I Miss Her (Collection 5)
constant dripping wears away a stone
2024-02-22 05:05:23
Junior two

I miss her (1)

Every time in late spring and early summer, the campus is always filled with the faint fragrance of lilacs. Every time I smell this bouquet of flowers, I always take a few mouthfuls of them greedily, and her figure reappears in front of me. This fragrance always makes me miss her - she was our "old class" last semester and our Chinese teacher.

When lilacs are in full bloom, our female classmates will go to the campus with her to enjoy flowers. She likes lilacs very much. Sometimes she is willing to stand in front of the clusters of lilacs, close her eyes slightly, and suck the flowers intoxicated. Sometimes she squints and looks carefully in the flowers. She tells us that finding five cloves will lead to happiness. So when she came to school early, her legs would naturally walk to the sea of flowers. She would also go with us during the break. At that time, we seemed to grow among the flowers. She was always looking for one carefully. When she found one, she was very happy. She regarded it as a treasure, and was always eager to wear the luck she had just found on us, She held the flower in her left hand, gently stroked our ponytail with her right hand, poked a gap in our sideburns with her fingers, gently inserted the flower into the hair, and then tilted her head to enjoy herself and said, "Hmm, beautiful!"! Beautiful! At this time, she did not forget her identity. She often recited a poem about the fragrance of flowers to us, or told us a passage about flowers. Her voice was so beautiful, and she spoke so eloquently. Sometimes we find it and show it to her. When she sees it, she will look surprised and carefully put it in her hand. She will look carefully, with a happy smile on her face and a look in her eyes. She will fall into reverie, just like a beautiful picture. At this time, flowers, scenery and people are more beautiful.

Flower will remember. I remember when I was in junior high school, the old class told us that now we are a collective, and everyone has the obligation to protect the honor of the class. Whenever we make mistakes, she always criticizes us seriously and is sure to convince us; Whenever we have doubts, she will patiently answer them one by one; Whenever we were sad, she would sit beside us and comfort us like a friend. I still remember the way she told us how to clean the windowsill with her hands, the way she frowned when she was angry, the way she was happy when she was joking with us, the way she told us that as a black haired and yellow skinned Chinese, we must love our motherland, and

Flowers will be sad. This beautiful life only lasted for a year and a half. When school was about to start, we heard that because the high school building was too old to be demolished and rebuilt, we had to combine classes and divide our class into two other classes. When the old class wanted to take the difficult class of another school year, our hearts were full of loss. On the first day of school, when we arrived at school, we saw the old class coming on the steps. The girls all gathered around them. They could not help crying when they thought of the class they were going to leave and the old class they were going to leave. In order not to make the old class sad, we quietly wiped away our tears as quickly as possible and tried to smile. I saw two big bubbles on the old class's mouth, and I saw the tears in the old class's eyes, I knew that she was also reluctant to part with us, thinking that we would be separated from each other, and that we would never be like before. Tears could not help flowing down. Old Ben hugged us and said, "Come, children, take two pictures." The time frame was fixed at that moment.

Flowers will miss. Now, the old class has taught a new group of students. Although they are in the same building, they don't meet often. When I face her, I don't know how to express how much I miss her. In my memory, the smell of lilacs always reminds me of Class 3, Grade 8, which once belonged to us, and our old class.

I miss her (2)

The winter night in the north is very cold. At the moment, there are snowflakes floating outside, but my heart is warm because I think of her

It was New Year's Day last year. I wanted to buy a big balloon to play up the festive atmosphere, but I went to several stores and said they were all sold out. I walked into another store disheartened. The boss told me that there was only one left. I secretly congratulated myself on my good luck. I picked it up and looked at the pattern carefully. It was exactly the butterfly pattern I wanted. If I came to the classroom with a treasure, before the New Year's Day party started, I played with several girls at the door of the classroom to shoot balloons. While having fun, a naughty boy rushed through the crowd and snapped my balloon out of the corridor. I hurried down from the third floor. Unfortunately, I came down late and the balloon disappeared. Upstairs, the student said that he was punctured by a young student. At that time, I was so sad that I sat on the chair and cried. Just then, someone patted me on the shoulder and handed me a balloon, saying, "Ha ha, they are playing with you. Your balloon is here. Don't cry." When I saw the balloon, I broke my tears into laughter, quickly dried my tears, and went back to the classroom talking and laughing with my classmates. On this day, we had a happy New Year's party together.

After the party, walking on the way home, looking at the beloved balloon, I suddenly felt something was wrong. By the way, I remember my balloon pattern is butterfly, how did it become Mickey Mouse? When I asked the classmate next to me, the classmate told me: "Yang Xiaohong was very kind to you. She saw you sad and gave you her balloon." At that moment, I was moved beyond words.

Outside the window, the snowflakes are still floating and white everywhere, but I am so warm because I miss her this winter night.

I miss her (3)

When I was young, I had a close friend named Liu Yixuan.

Why are they inseparable friends? Because we learn dance in the same school, in the same class, and in the same dance school. Not only that, we also study music in the same music school. So we often wear the same clothes.

Her dark hair danced in the breeze, with big watery eyes that were as blue as the waves in the sea, her ruddy face looked like a small apple, and a cherry mouth.

I remember when I was six years old, we went to the square to skate. Because I was sliding too fast to stop the car, I fell on the ground and hurt my knee. She quickly slid over and asked me how I was, what was the problem, and helped me up. At this time, a warm current came to my heart and tears of gratitude flowed down. She thought I was crying, so she said, "I'll call your mother right away, don't cry." She was about to leave when I stopped her. I said, "Fool, these are tears of gratitude." She was relieved.

I thought we could be together every day, but July 3, when I was six years old, was a sad day. Because of my parents' work, I came to Hailin and separated from her. My parents had planned to open a chain store so that Liu Yixuan and I could study together. But her school was full with only 25 students in each class, so we had to go our separate ways.

Now, whenever I see her picture, a lively and cheerful girl flashes through my mind.

I miss her (4)

To care for a flower, just kiss her gently

Will it take a lifetime to care for a person

To protect a flower, just rub it gently

To protect a person, do you have to endure confusion

Love a flower just need to see her every day

Whether falling in love with a person is doomed to have no forgotten concerns

She doesn't know, and I won't tell her

Wish her happiness

Let me bear the rest alone

I miss her (5)

To care for a flower, just kiss her gently

Will it take a lifetime to care for a person

To protect a flower, just rub it gently

To protect a person, do you have to endure confusion

Love a flower just need to see her every day

Whether falling in love with a person is doomed to have no forgotten concerns

I like her. That's why I miss her

She doesn't know, and I won't tell her

Wish her happiness

Let me bear the rest alone