Composition on Writing People Junior High School (17 preferred)
To the past
2024-01-07 08:57:49

Composition on Writing People Junior High School (1)

At an intersection near my home, there is a tall and burly osmanthus tree. Every autumn, the fragrance of the blooming osmanthus can be smelled by the whole village. Under the sweet scented osmanthus tree, there lived an old woman in a family.

She has lived there since I became sensible, and everyone calls her "Grandma Zhang". Every autumn, she would make sweet scented osmanthus cakes from sweet scented osmanthus flowers in front of her door and send them to every family. I also often go to her house to play. She seems to like me very much. Every time I appear, she will treat me with a sweet scented osmanthus cake made by herself.

It was another cool autumn. One day, I ran to her house to play. Suddenly, a pot of flowers in the yard attracted my attention. When I approached, I found that it was not a flower, but a pot of grass. Grandma Zhang came over, and I asked her: "Isn't this a grass, and it is withered and yellow, why do you plant it here?" She smiled kindly, touched my head, and told me that it was not grass, but orchids, which had withered and yellow because she hadn't cared for it for a long time. I nodded vaguely. She walked away.

In the afternoon, when I went to play, I thought of the pot of orchids again. I picked them up and looked at them again. I still felt that it was like a pot of withered grass. When I wanted to put them back, suddenly, my hand slipped, and the pot fell to the ground and broke. Grandma Zhang heard the sound of ceramics and immediately ran out of the room. When she saw the debris all over the floor and the withered and yellow orchid, she cried. This is the first time I saw her cry. In the past, I had broken things in Grandma Zhang's house carelessly because of my mischief, but it was not as serious as this time. I became worried and flustered.

She gently picked up the orchid among the fragments and told me the origin of the orchid. It turned out that she had children and a grandson, but they all went to the city. She was the only one living in the yard. This orchid was given to her by her grandson when he left. She also told me that her children seldom come back, so she also took this orchid as her only thought. I felt extremely guilty. I took the orchid and promised her that I would take good care of it.

For several days in succession, I didn't go to her house to play. I stayed at home to take care of the orchids. One morning when I got up, I suddenly saw the orchid blooming. I was very happy. This is the first orchid! I quickly took the orchid to Grandma Zhang's house. When she saw the orchid in my hand, tears flashed in her eyes. I quickly handed the orchid to her: "Grandma Zhang, don't cry. The orchids are blooming. You should smile. Aren't you happy?"

"Foolish child, I am so happy! Thank you for taking care of my orchid and making it blossom its first flower, thank you!" Grandma Zhang and I hugged each other tightly.

The fragrance of orchids gives me strength. Grandma Zhang's embrace makes me know too much

Composition on Writing People Junior High School (2)

At noon, cicadas kept shouting in the trees, as if they were blaming me for making a scene with my father. In fact, I didn't mean to, but as soon as my father said something, I wanted to fight against him. The sun was still so angry, but I fell asleep in defiance.

In my dream, I cursed my father for disappearing, and I hoped that he would leave me alone when he walked far away, or that the world could do without him... Suddenly, the bed began to swing from side to side, making me feel dizzy. I thought it was God who made a fool of me in order to punish my unfilial daughter, regardless of whether he continued to sleep. The more the bed shakes, the more serious it seems... I made a super accurate judgment between dream and reality with a reaction of zero and one seconds - it's true!

Suddenly, I heard my parents outside the house drying grain desperately calling me, louder and louder. In less than three seconds, my father ran into the rickety room, came to the bedside, took my hand, and dragged me under the bed. "It's an earthquake!" my father murmured as he ran with me. Due to nervousness, my skirt hung on the foot of the table, and my father and I fell together

The earthquake is still going on, but it doesn't seem to affect our escape.

The smell of his father's smoke suddenly became very fragrant. His heartbeat is so real. His hands, which were reluctant to wash carefully, suddenly became so big and powerful. He picked me up and rushed out of the room like crazy.

I came out, was it a dream? I pinched myself when I stood unsteadily. It would hurt - really.

The earthquake continued, but my tears burst out. My voice choked. I had a lot to say, but why couldn't I say a word. What's in the voice of "Dad... Dad..."? I don't know, but that was my most sincere and sincere cry "Dad".

The earthquake finally stopped, and I didn't change anything except my opinion of my father. But not everyone is so lucky.

A few minutes later, someone groaned under the collapsed ruins; Some people never wake up in their sleep; More people are crying for their relatives. Maybe they haven't had time to feel their father's love and mother's love; Maybe they haven't experienced many things in the world

I finally understand the meaning of that "Dad", which is the call of love and happiness. I hope that people in disaster can bathe in the sunshine of love, listen to the words of love, enjoy a better life, and thank God by living.

Composition on Writing People Junior High School (3)

Looking at my father Ju Lou's figure, I secretly shed tears.


Whenever I think of my hard working father late at night, my tears will come out. In my mind, I can see my father's face through the vicissitudes of life, still so kind and kind, my dear father. The financial burden of the family is all on my father's shoulders, and my old father has to go out to work. Even though the sun is scorching, the wind is blowing and the rain is falling, my father still insists on going out to work to support a blue sky for the family. I don't know when my father's temples have quietly climbed onto several silver threads. Ah! It was a hard witness.

I went out for a day and came home with tiredness. It was my father. Late at night, I didn't fall asleep. I vaguely heard my father's snoring. Gradually, it became louder and louder. My father was exhausted from his work and could not sleep at night. At this moment, I have tears streaming down my face. I dare not cry out for fear of waking my father in sleep. Ah! My dear father, you work hard.

Every day, he goes out early and comes back late. He sleeps out for dinner. That's Dad. Every time I go to my father's work place with snacks and watch him work hard in the windy day, my nose gets sour and my tears almost come back. Looking at my father Ju Lou's figure, my heart became heavier and heavier. Encourage yourself to study hard and repay your father in the future. Ah! I can't forget your back, Dad.

I haven't bought a new dress all the year round. Every day, I wear worn clothes to shuttle among the crowd. That's my father. My father has worked hard for most of his life and has never worn a few decent clothes. Although there is no gorgeous clothing decoration, my father is still so handsome and burly, standing in my heart forever with a tall image. Ah! My respected father, I love you.

I have been trying to tell myself that I must study hard. With progressive achievements, honorable certificates and warm greetings Get a smile from my father.

Dear father, you are hard, I love you!

Composition on Writing People Junior High School (4)

I have many people to thank, but the most grateful is my father, who gave me a lot of encouragement and love from childhood to adulthood.

My father is kind and strict. Whenever he is free on holidays, he likes to sit in bed with me, chat and read. But he is so strict with me! Especially when I was disobedient, his eyes were round and sharp like a sword, sweeping around my body, making me immediately ashamed of my mistakes.

I love my father and appreciate his dedication and education for me. When I was ill, my father took care of me meticulously; When I met with difficulties, my father helped me kindly. The love he gave me was selfless.

One Sunday evening, I felt listless and weak. When Dad found out, he gave me a rest and took my temperature. good heavens! 39 degrees 5! At this time, my head was dizzy and painful, my whole body was cold and hot, and I felt uncomfortable kicking my feet on the bed. My father put a wet towel on my head, and I felt more comfortable. By 2:00 or 3:00 at night, my fever still hadn't subsided, so my father had to go to the clinic to buy medicine for me. My father ran seven clinics in a row, but they still hadn't opened. At 5 or 6 o'clock, my father took me to the county hospital to see a doctor again. My father bought me medicine upstairs and downstairs and paid for it. I could clearly see the glistening sweat on my father's forehead. At this time, I really want to say to my father: "Dad, I thank you!" My father not only cares about my body, but also very much about my study.

No matter how busy and tired my work is, my father always tutors me with my homework every night. Usually, when I check, I check until more than eleven o'clock. One night, my father came back from working overtime. It was 9:30 and he still wanted to check my homework. I said, "Dad, you are very tired. Do you want to take a rest early and check my homework tomorrow?" My father said seriously to me, "The things of the day should be completed on the same day." When checking my homework, my father found that I made several mistakes, He supervised me to correct all the wrong problems. Under the guidance of my father, my math score has made a leap, 100 points in two exams, and 99.5 points in the last final exam. Chinese and English have also made great progress.

I thank my father for giving me confidence and strength, and for giving me warm love. I will repay my father's love with practical actions.

Composition on Writing People Junior High School (5)

My family has three "worms", one "busy worm" is my mother, the second "bookworm" is me, and the third worm is "net worm" - Dad.

My father is 41 years old this year, but he is still so young, promising, sunny and healthy. My father has thin eyes and a tall body. He is good at swimming. He is not fat or thin. My father also loves sports. My grandmother said: "When I was in primary school, he was able to sit firmly in the first three chairs in the class. Competition in the class was fierce, but he still insisted on exercising. He once participated in badminton, table tennis, swimming, and running in school and achieved excellent results. On the first day of summer vacation, my father helped me make a series of summer exercise schedules, and said: "Summer vacation needs reasonable arrangements for learning and exercise. Even if learning is too tired, we should also take time to exercise. "I think:" This is his secret of not getting sick for many years! "My father not only values my sports, but also my study. Every time I finish my homework, he tries to help me check it, even a small mistake. He can be checked out by my father's eyes. Every night before the exam, my father is worried and helps me review. My father is still a serious person. Only when I get full marks in the exam will my father show a satisfied and rare smile on his face. Dad is still a computer addict, but he surfs the Internet not to play games on the Internet, but to think of ways to use various computer devices. On several occasions, his grandmother called him three times, but he did not respond. His eyes are always staring at the computer screen, and he never left for a moment. I think he is crazy about computers. However, he has made great achievements in his ever-changing research. He is in charge of more than 200 computers in the company, and no computer is "sick" after his father's serious and careful "treatment".

My father also has a bad habit, which is very annoying to my whole family. That is, he keeps smoking, making the house a mess, making others think that we have a chimney!

I hope Dad can get rid of this bad habit as soon as possible.

Composition on Writing People Junior High School (6)

When God created human beings, he gave tenderness and love to his mother; But what he gave to his father was stern and harsh. Father love and mother love are totally different, and when the two kinds of love are mixed together, it will produce a wonderful chemical reaction. It can make the turbid mind become crystal clear in an instant.

When it comes to Dad, I believe everyone has it. Remembering my father's face, the uneven face full of years; Keep small stubble; The originally tall and burly figure is now weighed down by the busy life, pressure and family burden.

I remember one time, my father took me out for a walk and accidentally passed a children's playground. I clamoured to go in and play, but my father didn't think so. When I didn't meet my requirements, I continued to quarrel and upset the sky. Passers by laughed at me when they saw me. My father said: We should be different children. Look, others are playing inside. If you don't go in, you will really become a different child. I wanted to resist, but I couldn't answer. I walked through the paradise like playground and turned around three times in one step, just like a dog saw a fragrant meat head and wanted to bite it, but was firmly tied by the owner's rope to break the shackles. When I got home, I took my father's carelessness and slipped out quietly to the playground. I am flying like a bird out of the cage. After playing for a long time, my father became more and more worried when he saw that I had not returned home. It was getting hazy, but I didn't go home. Dad was very anxious, but I was at ease. Later, my father thought I was lost, asked someone to borrow a bicycle, and walked through the streets crazily looking for my trace. He crossed the busy street and ran through the bustling vegetable market for a long time. He remembered that I wanted to go to the amusement park in the morning. When he saw me, I was swinging happily. He pulled me off before he even stopped the swing. I didn't dare to look at him in the eye. I glanced at him secretly and saw sweat on his forehead. The hand with blue veins was raised high. I was waiting for the arrival of Wuzhi Mountain, but it hung down powerlessly and embraced me

Maybe there is an invisible rope that ties my father and me together. Cutting and cutting will only get tighter and tighter and never separate

Composition on Writing People Junior High School (7)

There is a person in my heart that I admire very much. He is my dear father.

Dad is a little fat. I can see his thick thighs first when I look down. Looking up, there is a "big watermelon", which is his big belly. Although it is not beautiful, it contains countless knowledge. At last, when I looked up, I saw his round face - a pair of big eyes under thick eyebrows, a red mouth under the high bridge of the nose, but the most striking thing was the short pointed beard, which hurt people.

What I admire most is my father's perseverance in doing things. Previously, I participated in the election of the school team committee to introduce myself to VCR. I was very confused when I knew that, because I had never heard of VCR! What can I do about it? When I got home, I told my mother in a hurry, but she didn't know. Just when we were at a loss, my father came back. When he heard that he could not eat, he immediately got busy. Every time I pass his room, I can see him sitting in front of the computer carefully and busy. When I get up the next day, he has gone to work. My mother told me that he helped me with VCR until late at night. My mother advised him to do it the next day, but my father said that he must persevere in doing things. In order to help me, he only slept for 5 hours at night, which was not easy. I turned on the computer and watched carefully. The VCR was very exquisite, and the pictures and music were very good. My tears were running in my eyes. I thought: I must run for the brigade committee, or his efforts to me would be in vain.

Shortly afterwards, the election ceremony began. Through the joint efforts of him and me, I finally ran for office. He smiled kindly when he learned the news.

I admire my father. He shines on me like a ray of sunshine in spring; It is a cool wind in summer that blows away the vexation in my heart; It is a string of fruits in autumn that guide me to success; It is a fire in winter that warms my young heart.

Composition on Writing People Junior High School (8)

Every winter, when the wind is cold and the snow is falling, your father always picks you up for school. On the way to school, the cold wind swishes through your cotton padded clothes, and the snow falls on your face and hands, freezing your nerves.

Father looked at you and didn't say anything. Instead, he stepped up and walked in front of you, silently sheltering you from the cold wind and the flying snow. A warm current spreads all over your body, thawing your cold nerves.

Although my father was thin, he was like a tall giant in the wind and snow. He was extremely powerful, which made your heart feel particularly secure and satisfied at that time.

You did a terrible job in that midterm exam. You only got 87 points on the math paper with 120 points, which is not true! At that time, you hoped it was not true, but it was true. When you saw the bright red cross after the paper was handed out, you felt extremely sad, but you didn't cry, but your eyes were hot for a long time

You walked home dejectedly. You never looked up until you reached home. You are willing to tell your father everything about your study. Because your father understands you better than your mother in study and has a better way of education, you still told your father about this exam as always that time.

You stood in front of your father like a log and said, "Dad, this exam..." You choked up and didn't know how to say it. The father said calmly, "It's OK. As long as you work hard, you can do well in the exam next time!"

Father's words, though very short, have lightened your burden. What your father said that night has been wrapped in your mind, making you unable to sleep for a long time

Your father's tangible and intangible love is deeply branded in your heart. Your parents have done everything for you, but you can't thank them in words. You can only prove it with actions and express it with your heart.

Father's love is not as spoiled as grandma's, nor as nagging as mother's. His love is unknown, invisible as air, invisible but essential.

Composition on Writing People Junior High School (9)

Since I was a child, I have always seen my father with a watch on his hand. He would not take it off no matter when he ate or took a bath. He is also very precious. I have asked him many times why, but she never told me or let me touch the watch, which made me more curious about the watch

I knew that one day, while my father was sleeping, I sneaked into his room and saw his watch on the nearby table. I sneaked in and picked up the watch. I looked at it and found it very ordinary, nothing special. Why did my father like it so much

So, I was very naughty and took my watch to my room to "study". As a result, the watch fell to the ground with a "snap", and the back cover fell off. Maybe my father heard the voice, entered my room, and saw his expression. I knew I was finished, "I can't afford..." Before I finished, my father snatched the watch from my hands··

The next day, my father asked me with a stiff face why he bought his watch. I said it was because of curiosity, because I always felt that you treasure this watch, and it was mysterious, so I was curious... My father said, you feel very curious, you can ask me why you should be so secretive, and also fell the watch. Fortunately, the watch is not broken, or I will not forgive you, I lowered my head, Yes, no matter how curious you are, you can't do such a sneaky thing. I said sorry to my father, and he also forgave me

Later, I finally learned from my mother that this watch was given to him by his father's best friend, who was a friend of his university days and was very helpful to him. They always went out together and had a good relationship. But later, his friend got seriously ill and finally recovered after a period of medical treatment. Before that, his friend gave his father a watch, This moved him very much, so the watch slipped into a deep friendship, so my father would protect the watch so much. Finally, because of graduation, he gradually lost contact. At that time, there was no qq, msn

It turns out that this is not only a watch, but also a witness of the friendship between Dad and that classmate!

Composition on Writing People Junior High School (10)

I want to say who is the person I admire most, it's my father! Dad is a very outgoing person with a thin body, dark shining eyes and short hair. His appearance is very ordinary. But in my eyes, he is a good father who works hard and cares about his family. He can easily accomplish many things I dare not think about. He is really an admirable father.

I remember once, I was in the classroom. Suddenly, dark clouds appeared in the sky, and it began to rain. I was very worried and thought silently: What should I do? How can I go home without an umbrella? As a result, I waited for my father and mother at the gate after school. As a result, I waited for a long time, but no one answered my phone. Suddenly, like a drowned rat, my father appeared. When my father saw me, he smiled faintly. Then I asked anxiously: "Dad, what's wrong with you? Why did you come to school so late and still get soaked?" Dad smiled and said: "I just received the message in the company, and Mom can't pick you up if she has something to do. So I ran out of the office to pick you up, so I became a drowned rat." I was very moved, and Dad was caught in the rain for me.

Although Dad is very busy every day, he is happy. He is passionate about life. Dad doesn't have time to accompany us every day, but he will come to see us whenever he has time. Every time he came back, he would ask me how my study was going. He always told me that my study attitude should be correct, and I would know. In fact, I admire my father very much. He works hard for my family and my mother every day, but he also takes good care of the family.

Look, this is my father, an ordinary father, a person I admire.

Composition on Writing People Junior High School (11)

In real life or work and study, we often see the figure of composition. With the help of composition, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. How to write a thoughtful and literary composition? The following is a composition about writing people in Atai Junior High School, which I have compiled for you. Welcome to share.

The setting sun shrouded the trees in front of a dilapidated house with a faint red light under the setting sun. The old woman who lived in the dilapidated house was an old woman, and I called her Attai.

When I was young, I used to live at my grandmother's house, which was in a busy village. Accustomed to the golden rape flowers in early spring; Tired of listening to Sheng Xia's endless cicadas; The harvest sound of golden autumn no longer aroused my curiosity; I no longer expect a white snow to fall in the silent winter. I don't know when I made the woman next door curious

The woman next door is always hunched, her face is wrinkled, and her empty eyes look at a person passing by, sitting on the stone steps all day doing nothing. She always has a habit of staring at the way people walk, as if to protect something. Once someone walked in front of her door, she would stare at their feet, causing others to walk faster. However, someone asked her what she was looking at, and she didn't say anything. Instead, she just pushed others away with her hands, which made many people dare not approach her.

Once, I planned to play in Houlin. Unexpectedly, I walked in front of the Atai Gate. I felt my eyes staring at my feet. When I turned my head, I saw Ah Tai's face changed a few times and kept staring at my feet. I was frightened by her face -- a little red, eyes slightly open. I was about to leave, but I couldn't help being curious. I went to her and asked her: Abby? What's wrong with you. A Tai also treats me like others, reaching out to push me. I still wanted to ask, but I felt that she was a little stronger, and I didn't want to stay any longer.

I asked Grandma with doubt and curiosity. Grandma said that Mrs. A's wife had left her early, leaving her son to live with her. But half a year ago, her son and she quarreled for unknown reasons. They knocked over her son's favorite fried rice with eggs, which Ah Tai had prepared before, and left. It happened that there was a car accident that day and he could never come back. The last trace left was that he turned over the road of egg fried rice in front of her door. That night, I couldn't sleep for a long time, and the figure of A Tai came to my mind. Fortunately, my dearest person didn't leave me

The next morning, I got up early and prepared to make breakfast for my parents and grandma. My forehead was sweaty, but I couldn't get a good breakfast. I threw the spatula heavily on the table in a hurry and walked out of the house. Both parents and grandma slept soundly, but the woman next door heard the noise. She poked her head out at the door. I looked at her, and suddenly an idea flashed into my mind

Tai, can you teach me how to make breakfast? I asked her carefully. Her eyes flashed and she said the first sentence to me: fried rice with eggs, which is the only thing I can teach. I nodded happily and was led into her room. There is a little dust in the corner of her room, but when entering the kitchen, it makes people feel clean and tidy, without a trace of dust. She opened the refrigerator. Except for a bag of vegetables and a piece of meat, the refrigerator was full of eggs and white rice that had been placed this morning. I paused and watched her take out some eggs and rice, and skillfully cooked fried rice with eggs. When she was cooking fried rice with eggs, she told me a lot of things: her son had a quarrel with her because he wanted to pick her up to live in the city, and she said that there were signs of her husband; When making fried rice with eggs, she should add some white wine, which was taught by her husband. It is more delicious, and her son also likes it; They used to be a happy family. Her son always came first in exams, and her husband loved her very much. Her eyes were wet when she said that. She only heard her sobbing, and Yu said more quietly. When I got home, I was thinking about her while cooking fried rice with eggs. If it wasn't for my parents getting up, I would still be unable to recall.

Later, I couldn't go to my grandmother's house often because of the problem of accommodation in the school, and I seldom saw Abby. One time, my classmate suddenly invited me to lunch. It was a box of fried rice with eggs. When I was eating fried rice with eggs, it seemed that something had crossed my mind, but I unconsciously said that adding white wine would be better. I paused, yeah! Mrs. A, it's been a long time since I saw her. I haven't eaten her fried rice with eggs for a long time.

My parents and I went back to my grandmother's home at the weekend, but we learned that Ah Tai had passed away. At that moment, something seemed to twitch in the body.

The setting sun shrouded the trees in front of the dilapidated house in the light of the setting sun. May their family reunite in heaven!

Composition on Writing People Junior High School (12)

Family is greater than the world; The greatness of family is higher than emptiness; The greatness of the family is harder than the earth. And you, my father, if your love is the world, the sky and the earth, then you are the stream that moistens the earth, the rainbow that embellishes the sky, the highest and largest mountain in the world. Your kindness is beyond description.

I still remember when I was young, you took my hand and took me on a trip. When I grow up, you hold my hand, hit me with a ruler and teach me how to be a man. memory! Memory, there are too many memories belonging to you, and the most impressive one is that memory:

I was very weak from birth, which often troubled my father. When I was in primary school, I was forced to wear a big cotton padded jacket much bigger than mine in winter. This cotton padded jacket is big and heavy. People call me Fat Girl when they see me. For this reason, I often quarrel with my father and lose my temper.

I still remember the day when my father asked me to put on my padded jacket as soon as I came home, but I was in a bad mood that day, so I used a very impolite tone saying, "Why must I wear it?"? I don't want to wear it! Of course, my father must be very angry, but he calmly explained to me: if you don't wear it, you will get sick! You put it on. I replied: You don't know how uncomfortable it is to wear it. It doesn't mean you wear it. You don't understand! And it looks strange. You don't know the feeling of being laughed at! Then I locked myself in my room and cried. After crying for a long time, my father asked me to eat. When I opened the door and said the first word, my father said sorry to me. I'm surprised! I am sorry, not in a helpless and angry tone, but with a father's apology for the child. All the unhappiness has been resolved, and the matter ended in my chagrin.

This memory, in retrospect, is still bitter. It also makes me realize that my father's feelings for me, his heartache, his concern for me, and his concern for me are really inferior to others. An adult can say sorry to a child in a tone that is neither angry nor helpless, which is more difficult than going to heaven. Besides, it's really my fault.

Dad, I love you. Thank you for understanding your daughter's ignorance. Thank you for teaching her how to drown herself. Thank you for taking the trouble to help me up again and again when I fell. If you are the highest mountain in the world, then I am a small stone looking at the top and the bottom of the mountain. You will always be my most admired father, father

Third day: Que Meimei

Composition on Writing People Junior High School (13)

"The cattle are still grazing on the hillside, but the cattle herders have gone nowhere..." Do you know who the person in this song is? Wang Erxiao, yes. He was a lively and lovely little boy who died at the end of the enemy's gun at the age of 15.

On the morning of September 16th, Wang Erxiao was herding cattle on the hillside. Suddenly, they saw a group of enemies going to the ravine to mop up. When they were near the mountain pass, they lost their way. When they saw Wang Erxiao, they asked her to lead the way. The clever Wang Erxiao had to pretend to obey the enemy and led him into the ambush of the PLA. At this time, the sound of gunfire suddenly came to mind all around. The enemy knew that he had been cheated, so he killed Wang Erxiao, put him on the tip of the gun, and threw him on the rocks.

Seeing this tragic and moving scene, the Eighth Route Army was very sad and said: "Since you don't let a child go, why should we be merciful? Comrades, go! The Eighth Route Army rushed down the mountain like a tiger, only to hear a burst of gunfire and annihilate all the enemies.

Wang Erxiao, I am proud of you. You have protected the PLA with your actions. Your behavior is worth learning. You are a hero in my heart, and we will always remember you.

Composition on Writing People Junior High School (14)

When I was young, my parents began to tell me stories about Confucius, and told me many great truths. When I grew up, I also came across the contents of Confucius' book The Analects of Confucius, which was difficult to understand. But the general meaning is clear. I also admire Confucius for his knowledge. When I read The Analects of Confucius, I reached the level of perfection. It can be said that I forgot to eat and sleep!

On one occasion, a funny incident happened in the 216 dormitory. Our friends were bored at night and talked about Confucius in the State of Lu. A friend here said that Confucius had a hard life. When he was a child, his family was poor and he could not afford to read. But Confucius loved learning very much. So he took a branch to the school window every day and wrote with his teacher. Finally, the teacher found that he loved learning and was very intelligent, so he took him in and asked him to help clean up and study. Confucius was so happy that he jumped home and told his father and mother about it. His father touched his head and said, "Don't be naughty when you go, and learn from your teacher carefully.". Confucius nodded happily. In this way, year after year, day after day, the little Confucius also grew into a great Confucius. He wanted to pursue higher learning, so he said goodbye to his parents and traveled all over the country. Then he met his teacher, namely Laozi. Laozi saw that he was gifted, so he let him stay around to teach him higher learning, and on the other hand, he had a person to learn from him. Life is also very good, and I have time to teach people about Confucianism and Taoism. People also believe in them.

Hearing this, I can't help sighing that Confucius is also very smart! A friend added that it was quite bloated. ha-ha! I asked why! He said, don't you see Confucius in the picture is very fat? It must be that I don't exercise even when I study every day, and I can't digest it after eating. I have grown fat, which makes everyone laugh for most of the night. What's more funny is that some students actually talk in their sleep, while another one talks with him. It's actually about Confucius' marriage. This is enough fun for me. Slowly I fell asleep. When I went to Confucius, Confucius was really knowledgeable, and words like "Zhihuo" made me sweat! I can't help saying that Confucius is really knowledgeable, but also very wordy.

After studying the ancient "Analects of Confucius" and "Mengxi Bitan", I felt that I did not know the world in vain, and I also admired the wisdom of our predecessors. I think: you and your works will be passed down forever, because you are a proud and worthy great man in the East, and your works are also a treasure house of knowledge and spiritual wealth that makes people accept and use them for a lifetime. I will continue to study and dig you and your works.

I love you, Confucius!

Composition on Writing People Junior High School (15)

On August 21, JJ Lin opened another concert in the first sports body.

Junjie Lin on the stage is a lively and cheerful young man. He has excellent dancing skills and a moving voice. But what I want to say today is neither the beauty of his voice, nor his concern for every disaster in China, nor his versatility, nor his earnest bow to his fans every performance, but his strong and positive attitude towards life.

If you know something about him, you will find that it is less than a year and a half since the last solo concert. Why is this? Because he was very dissatisfied with the last time. You know, after his last concert, he was unable to sing because of illness. In the following days, Junjie Lin, who could not pronounce, locked himself in his room all day long. He even thought about giving up

But he didn't give up. According to his words, it was because of the support and expectation of fans. But did you think about it? Even with the support and expectation of his fans, he would like to give up. There are singers who commit suicide, and there are also singers who retire in their 20s. Is it because the fans don't support them? No, they are not strong enough.

Different from last time, although JJ Lin still cried several times on the stage, he always dried his tears when bowing, because he knew that fans would not like to see a crying JJ Lin. He said: "This time we only talk about strength, not about hardship." He buried his pain in his heart, let them disappear.

This is why I admire him. He is also one of my driving forces.

Composition on Writing People Junior High School (16)

You may think that maternal love is the most important and greatest. But I think father love is more important and great than mother love.

It was the afternoon of a day in the fourth grade of primary school. I returned home from school at noon. After dinner, I went upstairs to do my homework. Suddenly at this time, lightning flashed and thunder roared, which scared me to do my homework. After a while, why did I have the courage to write my homework? It was because my father had been watching me at the stairs, and he knew I was afraid. I pretended not to see him come up and said on purpose: "Finally I finished my homework.". The moment I got up, I shed tears. I went downstairs, put my schoolbag on my back, and pushed my bike to go outside. As soon as I opened the door, I immediately closed the door, because it was raining heavily, so I couldn't ride in my raincoat! "What should I do? It's raining so hard that I can't go by bike!" When I heard the voice of "Let me send you there", my father said firmly.

"You can't ride a bike to see me off." "I'm not going to ride a bike to see you off. I'm carrying you on my back." I thought to myself: How could that be? My father never sent me to school. "What are you thinking? You will be late soon." "Nothing, Dad. Are you really going to send me to school?" "Yes! Come on, take your raincoat and umbrella" said. Dad rolled up his trousers, put on his raincoat and carried me on his back.

On the way to school, I saw some parents send their children to school. They are 7 or 8 years old and basically walk by themselves. "I want to get down and go by myself" "Don't come down, you will get your shoes and pants wet". Until the school gate, "You go in, I look at you, take an umbrella" "Well, Dad, you go home, don't catch a cold." "Ling... Ling" is off school. The sky was still dark. I opened my umbrella, walked in the rain, and walked toward the school gate. Suddenly, I saw a familiar figure. It was Dad, "Dad... Dad". Dad had been waiting for me at the school gate in order to let me not be afraid of thunder on my way home. I threw myself into my father's arms, and then my father and I hurried home.

Father love is great!

Composition on Writing People Junior High School (17)

By nature, he likes free and natural things, and his requirements for life are very simple. He is bold in pursuing what he wants, regardless of others' vision. In a peaceful and quiet country, he does not need principles, regulations, frameworks, and a sincere heart is enough.

For Tao Yuanming, the first pastoral poet in China, I admire and admire him very much. After several years as a junior official, I still feel happy to go home. I am not blinded by reputation, secularity, officialdom and wealth, but closer to the most real thing in life. When the dignitaries scramble to squeeze into the official world, he looks at each other coldly, This self righteous Mr. Wu Liu has already broken away from the secular world and entered his dream of "Peach Blossom Garden". He does not like intrigues, intrigues, and fights for power. He is bound by the dark atmosphere in officialdom, so he simply left without competing for fame and profit. He came to the fairyland on earth and enjoyed "the mountain atmosphere is good every day, and birds are also flying together" happily The beautiful scenery has gone. Such indifference, tranquility and elegance, such enthusiasm and sensibility, lie in that he regards everything in life as a natural landscape. With the appreciation mentality, he has seen and gone through it one by one, and finally returns to the ownership of his soul, which is still the infinite nature.

He never coveted material life, but he had higher requirements for spiritual life, "not worried about the poor, not obsessed with the rich". He is like a seed, living in the midst of flowers and green leaves, protected by nature, cleaning his heart, walking in the forefront of the years every day, he will not rack his brains for survival, nor will he practice himself for success. This kind of carefree will not have loneliness, cultivate his body and mind, so that he can live in the ugly world soberly, only he is enjoying the most beautiful material resources at the moment.

Tao Yuanming's seclusion is much more comfortable for us now. He puts his expectations and desires into the nature and enjoys the role of nature. He always has a belief that it is a strong and distinct feeling. It is impossible to guess his depth, which cannot be seen by others. Only after personal experience and experience can he know that, That is the true meaning of life. Those officialdom life in the form of nothing is simply a sacrifice of life, which will only make people closer to death more quickly.

I have always believed that Tao Yuanming never escapes. His talent, his mind, his thoughts, and his feelings will always remain in the world, never leave, but in a different way. What he is used to is a more approachable nature, an innate intimacy, and only such ambitious people can have it.

In today's society, I don't know when "Tao Yuanming" will appear. He is like a scientific law waiting for people to further discover and understand. His height is even more difficult to break in this society where life is stereotyped. Pursue luxury and live a life full of gold. There is Rolls Royce. It can buy a house that can carry several generations in a good place. It has exquisite business acumen, works hard to make money, enters the upper class society, and believes that "money is the absolute truth". It is the dream of all young people to pack themselves and become rich overnight. What if there is no such city? What if one day a natural disaster destroyed all this? Is there any value in your pursuit of life? Are we still the most essential needs of health, happiness and happiness? Innocent, kind, simple, strong, honest, these are the greatest nature in the world? The traitors in the world are still us in the above and what Tao Yuanming has done. He should be able to enlighten us more or less.

Tao Yuanming did not bring much value to the government in that society, but I think his life itself is his most valuable value, and his personality and attitude towards life are the values we will create for the contemporary world.