Environmental responsibility (19 articles)
Once the love dead
2024-03-19 04:30:59

Environmental responsibility (1)

Recently, I read "Protecting the Environment - My Responsibility" in "Civilized Virtue Accompanies My Growth", and I got a lot of benefits.

It tells the story of Yang Shanzhou, the secretary of the local Party committee of Baoshan, Yunnan. After 22 years of hard work, Yang Shanzhou has dressed Daliang Mountain in green again: 5. 60000 mu artificial afforestation, 1. 60000 mu miscellaneous forest and 7000 mu tea.......

Yang Shanzhou's hard work has contributed a share of green to the earth, the source of life, but now, what has become of Mother Earth? Air pollution, who becomes turbid, and large areas of forests are cut down....... And the culprit of all this is the children of the earth - human. Do you love the earth? I love. As children in the 21st century, we all love the earth deeply. It can be said that everything we do is given by the earth. We love the earth, so we should also protect the earth. Facing the cruel reality, we should start from every little thing around us and protect the earth's environment. We should start from inconspicuous things, such as paper falling on the ground and water in the tap. It's nothing to drop a piece of garbage, but how much garbage will there be if you accumulate every day and every month? At this time, I can't help but think of the phenomenon of deforestation in some areas. For their own interests, they do not care about the earth on which human beings depend. They did not think that today's behavior would cause soil erosion in the future, wind and sand flying in the sky, making the air no longer fresh, water no longer green, and the sky does not know the blue, posing a great threat to the life and death of our human beings, So we should start from ourselves and learn from Comrade Yang Shanzhou to turn tomorrow's global village into a beautiful paradise and a blue sky.

The real test of our team's contribution to the environment is not words, but actions,. Although what we are doing now is insignificant, I firmly believe that as long as everyone has the responsibility to protect the environment, start from himself, start from small things, and work together to protect our homeland, nature will give due rewards to mankind. Take a rest on the grassland, the cradle of green; Growing up under the sky with a kind smile; Bathing in the river, the source of life.......

Environmental responsibility (2)

The earth is our common home. We all learn from her in this beautiful home and grow happily. However, the earth is also a home that needs careful care, and now there are many phenomena that damage the earth's environment. Please observe carefully. Garbage can be seen everywhere on the ground, grassland can be trampled at will, and trees can be cut down. There is less green and more desert. Who caused these? It's human. As an advanced animal, human beings are inferior to even the lowest animals.

At the weekend, my mother took me to the square for a walk. I saw two handsome big brothers sitting on the stone bench in the square. They were talking and laughing, drinking coke in their hands, making a hissing sound. Then, they raised their hands back, and the bottle flew out and landed on the grass. I was very angry when I saw their behavior, and went forward to pick up the bottles and throw them into the dustbin.

Some adults, in order to meet their children's wishes, ignore the notice board on the edge of the grass and let their children play in the grass. Do they think about the feeling of grass? Grass is also dignified. If grass can talk and cry to others, I believe that human beings will be ashamed of their own behavior.

In my favorite cartoon, "Bear Comes to the End", Xiong Da and Xiong Er show how to fight bravely against skinhead in order to protect the environment. In order to complete the mission assigned by the boss, bald Qiang cut trees without limit. Xiong Da and Xiong Er tried everything to prevent bald Qiang from destroying the forest, which is also a true portrayal of human destruction of the forest.

People who think they have high quality can do such ugly things. Those adults who seem to know everything are so naive. To protect the environment, we should start from you and me. To protect the environment, we should start from small things. We should act together to protect our environment. Let's have more blue sky and more green land, so that our living environment will be more beautiful and harmonious!

Environmental responsibility (3)

In March, the spring is bright, and the book "Civilized Virtue Accompanies Me" comes to us like a warm spring breeze. I couldn't put it down and watched it two or three times at a time.

Chinese civilization is our common pride, common wealth and indelible "trace" of life. Every Chinese citizen is the beneficiary, carrier and communicator of the Chinese civilization, and has the responsibility and obligation to carry forward the excellent traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. Lesson 15, "My responsibility to protect the environment" deepened my understanding of the environment.

Yang Shanzhou, 60, has been planting trees on the mountain for 22 years, creating an oasis for his hometown. Even if you slip and fall accidentally, resulting in a comminuted fracture of your left leg, you still miss every tree and grass on the mountain. The old man who dedicates his life to the greening cause is really respected!

Nature is like a warm mother and a merciless butcher. If we do not follow the laws of nature and destroy nature, we will eventually be punished, and the dodo will become extinct. The story between the dodo and the giant skull olive tree awakened me: everything in nature is interconnected. We need to protect animals and plants, protect nature and maintain ecological balance.

Energy conservation and environmental protection have a long way to go. Social production and human activities have caused damage to the environment, threatening human survival. We should start from ourselves, from small things, protect the earth, love the earth - our common home.

Look, the school advocates "less paper handkerchiefs", and everyone of the students has brought colorful towel handkerchiefs and silk handkerchiefs; The campus green belt is always clean and beautiful; No paper scraps can be seen in the corridors and stairs of the classroom... After watching the video of the sandstorm, everyone has made suggestions to reduce the disasters caused by the sandstorm. Of course, everyone at home saves water and electricity.

"Civilized Virtue Accompanies Us" is like a navigator, guiding our way forward, and we will benefit for life.

Environmental responsibility (4)

I don't know since when the sky above us has always been gray, the ground has a gloomy face, the sand and soil under our feet have always climbed into the room without scruple, and the water in the river is not only muddy, but also gives off a foul smell. But only now do we realize that our homeland has been destroyed and the environment has been seriously polluted.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the economy of developed countries in the United States, Japan and Europe developed at a high speed, and the consumption of resources and energy increased sharply. When people ask for wealth from nature, a large number of waste water, waste gas and waste residue are produced, which pollutes the air and soil on which human beings rely for survival, threatens and damages people's health.

Now I have also felt the harm of environmental damage, so I am always ready to join in the team of environmental protection, and contribute my modest contribution with practical actions.

Students, we share the same blue sky and the same land. The earth is our mother, and we only have one earth! We are duty bound to protect Mother Earth! Leave behind the dense and prosperous forest, cherish the boundless blue sea, and protect every inch of land. Pay your wisdom and kind heart to make tomorrow's mountains greener, water cleaner, sky bluer, our earth more beautiful and lovely, and human beings more happy!

Environmental responsibility (5)

Students, how much do you know about environmental protection? Environmental protection means that human beings consciously protect natural resources and make rational use of them to prevent the natural environment from being polluted and damaged. Now, the environment on the earth is gradually damaged. There are many reasons for environmental damage, including human and natural reasons. However, most of them are caused by people's indiscriminate cutting and littering.

As far as I know from the Internet, from 1950 to 1980, more than half of the world's forest area was destroyed, and half of Africa's forest land became barren. Green vegetation is the "quilt of life" bestowed by nature to human beings. However, after the world entered the 50 years of the 20th century, the green environment on which people and animals depend for survival has been destroyed, and the green vegetation is declining. The global soil loss is now increasing to 25.4 billion tons per year, and the desertification soil is rapidly expanding at the rate of 50000 to 70000 square kilometers per year.

In 1998, the Yangtze River, Songhua River and other major rivers flowing through the land of China lost their tender and beautiful smiling faces and revealed their ferocious and terrifying ferocity. The raging torrential rain and roaring river water rolled up the flood peaks again and again, devouring villages, fields, cities, counties, factories, schools... God, what a loss!

In recent years, due to the massive felling of trees and the destruction of the environment, vegetation has been destroyed, resulting in desertification, soil erosion and other phenomena. Trees also gradually decrease, so carbon dioxide cannot be absorbed. A large amount of carbon dioxide makes the air warm, which causes the current situation in the world: the greenhouse effect.

There is always a beautiful scenery in the garden, but now everyone does not protect the environment, which makes our environment suffer damage. Look at the corner of the street, there are plastic bags and cigarette butts everywhere. There are dirty things everywhere on the flower beds in the community. We should protect all the beautiful resources we have now. One day, Grandpa Dashu was having a rest in a beautiful landscape, and suddenly several people came here to have a picnic. The beautiful environment here soon became dirty, but these people still ignored it. "These people finally left," Grandpa Dashu cried sadly, alas! Those people put cigarette butts on the grass, and the ground was full of plastic bags and bottles. A few days later, Grandpa Dashu died of breathing difficulties due to bad environment.

There is a story written in a book: there are several people who are cutting down trees. They cut down a forest in half a day. There is a person beside them who hasn't planted a tree in half a day. You should know how important the environment is to human beings! We have destroyed the environment, but it is ourselves who suffer retribution. Think carefully, how should we not!

"It is not too late to mend the fences.". We must ring the alarm bell to all people, we shout loudly, we only have one earth! We must protect our homes. From now on, we should act urgently to control pollution, green the environment and prevent the tragedy of pollution from happening again. Strive to be the "little guard of civilization".

Environmental responsibility (6)

Today is Saturday. My mother took me to her grandmother's house for lunch. I called her grandmother an old lady.

When I came to the old lady's house and saw that her house was clean, I could smell a sour and smelly smell from time to time. What happened? The old lady lived in the old city. There was a river in front of her house. The old lady said that when she was a child, the water in this river was clear and the fish swam freely in the water. Every morning, people around gathered by the river to wash rice and vegetables.

Hearing what the old lady said, I went to the river and carefully observed the river. Now the river is dark and smelly. There are no fish in the river. There are cans and plastic bags floating on the river... Just watching, an uncle came to the river with a large amount of garbage in his hand. He threw it into the river without hesitation. Look at the eleven characters on the wall next to it: "Please protect the environment, no littering". I thought: Is this uncle illiterate? Maybe he didn't see it? Maybe he saw it, but it has become a habit to throw garbage into the river? This is really a terrible habit.

I thought for a long time when I came back from the river. It is estimated that this river will soon be exhausted. What about the fate of other rivers? This is our own beautiful home - the earth, why do people want to destroy their homes? Is it so difficult to protect your home! And can the earth stand the trouble of so many people? What will mankind do when the earth is completely destroyed? Could it be true that the last drop of water on the earth is human tears? I shuddered.

In fact, as long as everyone picks less flowers, tramples less on the grass, and pays attention not to litter at any time, isn't that protecting the environment? As primary school students, the next generation of human beings should pay more attention to firmly establish the concept that human and nature must live in harmony and develop in harmony from childhood, and consciously develop the concept of caring for the environment and corresponding moral codes of conduct. Make the sky bluer and the air cleaner!

It is the responsibility of each of us to protect the small environment and protect the big earth. Let's take action to protect the ecological environment and create a green home!

You may also like: protect the environment, everyone is responsible for protecting the environment, stop wasting public property, and protect the ring

Environmental responsibility (7)

One day after school, when I was walking home, a classmate next to me suddenly held the newspaper in his hand into a ball, kneaded it again, and threw the paper ball into the garbage can with a cry. Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. I was surprised and asked, "Why do you throw away a good newspaper?" He said carelessly, "I'll throw it away when I finish reading it." A newspaper is worthless and insignificant in our eyes. But if everyone in the world casually discards every "useless" newspaper, it will be a big tree and a forest in total. With the development of science and technology, human demand for natural resources is increasing. People are cutting down a lot of trees. The original dense forest has receded, revealing bare loess; The original patches of green land have been destroyed in large numbers and replaced by high-rise buildings. All this means that animals are homeless, making the world a place where there is no birdsong, no frogs chirping, no horses hissing.

These are all our human photos. The animals who have lost their homes and wandered around, and people have not let them go, one by one, were killed cruelly and fell in a pool of blood crying. In order to eat shark fins, people cut off shark fins. The shark put back into the sea has no fins and can't swim, which means the shark will die. It is said that 7300 sharks will be killed every year, and the ecological balance of the sea has been seriously damaged. A large number of forests have disappeared, and a large number of animals have been killed. Is this what humans want to see? No, human beings do not want to see their homes destroyed. All of us have also tasted the bitter fruit brought by this. Humans have realized that big trees can protect our homes, reduce noise, prevent water and soil loss, and let us breathe fresh air... Protecting animals can also make our lives more colorful. Let's protect this human's good friend - nature!

Environmental responsibility (8)

I think everyone has seen Golden Lake Beauty. But you know what? The beautiful Golden Lake was once a stinking pool! It starts from the origin of Jinhu.

On the night of August 10, 1954, Gejiu urban area was hit by a huge rainstorm, which also fell within more than 20 square kilometers around the urban area. A large number of floods flowed down from the ravines and all of them converged to a depression of 9 square kilometers in the urban area. The water level of the depression rose 0.8 meters overnight. Then, there was continuous rainfall. For many times, the daily rainfall reached 0.0742 meters. The water surface of the depression continued to expand and the water level continued to rise. In addition, the "sinkhole" at the foot of Laoyin Mountain in the east of the urban area could not fall into the water normally, but instead, it emitted water. The maximum water yield was 5.73 cubic meters per second. After several heavy rains in August 1954, a large amount of water came out of the sinkhole, which led to the flooding of the original organs, machinery plants, refineries of Yunnan Tin Industry Company, the original Gejiu brick and tile factory, brick kiln, iron factory, farmer service station, etc. 956 civilian houses, 659 households, 2810 people and 228 mu of farmland.

However, the disaster was not completely unprofitable. After the disaster, a pool with an area of about 0.8 square kilometers was formed in the city center, which made people in the mining area that was short of water in history see hope, so people decided to harness it and use it, so they left this pool of water as the main source of production water supply in the mining area, but people used water without restraint, All kinds of sewage are directly discharged into the lake without treatment, resulting in the rise of the bottom of the Jinhu Lake year after year, and the reduction of the water storage capacity year after year. Finally, the Jinhu Lake has become a smelly pool. There are many animal corpses and various kinds of domestic garbage floating on the water surface. People walk along the lake, stinking, and people often hide their noses. The Golden Lake has really become a smelly pool. But people have not stopped polluting the Golden Lake, which has become a stinking pool.

At last, this behavior of people was punished by nature. In 1998, another flood occurred. This flood flooded many civilian houses along the Jinhu Lake. At the deepest point, it flooded to the third floor, and sewage directly poured into the house. This flood caused the government's

I attach great importance to it. Since then, many sewage treatment stations have been built near the Golden Lake. The situation of Golden Lake has gradually improved. The water is clearer and clearer, and the fish in the water can be seen playing happily. Later, the Golden Lake has become what I described in The Beauty of Golden Lake.

Here I would like to appeal to all of you to protect the environment of the earth and not let the earth fall back into the Golden Lake!

Environmental responsibility (9)

"Please come to the ends of the earth. Spring is always here all the year round, and the spring breeze is warm on Hainan Island..."

We who live in Hainan Island must be familiar with this song, right? What sweet and beautiful songs to praise Sanya, Hainan! Just listening to the song, you want to yearn for the place described in the song, right? Let's defend our home together for Sanya to be as beautiful as what we have written! Let's build an ecological Sanya together! To protect the environment, start with me.

Nature has given us such a beautiful place to live, how can we be willing to destroy it? But the cruel reality tells us that the environment we live in has already been destroyed. If you don't believe me, please follow me and see clearly with your eyes.

For us, the most realistic place where the environment has been destroyed is the school. Look at the serious damage caused by the canteen in the school. The canteen uses disposable tableware for three meals every day. In a school with more than 3000 people, more than 2000 disposable bowls, more than 2000 pairs of disposable chopsticks, more than 2000 disposable spoons, and more than 2000 pollution bags are used every day. These are just one day! A week? A month? A year? How many schools are there in a city? How many schools are there in a province? Use your brain to calculate!

There are so many disposable bowls and pollution bags that can't be melted away for hundreds or even thousands of years. Buried in the soil, there are only polluted soil resources, and in serious cases, the land can't be reused. How many big trees must be cut down to make so many disposable chopsticks? Didn't such a bright Liezi just tell us? Qing takes care of our environment! If everyone uses their own tableware every day, how much disposable tableware can be saved? This is astronomical data!

Please protect the beautiful environment in front of us! Why waste unnecessary waste? Isn't it gilding the lily?

Think again why the winter temperature in Sanya in recent years is lower than that in previous years, while the summer temperature is getting higher and higher? Isn't this caused by the destruction of the environment? Qing protects our environment! Not for anything else, but for our survival. This is not selfish at all. Keep the pleasant climate all the year round.

Sanya is becoming more and more prosperous, and its economy is also getting richer. But we are destroying the environment where money has not returned. Is there any more money to save the turbid river? Is there any more money to save the land that can't be used again? Can't they? Open your eyes and have a good look at the current environment! Do you feel uneasy when you see the destroyed environment?

Please don't let passengers feel that Sanya's scenery is not as beautiful as the song. International Sanya should make the country proud, make people proud and let foreigners admire it. And these are inseparable from people's efforts, are inseparable from people's environmental protection.

Sanya is beautiful and romantic. Sanya, the paradise people yearn for!

Environmental responsibility (10)

My hometown Baiyun Lake is a beautiful place. In summer, the green lotus leaves set off delicate lotus flowers and small fish playing in the water, making the water ripples from time to time. It's beautiful!

Because people collect waste products, the environment is polluted, and the water in the lake is no longer so clear and clean. People destroy natural resources at will, abuse chemicals recklessly, so that natural resources will not regenerate, and create a series of ecological disasters.

As far as I know, green plants are called "green guards", which can not only absorb the excess carbon dioxide in the air, regulate the urban air, but also reduce dust pollution. Therefore, we should diversify some green vegetation, reduce deforestation as much as possible, and use less disposable products.

A month ago, I watched the performance of the Folk Art Festival in Quancheng Square. When I found that the ground was already covered with chewing gum residues and peel paper scraps, my anger arose spontaneously: although the sanitation here does not need to be cleaned by myself, it is a public place after all, so should I throw garbage everywhere? Of course, the answer is no. After a while, I saw several grandfathers, some with brooms, some with clips, picking up the garbage into the trash can. I was full of admiration for their performance. One of them told me that he had lived in this land all his life and loved this place. How could he watch it go dirty?

Yes, the earth is our human survival home, how can we not protect her? What's the reason not to love her?

We should join hands to protect every tree and grass in nature, and do our best to love her. Let the earth better benefit our future generations!

Environmental responsibility (11)

This semester, we learned a group of texts about environmental protection. I realized the importance and urgency of protecting the environment through the breathtaking scenes and frightening ecological disasters in the article.

I organized an activity group at home to carry out the competition under the guidance of my teacher. The members are me, sister and sister. Everyone is eager to try, looking forward to the start of the game. The rule of this competition is that everyone can take action to persuade or protect the environment on the street or at home. The game started, and we started to move. I went to the street and saw an aunt spitting everywhere! I quickly came forward to stop: "Aunt, you must not spit this sputum! You know, this sputum will evaporate on the ground, and then become small black pieces, which will never be cleared away. Can you bear to watch this sputum become a stumbling block to city cleaning?" My continuous fire words made my aunt speechless. Immediately, she took out a napkin and leaned down to wipe the sputum off the ground. I quickly took the camera to shoot it as my achievement.

I came to the park and saw a little sister picking flowers! I quickly ran to her and said, "Little sister, do you think the flowers are beautiful?" "Of course, they are red and beautiful!" She smiled. "Well, since this flower is beautiful, it should be left for everyone to enjoy. If you pick it, others will not see it, and the park will not be as beautiful as it used to be. Moreover, the branches of this flower after the perianth is removed will never grow flowers again." After my persuasion, the little sister blushed. Stop at once. I recorded this scene with a camera.

Back home, I showed you my environmental protection achievements. Everyone exclaimed, "Wow, you have done so many good things!" I was extremely proud. I looked at the achievements of my sister and sister, and they were also very good. As a result, all three of us were awarded the title of "Little Guard of Environmental Protection".

Now when I think of it, I still have endless aftertaste. Until now, I have not forgotten to persuade some uncivilized things, do more environmental protection things, and strive to be a small guardian of environmental protection.

Environmental responsibility (12)

The environment is closely related to our life, and more and more serious environmental pollution has affected our life. We should attach importance to environmental protection.

The forest has become the "green gold" on the earth by people, and it is an important part of protecting the ecological balance on the earth.

Data shows that 2/3 of the earth's land is covered by forests, with a forest area of 760000 hectares. The earth is young because of forests. But human beings are too greedy. Because trees bring benefits to human beings, they cut down trees crazily. At present, the tropical forest alone will be reduced by 17 million hectares every year. If this goes on, human beings will be destroyed by their own wisdom sooner or later.

The atmosphere of the world is also severely damaged. People always think that the sky of the earth is endless, so they always send the waste gas and waste water that pollute the environment to the air. People think that the world is so big, what are these rubbish? The waste smoke and exhaust gas emitted by cars and factories have polluted the whole world, making our mother, the earth, suffer from lung cancer. The factory discharged toxic wastewater into the river, seriously polluting the water resources. Now the water available for human use is less than 0.3% of the earth's water, but people are still wantonly wasting water resources.

Because people cut down trees excessively, resulting in soil loss, the world loses more than 12.4 billion tons every year! Because of soil erosion, lack of water resources, many fields are desertified. The more 36 million square hectares are desertified. In front of my house, we often have sandstorm weather, which makes us dusty.

We can't go on like this! In a small tree, offer a love, let us stop the destruction of Mother Earth! Let's put on green clothes for our mother! Don't discharge excessive waste smoke, waste gas and waste water, so as to make Mother Earth healthy. Don't destroy it wantonly. Mother has been angry. Earthquake, flood... are revenge for human beings. Don't destroy it wantonly, or one day, we will be bitten by our own wisdom. So the last drop of liquid that humans see is probably their own tears. Don't hesitate any more, let's protect our homeland together!

Environmental responsibility (13)

The earth is our common home. Environmental protection is what we human beings should do. But now, Mother Nature's face is full of holes. Environmental protection is widely promoted all over the world because the environment has been severely damaged. With the development and progress of human beings, the pollution will become more serious. Now, forests are degraded, dust is flying, water and soil loss, floods are raging, fires are frequent, noise is harsh, odor is high, acid rain, red tide, ozone hole... There are many chimneys in the air, smoke is billowing, dead fish are floating in the river, and sewage is flowing; Garbage is all over the ground, and waste residue is piled up... The cavity is gradually increasing, the ground ultraviolet radiation is increasing, and the incidence of skin cancer is rising; 120 million people live in turbid air; 1.2 billion people are short of water; 12% of mammals and 11% of birds are endangered; The annual surface soil loss is 20 billion tons; Forests are disappearing at a rate of 4.5 million hectares per year.

This amazing number is really creepy. Nature has solemnly warned us that if we only blindly suck the milk of nature, instead of taking action immediately, we will be the ones who will ultimately destroy the environment and save our homes. If we do not take action, it is equivalent to digging our own graves.

Scientists have proved that there is no second place suitable for human beings to live in, at least within the range of 40 trillion kilometers around the earth. Therefore, human beings cannot move to other planets after destroying the earth.

When I was young, I saw a news on TV about littering with waste batteries. It was reported that a waste battery of No. 5 was enough to make one square meter of land barren; A button battery can pollute a person's drinking water for a lifetime... When it rains, the waste battery will lead to the release and dissolution of harmful substances in the battery, and the crops planted in this land are toxic. So I came up with the idea of picking up waste batteries, which was supported by my mother. As soon as we go out, my mother and I each have a plastic bag. We always look at the roadside of the ditch. When we find the waste battery, we will pick it up no matter how dirty it is. After a summer vacation, we had a lot of success. We picked up a big bucket of waste batteries and sent them to the waste battery recycling station. When we saw that the waste batteries had a good home, my mother and I smiled happily.

I know that it is not enough to rely on one person's strength alone. Therefore, I hope everyone will take care of the environment and start by themselves. For example, do not litter, spit, save water, electricity, gas and other energy sources, and turn on less air conditioners in summer; Drive fewer private cars to reduce automobile exhaust emissions, use unleaded gasoline, and try to take buses; No smoking Not only that, we should also widely publicize and promote environmental protection knowledge to people through various channels and forms, and enhance people's awareness of environmental protection; Each of us pays attention to the environment around us.

Let's take action and protect our beautiful and fragile planet together. The earth will become a beautiful home for human beings, and tomorrow will be better.

Environmental responsibility (14)

It is often said that in order to build a modern city, we must first ensure that the city has a good ecological environment.

Every morning when I go to school, I can always see that the ground is clean. At noon after school, I can always clearly see the garbage on the ground, and the nearby garbage can is clean. Don't these people know that garbage will be thrown into the trash can? No, they know that even kindergarten children know that garbage will be thrown into garbage cans. How could they not know? They throw rubbish in order to save time, because they never thought that it would damage the environment or bring inconvenience to the cleaners. I want to know whether these people still have public morality. If so, I ask them to stop littering and unite to protect the city and our beautiful home.

The sky used to be very blue, but the blue sky became cloudy due to the waste gas from factories. The water used to be very clear, but because of the sewage discharged by the factory, the once clear stream became colorful. This forest used to be very lush, but due to excessive deforestation, this once lush forest has become a barren desert

There are many around us. The little guard of environmental protection. Of course, there are also many acts that damage the environment; Environmentalists need us to encourage them to adhere to environmental protection, while saboteurs need us to tell them the benefits of environmental protection and the disadvantages of environmental destruction.

I hope people can make it everyone's responsibility to protect the environment. And we can really realize the importance of protecting the environment and make people around us do this, so that our earth will become more and more beautiful and prosperous!

Environmental responsibility (15)

There is only one earth for human beings. It is the home for human beings to live on. To love the earth is to love our own home.

It is said that everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. But in recent years, people have littered everywhere. Every corner of the earth is full of garbage, and the environment is getting worse and worse. Large areas of forests have been cut down, green mountains have become Gobi, which is good, good, beautiful grasslands become deserts, and clear rivers become turbid. With fewer trees, bare mountains, deserted grasslands, and dark water, people's living environment has become worse. The blue sky is chaotic, the air is dirty, and the living environment has been "invaded" by many harmful things. Viruses have taken the opportunity to penetrate people's bodies. Human beings are often threatened by some unknown diseases.

Humans sometimes hurt themselves unconsciously. When you walk on the street, if you spit at random, do you know what will happen? A mouthful of sputum contains hundreds of thousands of germs, which will multiply and spread rapidly when exposed to the sun. If you are sick, you will pass the germs to others. If others are sick, you will also pass the germs to you. Similarly, when you cut down a tree, when you step on a piece of grass, when you pour dirt into the river, don't you feel that it is destroying the environment and hurting yourself?

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment! But the most important thing is to arouse people's awareness of environmental protection. Now most of us have a certain awareness of environmental protection and can also pay attention to protecting the environment, but the behavior of destroying the environment is still repeated on some people. I hope everyone can protect the environment. Start from me, start from small things, and form a good habit of not littering everywhere. When you see garbage, bend down to pick it up. When you see others spitting on the ground, talk about it. If you care more about the grass and trees around us, our environment will be more beautiful and our life will become more harmonious.

Environmental responsibility (16)

There is only one earth for human beings. It is the home for human beings to live on. To love the earth is to love our own home.

It is said that everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. But in recent years, people have littered everywhere. Every corner of the earth is full of garbage, and the environment is getting worse and worse. Large areas of forests have been cut down, green mountains have become Gobi, which is good, good, beautiful grasslands become deserts, clear, and rivers become turbid. With fewer trees, bare mountains, deserted grasslands, and dark water, people's living environment has become worse. The blue sky is chaotic, the air is dirty, and the living environment has been "invaded" by many harmful things. Viruses have taken the opportunity to penetrate people's bodies. Human beings are often threatened by some unknown diseases.

Human beings sometimes hurt themselves unconsciously. When you walk on the street, if you spit at random, do you know what will happen? A mouthful of sputum contains hundreds of thousands of germs, which will multiply and spread rapidly when exposed to the sun. If you are sick, you will pass the germs to others. If others are sick, you will also pass the germs to you. Similarly, when you cut down a tree, when you step on a piece of grass, when you pour dirt into the river, don't you feel that it is destroying the environment and hurting yourself?

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment! But the most important thing is to arouse people's awareness of environmental protection. Now most of us have a certain awareness of environmental protection and can also pay attention to protecting the environment, but the behavior of destroying the environment is still repeated on some people. I hope everyone can protect the environment. Start from me, start from small things, and form a good habit of not littering everywhere. When you see garbage, bend down to pick it up. When you see others spitting on the ground, talk about it. If you care more about the grass and trees around us, our environment will be more beautiful and our life will become more harmonious.

Environmental responsibility (17)

The concept of responsibility is a necessary fiction。 Although socities must hold their individuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own XXX。 "

In the title statement, the speaker holds the contention that the concept of 'individual responsibility' is no existence but a fiction。 Moreover, the speaker says that the behaviors of human beings are fundamentally determined by the environment which out of their control。 Admittedly, one's actions are deeply influenced by laws, societies, schools and families and other exterior forces; individual responsibility exists and functions as a significant role to rule people's behaviors as well。

On one hand, the highest social animal as human being is, any individual has his specific role in a certain society。 And this specific role gives one social identity and individual responsibility through education in schools and influence of ethical and moral standards。 Though some times one would feel that the certain responsibility is obligation from the society and organizations rather than his 'individual responsibility' at first, in most cases, the accountability would presumably become one's own eventually followed by the final identification of his specific social identity, and then direct one's behaviors without the force from the exterior world。 For example, a soldier would think it is his duty to obey the rules without any hesitation; a surgeon would consider healing the patients as his accountability; and a historian would feel it is his responsibility to discover what is behind the historical descriptions。 In fact, different careers and roles form diverse individual responsibilities, which result in individuals’voluntary behaviors。

On the other hand, there are not only specific individual responsibilities in diverse areas but also some fundamental values and accountabilities, which we all human beings cherish。 From the moment one can speak or even is born, the society begins to instill the moral and ethical standards, which is so called humanity in every one's mind。 The older one is, the deeper influence the humanity would be。 When one is just a little child, he would go directly to what he like and claim it。 Then when he is old enough, he would realize that it is incorrect and ashamed。 And because of the awareness of what is right and wrong, one would probably never do any misdeed again。 Actually, humanity is just the common individual responsibility shared by all of us。

However, every one lives in a certain society thereby one's behavior is more or less influenced by forces not of their own XXX。 And to operate normally, every society has its laws, though many times have differences among them。 It is true that humanity plays an essential role in ruling individuals' behaviors; yet laws are necessary。 Under the control of laws, people who have little individual responsibility would probably not dare to do any crime in fear of law punishment。 Besides laws, for example in school, rules are also an important factor as well as individual responsibility。 Nowadays, in most universities, a student who does not pass some certain courses in his four years college life would not get his diploma of bachelor's degree。 So even if a student does not like his discipline, or dose not care about his GPA, the pressure of graduating forces him not to playing computer or basketball all the time。

In addition, individual responsibility and forces from outside world have overlapped parts some times。 For instance, studying diligently is some hard- working students' individual responsibility as well as the pressure from schools and society。

Generally speaking, it is hasty and incorrect to conclude that the concept of 'individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction。 On the contrary, individual responsibility plays an important role which cannot be replaced。 However, laws and the exterior force also have their significance as well。 Thus we can not put either of them aside and pay more attention to another

Environmental responsibility (18)

With the development of human society, the originally dense forests, clear rivers, green grasslands, colorful beautiful flowers, birds flying freely in the air, animals running freely on the grasslands... have become bare stumps, black and smelly rivers, withered grasslands, and birds have lost their freedom in cages All kinds of animals have become delicious food on the human table... What a suffocating environment! How heavy our hearts become.

Science and technology are developing and the country is making progress, but the earth on which we live is being polluted and destroyed little by little, and it is already too tired to breathe. However, human behavior is also subject to natural punishment. Natural disasters continue year after year, mud rock flows, sandstorms, earthquakes, acid rain... In recent years, the earth's environment is gradually deteriorating. Cutting down trees not only makes trees less and less, but also makes land desertification more serious. The towering buildings cover a lot of land. The exhaust gas from cars and industrial production has polluted our air and water.

At the same time, people gradually realized the seriousness of the situation and began to gradually protect the environment.

"If everyone throws a piece of paper away, the earth will be more beautiful", people can say this now, but how many people can do this?

According to statistics, it is necessary to cut down about 20 trees aged 20-40 years and about 6 tons of wood to produce one ton of paper. If we continue to cut down like this, the quality of the air we need will be affected. For such an event, the state advocates using waste paper to make paper again. According to statistics, 1 ton of waste paper can produce about 0.9 tons of good quality recycled paper, save 3-4 cubic meters of firewood, about 98 tons of water, about 0.5-0.9 tons of coal, and about 500-700 kilowatt hours of electricity. As long as we have a variety of green trees, we can return a piece of blue sky to me.

Then some citizens will have questions. How can we protect our earth? Here I appeal to you for the following points:

1. Garbage classification and recycling.

2. Water is the source of human life. We should save every drop of water around us.

3. Put down the axe and plant the small trees we need more.

4. Protect the environment and stop smoking.

If every social citizen can meet the four simple requirements, our home will be more beautiful.

As middle school students, we should call on everyone to take action. Publicize environmental protection and actively participate in green activities. The resources on the earth are not inexhaustible, so environmental protection is fundamental.

Environmental responsibility (19)

I love the earth and the home on which we live. Love her green mountains and waters, love her green grass and blue sky??

However, now, Mother Earth has become traumatized from its former beauty. Now, I want to appeal to people, "Protect the environment! Start with me!"

The original clear streams have become stinky; The original fresh air has become pungent; The original clear blue sky is now gray; It turns out that every green tree has been cut down by hateful human beings! It turned out that the colorful world had to be "transformed" by human beings!

I remember that time, in the market, an old woman was buying vegetables. The uncle who sold vegetables handed the old woman a plastic bag. The old woman took out her basket and put down the plastic bag. Such a small thing is insignificant, but the grandma prevented the plastic bag from flying in the sky, and the grandma prevented the Earth Mother from crying sadly again!

As the successor of the 21st century, we should make Mother Earth more beautiful and better! When we see garbage, we should pick it up; When we see others throwing rubbish everywhere, we should stop them. When we see a tap that has not been turned off in a public place, we should turn it off. Do we have to hesitate to do so?

protect the environment! Start with me! Let Mother Earth also have a beautiful and clean dress!