Wrong Love (Collection of 10)
The blue sky and white clouds
2024-03-17 00:09:51
fifth grade

Wrong Love (1)

"The green is beautiful and the people are quiet, while the red clothes are shallow and deep. The flower is worried about breaking, but the spring scenery is not intimate." Wang Wei saw his own sorrow in the peony in the poem "Red Peony", and I also saw it, but I did not see sorrow.

The sun is scorching, and the peonies downstairs are growing. They are as white as frost, as red as rosy clouds, and as green as jade. No flower is not hot and colorful, and there is dazzling beauty everywhere.

A blooming purple peony, slim and graceful, each petal is so delicate, like a girl dancing a waltz in the wind. The yellow cluster in the middle, holding a little bit of stamens, can not help but let people increase their love for it.

The next day, the cold wind was blowing, and the purple peony was still like yesterday. The yellow cluster gently protected the stamens and wrapped them tightly.

On the third day, there was a heavy rain. I was afraid that the purple peony would be destroyed, so I took it home. The purple peony is still the same as the previous two days - the stamens have not dipped into a drop of water.

The next few days, the weather has been very sunny, every day I sat at my desk, watching the appointment between peony and sunshine in front of the window. I took care of it with all my heart and even gave it a full pot of water.

A few days later, I found a rotten smell in my room. "It must be the peony flower" I thought and rushed into the room. The peony has "withered for Iraq". Until now, I found that the stamen had already decayed, but the petals and the cluster of yellow were just withered. He cried loudly before leaving, and there was a wet area around the basin.

Later, I kept the stamen, because I saw from it:

"My love is wrong."

Wrong Love (2)

Love is a cool wind in June, blowing comfort and coolness into your heart; Love is a sweater in the severe winter, bringing warmth and happiness to your dreams; Love is a safe harbor in the wind and rain. Shake happiness and ease into your love; Love is a candle in the dark, lighting up the light and future for you!

The sun shines on the earth, and the scenery is infinitely good. Bursts of crying broke the peace of Qiuxi Village.

Old Tang, the father of five girls, has the old concept of "son preference". He wants a boy very much, even though his family is too poor to start.

"Old Tang, old Tang, congratulations. It's a son. You have a son in the Tang family. Don't look at me with such strange eyes. Go in and have a look." The midwife rushed out of the room and said to old Tang in deep thought.

"Mama Zhang, don't comfort me. I knew it was a girl again when I heard the crying voice of the child." Old Tang sighed.

"What's the use of comforting you? Go and have a look," Zhang Ma said while pushing Old Tang.

Old Tang walked into the room and saw that it was really a boy. He happily carried the child around his head for several times. He went to the street and said to others everywhere, "The Tang family has a baby. How about naming it Tang Yong? You envy it!"

When Tang Yong reached the grade he should go to school, Old Tang asked Tang Yong's sisters to farm at home and only provide for Tang Yong to go to school; Old Tang didn't trust Tang Yong to go to school alone, so he put down his farm work and accompanied Tang Yong to school and finished school; Every time the family improves their lives, Old Tang always asks Tang Yong to eat first; Tang Yong asked for a new schoolbag, and Old Tang quickly bought a new schoolbag. Tang Yong is at home like an emperor who wants wind and rain.

Tang Yong started fighting with a classmate at school. Tang Yong's clothes were torn, and the face of the boy who fought with Tang Yong was disfigured by Tang Yong. Old Tang came to the school and knew he was wrong, so he apologized to the victim and paid the medical expenses. On the way home, Old Tang said to his son, "It's normal for boys to make a fuss. Have you made a mountain out of a molehill? My son will go home with my father, and my father will cook delicious food for you. Other people's children are not as good as my children. However, don't fight anymore. You are the treasure of the family. What can you do if you break it?"

At the age of 10, Tang Yong learned to beat his sister and scold his parents.

At the age of 17, Tang Yong learned to eat, drink, whore and gamble.

At the age of 19, Tang Yong asked his neighbor's girl to have children before she married.

At the age of 20, Tang Yong felt his hometown was poor and left Qiuxi Village.

At the age of 25, Tang Yong took a fancy to a girl and wanted to marry her. The woman asked Tang Yong to give 200000 yuan to marry her daughter to Tang Yong. When Tang Yong returned home for the first time in five years, he asked him for 200000 yuan. Old Tang couldn't get 200000 yuan, but Tang Yong broke him.

A few years later, Tang Yong was sent to prison for kidnapping children. Old Tang went to see his son. When Tang Yong saw Old Tang, he said to him, "I hate you. Don't you know it's a mistake to spoil too much?" After that, he walked away without looking back.

Sometimes, love is also a mistake.

Wrong Love (3)

What is the error. Is the sun going to sink? Is it a flower that has not withered yet? Or is it a dying stream? In fact, this is just a prejudice against mistakes.

Can you say that mistakes are the shining sun? Is it a beautiful and fragrant flower? Or jumping and flowing streams? But mistakes are mistakes. No matter how you correct them, there will always be mistakes in your memory. Since it is wrong, what is the right to use this beautiful and elegant words to flaunt errors?

My first mistake was punished by my mother and father when I was in kindergarten. I was only about 4 years old at that time. All children were greedy. When I saw a neighbor's child showing off an ice cream in front of me, I was unhappy. Why didn't he have anything! Money? Isn't there money in Mom's drawer? So I stole the money from my family for the first time. As a result, I can imagine, when I was happily eating the ice cream I just bought, my mother took me home and taught me a lesson with my father. Then I was beaten by my parents for the first time... This beat will be remembered by my generation. Because they played too hard, they showed their anger, their ardent expectation and their sincere love for me! I often think that if I didn't have enough food from my parents, I wouldn't be so bad in the future!

Wrong, the best interpretation of parents' love.

As I grew up and matured day by day, I became arrogant, boastful and rebellious as a young man. When I was still proud of my first grade performance, when I was proud of my second grade jump to the fourth grade, and when I was still intoxicated with my fourth grade performance, an 85 point math test paper poured on my head like ice water. It tells me that the past has passed, and the challenge is the future. This time, I accepted the teacher's first conversation. The teacher's earnest words made me feel ashamed and gratified. The teacher's expectation for me, the teacher's quality of being a human ladder, and the teacher's full responsibility are the teacher's deep love for me. I often wonder if my grades would have plummeted without the teacher's talk?

Wrong, the best interpretation of the teacher's love.

I remember that after the grade jump in the fourth grade, the most difficult lesson was math. I can't understand math class at all. One level difference is big! At the boarding school, I can't do my homework without my parents' help. I dare not ask the teacher questions, nor dare to ask the students. At that time, I was really weak and incompetent, so I thought of copying, which was the most convenient and fast way. So, I copied my classmates' homework for the first time, but I was finally found. At that time, I really felt ashamed. I only felt that hot eyes were shooting at me, and scornful eyes were staring at me. But the teacher learned my situation afterwards, not only did not blame me, but also patiently explained each topic to me; The students also asked me if I needed any help. God blocked my wrong way, but opened a window to light for me.

Wrong, the best interpretation of love in life.

It is the struggles in the mistakes that make me feel the wrong interpretation of love. It is a kind of love that is hard to understand in a short time, a kind of lasting, valuable and great love, and a kind of love that awakens the conscience of human nature!

Mistakes are not the sun that is going to sink, not the flowers that have not withered for the time being, not the streams that are on the verge of exhaustion; Nor is it a shining sun, a beautiful and fragrant flower, or a jumping stream.

Error is the best interpretation of love.

Wrong Love (4)

Love is a fire in winter, dispelling the haze inside; Love is an oasis in the desert, giving thirsty people infinite hope; Love is the star in the dark, guiding us to the other side of success. You need proper love in your life now. Today, we enjoyed four cartoons about proper love.
The first picture is called "Kindness of Father". It was very late, the stars were blinking tirelessly, and the moon was throwing its clear light on the earth. "Dad, I want to ride a wooden horse." This is the son's cry. Dad is leaning on the rocking chair, tasting the Biluochun that he just brought back, and reading the newspaper. Hearing his son's voice, he waved impatiently. "Go and play on the side." "No, no, no, I'm going to play, or I'm going to jump off the building." Dad yelled: "Jump and jump, I'm tired of it!" At this time, Grandma came out, "Hey, how can you talk to the children like this? You can't bear to be a Trojan horse for once?" Dad had no choice but to lie on the plank of the rocking chair and shake to be a Trojan horse. Then look at the son, who is holding a whip in his left hand, and putting a rope into his father's mouth with his right hand. It seems that a general does not care about his parents at all. Seeing my father sweating but not ashamed, and smiling happily, how spoiled was he? This painting exposes the bad behavior of parents in spoiling their children.
The second picture is called "doting". The cock crowed, and the sun smiled at the beautiful world. The child is having breakfast at home. The staple food is noodles and vermicelli radish soup. But the child didn't seem to like eating, and the soup spilled all over Grandma. Grandpa moved a stool and put it opposite the child. He told stories and was still jumping like a rabbit. When he saw the child grinning, Grandma quickly put noodles into the child's mouth. I'm not afraid of being late for school. I just want my children to eat more. But the child was ungrateful. He sat on the chair on the second floor and put his feet into the soup bowl, but his parents didn't even help him. Look, what a harmonious family has become!
The third picture is called Shuai Lai. Today, after school, the child unexpectedly found that grandpa had come to pick him up. Usually, when his parents come to pick him up, he has to behave a little and can't ask for anything at will. But today is grandpa, grandpa dotes on children and won't refuse. At the door of the toy store, the child pointed to a shiny toy gun in the shop window and said to his grandfather, "Grandpa, I want to buy a gun." Grandpa touched his pocket. It was terrible, and he didn't have any money on him. But my grandson didn't understand, so my grandfather had to explain again and again, but my grandson not only didn't obey, but also cried loudly. Grandfather is old, but he can't wait for his grandson. His sideburns are covered with sweat. I had no choice but to go home and get the money. Alas, children, let the old man have a rest! The old people are too tired these years. Let them relax for a while!
The fourth picture is different from the first three. The first three pictures are excessive indulgence, while the last picture shows strict love. The child, whose parents divorced, could not get out of the shadow of psychological inferiority. His usual academic performance is not good, and he only scored 2 points in this unit test. When I just got home, I found that my father, who often went on business, actually came back. Dad was irritable, and the teacher asked him to sign again. In desperation, he had to carry a roll with a branch and walked in, muttering incoherently: "Dad, our teacher asked us to sign." Dad turned around and immediately became angry. Alas, a domestic violence is about to begin.
Although the above pictures are exaggerated, they all come from their own lives and contain profound truth. It tells parents not to be too strict and indulgent to their children, which will have a bad impact on their children. In life, gentle love will make children become flowers in the greenhouse, unable to withstand the wind and rain, and like seedlings that have not cut branches, unable to grow into towering trees; Too strict love will leave a shadow on children's psychology, or even lead them astray. Now, life calls for an appropriate love, which will make life better.

Wrong Love (5)

You make me fall in love with you. It is I who forget to eat you and give me the fragrance of joy, but at the same time, it is you who leave the bitter breath. I believe that in the world where IT technology is developing rapidly, many people can use computers, and many students are addicted to the computer network world, and I am the most common one among them. Along with the development of the times, a variety of online games were born. I unconsciously fell in love with online games when I first surfed on the Internet. I was poisoned and passed out in the real world. Because I don't know when I have fallen in love with playing online games. When I started to contact online games, I was attracted by its magnificence. Is it love at first sight? Maybe in this virtual online game world, I can find my true self. Maybe only here can I be happy, so I put down my book and put my eyes into the flicker of the computer screen. Being addicted to online games is not a psychological process that can be explained in a few words. It feels like I can't leave you anymore. It's my second home, growing up with me regardless of wind and rain. Since my love for online games has reached an unparalleled level, my learning has plummeted. For a while, the exam results were always ranked at the bottom of the class. I found that falling in love with online games was a beautiful mistake, but I was willing to make mistakes again and again. Do you think I am a standard lover?

In this way, I fell in love with you vaguely and made a big mistake. Maybe it was because of my persistence that I stubbornly made a mistake. I still laughed it off. As long as I have money, I rush to the Internet cafe. My family has advised me N times. In my memory, I always act as the wind blowing through my hair, and never take it to heart. Turn on the computer and enter the game. A sense of desolation and vicissitudes rises from my heart. I smile bitterly and say goodbye to you! I really can't go wrong any more. For my own tomorrow, I am willing to leave. I input the deletion account with attachment, and with my trembling fingertips, gently click to exit. I'm back to reality. There are too many things I need to bear at the same time, so I finally chose to say goodbye to you. Close your eyes, you can still see how sad it is to say goodbye to you and me, but no one can understand, but it is really a mistake for me to fall in love with you, and I choose to say goodbye. I will go back to see you when I have time, but the situation in those days no longer exists, and I just want to say to you: "Goodbye!"

Wrong Love (6)

I like reading comics best. Reading comics is a kind of fun and enjoyment for me. Every time I see a cartoon, I can't help laughing. But today, after reading the cartoon on the examination paper, I can't help laughing. Instead, I feel extremely excited. Now let's take a look at the contents of the cartoon:

It was a sunny morning. The Red Scarf Academy held an art competition, and Xiao Ming also participated. At this time, Xiaoming and his father were on their way to school. Xiaoming walked with a picture book in hand, whistling in his mouth, showing a leisurely look. And Xiaoming's father? He walks behind Xiaoming with an umbrella, and uses it to protect him from the sun. Xiao Ming's father not only holds an umbrella in one hand and a paintbrush in the other, but also carries a drawing board on his back. He was sweating heavily, and his waist was not straight. Besides, he shouted while walking: "Son, walk slowly, don't fall."

This is clearly the result of parents' excessive concern for their children. Although this is just a cartoon, it is very common in our real life. For example, our neighbor's "little princess" is Honghong. As soon as she opens her golden mouth, she wants wind and rain. Even if it is a star in the sky, her parents will try every means to pick it for her, and life is really good. When she and her mother went shopping, she would buy whatever she saw desirable, and her mother always obeyed, never saying "no". She always said to her, "My dear daughter, I will buy you whatever you want, as long as you are happy, whatever you want." When she went to the amusement park, Hong Hong said she wanted to play with it, and her parents immediately went to buy tickets for her. When she was in kindergarten, her parents were afraid that she would be bullied in the kindergarten car, so they personally carried her to kindergarten. Under the great love of her parents, Honghong became a spoiled "little princess".

Is that love? Yes, it is also a kind of love, but this kind of love is wrong. It will hinder the healthy growth of children and make them become "flowers" in the greenhouse. In fact, every parent should care about their children all the time, but how should they care? Let children be the "little emperor" and "little princess" in the family? Let the children not do housework all day? No, this kind of love will make children unable to learn all kinds of skills in life, and will make them unable to get exercise. If parents really care about their children, they must let them learn to stand on their own feet, learn the skills in life, let them exercise themselves in nature, let them stand the test of big storms, so that they can become strong.

Wrong Love (7)

The evening air is cool, the wind is blowing the leaves rustling, the birds are chirping in the trees, and the children are playing happily under the trees. Mother Dashu smiled proudly for bringing joy to her children. All this is so beautiful, but I can't get involved in this happiness. I have to step up and put down the materials and homework that the composition tutor gave me, and go home to have dinner and follow my mother to learn English. Tomorrow Sunday, I will go to cram art and math. My mother said it was to increase my nutrition, so that I could grow healthily and healthily.

"Baby, come here and see who is coming!

What gift did I bring you!

”Just walked to the door, my mother called me loudly. "Ah!

It's so beautiful. A yellow bird. It's Grandpa. Grandpa brought me the bird!

”I cried out, I haven't been so happy for a long time. I like this bird so much that I named it "Little Baby".

"Baby" is very cute. At night, I put its cage beside my pillow to listen to my favorite nursery rhymes. I also gave it my favorite cream chocolate cake, soft candy, and juice drinks. I also want it to grow up quickly.

In the morning, I touched its head and reluctantly went to the cram school. But when I ran home non-stop and called my "little baby", I found that it had been quietly lying in its small cage, and there was no more beautiful sound. Only the cake, meat floss, drinks and a few stray feathers I gave it were scattered in the cage. I looked at my "little baby" with tears in my eyes and listened to the birds chirping in the trees outside the window. I knew I was wrong.

Wrong Love (8)

I like reading comics best. Reading comics is a kind of fun and enjoyment for me. Every time I see a cartoon, I can't help laughing. But today, after reading the cartoon on the examination paper, I can't help laughing. Instead, I feel extremely excited. Now let's take a look at the contents of the cartoon:

It was a sunny morning. The Red Scarf Academy held an art competition, and Xiao Ming also participated. At this time, Xiaoming and his father were on their way to school. Xiaoming walked with a picture book in hand, whistling in his mouth, showing a leisurely look. And Xiaoming's father? He walks behind Xiaoming with an umbrella, and uses it to protect him from the sun. Xiao Ming's father not only holds an umbrella in one hand and a paintbrush in the other, but also carries a drawing board on his back. He was sweating heavily, and his waist was not straight. Besides, he shouted while walking: "Son, walk slowly, don't fall."

This is clearly the result of parents' excessive concern for their children. Although this is just a cartoon, it is very common in our real life. For example, our neighbor's "little princess" is Honghong. As soon as she opens her golden mouth, she wants wind and rain. Even if it is a star in the sky, her parents will try every means to pick it for her, and life is really good. When she and her mother went shopping, she would buy whatever she saw desirable, and her mother always obeyed, never saying "no". She always said to her, "My dear daughter, I will buy you whatever you want, as long as you are happy, whatever you want." When she went to the amusement park, Hong Hong said she wanted to play with it, and her parents immediately went to buy tickets for her. When she was in kindergarten, her parents were afraid that she would be bullied in the kindergarten car, so they personally carried her to kindergarten. Under the great love of her parents, Honghong became a spoiled "little princess".

Is that love? Yes, it is also a kind of love, but this kind of love is wrong. It will hinder the healthy growth of children and make them become "flowers" in the greenhouse. In fact, every parent should care about their children all the time, but how should they care? Let children be the "little emperor" and "little princess" in the family? Let the children not do housework all day? No, this kind of love will make children unable to learn all kinds of skills in life, and will make them unable to get exercise. If parents really care about their children, they must let them learn to stand on their own feet, learn the skills in life, let them exercise themselves in nature, let them stand the test of big storms, so that they can become strong.

Here, I would like to say a few words to the parents who overindulge their children in the world, That is: "The 'flowers' in the greenhouse will go to nature one day. When these' flowers' come to nature's embrace, they will have to rely on themselves for everything. Even if you parents can help him with the ups and downs of the hour, can you support all the ups and downs in their life? In order not to let the children be eliminated naturally, parents should start to cultivate their children from now on, and let them fly like eagles to the beautiful and vast sky. "

Wrong Love (9)

In the long journey of life, there are many people who love us. But love is a mistake. Some time before the summer vacation, my friends and I went to the wheat fields to play. Suddenly, we found a beautiful flower. After our careful study, we found that this is a peony flower. Although I am from Heze, the hometown of peony, I have never seen peony before, so I liked it very much and dug it out and planted it in my flower pot. Because the final exam is coming, so nervous review will be placed in front of me. After the exam, good results made me very happy, but a dried flower in the yard made me very depressed. This time I loved but I was wrong. There are some parents who dote on their children excessively. Although they care about their children, they are wrong. They want to cultivate an excellent child, but what is the final result? There is no doubt that their children are not good, but nothing. They love but they are wrong. There is nothing wrong with loving someone. It is wrong to overindulge and forget his duty. - Another love is a mistake!

Du Linglu, Junior 2, Dongguantun No. 1 Middle School, Juye County, Heze, Shandong

Wrong Love (10)

Wrong "love" Chen Jing, Class 2, Grade 6, Chenku Primary School, Liangying Town, Chaonan District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province. I like reading comics best. Reading comics is a pleasure and enjoyment for me. Every time I see a cartoon, I can't help laughing. But today, after reading the cartoon on the examination paper, I can't help laughing. Instead, I feel extremely excited. Now let's take a look at the contents of the cartoon:

It was a sunny morning. The Red Scarf Academy held an art competition, and Xiao Ming also participated. At this time, Xiaoming and his father were on their way to school. Xiaoming walked with a picture book in hand, whistling in his mouth, showing a leisurely look. And Xiaoming's father? He walks behind Xiaoming with an umbrella, and uses it to protect him from the sun. Xiaoming's father not only holds an umbrella in one hand and a paintbrush in the other, but also carries a drawing board on his back. He was sweating heavily, and his waist was not straight. Besides, he shouted while walking: "Son, walk slowly, don't fall."

This is clearly the result of parents' excessive concern for their children. Although this is just a cartoon, it is very common in our real life. For example, our neighbor's "little princess" is Honghong. As soon as she opens her golden mouth, she wants wind and rain. Even if it is a star in the sky, her parents will try every means to pick it for her, and life is really good. When she and her mother went shopping, she would buy whatever she saw desirable, and her mother always obeyed, never saying "no". She always said to her, "My dear daughter, I will buy you whatever you want, as long as you are happy, whatever you want." When she went to the amusement park, Hong Hong said she wanted to play with it, and her parents immediately went to buy tickets for her. When she was in kindergarten, her parents were afraid that she would be bullied in the kindergarten car, so they personally carried her to kindergarten. Under the great love of her parents, Honghong became a spoiled "little princess".

Is that love? Yes, it is also a kind of love, but this kind of love is wrong. It will hinder the healthy growth of children and make them become "flowers" in the greenhouse. In fact, every parent should care about their children all the time, but how should they care? Let children be the "little emperor" and "little princess" in the family? Let the children not do housework all day? No, this kind of love will make children unable to learn all kinds of skills in life, and will make them unable to get exercise. If parents really care about their children, they must let them learn to stand on their own feet, learn the skills in life, let them exercise themselves in nature, let them stand the test of big storms, so that they can become strong.

Here, I would like to say a few words to the parents who overindulge their children in the world, That is: "The 'flowers' in the greenhouse will go to nature one day. When these' flowers' come to nature's embrace, they will have to rely on themselves for everything. Even if you parents can help him with the ups and downs of the hour, can you support all the ups and downs in their life? In order not to let the children be eliminated naturally, parents should start to cultivate their children from now on and let them fly like eagles into the beautiful and vast sky... "

I hope that this kind of wrong "love" in the world will disappear, and that there will be fewer "little emperors" and "little princesses" in the world