemented rectification and diversion, and the Jade Emperor has no time to take into account the sufferings of the people. One day, the Jade Emperor ordered Taibaijinxing to visit the world. Taibai Venus took the order and prepared to set off. Suddenly, it occurred to her that it was difficult to get medical treatment, transportation and school... How could she save the people's suffering? So he told the Jade Emperor and asked him to take the Monkey King (now he returns from taking scriptures and has nothing to do all day) with him to bring benefits to mankind.

Lens 1

According to the previous experience of private inspection, Taibaijinxing found that farmers in mountain areas suffered the most: medical expenses were high, and farmers looked down upon them when they were ill. Taibai Jinxing stroked his gray beard and thought a little, then came to the old revolutionary base area - Pingshan County People's Hospital in Hebei Province with Sun Wukong. Many people went in and out at the gate of the hospital, which was very lively. With a little magic, they changed into two old men and walked in. I saw dozens of women sitting on the benches in the hall, talking and laughing happily. Taibaijinxing and Monkey King were a little puzzled. Wukong whispered, "Old man Taibai, I will know when I come forward." A quick talking woman raised her green book and said, "You don't even know this, because of it! It's a 'new rural cooperative medical certificate'!" Everyone around laughed. It used to be that the country now implements a "preferential policy for farmers". All rural residents are entitled to the new rural cooperative medical subsidy per household. Each person pays 10 yuan per year, and the state subsidizes about 70% of the medical expenses. Sun Wukong and Taibaijinxing smiled at each other when they saw me and you.

Lens 2

In the impression of Taibaijinxing and Monkey King, the traffic in the mountain village is extremely inconvenient, and the narrow dirt road is rough. So they came to the clouds at the junction of Hebei and Shanxi, put up a shed and looked around: agricultural vehicles, trucks and cars like dragons were flying fast and orderly. Why? They pressed down on the cloud head and found that the narrow and curved earth road had disappeared and was replaced by a wide and flat cement road. They asked a vegetable farmer, who smiled: "It seems that you are from the city. We have implemented 'village to village' in the countryside for a long time! All villages are like this!" Wukong repeatedly praised: "It's really great! It's really great!"

Lens 3

Sun Wukong couldn't help himself: "Old Tai Bai, my grandson will take you to a place not far from here, and you must have something to do!" Then they tumbled to Beiye Village, a small village at the foot of Tiangui Mountain. "According to my memory, most of the children here could not afford to pay their tuition fees and abandoned their studies early." There were many buildings on the campus, and nearly 1000 teachers and students on the playground were doing exercises in class with music. They were all dressed neatly and energetic. Tai Baijinxing asked an old man in the reception room quietly. It turned out that the government had taken the lead. The state not only exempted students from tuition and fees, textbook fees, but also subsidized living expenses for poor boarders.

After the private visit in disguise, Taibai Jinxing truthfully reported to the Jade Emperor: "The government's implementation of the 'benefiting farmers' policy has given farmers real benefits: subsidies for medical treatment, access to roads in every village, free schooling, and old-age care." After hearing this, the Jade Emperor was very happy, thinking: It seems that the world is peaceful and the people are happy. I don't have to worry about it anymore!