Chongming (20 preferred)
Half a cigarette
2023-11-04 03:19:11

Chongming (1)

I prefer to spend the Spring Festival in Chongming's hometown than in Shanghai. I can feel the unusual excitement and joy here, full of the flavor of the Spring Festival. Grandparents and parents are busy pasting Spring Festival couplets, hanging lanterns, and shopping for New Year goods to entertain relatives and friends.

On the morning of New Year's Eve, my grandma and I worked together. Grandma told me the steps and details of "steaming Chongming Cake". I watched and listened with interest. Under the guidance of my grandmother, I learned steamed cakes for the first time.

First, prepare a large stainless steel basin, pour in the milled glutinous rice flour and a certain proportion of rice flour, gradually add an appropriate amount of hot water, and I will stir it evenly according to my grandmother's posture and appearance. This link is very important, which directly affects the taste of the cake, ha ha! I feel very excited and happy! Then, pour in the chopped walnut meat, red jujube, kumquat and sugar, and stir again. Finally, spread the mixed ingredients in the steamer covered with gauze, put towels around the steamer frame, and put it on the hot stove to steam carefully layer by layer.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, the sound of firecrackers was deafening. My family and relatives gathered around a large table of delicious food prepared by my grandparents. It was the happiest and unforgettable moment for me to taste the delicious Chongming Cake!

Chongming (2)

"Yeah! Go to Chongming!" I cheered. While loading the New Year's goods to the car, my parents urged me to get my school supplies quickly. The grandmother beside him laughed and said, "Look how happy the child is! But your mother didn't want to go back to Chongming ten years ago!"

"What! What! Chongming has fresh air and fresh vegetables. Why don't you go there?" I wondered, "Mom, why? You know, Chongming is so good. It's good to eat strawberries in spring, sweet reeds in summer, persimmons in autumn, and kumquats in winter!"

"Little greedy ghost, you know how to eat!" Mother smiled after loading the last batch of New Year's goods. "However, more than a decade ago, the transportation in Chongming was quite inconvenient: there were few ferries from Shanghai to Chongming. When we arrived in Chongming, because our hometown was remote, the buses had to run every hour. Moreover, the bus stop was far away from our hometown, and we had to walk for two hours." "Oh! So it is! " I put my schoolbag away and got into the car. My mother sat down beside me and continued: "These two hours' road is full of mud and potholes. When it rains, I can't walk. My shoes are wet and all mud."

Soon, the bus got on the ferry and landed an hour later. A fresh air rushed in my face, showing me clean and tidy cement roads in all directions. This is a world away from what my mother said just now! Grandma saw my doubts, stroked my head and said kindly, "Now the living conditions are good, and the government has invested to build all the rural roads and village roads in Chongming into cement roads. We don't have to worry about the road anymore."

At this time, my father interrupted: "By 2010, we will start from the No.5 Ditch in Pudong, Shanghai, cross a huge tunnel, drive through a long-span cable-stayed bridge, and arrive at Chenjia Town in Chongming in less than 30 minutes. This is the Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel and Bridge Project invested by the government for 10 billion yuan. At that time, when we want to go to Chongming, we can go." "Great! Great!" I clapped my hands and shouted.

Chongming has changed, become more modern, become more beautiful, and become a place that everyone yearns for. I love Chongming, I love Shanghai.

Chongming (3)

Today is March 26. The weather is very good. My parents took me to Chongming to have a wedding reception in the early morning. We drove for a long time, through a long tunnel and a long bridge. I met a beautiful bride, ate a lot of delicious food, and met a new child. We had a good time.

Chongming (4)

On Saturday, I went to Chongming with my parents, sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles.

We arrived at the Pearl Lake Park first. As soon as you enter the gate of the park, you can see the sparkling Pearl Lake. When the breeze blows, the surface of the lake waves after waves.

There are many plants in Mingzhu Lake Park. There are peach blossom, magnolia flower, bauhinia flower... The flowers are full of smiling faces, competing for beauty. Red is like fire, yellow is like gold, purple is like rosy clouds, and the colors are beautiful. The flowers sent bursts of rich fragrance into my heart. The long green braid of the willow twigs reminds me of the poem "Jasper makes up a tree high, and ten thousand green ribbons hang down".

We went on and came to the bike rental office, where there were many kinds of vehicles. There are single car, double car, four person classic car... We rented a four person classic car with two rows. I sat in the middle of the first row, and it was very cool when the wind blew in.

Out of the park, we went to the Xisha Wetland. The entrance of Xisha Wetland is semi-circular, with steps on both sides. We walked along the steps and came to a wooden plank road made of cement. The two sides of the plank road were wetlands. There were many trees in the wetland, which were metasequoia glyptostroboides. They are planted in water, row by row, row by row. The water has reached the waist of the tree. I've never seen such a scene before. It's amazing! There are several pieces of wood floating on the wetland. At a glance, I thought they were crocodiles, which really scared me.

Chongming is really a picturesque place!

Chongming (5)

"Yeah! Go to Chongming!" I cheered. While loading the New Year's goods to the car, my parents urged me to get my school supplies quickly. The grandmother beside him laughed and said, "Look how happy the child is! But your mother didn't want to go back to Chongming ten years ago!"

"What! What! Chongming has fresh air and fresh vegetables, so why don't you go?" I wondered, "Mom, why? You know, Chongming is so good, eating strawberries in spring, chewing sweet reeds in summer, picking persimmons in autumn, and eating kumquats in winter!"

"Little greedy ghost, you know how to eat!" Mother smiled after loading the last batch of New Year's goods. "However, more than a decade ago, the transportation in Chongming was quite inconvenient: there were few ferries from Shanghai to Chongming. When we arrived in Chongming, because our hometown was remote, the buses had to run every hour. Moreover, the bus stop was far away from our hometown, and we had to walk for two hours." "Oh! So it is! " I put my schoolbag away and got into the car. My mother sat down beside me and continued: "These two hours' road is full of mud and potholes. When it rains, I can't walk. My shoes are wet and all mud."

Soon, the bus got on the ferry and landed an hour later. A fresh air rushed in my face, showing me clean and tidy cement roads in all directions. This is a world away from what my mother said just now! Grandma saw my doubts, stroked my head and said kindly, "Now the living conditions are good, and the government has invested to build all the rural roads and village roads in Chongming into cement roads. We don't have to worry about the road anymore."

At this time, my father interrupted, "Yes, it takes less than 30 minutes to start from No.5 Ditch in Pudong, Shanghai, cross a huge tunnel, drive through a long-span cable-stayed bridge, and arrive at Chenjia Town, Chongming. This is the Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel and Bridge Project with a government investment of 10 billion yuan. At that time, when we want to go to Chongming, we can go." "Great! Great!" I clapped my hands and shouted.

Chongming has changed, become more modern, become more beautiful, and become a place that everyone yearns for. I love Chongming, I love Shanghai.

Chongming (6)

Shanghai is a beautiful city. In its northeast corner, there is Chongming Island, the third largest island in China. Today, my parents and I are going to visit Chongming Island again, which is also my third time to visit the island. Different from the previous two times, this time we took the Shanghai Yangtze River Bridge, which made me very excited.

After passing through the urban area, we entered the tunnel, which was to Changxing Island and the island we were going to pass. After passing Changxing Island, I saw a huge dragon lying across the Yangtze River. That was the "Shanghai Yangtze River Bridge". Although it was not the longest bridge, it was the longest bridge in Shanghai. I was very happy. I used to go to Chongming by boat, but now I can drive to Chongming Island, which is much more convenient.

It took us an hour and a half to arrive at Miaozhong Village in Chongming and the home of our father and friends. First, he took us to see the green vegetables he grew at home. Looking at so many vegetables in the field, I am very angry! Why can't I name so many vegetables? With my mother's reminding, I found that I knew all the vegetables, but I had never seen them grow in the field. It seems that I have gained a lot of knowledge this time. Now I'm excited. I picked a lot of green vegetables with my mother and prepared for lunch. When it comes to lunch, the dishes are really attractive! Looking at this table, I produced the green vegetables of labor force and fish and shrimp with local characteristics, and I ate a big stomach in three or two times. After lunch, I was curious to see my uncle take a watermelon out of the well and cut it for us to eat. When I bite it, it feels great. The temperature is just right. It's not as cold as the refrigerator. It won't numb my teeth. I realized that the well is like a natural refrigerator. No wonder the local people will put watermelons into the well water to cool in hot days. This is a good way! That's something we can't experience in cities.

After that, we also went to Chongming County, where my parents bought my favorite Chongming Cake. I was very happy! On the way home, I couldn't help thinking how wonderful it would be if my family had such vegetable fields and could eat fresh vegetables every day! In order to continue to breathe the fresh air and taste fresh vegetables, I want to go to Chongming Island again.

Chongming (7)

The National Day holiday is coming again. Today, Shanghai is sunny. My father and mother are going to take us to Chongming for a visit. Because grandpa and grandma are old and inconvenient, we don't go to the crowded scenic spots, but mainly drive to Chongming for sightseeing. You can also visit the new Yangtze River Tunnel and Bridge along the way.

At nine o'clock in the morning, we set out from home on time. Because it was the first time we went to Chongming, we were not familiar with the way. My mother was driving, and my father took the driving map as a guide. About half an hour later, we came to the Pudong entrance of the Yangtze River Tunnel Bridge. There was a long queue of cars at the entrance, and we could only move forward slowly with the queue. After another 20 minutes, we finally entered the Yangtze River Tunnel. The tunnel was wide and high, and we could not see the end at a glance. The cars were flying in the tunnel, and everyone could not help admiring: This tunnel is really beautiful!

After leaving the tunnel, we came to Changxing Island. There was a rest service area on the roadside. We wanted to get a map of Chongming Island there. Unfortunately, we had finished, so we had to move on. In a few minutes, we arrived at the entrance of the Yangtze River Bridge. The magnificent bridge curved like a dragon and swam to Chongming Island. On the bridge, many people stopped by the bridge to take photos. Outside the window is the endless river, the water and the sky are the same color, and there is a row of tall wind turbines standing like soldiers on the bank. Although the wind is small, it does not rotate, but I still feel its majesty.

Finally, we got on Chongming Island. First, we drove on an expressway, with rows of neat roadside trees planted beside the road. In the distance, there were many farmers' houses. In order to feel the beauty of the countryside, my mother turned to a rural road. It didn't take us long to see rice fields on the roadside. My father and I were very excited. We immediately asked my mother to stop and we would go down to get close to the rice. After getting out of the car, I ran to the rice field and stroked the green rice stems and leaves. Looking at the golden rice ears and the "small villas" built by farmers not far away, it was really a happy scene for farmers to enjoy a harvest and peace. Dad seized the opportunity to leave me beautiful photos of me and rice ears.

At noon, we came to a place called Baozhen. On a small street, we found a small restaurant that specializes in Chongming farm food. We ordered mutton pot, white rice shrimp, and some Chongming farm food. Maybe because I had been in the car all morning, I felt my stomach growling with hunger at this time. Looking at the table of farmhouse dishes, I ate them without thinking about their appearance. I said to my parents while eating: Chongming's farm food is delicious!

After dinner, we started again. Dad drove the wrong way, and we drove to the riverbank by mistake. There were many fishing boats parked beside the riverbank, and many uncles were busy moving cables to the boats. I was very happy. I got out of the car and asked my father to take a picture of me and the fishing boat. It was really a bit crooked. We saw another scene in Chongming. I picked a bunch of pennisetum and a bunch of small wild flowers. My mother was also very happy. She said she thought of her childhood when she saw these.

On the way back, I was very excited because I had always lived in the city, and it was hard to see such beautiful rural scenery; My father told me that the traffic in Chongming is convenient after the opening of tunnels and bridges, and it will change more and more!

Chongming (8)

On the 20th, my parents and I came to Dongping Forest Park. The park is very large and the trees are lush. Entering the door, I saw several parrots. They also said hello to me!. Then we rented two bicycles, one for my father and me, and one for my mother. We rode along the park path to see the scenery, and saw the wildlife park, entertainment area, and barbecue area. Later, we also took a small train to the entertainment area. I was brave enough to play a lot of adventure projects. It was fun.

Later, I want my parents to take me to play!

Chongming (9)

Tuesday, June 26 Rainy days

Today is the day when the school team organized the Chongming summer camp. When we got up early in the morning, it was drizzling in the sky. However, this did not affect our excitement. We still carried bags full of snacks and clothes to the school.

At school, the teacher assigned a team. At 7:40, we boarded the bus on time and set out for Chongming.

After about an hour's drive, we finally arrived at the destination - Chongming Ecological Park, and then moved into Chongming Ecological Base. Our group was assigned to Room 5110. There were ten students in total, including Cao Yien, Jiang Xinyu, Dai Hairuo, Han Yilan in Class 8, Lu Panyue, Pan Yuanyuan, Fu Xuyao, Huang Jing and me in our class.

Then, we lined up and came to the multi-function hall of the ecological base. After a short entrance ceremony, we began to eat lunch.

The rice in the base is much worse than that at home. The rice is hard and tasteless, and the food is too light. But I think teachers, aunts in the base and uncles in the military camp can stick with it. We are the power of the new generation. Why can't we? Thinking of this, I felt that the food seemed to become delicious, and I ate it clean at one go.

In the afternoon, we visited the Ecological History Museum, the Root Sculpture Museum and the Aircraft Model Museum. In the Root Sculpture Museum, the announcer aunt introduced the history of root carving to us in detail and watched many lifelike sculptures, which depicted many beautiful people and animals, leaving us a deep impression.

In the evening, we came to the auditorium again. This time, we will hold a wonderful evening party. Our group performed the sketch "New Toilet". The wonderful action and funny language won unanimous praise.

Back in the dormitory, ten of us went to bed after washing, but the excitement still could not be pacified. I tossed and turned in bed, but I never felt sleepy. It was more than 11 o'clock after a toss and turn. I climbed down from the bunk bed, but unexpectedly found that none of our partners were asleep, so we began to play. We didn't rest until nearly midnight.

What a wonderful day!

Chongming (10)

On March 25, we went to Chongming Dongping National Forest Park to play. As soon as we entered the park gate, we found a large number of wild vegetables, which adults said was Ma Lantou. We dug Malan's head together for a while, and then Irene found some wild onions, so we went to dig wild onions again. Wang Yanchu found a cave. She dug hard with her hands and found a bug in it. Later, my mother saw the little bug and said that there were many of them in my hometown, and the chickens liked them.

Wang Yanchu also helped me find an earthworm. Irene's father made a "hornet's nest" for each of our children with palm tree leaves. We had a great time in the park with wild vegetables and "hornet's nest"! On the way home by car, I fell asleep because I was so tired!

Chongming (11)

My favorite place is my hometown, where I spent my childhood.
My hometown is Chongming. My family lives in a small village, where the air is very fresh. There are several persimmon trees in front of my house. When I go home every autumn, I can always see that the thin branches are bent by bright red persimmons. The persimmon is so sweet that you will feel sweet after eating it.
In Chongming, I can always find things I can't see in the city. For example, needlelike flying insects, free dragonflies, and hoppy grasshoppers... Almost every family in the countryside grows some vegetables. The same is true in our family. Eating our own vegetables is not only reassuring, but also more delicious, because it is cultivated through sweat. So I always eat the dishes clean.
In Chongming, there are many osmanthus trees planted behind the houses of rural families. In the evening, my brother and I played beside the osmanthus trees. A gust of wind blew and osmanthus flowers fell one after another, just like a fragrant osmanthus rain. I had a cold that day, but I clearly smelled the rich aroma of that small osmanthus flower. So I used a paintbrush to record all this, which is the taste of home!
In Chongming, I can be closer to nature, and I will also meet some domestic cats and dogs. I often met Grandma Wang's dog when I was walking with Grandma. He is a pug. I can see it from the first sight. Although he may not be very old, his small face has already taken on the look of an old man. He looks simple and cute, and likes to walk with us.
In the city, you can also buy persimmons, fresh vegetables and fruits, and a lot of osmanthus trees. But I think the persimmons are far less sweet than those in my hometown, the vegetables are far less fragrant than those in my hometown, and the osmanthus is far less fragrant than those in my hometown. Because the things there bear my deep love for my hometown.

Chongming (12)

Chongming, South Gate Wharf!

A big sign waved in the dense crowd. It said "Young Hero, Chongming welcomes you!" Zhenhong, who was carrying the sign, pushed forward in the crowd, trying to get to the front, but she was always pushed out by crowds when she was too short and too fat! "Please let me go, please, let me go!" She cried with anxiety, knowing that the ship was coming. Generally speaking, there were so many people on the ship, and they came down in a swarm. (In order to get on the bus, if she slowed down, there would be no seats left. This was her experience every time she went to the city.) It was not so easy to find people at that time.

The ship finally came, and five handsome figures appeared from the ladder and flew down.

"Coming! Coming, I'm here, I'm here!" Zhenhong was calling, when she was suddenly lifted out of the crowd with one hand. In a few seconds, she was in the open place of Nanmen Square. "Huh? Huh?" She just felt dizzy!

"Hello!" The gentle Zilong!

"Hi!" Slightly naughty glacier!

"Please take care of me!" Lovely instant!

"Nice to meet you!" handsome Yihui.

"Ha ha ha!" Needless to say, it's Xingya!

Ah... handsome guy... Zhenhong is going to faint, no, now is not the time to faint! "Right!" Zhenhong looked back at the audience (? The audience , so I was asked to take them to play for a day! It's about 8 o'clock in the evening. I'll settle down first and travel from tomorrow!

Generally, it costs 3 yuan to take a tricycle from the dock to Zhenhong's home, but they are all saints and arrive in a few seconds. Zhenhong thought about saving this money, but unexpectedly, they were so lucky to experience the life of ordinary people. They just wanted to sit down, so they spent 9 yuan! In private, it feels like a landlady's wife to sit three rounds. Zhenhong doesn't like to sit very much. Only when she walks a long way... hehehehehehe

It was very quiet all the way, because Chongming is not like Shanghai. Once 7 o'clock, there will be few people here! Zhenhong's home is opposite to Chongming Key Middle School. (She also graduated from this school!) When she saw the school, five people were excited because none of them had formally attended school. "Is there really a handsome teacher who has a brilliant love under a tree full of cherry blossoms?" Instantly asked curiously. "Is there a basketball team? Like the one in TV's" Top Blue Slayer "?" Ice River is also excited!

"......" Zhenhong silently curled her mouth. I don't know whether it's true or not. Anyway, I haven't experienced such a good day!

Run up the stairs and open the door where the 80s New Year pictures were posted (that is, two dolls holding gold ingots). "Here we are!" Zhenhong said solemnly.

"Ah? Here? This big nest?" This merciless words must be said by Xingya!

"Xingya!" Zilong tugged at his clothes, but he could not help thinking that this was small!

"Just act like a good person!" The glacier strode into the door and carelessly stepped on the small plastic red dustpan leaning against the door.

"You should be careful!" complained suddenly.

"All right, all right, stop fussing and drink juice!" Zhenhong stretched out her stool, "one cup for each person, no more!" This was prepared only after the New Year. Generally speaking, Zhenhong never bought that luxury! (Don't buy luxury goods? A pack of seaweed worth more than 10 yuan is worth several packs. What about that?)

When we had enough to eat and drink, we began to move freely. "Hongzi's bedroom is really a sparrow with five dirty and six lungs!" Everyone could not help admiring when they entered Zhenhong's room. Indeed, there is a big bed, a writing desk, a computer desk (of course, there are computers, printers and telephones on it), a large cabinet (on which is a simple Buddhist platform), a number of chairs (including a three person sofa, with CDs and VCDs on the seat), a glass cabinet (with audio on the top and tapes and other sundries on the bottom) in less than 10 square meters , a small wooden station (the top is the big TV 29 #, equipped with a satellite TV receiver, and there is a DVD player in the space below the station), hey hey hey... How awesome! I don't know how to move in at the beginning, but it was all bought with the money that Zhenhong has saved over the years! (Looking back on the days when the belt was tightened... It's really hard to look back on the past...)

In addition, Zhenhong was particularly moved by the fact that these five good children ("good children") consciously and respectfully paid homage to the Buddha statue hanging on the wall as soon as they entered the door. It is worth mentioning that Zhenhong painted the huge Buddha statue on the wall! (It's really solemn and kind.).

"Well... where do we sleep..." Xingya shouted.

"Under Xingya's bed!" said the glacier, relaxing the cloth on the edge of the bed, and then everyone was surprised - the bed was also full of books (mostly comic books). Hehe... Zhenhong sneers.

Finally, it is arranged as follows: Xingya chat online; Instantly watching TV is a late night idol theater; Glacier listening to CD; Zilong sits on the sofa and sits down; Yihui, on the other hand, makes a phone call - Zhenhong aims at where he is calling from time to time, and never make an international call! " "I use my own IP card!" Yihui took a clear look at Zhenhong and said.

Zhenhong vomited her tongue and went to bed safely! She must nourish herself for tomorrow.


Early the next morning, everyone took a bus to Dongtan, the easternmost part of the island, to watch the sunrise of the New Year.

"Chongming Island is the largest alluvial island in the world!" Zhenhong explained to them, "It is said that in the mythical era, there were three fairy mountains: Yingzhou, Penglai, and the Abbot. Later, in the Xianshan War, Yingzhou was bombed, just like the mysterious Atlantis sank overnight. But the fairy who presided over Yingzhou made a vow that, thousands of years later, any piece of land and a piece of sand in Yingzhou would gather under her strong will of love, so it formed Now Chongming Island! "

Everyone was silent.

"It's a beautiful myth, isn't it?" Zhenhong was proud. "There are also songs... Seafarers talk about Yingzhou, and it's hard to find them..."

"Really?" Instantly opened his eyes.

"Deceptive!" Yihui stroked his head. "You believe it."

"I was found out. That's what I just thought in the car!" Zhenhong blurted out, "but the land we are standing on is rising again in recent years! Everyone has reclaimed more than 600000 mu!"

"That's a good feeling!" exclaimed Xingya. "If it keeps rising, it will be connected to Japan!"

"So we can go directly to your place! Great!" Zhenhong laughed, "I hope this day will come soon!" Glacier and Zilong who didn't speak smiled.

At this time, everyone stood at the seaside nearest to the East and watched the sun shining red, as if the vast and infinite universe shone on all things. Everyone held their breath and was moved by the brilliant moment.

I think, the purple dragon suddenly said, no matter what you meet, in this moment, the heart will become extremely broad!


"Zilong!" Glacier gave him a chestnut. "You are so sour!" Zilong dodged cleverly, and everyone broke away again!

Suddenly, he cried out in surprise, "Look!"

Look for reputation - red crowned crane! There are also swans and countless beautiful birds that are unknown!

Wow... everyone is as excited as discovering a new continent! Look, look, chase

"Yes!" Zhenhong began to explain again. "It is also the most famous bird nature reserve in China! Among more than 200 first-class protected birds, there are more than 100!"

"How wonderful..." He looked at the birds. "I've only seen these on TV and magazines! I can't believe it." He rubbed his eyes.

"Yes!" The glacier stroked a big white swan.

"Ice river! How like you!" Xingya chased a group of red birds and cried.

"Really!" True red nodded.

"This is like you!" Glacier refused to be outdone and pointed to the grey brown brown bird in the reeds. "Really!" exclaimed True Red, "How fat and short you look like a star arrow!"

"No!" Ice River and Xingya shouted at Zhenhong, "It's like you!"

"There is!" cried Zhenhong wrongly. "But it's as cute as it is!" Zilong hurriedly added.

"Zilong!" Everyone was dissatisfied. "You are always good!"

"It's better to have Zilong!" Zhenhong was very happy. "Where is it cute? Where is it? Compared with Chunli..." She kept on asking Zilong.

The purple dragon is speechless.


After the trip to Dongtan, we were a little disappointed and sad to see that many flower and bird shops selling beautiful birds - colorful and beautiful birds were locked in cages for sale, and it was inevitable that there were several places selling game.

How pathetic! Can't help wiping tears.

"Let's buy it and let it go!" said Xingya.

Zhenhong sighed - in fact, what made her sad was not only the birds who lost their freedom, but their inability to save them - beautiful and delicate birds lost their ability to fly, and once they were out of the cage, they could not survive, even if they were free, they could not save them!

Compared with ancient times, it is easy to release animals. But now, there are fewer rivers and forests. Even if you buy them, you don't know where to put them. There is no safe place at all.

So pathetic! Instantaneous grief deepened.

"In fact!" Yihui patted in an instant, "Compared with us, the worst fate is better than animals, so everything can be relieved! But people do not know how to cherish their own lives, but also to harm and persecute, while complaining about how unfortunate they are! This is the biggest crisis for human beings and the whole world!"

namely! Everyone has a deep feeling! "But!" Xingya jumped up, "we still have to fight for this world! Because we want to bring hope to this world!"

His loud voice attracted many strange eyes.

"We don't know him!" Zhenhong and her friends kept away from him.

amitabha! True red silently read, hoping that such helpless and sad things would happen as little as possible.


Then we went to the Forest Park.

"That's a national green park" explained True Red, of course, there are all kinds of green plants everywhere! "Anyway, this benefit is cheap, fresh and back to nature!"

Everyone lies on their backs on the grass, and the sun shines down warmly. It's very comfortable.

What are you thinking at this time? Zhenhong suddenly said.

The answer is silence.

Then, I don't know who muttered: "Russell!"

Then everyone was immersed in the sun again.

——At this time, it is most suitable to think about the past and the future - no matter what has happened, it is great for everyone to get together and bathe in the warm sunshine^_^


Then I returned home and took a tricycle for about half an hour. Jin'ao Mountain and Shou'an Temple were in front of me.

The sharp ancient cornices look beautiful in the lush forest. In this quiet space, the breeze brings the cheerful chirp of birds, the golden bell hanging on the tower, the distant bell

"It really looks like an idyllic garden." Yihui sincerely praises that he seems to have been on the run all his life, from the orphanage to the Queen of Death Island, and then to this colorful world.

"Yes, yes, to be honest, the 700 year old temples and tourist resorts in Chongming don't charge tickets, hahaha" Xingya goes to invite incense candles with Zilong, and they can't wait to look inside.

"What's your hurry?" Zhen Hong followed with a small step. "Don't go into the Grand View Garden like Grandma Liu!"

After burning candles and incense, they went to the Jade Buddha Tower first.

Taking off his shoes and walking up the stairs with the red carpet in his face, he saw the majestic and kind Sakyamuni Buddha. It was like that people could not help but feel happy when smelling the fragrance of flowers. In the face of the tall Buddha statues, people worshipped one after another. Some asked for wealth and happiness, some for shame and regret, and some for wisdom. Some ask for peace

Zilong and they also made their own wishes at church. Seeing that they all recited words, Zhenhong asked curiously, "What do you wish for?"

"Will this tell you?" Everyone smiled mysteriously.

Everyone is a good person, and it is always for the benefit of all living beings. True Red no longer asks: "Sincerity is soul, and there is a truth that Buddha's Gate responds to every request! Moreover, the Shou'an Temple is famous for its spirit. Mr. Zhao Puchu wrote the couplet on the gate himself!"

"It's the song 'Amitabha has infinite life, pure land is safe for thousands of years'!" He nodded his head.

"What spirit is it? It's not handed down by people!" Xingya whispered.

"That's well founded!" Zhenhong one seriously explained, "Take this jade Buddha for example. When it came from Miandian from a long distance, a day long dragon appeared in the sky at the moment of sitting down. The situation at that time really amazed everyone present..."

As they were speaking, a group of people worshipped the Heavenly King's Hall and came to the door of the Mahavira Hall.

"Don't tell me there are any legends in the Mahavira Hall!" Xingya muttered again.

"You are right!" Zhenhong Le said

"Oh?" Xingya scratched his head.

"There is also the Three Sacred Halls behind. Many pilgrims from other places are going there to burn incense. They have been in love for decades!"

"Eh? Shou'an Temple has a history of more than 700 years, isn't it? How can we say it only has decades of feelings?" Instantly wondered.

"Benzene!" Glacier gave him a chestnut. "Of course, it has been rebuilt several times through ups and downs!"

"The only thing that will not change is that there are hundreds of years old trees in front of the treasure hall!" Zilong stroked the old gingko tree pole with deep feeling, "just like my master, who has been through the weather and is respected."

Speaking of this, people looked at each other, and whether from the perspective of old age or the feeling of being motionless, they could not help chuckling: "Indeed!"

"What are you thinking?" The purple dragon is black faced. "Shifu peeled the old skin and was still young and beautiful!

"It's really true!" This time it's Zhenhong's turn to sigh, "Well, don't interrupt. Speaking of Shifu, come and meet my Shifu!"

"Wow... no, you also have a master? But if it's true, you can't cheat us!" Look at the ice and their surprise!

Generally speaking, monks in the monastery are called Shifu, but Zhenhong talks about the kind of Shifu who is really converted. There are three different kinds of Shifu, but they are all elders worthy of respect. The saints and all the people benefited from the short teachings of the masters. "All evils should not be done, all good practices should be followed, and self purification should be done by all Buddhists." That seems to be simple and easy to understand, but the profound truth is still lingering in the hearts of all the people. Buddhism is not religion, not knowledge, but the perfect education of Sakyamuni Buddha to all beings in the Nine Dharma Realms!

At noon, the big guy was greeted by Zhenhong to go down to the restaurant to eat. The cost of the meal was not emphasized. It was a self-help type of big pot anyway. There was a help box beside the wall. After dinner, the money was put there at random. But rest assured, there would never be such a tragic thing as paying the starting price of one yuan at will to spend money in the restaurant, because the pilgrims were all good people, Every one has more than he needs.

We ate home-made dishes such as yellow tooth vegetable oil and tofu, but the warm feeling of everyone's politeness and smile made us particularly appetizing. Xingya ate five bowls at a time, which was really "old stars, old stars, big appetites!"

"It's a bit like Wulaofeng!" As soon as Zilong's words were uttered, another four people attacked him head on. "Oh... you are so sour!" "You have a spring beauty!" "Hum!" "......" Zilong is in a cold sweat!

Farewell to my master. When I came out of Shou'an Temple, people said that there were lots of gold and jade. When I went to the Jade Buddha Tower, why didn't I visit Jin'ao Mountain? The ticket is only one or two yuan. If you want to climb a tower, add another yuan.

There are many ancient trees in the garden. It can be said that the casual twirling is the type of flowering and fruiting for hundreds of years. The tower is very small, and it takes two hands and two feet to climb up. Zhenhong feels embarrassed, but they are all smart.

There are several floors in the tower, but I can't tell you the details, because Zhenhong focuses all her attention on the ladder she stands on. However, it is worth mentioning that there are Buddhas and Bodhisattvas around each floor, so please look carefully! On the top floor, through the old glass, you can see the scenery for several miles!

From Jin'ao Mountain, it was more than 3:00 pm. There was no reason not to buy souvenirs when you came from a long distance. There was still a lot of time before the boat arrived at 5:00 pm. Zhenhong took them to various small shops.

An hour later, everyone was packed. "Tell the audience what you bought!". (Here we go again! Who is the audience?)

"I bought golden melons!" Xing Yale said, "A dozen of them, just a few yuan, are really cheap. The gifts look big and many, and this melon is the only one in Chongming that can be a real specialty!"

"Yes, we also bought a lot!" Glacier said happily, "Take it back. Jiamiao Shifu and they must love it. Who doesn't know it's his greed!" (Jiamiao, who is far away in Siberia, sniffles.)

"But this is hard and big. How can I eat it?" Yihui "Pa!" He broke it with a sound, and smelled it. "It's not fragrant either!"

"Zhenhong, will you cook it for us?" Instantly looked at his watch, "OK... OK... There's still time!"

"Ah? Me?" Really red... "OK! My craftsmanship is also very powerful!"

The practice of golden gourd is actually very simple. It is delicious when mixed raw and cooked. True red chooses cooked, as long as it is cut and boiled in water, then the pulp is taken out by hand or spoon, and then the ingredients are put on it.

"Wow, it has turned into a little bit, so cute!" He helped in an instant.

"Really!" The purple dragon also came up and quickly took some more from the pot. "I'm coming too!"

"It's no fun just looking strange!" They were also excited by the glacier. "Do it together, do it together!"

With all hands and legs, I knocked over one thing at a time and made a mistake at a time. With the laughter of everyone, the finished product finally came out! However, it was time to start the boat, so everyone grabbed a few and left in a hurry to eat on the boat... Finally, they didn't even have time to say goodbye.

Looking at the faraway ship, Zhenhong ate a mouthful of golden melon silk. It was really delicious. I don't know whether it was delicious or really delicious. Zilong, Ice River, Instant, Yihui, Xingya, you should also eat it. I believe you must also like it. You must come again next time. My heart is very hot!

Crisp and fragrant golden melon silk, fresh and delicious, salty and sweet, full of refreshing. The five people on the ship ate it in their mouths, happy in their hearts, and had endless aftertaste. A thick and simple natural breath floated in the air. They all discussed the hurry of going this time, and would look for another chance to come next time.

"Yes, let the Pope organize everyone to come together next time!" Xingya suggested, "we also let Zhenhong be our tour guide!"

"Yes, I'll contact you!" Yihui called, "... Yes, 88 people, not including the Sea World Fairy Palace and the Underworld, are being notified... Hello... Are you listening..."

Zhenhong on the other side of the phone has fainted!


1. If someone sees the name of Xingya on OICQ, it may really be him!

2. May I tell you that after reading this article, you will have a trip to Chongming, which will save you money!

3. In the busy days of that day, Zhenhong and five people recorded the MTV "Brave Heart" with simple equipment at home. The lyrics were written by everyone, and they sang their hearts out!

4 I wish you a happy New Year and everything you want to achieve^_^

Chongming (13)

According to the plan, we went to the Forest Park the next day in Chongming. Because we stayed in the hotel next to the forest park, we had a good breakfast and went to the forest park very early. I wanted to take the scooter in, but the staff at the door said that there were many people on holiday and the scooter was unsafe, so I asked my mother to put it back in the car.

When we got into the park, we decided to rent a bike because it was too big. My mother wanted to rent a bike with a baby chair in the back, but I really wanted to ride a tandem bike. After a try, I was just able to get there. Great! I can ride a tandem bike with my father!

The air in the morning was particularly good. The three of us rode these two bikes on the path in the forest, talking and laughing, and we were so happy!

Later, when we were tired of riding, we found a piece of grass and set up a tent. There was also an adventure park nearby. I rushed in and tried everything. I walked on the balance beam, climbed the suspension ladder, some were very simple, some were a little difficult, especially the rope. I fell down, but I finally passed.

Chongming Forest Park has beautiful scenery. Unfortunately, I didn't ride a horse because I'm not tall enough to ride. I want to eat well and grow taller quickly. Next time I go to the Forest Park, I can ride a horse and ride a bike by myself.

Chongming (14)

Looking forward, looking forward, we took the autumn wind and walked briskly to Dongping Forest Park, the largest man-made forest park in East China, and felt the charm of Chongming Island, the largest island in East China.

When entering the park, the first thing I saw were tall and straight trees, perhaps oak camphor trees, perhaps sycamore trees, or

We walked on the "grassland road" and watched the people on the grassland ski with curious eyes. A man, armed with tools, "flew" down the high slope. The grass was also driven by the wind behind him to dance happily. " "How exciting!" "Yes! Yes!" The students shouted.

Active all the way, we hopped to the next destination - the road of the brave. After putting down our schoolbags, we rushed to the game place like branches: climbing the ropes, climbing the ropes, swinging on the swings... I'm so happy! What about me? Always like climbing up and down, never stop! With one foot on the single wooden bridge and two hands open, it looks like a wild goose trying to spread its wings, but it can only walk unsteadily. One accidentally fell off the log bridge and almost fell into the mud. Undeterred, I walked on the single log bridge again, with open arms, and walked carefully across the bridge.

After lunch, we returned to "Grassland Road".

There is a forest. There are several paths in the forest, which lead to another forest. At first, we were frightened by a small and exquisite wild cat less than 5 meters into the forest. Later, we braved to enter the forest again and walked a long gravel road. The three "pioneers" in front of us rushed to the opposite bank, shouting for no reason, which was beyond our comprehension. When the other two team members came to the place, they suddenly shouted and walked calmly. The rest of my classmates and I were scared out of the forest by them. When we met, two "calm sisters" told us that what scared the "pioneers" were white signs and a vest bag hanging on a tree with a "snap" sound.

We also played a lot, such as bumper cars, air bikes... On the return bus, we were still full of spirit, and felt more than enough

Chongming (15)

According to the plan, we went to the Forest Park the next day in Chongming. Because we stayed in the hotel next to the forest park, we had a good breakfast and went to the forest park very early. I wanted to take a scooter in, but the staff at the door said that there were many people on holiday and the scooter was unsafe, so I asked my mother to put it back in the car.

When we got into the park, we decided to rent a bike because the park was too big. My mother wanted to rent a bike with a baby chair in the back, but I really wanted to ride a tandem bike. After a try, I was just able to get there. Great! I can ride a tandem bike with my father!

The air in the morning was particularly good. The three of us rode these two bikes on the path in the forest, talking and laughing, and we were so happy!

Later, when we were tired of riding, we found a piece of grass and set up a tent. There was also an adventure park nearby. I rushed in and tried everything. I walked on the balance beam, climbed the suspension ladder, some were very simple, some were a little difficult, especially the rope. I fell down, but I finally passed.

Chongming Forest Park has beautiful scenery. Unfortunately, I didn't ride a horse because I'm not tall enough to ride. I want to eat well and grow taller quickly. Next time I go to the Forest Park, I can ride a horse and ride a bike by myself.

Chongming (16)

According to the plan, we went to the Forest Park the next day in Chongming. Because we lived in the 'hotel' next to the forest park, we had a good breakfast and went to the forest park very early. I wanted to take the scooter in, but the staff at the door said that there were many people on holiday and the scooter was unsafe, so I asked my mother to put it back in the car.

When we got into the park, we decided to rent a bike because the park was too big. My mother wanted to rent a bike with a baby chair in the back, but I really wanted to ride a tandem bike. After a try, I was just able to get there. Great! I can ride a tandem bike with my father!

The air in the morning was particularly good. The three of us rode these two bikes on the path in the forest, talking and laughing, and we were so happy!

Later, when we were tired of riding, we found a piece of grass and set up a tent. There was also an adventure park nearby. I rushed in and tried everything. I walked on the balance beam, climbed the suspension ladder, some were very simple, some were a little difficult, especially the rope. I fell down, but I finally passed.

Chongming Forest Park has beautiful scenery. Unfortunately, I didn't ride a horse because I'm not tall enough to ride. I want to eat well and grow taller quickly. Next time I go to the Forest Park, I can ride a horse and ride a bike by myself.

Chongming (17)

After seeing off the tense mid-term exam, we finally ushered in the long-awaited May Day holiday. May Day is the anniversary of working people all over the world. For me, with such a seven day holiday, I can open my heart and enjoy it happily.

At the invitation of our good friends and their parents, we went to Chongming for a two-day tour. On the way, listening to the introduction of adults, I got a preliminary understanding of Chongming. Chongming is known as "the third largest island in China" on an island far from the city center. With outstanding people, clean water and clean land, it has gradually become an ideal place for urban people to relax.

After a three hour journey, we came to the famous Dongping National Forest Park. Here, we really experienced a return to nature. Looking around, there is green everywhere: green trees, green grass, green lakes, even garbage cans are dressed like green stumps - -- Here trees towering, birds singing and flowers smelling, as if taking us into a primitive forest, let us unconsciously intoxicated. In the Children's Paradise, the wooden bridge, swing and carriage are all made of wood. I had a good time with my good friends.

In the evening, we stayed at the fishermen's home on the island, and the enthusiastic fishermen prepared a table of delicious "seafood feast" for us, including red shrimp, fingernail like sea melon seeds, and clams with open mouths.

Early the next morning, we arrived at Dongtan Migratory Bird Reserve, the easternmost tip of Chongming. The sea and sky are the same here, and the air is fresh. Every year, millions of birds rest here. Walking on the embankment, in the endless marsh, short reeds and beside the pond, you can see all kinds of birds playing and foraging together in small groups from time to time. Looking at the peaceful and beautiful things in front of me, I sincerely sighed: This is a fairyland on earth!

The two-day trip to Chongming made me reluctant to return. My father said that Chongming Island is still under development and construction. In the near future, it will welcome tourists from all directions with a new look. When I broke up, I made an appointment with my good friend to visit Chongming again.

Chongming (18)

In recent days, newspapers have been discussing the building of Chongming into a world-class ecological island. This reminds me of the fun trip to Chongming Island last year.

On October 4 of the National Day holiday, the sun was shining brightly. My parents and I went out early and went to Chongming Island by boat. Why take a boat? I'm afraid of traffic jams.

It took more than an hour to reach Chongming. As soon as we put our luggage away, we went straight to Xisha Wetland Park. This park is located at the southwest end of Chongming Island, which is the only wetland in Shanghai with natural tide phenomenon and lots of mudflats and woodlands. We walked on the park path, and many interesting plants on both sides attracted my attention. I watched the reeds swaying in the wind, as if they were welcoming us. Then we went to the lake by boat. The boat slowly rippled in the lake. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the wetland while listening to the happy songs of birds. Toward evening, the birds fluttered their wings and returned to their nests one after another. On both sides of the bank, I saw rows of Chi Shan, standing in neat lines like soldiers, guarding this peaceful territory. Chi Shan, after hearing the name, we must have guessed that it is a kind of plant growing in the water, and its tree shape is beautiful and straight. Soon, we went ashore, walked across the Rainbow Bridge, and came to the Reed Square for a rest.

At this moment, I proposed to my father to catch the Wedelia. What is the octopus? Everyone must ask this question. Wedelia octopus is a member of the crab family. It looks like a crab, but is much smaller. It likes to live in sand. My father and I found a long bamboo pole, tied a small earthworm on it with iron wire, and gently put it near the hole. The octopus wedelia is really smart. When the wind blows, it immediately escapes into the cave. Hey, there is a big octopus wedelia "looking up" at the blue sky at the mouth of the cave. I saw the right time and carefully put the "food" in front of it. Ha, it's really a "greedy person", and he got hooked at once. It was a pity that the weather was not so good. A light rain began to fall. Soon, it began to rain heavily. I had to stop working temporarily. Soon, the rain stopped and I started again. This time I was much more skilled. I put the pole into a small hole and waited for the hare. Ha ha, another one got hooked. I put the "trophy" into the bucket, and it turned out to be one black and one red. Their funny appearance made us laugh.

As the sun went down, I returned happily with today's "fruits". Walking on the plank road, looking at the lush trees on both sides and breathing the fresh air, I thought that if more and more people knew how to care for the environment, our city would be more and more beautiful.

Chongming (19)

Along the way, the bus drove quickly. The trees outside were lush, the distant crops looked like a green ocean, and the pine trees stood straight as if they were seeing us off. The children are singing and laughing in the car, happy as birds.

The first stop we came to was Forest Park. There were so many people in it! We first played a four person cruise. I, Xu Jingming, her mother, and my mother put on life jackets, got on the boat, and the boat started unsteadily. First, Xu Jingming and I were captains, but the ship didn't obey orders, either didn't move forward, or was about to collide with the ship next to us. It really looked like a disobedient child, which made us jumpy. When the boat reached the middle of the lake, I was surprised to find a group of mandarin ducks playing in the lake. I really wanted to catch one and take it home. Suddenly, I found a piece of lotus, and I thought: "It's not midsummer yet, where did the lotus come from? Could it be a fake?" Half an hour passed quickly, and when the ship docked, we found that our stomachs were growling with hunger. We were going camping to relieve our hunger, but everyone was already full of seats.

In the afternoon, we came to the second stop: Xisha Wetland Scenic Area. The guide told us to assemble at five o'clock on time. Entering the scenic spot, we saw the reeds dancing for us. I also heard tourists say that there are many crabs here. When we were walking leisurely, I found many small holes in the soil. Curious, I pointed to my mother and asked her, "Mom, what are these holes for?" My mother replied kindly, "These holes are crab holes." "Oh, no wonder so many people put bamboo poles into the holes!" Ha ha, it's really interesting!

The night was beginning to fall, and it was five o'clock in the twinkling of an eye. We reluctantly left the Xisha Wetland.

Chongming (20)

Chongming Tourism Composition 1

On weekends, my father and I went to participate in the "Happy Family Tour" activity organized by my mother's unit.

In the morning, the sky was cloudless, and the red sun had just risen. We set out and took the bus to the destination - Chongming Island.

On the way, the bus flew forward and saw one, two, three leafy green trees moving backward. Some of the adults and children who went with the car sang loudly and some talked in a low voice, forming a sea of joy. When the bus stopped, someone shouted: "Chongming Island is here!" I quickly followed my parents to get off and play. Our first stop is Dongping Forest Park. It is said to be the largest forest park in Shanghai. In order to see the beautiful scenery of the park more quickly, some of us rent bicycles, and some of us take sightseeing trains to go around the park. My father and I rode a bicycle with two people running in the wind. The broad lawn, lush shrubs, poplar, cinnamomum camphora, pine, willow trees and many unknown ferns passed in front of me.

The second stop is Pearl Lake. My parents and I rented an old car to watch around the lake. The Pearl Lake is rippling with microwaves, and the water is clear. The lakeside is covered with all kinds of vegetation. What a beautiful natural scenery!

The third stop is Xisha Wetland. We walked on the wooden plank road on foot. The wetlands on both sides were covered with green reeds, green moss, and metasequoia, known as "living fossil", also appeared brightly. It was tall, straight, and beautiful. If you look up at the top of the tree, your hat will fall off! We walked beside the wetland, which was very comfortable and refreshing. How beautiful the scenery of Chongming Island is!

After the visit, we went to "Agritainment" for dinner and enjoyed delicious farm food. We went home happily!

Chongming Tourism Composition 2

On January 19, my father and I went to Chongming with some of his classmates. Of course, my father drove to Chongming, not far away. This time I went to "Genbao Football Base". Yesterday, we got up early in the morning, hurried to get good things, homework, clothes, etc., washed quickly, had breakfast, and hurried to Chongming. On the way, I also picked up a family. I brought my camera and wanted to take some pictures of the scenery on the road. Unfortunately, the weather was not beautiful. It happened that it was foggy that day. When I arrived at the Donghai Bridge, I was almost sleepy and didn't have the heart to take pictures. However, the Donghai Bridge was really long. After a short sleep, I didn't finish, so I kept sleeping

After a while, we arrived at Chongmingla! When we arrived at Genbao Football Base, the air was very fresh. On the left, there were three huge football fields. On the right, we bought a villa from Canada and shipped it to China. Of course, we lived here. When we arrived at the base, it was lunch time. We waited for everyone to arrive and eat together. After dinner, we also visited our residence. There were three villas in total. My father and I lived upstairs, and there were many rooms. If we lived together, it was inevitable that some people were not accustomed to the 400 word composition of the Chongming Tour (4 articles). After placing the things, we went to Chongming Forest Park, which is bigger than Shanghai! After walking for 2 hours, I only walked 1/3 of the whole park! Big! Of course, I went back when I was tired. The first day ends.

The next day, that is, today, I slept late and got up after 8 o'clock. My father said, "I can't eat breakfast at 9 o'clock. Hurry up." I combed my hair, dressed, had good food and went to dinner soon. I've never been in such a hurry. I'm not used to it. After breakfast, we went to the indoor football field to play football, but the light was dark, so it was not good to play football in the dark room. At noon, after lunch, we will be back! You said that although it was only one and a half days, it was still very happy~

Chongming Tourism Composition 3

Located in Shanghai, Chongming Island, the third largest island in China, is a good place with beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. There are many beautiful tourist attractions there. If you don't believe it, you can go with me.

My first stop was Dongping International Forest Park on Chongming Island. Dongping National Forest Park, with an area of 358 hectares, is the largest man-made forest park on the plain in East China. The park is full of lush forests and bamboos, fragrant flowers and fruits, larks singing, winding paths leading to secluded places and rippling blue waves. It is refreshing and unforgettable. This primitive and natural wilderness paradise has many birds to reproduce every year, which has become a great spectacle of the park. A bird watching platform has been built, from which you can see the birds in the sky. Isn't it beautiful?

Having seen the lush forest, let's go to the second stop - Mingzhu Lake. Mingzhu Lake has clear water, elegant environment and beautiful natural scenery. According to the test, the atmospheric environment of Mingzhu Lake is at national level I, the water quality is at national level II, and the soil is clean, pollution-free and pollution-free. The lake is about 3500 meters long from north to south, 500-700 meters wide from east to west, and 7-8 meters deep at the deepest point, which is comparable to the West Lake in Hangzhou!

Smart not only has good scenery, but also many delicious food? For example, steamed swordfish, golden melon with cold sauce, smart steamed cake, and so on. Well, my mouth is full of water. If you have a chance to go to Chongming in the future, you should try these specialties.

Chongming is a beautiful pearl in Shanghai. It has not only beautiful scenery, but also many delicious food. It's really a good place for people not to want to go!