Interesting findings (20 are preferred)
Red wine knocked over the earthly cabinet
2024-02-03 08:52:01
Grade 3

Interesting Findings (1)

On Saturday afternoon, I played in my grandma's garden downstairs. Suddenly, I found a group of ants moving.

They lined up in a neat line, like a dragon, carrying green leaves, golden corn kernels, seeds in groups of three or five... I followed behind and watched quietly. After a while, it rained, and I ran home. I thought: Why does it rain when ants move? I went to my bedroom and took out "One Hundred Thousand Whys" to find the answer. I found out why it rained when ants moved for a long time. It was written on the wall: Ants like dryness. They feel the humidity in the air in advance and know it is going to rain. If you don't move high, you may drown. Now I finally know why ants move when it rains.

Ant moving is really an interesting thing. There are many interesting things waiting for us to discover in the world.

Interesting Findings (2)

Everyone should have found something, and my discovery must be very funny. And this discovery has always bothered me. Why is the moon always following me?

When I was young, I took my father's car home. I looked around and saw the moon moving. In front of my father's car, I thought: The moon must be faster than my father's car. I will be faster than you! I shouted, "Dad, run! If you want to catch the moon, you must win!" Suddenly, the moon was behind me, and I cheerfully shouted, "Victory! The moon lost!" I said to my father, "Dad, get rid of the moon quickly, and let the moon win." After a long walk, Yueliang was still behind me, and I thought: Why is the moon still behind me after such a long walk? Is the moon following me? I shouted to the moon: "Don't follow me any more, asshole! Follow me again and ask the police uncle to take you to the police station!" Dad laughed heartily and said: "If the moon can hear you, then you are an alien, ha ha!" When I got home, I thought: it should not be here! It's time to go to bed. I went to the balcony to look, but the moon was still looking at me.

The next night, when the moon was still there, I ran to my father's room and asked: "Dad, why does the moon always follow me? We didn't break the law." Dad explained: "The moon is still in place, but you see it from different angles, and it seems to follow you."

I've learned that when you look at things from different angles, you will find different things.

Interesting Findings (3)

In spring, everything revives. All kinds of trees, such as willows, sycamores and cypresses, began to sprout and grow leaves, but I was surprised to find that Magnolia trees were full of white flowers on the top of bare branches overnight.

Why does the magnolia blossom first and then grow leaves? After school, I ran home with question marks all over my head to ask my mother. My mother smiled and touched my head and said, "The white magnolia is really special. I don't know the reason. Why don't you try to check the information yourself?" So I went to carefully look up "One Hundred Thousand Why". It turns out that the white magnolia flower bud is large and grows on the top of the branches. As long as the sun is sufficient, it can blossom at a low temperature of about 15 degrees, The growth of leaf buds requires higher temperature, so leaves can only grow after flowering and warmer weather.

After reading the explanation of "One Hundred Thousand Whys", I suddenly didn't understand. I quickly told my mother the correct answer. My mother nodded with satisfaction, then smiled and said to me: "You should read more books of this kind that are helpful to you in the future, and also use your brain, so that you can understand more and grow faster!"

There are many interesting phenomena hidden in life. As long as we are good at observation and positive thinking, we can find more interesting new discoveries.

Interesting Findings (4)

I have three goldfish at home. They all have big round eyes like bubbles, a small mouth, and occasionally spit out several bubbles when breathing. According to their different colors, I named them Red Gown, Yellow Gold Armor, Black Gown.

As soon as school is over, I will go to see them. The fish are swimming leisurely in the water. When I sprinkle food on the water, they will quietly swim around and gently suck, and then hide away. When I accidentally came across the fish tank, they ran around like lightning. After a while, they might be tired of swimming and sink at the bottom of the tank as if they were asleep, but their eyes were open and they didn't blink. I thought to myself: Don't fish close their eyes? Sleeping with your eyes open? So I sat there and watched carefully for a long time, and I found that every fish really had their eyes open! I shouted as if I had discovered the new world: "Mom, Mom, come here quickly!" My mom ran over and thought something was wrong. I pointed at the fish and said to my mom, "It seems that the fish have no eyelids. How can they sleep?" My mother told me: "I heard that fish's eyes have a transparent membrane supporting their eyelids, but they can't move, so the fish won't blink, and even sleep with their eyes open. When we see the fish is still, it may be sleeping. When you see their eyes open, they may have fallen asleep and are dreaming!"

This secret about fish is really an interesting discovery!

Everyone should have found something, and my discovery must be very funny. And this discovery has always bothered me. Why is the moon always following me?

When I was young, I took my father's car home. I looked around and saw the moon moving. In front of my father's car, I thought: The moon must be faster than my father's car. I will be faster than you! I shouted, "Dad, run! If you want to catch the moon, you must win!" Suddenly, the moon was behind me, and I cheerfully shouted, "Victory! The moon lost!" I said to my father, "Dad, get rid of the moon quickly, and let the moon win." After a long walk, Yueliang was still behind me, and I thought: Why is the moon still behind me after such a long walk? Is the moon following me? I shouted to the moon: "Don't follow me any more, asshole! Follow me again and ask the police uncle to take you to the police station!" Dad laughed heartily and said: "If the moon can hear you, then you are an alien, ha ha!" When I got home, I thought: it should not be here! It's time to go to bed. I went to the balcony to look, but the moon was still looking at me.

The next night, when the moon was still there, I ran to my father's room and asked: "Dad, why does the moon always follow me? We didn't break the law." Dad explained: "The moon is still in place, but you see it from different angles, and it seems to follow you."

I've learned that when you look at things from different angles, you will find different things.

Interesting Findings (5)

There are many interesting phenomena in life, such as rain when ants move, small flying insects flying around in the light, cats eating grass, dogs sticking out their tongues... Recently, I found an interesting phenomenon - fish sleeping with their eyes open. I remember that day, I went to grandma's house to play. When I went to the balcony, I found a fish on my grandmother's balcony. It is as big as a palm, with red scales and round eyes. I also keep my eyes wide open, and want to compete with it to see who has opened their eyes for a long time. As time went by, my eyes were bleeding, but the fish's eyes were still wide open and swam back and forth in the water, as if to say, "Ha ha, I can't beat you." After a few seconds, I couldn't open my eyes and lost. I thought: Why don't fish close their eyes all the time? In the evening, I went home and searched my mother's mobile phone. "These are too complicated!" I muttered: "Don't you have a simpler explanation?" Finally, I found the simplest explanation, which said that fish have no eyelids, so they can't close their eyes. I finally understand why I can't compete with Xiaoyu. There are many interesting things in nature that need us to open our eyes to observe and explore.

Interesting Findings (6)

Children, have you found many interesting phenomena in your life? For example, why does the swallow fly low? Why does Mimosa close when touched? Today, let me talk about the reason why the dog sleeps on the ground and sticks its ears to the ground!

On a sunny morning, my mother led me to the flower and bird market to buy a puppy. Its body was small, its body was hairy, and its eyes were round. It was very cute!

Take the puppy home and I'll play with it. A few days later, I found that when he slept, he always put his ear to the ground. Why? I was very curious, so I went to ask my mother, who said she didn't know, and asked my father, who asked me to check the information myself.

I immediately turned on the computer and input "Why does the dog's ear stick to the ground when he sleeps on his stomach?" A lot of words immediately appeared on the computer: because the sound on the ground spreads faster than in the air, I can use the fastest speed to find out whether there is an enemy attacking him.

It suddenly dawned on me that it was so! I told my mother that she praised me for growing up, and I was very happy!

Interesting Findings (7)

This afternoon, I went out with my mother and found many interesting things.
My mother and I went to the pond and found the fish jumping out of the water. I asked my mother why the fish jumped out of the water? My mother said anxiously, "It's going to rain, go home quickly! The clothes haven't been collected yet!" On the way home, I asked my mother why she had a good time? My mother answered me, "The fish jumped out of the water and said it was going to rain, so we had to go home."
When I got home, I had dinner and was ready to do my homework. There was a ticking sound on the ceiling. I looked out of the window, and it was raining. I didn't believe it. So she asked her mother, "Does it really mean rain when fish jump out of the water?" Her mother said, "Yes! Because animals are more sensitive than us, they know when it will rain earlier than we do. They can also know when it will be an earthquake."
Mother also told me that ants move and swallows fly low, which means it will rain. Mom also said, "We can all use these methods to observe things in life." I told my friends and partners about these things, and they suddenly understood!
It turns out that there are so many things worth discovering in life. When we grow up, we must observe what we find in life and take precautions in life.
Grade 3: Chen Fanfei

Interesting Findings (8)

One holiday day, I saw my grandfather raising silkworms at home.

I squatted in the silkworm shed and looked at it, thinking: the little silkworm is black, and its head looks like a big ant. Only ten days and eight days later, they became big white and fat silkworm babies. I thought: How did the silkworm become so fast? I want to see it every day!

The silkworm wriggled its snow-white body as if saying, "How hungry!" Grandpa fed them fresh mulberry leaves. I heard rustling sound and thought it was raining goose feather!

In another week, Grandpa carefully put the silkworm on the silkworm dustpan. The next night, the big silkworm disappeared, and only half of the soldiers touched the big spindle cocoon. At that time, I had not seen the cocoon, and I did not know what it was. My grandfather told me that this is a cocoon, which was sent to the silk factory. After strict high-temperature disinfection, the silk can be extracted from the cocoon. The silk cotton and silk towel we usually see are made of this kind of silk. That's the way it is!

But what about the moth? Most cocoons are used for silk drawing. A few cocoons are not well developed and will split a seam. Moths fly out of the seam and lay grey eggs. After the eggs, the silkworm babies will be born. I looked carefully at the black and dirty things on the silkworm dustpan occasionally, and asked my grandfather what it was. He said: "Silkworms without a silkworm dustpan can spit out silk, and they can't weave spindle cocoons without a support, and they will die." It's really "spring silkworms will die"!

The cocoon looks as thin as the egg roll we eat. I pressed it gently and felt a bit resilient.

A question came to my mind: Will the silkworm die without eating or drinking in such a thick cocoon? After checking the information, I learned that silkworms eat too much and can digest slowly. They store nutrients in their bodies. When there is no food, which is what Grandpa called "big sleep", the nutrients he stores will play its role. Isn't this exactly the same principle as camel hump? I found the secret of silkworm and was very happy!

People can invent some related items through the principle of "the secret of silkworm" to facilitate life!

Interesting Findings (9)

Saturday, September 12 Sunny Saturday morning, after finishing my homework, I had nothing to do and went out for a stroll. The neighbor's house is decorating recently. There is a lot of sand in the yard. What is my brother doing with a black magnet on the sand?

I was very curious and walked with great strides. "Hey, the sand is so dirty, you still lie on it? If your clothes are dirty, your mother will not beat you?" I tried to stop him. "Don't make any noise, I'm sucking iron powder!" He pretended to be mysterious. "Iron powder, why?" I was puzzled. "When I get the iron powder, I will perform magic for you." The more he said, the more I didn't understand. It sounded interesting. So I stood quietly and waited.

After a while, I saw him take out a piece of paper from his pocket, put the black iron powder on the iron powder on the paper, and happily said, "Sister, look." He took me to the open ground, then spread the paper, and then hung the iron powder on his hand and shook it. He moved to the left, those iron powder obedient moved to the left, he moved to the right, and the iron powder also moved to the right with its head tilted, It's amazing. I was stunned and my brother was very proud.

"Hey hey, great!" my brother asked me. Well, I nodded again and again, and hurriedly asked what was the matter? The younger brother explained: "The magnets attract each other. When the magnet is close to the iron powder, its magnetic field magnetizes the iron powder, so it has an attraction, so it will be obedient!"

"Oh, let me play!" I couldn't wait to take the magnet in my brother's hand and play happily.

There are many mysteries in life that we need to discover with our heart!

Interesting Findings (10)

There are many interesting and magical phenomena in life. For example, once I found that fish sleep with their eyes open.

I remember when I was six years old, once I went to my cousin's house to play. As soon as I entered the living room, I was attracted by his big fish tank. I couldn't wait to sit in front of the tank and stare at the colorful fish in different shapes. After looking at it for a long time, I found that the fish's eyes were open, and they didn't blink. I thought: "Many animals sleep with their eyes closed. Can't fish close their eyes? Can they also sleep with their eyes open?" I asked my cousin, who said: "A fish has no eyelids and can't close its eyes. When we see a fish is still, it means it is resting. But its eyes are still open. It dawned on me that fish's eyes were open when they slept, even after they died. " I went back to ask my father: "Do fish sleep with their eyes open?" My father said: "Yes, fish always sleep with their eyes open. You should observe carefully and carry forward this spirit more in the future!" I was very happy that day because I found the interesting natural phenomenon that "fish always sleep with their eyes open".

Grade 3: Zhou Youlong

Interesting Findings (11)

Before going to bed at night, I used to come to the fish tank and look at the little goldfish. I found the little goldfish floating in the water without moving. Eh! How could the little goldfish that was still alive and kicking in the daytime die? I picked up a piece of water grass and gently touched the little goldfish. Unexpectedly, the little goldfish was startled by my action and quickly hid in the water grass. Mother said: Nana, don't frighten the little goldfish. I said: Mom, look, the little goldfish's eyes are so wide open that it doesn't move. I thought it was dead? With these words, two tears welled up in my eyes and ran down my cheeks. Mother smiled and said: Don't make a fuss, the little goldfish is not dead, it is sleeping!

After listening to my mother's words, a big question mark flashed in my mind: Why do small goldfish sleep with their eyes open while we humans sleep with our eyes closed? This question puzzled me. I hurried to the study to consult my father. My father told me that except for sharks, other fish have no eyelids, so the little goldfish can't close their eyes when they sleep. oh i see.

Through this discovery, I feel that the mystery of the world is endless. Nature has created many species for us, leaving us endless thinking and discovery. I must study hard, observe more, master scientific knowledge, and explore more discoveries.

Children, you must have made many interesting discoveries in your daily study and life. Come and share them with us!

Interesting Findings (12)

Have you ever eaten shrimp? What color is the shrimp? What color is the peeled shrimp? I have a long list of questions to ask you.
"I've eaten..." "I've eaten..." "It's red..." "Who hasn't eaten it..." "It's red when you peel off the skin..." You swarmed in and surrounded people into "cakes". I was confused by your answers.
Don't talk about it, let me tell you something!
The shrimp is green and a little black before cooking; But why does it turn red when it is cooked? It turns out that shrimp is rich in astaxanthin, and astaxanthin will produce chemical reaction once it is heated, thus astaxanthin becomes an edible red pigment. How did some of the black shrimp come from? It's a long story: in fact, those black things are just some things on the shrimp shell: some are calcium; Some are residual dirt; Some are shrimp juice; There are even parasites. If you want to know what the black on the shrimp is, you should also see what color the black turns after the shrimp is cooked: if it turns white, it is calcium; If it turns red, it is shrimp juice; But if it is still black, it must be dirt or parasites!
Of course, you have to do this experiment yourself. Maybe you can find more than I can through careful observation!

Interesting Findings (13)

In life, there are many secrets that can be discovered by careful observation.

One day, just after the rain, I came to play on the empty grass. The water drops on the grass are crystal, like small pearls.

I bent down and looked at these "elves" quietly. Suddenly, I found that the water drops on the grass were round. "What's the matter?" I said to myself and looked at the water drops for a while. I thought, what would happen if I moved the water drops manually? So I pulled a leaf with my hand and moved the water drop. As soon as I moved the water drop, it fell from the leaf into the soil and disappeared. I also found that the water drop was also round.

"What's the matter?" So I ran home to find the answer online. It turns out that there is tension on the surface of the water drops, making them round.

Through this incident, I know that as long as you observe carefully and think carefully, you can find many secrets.

Interesting Findings (14)

During the May Day holiday, my parents took me to the Wetland Park to play.

There are so many people in the Wetland Park! Some are riding bicycles and some are taking photos. My parents and I walked and watched the beautiful scenery. I saw a large artificial lake. The water in the artificial lake was very clear, and there were a group of free fish in the water. We walked along the path of the artificial lake. I suddenly saw small holes in the lake. I don't know how these holes came from. I observed carefully for a while, and saw several small fish coming out of the small hole. The whole body of these small fish is black, which looks like the color of the soil. I really want to keep it in a fish tank. But I didn't have a net to catch fish. It was impossible to catch a fish. So my father bought a net for me.

At the beginning of fishing, my father said, "First, put some stones in the net, because this can make the net sink into the water. Then, put the net at the exit of the hole." I followed my father's method and waited for a while, but no fish was caught. I was very worried and said to my father, "Dad, can you help me?" My father took the fishing net and said to me, "Be patient with everything." After a while, my father caught several fish. I know why I didn't catch a fish. That's because I picked up the net and put it down later, which startled the fish and made them swim away.

After returning home, I checked the information and finally found out why the little fish had to drill into the hole. That's because the little fish used the hole as a residence to avoid predators or to have a rest.

Interesting Findings (15)

People say that the Dead Sea never dies, but I have never understood what this is. One day, when I saw my father at home, I decided to ask the truth. When I told my doubts, my father smiled but did not speak, and then went straight into the kitchen.

About five minutes later, Dad came out. He was holding a cup full of water in one hand and an egg in the other. What was he doing? My heart was full of curiosity. When I saw my father carefully put the eggs into the water cup, a miracle occurred. The eggs in the water actually floated! I was so excited that I jumped up and said several things at a time. Why?

So, I also took a cup to do the same experiment, but the egg sank to the bottom, but I had to shake my head and look at my father. My father finally said, "My child, you can reach out and taste the water in my father's cup, and I can reach out and taste it, wow!"! How salty! I shouted. Dad explained: I put a lot of salt in this cup. When the salt is dissolved, the concentration of the solution will increase a lot, and the buoyancy of objects will also increase, so the eggs will float.

oh I finally understand that this is the case. Because of the high concentration of salt in the Dead Sea, I will never be drowned in the Dead Sea.

Interesting Findings (16)

Today, my brother and I were catching lobsters at the ditch.

At this time, I found a lobster and put my hand in it. But the lobster stretched its tail and bounced far away. Fortunately, my brother caught it in time. When I came back, I couldn't understand why the lobster could bounce so far with a flick of its tail? I had no choice but to turn to popular science books.

In the book, I found the answer. It turns out that there are many fine hairs on the waist of lobster. When lobster meets its natural enemy, it will flick its tail to protect itself. At the moment of flicking, it will have a great push forward, and the fine hairs can increase the push, so lobster can bounce itself far away.

What an interesting discovery.

Interesting Findings (17)

One day in the summer vacation, I was on my way home. Suddenly, I saw a group of ants moving. I thought the book said that it was going to rain when ants moved, so I ran away quickly.

After a while, it was raining heavily. I asked curiously, "Why does it rain when ants move?" I checked a lot of information and finally found it. It turns out that when the weather turns bad, the water vapor in the air increases, the soil turns against the tide, and the ant nest is particularly wet, making it difficult for ants to live in peace. Animals can sense the air humidity. When they feel the humidity is too high, they will know that it is going to rain. Ants' nests are connected to the ground, so the rain will completely submerge their nests, so they will move to higher places.

Pay attention to learning everywhere. That's a good sentence. It's true.

Interesting Findings (18)

Life is full of mysteries and wonders. You may find many unexpected things in your life that are waiting for us to explore! In recent days, I have gained a lot. Now I will tell you my harvest.

On this day, the weather was sunny and cloudless. My mother and I went to the market to buy something. We passed a fruit store. The fruit here was fresh because it had just been shipped. It was also very cheap. So I chose my favorite fruit: apples. Because I like eating apples since I was a child. Once, my mother bought a bag of apples. I was very greedy at that time, so I washed all the apples and ate them with relish. Finally, the apples slipped into my stomach. At that time, my mother saw her standing there staring blankly, and her mother said, "You are really a big eater!" Since then, I like apples very much. I picked a big apple, about two jin, and went home happily. I washed the apple quickly. In ordinary days, I like to do creative arts most. Usually, I cut the apple from the head to the tail. Now I cut the apple horizontally. When I take the apple, I can clearly see that there are five pointed stars in the apple, just like a beautiful picture. But I still had some questions and thought: Is this the only apple with five pointed stars? So I cut all the apples in half and found that there were five pointed stars in all the apples. At that time, my mother stood there in a daze. I went to wake her up and told her what I found. My mother was sad and happy when she heard about it, Sadly, I don't know whether these apples will be eaten by me at once!

Maybe you will also find many mysteries. When you find the mysteries, your family, classmates and friends will be as happy as you. Come on, let's explore the mystery and wonder of this world together!

Interesting Findings (19)

Boys and girls, have you ever played the game of water rafting? Do you know why? Let me reveal the secret for you!

Yesterday, I went to my grandmother's house to play. My cousin said, "Let's go play water rafting!" "OK! Playing water rafting is my strong point."

We came to the lake one after another and tried hard. I chose a flat stone, then bent down and threw it as low as possible, so the small stone jumped several times on the water surface and then into the water. My cousin's movements are more skillful than mine ---- bending, leaning, waving. The pebble jumped several times like a wing before slowly sinking into the water. I lost this time. Suddenly, an idea flashed through my head: Why can a stone jump on the water? I asked my cousin, but he didn't know.

We went home and found out that although water is liquid, it has elasticity and surface tension, so as long as the angle of the stone contacting the water surface is controlled, it will not enter the water immediately and will jump up, so the liquid is elastic.

Through this event, I learned that water has elasticity, which is called "surface tension".

Interesting Findings (20)

On Sunday afternoon, I read the Encyclopedia of Chinese Youth at home.

I read the book and said, "If you fold a toothpick into a V shape and dip a drop of water on the broken part of the toothpick, it will open the toothpick quickly to both sides." I read this sentence and thought, "It's impossible, can a drop of water on the broken part of the toothpick straighten the toothpick?" After thinking about it, I ran to my father's room, Ask him: "Dad, the book says that dropping a drop of water on the broken part of a toothpick that is folded into a V shape will make the toothpick straighten quickly. Is that true?" Dad smiled and said to me, "Is it true? Try it yourself. Don't you know?" "Yes, why didn't I think of it?" I said.

I came to the living room, took a toothpick, folded it into a V shape, and then dipped a drop of water on my hand, which dropped on the broken part of the toothpick. Suddenly, the toothpick was like being hit by an electric shock, pulled up violently, and quickly opened to both sides. I was surprised and said: "It's true, it's amazing!" My father told me: "In fact, this phenomenon is called capillary effect. There are many pores in the toothpick, which will expand after absorbing water, so the toothpick will be inflated straight." "Eat money, so it is!" I said.

From this experiment, I learned a truth: no matter what you do, you should try.