Composition books for Grade 2 (7 popular articles)
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2024-01-19 03:19:58
Junior two

Composition Book for Grade 2 (1)

Senior grade composition book of primary school

800 word model for the sixth grade of primary school

(1) The learning goal is clear, and the realization of the goal is also guaranteed. Learning plan is to specify when to take what methods and steps to achieve what learning goals. Reach a small goal in a short time. Reach a big goal for a long time. Under the guidance of long-term and short-term plans, make learning move from small goals to big goals step by step.

(2) Properly arrange various learning tasks, so that learning can be carried out in an orderly manner. With a plan, you can manage your learning well. At a certain time, check and summarize your learning according to the plan to see what advantages and disadvantages there are, carry forward the advantages and overcome the disadvantages, so as to make continuous progress in your learning.

(3) It is very helpful to cultivate good study habits. After good habits are formed, they can naturally learn in a certain order. Having a plan is also conducive to training the spirit of overcoming difficulties and not afraid of failure. No matter what difficulties and setbacks you encounter, you should adhere to the plan to achieve the specified learning goals.

(4) Improve the concept and ability of planning, and make yourself a person who can arrange study, life and work orderly. Students should learn and possess the concept and ability of planning, which is good for life.

Some students study without plan. "If you step on the watermelon skin, you will get where you slip", which is very bad. Gorky said, "It's unfortunate for people who don't know what to do tomorrow." Some students think that the school has an education plan and the teacher has a teaching plan. Follow the teacher and follow the school's requirements. Why do you have to make your own plan? This idea is wrong. The plans of the school and teachers are for all students. Each student should also make specific personal learning plans according to the teacher's requirements, especially for the self-study part after study.

As learning plans are necessary and beneficial, planned learning has become the common feature of excellent students. One of the differences between good learning and bad learning is whether there is a learning plan. This is more obvious in senior grades.

How to make a study plan? A good study plan generally includes three aspects.

1、 Self analysis. We study every day. Maybe some students haven't thought about how I study. Therefore, we should conduct self analysis before making plans.

1. By analyzing their learning characteristics, students can carefully review their learning situation and find out their learning characteristics. Each person's learning characteristics are different: some have a strong memory and are not easy to forget after learning; Some have a good understanding, and the teacher can understand them once he says it; Some actions are fast but often wrong; Some are slow but careful. For example, some students have strong understanding and good word problems in mathematics learning; Some are good at mental arithmetic, which is faster. Some have good memory, and remember formula definitions better; Some are imaginative and good at finding rules in graphic transformation. So geometry study is better... you can make a comprehensive analysis.

2. To analyze their current learning situation, first, compare with the whole class to determine the position of their math scores in the class, and often use "good, good, medium, poor, poor" to evaluate. Second, compared with the past situation of their own mathematical achievements, their development trend is usually evaluated as "great progress, progress, business as usual, retrogression, and great retrogression".

2、 Determining learning objectives Learning objectives are the direction of students' learning efforts. The correct learning objectives can urge people to make progress, thus generating the strength to strive to achieve this goal. Without learning goals, it is a great waste of learning time, just like a tramp walking on the street who does not know where to go.

The determination of learning objectives should first reflect the educational policy of students' all-round development of morality, intelligence and physique, then follow the educational requirements of the school, and in addition, according to their own learning characteristics and current situation. Of course, some social factors and family conditions can also be considered.

Learning objectives should have appropriate, clear and specific characteristics.

Appropriateness means that the goal cannot be set too high or too low. If it is too high, it will not be achieved in the end. It is easy to lose confidence and make the plan a dead letter; If it is too low, it can be achieved without effort, which is not conducive to progress. We should put forward goals that can be achieved through hard work according to our own actual situation

Clarification means that learning objectives should be easy to compare and check. For example, the goal of "studying hard and striving for greater progress in the future" is not clear. How to work hard? What aspects should be improved? If it is necessary to say: "Math class and Chinese class should be carefully previewed. Math scores should reach the upper middle level in the class." This will make it clear that whether they reach the level in the future can be checked.

Specifically, the goal should be easy to achieve. For example, how can we achieve the goal of "intermediate and high level in mathematics"? It can be concretely expressed as: do 10 calculation questions, 5 application questions every day, and recite every mathematical formula accurately and undoubtedly, and so on.

3、 Arrange time scientifically

After the learning objectives are determined, they should be arranged scientifically. Use time to achieve these goals. It shall meet the requirements of "comprehensive, reasonable and efficient".

In the overall arrangement of time, we should consider not only learning, but also rest and entertainment. We should consider not only in class learning, but also extracurricular learning, as well as the time allocation of different disciplines.

It is reasonable to find out the best time to study every day. If some students are clear headed in the morning, it is most suitable for memory and thinking; Some students learn better in the evening. They should complete more important learning tasks in the best time. In addition, they should pay attention to the cross arrangement of arts and science. For example, they should review Chinese for a while, do some arithmetic problems, and then review natural knowledge of foreign languages.

Efficiency should be arranged according to the priority of things. Generally speaking, important or difficult learning tasks should be completed in front, because at this time, people are energetic and active in thinking, while the easier ones should be done later. In addition, smaller tasks can be completed in sporadic time to fully

Composition Book for Grade 2 (2)

Composition book for grade one of primary school

1. I love spring

I love spring. Spring is the season when everything recovers, and spring is the season of myriad colors.

The grass crept out of the ground quietly and said, "Spring is finally coming!" The golden jasmine is the messenger of spring. They are opening up, as if to tell people that spring is coming; Pink peach blossom and snow-white pear blossom with smile. The campus is white and purple. Magnolias are dancing in the soft spring breeze, emitting bursts of fragrance; It makes people relaxed and happy.

The snake climbed out of its hibernating cave and stretched out, saying, "Spring has finally come, and I'm going out for a walk." A bear also got out of the cave, yawned a few times and said, "The air in spring is so good!" Then he sucked a few mouthfuls. Several little squirrels jumped out of their nest, jumped onto a pine tree, and ran in the tree; It seems to be holding the spring sports meeting; The little swallows flew back in a neat line. They built their nest and cried happily inside. The industrious little bees are flying around in the flowers and singing happily.

After a spring rain, the fish in the water swam happily, and the little frog was busy laying eggs. The ducks on the water played with each other. They flew up and fell on the water. People are also busy enjoying spring, boating, fishing and hiking.

Soft spring wind, fine spring rain, warm sunshine, beautiful flowers; Everything is so beautiful, I love spring.

2. Optimistic Grandpa

My grandfather is very energetic. He is tall, broad shouldered, and has a rosy face.

Looking at my grandpa, you can't imagine that he was once a cancer patient. When I was six years old, my grandfather found lung cancer during physical examination; After being hospitalized, Grandpa actively cooperated with the doctor for treatment. He had surgery first, and then had six chemotherapy sessions. Every time after chemotherapy, I feel regretful, sick and vomit, and can't eat anything. But Grandpa always insisted on eating; When I see that Grandpa is more painful than taking medicine every time he eats something, I feel very uncomfortable. Grandpa often encouraged other patients to be strong and not afraid. Every time I went to see my grandfather, he would touch my head and say to me, "You must study hard at school, and don't be afraid of difficulties. But grandpa smiled and said to me, "It's OK. I'll get better."

After grandpa came home, he rested for a month and went to work again. His family advised him to retire early; But Grandpa said, "It's OK, I can do it.". He rides his bike to work half an hour early every day. He didn't retire until he was sixty.

Grandpa's life after retirement is still very substantial. He goes for a walk in the park in the morning and raises flowers and birds in the afternoon. Watch TV programs in the evening. Grandpa's flowers are very well raised, especially Clivia. Clivia blossoms beautifully, but is very delicate. It's not easy to see them blossom, but Grandpa's Clivia will open on time every year.

This is my grandfather, an optimistic and strong grandfather, and a grandfather who loves life. These good qualities of Grandpa are worth learning from.

Composition Book for Grade 2 (3)

Excellent Composition Book for Grade Four of Primary School

Care is everywhere_

Great sound, great love without trace. Use your heart to understand, and use your eyes to observe. Through my sight, I find that love is just like the sunshine, air and water around us, everywhere! I sat on the bus, my eyes blinking, almost fell asleep, my whole body was resting, everything was still.

I sat on the bus, my eyes blinking, almost fell asleep, my whole body was resting, everything was still.

Hurry up and sit down. "Suddenly an old woman got on the bus and called her granddaughter to sit next to me.

The voice of the old woman broke all the static things and attracted my attention. When I opened my hazy eyes, I saw a large number of old people in front of me: her hair was mixed with silver, her face was suffused with traces left by years, and she also carried a seemingly heavy schoolbag on her shoulder, making her body droop. As there was no seat available, the old man had to stand.

I began to realize that I didn't know what to do about giving up my seat. The schoolbag on the old man's shoulder, and my schoolbag on my shoulder, make me at a loss.

Hey, forget it. I'd better respect the old man!

Let you sit down. " I stood up and said carelessly.

Won't you sit down? Why? You'd better sit down! " The old man asked in surprise, pointing to the hot seat.

No, let you sit down. " I said without expression.

This is not good. You'd better sit down! " She is wordy.

People around look at us.

I smiled, which was very natural. I said politely: No, I like standing. "

The old woman had nothing to say and sat down embarrassed.

My heart calmed down. Somehow, I seemed to get joy. The sentence "I like standing" was probably the best answer, at least not to make the old man realize that years have taken away her youth and become sad.

She didn't just give up her seat for the sake of respecting the old. There was also a trivial reason - the schoolbag on the old man's shoulder, carrying her love for her granddaughter. I guess it's the power of love that pushes her to do so.

The old man sat down and said to her granddaughter, "Come on, thank you, sister.". She gave up her position, "she said, pointing to the sister.

The little sister didn't thank me, just looked at me. She smiled again sweetly. Although there was no sunshine and the beauty of narcissus, it was always the most natural.

As long as you observe carefully, you will find that there are many people around you who need your attention.

Composition Book for Grade 2 (4)

Grade 5 English Composition Book

1. My holiday

My holiday was good. I stayed at home for sometime. I went to Tianyi Square and bought same games. But one day, my monther, my younger brother and I went to Tianyi digital square to buy games. And I bought a new uniform in the evening. I'd like to have a glaof apple juice my monther bought it for me. I says, " Thanks a lot. " I bought some shoes. I want a pair of sports shoes. In the shop, the wonderful song added tour pleasure. I see the black shoes. my monther says, " There are beautiful !"

I was happy that day, because I went to Tianyi Square and had a lot of fum.

2.Lightly, lightly, summer girl is coming to the world with slim and graceful step ……

The gragrows much greener than before. The flowers come out more beautiful than before. There are more leaves in the trees than before. Everything makes us more youthful.

Accompany the first cry of the cicada and the first shout of the frog …… The world is full of melody. All the bother is taken away by it.

Gradually, gradually, the air temperature turns higher and higher. The lotuses in the lakes come out happily. The dragonflies are busy laying eggs ……

Ah! Summer is really coming!

3.Lightly, lightly, summer girl is coming to the world with slim and graceful step ……

The gragrows much greener than before. The flowers come out more beautiful than before. There are more leaves in the trees than before. Everything makes us more youthful.

Accompany the first cry of the cicada and the first shout of the frog …… The world is full of melody. All the bother is taken away by it.

Gradually, gradually, the air temperature turns higher and higher. The lotuses in the lakes come out happily. The dragonflies are busy laying eggs ……

Ah! Summer is really coming!

4.I love English, it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places of great intrests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English.

I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.

Composition Book for Grade 2 (5)

For me, books not only give me happiness, but also give me enlightenment. The most profound thing is a novel by Lao She, Camel Xiangzi. He also leads me to grow up.

Before an exam, I worked hard every day to get a good score, but the reality was always so cruel. In the exam, I wrote a wrong question because I was too nervous. I was very unhappy and almost cried. I felt sorry. My previous efforts were listless for several days.

When I got home, I didn't plan to review carefully, but to vent my emotions by playing games. My parents had no choice but to confiscate my mobile phone. I went to the study and picked up a book to read. What I didn't expect was that the hero of this book was more degenerate than I was, and finally became a scum. I thought about my recent behavior, I couldn't help bursting into tears. I didn't want to become a scum, and I wouldn't be defeated by a small setback. Yes, the popular book is Camel Xiangzi, who has inspired me with my hope.

After that, I finished reading Camel Xiangzi. He told me a sad ending, and I began to study again. Even for ordinary exams, I would be fully prepared. If I did well in the exam, I would not be proud. I would continue to work hard. If I failed in the exam, I would not stop. If I did not seriously reflect on myself, why would there be so many mistakes? Haven't you done better?

Later, I read many books, whether joyful or sad, from which I gained happiness and enlightenment. Don't give up your ideal because of a little setback. Parents are great. Don't let parents break their hearts for their children. As long as they persist, they will get what they want. Books are our partners, and they give us endless happiness, It also leads us to grow.

Composition Book for Grade 2 (6)

When you see the title, you may think: What's the taste of reading? It should be boring and will not have a taste. But you are wrong. Reading has its own taste, but it's just different.

Reading may be sweet. We can know everything from books. Reading has taught me about the wonders and construction of the Egyptian pyramids. Reading has taught me about Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, who was good at knowing people and modest in his admonition: because I have seen the wonders of the world and many things in the world, how can I travel in this sea of books without being sweet?

The taste of reading may be sour. When you read a plot, the hero or other characters in the story are like you and have made the same mistakes as you, maybe you will be sour and have tears in your eyes. It is said that Mrs. Farley of the United States once read a book and cried several handkerchiefs wet! Do you think it is sour?

The taste of reading may be spicy! When you see that a certain truth explained in the book is just contrary to what you think, does your face feel hot?

But the taste of reading is also bitter! When you are addicted to reading, you will read from time to time, on the way to school, in the car, and before going to bed. After reading, you will find that your eyesight is getting worse and worse, and slowly you put on your glasses. Others also call you "Four Eyes". When the teacher asked you about the knowledge you learned in class, you didn't know it for three times, so reading is a bitter experience.

Composition Book for Grade 2 (7)

My feelings for books can be said to be that mice cross the street and everyone beats them. But that night, I like books.

When I got home at 5 o'clock after school, I found something in the mailbox. When I opened it, I found that it was a composition book. My mood was at a low ebb. When I came home, I thought I had nothing to do, so I picked up the book and looked at it. Some topics attracted me. When I looked down, I found that all the articles were articles moaning without illness. Throw it aside and do your homework. Although I don't like it, I still think about it and pick up the book that I hate. But I found it again. The wonderful description makes me dare to realize my lack of knowledge. The lyrical description made me cry. "An inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time" made me understand the value of time. Those who do not cherish time will eventually be abandoned by time. Money is easy to get, but friends are hard to get. A bosom friend in life is enough. "Who hasn't died since ancient times? Stay loyal and follow the history". Wang Lun's sadness of "The Peach Blossom Pond is a thousand feet deep, not as deep as Wang Lun's sending me love".

This book seems to have magic power, attracting me, turning down page by page.