Wang Po Sells Melons (10 recommended)
As blue as heart
2024-02-27 05:44:23
Grade 6

Wang Po Sells Melons (1)

In the city, we are gradually obliterated by the noise of cars, and annoyed by trivial things. But in the silent night, when nobody is around, are you also looking for the beauty you once lost.

At the small market in the village, Wang Po is a household name. In fact, Wang Po is not named Wang, but "Wang Po" is self styled. He didn't read any books. Only a few years ago, several college students came to the village to help teach. They heard about "Wang Po selling melons". She was just laid off at that time and wanted to make a living. Thinking of the name, she accepted some money and set up a fruit stall. A small wooden sign beside it was written in large black letters, "Wang Po selling melons". The stall had a flat business talk. The people in the village were too poor, Fruit is a luxury for them. Wang Po didn't earn much money from the villagers. She bought all the fruits at the lowest price, but once the fruits were in stock, they would rot. Grandma Wang struggled to maintain the stall. She sometimes wondered whether the original decision was wrong. When she was pondering, an old lady came over and said, "My grandson came to see me from the city. I want to buy him some fruit to eat. You are the only one around here..." Looking at the old man's smiling face, the old woman firmly believed that she must set up the stall.

When the days were hard, Grandma Wang would eat rotten fruit to satisfy her hunger, and sometimes she would give some fruit to the villagers.

One day, a developer came and said that he would turn this place into a scenic spot. Suddenly, tourism advertisements were published, and many tourists came to visit. The village has become a tourist attraction, and the business of the stalls has improved a lot.

Soon, several outsiders came to buy a shop at the head of the village and started a fruit business. Compared with Wang Po's fruit stall, the fruit shop was a princess standing high above, overlooking her people. And the fruit stand is Cinderella, surviving.

In order to make money, the owner of the fruit shop will pack and wholesale the rotten fruits that are not well sold. Most tourists only play for a day or two, and will not be investigated if they find rotten fruits. Every time a customer asks whether the fruit is fresh or not, the boss always promises: "Fresh! Why not fresh! Just entered in the morning!" The business of the fruit stall is getting worse and worse, and only the villagers will take care of her business.

Just when Wang Po was about to give up, the fruit shop had an accident and was forced to close because a child had diarrhea after eating. There was a fire of hope again in Grandma Wang's heart.

The business of the fruit stall turned better. Someone persuaded her to open a fruit shop at the village head. He smiled and waved his hand, saying, "No need. It's near the village. It's easier for the old people in the village to buy fruit."

There is a saying in the village: "Grandma Wang sells melons, and she sells them to me."

Senior One: August Chang'an

Wang Po Sells Melons (2)

On a hot day, a woman named Wang Po was selling watermelons in the middle of the street.

Her hair was coiled up. In her dark hair, she could clearly see several silver white hairs. She has a pair of eyes as small as soybeans, and she also looks at people's wallets from time to time. Beans of sweat hung on the sharp bridge of the nose.

Sweating heavily, she shouted: "Come and buy it! It's only one yuan and five yuan per kilogram! Fresh watermelons! There are also some melons to try, so don't buy them if you are not satisfied! Come and buy them!" When she shouted, many people crowded into Grandma's stall.

Grandma Wang smiled happily and said, "Are you going to buy melons? These melons have just been picked from her own fields, but they are fresh! There are still some to try!" After saying that, Grandma Wang poked a piece of watermelon with a toothpick to a little girl who was watching. She stared and asked, "Is it delicious?"

The girl clapped her hands and said, "Yummy! Mom, I want to buy! I want to buy!"

Everyone rushed to pick a big and round "good melon" from Grandma Wang's melon pile and left the stall happily to go home.

I saw that after everyone dispersed, they went forward and said to Grandma Wang who was counting money, "Grandma Wang, please give me a taste of watermelon!"

"Oh, no watermelon to taste!" Grandma Wang said anxiously.

I looked at her strangely, puzzled. There is a big basket of watermelon over there! How about cutting another one? Anyway, there will be many customers coming to try it! I said, "Grandma Wang! There is a basket of watermelons over there. Don't you want to sell them? Cut them for customers to taste!"

Grandma Wang was so shocked that her face turned from sunny to frosty! But the customer asked, Wang Po had no choice but to cut a piece for me to taste. However, it was not as sweet as she said, but there was no taste! I was so angry that I yelled at her angrily, "Grandma Wang! Tell me from the truth! Why do you give everyone fresh taste, but the whole watermelon you sold doesn't taste at all? Tell me quickly!"

Grandma Wang was so frightened that she spread on the ground and said, "They are not a product..." I was so angry that I could not say anything. I thought to myself, "Grandma Wang will really pass off inferior products as high-quality ones. I don't know what those customers will say when they go home to eat watermelons."? Hum, I must report!

I quickly turned around and saw that Grandma Wang had already run away with a basket.

Wang Po Sells Melons (3)

Grandma Wang sells melons. Even children know what to do next! Most of the time, hearing this sentence is derogatory, and people believe that it is a bad behavior, a fraud that cannot grow, and cannot be trusted.

I think it is a kind of helplessness. How can we have a place on a wide variety of shelves without vigorously promoting it? In other words, as long as you don't exaggerate and exceed your ability limit, it is a good means of self support.

It is no longer the time for the government to plan and produce. As long as they have the ability to run their own factories and market independently, even those who have the ability and technology to sell pickled vegetables and sweet potatoes can become upstarts these days! With the increasing awareness of the choice of goods and services, there are more and more opportunities to choose. Of course, businesses should make small advertisements to attract customers' critical eyes. You can fly in Adidas shoes! Drink Sprite and your head will shine! These are all kinds of unnatural phenomena that do not conform to physical principles after exaggerating commodities, but can you say that he is a liar?

In the crowded talent market, which one is not holding a thick stack of academic qualifications, to practice eloquence. After all, good eloquence is just a disguised form of boasting, but the language has become euphemistic, so we have to admit that Wang Po is really eloquent. In the interview, the most commonly used technique is to add a sentence after a big boast. I also have many shortcomings. I hope I can improve in the future work, and I will work hard. This is nothing more than self modesty after praise, which is an excellent end and a bright future. It's a pity that Wang Po didn't think of this. If she could think of it, as long as it is not a bad melon with thick skin, thin meat and little soup after being cut, I believe that as long as it looks passable, it will also have a little more sweetness than the same level of melon.

In this era of knowledge explosion, if you can't learn some ways to sell yourself, you will end up with a high degree but no one wants it. In the eyes of others, you are just a nerd at best. It seems common that college students can't find jobs now. They won't say that Bole can't be met in a thousand li horse with their mouths open and eyes wide as they did more than ten years ago! Then he wept and thought that this was a dark society. The old method of assigning work in the form of responsibility contracting has been washed away by the current of the times. The reason why those who failed to find work was simply that they had no eloquence and did not know how to sell themselves. Even if Bole is discerning, he will have to kick his hooves and shake his hair to be found, won't he?

Opportunities must be won by yourself. Only by knowing how to sell yourself can Bole find them, and only by knowing how to sell yourself can he be useful!

Wang Po Sells Melons (4)

When it comes to "Wang Po sells melons", it is natural for everyone to add the second half of the sentence "boasting". Most people think it is derogatory, but I don't think Wang Po should be derogatory.

First of all, Wang Po chose the profession of selling melons, so she adapted with a positive attitude and effective measures. This is the truth of the so-called "eating according to the dishes, tailoring clothes according to the circumstances". Facing the complicated life, the extreme chose to sink, but the wisdom chose to adapt. When the back of the Qing Dynasty gradually left, how many old and young people chose to escape the historical trend and stick to their loyalty, and how many reasonable people resolutely cut their braids and joined the army to raise flags for democracy and science? The wheel of history has run over the long and rugged journey, and the sink has been scattered into mud, while the adaptive ones still remain loyal. It can be seen from this that adaptation is a kind of inner adjustment. Wang Po chose to adapt, give up prejudice and be willing to accept. Should she be demoted?

In addition, didn't Wang Po dare to peddle and sell her products because of her self-confidence? As the saying goes, "An ugly daughter-in-law is afraid to see her mother-in-law". If the goods are really inferior, I think no one will want to stop even if she shouts at the top of her voice. Han Yu has been a poor student for ten years. He has to pass the exam twice. Interestingly, the two tests were the same. When I thought Han Yu would "show his skill", he wrote with great speed and delivered the exam questions that failed the last time without missing a word. It was this unexpected move that made Han Yu successful. The same candidate, the same article, and the same examiner had different results. Why? No Xin An can copy the old paper as the title, and I wonder when he was famous in the title list? Of course, his confidence must not be water without a source or wood, just like Wang Po. The vast majority of failures are due to lack of confidence, and confidence and ability usually go hand in hand. If you believe, you will see doubts. If you can accept criticism, is there any defect in Wang Po's selling Guanning?

Faith without action is dead. It's just an impulse of a moment's enthusiasm to be filled with lofty aspirations without the courage to put them into practice. Grandma Wang didn't. She turned her confidence into a shout. Before the Battle of Red Cliff, Cao Cao sent a letter to intimidate Sun Quan. When Quan showed up, all the ministers of the Eastern Wu Kingdom were shocked and lost their color. Chang Shi Zhang Zhao and others persuaded him to bow down and welcome him. If Sun Quan and Lu Su had not been bold and resourceful, they would never have broken Cao Cao's reputation and rewritten history. Why herd sheep without the courage to fight wolves! Wang Po is a brave woman with both wisdom and strategy. How can she satirize her ears?

Wandering alone in the cold night, if you are disturbed by the earthly noise; Wandering in the street where the night is still bright, if you can't do anything to question yourself. Let's look at Wang Po selling melons from a different perspective. Why not brighten your eyes and salute Wang Po to get inspiration and strength from it?

Wang Po sells melons, which should not be demoted!

Wang Po Sells Melons (5)

In 1050 AD, in Xingqing, the capital of the Western Xia State, the legendary Wang Po selling melons, the hero of the proverb, Wang Po, appeared in the western food market.
"Come and have a look at the fake fairy fruit, which can cure all diseases, beautify your face, and live forever, so that you can have a perfect body. After passing this village, there will be no shop!" People gathered in front of the booth amid the cry of the Queen Mother, and looked curiously at the "fairy fruit". It was like a watermelon, but it was not green, but yellow. Finally someone asked, "Is it really so magical? How much is one?" Grandma Wang replied, "I am sent by the Tathagata and Buddha to lower the price of the people, and each one only receives one ingot of silver!" People were half convinced about this. Just as they were about to break up, a person rushed out of the crowd, Kneeling in front of Grandma Wang, she said, "Thank you, Grandma Wang. I bought a 'fairy fruit' from you last time. It made my sick mother recover overnight. Thank you very much! I remember your great kindness." After saying that, another person rushed out and said, "fairy fruit" cured a family member of his family. At this time, everyone was convinced of the efficacy of "Fairy Fruit". In fact, those two people were both Wang Po's accomplices to exaggerate the efficacy of "fairy fruit". Just as people were about to grab the "Fairy Fruit", a voice came out, "Stop!" and stopped everyone. It turned out that he was a handsome young man. The young man told the secret of "Fairy Fruit", but in fact it was just a cantaloupe. At this time, Grandma Wang said, "Dare to do me a bad job. I'm from Prince Dexin. Come on, give me a fight!" Then several big men appeared to clean up the young people. At this time, four Wulin experts rushed out to block and hurt those big men. One of them said, "Dare to kill the great Song emperor, Song Shenzong, and kill nine families!" The young man was the great Song emperor, Song Shenzong.
This is my new edition of "Wang Po Selling Melons"!

Wang Po Sells Melons (6)

"Grandma Wang sells melons - boasting" seems to be familiar, even those little kids who don't know a few characters can murmur with some rhythm. But most of the time we all think this is a very bad behavior, which is called cheating. If Grandma Wang's melons are really good, are you afraid no one will buy them? Do you still need to boast?

It seems that gold always shines. A person who has real talent and ability is afraid of not finding a good job? Here's an example: a restaurant recruited a cook, and two people applied. From Chinese cuisine to western pastries, one can tell the cooking time and temperature clearly. Another man just walked into the kitchen, and after a while, a dish of delicious food was served. As a result, the latter was recruited. These two people both have some melons. When the people in front cut their melons, they have thick skin, thin meat, and little soup. The people in the back are good melons. Of course, people will buy good melons. Today, businesses need people with real skills, not people who can only speak and speak like "Wang Po".

In this era of knowledge explosion, if you still can't learn some methods to promote yourself, you will end up with a miserable fate with high education but no one wants it. In the eyes of others, you are just a bookworm at best. But as long as you don't exaggerate and exceed your own ability limit, is it not a good means of self support and self-help?

For the current society, we advocate doing good deeds without anonymity, but everyone can talk about good deeds with relish. If those good deeds are not recorded and publicized, how can people know? Because good deeds are like light, while illuminating others, it is impossible not to leave a warm and beautiful image, but we think it is appropriate for others to record and spread this image. However, if the good doer praises himself, he will be regarded as "Wang Po sells melons and boasts", which is self praise, and his value will be greatly reduced, and his image will quickly fade and deteriorate to negative.

We should strive for opportunities for ourselves. Youth is used to burn. Just like the essence of existence, it is to show yourself.

Wang Po Sells Melons (7)

Once upon a time, in the Happiness Village, the nearest to the city, there was a woman named Wang Po. She was a famous "God Mouth Woman" in the village, who could say that what was dead was alive, and what was alive was dead.

One day, she wanted to sell watermelons in the city. Because watermelons have not been officially listed yet, they can be sold at the highest price. Just as she was about to install watermelons, she turned her eyes and thought, "I will put these watermelons injected with accelerator on the bottom layer and naturally ripe watermelons on the top layer, so that guests can taste them easily, so that they won't show any flaws.".

She began to place watermelons. She first took out the ripened watermelons from the large warehouse at home, placed them on three floors, and then took out dozens of "first-class goods" and placed them on the upper floor. She then drove a big truck to the intersection of a community in the city and called out to sell watermelons. "Sell watermelons! Sell watermelons! Large and sweet watermelons are delicious and cost less. Don't miss them when passing by."

At this time, a young man was coming home from work and didn't know what to eat for dinner! Suddenly, he was attracted by the cry of Grandma Wang. He said to Grandma Wang, "Is this watermelon sweet! I don't sell cheap ones. We don't make dirty money! " "Give me two medium-sized ones," said the young man. While saying yes, Grandma Wang turned around and found him two ripening watermelons from below and put them on the scales. Then he gave the young man a bag. The young man took out 80 yuan and gave it to Grandma Wang, carrying the watermelon home.

After the young man left, he passed two old people. The old lady said, "I have diabetes, and I can't eat sweet. What a pity!" When the old lady heard this, she immediately changed her calling words, "Watermelons are sold, and they are pollution-free and not sweet. Although the old people with diabetes eat them, they are thirsty and cool, and welcome to taste them for free." This call is really effective. Uncle Li came here, "My wife has diabetes, can she eat this watermelon?" My uncle bought two more and spent more than two hundred yuan.

Since then, more and more customers have come to buy melons. Soon, all the melons were sold out. At this time, Grandma Wang was happy to count the money. She saw the chengguan coming from afar and drove the car with one foot on the accelerator.

Wang Po Sells Melons (8)

Once upon a time, there was a man named Wang Po who sold melons. She is good at boasting.

Once, someone went to the market to buy melons. When I got there, I saw Grandma Wang bragging about how good her melon was. Listen, she is blowing: "My melon is very big, but my small melon is also very sweet. The melon is not only big, but its seeds are not half full. There is a lot of juice, sweet and sweet, but its skin is thin!"

After listening to this, the man thought: With such good melons, children will love them when they buy them home. So he specially bought a bigger melon. After returning home, the man could not wait to cut it open, but he saw, "Oh, how thick the skin is, how many seeds there are, and how little juice there is. But it's very different from what Grandma Wang said. I must go to account!"

The man was so popular that he came out of the door and quickly came to Grandma Wang. She thought he was coming to buy it, so she came to meet him with joy. When the man saw Grandma Wang, he opened his mouth and said, "You're a liar!" Grandma Wang said angrily, "I'm not a good seller of melons. I can't be a liar." The man said, "Don't you say your melons are good? What kind of melons are juicy, little seeded, thin skinned, and sweet? Look at the melons. How can they be so bad?" Grandma Wang said hesitantly, "My melons must be very good. How can they be so?" But she also knew that this time the bull had blown big, and her face was as red as an apple.

Wang Po Selling Melons (9)

In the city, we are gradually obliterated by the noise of cars, and annoyed by trivial things. But in the silent night, when nobody is around, are you also looking for the beauty you once lost.

At the small market in the village, Wang Po is a household name. In fact, Wang Po is not Wang, she is self styled. He didn't read any books. Only a few years ago, several college students came to the village to help teach. They heard about Wang Po selling melons. At that time, she had just been laid off and wanted to make a living. Thinking of the name, she accepted some money and set up a fruit stall, with a small wooden sign beside it. It was written in large black letters, Wang Po selling melons. The business of the small stall was very ordinary. The people in the village were too poor. Fruit was a luxury for them. Grandma Wang didn't earn much money from the villagers. She bought all the fruits at the lowest price. But once the fruits were in stock, they would rot. Grandma Wang struggled to maintain the stall. She sometimes wondered whether the original decision was wrong. While pondering, an old lady came over and said, "My grandson came to see me from the city. I want to buy him some fruit to eat. You are the only one around here..." Looking at the old man's smiling face, Grandma Wang firmly believed that she must set up the stall.

When the days were hard, Grandma Wang would eat rotten fruit to satisfy her hunger, and sometimes she would give some fruit to the villagers.

One day, a developer came and said that he would turn this place into a scenic spot. Suddenly, tourism advertisements were published, and many tourists came to visit. The village has become a tourist attraction, and the business of the stalls has improved a lot.

Soon, several outsiders came to buy a shop at the head of the village and started a fruit business. Compared with Wang Po's fruit stall, the fruit shop was a princess standing high above, overlooking her people. And the fruit stand is Cinderella, surviving.

In order to make money, the owner of the fruit shop will pack and wholesale the rotten fruits that are not well sold. Most tourists only play for a day or two, and will not be investigated if they find rotten fruits. Every time the customer asks if the fruit is fresh, the boss always promises: fresh! How not fresh! I just entered this morning! The business of the fruit stall is getting worse and worse. Only the villagers will take care of her business.

Just when Wang Po was about to give up, the fruit shop had an accident and was forced to close because a child had diarrhea after eating. There was a fire of hope again in Grandma Wang's heart.

The business of the fruit stall turned better. Someone persuaded her to open a fruit shop at the village head. He smiled and waved his hand, saying, "No need. It's near the village. It's easier for the old people in the village to buy fruit."

There is a saying in the village: Wang Po sells melons, and she sells me.

Wang Po Selling Melons (10)

One day, she sat on a small bench with a worried face and sighed, thinking: "Others' shops are so popular, but mine is really not as good as before. What can we do to save customers' hearts and let them buy my watermelons one after another?" It turned out that half a year ago, Grandma Wang's fruit stall business was also booming, "well" that was about to break Grandma Wang's pocket. We can sell all the melons in half a day. But since she was a foreign businessman, she also opened a fruit shop in front of Wang Po. Wang Po's business is getting worse every day. Now, she can't sell several melons every day.

Suddenly, Grandma Wang had an idea. She jumped up from the bench and said with a smile, "I can boast of myself! Shout! It's not hard for me. After closing the stall that night, Grandma Wang went to buy a gong.

"Dangdang -- everyone has a look, don't miss it! My watermelon is very sweet, and all the guests who have eaten it marvel at it. Come on, buy it quickly, no money if it is not sweet --" Grandma Wang shouted loudly. After a while, I really attracted the guests from afar.

Grandma Wang took a little girl nearby, "Come and have a taste, little girl. My watermelon is cool and thirst quenching. Look at the hot sun in the sky. How wonderful it is to get used to quenching your thirst." She said and cut a small piece for the girl. The girl was about to say something after eating the watermelon, and Grandma Wang continued like an ingenious fairy: "Sweetie, tell you, my watermelon is grown at home, and there is absolutely no additive... Come on, I'll pick a big one for you." The girl could not resist Grandma Wang's soft and hard work, and bought a watermelon.

In this way, Grandma Wang introduced her guests while she beat the gong and drum. One day, she bought a lot of watermelons. The story spread from one story to another, and gradually became a household name. Since then, Mrs. Wang's guests have always come in an endless stream, and her business is just like a sesame flower - growing steadily.