Compositions with Wings (18 Collections)
fallen leaves return to the roots -- to revert to one 's origin
2024-05-08 06:44:14
Grade 3

Composition with long wings (1)

I turned over lazily on the bed and opened my eyes. I found today's sky is blue and the sun is bright. I opened the calendar to see that today is the spring of 2187! "Take advantage of today's fine weather to find my partner, Binbin, to play!" I thought to myself. I got up quickly and ran away. When I came to Binbin's house, I found that Binbin's house was full of people. I asked Binbin strangely; "Is today your birthday?

Why don't I know? " Binbin sighed and said, "Brother Monkey, my mother gave birth to a little brother today. The little brother looks strange! His nostrils are big!" I was surprised. How could it be? When I saw that my little brother's nose took up a large part of his face, which was not like the rabbit family at all, I was shocked. I didn't understand what was going on, so I thought, I'd better go to play with Fawn Huihui! Her father is a doctor. Maybe she knows what's going on. When she came to her house, she didn't even let me in and said I was here to laugh at her. It turned out that Huihui felt itchy on her back these days, but when she went to see a doctor, she found that she had wings on her back. Huihui felt very humiliated and refused to come out to see people. I felt extremely uncomfortable. I had to walk away in dismay. Such strange things happened for several days in succession. Either the elder sister had wings, or the younger brother and sister had bigger and bigger eyes, and the big ones were deformed. Some small animals had six legs and eight legs, and so on

The forest was boiling. The animals thought they had a strange disease. They went to see the doctor. The doctor said they didn't know what the disease was. They had to ask the erudite Dr. Goat, who listened to everyone's chatter, slowly opened a history book, sighed and said, "This is about something that happened between 1960 and 2055. During this period, human beings discharge sewage from time to time, which makes fish become a monster that is used to breed bacteria.

The poisonous smoke emitted makes the nostrils of birds become larger and larger so that they can smell the poisonous gas in the air at any time. It can be said that no one can stand that experience. You can see on this page that human beings have constantly created toxic substances, such as Sudan red, preservatives, malachite green and other toxic substances. Now human beings have become strangely shaped. We animals have only changed today, which is also a lucky thing. In addition, large eyes allow us to constantly observe whether people around us are killing us. Having six legs allows us to run faster when we are caught by people, and growing wings allows us to fly at any time to escape the indiscriminate hunting and killing of human beings. At least we can survive. "The animals listened to the doctor's words and were silent, feeling lucky that they were still alive. Since then, the animals in the forest have become more and more strange, But everyone is no longer curious and alarmed. Everyone is saying that it is good to be alive.

Composition with Long Wings (2)

Time flies. At a glance of ten thousand years, we want to take the express train at a high speed, without stopping or looking around. The track under his feet is shining with the halo of the moon, just like the light axis of the earth, passing through thousands of mountains and rivers. However, we have been looking at the distance, dreaming of the end, thriving, but never paying attention to the changes between you and me.

Not long ago, when I was a child, I only made an appointment to meet them. I was full of expectation and affirmation, and rushed to meet them. However, a heart full of hope was broken all over the ground and I was in a mess.

At the dinner table, Xiao Hao and I talked a lot and were disappointed. He has made a girlfriend, and he has lost his fighting spirit. He said that he felt tired during high school, and he didn't want to force himself any more. High school life made him learn to give up, he is not so good, dazzling. I am sad, even can not accept, but I can only very reluctantly say I wish them happiness. I don't want to admit that he is the teenager who is depressed because he only gets the third place in the exam. He is a competitive young man who threatened to be admitted to Peking University. He is a mouse who promised to fly out of his hometown. And what can I say? I know that our dream is the wind with wings. He never stops his galloping, so some people will leave us.


I am more or less pleased with Xiao Ming's appearance. At least he has not given up his agreement with me, and his dream. He firmly holds the wings of his dream until death.

After dinner, Xiaoming and I lingered in the park with deep sympathy, unable to let go. We softened on the cold stone chairs, compressing our figures, and recalled the time when we spent our childhood lying on the roof to enjoy the cool and talk with Xiaoming. He asked me what I was going to do in the future, and I answered with confidence that I would leave our small city with Xiao Hao and live in a big city like Beijing, but she replied that we would make our hometown beautiful... In this way, we had a lifelong commitment.

The time has passed, the environment has changed, and people are bandits. Too many promises made in childhood have disappeared with the wind and smoke. This long dream has only left Xiao Ming and I. He is right. Our dream is the wind with wings, circling in the blue sky, and never far away. We look forward to the day of success

On that day, the freedom, joy and love borrowed by time returned to our hands.

On that day, the heavy rain did not destroy the bright red color of wanton flowers. Those dragonflies resting on strawberries spread their wings into shining badges.

On that day, we questioned the cities, mountains, rivers, oceans and the world we were going to cross, and gradually developed a magnificent map.

On that day, we learned that our youth is like the feather of a dream, never falling off.

On that day, we really began to grow up.

Composition with Long Wings (3)

Lele is a small tortoise. It was only as big as a small baby's clenched fist from birth. It has a pair of wings on its back that only birds can have. Two thirds of the turtles in their villages call them "little monsters".

Lele has grown up and is 20 years old, but he has never seen the outside world, and people in the village have always bullied him. He can't stand it, so he wants to see the colorful world outside. So he said goodbye to his family and hurried on his way.

Along the way, he saw many strange animals that he had never seen before: elephants, lions, tigers, monkeys, rabbits, whales... All these made him marvel. But at the same time, it also understood that the outside world is a world of the jungle, but it used its wisdom to overcome all difficulties encountered along the way.

In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed, and twenty years have passed... Lele has gradually become old, but one morning, its distinctive wings turned it into a thriving bird!

Since then, this bird named Lele has lived in the sky free and carefree day after day.

Composition with Long Wings (4)

One day, the little turtle was walking on the beach. He saw seagulls flying freely on the sea. It was really 'very handsome'. Therefore, he also began to dream that he had wings and could fly freely in the endless sky like a seagull.

One night, the little turtle lay on the bed and fell asleep unconsciously

There was a "thump" at the door. He opened the door and looked. Eh, there was no one but a gift box lying on the ground. He couldn't wait to open it, "Wow! A pair of blue wings!" The little turtle was very surprised.

It ran home quickly and put its wings on its back. Then, with all his strength, he tried to move his wings, which obediently led him to fly. The little tortoise was very excited. He flew in the blue sky for a long time, but he didn't feel tired. He was flying all the time. At this time, a seagull flew in panic and said to him, "Run... Dragon...!" Before the little turtle could hear it clearly, the seagull flew away in a hurry.

After a while, he only heard the loud sound of "boom". It was a tornado coming. The little tortoise then reacted to it and hurried forward. However, his wings had been flying for too long. At this time, he could not fly. He was so frightened that he called for help, "Ah..."

The mother pushed the little turtle and asked with concern, "What's the matter with you, child?" The little turtle opened his eyes, oh, it was just a dream!

Composition with Wings (5)

Winged car

In a beautiful forest, there is a car. He is very diligent and kind. As long as the animals have something to do, he will go home to help them.

One day, a fairy in the sky heard about him and cast magic on the car. A pair of big wings grew out of the car door, and a drill bit grew out of the car head. The drill bit can drill through the ground and run faster from underground. The car was very happy and immediately ran out to have a try. When he came back, he found that the fairy had flown away.

The car gets along more and more well with other small animals in the forest. Every day they sing together, play together, and live a happy life.

One day, the Heavenly Queen Mother also heard that the car was very hardworking and kind, so she asked the lower bound of Taibaijinxing to invite a car to work in Tiangong. The car was excited and sad after hearing the words of Taibai Venus. The car didn't want to leave its good partner, but it wanted to find a job in heaven. The car rushed to the animals' home to ask whether they should go to work or accompany them. The little animals all said sadly that they should work in heaven.

The next day, the car carried its luggage, spread its wings and flew toward the blue sky. When we got to the Heavenly Palace, the Queen Mother assigned the car to the Land Grandfather to work, because this would not make the animals too sad, too sad!

From then on, the car worked hard and often went to the forest to see the animals.

Composition with Wings (6)

Today, I found an interesting little thing in a small corner of the door. That's a very small bat.

I put this little thing in the basket and looked at it quietly. It is very small, can not fly, but very cute. The wings are black, If you don't spread your wings, it looks like a little mouse, so I call it "the mouse with wings". The strangest thing is that it not only has a pair of wings, but also has four claws. Its front claw is hooked, and its rear claw has five fingers.

At first, I was very afraid. I used a stick to make it. It made a very sharp sound, which made me curious about it. I made a small bed with leaves and flowers. It crawled on it, really like an "African" princess on the grass? But what worries me is that it doesn't eat anything, which makes me take out all the delicious food in the house.

Looking at its eager eyes, I decided to release it. I held it and climbed to the roof. I lifted a tile, put it in, and put the tile down again. It began to stay motionless. After a while, it turned around, looked at me, walked slowly along the tile, and I watched it reluctantly until I could not see it. I really can't bear it. Although it has only been with me for two hours, every minute of this period will be remembered in my heart.

XIA O XU E 1 2 3.C om

Composition with Wings (7)

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I really want to let the sun grow a pair of wings, and there will be a bright messenger in the sky.

The messenger of light roams in the sky, flies freely in the sky, flies to the ancient village, people have no heating, cold, and leave their homes. So the messenger of light put heaters and electric fans on them, and these people were happy.

The messenger of light continued to walk. He found a man riding a camel walking in the desert. But a sword stung the merchant. The camel was worried and ran out of the desert. The merchant had to commit suicide. When the messenger of light found out, he asked the merchant to sit on his flying broomstick. The merchant was very impressed with the messenger of light, Call him the savior.

Fly, fly, fly to a no man's land, but a man walked into the swamp of the no man's land and couldn't get out. The messenger of light rescued him and went to save the children trapped in the forest.

The messenger of light is our heart. As long as we have a good heart, then I am the messenger of light.

Grade 3: Wang Yang

Composition with Wings (8)

Shoes have been worn on people's feet and trampled on the ground for generations, without exception. But who likes being trampled on every day and never turning over? The shoes also want to go to the sky, but no one dares to have that extravagant hope, because it is too absurd.

There was a pair of newly born sneakers, but he was extremely looking forward to it. He thought about how to do it all day long. Maybe it is the heaven that pays off! About a month ago, a pair of small white wings really appeared around it. I think the small shoes are very fresh. It flew in the middle of the sky, and when it saw the people on the ground pointing in the air, opening their mouths wide, it was so surprised that they could not speak, so it was very happy. It likes to be the focus of people, so it deliberately dances in the sky, playing with various shapes.

The next day, news about it appeared on TV and newspapers:

The first pair of shoes with long wings appears in this city. Please don't hurt!

When the shoes with wings are tired, they return to the ordinary shoes group. They always fold their wings, and others do not know their special features. Once, he heard his friends say, "I heard that there are still winged people in our family!"! That's amazing! I wonder who is so lucky The winged shoe was very happy and a little overjoyed. It spread its wings again and flew into the city, only to hear the sound of snapping photos one after another. The small sneakers are more elegant.

He continued to fly, flew over mountains, flew over rivers, suddenly hit the Internet, and could not move any more.

He struggled desperately, but the network was getting tighter and tighter, and he heard someone saying, "Ha, we can get a good price.". What a treasure!

Small ball shoes don't know where they will be taken. He really starts to be afraid. He desperately cries: I want to become an ordinary shoe! I just want to make ordinary shoes! However, it seems too late

Composition with Wings (9)

When spring comes, the seeds sprout and sprout. The spring wind gently blows the seedlings, and the sun shines warmly on them.

When the young plant grows up, it becomes a green green vegetable. One day, a girl in a beautiful dress was flying in the air. She was very happy to see Xiao Qingcai. She danced and sang in front of Xiao Qingcai. Little green vegetables; I really like this beautiful girl with wings. The girl kissed Xiao Qingcai, which made her very embarrassed. The girl in the dress flew away, and Xiao Qingcai missed her all the time. Before long, the vegetables felt itchy. Look carefully. Eh, there are many green bugs in the place where the girl kissed.

The little bug bit the vegetable leaf, and the little green vegetable cried with pain. At this time, I jumped and jumped, with four legs, a triangular head, big eyes, and goose bumps all over my body. It was really ugly. It came to Xiaoqingcai and said, 'I come to see you.' When Xiao Qingcai saw that the monster was ugly, he said, 'Go, go, go. I don't want you to see a doctor. '' The monster did not go away, but used his tongue to eat the small insects. The insects were gone, and the vegetables were not itchy.

Since then, Xiao Qingcai has understood that you can't just look at the appearance of anything.

Composition with Wings (10)

In fact, most children are eager to have a pair of wings to fly freely in the sky. And I, too, am a

An ordinary girl, I also want to have a pair of white and broad wings. If I had a pair of wings and it was true, what would I do?

I will fly to the big tree and firmly install small houses on the strong trunk of the big tree to give the birds a home. I'm going to fly to heaven, dance and sing with the little angels, and the birds are flying around. I want to take a very big empty basket and fly in the charming night sky to collect stars. Sister Moon accompanied me to count how many stars I collected. Sister Moon asked me to sit on her. Gently shake, I feel as comfortable as sitting on a swing. I also want to fly in the sky to see those homeless children and lonely old people. I will give them my delicious and funny things, and I will take them to play and tell stories together. I will fly in the sky and look at those thieves and villains. I will teach them a lesson when they do evil, and then return the things they rob to the victims.

If all this is true. I will be very happy. I really want to grow a pair of wings.

Composition with Wings (11)

Piglet looked around and couldn't wait to open the box. There was only a box of biscuits in it. Piglet was puzzled and looked carefully at the box of biscuits. He found that the box of biscuits said that after eating the box of biscuits, he could grow wings and fly to the blue sky like a bird, flying freely. The little pig thought that I had not flown into the blue sky yet? So the little pig quickly picked up the biscuit and began to eat it. Eh, the little pig's body really grew a pair of white, hairy wings. He was very excited.

The little pig looked at the pair of wings he had grown. It was amazing. He beat them from time to time. Can he fly to the sky? So the little pig spread its wings and flew up into the blue sky! Across the rolling mountains, one after another, high, pointed, horizontal, vertical... The winding river is like a milky white ribbon, winding into the distance. A vast prairie is infinitely large, and a large number of crops are showing green waves. And the magnificent Great Wall, the eyes can't catch up with it. Piggy is very happy, ah! It's nice to have a pair of wings.

Piglet flew and flew. He was tired. He found a branch to rest. Suddenly, he found a snail crying on the ground. Piglet flew down and asked. It turned out that the snail missed his mother and wrote a letter to her, but he walked too slowly. He didn't walk to the post office for a long time. The little pig took the letter from the little snail and said, "Give me the letter! I have a pair of wings, and I will send it to you." The little pig took off immediately, and soon sent the letter to the mother of the little snail.

Since Piglet had these wings, he has been busy every day, doing many good things for his friends in the forest, making many good friends, and living a happy life in the forest.

Composition with Wings (12)

One night, an old man came to Wang Wang's home and said, "Hello, Wang Wang!" I see that you love helping others and are good at doing good things. I also want to realize your wish for you. Because you have helped so many people and done so many good deeds before, this wish is a reward for your previous performance. Say, "What do you want?" "Really? Wang Wang asked excitedly.". "Of course it is," the old man replied. "Then can you give me a pair of wings?" Wang Wang asked. "Of course." Look at me, change! After a while, Wang Wang's body grew a pair of beautiful wings. Wang Wang was very happy and quickly bowed to thank him!

Since then, Wang Wang has changed from an ordinary small fish to a flying fish. Sometimes he flies in the air, sometimes he swims in the water. Every day he can see the wonderful world outside. Every day he is very happy, and he can find more people and things that need help. Wang Wang also loves helping others more than before, and is good at doing more good things. He also feels more happy and happy! Having learned more knowledge, Wang Wang also set up an ocean school at the bottom of the sea, so that other fish friends can learn more knowledge and know more about the world.

Composition with Wings (13)

Once upon a time, there was a pair of shoes. They were good brothers. One day, my brother suddenly disappeared. The younger brother was very sad, and the old scene appeared in his mind: when he fell, the elder brother lifted himself up, carefully patted his ashes, and asked himself whether he was injured. If he was injured, the elder brother would carefully help himself clean the wound; When we traveled together, my brother explained to me; When sharing things together, my brother always let me... Thinking of this, my brother made up his mind to find my brother no matter how difficult he encountered. However, the world is so big, so we need to find a way. So my brother decided to ask the little angel for help, and asked the little angel to give him a pair of wings. The little angel was moved by him, so he gave him a pair of small wings, and told him that as long as he walked eastward, he could find his brother. My brother thanked the little angel, and began a difficult journey.

My brother flew all day without any danger. When he saw the sun setting, he fell on a tree and was ready to sleep. At nightfall, a wild cat climbed up the tree where his younger brother was, and found his younger brother. His eyes flashed green, "Oh, a shoe with wings is very strange. Take the children back to play." The wild cat thought, opening its mouth to bite his younger brother, but as soon as its teeth touched his younger brother, the younger brother was awakened, and spread its small wings to fly. The wild cat saw whether it bit him, He jumped up and scratched his younger brother's skin with a wave of his paw. The younger brother endured pain and flew to the river to escape the wild cat. Because this was the first time that his younger brother was injured and his elder brother was not there, the younger brother clumsily bandaged up for a day to stop bleeding. The younger brother stood up and felt very tired. In addition, he was even more tired last night to sleep well, But we also need to find a place to sleep, otherwise it will be bad like last night.

My brother spread his wings and flew into the air. A passing vulture saw this scene and thought: This thing can be used as a bed for my little son. So it was like the younger brother left. When the younger brother turned his head and saw that he was rushing towards him, he was scared and ran away. How could the vulture send him? He followed him closely. When he was about to catch his brother, he saw a bush below and plunged into it. The sharp thorns pierced his brother's body. The bushes were dyed red. The vulture could not help but shiver and flew away. At this time, my younger brother was bleeding and dying, but he was too tired to care for the pain and fell asleep.

The next day, as soon as his brother woke up, he spread his wings and flew to the sky to find his brother. Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure. Isn't that his brother? But the former brother was brave and brave, but now he is as thin as bone and as raw as flesh. Look behind him, two huge and ferocious locusts are chasing him. His younger brother was very angry, so he rushed to him and shouted: "Dare to hurt my brother! That's my life!" The big locust rubbed his front paw and smiled: "Another one is looking for death." His younger brother took advantage of the wind, A slap on the locust's face made the locust faint and unconscious on the spot. Seeing this, the little locust ran away quickly.

My brother and I hugged each other, which was the result of my brother's hard work! At this time, the little angel flew to them and said, "Your cleverness and bravery are unmatched, and I decided to make you the happiest and happiest shoes in the world." Just after the words ended, my brother also grew a pair of small wings. The two brothers flew to the sky and played happily, becoming the happiest, happiest and most unique shoes in the world.

Composition with Wings (14)

Her name is Hualuohai. Because she is the princess of the mermaid family, she can freely transform between humans and mermaids. Now, she is a human.

The mermaid is on the verge of death because of marine pollution. At the beginning, Abbess took her and her clansmen to escape from the sea and came to this beautiful land - Qingluo Bay.

Now, she is 15 years old, and the boundary of the mermaid clan is getting weaker and weaker. She tries to return to the mermaid clan as little as possible, because she is the god of the sea, which is rarely seen in a hundred years.

The last ruddy ray of the sun disappeared, and Hualuohai fell down from the cliff. At the moment she fell into the water, her slender white legs became a pink blue fish tail. She took a deep breath and swam into the mangrove.

She walked around in the mangrove forest, finally stopped in front of two big trees, and put her finger on the tumor of one of the trees. At this time, a wood grain under another tree like a seabird flapped its wings, as if it wanted to jump out of the tree and fly high. While flapping its wings, it shouted, "Identity confirmation, identity confirmation. No. 3615 Hualuohai, has the right to enter." Then, two trees opened a colorful film, like blowing bubbles, and wrapped up Hualuohai.

Hualuohai will be clear only when it is transported to a cave. Unlike just now, there is no water in the cave, only a waterfall and a pool where Hualuohai lives. Hualuohai jumped into the waterfall. There was a small waterfall in the big waterfall, and the small waterfall opened like a curtain to let her in.

After swimming through the water, she came to her own room. Her mother had already prepared a large seaweed cake and a table of delicious food. Perhaps because she had not seen her mother for a long time, the flowers fell into the sea with tears in her eyes. When her mother saw her, she smiled gently and said, "My child, Abbess is waiting for you in the Pearl Pavilion! She has a gift for you." "Really? What is Abbess going to give you?" Hua Luohai thought as she swam up to the Pearl Pavilion.

The reason why Pearl Pavilion is called Pearl Pavilion is that there is something that the mermaid royal family has guarded for generations - Wang Zhu. Wang Zhu is carefully taken care of by this branch of Hualuohai, and at the same time, Wang Zhu is also guarding them. But since the day Hua Luohai was born, Wang Zhu's power has been diminishing, so Abbess won't let her go to the Pearl Pavilion. Why did she go this time? While thinking about it, Hualuohai has come to the Pearl Pavilion.

In the middle of the Pearl Pavilion is a crystal shell with a palm large. Inside the shell lies a colorful pearl. "Good boy." Abbess saw Hua Luohai and said to her with a smile, "You know what? You have the power of Poseidon. Poseidon was the only star in heaven before he was 15 years old, but it will be different after he is 15 years old. After the age of 15, Poseidon will go to find his extraordinary eyes. Only the extraordinary eyes can strengthen Wang Zhu's strength again, and secure and dangerous boundary. Although I don't know where these extraordinary eyes are, Mr. Nature must know. " "Who is Mr. Nature?" Hua Luohai asked. "Mr. Nature is a diviner who knows everything." "Where can I find him?" "He lives in Room 4 of Huanyi Lane." "I'm going to find Mr. Nature now." Hua Luohai said, rushing out of the Pearl Pavilion like an arrow to find Mr. Nature.

Hua Luohai went through hardships all the way and finally found Huanyi Lane behind a psychedelic forest. The left side of Huanyi Lane is odd, and the right side is even. No. 2 should be next to No. 4, but it is actually No. 6. There is only one stone wall where No. 4 should be. "Why is that?" Hua Luohai muttered to herself while walking around the stone wall. At this time, Hualuohai found a hidden pull rod in the grass nearby. Hualuohai pulled the pull rod, and the stone wall opened to both sides, revealing an old wooden door. Hualuohai knocked on the wooden door. At this time, the door opened, and an old man fish came out of it. "You are......" the old man asked. Hua Luohai hurriedly and respectfully said to the old man, "Hello, grandpa, my name is Hua Luohai. Are you Mr. Nature?" The old man fished his beard and said, "The Abbess asked you to come!" "Hmm." "Come in first." Hua Luohai followed in. Mr. Nature said, "What you are looking for is extraordinary?" "Yes." Hua Luohai said. "It's on the shore," Mr. Nature replied. "Don't worry." Hua Luohai said confidently, "I can walk." "I'm talking about the sky." "Ah!" Hua Luohai exclaimed, "But I can't fly. How can I get to the sky?" Mr. Nature said, "Don't worry." Then he clicked on both sides of Hua Luohai.

"Pain." This is the only word in Hua Luohai's mind. His ribs were torn violently and his skin seemed to open. "Good heavens!" Hua Luohai exclaimed, because her two ribs had stretched out snow-white wings. Mr. Nature smiled and said, "The extraordinary eye appears when the sun rises. You should rise at the same time as the sun, and then fly to the sun." After hearing this, Hua Luohai endured severe pain and rushed out of the Mermaid Kingdom and onto the water. At that time, the sun also rises, and Hua Luohai quickly flapped her wings and flew to the sun.

This pair of wings carries the dream of protecting their homeland with flowers falling into the sea, flying to the distance, flying to hope!

Composition with Wings (15)

My brother spread his wings and flew into the air. A passing vulture saw this scene and thought: This thing can be used as a bed for my little son. So it was like the younger brother left. When the younger brother turned his head and saw that he was rushing towards him, he was scared and ran away. How could the vulture send him? He followed him closely. When he was about to catch his brother, he saw a bush below and plunged into it. The sharp thorns pierced his brother's body. The bushes were dyed red. The vulture could not help but shiver and flew away. At this time, my younger brother was bleeding and dying, but he was too tired to care for the pain and fell asleep.

The next day, as soon as his brother woke up, he spread his wings and flew to the sky to find his brother. Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure. Isn't that his brother? But the former brother was brave and brave, but now he is as thin as bone and as raw as flesh. Look behind him, two huge and ferocious locusts are chasing him. His younger brother was very angry, so he rushed to him and shouted: "Dare to hurt my brother! That's my life!" The big locust rubbed his front paw and smiled: "Another one is looking for death." His younger brother took advantage of the wind, A slap on the locust's face made the locust faint and unconscious on the spot. Seeing this, the little locust ran away quickly.

My brother and I hugged each other, which was the result of my brother's hard work! At this time, the little angel flew to them and said, "Your cleverness and bravery are unmatched, and I decided to make you the happiest and happiest shoes in the world." Just after the words ended, my brother also grew a pair of small wings. The two brothers flew to the sky and played happily, becoming the happiest, happiest and most unique shoes in the world.

Composition with Wings (16)

The snail hid in the house, sighed, and said to himself, "Alas, when I went out for a journey, it would be nearly dark if I climbed less than ten meters. Why am I so unpromising? If only I had a pair of white wings, I could fly in the sky and see the whole world if I waved my wings."

Just after the snail's words, a little angel wearing white clothes, yellow rings on his head and a pair of white wings on his back flew down from the sky. The little angel smiled and said, "Hello, I am a little angel who solves problems for all animals in the world. I heard your call in the sky and came down specially to give you a pair of wings. I hope you can control these wings like me and fly freely." After saying that, the little angel inserted a pair of wings behind the snail and then flew away.

The snail listened to the little angel and stretched out its head, waving its wings. But the snail waved until dark, and never flew into the sky. Seeing that it was impossible for the snail to fly up today, he withdrew his head into the house and prepared to continue his efforts tomorrow.

Early the next morning, the snail woke up just after dawn. He thought to himself: I must fly to see the world today, and I will not stop until my wish is fulfilled! So the snail began to practice again. It fluttered all morning, but still did not fly into the sky.

Unconsciously, at noon, the snail did not feel hungry at all and was still learning to fly. In the evening, the snail improved its flight method. It felt that it might be necessary to run a part of the way before flying to add some power to the flight. It was dark, and the snail did not fly into the sky, but it did not give up and decided to fly again tomorrow.

In this way, half a month later, the snail is still practicing. Finally one day, the snail waved its wings and flew into the sky. It saw the whole world and said happily, "Nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who have a heart. How beautiful the world is!"

Composition with Wings (17)

"The fox has wings? It's a big joke!" The magpie was dubious. The tiger was furious and said, "What a shame! I haven't grown wings yet, but he has!" "Don't be angry, king," the wolf quickly comforted the tiger, "the fox must be disabled!"

The winged fox flew over like a bolt of lightning. He said enthusiastically to everyone, "Hello!" All the animals continued to talk and laugh, pretending not to see him, and no one paid any attention to him. "Goodbye!" The fox flapped his wings and flew away dejectedly.

In the evening, the tiger called the animals in the forest to a meeting and said: "For the sake of fairness, we will redistribute the houses and divide the territory. Birds fly to the branches on my right; beasts stand on the grass on my left. The winged fox stood on the side of the beast. The tiger walked up to him, pointed at his nose, stared, and said, "Look for yourself. Does the one standing here have wings?" The fox looked around and found that he was the only one with wings in the line of animals. The wolf came up and kicked the fox out of the queue. "Stand over there!"

The fox hopelessly flew up to the top of the tree. But his stature was too big, and the branches shook, bumping several unstable birds under the tree. This action of the fox immediately attracted the birds' twittering scolding: "Don't look at who you are, just squeeze towards us!" "It's unfair that you should occupy dozens of our positions!" The fox was red faced by them. Just at this time, the branch couldn't hold its breath and broke with a click. The fox fell to the ground, and a roar of laughter came from the branches and grass. The fox made a big red face and didn't know what to do.

At this time, the magpie flew to him and said, "If you cut off your forelimbs, you will be a bird."

"Take off your wings, you are still a beast." The wolf ran over and said in a strange way.

"Go for cosmetic surgery," said the tiger triumphantly. "The forest hospital will operate for you for free, and I will give you the biggest place."

"But I think wings are very convenient. I don't want to lose wings. Besides, don't we need reform and progress?" said the fox wrongly.

The tiger was angry and growled, "You're putting me in a dilemma. I can't classify you as a bird or an animal. Therefore, I can't give you territory. You should find another way quickly!"

The fox had no choice but to go far away. Since then, the fox has lived a lonely life.

Composition with Wings (18)

Once upon a time, there was a pair of shoes. They were good brothers. One day, my brother suddenly disappeared. The younger brother was very sad, and the old scene appeared in his mind: when he fell, the elder brother lifted himself up, carefully patted his ashes, and asked himself whether he was injured. If he was injured, the elder brother would carefully help himself clean the wound; When we traveled together, my brother explained to me; When sharing things together, my brother always lets me?? Thinking of this, my brother made up his mind to find his brother no matter how difficult he encountered. However, the world is so big, so we need to find a way. So my brother decided to ask the little angel for help, and asked the little angel to give him a pair of wings. The little angel was moved by him, so he gave him a pair of small wings, and told him that as long as he walked eastward, he could find his brother. My brother thanked the little angel, and began a difficult journey.

My brother flew all day without any danger. When he saw the sun setting, he fell on a tree and was ready to sleep. At nightfall, a wild cat climbed up the tree where his younger brother was, and found his younger brother. His eyes flashed green, "Oh, a shoe with wings is very strange. Take the children back to play." The wild cat thought, opening its mouth to bite his younger brother, but as soon as its teeth touched his younger brother, the younger brother was awakened, and spread its small wings to fly. The wild cat saw whether it bit him, He jumped up and scratched his younger brother's skin with a wave of his paw. The younger brother endured pain and flew to the river to escape the wild cat. Because this was the first time that his younger brother was injured and his elder brother was not there, the younger brother clumsily bandaged up for a day to stop bleeding. The younger brother stood up and felt very tired. In addition, he was even more tired last night to sleep well, But we also need to find a place to sleep, otherwise it will be bad like last night.

My brother spread his wings and flew into the air. A passing vulture saw this scene and thought: This thing can be used as a bed for my little son. So it was like the younger brother left. When the younger brother turned his head and saw that he was rushing towards him, he was scared and ran away. How could the vulture send him? He followed him closely. When he was about to catch his brother, he saw a bush below and plunged into it. The sharp thorns pierced his brother's body. The bushes were dyed red. The vulture could not help but shiver and flew away. At this time, his younger brother was bleeding and dying, but he was too tired to care for the pain and fell asleep.

The next day, as soon as his brother woke up, he spread his wings and flew to the sky to find his brother. Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure. Isn't that his brother? But the former brother was brave and brave, but now he is as thin as bone and as raw as flesh. Look behind him, two huge and ferocious locusts are chasing him. His younger brother was very angry, so he rushed to him and shouted: "Dare to hurt my brother! That's my life!" The big locust rubbed his front paw and smiled: "Another one is looking for death." His younger brother took advantage of the wind, A slap on the locust's face made the locust faint and unconscious on the spot. Seeing this, the little locust ran away quickly.

My brother and I hugged each other, which was the result of my brother's hard work! At this time, the little angel flew to them and said, "Your cleverness and bravery are unmatched, and I decided to make you the happiest and happiest shoes in the world." Just after the words ended, my brother also grew a pair of small wings. The two brothers flew to the sky and played happily, becoming the happiest, happiest and most unique shoes in the world.