Observation Composition Junior High School (16 Collections)
Butterflies fly
2024-01-07 05:58:10
junior middle school

Observation Composition Junior Middle School (1)

Introduction: Ants are common small animals. Have you ever noticed ants? Have you ever observed how ants carry food? The following is the composition collected and sorted for you by yjbys. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Composition of observing ants (1)

One afternoon, I was walking in the garden. At this time, I found an ant nest in a small corner of the grass.

This ant nest is muddy yellow, with many small holes, and some ants are busy. What are they busy with? To find out, I followed their busy direction. Oh, they are looking for food in the grass under the garbage can. I ran home, took a piece of sugar, bit it into small pieces and put it next to the ant nest. After a while, an ant touched the candy with its tentacles and tried to move it. But the sugar didn't move. It climbed back to the ant nest. Along the way, the ant kept touching the antennae of other ants with its antennae, as if to say: "Hurry up, everyone! There is food there!" The ants rushed to the candy side. Oh, the antennae of ants collide with each other to transmit information! The ant who received the message climbed onto the candy, bit and carried it, and then the candy was split into pieces, biting into salt grains. Later, they called more ants, three in a pile, five in groups, and all the candy into the hole. I was shocked by the scene in front of me and rubbed my eyes hard. The candy was really not there! It's amazing.

I also want to know why ants can run so far without getting lost? When I went home and asked my mother, she said: If you block its way home with something, the ant will get lost! I took a camphor ball in the cupboard and put it on an ant's way back to the nest. The ant touched the camphor ball with its antennae. Suddenly, it ran into it like crazy. Finally, it crawled to the pond.

Ants are really industrious and lovely animals!

Composition of observing ants (2)

Ants, maybe in the eyes of some people, they are just small creatures, but in fact, they have a huge family, and their life is full of mysteries. Every summer, I can often see groups of ants on the ground, in the corner of the wall, near the flower bed or in the tree hole and other wet landlords. They always consciously form a neat line, and hurriedly move and look for food. It seems that they have their own work and are very busy.

I remember one time when my sister and I went downstairs for a walk and sat by the flower bed to have a rest, we just saw some "Wangzai steamed buns" scattered on the edge of the flower bed. At this time, I found that some small ants climbed over, not many, about 50 or 60, and they climbed under the small steamed bun, as if they wanted to lift it up and carry it home. However, how could they bear such a huge steamed bun and such a heavy weight? Sure enough, after several attempts, they all lost like weightlifters. It seems that some of them gave up. Some of them turned back to their nests, but some of them still stayed to watch around the steamed buns. Then, it should be the intelligence officer who crawled away just now.

Just as I expected, after a while, I saw those little ants from a distance, followed by a long string of ants. There were more than 100 ants in detail, meticulous and orderly. They were like well-trained soldiers, walking in a neat step. I was deeply shocked by them! I asked myself quietly, if we can arrange such a neat line during morning exercises?

The ants came to a small steamed bun and lifted it up. They took a small dot from each small steamed bun and arranged them in a U-shaped shape. They shuttled back and forth between the nest and the steamed bun. Soon, a small steamed bun was removed by them and disappeared without a trace. Then, they began to carry the second one, and they had no time to spare.

Looking at them, I can't help but wonder: will ants get lost? Through online search, I found some information about ants' living habits and behaviors. It turns out that ants emit a hormone from their bodies on the way through. When they find their way, they can smell the smell with their antennae and go home.

Little ants' life is so interesting that they will find it if they observe it carefully.

Composition of observing ants (3)

A shiny black armor, two slender antennae, together into a small black brave creatures - ants.

Whenever you walk in the golden campus, you will find several small "!" around my feet, that is, ants. It seems that it doesn't realize the huge thing beside it, and it still walks slowly. Its arrogant gait can't help but prick my self-esteem. How dare a small ant put on airs in front of me. There is no need for bloodshed. Just gently poke a small wicker on its two "antennas", and it will rush around in fear. At this time, I would feel excited as if I had defeated some powerful enemy, but it is a small ant after all.

Maybe because of my naughty, I should launch a "war" with such kind and weak ants, which is obviously unfair to it.

But since I read an interesting story about ants, I can't help but have a feeling of admiration for this little creature. This anecdote is: What animal has the greatest strength in the world? The answer is ants, because ants can carry objects six times heavier than their own weight. Even if the weight is 100 times heavier than the ant, it is a simple task for people, but it is a great job for small ants. Little creature, I didn't expect that your small body contains such great power.

The vast and fertile land is a comfortable home for ants. Little creatures formed a powerful family of ants. Worker ants and ant king do their best, but they do not "distribute according to work". The worker ants worked hard all year long to serve the ant king and feed the young ants until they died of heart failure. However, the ant king was domineering and lived a life of dignity. It was unfair. I can't help complaining about the fate of the worker ants. I really hope that one day the sunshine of peace will shine into the dark ant nest.

This is my favorite little black creature -- ant.

Composition of observing ants (4)

Today, after I previewed the second unit of the science text - animals, I learned the characteristics of locusts and snails and their living habits. I want to observe the life of ants on the spot.

I prepared a sausage, a milk sugar and a small glass bottle. In the hot weather, I came to the sweet scented osmanthus trees. Because ants like to live in wet places, I squatted down and carefully placed candy in the places where ants often haunt.

Suddenly, I found a big ant, overjoyed, and threw the sausage to it to eat. The big ant turned a blind eye to these delicacies, ignored them, and just crawled on its own. I was worried and scolded it: "You deserve it! You don't eat such delicious food." While intercepting its path with a stick, no matter how I stopped it, the ant always eliminated all difficulties, Crawling forward, I will never turn back. I was even more anxious. I caught the big ant with both hands and put it on the palm of my hand to see how you can escape! At this time, I suddenly found that the body of the ant was very similar to that of the locust. It also had three parts: head, chest and abdomen. The head had a pair of antennae, which were used to identify directions. There were two small black spots on the antennae - eyes, which were used to greet companions, and a sharp mouth. The chest has three pairs of feet. The abdomen is as big as a spindle. There is a thin line connecting with the chest.

My grandfather said, "In the observation activities, we should not hurt the ants or interfere with their lives." After listening to my grandfather's words, I gently put the ants back to their original places. I hid behind the trees and waited patiently. One minute, ten minutes, half an hour, one hour...... A neat team came to candy and sausage in a big way. After a while, It's very spectacular.

Oh! It turned out that this ant was an observer, and it reported what it had observed to the "army".

Grandpa said, "Ants are very disciplined, have a clear division of labor, are united and hardworking, and dare to fight with fierce opponents in order to protect their homes."

I want to learn the spirit of hard work, solidarity and cooperation of ants.

Observation Composition Junior Middle School (2)

Today, I washed my hands on the kitchen stove and saw an ant. Just wanted to strangle it, but my curiosity made me let it go: What are ants doing here? Follow the route the ants have climbed, and I will look carefully. There is a fresh rice beside the condiment! It touched the rice with its tentacles, then turned around and left quickly. Where is it going?

Before long, the ant took a group of ants to form an ant army and marched toward the fresh rice. They formed a neat "one" shaped formation and moved forward in an orderly manner.

"One, two, three..." Ah, there are 28! The dozens of ants struggled to carry them there. When they were tired, they asked the "messenger" to send some more ants. This way, there are many ants around. Although there are so many ants, they are in good order, and then work together to move the rice back to the hole.

I immediately ran out of the kitchen and asked my brother: "How much weight can an ant carry at most?" My brother replied: "An ant can move something 20 times its own weight, which means that we humans can move an elephant!"

"Ah!" I was so surprised that I couldn't shut my mouth for a long time.

Ants are really Hercules! It seems that what the teacher said is right. There is really nothing difficult in the world. As long as we work hard like ants, there is nothing we can't do!

Observation Composition Junior Middle School (3)

One day in this summer vacation, I came to my mother's office, looked left and right, and found an extra pot of water to plant green plants. I asked curiously, "Mom, what is this?" My mother told me, "This is Lysimachia christinae."

Lysimachia christinae is beautiful. It wore a green coat, its roots dipped in the water like Grandpa's white beard, and its stems were long and thin, somewhat bent. Its leaves are round and green, like a miniature lotus leaf, inlaid with many channels, deep inside and light outside, arranged in order, and there is a small white dot in the middle. Because the leaves look like copper coins used by ancient people for trading, they are named "Lysimachia christinae". Although the plant of Lysimachia christinae is small, it can also blossom. The flowers are very small, and the color and shape are similar to Milan. The clusters of small yellow flowers dotted in the green leaves are more dazzling, which makes people never tire of watching.

The role of Lysimachia christinae is great! It has the effects of clearing away heat and toxic substances, removing blood stasis and swelling, promoting dampness and removing jaundice; It can also be used for the treatment of heat drenching, sand drenching, astringent and painful urine, jaundice and red urine, carbuncles, boils, snake bites, hepatolithiasis, urinary calculi and other difficult and miscellaneous diseases; It also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, and has inhibitory effects on humoral immunity and cellular immunity. Since Lysimachia christinae is evergreen all the year round, my mother said that placing a basin beside the desk or computer can protect your eyes and purify the air!

Looking at the Lysimachia christinae, I went into a fantasy, as if I had become one of many Lysimachia christinae. A gust of wind blew, I twisted my thin waist and legs and danced happily with my partners. We talked and laughed happily. The cool water fell down gently from top to bottom, and the crystal clear and naughty drops played on me. I gently twisted my body, and the drops fell off the leaves. I was very angry, as if to say, "Who wants you not to play for me?" My friends and I were playing. Soon, it was dark, and we each entered a sweet dream.

It took me a while to get back to reality. Lysimachia christinae, how charming you are!

Observation Composition Junior Middle School (4)

My family has many lovely small succulent plants.

There are Buddha beads, Winter Beauty, White Beauty, White Peony, Swift, Black Master, Rain Dew

Buddha beads are planted in a flower pot like a white angel. Its stems are purple, green when it first grows up, and its leaves are strange in shape. They grow on the stems like tears, crystal clear green pearls, and even more like bright and clean Buddha beads falling from the branches. She likes to drink water. Every time she replenishes water for them, they open their small mouths and have a full drink. The Buddha beads that are full of water are more plump and round. I really want to pick a string and wear it as an ornament!

Strawberry rolls are delicate and delicate. It is planted in a lovely love flowerpot. As long as you plant it, you can give birth to many "babies". These "babies" have their own postures. Some of them stick out their long brains and look around. They are very naughty! Some shy people use two small leaves, like two small hands tightly covering their faces, so timid! "Babies" are shaped like small strawberries. They are fresh and green. They are really cute!

Dark mage is really tall, like a small tree! Its trunk is as thick as a finger, and there are yellow leaves on it like needles. Its leaves will change color with the amount of soil moisture, from green to purple, from purple to black. The black mage can still blossom, and the small flower bud is actually composed of leaves. The black mage is really as magical as a magician!

How elegant the rain and dew are! Its leaves are thick, filled with a lot of water, and there are patterns on the leaves, some like steps, some like strange letters... It can also blossom! First, a long stem grows from the middle of the leaves, and several white flowers can blossom on one stem. The shape of the flowers is also beautiful, and they can put out an O-ring at will. When the breeze blows, they are like flower fairies dancing with the wind.

This is my family's little meat. I hope they grow fatter and more beautiful!

Observation Composition Junior Middle School (5)

Plants are a treasure, good for purifying air! Our family usually likes to play in Taishan Park because there are so many flowers and trees there, which is very comfortable. I discussed with my mother about planting several pots of flowers at home, and my mother happily agreed.

As we all know that meat is one of the plants that are very easy to feed, so I happily decided to choose meat baby as my first planting goal. My mother bought a dozen pots of succulent seedlings from the Internet. I dug some soil in the flower and tree belt downstairs, mixed it with the nutrient soil sent by the merchants, and shoveled it into the flowerpot. I also pulled some withered grass and put it at the bottom of the flowerpot, which can breathe and increase nutrients. It's not bad to see the small and fleshy pots arranged together!

Because fleshy plants prefer sunshine, my flower pots are all placed on the Nanyang Terrace to ensure that they can have enough sunshine. But they don't like water, so they can't water them until the soil is dry.

The next day, I got up early to see the growth of my fleshy baby. I squatted beside the flowerpot and looked carefully at it, but nothing came of it. The fleshy baby was still a little big, and it had no change from the one who fell yesterday. My mouth was pouting unconsciously. Mom was so happy when she saw me like that. She said that you want to be a big fat man! What changes can happen in a day? You have to wait slowly!

The days passed by in my waiting. Suddenly one morning, I found some buds growing on seven or eight fleshy branches. I jumped three feet high with joy and couldn't wait to tell the good news to my mother who was making breakfast. After all, I planted it myself, which was very fulfilling! My mother was also happy for me. She also told me that a mature fleshy leaf can grow into a young plant as long as you take care of it carefully. I was very happy. I was determined to raise more and more beautiful fleshy babies, and gave them to my friends. Let's enjoy the beautiful fleshy leaves and enjoy a healthier life!

Do you like growing flowers and plants? If you really can't grow meat, please join me to plant more meat! Flowers and plants are human's good friends, they will make our life better!

Observation Composition Junior Middle School (6)

When I sit at the table, the afternoon light will always fall lazily on my messy draft paper through the hazy window, dancing beside the handwriting. When I was upset, I could not help looking along this shallow beam of sunlight, and the light stopped on a growing plant. My eyes were also attracted by the emerald green elves born in the sun. I stared at the pot of meat, and my thoughts drifted into the past.

Duorou was sent by a friend. When Duorou first came to my home, I often stared at it. The leaves are full and round. It is tall and straight, stretching its stems and leaves, as if to show me its majesty and strength. But it is much smaller than other plants. It is covered with a layer of white fluff, and with thick leaves, it looks like a proud child with puffed cheeks. It is very popular.

For this small plant, I did not take care of it carefully. I heard that it has strong vitality and does not need frequent watering; Later, he became more lazy and didn't take watering seriously; Just put it in front of the window, let it play with the one meter sunlight left on the windowsill, whisper with the dust flying in the air, and compete with the soil caked under the body. Because I was busy with my studies, I stopped gazing at it.

As the days passed, it finally lost weight. From the root, the leaves gradually withered. The leaves that no one loves can only fall off from the stems silently, be forgotten in the soil, be dried on the empty windowsill, and wait for death; The light green upright body finally bent down. It was not until one day that I found the basin dying in the corner and gave away some water in the cup. In later days, I would stare at this pot of meat at my desk, but I only looked at it, and then I got into the work pile, rising and falling in the sea of complaints and busyness.

I don't know when my thoughts returned to this succulent plant. At this time, the upper part of Xiaoduorou is a perfect little green leaf, which unfolds towards the sunshine passing by the window. The green leaves enjoy tenderness and warmth, but do not know that under its green leaves, there are withered and withered past.

I gazed at the pot of meat and the busy and gloomy life at the moment, but my heart unconsciously had more courage and perseverance born in the sun.

Observation Composition Junior High School (7)

I had just come out of the house and walked to the second floor when I met my grandmother who lived on the second floor and wanted to buy vegetables. "Good morning, Grandma!" I cried sweetly. "Morning, morning," Grandma said with a smile, but soon she sighed. She looked at the stairs and said, "The stairs are really dirty. Why nobody cleans them?" I looked at the stairs subconsciously. They were really dirty. There were melon skin and paper scraps everywhere. Some of them were rotten and smelly. Just as the old woman said, the aunt who lives on the fourth floor came down from the upstairs, and she was going to work. I smiled at her, and she also smiled and said: "Good morning! Now that the economic conditions are better, fewer and fewer people think of others. Let alone sweeping the stairs." "Yes." The old lady responded. Then, we went downstairs carefully, afraid of stepping on garbage.

All the way, I thought about what the aunt said just now. In the past, our corridor was always clean because someone always cleaned it. But now the living conditions are better, no one has time to think about these little things. They are always thinking about how to earn money, how to buy a house, how to buy a house, and how to buy a car when they earn money. How busy they are! There are always endless things to think about, and there are always one ideal after another. There is no time to keep the corridor clean. They are no longer the same as before. They used to think about how to make the neighborhood more harmonious and how to make the living environment better. But now, they always think that they can make do anyway, so they don't need to take care of it. They always think about how others don't clean, but ask them to clean. As time passed, the once clean corridor became a big painted face. I thought to myself: it's time for me to take action!

After breakfast, the residents in our corridor basically went out. I put on a white hood, took a dustpan and broom, and prepared to "start". I went to the top floor, put the dustpan on the bottom of the stairs, and swept up layer by layer. How dirty! After sweeping a few floors of stairs, the dustpan was full. I quickly ran to the big garbage can at the entrance of the community to take out the garbage. The places I have swept are dusty everywhere. Although I wear a mask, I still inhale a lot of dust. By sweeping the top floor to the bottom floor, I have become a big face. I emptied the garbage 7 times in total, which really tired me! I turned my neck. Fortunately, my neck still moved. Although it's winter, I'm still sweating. I "crawled" back home, washed my face and slumped on the sofa. The white mask also turned grey.

In the evening, the residents came back. I opened the cat's eye to see their reaction when they saw the clean corridor. Unfortunately, the first uncle was on the phone and didn't notice the change of the stairs. The second one was the aunt on the fourth floor. She seemed to see something. She looked at the corridor and said in surprise, "Eh? The corridor is clean?" I smiled secretly.

In fact, as long as we spare a little time, we can change our environment. Don't spend all your time on economic life. It's good to have a rest and look around. Moreover, don't just talk but don't do, don't blame others for not doing anything, you should think, since you can do it, why not do it?

Observation Composition Junior Middle School (8)

In ordinary daily life, everyone is familiar with composition. Composition is a style composed of words, which expresses a theme through language organization after people's thinking. What kind of composition can be called excellent composition? The following is a 700 word composition of junior high school collected and sorted out by Xiaobian, taking Xiaocao as the observation object. Welcome to share it.

Qianqian reeds touched the hearts of scholars; The lofty "Shenzhou" touched the hearts of Chinese people; The relatives touch the hearts of the wanderers; The green grass touches my heart

When the gentle spring girl comes to the earth, flowers bloom, willows sprout like the notes of spring, and little swallows fly back, you will be attracted by the beautiful scenery, and will you find the weak grass? Grass is small and weak. It is green. Grass is not noble. It can survive as long as it has mud. It does not compete with white flowers or quarrel with willows. It just silently helps flowers and plants to make them beautiful. Grass stands aside silently, making others think it is the contribution of spring. Grass does not say a word. Grass is not just that, It also has a tenacious life. If a fire burns it, it will grow again after a few months. No wonder the ancients wrote that "wild fire can not burn out, and the spring wind can bring life" to praise grass.

I love grass, the spirit of indomitable struggle, the endless wildfire, the fresh spring wind; I love grass. The safflower still needs green leaves. It's unknown quality

In the spring, everything revives. Under the moisture of spring rain, when the grass stubbornly sticks out its head from the thawed soil shell and between the stones, sways with the wind, stretches its muscles and bones, harmonizes the color of nature, and brings the breath of spring to people, the people who are on the outing seem to ignore the existence of the grass, and rush past them to watch the beautiful flowers.

In midsummer, the sun is scorching. The grass thrives under the sun. When they dress the earth in new dark green clothes and act as "air filters" to make the air fresh and moist, people who are unbearably hot run past the grass. Ignoring their moans, they go to the shade to enjoy the cool. They also throw melon peel and paper scraps everywhere to pollute their bodies.

In golden autumn, the sky is clear and crisp. When the grass grows fully, and finally feels tired, because the climate is getting cold, its face is becoming yellow, gradually covered by leaves, and still trying to continue its life, people collect the withered grass and leaves, and pile them in the crops. Grass acts as fertilizer to do the last bit of power for mankind.

In severe winter, the cold wind is biting to the bone. When the grass temporarily retreats to the ground to preserve the regenerative power of the root system and prepare for further development in the next year. Snow girl came to keep them company. They were covered with a thick layer of snow and passed through the long winter. Although people forgot the grass for a while, they were bearing new life. During this period, for grass, all it needs is waiting, waiting

With the sound of spring thunder, Xiao Cao came to the world again with ecstasy.

When I wrote this, I couldn't help thinking of a song "No flower fragrance, no tree height, I am a grass nobody knows. Never lonely, never worried, you see my friends all over the world......" Grass, you are so simple and unadorned, no regrets, neither seeking praise, nor fear contempt. We also want to be like you, unknown, ambitious, dedicated, not demanding, and useful to society and people

Observation Composition Junior High School (9)

Today, the teacher assigned us an assignment - garlic hydroponics, so I asked my mother to buy some garlic from the vegetable market.

I picked up one and observed it carefully: there was a thin skin on the outside of garlic, the skin was white, and it was a bit rough and dry to touch with my hands. It has seven or eight valves connected together, like children sitting hand in hand. I took garlic and put it in a glass on the balcony, looking forward to their changes!

A few days later, I excitedly ran to the balcony to see my hydroponic garlic. I picked up the garlic in the water, and I found that the garlic sprouted, bright yellow, about one or two centimeters long. It was also found that garlic not only had sprouts, but also had roots, which were thin and long, and white. Seen from a distance, it looks like grandpa's white beard, and the water has changed from white to yellow.

A few days later, I watched garlic in the dark. The original white garlic has now become yellow, like maple leaves flourishing in summer, turning red in autumn, and then slowly withering.

Time was running out, and soon another week passed. At this time, garlic has experienced a whole growth process of "speaking late, then fast". Although it was only 28 days later, I saw the whole process of green leaves growing from garlic cloves to garlic. I suddenly found that in the process of observing garlic, everyone can observe from different angles. The discovery must be different from others, just like your observation in the day and night; Observation of the upper and lower parts of garlic; The observation inside and outside is different; Even for the same person, different periods of time will be different; Just like a poem by Su Shi, it gives us so many insights in modern times: when viewed horizontally, the mountain becomes a peak, and the distance is different. We should be good at observing things. Maybe there will be many amazing discoveries and inventions that can be used to improve our lives.

In the article "The Century That Calls for Wind and Rain", Russell once said: in the final analysis, science makes our age different from any previous era, or it can be said that "in the final analysis, invention and discovery make our age different from any previous era! Although I didn't get many amazing discoveries and inventions from observing garlic, this is also some insights I gained after this observation experience!

Observation Composition Junior High School (10)

The cicada outside the window kept shouting, "cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada. The teacher ran into the classroom like a hungry tiger.

The teacher stood in front of the platform, wiping his sweat. She blushed and gasped. The sweat beads on the tip of the nose gathered together and became bigger and bigger. Finally, they became "big pearls" and slid down into the mouth. When the teacher turned around, he saw, ah, the teacher's back was wet! The teacher must be saying in his heart: "It's killing me! It's killing me!"

The teacher sat down on the chair and fanned his face with his hands. The sweat on his face fell faster. The teacher straightened up and stretched his neck as long as a giraffe's neck. Her originally small eyes were wide open, like a scanner, looking east and west, as if she were looking for something.

What is the teacher looking for? Looking for ice cream? Looking for the teapot? Looking for tea? Or looking for tea? When I was puzzled, the teacher's eyes suddenly lit up, like Columbus's discovery of the New World, with strange light shining in his eyes. Ah! It was tea, and the answer in my heart was finally revealed.

The teacher took up the cup and put it in front of him. He appreciated that some tea leaves floated on the water, just like clouds in the sky; Some tea leaves sink at the bottom of the cup, just like a baby sleeping on the bed; Some tea leaves even stand upside down in the middle of the water, like birds flying and water plants dancing freely with the current. When these tea leaves are put together, isn't it an underwater world?

After enjoying the beautiful underwater world, the teacher closed his eyes and took a deep breath. As soon as the smell of tea entered the teacher's nostrils, she immediately entered a state of narcissism. The teacher drank a sip of tea gracefully, and some naughty tea leaves were left on the teacher's lips. Ha! To the surprise of the whole class, the teacher's tongue stuck out, licked the tea and rolled it into his mouth. She chewed the tea several times, frowned slightly, and swallowed it!

God, isn't tea brewed for drinking? Why did the teacher even eat tea? The tea must be bitter, just look at the teacher's frown. Hey hey, teacher, aren't you asking for "hardship"?

Who knows, when I "schadenfreude", the teacher's frown stretched out, and the satisfied smile blossomed on his face.

In a moment, I thought of an idiom: sweet after suffering.

Observation Composition Junior High School (11)

I was so happy that I ran over as if I had found a treasure. It is a corner full of weeds, surrounded by snow, but it is precisely because of the white here that highlights its green. It is so small, so cute, small and exquisite, fresh and elegant. Who would have expected to see such a scene in this snowy winter. I squatted on the side, propped up my chin and enjoyed the surprise alone. I'm curious. What is it? Wipe the snow off its body, and then we can see its true face. It is the mother's favorite hanging orchid.

I don't know how my mother, who has always disliked trouble, would like to raise Chlorophytum. When my mother bought it from the flower market at first, it was only a little big, with yellow leaves, and looked like withered green vegetables. But my mother said with a smile, "You don't understand the hanging orchid. Although it looks sad now, you may fall in love with it from another angle.". At first sight today, I finally understood my mother's words, which really made my heart ripple. The sun seems to like it too, and wants to come closer to see it. Gradually, the flakes of snow turned into crystal beads, which magnified the green color of the hanging orchid several times. The hanging orchid looks more green.

I have never been interested in growing flowers and grass, let alone research. But I think it's very strange why the Chlorophytum blooms in winter? From another point of view, I suddenly found the answer. It turns out that this is the uniqueness of Chlorophytum. In the spring when flowers are blooming and people praise it, it chose to be silent, choose to conserve energy, and silently produce oxygen for us. But in the winter when flowers withered, it completed its beautiful fading.

The headset is still singing "incomparable beauty". It suddenly dawned on me that what it praised might be the beauty in front of us. I didn't expect that in this afternoon, the hanging orchid, which is like tea, let me see another kind of beauty of life.

Observation Composition Junior Middle School (12)

I prepared a sausage, a milk sugar and a small glass bottle. In the hot weather, I came to the sweet scented osmanthus trees. Because ants like to live in wet places, I squatted down and carefully placed candy in the places where ants often haunt.

Suddenly, I found a big ant, overjoyed, and threw the sausage to it to eat. The big ant turned a blind eye to these delicacies, ignored them, and just crawled on its own. I was worried and scolded it: "You deserve it! You don't eat such delicious food." While intercepting its path with a stick, no matter how I stopped it, the ant always eliminated all difficulties, Crawling forward, I will never turn back. I was even more anxious. I caught the big ant with both hands and put it on the palm of my hand to see how you can escape! At this time, I suddenly found that the body of the ant was very similar to that of the locust. It also had three parts: head, chest and abdomen. The head had a pair of antennae, which were used to identify directions. There were two small black spots on the antennae - eyes, which were used to greet companions, and a sharp mouth. The chest has three pairs of feet. The abdomen is as big as a spindle. There is a thin line connecting with the chest.

My grandfather said, "In the observation activities, we should not hurt the ants or interfere with their lives." After listening to my grandfather's words, I gently put the ants back to their original places. I hid behind the trees and waited patiently. One minute, ten minutes, half an hour, one hour...... A neat team came to candy and sausage in a big way. After a while, It's very spectacular.

Oh! It turned out that this ant was an observer, and it reported what it had observed to the "army".

Grandpa said, "Ants are very disciplined, have a clear division of labor, are united and hardworking, and dare to fight with fierce opponents in order to protect their homes."

Through this observation, I think ants are united, hardworking and not afraid of difficulties. Animals can do so, why some of us humans can't do it. Since then, I have silently read in my heart: I want to learn the spirit of diligence, solidarity and cooperation of ants.

Observation Composition Junior High School (13)

When it comes to mantis, I think everyone must know. It is an insect, commonly known as the knife roach. The head is triangular, and the antenna is filiform; The forefoot is developed, like a sickle. ★ I have observed that its eyes seem to change color. At one moment, the crystal green is bright, at the other moment, it is dark and dim; There are emerald mantis and brown mantis. I don't know whether they are changing clothes or two different races ★. I once caught a praying mantis and did not feed it until the next morning. It sprayed some water on the flowers, like dew. The crystal clear "dew" drips on the green flowers and leaves, and the thirsty mantis licks the water on the water drops and claws with three teeth. However, this mantis became unhappy after a few days, so I had to put it back into nature and let it be free.

Let it go? Does it really want to return to nature? I am reluctant to part, but I will die if I leave it behind! We are like friends at first sight, reluctant to part with each other. After all, we have feelings after so many days together! I thought about it and couldn't help but arouse tears. I really hope it will remember me forever!

Observation Composition Junior High School (14)

The stars are like bright pearls, inlaid with 4 and shining under the sky. The frog's green body is covered with dark green spots, and its white belly seems to be inflated.

The sky washed by autumn rain is as blue as the sea. White clouds float slowly on the water like boats sailing. He was only in his twenties, and his face was pale, as if he had not slept well. He always frowns and doesn't talk much. The smile lines almost disappeared on his face. He was wearing a faded blue cloth coat, as if he would always wear such a coat. His thin chin shell and bright shoulders are lifeless. Party, I love my family, the history that moves me

The moon, the blue sky, is hung with the sun like a fireball, and the clouds seem to have been burned by the sun, but also disappeared without a trace. The middle-aged man in his thirties, with a medium-sized body and a square face, had rough skin because of his years of work in the field. As if he hadn't slept soundly for several nights, his eyes were deeply sunk.

Observation diary 100 words junior high school composition 2

We have a cat at home. The round head is like a leather ball, and the triangular ears are flexible, as if listening to the movement around. There is a brown spot on its forehead, and the whole body seems to have been smeared with oil. It is white with several brown spots. It looks very cute. People can't help feeling it when they see it. I like it very much.

My cat is not only cute, but also very naughty. I walked around the house in the morning, hoping to have a good playmate. It is very active. An ordinary jelly shell is enough for it to play for most of the day. When it saw the jelly shell, it hit it hard first, then took a quick step back, watching it carefully. Of course, the jelly shell rolls around because of it. When it sees something moving, it becomes more energetic. It leaped forward again, grabbed the jelly shell, and beat wildly, scarred the jelly shell, but still did not give up, and kept hitting with its paws, having fun. When he has played enough, he throws it aside with his paw and barks at us "meow, meow", as if he is proudly saying to us:

"How about my ability to catch mice?" Then he left triumphantly. Sometimes it is lonely, and it will keep shouting at me, as if saying to me:

"Young master, please play with me for a while!"

My cat is such a human and naughty cat. If you like my cat, please come to my house.

Observation Composition Junior High School (15)

The first time to get close to plants was in a science class. The teacher asked us to plant impatiens and observe them. I like plants very much, especially those that can produce beautiful flowers. Sow the seed with joy and wait for it to break the ground.

I don't know if I have been forgotten by spring, and the seeds of other students have sprouted, but my impatiens haven't even sprouted a bit. They are clearly in the same environment. Maybe it can't sprout. I was ready to throw it away the next day, as if fate had made a fool of me. The next day, it sprouted. It was totally different from other students' impatiens. Other impatiens' buds were thin and small, but it was thick and large, with straight stems and green leaves. It was full of energy. Although the teacher said it was best not to touch the leaves, I could not help but touch them. There were no lines on the cotyledons, so they were very slippery. The stem is white, so it should have light colored flowers.

It sprouts and sprouts surprisingly. After it germinated, I began to take care of it more carefully. Pay attention to the temperature every day to adjust the watering time. Soon, several other small impatiens grew up, but none of them was as big, healthy and energetic as the first one, so I prefer the first one. At this time, the first one has grown a small true leaf, like a newborn baby, curling up the leaf. I got closer to it. I watered it carefully, fertilized it properly, and even told it my own worries, treating it as a friend. I like this impatiens more and more

Half a month later, it came out with a bud and flowers. The flowers were small and tender. The petals were very light purple, which was close to pink. The stamens were yellow, fresh, elegant, soft and beautiful. Dark green leaves, light green stems, purple petals, yellow stamens. The whole plant of impatiens is like a graceful girl, shyly covering her face with sleeves.

There are flowers and fruits. When the flowers wither, they bear small fruits. It's tender green and fluffy. When ripe, the fruit will burst out. When I pinch it with my fingers, it will burst. I collect the seeds for planting again next year.

After bearing fruit, the impatiens began to wither, and I was a little sad. I comfort myself that plants will always wither, but as long as their seeds are well protected, they can still meet their descendants in the coming year.

I love impatiens!

Observation Composition of Impatiens (2)

My family has a beautiful pot of impatiens. I planted it myself. I go to see it every day, water it, loosen the soil Watching it grow taller and taller day by day, I am happy beyond words. Now, this impatience is almost one meter tall.

Impatiens has very strong vitality. No matter in the hot summer, or in the sandy soil without nutrients, it can grow tenaciously.

Now, impatiens have already begun to bloom. Its flowers are very strange, only two or three petals, thin. The flowers are half purple and half red, which are very cute and dazzling. The shape of the flower is also different from other flowers. The red petals tremble slightly in the wind. From afar, they look like naughty bees gathering honey with their wings open, like red butterflies dancing, like groups of graceful girls nodding their heads with red faces. The leaves of impatiens are thin and long, and the green color is full of vitality. The bright red flowers inlaid on the green leaves are simply a beautiful picture.

The stem of impatiens is very strong and light green, but it is dark red near the root. It supports those green leaves and those girlish flowers every day and every night. Not afraid of fatigue, not afraid of hardship, with a selfless spirit of dedication, it is so strong!

I love impatiens. Although it is not as noble as peony, I love its beautiful flowers, green leaves and strong and straight stems and roots. I love its tenacious vitality even more.

Observation Composition of Impatiens (3)

We raise many earthworms for fishing.

Our domestic earthworms are different from those in the fields. The earthworms in the fields are black, long and thick, while the body of our domestic earthworms is red, not as thick as the earthworms in the fields. The fish in the river love to eat our domestic earthworms.

Listen to my father: "Earthworms have strong vitality and regenerative function."

I want to have a try.

So I took some from my earthworm box with chopsticks to do the experiment. I took a knife and cut the earthworm in half from the middle. The earthworm immediately jumped up on the ground and struggled painfully. When I saw it, I called my father and asked, "Dad, is the earthworm going to die?"

Dad said, "It doesn't matter. It will be ready in a minute. You should put it in the wet soil quickly."

I quickly put it into the wet soil prepared in advance.

After two hours, I went to see the earthworm I cut in half with a knife. I was wondering: Will he die?

But when I dig the soil, I see, ah! My earthworms are not dead. They are crawling happily in the soil! As my father said, earthworms have strong vitality, and have the same regenerative function as gecko tails.

Observation Composition of Impatiens (4)

When I was playing at my grandmother's house, I accidentally found several seeds of impatiens, which were so inconspicuous.

When I got home, I ran to the bottom of the tree and dug a pot of soil all over the ground. Then gently pinch a few holes in the soil with your fingers, bury the seeds of impatiens, cover the soil gently, and finally pour some water on the soil. Looking at the seeds I buried myself, I hope that the buds of impatiens will grow quickly.

The next day, I couldn't wait to see the impatiens. As I hoped, the balsamine flowers had sprouted green buds in the shape of "Y". I was very happy. I didn't expect to succeed in planting flowers for the first time.

A few days later, the impatiens grew taller and more green leaves appeared. In the breeze, these leaves looked like children doing radio exercises.

Another day, the impatiens grew many flowers, like small peaches, and each flower seemed to have a different color.

After my careful care, the impatiens finally bloomed beautiful flowers. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. The flowers of impatiens have many colors: red, pink, purple, white... Close up, they look like butterflies dancing; Seen from afar, it looks like strings of pearls hanging on the branches.

Observation Composition of Impatiens (5)

At the beginning of the new semester, the science teacher asked me to plant impatiens. When I got the seeds of impatiens, I started the "journey" of planting impatiens.

The color of Impatiens balsamina seeds is brown, very small, and about half a grain of rice; After the seeds are buried, water them, and the seeds "drill" into the soil as if they were invisible. Day by day, night by night... Finally, the balsamine was "entrusted" by the soil. The stems of young plants are white, and the leaflets are yellow. I thought they were bean sprouts! At this time, I would like to travel to Huangshan Mountain. After the tour, I found that the stem of impatiens turned red and there were two green leaves, which seemed to change in an instant; A week later, I had nine impatiens, and they all had two small green leaves, round and lovely.

Due to the tension in learning, I gradually forgot about impatiens. One day, my mother went to see the impatiens, and five died! I regret that I should not forget the impatiens, so I go to see the impatiens every day. When it is "thirsty", I give it "water". Before long, the second and third pairs of leaves grew out of the impatiens. The leaves were sharp, with many veins, and with soft spines on the edges, which were obviously different from the first pair of leaves. In addition, the impatiens grew much taller.

Now, I have four strong impatiens. They are like four happy children playing in the sun

Observation Composition Junior High School (16)

1、 The cause of the problem.

My family has a little tortoise. In winter, the little tortoise doesn't eat, and has been hiding in the water for hibernation; In summer, the little turtle eats an amazing amount of shrimp. But the strange thing is that it only eats in the water. Sometimes I deliberately put the turtle feed on a dry platform (a piece of marble in the center of the basin), and the little turtle always drags the feed into the water to eat. In addition, why should the turtle's feed be made into red? Little tortoise sleeps in water in winter. Why does he like to sleep on land when the weather is warm? With all kinds of questions, I carried out an investigation on the physiological characteristics and living habits of the little turtle.

2、 Survey methods

Look up books and newspapers, browse online

3、 Investigation and data sorting

1. Turtles are temperature changing animals, so they are sensitive to changes in ambient temperature. When the temperature is about 10 ℃, the tortoise enters the hibernation state. When the temperature rises to about 15 ℃, it starts to move. Generally, the feeding and activity of turtles at 25 ℃ are set as normal values; The temperature of about 30 ℃ is the best temperature for turtle to eat, move and grow.

2. According to the diet of turtles, they can be divided into meat eating turtles, plant eating turtles and omnivorous eating turtles. Aquatic turtles are generally omnivorous, semi aquatic turtles are mostly carnivorous, and terrestrial turtles are mostly herbivorous. Many turtles feed, breed and interact in the water.

3. The eyes of the little tortoise have convex and round corneas and more round lenses, and the ciliary body is very developed. The radian of the lens can be adjusted to adjust the visual distance, so the little tortoise has a wide field of vision, but its clarity is poor; Sensitive to moving objects, slow to static objects; The turtle is sensitive to red and white, so its feed is made into red.

4、 Conclusion