Composition materials for primary school students (6 high-quality articles)
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2023-11-06 05:59:35

Composition Materials for Primary School Students (1)

In the face of a bottle with only water at the bottom, the old generation of crows will choose to fill it with stones to obtain water, while the new generation of crows dare to use other new ways to obtain water, while the old generation of crows feel that this is a sign of non-compliance. Perhaps from the comparison of two generations of crows drinking water, we can see the rigid thinking or a social inherent mode reflected.

"Can young people only chew on the old? Can they only enjoy the things left by the old generation?" Maybe someone will say that the new generation of crows in the cartoon is really like this, but can anyone deny the efforts of the new generation of crows? Can we deny what our new generation has innovated? Maybe the bad name of "opportunism" will hang high on the head of a new generation, but how can teenagers indulge in it? We want to innovate, not just inherit it, nor copy it all.

Indeed, in today's fast pace of life, it is easy for a new generation to be overwhelmed and forget our original intention. However, life will never adapt to you anyway. We really have to follow the old generation's saying, "Have you played the game according to the routine?" What we want is innovation! Absolutely not living a mechanical life day after day. When others criticize us, we should show our achievements. I firmly believe that people who do not innovate will always lose themselves in the age of ten thousand horses standing silent, and become puppets who allow the society to copy.

Take traditional culture as an example. In our daily life, we often hear slogans like "to innovate traditional culture". This makes me think deeply, don't we need to innovate? We also have a variety of problems left behind, just like the traditional culture also has a variety of loopholes left behind. Under the baptism of the years, we will also have some flaws like the culture, and these flaws are the goal and direction of our innovation. Since culture needs to change and innovate, people need to change and innovate even more. Learn to innovate, and then you can build your own foundation in such an age of unpredictable people. A towering tree may not be so publicized and gorgeous. But I believe that it must be the one with the strongest foundation.

How can we achieve innovation? We need to sink our arrogant and changeable mind and seriously think about the essence of things. Is it appropriate for us to do so? Think carefully about what we have now, and how can we make good use of these things? Secondly, we should refine the concept of innovation in a wide range and set ourselves stage by stage goals. The headless performance will never bring any shock to our hearts. Finally, we must stick to our original intention in the process of re innovation, and do not take it as a lip service. What we need is to innovate, which is undoubtedly a process to adhere to? What innovation can we talk about if we can't even stick to our original intention?

The road to innovation still needs some time for the new generation to explore. Please don't let the new generation go against the original intention for the sake of immediate interests, and also ask the old generation not to say that the new generation doesn't play cards according to the routine, and no one wants to be labeled as a loser. We just need to wait for the flower of innovation to bloom. And this is also the precipitation of time.

Composition Materials for Primary School Students (2)

At noon this afternoon, my mother took me and my brother to eat at the Appetite Hall opposite Yucai School. After waiting for a long time, I went out. When I was ready to come back, an old man left his keys on the bus. The old man asked me to help him get them. I promised soon. But when he came back to the grandpa, the grandpa said, "grandpa is old, it's not convenient to walk, and it's still children who can run 'fast'! And he said, you are really a child who likes to help others, thank you!" I replied, "grandpa, it's OK, this little thing is just to run a leg, and it will be done in a few seconds." I went back to my seat and told my mother about it, They also praised my good child for helping others, and I grinned. I started to eat.

Composition Materials for Primary School Students (3)

"Virtuous Youth" campaign materials

Filial piety is a traditional Chinese virtue. "Filial piety comes first" and "Filial piety lies in quality, not in appearance" are all famous epigrams of Huan Kuan in the Story of Filial Piety. Even if he is no longer clever or talented, as long as he is filial, he will be a person with perfect soul.

Since ancient times, many touching stories about filial piety have emerged. For example, Liu Heng, Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, whose mother had been ill for three years, never neglected her. After tasting the boiled medicine, he let her drink it. He is famous for his filial piety. Everyone knows that Liu Heng is an emperor, and the emperor is busy every day, but Liu Heng can take time out of his busy schedule to take care of his mother. His filial piety is enough for us to learn. As a student, we should be more filial to our elders. I think that filial piety can start from the little things around you.

Previously, I was always indifferent to my mother's tiredness in cleaning. Now I have changed my mind.

That time, my mother was cleaning up when she suddenly sat on the sofa. While reading next to me, I hurried over and asked, "Mom, what's wrong with you?" "I'm fine." My mother covered her waist and stood up to continue cleaning. When I saw this, I thought it must be my mother who cleaned all day long. My waist hurts after cleaning. Let me help my mother clean up! I asked my mother to help her clean up. My mother agreed and told me where to start.

After I finished all the housework, I felt backache. This time, I finally realized my mother's hard work. My mother has to do these housework every day. I never complained about backache to anyone. I only helped my mother sweep the floor once and wash the dishes once, and then I cried bitterly, without thinking that my mother was tired? Does your mother's back ache?

Also that time, "Xuhan, look at the mess in your room. Are you going to let me take care of it for you?" Mother began to nag again. But when I think about it, I don't tidy my desk every time I finish my homework. I throw one book here and one book there. Every time, my mother helped me sort it out. After reading the story of Liu Heng tasting Yao Xiaomu personally, I felt ashamed. Since I was determined to be a good child who would honor my parents, I must do what I said.

I rushed into the room and started to work. I polished the bookcase, windowsill, window and desk, but I was so tired that I almost fell down. I fell back and spread out on the bed, as if I could sleep with my eyes closed. I looked at the ceiling and felt ashamed of my disrespect to my parents. I finally understood my mother's nagging. This also strengthened my determination, and I decided that I must pay tribute to my elders in the future.

Gratitude is a virtue, a quality and an attitude towards life. If everyone learns to be grateful and faces life with a grateful heart, the world will become more beautiful and harmonious!

Composition Materials for Primary School Students (4)

When writing according to the written materials, three points should be paid attention to: first, carefully examine the topic and clarify the requirements. 2、 Stick to the theme and decide whether to accept or reject. 3、 Activate your thinking and give play to your imagination.

(1) Abbreviation notes: ① The central idea and genre of the original text cannot be changed, even the person cannot be changed. ② The narrative order and main content of the original text cannot be changed, and the main body should be retained. ③ The summary of complex content should be comprehensive, and the language should be concise and to the point. ④ The revised essay should be naturally connected and coherent from beginning to end. ⑤ Reasonably arrange the approximate proportion of each part.

(2) Attention to expansion: ① The central idea, genre, person, narrative method and order of the original text cannot be changed. ② The main characters and events in the original text cannot be changed. ③ The expanded content can only be developed reasonably according to the original plot, and cannot be added arbitrarily.

(3) Rewriting attention: it is to change the style and person, structure and language of the original text, and write articles that are different from the original form. First, change the genre. Rewrite the original text from one genre to another. The second is to change the person. It is common to change the first person to the third person, or change the third person to the first person without changing the content.

(4) Note for continuation: ① When continuing to write, you must carefully read the original text to find out the time, place, people and causes, process and results of the events in the original text. ② Think boldly according to the requirements of the topic. ③ The style of the original text cannot be changed. Secondary characters can be added in the continuation, but the main characters cannot be changed. ④ The language characteristics and style of the continuation part should be consistent with the original text as far as possible.

(5) Composition based on pictures: First, composition based on single pictures. Second, look at the composition of multiple pictures. The general steps of composition by looking at pictures are: look, speak and write.

This composition knowledge point of the materials for primary school students to upgrade to junior high school is shared here. I hope it can help you!

Composition Materials for Primary School Students (5)

"Can young people only chew on the old? Can they only enjoy the things left by the old generation?" Maybe someone will say that the new generation of crows in the cartoon is really like this, but can anyone deny the efforts of the new generation of crows? Can we deny what our new generation has innovated? Maybe the bad name of "opportunism" will hang high on the head of a new generation, but how can teenagers indulge in it? We want to innovate, not just inherit it, nor copy it all.

Indeed, in today's fast pace of life, it is easy for a new generation to be overwhelmed and forget our original intention. However, life will never adapt to you anyway. We really have to follow the old generation's saying, "Have you played the game according to the routine?" What we want is innovation! Absolutely not living a mechanical life day after day. When others criticize us, we should show our achievements. I firmly believe that people who do not innovate will always lose themselves in the age of ten thousand horses standing silent, and become puppets who allow the society to copy.

Take traditional culture as an example. In our daily life, we often hear slogans like "to innovate traditional culture". This makes me think deeply, don't we need to innovate? We also have a variety of problems left behind, just like the traditional culture also has a variety of loopholes left behind. Under the baptism of the years, we will also have some flaws like the culture, and these flaws are the goal and direction of our innovation. Since culture needs to change and innovate, people need to change and innovate even more. Learn to innovate, and then you can build your own foundation in such an age of unpredictable people. A towering tree may not be so publicized and gorgeous. But I believe that it must be the one with the strongest foundation.

How can we achieve innovation? We need to sink our arrogant and changeable mind and seriously think about the essence of things. Is it appropriate for us to do so? Think carefully about what we have now, and how can we make good use of these things? Secondly, we should refine the concept of innovation in a wide range and set ourselves stage by stage goals. The headless performance will never bring any shock to our hearts. Finally, we must stick to our original intention in the process of re innovation, and don't take it as a lip service. What we need is to innovate, which is undoubtedly a process to adhere to? What innovation can we talk about if we can't even stick to our original intention?

The road to innovation still needs some time for the new generation to explore. Please don't let the new generation go against the original intention for the sake of immediate interests, and also ask the old generation not to say that the new generation doesn't play cards according to the routine, and no one wants to be labeled as a loser. We just need to wait for the flower of innovation to bloom. And this is also the precipitation of time.

Composition Materials for Primary School Students (6)

Some of us are usually afraid of writing compositions, and writing diaries is always a matter of cursory words. Yes, "It's hard for a skillful woman to make bricks without straw". The reason for this phenomenon is that she doesn't pay attention to observing life at ordinary times, can't feel the subtle touching things in life, has a narrow extracurricular reading range, and doesn't pay attention to the accumulation of materials. To solve this problem, it is necessary to "open source live water" and accumulate materials.

1、 Accumulate in observation

Ye Shengtao said: "The source of writing materials is common in the whole life." Observation is closely related to writing. It can obtain first-hand materials from the following aspects.

1. Start from "small"

When it comes to observation, some people only think of the wonderful scenes and moving examples, which seem to be the only ones worth observing. In fact, it is not true. Every plant, flower and leaf in nature, the fields after heavy snow, and the green mountains in drizzle; How the fish in the pool swim and how the birds in the forest sing, from static to dynamic, from individual to group, are all objects of observation. The living habits, character and temper, work and study of parents and brothers; The teachers and students' faces, expressions, hobbies and interests; The clothing of relatives and friends is the content of observation. We should be a conscientious person in life. We should not "turn a blind eye to it and turn a deaf ear to it". In a word, we should start from "small", so that we will feel that there is endless observation in our life, and we will gradually develop the habit of observation and improve our observation ability.

2. Comprehensive and meticulous

Comprehensiveness is to observe the whole picture of things, the whole process of their development, their components, and the relationship between things from beginning to end, from one place to another. For example, people can be observed from the aspects of appearance, action and language. For example, in the article "The Palace Museum", the author made a comprehensive observation of the Palace Museum, grasped the overall characteristics of the Palace Museum, and gave people a clear and complete impression of the overall layout, architectural structure, palace houses, etc. of the Palace Museum.

3. Good at thinking

Mr. Mao Dun said, "The source of imagination is observation... The broader the observation scope, the richer the imagination." Observation cannot be separated from thinking. When you see a charming scene, what kind of words and metaphors do you choose to describe it? This requires thinking. When you see an event and are moved to tears, describe it and the situation, which requires thinking. If you don't think, you can't write it down.

4. Be methodical

We should not only be diligent in observation, but also be good at observation. Many texts are models for learning and observation. Through the analysis of the article, we can purposefully and systematically accumulate observation methods and improve observation ability.

2、 Accumulate in reading

Selected texts and beautiful words are shining "shells" in the composition; Vivid and interesting reading can stimulate the desire for learning and stimulate the passion for imagination, imitation and creation.

1. Analytical method

Some words and sentences seem ordinary, but they have very rich connotations. It is difficult to understand the mystery by reading and thinking. At this time, it is necessary to use the method of comparison to experience the subtlety of words and sentences in the way of restoring life to reality.

2. Imagination

Imagination can be carried out for the sentence or full text with beautiful artistic conception to experience the beauty of artistic conception in the text. The specific methods include comparing images with texts, connecting with actual imagination, expanding and extending imagination, etc.

3. Reading aloud

Some articles may not be able to fully appreciate the artistic beauty of their language when they are read with eyes, but can be more detailed when they are read, such as the beauty of rhythm and rhyme, and even the beauty of artistic conception and thought can be deepened when reading aloud.

In fact, where is the "material"? "Material" is in our life. As long as we feel, experience and express with our heart, we will be able to write good articles.