That smile changed me (11 high-quality articles)
A shining red star
2023-12-28 06:27:40
fifth grade

That smile changed me (1)

It's strange. I don't know when I started. I only like to be alone: I seldom help others, and I don't expect others to help me. Even if they get help from others, they will repay others like paying debts. There is a great chance that I will not defeat the people in the world, nor let the people in the world defeat me. However, I have dominated my thoughts for many years, but in the light of that smile, it suddenly became like a grain of dust, drifting away without a trace

It was a heavy rain for two consecutive days, and the cement bridge on the river that I had to go to school every day had been washed out of sight by the river. Only the tall old wooden bridge still stands on both sides of the river. It was a bridge made of only two round and slippery wood arranged side by side; Usually I walk across the bridge with my hands empty, which also makes me nervous.

Facing the bridge, I hesitated, and was 10 minutes away from class. I picked up my bike and made a decision that I couldn't believe myself: carrying my bike across the wooden bridge. In the first ten meters, I was walking in a vigorous atmosphere, and I didn't feel anything. Gradually, the wood under my feet was shaking desperately. The rushing water under the wood made me dizzy, and my legs became softer and softer, as if it was difficult to support my body weight. I have no idea how I got to the center of the wooden bridge. Only half of the way is left, but I can't move any more. I thought about moving back a little bit, but I even had difficulty turning around. The sound of running water in my ears made me almost desperate, and I wanted to throw my bike into the river several times.

I can't move forward. When you can't retreat. Suddenly, the car on my shoulder suddenly lightened, and then gradually left my shoulder. It was a big hand that took the bike out of my hand. At that moment, I could not express my gratitude. I slowly turned my head: it was a strange face, full of smiles. Time didn't allow me to look carefully, but only for a moment, I felt that smile was so sincere and lovely!

The car and I finally arrived at the opposite bank safely. Full of gratitude, I carefully looked at the smiling face: not dark skin, narrow eyes can not hide the sincere eyes. Fine wrinkles covered the corners of the eyes, and dry lips slightly opened. Ah, he is a simple farmer in his 40s.

What an ordinary smile! It's so common that I can't forget it. It makes me feel the best thing between people for the first time, even though it's just a faint smile. For many years, that smile has been deeply embedded in my heart. I learned to lift a fallen child with the same smile and help push a truck or an umbrella to my classmates. And every time you help others without asking for return and smile sincerely with them, you will truly realize the true meaning and value of the smile buried in your heart. It is a taste that is not noble but makes you proud. Smile, with beautiful feelings, I really can't find the right words to describe it. Maybe this poem will express its meaning:

"Rose with others, leaving a lingering fragrance!"

Is that true or not?

That smile changed me (2)

Smile is the most innocent and beautiful expression from the heart. A sincere smile can make people feel warm and encouraged without any words.

When I first learned to walk, I often fell down. After falling down, I always looked at my mother for help. When my mother saw me fall, she didn't help me up, but gave me a smile. My mother's smile was full of encouragement, and I tried to get up slowly. Time and time again fall down, again and again get up, I learned to walk.

After kindergarten, I began to learn rope skipping. For beginners, it is inevitable to trip over the rope. Once, when I was jumping rope, I stumbled over the rope and cried loudly. The mother standing beside me heard my cry, and did not help me up, but helped me dry my tears, and then gave me an encouraging smile. My mother's smile filled me with confidence. I picked myself up and continued to practice rope skipping. Kung fu pays off. I won the third place in the rope skipping competition in the kindergarten.

When I was 9 years old, one night, I suddenly felt unwell and coughed all the time. My mother heard my cough and hurried from the next room to take my temperature. The thermometer shows 38. At 6 ℃, my mother gave me antipyretic medicine and put a antipyretic sticker on me. I fell asleep in a daze. When I woke up, it was already light, and found my mother had been sitting beside the bed, guarding me, and her eyes were full of blood. When my mother saw me wake up, she touched my forehead and found that my fever had subsided. She smiled with relief, showing her mother's deep love for me.

Mother's smile is like a cloud of sunshine, warming my body; Mother's smile is like a drop of rain and dew, moistening my heart; Mother's smile is like a big tree, sheltering me from the wind.

My mother's smile let me know: vegetation germination, can not do without the wind blowing Buddha; Grain grows from the seedlings, which cannot be separated from sweet dew; I can't grow up without my mother's love. Thank my mother for giving me love, so that my life is wonderful because of love.

That smile changed me (3)

In the first grade, our head teacher, Miss Huang, was a serious teacher who never laughed.

One day, my classmates and I were playing a game of catching people. When we were playing hard, I accidentally broke a ceramic flowerpot. Just as the teacher came back, she looked at the ceramic pieces scattered all over the floor and said angrily, "Who broke the flowerpot? Come out quickly, or I will be rude!" This sentence shocked the whole class, Everyone looked at me. The teacher seemed to understand their intention, walked up to me, patted my desk forcefully, and said, "Go to the office!" Alas, it seems that a reprimand is inevitable. Maybe parents will be called, and I am doomed.

When I came to the office, the teacher reached out his hand. I thought that the teacher was going to hit me, so I shrank my neck. The teacher understood my intention, touched my head with a smile and said, "You are really naughty! You broke a flowerpot while playing." I lowered my head as if I were mistaken. "Don't do that again!" The teacher smiled at me. She suddenly became amiable.

I didn't often raise my hand because I didn't like Mr. Huang. But since that happened, I have a good relationship with Mr. Huang. I go to Mr. Huang's office every day to ask if there is anything I can do for him. I am also more active in class. When I have problems, I raise my hand immediately. Now, in the eyes of Miss Huang, I am already a good student!

I think it was the smile that changed me that day.

That smile changed me (4)

It's strange. I don't know when I started. I only like to be alone: I seldom help others, and I don't expect others to help me. Even if they get help from others, they will repay others like paying debts. There is a great chance that I will not defeat the people in the world, nor let the people in the world defeat me. However, I have dominated my thoughts for many years, but in the light of that smile, it suddenly became like a grain of dust, drifting away without a trace

It was a heavy rain for two consecutive days, and the cement bridge on the river that I had to go to school every day had been washed out of sight by the river. Only the tall old wooden bridge still stands on both sides of the river. It was a bridge made of only two round and slippery wood arranged side by side; Usually I walk across the bridge with my hands empty, which also makes me nervous.

Facing the bridge, I hesitated, and was 10 minutes away from class. I picked up my bike and made a decision that I couldn't believe myself: carrying my bike across the wooden bridge. In the first ten meters, I was walking in a vigorous atmosphere, and I didn't feel anything. Gradually, the wood under my feet was shaking desperately. The rushing water under the wood made me dizzy, and my legs became softer and softer, as if it was difficult to support my body weight. I have no idea how I got to the center of the wooden bridge. Only half of the way is left, but I can't move any more. I thought about moving back a little bit, but I even had difficulty turning around. The sound of running water in my ears made me almost desperate, and I wanted to throw my bike into the river several times.

I can't move forward. When you can't retreat. Suddenly, the car on my shoulder suddenly lightened, and then gradually left my shoulder. It was a big hand that took the bike out of my hand. At that moment, I could not express my gratitude. I slowly turned my head: it was a strange face, full of smiles. Time didn't allow me to look carefully, but only for a moment, I felt that smile was so sincere and lovely!

The car and I finally arrived at the opposite bank safely. Full of gratitude, I carefully looked at the smiling face: not dark skin, narrow eyes can not hide the sincere eyes. Fine wrinkles covered the corners of the eyes, and dry lips slightly opened. Ah, he is a simple farmer in his 40s.

What an ordinary smile! It's so common that I can't forget it. It makes me feel the best thing between people for the first time, even though it's just a faint smile. For many years, that smile has been deeply embedded in my heart. I learned to lift a fallen child with the same smile and help push a truck or an umbrella to my classmates. And every time you help others without asking for return and smile sincerely with them, you will truly realize the true meaning and value of the smile buried in your heart. It is a taste that is not noble but makes you proud. Smile, with beautiful feelings, I really can't find the right words to describe it. Maybe this poem will express its meaning: "Rose with others, leaving fragrance!"

That smile changed me (5)

That smile changed me

It's strange. I don't know when I started. I only like to be alone: I seldom help others, and I don't ask for help from others. Even if they get help from others, they will repay others like paying debts. There is a great chance that I will not defeat the people in the world, nor let the people in the world defeat me. However, I have dominated my thoughts for many years, but in the light of that smile, it suddenly became like a grain of dust, drifting without a trace

It was a heavy rain for two consecutive days, and the cement bridge on the river that I had to go to school every day had been washed out of sight by the river. Only the tall old wooden bridge still stands on both sides of the river. It was a bridge made of only two round and slippery wood arranged side by side; Usually I walk across the bridge with my hands empty, which also makes me nervous.

Facing the bridge, I hesitated, and was 10 minutes away from class. I suddenly picked up my bike and made a decision that I couldn't believe myself: carrying my bike across the wooden bridge. In the first ten meters, I was walking in a vigorous atmosphere, and I didn't feel anything. Gradually, the wood under my feet was shaking desperately. The rushing water under the wood made me dizzy, and my legs became softer and softer, as if it was difficult to support my body weight. I have no idea how I got to the center of the wooden bridge. Only half of the way is left, but I can't move any more. I thought about moving back a little bit, but I even had difficulty turning around. The sound of running water in my ears made me almost desperate, and I wanted to throw my bike into the river several times.

I can't move forward. When you can't retreat. Suddenly, the car on my shoulder suddenly lightened, and then gradually left my shoulder. It was a big hand that took the bike out of my hand. At that moment, I could not express my gratitude. I slowly turned my head: it was a strange face, full of smiles. Time didn't allow me to look carefully, but only for a moment, I felt that smile was so sincere and lovely!

The car and I finally arrived at the opposite bank safely. Full of gratitude, I carefully looked at the smiling face: not dark skin, narrow eyes can not hide the sincere eyes. Fine wrinkles covered the corners of the eyes, and dry lips slightly opened. Ah, he is a simple farmer in his 40s.

What an ordinary smile! It's so common that I can't forget it. It makes me feel the best thing between people for the first time, even though it's just a faint smile. For many years, that smile has been deeply embedded in my heart. I learned to lift a fallen child with the same smile and help push a hard walking truck or umbrella to my classmates. And every time you help others without asking for return and smile sincerely with them, you will truly realize the true meaning and value of the smile buried in your heart. It is a taste that is not noble but makes you proud. Smile, with beautiful feelings, I really can't find the right words to describe it. Maybe this poem will express its meaning:

"Rose with others, leaving a lingering fragrance!"

Is that true or not?

That smile changed me (6)

It's strange. I don't know when I started. I only like to be alone: I seldom help others, and I don't expect others to help me. Even if they get help from others, they will repay others like paying debts. There is a great chance that I will not defeat the people in the world, nor let the people in the world defeat me. However, I have dominated my thoughts for many years, but in the light of that smile, it suddenly became like a grain of dust, drifting away without a trace

It was a heavy rain for two consecutive days, and the cement bridge on the river that I had to go to school every day had been washed out of sight by the river. Only the tall old wooden bridge still stands on both sides of the river. It was a bridge made of only two round and slippery wood arranged side by side; Usually I walk across the bridge with my hands empty, which also makes me nervous.

Facing the bridge, I hesitated, and was 10 minutes away from class. I picked up my bike and made a decision that I couldn't believe myself: carrying my bike across the wooden bridge. In the first ten meters, I was walking in a vigorous atmosphere, and I didn't feel anything. Gradually, the wood under my feet was shaking desperately. The rushing water under the wood made me dizzy, and my legs became softer and softer, as if it was difficult to support my body weight. I have no idea how I got to the center of the wooden bridge. Only half of it is left. The journey is over, but I can't move any more. I thought about moving back a little bit, but I even had difficulty turning around. The sound of running water in my ears made me almost desperate, and I wanted to throw my bike into the river several times.

I can't move forward. When you can't retreat. Suddenly, the car on my shoulder suddenly lightened, and then gradually left my shoulder. It was a big hand that took the bike out of my hand. At that moment, I could not express my gratitude. I slowly turned my head: it was a strange face, full of smiles. Time didn't allow me to look carefully, but only for a moment, I felt that smile was so sincere and lovely!

The car and I finally arrived at the opposite bank safely. Full of gratitude, I carefully looked at the smiling face: not dark skin, narrow eyes can not hide the sincere eyes. Fine wrinkles covered the corners of the eyes, and dry lips slightly opened. Ah, he is a simple farmer in his 40s.

What an ordinary smile! It's so common that I can't forget it. It makes me feel the best thing between people for the first time, even though it's just a faint smile. For many years, that smile has been deeply embedded in my heart. I learned to lift a fallen child with the same smile and help push a truck or an umbrella to my classmates. And every time you help others without asking for return and smile sincerely with them, you will truly realize the true meaning and value of the smile buried in your heart. It is a taste that is not noble but makes you proud. Smile, with beautiful feelings, I really can't find the right words to describe it. Maybe this poem will express its meaning:

Rose with others, leaving a lingering fragrance!

That smile changed me (7)

When I first learned to walk, I often fell down. After falling down, I always looked at my mother for help. When my mother saw me fall, she didn't help me up, but gave me a smile. My mother's smile was full of encouragement, and I tried to get up slowly. Time and time again fall down, again and again get up, I learned to walk.

After kindergarten, I began to learn rope skipping. For beginners, it is inevitable to trip over the rope. Once, when I was jumping rope, I stumbled over the rope and cried loudly. The mother standing beside me heard my cry, and did not help me up, but helped me dry my tears, and then gave me an encouraging smile. My mother's smile filled me with confidence. I picked myself up and continued to practice rope skipping. Kung fu pays off. I won the third place in the rope skipping competition in the kindergarten.

When I was 9 years old, one night, I suddenly felt unwell and coughed all the time. My mother heard my cough and hurried from the next room to take my temperature. The thermometer shows 38. At 6 ℃, my mother gave me antipyretic medicine and put a antipyretic sticker on me. I fell asleep in a daze. When I woke up, it was already light, and found my mother had been sitting beside the bed, guarding me, and her eyes were full of blood. When my mother saw me wake up, she touched my forehead and found that my fever had subsided. She smiled with relief, showing her mother's deep love for me.

Mother's smile is like a cloud of sunshine, warming my body; Mother's smile is like a drop of rain and dew, moistening my heart; Mother's smile is like a big tree, sheltering me from the wind.

My mother's smile let me know: vegetation germination, can not do without the wind blowing Buddha; Grain grows from the seedlings, which cannot be separated from sweet dew; I can't grow up without my mother's love. Thank my mother for giving me love, so that my life is wonderful because of love.

That smile changed me (8)

It was a heavy rain for two consecutive days, and the cement bridge on the river that I had to go to school every day had been washed out of sight by the river. Only the tall old wooden bridge still stands on both sides of the river. It was a bridge made of only two round and slippery wood arranged side by side; Usually I walk across the bridge with my hands empty, which also makes me nervous.

Facing the bridge, I hesitated, and was 10 minutes away from class. I picked up my bike and made a decision that I couldn't believe myself: carrying my bike across the wooden bridge. In the first ten meters, I was walking in a vigorous atmosphere, and I didn't feel anything. Gradually, the wood under my feet was shaking desperately. The rushing water under the wood made me dizzy, and my legs became softer and softer, as if it was difficult to support my body weight. I have no idea how I got to the center of the wooden bridge. Only half of the way is left, but I can't move any more. I thought about moving back a little bit, but I even had difficulty turning around. The sound of running water in my ears made me almost desperate, and I wanted to throw my bike into the river several times.

I can't move forward. When you can't retreat. Suddenly, the car on my shoulder suddenly lightened, and then gradually left my shoulder. It was a big hand that took the bike out of my hand. At that moment, I could not express my gratitude. I slowly turned my head: it was a strange face, full of smiles. Time didn't allow me to look carefully, but only for a moment, I felt that smile was so sincere and lovely!

The car and I finally arrived at the opposite bank safely. Full of gratitude, I carefully looked at the smiling face: not dark skin, narrow eyes can not hide the sincere eyes. Fine wrinkles covered the corners of the eyes, and dry lips slightly opened. Ah, he is a simple farmer in his 40s.

What an ordinary smile! It's so common that I can't forget it. It makes me feel the best thing between people for the first time, even though it's just a faint smile. For many years, that smile has been deeply embedded in my heart. I learned to lift a fallen child with the same smile and help push a truck or an umbrella to my classmates. And every time you help others without asking for return and smile sincerely with them, you will truly realize the true meaning and value of the smile buried in your heart. It is a taste that is not noble but makes you proud. Smile, with beautiful feelings, I really can't find the right words to describe it. Maybe this poem will express its meaning: "Rose with others, leaving fragrance!"

Comment: The title is rich in poetry, philosophy and story, which is easy to attract readers' attention. This article writes about how I got help from others when I was in trouble. What's more valuable is that it changed my idea in the past, so that I can often help others with a smile in the future. Although I don't have much ink, it sublimates the theme. The beginning and the end have deep meaning. "Smile" runs through the whole text as a spiritual symbol, It shows the power of sincere care between people.

High School Entrance Examination Full Score Composition 2

'Shake and shake, shake and shake, shake to Grandma Bridge.? When I whispered this song in Grandma's ear, I saw the light in Grandma's eyes, as well as the reflection of me, who was already in tears.

At that time, I was a child, and my grandmother was not an old man. The slightly relaxed face and the fine lines that crept up quietly did not hide the beautiful appearance and the doctor's unique preciseness and cleanness.

Every day I am immersed in the melody of Grandma Bridge. Grandma's voice was very pleasant, sharpened by time, leaving only the unique tenderness and gentleness of Jiangnan. I often climb onto the sofa and sit on Grandma's lap,? Grandma Bridge? The soft Wu language caresses every inch of my skin like a breeze, carrying away the fatigue of spring, the dryness and heat of summer, the coolness of autumn and the bone piercing of winter.

At this time, I raised my head and looked at Grandma's face. Grandma closed her eyes slightly. Her eyelashes shook slightly with the melody. The corners of her mouth rose involuntarily because of the singing, and a flower opened. The sun shines through the gaps in the curtains and flows quietly on Grandma's face, seemingly smoothing out wrinkles and wind and frost. I don't know if it is because of the sunshine. At this time, my grandmother seemed to be shining in my eyes. Later, I was led by adults into a place called Primary School, and set foot on a section of the name? study? The journey. Grandma and her bridge gradually became blurred in my memory. When I stepped into Grandma's house again, Grandma was an old man who had become short due to rickets and thin due to illness. But now I am no longer a child.

I don't know when Grandma began to refuse to go out and hide from the sun. She was wearing more and more clothes. Her speed of speaking was slower and slower, and her steps were slower and slower. Her parting instructions were more and more wordy... It's a quiet process to grow old, just like a child growing up. As time goes by, maybe nothing will change except Grandma's preciseness and cleanness, and the Grandma Bridge.

I ran on Grandma's Bridge, toward the other side of growth. Grandma is walking behind me, but she is getting old. One day, when I suddenly looked back, I found that my grandmother's pace had faltered and could not keep up with my forward steps. She just stood quietly at the end of the bridge and waved to me - her eyes never left me.

Children and old people, passing through their own lives, left a lot of money, but they are getting farther and farther. They walk in the same direction, but always move towards two space-time. Shake, shake, shake.

That smile changed me (9)

After a typhoon hit for two consecutive days, the road I had to go to school every day had already turned from bustling to ruins, and the road was full of mud. I'm thinking about how to walk this road: if I get stuck in the mud, it will be a big event, but the situation is even worse when I walk there, and I accidentally make a "muddy foot"... I'm in a dilemma, but time does not allow me to hesitate any more. In 15 minutes, I will start self-study in the morning. I don't know where I got the courage to step on the bike and ride forward. For the first few meters, I was walking in a manly atmosphere, with only one belief in my heart: ride steadily forward. Gradually, the mud pit seemed deeper and deeper, and the bike became more and more unstable. Suddenly, the bike got stuck in the mud. I began to regret my decision to take such a risk, but I didn't move no matter how I pulled the bike.

When I was at a loss, suddenly there was a powerful force behind me to get rid of the mud, "Let me help you, classmate!" A kind word, with a sincere and warm smile, I suddenly relaxed a lot, and my heart was filled with endless gratitude. Time is so pressing that I forgot to look at his appearance.

Finally, my bike crossed the muddy road safely. I waved to him, and the rising sun reflected his face red, and the golden smile on his face gradually faded away with me.

That smile changed me (10)

It's strange. I don't know when I started. I only like to be alone: I seldom help others, and I don't expect others to help me. Even if they get help from others, they will repay others like paying debts. There is a great chance that I will not defeat the people in the world, nor let the people in the world defeat me. However, I have dominated my thoughts for many years, but in the light of that smile, it suddenly became like a grain of dust, drifting away without a trace

It was a heavy rain for two consecutive days, and the cement bridge on the river that I had to go to school every day had been washed out of sight by the river. Only the tall old wooden bridge still stands on both sides of the river. It was a bridge made of only two round and slippery wood arranged side by side; Usually I walk across the bridge with my hands empty, which also makes me nervous.

Facing the bridge, I hesitated, and was 10 minutes away from class. I picked up my bike and made a decision that I couldn't believe myself: carrying my bike across the wooden bridge. In the first ten meters, I was walking in a vigorous atmosphere, and I didn't feel anything. Gradually, the wood under my feet was shaking desperately. The rushing water under the wood made me dizzy, and my legs became softer and softer, as if it was difficult to support my body weight. I have no idea how I got to the center of the wooden bridge. Only half of the way is left, but I can't move any more. I thought about moving back a little bit, but I even had difficulty turning around. The sound of running water in my ears made me almost desperate, and I wanted to throw my bike into the river several times.

I can't move forward. When you can't retreat. Suddenly, the car on my shoulder suddenly lightened, and then gradually left my shoulder. It was a big hand that took the bike out of my hand. At that moment, I could not express my gratitude. I slowly turned my head: it was a strange face, full of smiles. Time didn't allow me to look carefully, but only for a moment, I felt that smile was so sincere and lovely!

The car and I finally arrived at the opposite bank safely. Full of gratitude, I carefully looked at the smiling face: not dark skin, narrow eyes can not hide the sincere eyes. Fine wrinkles covered the corners of the eyes, and dry lips slightly opened. Ah, he is a simple farmer in his 40s.

What an ordinary smile! It's so common that I can't forget it. It makes me feel the best thing between people for the first time, even though it's just a faint smile. For many years, that smile has been deeply embedded in my heart. I learned to lift a fallen child with the same smile and help push a truck or an umbrella to my classmates. And every time you help others without asking for return and smile sincerely with them, you will truly realize the true meaning and value of the smile buried in your heart. It is a taste that is not noble but makes you proud. Smile, with beautiful feelings, I really can't find the right words to describe it. Maybe this poem will express its meaning: "Rose with others, leaving fragrance!"

Comment: The title is rich in poetry, philosophy and story, which is easy to attract readers' attention. This article writes about how I got help from others when I was in trouble. What's more valuable is that it changed my idea in the past, so that I can often help others with a smile in the future. Although I don't have much ink, it sublimates the theme. The beginning and the end have deep meaning. "Smile" runs through the whole text as a spiritual symbol, It shows the power of sincere care between people.

Full Score Composition for Senior High School Entrance Examination [2]

'Shake, shake, shake to Grandma Bridge When I whispered this song in Grandma's ear, I saw the light in Grandma's eyes, as well as the reflection of me, who was already in tears.

At that time, I was a child, and my grandmother was not an old man. The slightly relaxed face and the fine lines that crept up quietly did not hide the beautiful appearance and the doctor's unique preciseness and cleanness.

Every day I am immersed in the melody of Grandma Bridge. Grandma's voice was very pleasant, sharpened by time, leaving only the unique tenderness and gentleness of Jiangnan. I often climb onto the sofa and sit on my grandmother's knee. Grandma's bridge sweeps past my ears in cadence. The soft Wu language caresses every inch of my skin like the breeze, carrying away the fatigue of spring, the dryness and heat of summer, the coolness of autumn, and the bone piercing of winter.

At this time, I raised my head and looked at Grandma's face. Grandma closed her eyes slightly. Her eyelashes shook slightly with the melody. The corners of her mouth rose involuntarily because of the singing, and a flower opened. The sun shines through the gaps in the curtains and flows quietly on Grandma's face, seemingly smoothing out wrinkles and wind and frost. I don't know if it is because of the sunshine. At this time, my grandmother seemed to be shining in my eyes. Later, I was led by adults into a place called Primary School and embarked on a journey called Learning. Grandma and her bridge gradually became blurred in my memory. When I stepped into Grandma's house again, Grandma was an old man who had become short due to rickets and thin due to illness. But now I am no longer a child.

I don't know when Grandma began to refuse to go out and hide from the sun. She was wearing more and more clothes. Her speed of speaking was slower and slower, and her steps were slower and slower. Her parting instructions were more and more wordy... It's a quiet process to grow old, just like a child growing up. As time goes by, maybe nothing will change except Grandma's preciseness and cleanness, and the Grandma Bridge.

I ran on Grandma's Bridge, toward the other side of growth. Grandma is walking behind me, but she is getting old. One day, when I suddenly looked back, I found that my grandmother's pace had faltered and could not keep up with my forward steps. She just stood quietly at the end of the bridge and waved to me - her eyes never left me.

Children and old people, passing through their own lives, left a lot of money, but they are getting farther and farther. They walk in the same direction, but always move towards two space-time Shake, shake, shake to Grandma Bridge When I whispered this song in Grandma's ear, we all cried.

That smile changed me (11)

It's strange. I don't know when I started. I only like to be alone: I seldom help others, and I don't expect others to help me. Even if they get help from others, they will repay others like paying debts. There is a great chance that I will not defeat the people in the world, nor let the people in the world defeat me. However, I have dominated my thoughts for many years, but in the light of that smile, it suddenly became like a grain of dust, drifting away without a trace

It was a heavy rain for two consecutive days, and the cement bridge on the river that I had to go to school every day had been washed out of sight by the river. Only the tall old wooden bridge still stands on both sides of the river. It was a bridge made of only two round and slippery wood arranged side by side; Usually I walk across the bridge with my hands empty, which also makes me nervous.

Facing the bridge, I hesitated, and was 10 minutes away from class. I picked up my bike and made a decision that I couldn't believe myself: carrying my bike across the wooden bridge. In the first ten meters, I was walking in a vigorous atmosphere, and I didn't feel anything. Gradually, the wood under my feet was shaking desperately. The rushing water under the wood made me dizzy, and my legs became softer and softer, as if it was difficult to support my body weight. I have no idea how I got to the center of the wooden bridge. Only half of the way is left, but I can't move any more. I thought about moving back a little bit, but I even had difficulty turning around. The sound of running water in my ears made me almost desperate, and I wanted to throw my bike into the river several times.

I can't move forward. When you can't retreat. Suddenly, the car on my shoulder suddenly lightened, and then gradually left my shoulder. It was a big hand that took the bike out of my hand. At that moment, I could not express my gratitude. I slowly turned my head: it was a strange face, full of smiles. Time didn't allow me to look carefully, but only for a moment, I felt that smile was so sincere and lovely!

The car and I finally arrived at the opposite bank safely. Full of gratitude, I carefully looked at the smiling face: not dark skin, narrow eyes can not hide the sincere eyes. Fine wrinkles covered the corners of the eyes, and dry lips slightly opened. Ah, he is a simple farmer in his 40s.

What an ordinary smile! It's so common that I can't forget it. It makes me feel the best thing between people for the first time, even though it's just a faint smile. For many years, that smile has been deeply embedded in my heart. I learned to lift a fallen child with the same smile and help push a truck or an umbrella to my classmates. And every time you help others without asking for return and smile sincerely with them, you will truly realize the true meaning and value of the smile buried in your heart. It is a taste that is not noble but makes you proud. Smile, with beautiful feelings, I really can't find the right words to describe it. Maybe this poem will express its meaning: "Rose with others, leaving fragrance!"

Comment: The title is rich in poetry, philosophy and story, which is easy to attract readers' attention. This article writes about how I got help from others when I was in trouble. What's more valuable is that it changed my idea in the past, so that I can often help others with a smile in the future. Although I don't have much ink, it sublimates the theme. The beginning and the end have deep meaning. "Smile" runs through the whole text as a spiritual symbol, It shows the power of sincere care between people.

High School Entrance Examination Full Score Composition 2

'Shake, shake, shake to Grandma Bridge When I whispered this song in Grandma's ear, I saw the light in Grandma's eyes, as well as the reflection of me, who was already in tears.

At that time, I was a child, and my grandmother was not an old man. The slightly relaxed face and the fine lines that crept up quietly did not hide the beautiful appearance and the doctor's unique preciseness and cleanness.

Every day I am immersed in the melody of Grandma Bridge. Grandma's voice was very pleasant, sharpened by time, leaving only the unique tenderness and gentleness of Jiangnan. I often climb onto the sofa and sit on my grandmother's knee. Grandma's bridge sweeps past my ears in cadence. The soft Wu language caresses every inch of my skin like the breeze, carrying away the fatigue of spring, the dryness and heat of summer, the coolness of autumn, and the bone piercing of winter.

At this time, I raised my head and looked at Grandma's face. Grandma closed her eyes slightly. Her eyelashes shook slightly with the melody. The corners of her mouth rose involuntarily because of the singing, and a flower opened. The sun shines through the gaps in the curtains and flows quietly on Grandma's face, seemingly smoothing out wrinkles and wind and frost. I don't know if it is because of the sunshine. At this time, my grandmother seemed to be shining in my eyes. Later, I was led by adults into a place called Primary School and embarked on a journey called Learning. Grandma and her bridge gradually became blurred in my memory. When I stepped into Grandma's house again, Grandma was an old man who had become short due to rickets and thin due to illness. But now I am no longer a child.

I don't know when Grandma began to refuse to go out and hide from the sun. She was wearing more and more clothes. Her speed of speaking was slower and slower, and her steps were slower and slower. Her parting instructions were more and more wordy... It's a quiet process to grow old, just like a child growing up. As time goes by, maybe nothing will change except Grandma's preciseness and cleanness, and the Grandma Bridge.

I ran on Grandma's Bridge, toward the other side of growth. Grandma is walking behind me, but she is getting old. One day, when I suddenly looked back, I found that my grandmother's pace had faltered and could not keep up with my forward steps. She just stood quietly at the end of the bridge and waved to me - her eyes never left me.

Children and old people, passing through their own lives, left a lot of money, but they are getting farther and farther. They walk in the same direction, but always move towards two space-time Shake, shake, shake to Grandma Bridge When I whispered this song in Grandma's ear, we all cried.