Fruit's Composition (19 popular articles)
endure hardships and be capable of hard work
2024-05-06 01:34:20

Fruit's Composition (1)

My grandmother's house used to be in the countryside, and the backyard was very large, perhaps five or six hundred square meters. Because there were green mountains behind, lotus ponds on the left, and other people's vegetable gardens on the right, it was a park of thousands of square meters in my small eyes. When I came to Grandma's house, my favorite thing was to play in the backyard. Every National Day, my parents will take me to stay at my grandmother's house for a few days, which is also the happiest days of my year, because it is not only the pleasure of being a guest, but also the golden October. There are many fruits in the backyard that make my mouth water, and the pleasure of picking fruit is incomparable to any happiness.

I still remember clearly the National Day the year before last. Because my parents wanted to help my grandmother's house collect fruit, I followed my parents to my grandmother's house early in the morning when I was just in the third grade. It was a fine day. We didn't stay in the house for long, so we came to the "orchard" in the sunshine and the morning wind to pick the golden fruits.

When I came to the backyard, I was immediately shocked by the beautiful scenery here. The opposite green mountains, pine and cypress grass, lush; On the left side of the lotus pond, there are still some remaining lotus leaves on the sparkling water. At the end of the lotus pond are rolling mountains; On the right, you can see the winding road, the river and the bridge in the distance through the vegetable fields of others; In the garden, the orange trees are piled with golden and shiny oranges, and the grape trellis is hung with strings of crystal purple grapes... What I care about most is the several red bayberry trees, pomelo trees, and peach trees around the garden, which are also bent by numerous fruits

Picking starts here. My parents, uncles, aunts and other adults have to make use of the oranges in the garden during the holidays these days. It's a heavy task, so my grandparents often ask me and two cousins to help pick up oranges and pack oranges. In fact, more reason is to call us around for our safety. We didn't pay any attention. Seeing the pomelos hanging on the high branches, we were so greedy that we were trying to pick them off. We jumped up to catch it, beat it with branches, and shook it with the trunk. Then our big cousin simply climbed up the tree to pick it... Soon, we picked some big yellow pomelos. I couldn't wait for my elder cousin to climb down the tree. My second cousin and I had already broken the grapefruit in the kitchen. The three of us ate it beautifully and sent it to the adults picking oranges in the garden. My heart was even more beautiful when they praised me for being good.

After eating pomelos, we became more interested, and we went to pick red bayberries. These two myrica trees are near the pond, but many red and big myrica knots are near the water, so it is inconvenient to pick them. The second cousin used the net basket to catch cicadas, and the eldest cousin used a long bamboo stick to knock. Although some of the nets were used to satisfy his cravings, many of them fell into the water. I felt very regretful in my heart, and said, "Who is so stupid to plant myrica rubra by the pond!" I only heard that grandparents over there were laughing. The eldest cousin couldn't stand it anymore. He had to climb up to the tree to pick it. Grandfather saw him and stopped him. Grandfather asked his uncle to help him. So my uncle pulled out the lotus picking boat and put us all on the boat and rowed under the bayberry tree. We ate red bayberry on the boat. My uncle rowed a boat and swam around the pond, which really delighted me. When I got ashore, I hurried to send some red bayberries to my grandfather and he asked me with a smile: "Look, you are so happy. Do you think people who grow red bayberries are stupid?", It is because it is not convenient to pick that I have the fun of picking today, and that I still have ripe red bayberries to eat at my grandmother's house every National Day. I can't help praising my grandfather: "Grandpa, you are so smart!" Grandpa laughed happily.

After helping adults pack oranges for a while, we went to pick grapes to eat. The ripe grapes are as bright as jewels. When I touch them, the juice flows out. I swallowed the first few at one gulp. After a little easing my craving, I became less impatient and chewed slowly. The taste is really sweet to my heart. A little tired, we ate grapes while sitting under the grape trellis to enjoy the cool. At this time, I thought, being an orchard keeper must be very happy!?

In the next few days, we three children will do the same. We pick peaches and grapefruit here, grapes and pumpkins there, and sometimes help adults pick oranges. Since the grape trellis is not very high, some of them can be picked up from the table, and there are special small ladders, so we three children completely completed the grape picking, and we are very proud of having completed a task independently!

I am also interested in collecting winter melon and pumpkin. I used the big pumpkin as a wheel and the winter melon as a log to roll into the house. Adults say that you can't roll. The rolled melons are not easy to keep and easy to rot. We don't listen to that. When I was tired of playing, I came to the dustpan to lift the pumpkin. I said lifting the doll, and I said lifting the winter melon was lifting the piglet. Adults often interjected to amuse us. Everyone did it with relish, talking and laughing, laughing so happily, laughing so sweetly.

My father said that the work in the orchard can exercise my body, hone my perseverance, increase my knowledge, cultivate my sentiment, enjoy the beautiful scenery and taste delicious food. Although I am tired, I am very happy!

Unexpectedly, three months later, Grandma's family moved into the city, and the original "orchard" and houses were bulldozed to the ground because of the need to build dams and reservoirs. Unexpectedly, this happiness became my last happiness in the "Orchard". Since then, the "Happy Orchard" has said goodbye to me forever.

Although the orchard no longer exists, it will certainly remain in my heart for a long time, because it has made a strong mark in my memory, like the orange tree, peach tree, pomelo tree, bayberry tree, grape tree, firmly rooted in my life. Whenever I come to the field outside the effect, I will think of those happy times in the "orchard", and will think of the beautiful and rich "happy orchard" that makes people feel laborious and taste the joy of harvest.

Fruit's Composition (2)

Today, the autumn is crisp and the scenery is pleasant. My father and I went to the orchard to pick fruit.

Entering the orchard, sweet scented osmanthus gave off an attractive fragrance, marigold bloomed a beautiful smiling face, pomegranates showed rows of neat teeth after being kissed by QiuWa, apples blushed after being kissed by QiuWa... The autumn scenery is really unforgettable!

I started to pick fruit. I ran to the grape stand and saw the crystal clear grapes. I couldn't help eating one! How sweet! My father and I stepped on the stool and put them in the basket one by one; We came to the silver pear tree. The pear grew too high, and we didn't bring a ladder. What should we do? Suddenly, I thought of a way, I stepped on my father's shoulder, can't I pick the silver pear? I stepped on my father and soon picked a big basket of silver pears. I tasted one. It was so sweet! We think: this silver pear is thin in skin and crispy in flesh, which is really comparable to Beijing Yali; We come to the apple tree, first pick the lowest apple, then stand on tiptoe to pick, and then jump up to pick, climb the tree to pick; We also went to the orange garden. The yellow oranges were like countless lighted lanterns. Picking and picking, we picked two baskets full of fruits and went home.

How wonderful it is to return home and eat the fruit you picked, happy and fulfilled!

Fruit's Composition (3)

On a crisp autumn morning, my friends and I, three in all, played on the campus lawn. In the process of playing, we found a strange tree.

The shape of the tree is round, the leaves are thin and small, the branches have many sharp thorns, and the tree is also full of small red fruits. Xie Jianming said, "I'm going to pick a fruit and eat it to see how it tastes." I said hurriedly, "Don't eat it." Song Yiding said, "Let him eat it!" I scolded Song Yiding severely and said, "What should I do if he dies? You should be responsible if he dies." We quarreled fiercely, and only heard Xie Jianming say, "It's sour." We were surprised and said, "How can you eat it! Is it delicious? " He frowned and said, "It's too sour." We all laughed.

This tree is really strange. It can produce so many dense fruits. Now, I just hope that Xie Jianming who ate the fruit will be fine.

Fruit's Composition (4)

When autumn came, I saw red persimmons hanging on the branches like little lanterns, and Gaoliang stood up like a soldier------

I heard the birds keep calling, as if to say: "There are so many food in autumn!"

Speaking of this, I thought of autumn outing. It was a crisp autumn morning. My friends and I talked and laughed all the way, talking about where the place was.

Later, I found that I walked into the orchard unconsciously, and the teacher gave us each a basket. Then we took the basket and rushed to the orchard. I reached out and put all kinds of fruits into the basket, but the girls gently put a fruit into the basket. If they still did, wouldn't it take ten minutes to pick a few fruits?

I saw no fruit below, so I decided to climb the tree. I struggled to climb up the tree, picking sweet and big fruit while climbing up with my hands and feet, like a little monkey.

It's time to go. I looked back at the orchard that brought us happiness. The leaves shook as if we were saying goodbye. I looked down at the fruit in the basket and went home contentedly.

Fruit's Composition (5)

Once upon a time, there lived small monkeys, small foxes, small elephants and other animals in a forest. They lived happily. The mother monkey gave birth to two little monkeys, the eldest named Xiaobai and the second named Xiaomei.

They gradually grew up. One day, the mother monkey said to them, "Can you help your mother share some things? Now go and pick some fruits, OK?" They listened and said, "Sure, sure." The mother monkey left, and they picked up the barrel to pick fruits. Because they are monkeys, getting up and down trees is a piece of cake for them. After a while, they picked a bucket full of fruit, but when they came down, they accidentally slipped and all the fruit fell into the river. They looked and cried. Just then, the little elephant was playing by the river. When he heard the cry, he ran over and saw that the little monkey was in trouble. He asked, "What's wrong?" "Our fruits and buckets fell into the river. What should we do?" The little monkey cried. "Don't worry, let's help you." The little elephant put his nose into the river and hooked out the bucket first. Then he put his nose into the river and fished out the fruit one by one. The little monkey picked up the fruit into the bucket. After a while, all the fruits were fished up. The monkey said gratefully, "Thank you, Brother Elephant."

The monkeys ran home happily and showed their achievements to their mother. Her mother was very happy to see them and praised them. The family was too happy to express in words.

Fruit's Composition (6)

Ripe fruit, is it sour? Is it sweet? Is it bitter? Is it astringent? Or all flavors?

Want to know? Then quickly pick your most mature fruit from the tree of youth! Wait, look at the ripe fruit before eating it!

Mature and smooth. Presumably, maturity must be tempered and bumpy everywhere. After a heart wrenching struggle and struggle, maturity comes to the heart and our thoughts.

Choose difficulties, meet challenges, and maturity comes into being. Naturally, maturity will grow into smoothness in this bumpy environment.

Mature?? Sleek, which is mature in thought.

Mature, look at her color, is ruddy, water Lingling. What kind of fruit is red when it is firm? So it takes time to mature, and in this period of time, it is not just waiting, hard to wait, and it is not allowed to waste the mature period of time. Only time can be used to explore, pursue, innovate, understand, and interpret!

Mature exploration is spiritual maturity.

After cutting the fruit, it was found that there were big fat seeds with two sharp ends hidden in the original ripe fruit. Look at the seeds that have poked the flesh deep. Ripe fruit must hurt. But without seeds, there is no fruit. Therefore, the fruit surrounds the seed with the most tolerant heart and protects the seed forever. Tolerance is the innate quality of maturity, and tolerance is the necessity of maturity.

Maturity and tolerance, which is the maturity of quality, is the most basic maturity.

OK, now cut these ripe fruits into four petals, then into eight petals, 16 petals

Love as much as possible. But this does not mean that the mature fruit is submissive, cowardly, incompetent, nor does it mean that the mature fruit is snobbish. On the contrary, mature fruit knows such a truth, and those who know practice are outstanding.

Maturity should be flexible, affordable, and always go towards their own ideals.

Maturity is flexible, which is the maturity of belief.

Yes, life can come from nothing, but we can't go beyond it. This is the maturity of life!

Well, after seeing the maturity clearly, you can now enjoy the fruit with ease. Open your mind, spirit, character, faith, life and enjoy the maturity!

Don't worry, at this time you have everything, everything is brewing in the mature fruit.

What about? Try it! Maturity is not a single taste!

Fruit's Composition (7)

Sunday, May 15, 20xx. In the morning, I got up early as usual and ran to Zhang Liangshan.

On the way, men and women, old and young, were running, some were doing exercises, and occasionally early farmers were working in the fields. I ran to the foot of the mountain and looked up, and found that today's Zhangliangshan was particularly beautiful: at the foot of the mountain, all kinds of fruit trees were full of large and small fruits, and a gust of fresh wind could smell the aroma of fruits; On the mountain, in the lush forest, there are various famous and unknown flowers occasionally. If you listen carefully, you can hear a lot of noise. Why? I ran up the mountain and found that civet, pheasant, hare, snake, goat and all kinds of birds were moving! "Hello, civet, why are you so excited today?" I asked. The civet jumped up and down the tree and said, "Isn't it? Our animals also need sports like you humans! Since the disaster 10 years ago, human beings have really got along with us. Since then, human beings have stopped killing us, the ecological environment has improved, and our lives have become better and better day by day. Now, we have more and more animal species, and we don't have to be afraid. Our life is more stable. You see, we also have fat, and we can't do without exercise. Other animals echoed: "We are exercising every day."

Yeah! If 10 years ago, after suffering from the "SARS" disaster, instead of trying to eradicate the virus on humans and all kinds of wild animals, and improving our eating habits - to stop hunting wild animals, we would kill all kinds of wild animals in anger, our life would not be as rich and colorful as it is now.

Fruit's Composition (8)

Chaoyang, the path, the stalls fragrance. Every morning, people in Tianjin, near the Bohai Bay, take this unique food as breakfast. It may be exaggerated to say that "the world is unique", but who doesn't add a bit of nostalgia when introducing local snacks?

The stall owners usually pushed a simple four-wheel cart and pulled a small cart of flour paste and various ingredients, and arrived at their fixed stall at 6:00 in the morning. No propaganda, no eating and drinking. That big black iron plate is the best signboard. Just like the popularity of hot porridge in Guangzhou, pancakes and fruits are a classic breakfast for men, women and children in Tianjin forever.

A fire was burning under the car. Use an iron spoon to put some batter. The batter looks not too white and there always seems to be some green and yellow impurities in it, but this does not affect the texture of the batter and the wonderful taste between the tongue and teeth. The iron plate is hot on the head. As soon as the sesame oil used for lubrication is put on it, it will "squeak" and sing. Pour the batter, beat an egg, and spread it evenly with a wooden spatula. The full moon like peel emits mild heat. Wipe on the sauce, remove the green onion, and finally add a little spicy, the delicious taste will penetrate into the nostrils and every cell of the body. At this time, the salivary glands were strongly stimulated, the greedy insects climbed up, and the lingering memory also formed.

Others like to add a large piece of fried fruit on the skin. The fried fruit is a piece of fried bread, which is extremely crisp. With a knife, fold the whole delicious food and put it into a plastic bag. At this time, no matter how cold the weather is, the plastic bag containing pancakes and fruits must be kept open, or the fried fruits will lose their crisp flavor. This open and fragrant plastic bag is the landmark of Tianjin in the morning.

I still remember the delicious pancakes and fruits. Every time I go back to Tianjin, getting up early and eating pancakes and fruits is my unshakable program. Although I am now in the south, thousands of kilometers away from my hometown, there are always many fine lines connecting me with my hometown, and pancake fruit is one of them. Under the strong attack of McDonald's, Yonghe Soybean Milk King and other new breakfast styles, it can still hold the table of Tianjin people. It doesn't have the time-honored signboards and honors like Quanjude, Goubuli, and Gui Faxiang. It only lives on small four-wheel vehicles, on the street corners, but it firmly occupies the taste buds and memories of Tianjin people.

In Guangzhou, I have seen Tianjin snack shops more than once, even those selling pancakes and fruits. However, buying and tasting one is not what I remember. It seems that there is always one flavor missing. Oh, that's the flavor of Tianjin.

Fruit's Composition (9)

In Tianjin Wei, a small city with a long history, many folk artists have come from here since ancient times. To make money by craft, without a good technology, we can't stand here. Then there are these "worldly wonders" left. When I visited Tianjin, I also tasted the authentic Tianjin snack pancakes and fruits.

The pancake shop is located in an old alley, which is quite remote, and seems to be specially set up for old repeat customers. The shop teacher, surnamed Zhang, has wrinkles all over his face, revealing the vicissitudes of life. Wearing clothes made of gray cloth, he looks very simple. He wore a white towel around his neck and wiped his sweat with it from time to time, no matter it was windy or rainy, spring, summer, autumn or winter, without exception.

Many people can make pancakes and fruits. Spread the cake, sprinkle some materials and wrap them together. But Lao Zhang's pancake and fruit are authentic!

He scooped up a large spoon of batter from a small pot. The batter was not the old batter, but the pure green bean batter. The faint green paste, with the faint smell of green beans, is sprinkled in the center of the pan and turned with a wooden spatula, just enough to bake a big cake. Looking at the cake noodles, I vaguely saw the black iron pot, but there was no loophole in the cake. When the cake is slightly cooked, gently wave the edge around it. "Hey!" With the admiration of the onlookers, the cake "jumped into the air", "turned over", and "lay flat again" on the pan, all wrinkled and applauded!

Then, beat an egg on the cake and slowly spread the whole cake surface. The big cake changed from light green to light yellow. When hot, sprinkle coriander, spring onion and sesame together. Turn the side over again, put sauce on the back, and the cake will be baked. The guests are also "leaning forward and backward" with the rhythm of the cake spreading.

Turning around, he put a piece of "pastry grate" in the small oil pan next to him. Just listen to the three crisp sounds of "Pa! Pa! Pa!". The big pastry grate has been stacked in three layers, and the aroma has filled the alley. Wrap the cake in the pastry grate with a shovel and fold it into a small piece of tofu. Then move it into a small plate. The fragrant pancake fruit has formed. Without greeting, there is a long line waiting for the pancake fruit

As a saying goes, because the skin of pancakes is wrapped with stuffing, it is commonly known as "pancakes wrapped". Over time, it has evolved into "pancake fruit".

The pancake fruit just out of the pot is decorated with golden egg shreds, scallions, and coriander on the skin, and you can "click" it with a big bite. The fragrant sauce melts in the mouth, and you can recall the production of Master Zhang while eating. It's so good! Good!

Hee! What a strange cook!

Fruit's Composition (10)

I was lucky to stay in Urumqi by taking the opportunity of learning and exchange. The pancakes and fruits in Urumqi are just three days old. This city has left me a different impression. Here I found the familiar flavor - pancakes and fruits.

Like all cities, Urumqi, as the largest city in Central Asia, has many cars, many people and many tall buildings. Walking on the streets of Urumqi, the endless flow of streets easily makes people mistakenly think that they have come to the prosperous imperial capital. I remember when I went to school in the Imperial Capital, a classmate of Urumqi chatted with her and asked her what kind of city Urumqi was. She told me that Urumqi was the same as Beijing. At that time, although I didn't say anything, I didn't think so. At this time, standing in the steel jungle, I have to admit that from the most external characteristics of the city, it is no different from Beijing.

Pancake fruit not only represents nostalgia and memory, but also reflects the diversity of a city. Since high school, I have eaten pancakes and fruits for the first time at the school gate. Wherever I go, I will miss the pancakes and fruits that cost two yuan each when I was a student. But this kind of food, which is familiar to everyone, is hard to find in Ili, Xinjiang, where I live. Once, I saw a cart that looked like selling pancakes and fruits in an alley in Yili. I crossed the road excitedly and ran to the stall. I found that it was actually selling vegetables and pancakes. But this kind of food that can comfort the hometown and remind people of all kinds of warm food in the past was found in Urumqi with no difficulty.

When I stood on the busy street in Urumqi, holding a hot pancake fruit with double value, now its price has risen to eight yuan, I excitedly called my friend 5000 kilometers away, shouting: "I have eaten pancake fruit, which tastes the same as before!" My friend didn't say anything for a long time on the phone, Then Youyou said, "What's rare about pancakes and fruits? You can eat them if you don't want to." But I didn't cool my enthusiasm because of my friend's disdain. Out of the professional enthusiasm of a photography enthusiast, I took out my mobile phone, snapped some close ups of pancakes and fruits from different angles, and then took a group photo with it. When I return to Ili, I plan to share the photos with fellow villagers who also love pancakes and fruits, so that they can also look at the photos to satisfy their cravings.

Fruit's Composition (11)

Miss Qiu picked up the magic paintbrush and made the world colorful. Let's go to the wild first!

Miss Qiu scribbled on rice and sorghum with her paintbrush. Look, it can be useful. The rice immediately put on her new clothes. She was green and opened her mouth. She smiled happily. When the wind blew, she bowed her back to greet the girl Qiu and greet her long lost hometown. When Sorghum heard the arrival of the autumn girl, look, she was smiling with a red face, and a wine song was brewed in her heart. Several small birds also flew in and threw the happy notes all the way. The ants looking for food saw them and took them into the small nest.

The autumn girl came to the orchard again. The apples were hanging on the tree in bunches, looking like red lanterns from afar. Pomegranate likes autumn best. He is so happy that he breaks his belly and shows his white teeth. Pear's heart was immediately full of love, almost falling from the branches.

Miss Qiu came to my garden again and dyed chrysanthemums into various colors with a magic brush. What about yellow, purple and pink? Osmanthus is not willing to be outdone and nods to Qiu. This is the butterfly also emerged from the warm quilt and participated in the performance.

Miss Qiu came to the woods, picked up the fallen yellow leaves, opened her beloved book again, sighed that she was about to leave, and flew away on the page where she was congratulated this year. Autumn is so beautiful. I'm looking forward to it. I hope it will come early next year.

Fruit's Composition (12)

When autumn came, the weather became cool, the leaves turned yellow, and the leaves fell from the branches. The autumn rain began to fall, and the rain felt cool on the face. People wore long clothes and trousers.

When autumn comes, chrysanthemums are in bloom. They are red, yellow, purple and white. They are very beautiful.

Autumn is coming, and the fruit is ripe. Yellow is pear, red is apple, and shiny is grape. A cool wind blows, and the fruit nods, emitting a thick fragrance.

When autumn came, Daozi bent over with a smile, and Maize was happy. Gaoliang blushed, and what was fragrant was corn.

Autumn is a harvest season! Autumn brings us joy and happiness!

Autumn is coming, the weather is getting cooler, and the blue sky is high and far away. White clouds are like white sails in the sea.

When autumn came, the distant mountain changed from green to a colorful watercolor.

When autumn comes, the rice in the fields is ripe and golden; The sorghum is ripe and red; Pumpkins are ripe, round and big, like red lanterns lying on the ground.

When autumn came, the geese lined up in a neat line and flew to the warm south. The little swallows chirped and flew to the south in groups. The children also wore thicker clothes.

Autumn is coming. I love this beautiful and beautiful autumn.

Fruit's Composition (13)

During the National Day holiday, my grandmother took me to the countryside to visit relatives. After getting off the coach, I have to walk a long way.

We walked on the path in the field. The endless fields were like a golden sea. The wind blew rows of rice waves. The heavy ears of rice made the rice stem bend down. The farmer's uncle also bent over with a smile. The harvest song echoed in the golden autumn wind. A year of hard work came to a complete end here.

The country sky is like a sapphire, with several white clouds floating in the blue sky, like waves in the sea. A line of geese, one word at a time, one word at a time, flew south.

When we entered the village, the maple leaves on the roadside were all red, red like fire, burning my heart. The big poplar leaves at the village head crash into each other in the breeze, as if telling something to autumn. Several leaves floated down in the wind, like butterflies dancing. They landed on my head, on people, and finally fell down and covered the ground.

When we came to our relatives' orchard, red apples hung all over the branches. The persimmons on the persimmon tree are like red lanterns, and the pears bend the branches like golden lanterns------

The orchard fence is full of various chrysanthemums: flaming red, quiet dark green, elegant pink, pure white. At a glance, it looks colorful and colorful.

I like the cool autumn season and the unique golden autumn.

Fruit's Composition (14)

The hot summer is fading away, ushering in a crisp autumn.

The gentle autumn wind is like a kind mother, gently caressing the bouncing waves and letting them gently swing bit by bit, as if they are roaring ambition, but also can not defeat the loving mother.

The leaves on the trees changed from green to red and yellow, and the weather turned hot to cool. Autumn is coming! There are more and more people flying kites in the park. Autumn has come... Everything has changed, because Aunt Qiu came to us with the autumn wind!

Although the weather has become dry, we love it and bring cool weather to us! At night, the moon is particularly bright and bright, just like that innocent baby, fresh and refined lotus, and even more like a beautiful woman who has just taken a bath!

Look! The wild geese will fly to the south again, and will fly back next spring; Listen! "Swishing......" is the sound of the wind blowing the leaves. The leaves will be blown down to the earth, and will drift away with the wind to all corners.

The battle of flowers and the battle of birds have become the passers-by of years, replaced by lonely dead trees, such as old people in the twilight; Even the leaves are withered and yellow, falling and whirling with the wind; Only the fiery maple leaves can still thrive there

Autumn has come, and what will accompany us will be the autumn wind and autumn spirit. I'm really intoxicated!

Fruit's Composition (15)

In the wind, a rattan leaf reluctantly left the rattan and floated away with the wind.

Today, I moved into my home with an "uninvited guest". Her arrival has brought me an infinite sense of crisis.

She is her mother's student, and her parents are not here. So she naturally intruded into my life. A circle of ripples rose on the originally calm lake surface, spreading with the wind.

In the first few days, I didn't feel anything. I still eat, drink and play, do my own things and live my own life. But gradually, I felt something was wrong. With such a person added, it was not my name that rang in the morning, but hers. I was just called out with the light. At lunch, chopsticks frequently flashed past my eyes and directly fell into her bowl. They were fast, accurate, and ruthless, without paying any attention to the anger burning in my eyes... More extreme things are still to come.

In winter, the north wind roars and the rain falls heavily. Normally, at this critical moment, my mother would wait for me at the door of the classroom with an umbrella. Then I jumped into her car and we went straight home to have a cup of warm tea. It should be the same today. As expected, my mother was waiting at the door with an umbrella, and her car was parked beside her. Following the steps, I took the umbrella and jumped into the car. I was waiting for my mother to get on the bus. Unexpectedly, she said, "I can't take you two back. You'd better walk back with an umbrella." What? I heard right! At this time, I noticed that the girl was still standing behind her. A fire "roared" and the ground rushed up. I was her daughter, or was that girl her daughter! How can I rob my mother's love? Damn! I still lowered my umbrella and rushed into the rain. The rain was cold and cold, mixed with another liquid, and flowed into my mouth. It was salty, but also with some bitterness.

When I got home, I was already drowned. My mother had already come back. She immediately handed me the cup and picked up the cloth to wipe my hair. I was ungrateful. I pushed it and the cup fell to the ground, breaking into pieces. From piece by piece of glass, I saw my own embarrassment and my mother's sigh. "When the fruit is ripe, it will fall down to find its own world. You can't always cling to the tree until it rots," said her mother. I felt thoughtful, suddenly enlightened, picked up my clothes and walked to the room.

When it is time for flowers to leave, they fly and spin, leaving sighs. Even if it is unwilling, it can only rush with the wind. So, on the journey, she learned to think: what kind of love is true love. Along the way, she finally understood her mother's intention. It turned out that her mother loved her most.

[Comments from the marking teacher]

This is a masterpiece of examination for understanding life and expressing true feelings. At the beginning, we use rattan leaves and rattan leaves to lead out, and set an emotional tone at the beginning. Then, along this emotional tone, two life scenes are displayed in detail. These two fragments are detailed and sketched. The little writer not only truthfully narrates his own experience, but also writes the experience of life in a specific and delicate way, from never understanding to understanding, from anger to suddenly becoming clear, using the method of first restraining then lifting, which is exquisite and smooth Show the inner world without revealing anything.

In addition, the setting of the symbolic meaning of "vine leaf" in the article contains a strong poetic flavor, and effectively sets off the mood of the characters, which makes the article more colorful.

Some articles are better than writing ordinary content in simple but meaningful language, as is the case with this article; Some articles win over the wonderful phoenix head and dragon tail, so does this article.

In short, the whole article is written naturally and smoothly. The article has no gorgeous language, but the stories and wonderful ideas can give people deep enlightenment and leave a good feeling. If I want to talk about its shortcomings, I personally think whether the "vine" at the beginning, the "leaf" at the end and the "fruit" of the title can be unified into one?

Fruit's Composition (16)

Once upon a time, there lived small monkeys, small foxes, small elephants and other animals in a forest. They lived happily.

The mother monkey gave birth to two little monkeys, the eldest named Xiaobai and the second named Xiaomei. They gradually grew up. One day, the mother monkey said to them, "Can you help your mother share some things? Now go and pick some fruits, OK?" They listened and said, "Of course, of course."

The mother monkey left, and they picked up the bucket to pick the fruit. Because they are monkeys, getting up and down trees is a piece of cake for them. After a while, they picked a bucket full of fruit, but when they came down, they accidentally slipped and all the fruit fell into the river. They looked and cried. Just then, the little elephant was playing by the river. When he heard the cry, he ran over and saw that the little monkey was in trouble. He asked, "What's wrong?" "Our fruits and buckets fell into the river. What should we do?" The little monkey cried. "Don't worry, let's help you."

The little elephant put its nose into the river and hooked out the bucket first. Then, it put its nose into the river again. It's good. You can also contribute. You can pull out the fruit one by one, and the little monkey picks up the fruit into the bucket. After a while, all the fruits were fished up. The monkey said gratefully, "Thank you, Brother Elephant."

The monkeys ran home happily and showed their achievements to their mother. Her mother was very happy to see them and praised them. The family was too happy to express in words.

Fruit's Composition (17)

When I was a child, I was most impressed by Guoziyan. There is beautiful scenery and my favorite sigh ditch. Let me show you today!

On holidays, my father took me to climb Guoziyan. To go there, I had to take a boat from the Qingjiang River. After getting off the boat, I walked on the winding mountain path. Some of the steps were high and difficult to climb, some were low and easy to fall, and some even bent to one side. I looked aside, wow! It's the sigh ditch. The water inside is clear and bottoming out. There seems to be a group of small fish dancing happily under the water. How beautiful!

We climbed for a long time, and finally reached the top of the mountain. Looking around, it was a big lawn. The lawn is full of scarecrows. Look at this scarecrow. It's cute. Look at that one. If all the scarecrows are regarded as a living picture, then the artist's skill is really great. I suddenly felt like a scarecrow in thick clothes. Standing in the sun, a breeze blew past, and I danced. When the wind stopped, I stood there quietly.

After a long time, I woke up from my fantasy. I cried out, "Fruit Rock, I love you!"

Fruit's Composition (18)

In Tianjin Wei, a small city with a long history, many folk artists have come from here since ancient times. To make money by craft, without a good technology, we can never stand here, and then the rest are these "worldly wonders". When I visited Tianjin, I also tasted the authentic Tianjin snack pancakes and fruits.

The pancake shop is located in an old alley, which is quite remote, and seems to be specially set up for old repeat customers. The shop teacher, surnamed Zhang, has wrinkles all over his face, revealing the vicissitudes of life. Wearing clothes made of gray cloth, he looks very simple. He wore a white towel around his neck and wiped his sweat with it from time to time, no matter it was windy or rainy, spring, summer, autumn or winter, without exception.

Many people can make pancakes and fruits. Spread the cake, sprinkle some materials and wrap them together. But Lao Zhang's pancake and fruit are authentic!

He scooped up a large spoon of batter from a small pot. The batter was not the old batter, but the pure green bean batter. The faint green paste, with the faint smell of green beans, is sprinkled in the center of the pan and turned with a wooden spatula, just enough to bake a big cake. Looking at the cake noodles, I vaguely saw the black iron pot, but there was no loophole in the cake. When the cake is slightly cooked, gently wave the edge around it. "Hey!" With the admiration of the onlookers, the cake "jumped into the air", "turned over", and "lay flat again" on the pan, all wrinkled and applauded!

Then, beat an egg on the cake and slowly spread the whole cake surface. The big cake changed from light green to light yellow. When hot, sprinkle coriander, spring onion and sesame together. Turn the side over again, put sauce on the back, and the cake will be baked. With the rhythm of the cake spread, the guests are also "looking forward and backward".

Turning around, he put a piece of "pastry grate" in the small oil pan next to him. Just listen to the three crisp sounds of "Pa! Pa! Pa!". The big pastry grate has been stacked in three layers, and the aroma has filled the alley. Wrap the cake in the pastry grate with a shovel and fold it into a small piece of tofu. Then move it into a small plate. The fragrant pancake fruit has formed. Without greeting, there is a long line waiting for the pancake fruit

As a saying goes, because the skin of pancakes is wrapped with stuffing, it is commonly known as "pancakes wrapped". Over time, it has evolved into "pancake fruit".

The pancake fruit just out of the pot is decorated with golden egg shreds, scallions, and coriander on the skin, and you can "click" it with a big bite. The fragrant sauce melts in the mouth, and you can recall the production of Master Zhang while eating. It's so good! Good!

Hee! What a strange cook!

Fruit's Composition (19)

I'm glad to have a father who loves me and loves me.

My father is very busy with his work. Every time he goes on a business trip, he wants to bring me a gift.

One winter night, I watched TV with relish in the living room. The door opened with a "click". It was my father who was on business in Beijing! He didn't bother to change his clothes. He took out a thing wrapped in a plastic bag from the outside of his backpack.

"You like pancakes and fruits. I bought one, which is absolutely authentic." While saying it, I handed it to me. "This pancakes and fruits are very delicious, but it's a pity that they are cold after a long journey, so they can be heated by microwave."

I took the pancake fruit, because the time interval was too long, it was a little hard. I used the microwave to sting for 30 seconds and took it out to warm myself. I took a bite of it, but it was a bit wrong: "Dad, the pancake fruit is still hard after being heated. It's dry, and it's not delicious at all!" Dad heard the sound and took a bite: "Hey, the water is dry. It's a pity that I waited for a long time to buy it. I wanted you to taste the authentic pancake fruit."

I can hear that his voice is mixed with a sense of loss. I took another bite of pancake fruit. It was strange. This time, I felt it tasted good. The more I chewed, the more delicious it was.

In addition to taking care of me meticulously in life, my father is also strict with my study. For six years in primary school, he insisted on checking my homework every night. Even when he was away on business, he asked me to take photos and send them to him for checking. He has always told me to solve the problems that I don't understand in my study as soon as possible, instead of letting them snowball. Whenever I encounter a problem and want to give up, I always think of his advice, which gives me the motivation to solve the problem.

Alas, this father who loves me as much as his life is really a man who makes me not love enough.