That scene made me unforgettable 600 words (5 chapters in total)
Ice and clean
2023-09-04 03:34:44

That scene made me unforgettable 600 words (1)

In the long river of my memory, the rolling river flows forward, and this rolling river is full of my most precious memories, some of which make me happy, some of which make me upset... However, that event has kept my memory fresh and unforgettable.

One summer vacation a few years ago, the weather was very hot, and the sun hung proudly in the sky, scattering her beautiful golden light on the earth. The cicadas lazily hid in the trees and played the beautiful song of midsummer. On that day, I found a magical little guy, a cicada.

This cicada is extraordinary. It is golden and dazzling! As a professional cicada catcher, why don't I want to take it into my pocket? Quietly, I came to the tree and looked at it carefully: the golden body, a pair of transparent wings flashing gold, and two smart eyes black and bright. I am very happy. I have never met a cicada with such a look. I gave it a loud name - Golden Cicada King.

The most traditional method is the most effective. A branch plus a dough is enough. I carefully took out the "weapon" and slowly approached the cicada king for fear of hurting it. I caught the cicada king just after hearing "Hua Hua". I hold it in my hand, never mind how happy I am! Looking up at the sky, the sun seems to be smiling at me. What a perfect day.

However, at this moment, the cicada king moved and suddenly flew out of my hand. It flew higher and higher, and its wings were particularly dazzling in the sun. I can't catch him It! In this way, the duck flew to its mouth. At that time, I was disappointed, like a rose withered in my heart. I squatted in the corner of the wall sadly, silently reflecting

Although the golden cicada king flew away, I understood a truth: even if it was only a step away from success, we should not be complacent, relax and tight, or it would lead to such an outcome. I must always remember. I can't forget that moment.

That scene made me unforgettable 600 words (2)

Time is fleeting, it is very short, but it can always leave deep memories for people.

This is a season of fruity fragrance. The yellow leaves full of trees and the towering corn swayed with the rhythm of the wind. The yellow leaves falling with the wind led my heart to the distance. I walked in this perfect and full of longing season.

The sun was warm that year, the tree straightened up, and the wind was not manic. My brother and I went for an outing together. Our footsteps trampled on the yellow leaves all over the ground, said hello to the wind, and sang karaoke with the birds. At this rare moment, I saw the moment that touched my heart.

"I heard the sound of rain falling, beating my heart bit by bit, I heard the splash of the blue whale making a huge voice, I heard where love is..." I heard love in the distance.

A young mother walked with a few months old child in her arms, smiling, and stopped at the traffic light. When the man left, a speeding car came. The mother fell to the ground in response, and I heard the crying of the child, which was like a call to the mother. Children's eyes are full of wonder at the world.

The driver who hit the man ran away with his car. There was only a pool of blood and a crying baby on the wide road. The kind passer-by reported to the police when the police arrived. This great mother has left this inhuman world.

What about children? A kind-hearted woman picked up the blood covered child and gently shook it up. The poor little guy fell asleep in the woman's arms.

People are all the same kind of creature. Why are sex and emotion so different? Why are some people full of love, while others have negative energy.

Love is the most moving voice in the world. Love is the sunset glow in memory. Love is a great mother's selfless care. Love is equal and two-way.

She is great about that woman's behavior, and we should learn from her good aspects. As a person, we must have love, learn to care for others, and be grateful to others.

That scene made me unforgettable 600 words (3)

In life, there are always one or two unforgettable things. The scene in this summer vacation always comes to my mind, and I can't forget that scene.

I am a little girl afraid of water. A little water sprayed on my face will yell. But when I saw my good friends swimming in the water like small fish, I decided to bid farewell to the title of "dry duck" and learn to swim.

When I first entered the water, I felt a chill and my heart was pounding, but when I got used to it, I was no longer afraid. After several days of study, I can basically swim. But the little girl next to me can't swim. Every time she practiced freestyle, her body could not float and her feet could not splash. Sometimes she swam more and more downward. She was very upset and the teacher was helpless because she could not always learn.

Another swimming lesson, the little girl still didn't float. She was so worried that her eyes were red and she seemed to cry. She suddenly raised her head and shouted desperately for her mother. I thought she was going to leave and stop learning to swim, but I was wrong. Originally, she just asked her mother to help her see if she could float successfully. The little girl's eyes were firm. She took a deep breath and then dived into the water. I saw her feet beating hard, but her body still didn't float on the water, which made people feel that she was going to sink. After several times, the little girl was tired, but she did not improve at all. When I saw her disappointed eyes, I thought she was going to give up, but she asked me how to float her body. I was wrong again, and I couldn't help being moved by her persistence, so I patiently explained to her. She took a deep breath and dived into the water again. I saw her floating up little by little. Gradually, her feet splashed. When I was happy, her body sank into the water again. Time and time again, she kept practicing, and I couldn't help being impressed by her persistent spirit again. Her kung fu pays off. She really succeeded. Looking at her happy expression, I also smiled.

This scene makes me unforgettable. Her perseverance makes me unforgettable. Her never giving up eyes make me unforgettable. I firmly believe that, even if the road ahead is not so smooth, as long as you work hard, you must be able to hit the beautiful strings of water.

That scene made me unforgettable 600 words (4)

At that scene, I was afraid, just like a kitten who could not find his own home. I was standing beside a speedboat at the moment, watching the moving boat docked at the shore, and my body could not help shivering. At this moment, my father said to me, "Don't be afraid. Go ahead boldly. You just act as if you like something in front, and go boldly." After I heard that, Finally, he mustered up his courage and took the first step

ah My father said today that he would take me to the yacht. After listening to a jump of three feet, I could almost become a high jump champion. Then, I faced several questions. First, would I dare not go aboard because of fear! Secondly, will I be afraid of that kind of stimulation... countless problems and worries are reflected in my mind one by one, but they are all denied by me, because I firmly believe that I will not be knocked down by difficulties. Despite this, I still have all kinds of fears in my heart, but I want to overcome difficulties and fears.

We drove to the place where we swam the speedboat. We are ready to board the ship. I saw that the momentum was different from what I imagined! I was afraid again. My father had already gone up and asked me to hurry up, but my legs were no longer obedient. It was as heavy as lead, and he could not get up. At the moment, I am like a bird about to fly into the nest. I want to go up but dare not go up. My mind has made a strong struggle. A little man in my heart said, Go! It's all right. If you are more daring, you'll be all right. But another villain said, "Don't listen to him. What should you do if you fall down carelessly?" I was frightened by the second villain's words. When I was ready to adopt the second villain's opinion, my father said loudly to me: "Be brave, don't be afraid! Believe that you must be able to come over, don't be knocked down by this difficulty, come on! After listening to my father's words, my heart suddenly had infinite power. One foot got on the boat and my father pulled me to the boat seat.

Ah! In this scene, I overcame my fear and timidity. In this respect, I won myself, and I cheered for myself!

I can't forget that scene. Your scene may encounter many things, some happy, some sad, but it will make you forget. After my scene, I will never be afraid of any difficulties. In my heart, there is nothing difficult, nothing we can not do!

That scene made me unforgettable 600 words (5)

The joy, anger, sadness and joy in my memory are like a movie, flashing past one after another. On the screen, the camera stops on a black and white portrait. The monotonous black and white cut my heart like a knife. Tears gently across the eyes, Grandpa, I miss you.

I stood in the middle of an old house, staring at my grandfather's body in the middle of the room. My father stood by and looked at me anxiously, holding my mother gently crying.

The sound of wind, rain, crying, rustling leaves, seems to me to have disappeared. It's so quiet.

I went forward and looked carefully at Grandpa's face, which would be frozen forever.

The scene and face I saw at that moment are still engraved in my mind and unforgettable.

Wrinkles all over my face pierced into my eyes, and tears of pain flowed out involuntarily. Wrinkles, like deep gullies, let me fall into them, but I could not climb out. I had to stay in deep sorrow. Where is the face once carved with infinite perseverance?

The tightly closed eyes reminded me of the time when grandpa's eyes were always full of smiles. Grandpa, open your eyes, please let your granddaughter see your always bright eyes again! My tears are like pearls with broken lines, falling on the ground without temperature.

Looking at your pale and shriveled lips with tears, it once opened and closed one by one before, saying fairy tales one by one, making me fascinated; In the past, it used to sing sweet songs one by one, making me intoxicated; In the past, it once opened and closed one by one, saying every good advice, which made me realize. Grandfather, open your mouth and let the voice, which is still sonorous and powerful despite the vicissitudes of life, accompany your granddaughter to continue to grow, ok? Tears "patter patter" down, dried by the wind, condensed on the face, uncomfortable, more uncomfortable heart!

Those hands, cold and rough hands, once upon a time, they led me on the path in the field; Once upon a time, it held me and fell into a sweet dream; Once upon a time, it handed me delicious candy. The temperature of those hands has already flowed through my fingertips and printed in my heart. Grandma, use your fingers and let those big hands lead me to the end! I couldn't help choking and crying. Grandpa, grandpa, let your face, your hands, every wrinkle on your face, and every callus on your hands be engraved in my heart. I want you to live in my heart forever!

Memory stopped, stopped on the lifeless black and white photo, tears crossed my lips, bitter

That scene, I will never forget, it is like engraved on my heart, engraved in my memory of a brand, can not be erased. Grandpa, I miss you

Grandpa, don't worry. I will take your love and hope for me to the other side of success!