Yak (7 Collections)
Endless scenery
2024-03-15 01:24:00

Yak (1)

Yaks on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau are one of the rare animals. They are fat and powerful. The plateau is very cold all the year round. When other animals shiver in the cold wind, ice and snow, yaks are safe and energetic.

Yaks are treasure all over. Cow bones can be used for cow glue, cowhide can be used for leather shoes and saddles, and long hair can be used for ropes and clothes, which is durable.

I like yaks: they are not afraid of cold!

Yak (2)

If you walk into Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, you will see many black chessmen moving on the green grassland. Guess what? Tell you! Yak is the boat of the plateau.

Yak hair is thick and long, which can resist the cold; The horn is large and curved, in the shape of a bow, which can drive away the enemy; A pair of sharp ears hidden in the long hair, it is difficult to be found; The nose is big and black. In cold weather, the nostrils are emitting hot air; The hoof is very big, like a piece of shining black iron; A stiff whip like tail kept driving away mosquitoes and flies.

Yaks have different colors, and their fate is naturally different. For example, black or black and white yaks will be sold to the market and slaughtered after being raised by people. However, the white ones are quite different. They are regarded as gods by people, kept at home, and never sold. This tells me a truth: rare things are valuable.

Although yaks are tall and powerful, they are all cowardly. Do you know why? Tell you! Once, my father and mother came to Sanke Grassland and saw several yaks eating grass quietly. We stood carefully and watched carefully for fear of being attacked by yaks. After a while, we found that yaks were not terrible at all, so we boldly walked slowly to the group of yaks. Suddenly, the yaks gave a cry and we were just about to escape, But they ran away first. We now know that yaks are also afraid of strangers. Although yaks are very timid, you should not chase them, because if you chase them quickly, you should also let the big horn of three points when meeting the tiger at their extremely fast speed. It is not a joke to combine their lethality.

The biggest use of yaks is to let people ride on their backs, not to mention the prairie, but to climb the Himalayas with high difficulty in the world, so when yaks climb mountains, they are more practical than galloping horses. Because of this feature that ordinary animals do not have, people call yaks "boats on the plateau".

All yaks are treasures. The hair is warm and can be used as a coat; The horn is relatively curved and can be used as a horn comb; Meat and milk are the food needed by the plateau people; Yak dung can be burned as coal to save energy.

Yaks have made great contributions to human beings. I hope you can protect them.

Yak (3)

The book "Fight! Little Yak" tells the story of little yak - sunspot. Mother only takes care of little black, feeds him, and doesn't care about him anymore. Blackie was angry and caught in the rain. He accidentally ran into an iron horn that everyone hated. Soon, sunspot got to know Grey Hair, Noisy, Big Stomach Sisters... and twenty other friends were playing the game of "Ring Defense Array" with them. Sunspots not only play with them and play games, but also help them to correct their bad habits.
From sunspot, I can't help thinking of myself. I also like playing and making friends with young yaks, but young yaks exercise their survival skills in playing, while I just play games. It is also easy to quarrel with friends when playing, and sometimes even stage "martial arts films". In learning, I was afraid of this and that, especially writing. The teacher also criticized my words for being too ugly, which made me feel ashamed. In the future, I will learn from young yaks, learn more about life skills, put my limited energy into practice, get along well with friends, study hard, and strive to be an excellent child.

Yak (4)

Thinness is the most important thing. Most of the yaks in the world are black and variegated. The white yaks that live on the magic plateau of Tianzhu naturally become the world's rare yak breeds. "There are only white yaks in the world.". The advertisement of white yak is famous all over the world. It has become a rare treasure of Tianzhu Plateau dedicated to mankind.

There was a folk legend about Tianzhu (also called Huarui) white yak.

In ancient times, Huaxiu, the ancestor of Huarui people, lived at the foot of the Bayan Hara Snow Mountain in the far west. There were so many cattle and sheep that the grassland was not enough. Hua Xiu discusses with his brother A Xiu to find a new grassland. So Huaxiu said goodbye to his brother and prayed that the mountain god would point out a way for him and the tribe.

At this time, a god wearing a war robe and riding a white horse appeared in the sky. He was floating in the middle of the sky with a five colored cloud to the east. Hua Xiubian said goodbye to his hometown and led the men, women and children of the tribe to drive a large herd of cattle and sheep to the direction of the clouds. When the tribe, cattle and sheep were about to walk out of a stone gorge, those black yaks gave out bursts of very painful and sad voices. People knew that these animals, like people, were inseparable from their homeland. At that time, the whole herd was crowed together, and no one wanted to move forward. When the herdsmen saw this scene, they couldn't help crying.

Just then, a white yak appeared from the deep of the towering snow mountain behind. It was as white as snow, very beautiful and powerful, just like a white cloud. The white yak roared and ran towards the entrance of Shixia. Strange to say, seeing the white yak, the other cows stopped crying and ran to the gorge with the white yak. The whole tribe began to move forward again.

When people followed the cattle out of the gorge, there was a miserable scene in front of them. The rest of the yaks fell down. The white yak was fighting with a black monster, which made the sand and stones fly in the sky. People are very frightened and nervous. They are worried about white yaks. Suddenly, the black monster screamed and disappeared. The white yak defeated the monster with its bravery and sharp horns.

A wounded calf kept crying. The white yak saw it and went to lick the poor calf with its tongue again and again. The black calf suddenly became white.

At this time, the hissing of horses came from the sky. When everyone looked up, the god in white robes reappeared overhead. The distressed and desperate Huaxiu and the tribal herdsmen continued to move forward. I don't know how many difficulties and obstacles I have passed, how far I have traveled and how long I have traveled. One day, the mountain god in the sky and the white horse suddenly fell to the ground, and a magnificent snow mountain, Ma Ya Snow Mountain, stood in front of people. Huaxiu said to everyone that the snow mountain is our hometown!

We will stop moving forward and settle down here forever.

The grassland here is vast, the grass is flourishing and the forest is luxuriant, the brook is gurgling, and the mountain spring is ding dong. It is really a good place for grazing. Since then, Hua Xiu and his tribe have lived happily here. The yaks who drank the spring water of Maya Snow Mountain have become whiter, groups after groups, like white clouds floating in the sky.

Tianzhu has become the hometown of white yaks, and white yaks are the pride of Tianzhu (Huarui) people. The white yak is famous all over the world for its beauty. It is officially named "Tianzhu white yak". As a rare breed of yak in the world, the animal husbandry research department carries out seed conservation and breeding.

Yak (5)

I saw yaks in Sichuan. Yaks are shorter and fatter than those in Hunan. They are black and white. Yaks have long hair, which will be dragged to the ground. Because they live on the plateau and are very cold, they have long hair, which is like wearing a thick fur coat. Yak's horns are so beautiful! It can be used as fish, pipe, itchy spoon and many decorations. I fell in love with a pipe, but my mother didn't buy it for me. Yak meat is also delicious. The guide told us that yak is one of the three pollution-free animal foods in the world, and its whole body is treasure.

Yak (6)


I saw yaks in Sichuan. Yaks are shorter and fatter than those in Hunan. There are black and white yaks. Yaks have long hair, which will be dragged to the ground. Because it is cold to live on the plateau, it has long hair, just like wearing a thick fur coat. Yak's horns are so beautiful! It can be used as fish, pipe, itchy spoon and many decorations. I fell in love with a pipe, but my mother didn't buy it for me. Yak meat is also delicious. The guide told us that yak is one of the three pollution-free animal foods in the world, and its whole body is treasure.

Yak (7)

Cattle consumption on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau is a rare animal, and also a leader of the Niu family.

It is tall, powerful and vigorous, and has endless strength in pulling carts, plowing and carrying. The winding special corner is very sharp and is a weapon to attack the enemy. The slender face is embedded with a pair of bulging black gem like eyes, which can look far.

In places with abundant water and grass, it sticks out its long and wide tongue, curls it up and clamps it. When the cow is eating delicious food, flies and mosquitoes come to make trouble, and it immediately swings its big tail, which makes the flies and mosquitoes die and run away.

It can not eat or drink for five or six days after a full meal. It can also carry heavy things on long journeys. With strong limbs, wide and thick soles, it marches steadily up the mountain and down the glacier like walking on the flat ground.

It is covered with dense and thick long hair, especially the hair on its belly, which is as long as hemp, and is almost dragged to the ground. It is extremely warm. The plateau is very cold all the year round. When other animals shiver in the cold wind, ice and snow, the cattle are safe and energetic. Domesticated oxen are docile and lovely. They are important means of transportation on the plateau, and have the reputation of "boat on the plateau".

Every grand festival, the village holds cattle raising competitions. At the command of the public, the cattle galloped forward, left and right, collided with each other, jolted the riders, and made the audience laugh, lean forward and backward, which was very lively.

Consuming the whole body of a cow is a treasure. Cow bone can be used as cow glue; Cowhide can be used to make leather shoes and saddles; Long hair can be used as rope and tent, durable; Wool can be made into high-grade wool; Its meat is fresh and delicious, rich in fat, and is a rare nutrient.

Wild consumptive cattle are the ancestors of domestic consumptive cattle, and they are also living fossil animals in modern times. At present, the number of such animals is not much, and they are listed as Class I protected animals by the state.