Love grows with me (12 selected articles)
Cooked Man with Beancurd
2024-03-07 04:15:39

Love grows with me (1)

As the saying goes, "You can't have a square without rules". As early as 2000 years ago, Mencius' words with exquisite meaning demonstrated the importance of law. If a country has no law, it will have no foundation. Without foundation, it is doomed to perish. It can be seen how important the law is. It is the law that keeps the society in order. If there is no law, can we live in peace in the world?

Mr. Deng Xiaoping once proposed to be a new person with ideals, morality, culture and discipline. As the flower of the motherland, we should obey the law. After reading the book "Caring for Growth, Legal Escort", my understanding of the law is closer. The hope of our motherland should know how to use the law to protect ourselves.

However, some people did not understand the law, which led to tragedy. On February 20, 2011, when Xiao Yang, who lives in Fufeng County, was surfing the Internet, he was forced out of the Internet cafe by four unemployed young people, including Xiao Wang, and asked for "protection fees". Xiao Yang said he had no money. Unexpectedly, the other party was waiting to be beaten as soon as he heard the threat of not giving money. In panic, Xiao Yang took out his fruit knife and stabbed Xiao Wang in the stomach, causing the other party to bleed continuously. Seeing that he had caused great trouble, Xiao Yang fled to other places that day. But finally, he was caught by the police. In fact, Xiao Yang can protect himself by law. Just because he didn't understand the law, he hurt others, destroyed himself and hurt the hearts of the two families.

There are more than one such case, but the reasons are the same. For our future, for our future, we should understand the law, get rid of bad habits, and not be tempted by interests. Nor can we always rely on the law.

We should read more books like Caring for Growth, Legal Escort, be a good citizen, establish correct legal awareness, learn and understand the law. I hope that people all over the world can correctly understand the law and become the pillars of the country.

Love grows with me (2)

What is love? I may not be able to say clearly, but the seemingly mundane things in life warm me and move me

A lamp in the dark

Motherly love, like a lamp in the dark, shines on my young heart. I clearly remember that time, it was a dark night. There was a small desk lamp in front of my desk, and I was alone in my homework. At this time, a beam of light came in, and I suddenly looked back. At first sight, my hanging heart finally fell - it was my mother! I asked my mother to go to bed quickly, but she refused to go. She also made an excuse to read the newspaper and sat down on the sofa. An hour has passed, and two hours have passed... I went out to read, but my mother didn't read the newspaper at all, and she was sleepy! I couldn't laugh or cry. I took the blanket and put it on. She woke up with a start. I said, "It's done." Then she went to sleep. This is the expression of great maternal love.

A fire in the cold winter

The care of others, like a fire in the cold winter, warms my heart. I still remember clearly that there is a rule in our community: after six o'clock, the gate of the community must be closed. Because of this regulation, the owners of the community are very angry but helpless. At this time, the old guard said, "I will install a doorbell, and I will open the door as soon as I ring the doorbell." After a few days, everyone saw that there was a doorbell! A few days later, I went to the training class. When I got home, I found that the duty room was still bright. As soon as I rang the bell, Grandpa put on his coat and came to open the door for me. I quickly thanked him, but grandpa said: "All the neighbors help each other!" This matter was like a fire, shining into my heart.

This is my happiness, they accompany me, forever, forever

Love grows with me (3)

Like a clear spring flowing from a clear stream, it is clear and quiet - this is the teacher's love for me. Every day in my life, I feel the teacher's love for me.

I remember that when I first went to school, I was timid and adapted to school life with the care of Mr. Li. She gradually became brave in the expectation and encouragement of Miss Li again and again. In the "You have made progress again, you are great", I feel optimistic, and I feel the teacher's motherly love for me.

In the fourth grade, I met the amiable teacher Sheng, and was surrounded by deep love. In every Chinese class, Mr. Sheng will make exquisite courseware, which will open our eyes and make us interested in learning Chinese. "Mock court, small debate contest" has trained our eloquence and improved our expression ability, and we have a good time in the palace of Chinese. What moved me more was the teacher's blog. Every day's activities are arranged on the blog. I was deeply intoxicated by the good essays of my classmates, the model essays on the Internet, the summary of the day, pictures and photos. Someone once commented: "On the blog, I saw the hard work of a great teacher." When I fell asleep, the teacher was still working hard. What a good teacher

Compared with your efforts, a wave is just a glass of water, a new moon is just an eardrop, and ten thousand flowers are just a bud. No matter where I go, I can't walk out of your vision. Thank you for your love to grow with me.

Care accompanies my growth (4)

The morning glow, like thin sand, shrouded in the sky and slowly spread. The wind ripples like open lips, printing love on the colorful paper of the morning glow. The small yellow flowers on the loofah vine tell the beautiful growth to the orioles on the branches

Moonlight night, gentle.

The clear moonlight fills the courtyard. I leaned on my grandmother's arm, looked at the elf on the grape stand, and asked her innocently, "Grandma, when will the grapes mature?" Grandma smiled and said to me, "When my granddaughter grows up!" Then those pesky mosquitoes also reported to me. Grandma shook her palm fan, which never left her hand, to drive them away for me, and also to drive away the hot air around my ears. My heart was cool.

In the gentle moonlight of childhood, Grandma's arms grew with me, and my heart would not be lonely.

Dawn is warm.

The sound of "Zizi, Zizi" came from my sleepy ears. I knew that it was my mother who was making delicious fried eggs for me. Every day my mother would make my favorite fried eggs and millet porridge. What I like most is that my mother stands by the fire, holds a spoon, and gently stirs around. The arc drawn is the most beautiful scenery in my eyes, and the smell of golden millet porridge is my favorite in this life.

Every day at the warm table, my mother's delicious food grows with me, and my heart becomes broad.

Dusk, Wei'an.

When the sun sets, there are always two figures on the dragon. They are my father and I. At that time, my father was carefully enlightening me. He looked at me kindly and said to me, "Baby, if you want to succeed, you must first go through pain. If there is no pain, fatigue, and sweat in the success, then the success is unreal. I would rather not have this success!" I nodded strongly.

In the setting sun of Wei'an, my father's shoulder grows with me, and my heart becomes rich.

Silent love lights up the sky; Silence moistens the heart. Dad, Mom and Grandma thank you for growing up with me!

Care accompanies my growth (5)

The light blue curtains gently hang on the ground, and the quiet study is silent. Outside the window, the moonlight sprinkles the cold light on the earth. A beam of moonlight lingers outside the window and walks silently from me, accompanied by my dead heart sinking and floating in the endless darkness, hesitating and crying bitterly.

I was carefully protected in the multicolour tone when I was young. Suddenly, I walked into the gray tone. I was so overwhelmed. Looking at the paper full of red forks, I rubbed my dry eyes, which could not squeeze a drop of tears. I wanted to cry without tears, and continued to work hard. Thinking of mountains of homework and countless exams, my world fell into a gray. My dream has broken its wings, and I can't find the direction anymore. At this time, the door was gently pushed open, and my mother came in quietly. She saw that I was still working hard, He closed the door and went out.

The next day after middle school, the weather suddenly changed. I walked out of the teaching building. The wind was like a knife, blowing on my face and causing pain. I had to head against my scalp and walk quickly to the school gate. I rubbed my hands hard, but there was no temperature in my hands that were already red with cold. Looking at others wearing thick warm clothes, I regretted not looking at the weather. Suddenly, One figure appeared in the field of vision. It was her mother. She stood outside, holding the bag in her hands. It can be seen that her hands were also red. Mother slightly hooked her body, a few wisps of white hair flying in the air, and the traces of years left wrinkles on her face. At the moment, in the cold wind, the thin figure looks very tall and warm. My mother was anxiously looking around, as if waiting for her son. I hurried to her and cried out in pain, "Mom," when she found me, she smiled like a child, quickly took out the coat prepared for me, put it on for me, and told me not to eat disorderly, listen carefully in class, do not know what to ask, The annoying nagging that people usually hear is very beautiful at this time. After mother gave her advice, she left with confidence. I don't know how long she waited in the cold wind in her thin clothes. I only know that the cold in my heart is fading away, and the long lost sunshine is welcome. Looking at my mother's back, my eyes are moist.

Rivers can gather into oceans because of rain and dew, flowers can be full of vitality because of bees and butterflies, and I can have a direction in the sea of life because of your love, and grow happily under your care.

Love grows with me (6)

When I was young, I felt that I lacked love from teachers, classmates and even parents. But now I find that I am wrong. In fact, people around me always care about me.

I remember when I was a child, I was very dependent on my mother and wanted her to help me with everything at home. But my mother not only didn't help me, but also said, "Do it yourself. You have hands and feet. Don't always think of relying on others." At that time, I was very angry and felt that my mother was too bad to help me with such a small matter. But I later learned that my mother wanted to develop my ability to work independently at that time.

Similarly, I think the teacher doesn't care about me.

I remember one midterm exam, I only got 70 points in math. The teacher called me to the office alone, criticized me, and asked me to write a 600 word review. My heart is very uncomfortable, because there are many students whose scores are lower than mine. Why does the teacher not say that they just say that I am? Only now do I understand that the teacher is strict with me, which is actually a kind of concern, and he wants me to grow up quickly. I used to complain about my teacher, but now I feel ashamed when I think about it.

Now, I know that people around me care about me, but in different ways.

Under my mother's care, I became independent and modest; Under the care of the teacher, he became brave and strong. It is these concerns that make me grow up.

Love grows with me (7)

Love Accompanies My Growth Composition

In our daily life or work and study, we have all been exposed to composition. Through composition, we can bring together our scattered thoughts. How to write a thoughtful and literary composition? The following is the composition of Xiaobian's love with me growing up. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

What is love? I may not be able to say clearly, but the seemingly simple things in life warm me and move me

A lamp in the dark

Motherly love, like a lamp in the dark, reflects my young heart. I clearly remember that time, it was a dark night. There was a small lamp in front of my desk. At this time, a beam of light came in, and I suddenly looked back. At first sight, my hanging heart finally fell - it was my mother! I asked my mother to go to bed quickly, but she decided not to go. She also made an excuse to read the newspaper and sat down on the sofa. An hour has passed, and two hours have passed... I went out to read, but my mother didn't read the newspaper at all, and she was sleepy! I couldn't laugh or cry. I took the blanket and put it on. She woke up with a start. I said, "It's done." Then she went to sleep. This is the expression of great maternal love.

A fire in the cold winter

The care of others, like a fire in the cold winter, warms my heart. I still remember clearly that there is a rule in our community: after six o'clock, the gate of the community must be closed. Because of this designation, the owners of the community are very angry, but they have no choice. At this time, the old guard said, "I will install a doorbell, and I will open the door as soon as I ring the doorbell." After a few days, everyone saw that there was a doorbell! A few days later, I went to the training class. When I got home at 11:00, I found that the duty room was still bright. As soon as I rang the bell, Grandpa put on his coat and came to open the door for me. I quickly thanked him, but grandpa said, "All the neighbors help each other!" This matter was like a fire, shining into my heart.

This is my happiness, they accompany me, forever, forever

Care accompanies my growth (8)

Like a clear spring flowing from a clear stream, it is clear and quiet - this is the teacher's love for me. Every day in my life, I feel the teacher's love for me.

I remember that when I first went to school, I was timid and adapted to school life with the care of Mr. Li. She gradually became brave in the expectation and encouragement of Miss Li again and again. In the "You are making progress again, you are great", I became optimistic and felt the teacher's motherly love for me.

In the fourth grade, I met the amiable teacher Sheng, and was surrounded by deep love. In every Chinese class, Mr. Sheng will make exquisite courseware, which will open our eyes and make us interested in learning Chinese. "Mock court, small debate contest" has trained our eloquence and improved our expression ability, and we have a good time in the palace of Chinese. What moved me more was the teacher's blog. Every day's activities are arranged on the blog. I was deeply intoxicated by the good essays of my classmates, the model essays on the Internet, the summary of the day, pictures and photos. Someone once commented: "On the blog, I saw the hard work of a great teacher." When I fell asleep, the teacher was still working hard. What a good teacher

Compared with your efforts, a wave is just a glass of water, a new moon is just an eardrop, and ten thousand flowers are just a bud. No matter where I go, I can't walk out of your vision. Thank you for your love to grow with me.

Care accompanies my growth (9)

The light blue curtains gently hang on the ground, and the quiet study is silent. Outside the window, the moonlight sprinkles the cold light on the earth. A beam of moonlight lingers outside the window and walks silently from me, accompanied by my dead heart sinking and floating in the endless darkness, hesitating and crying bitterly.

I was carefully protected in the multicolour tone when I was young. Suddenly, I walked into the gray tone. I was so overwhelmed. Looking at the paper full of red forks, I rubbed my dry eyes, which could not squeeze a drop of tears. I wanted to cry without tears, and continued to work hard. Thinking of mountains of homework and countless exams, my world fell into a gray. My dream has broken its wings, and I can't find the direction anymore. At this time, the door was gently pushed open, and my mother came in quietly. She saw that I was still working hard, He closed the door and went out.

The next day after middle school, the weather suddenly changed. I walked out of the teaching building. The wind was like a knife, blowing on my face and causing pain. I had to head against my scalp and walk quickly to the school gate. I rubbed my hands hard, but there was no temperature in my hands that were already red with cold. Looking at others wearing thick warm clothes, I regretted not looking at the weather. Suddenly, One figure appeared in the field of vision. It was her mother. She stood outside, holding the bag in her hands. It can be seen that her hands were also red. Mother slightly hooked her body, a few wisps of white hair flying in the air, and the traces of years left wrinkles on her face. At the moment, in the cold wind, the thin figure looks very tall and warm. My mother was anxiously looking around, as if waiting for her son. I hurried to her and cried out in pain, "Mom," when she found me, she smiled like a child, quickly took out the coat prepared for me, put it on for me, and told me not to eat disorderly, listen carefully in class, do not know what to ask, The annoying nagging that people usually hear is very beautiful at this time. After mother gave her advice, she left with confidence. I don't know how long she waited in the cold wind in her thin clothes. I only know that the cold in my heart is fading away, and the long lost sunshine is welcome. Looking at my mother's back, my eyes are moist.

Rivers can gather into oceans because of rain and dew, flowers can be full of vitality because of bees and butterflies, and I can have a direction in the sea of life because of your love, and grow happily under your care.

Caring grows with me (10)

A lamp in the dark

Motherly love, like a lamp in the dark, shines on my young heart. I clearly remember that time, it was a dark night. There was a small desk lamp in front of my desk, and I was alone in my homework. At this time, a beam of light came in, and I suddenly looked back. At first sight, my hanging heart finally fell - it was my mother! I asked my mother to go to bed quickly, but she refused to go. She also made an excuse to read the newspaper and sat down on the sofa. An hour has passed, and two hours have passed... I went out to read, but my mother didn't read the newspaper at all, and she was sleepy! I couldn't laugh or cry. I took the blanket and put it on. She woke up with a start. I said, "It's done." Then she went to sleep. This is the expression of great maternal love.

A fire in the cold winter

The care of others, like a fire in the cold winter, warms my heart. I still remember clearly that there is a rule in our community: after six o'clock, the gate of the community must be closed. Because of this regulation, the owners of the community are very angry but helpless. At this time, the old guard said, "I will install a doorbell, and I will open the door as soon as I ring the doorbell." After a few days, everyone saw that there was a doorbell! A few days later, I went to the training class. When I got home, I found that the duty room was still bright. As soon as I rang the bell, Grandpa put on his coat and came to open the door for me. I quickly thanked him, but grandpa said: "All the neighbors help each other!" This matter was like a fire, shining into my heart.

This is my happiness, they accompany me, forever, forever

Care Accompanies My Growth (11)

Last year, when my mother took me to the supermarket by bus, there were a lot of people on the bus and it was very crowded. My mother stood and I sat in my seat. At the same time, an old man was standing in the crowd tired with things in his hands. My mother quickly helped the old man over and said to me with a smile: "Ruirui, quickly make room for the old woman. Standing still can grow tall! ”My mother said humorously. I got up, took my mother's hand and squeezed into the crowd. The old woman smiled and said to me repeatedly, "You are really a good boy!". Since then, every time I took the bus, I used to give seats to the elderly and children younger than me. Many people gave me praise. I was very happy - helping others and giving love can make many people happy!

In this way, love has always worn in my growing up process. Ms. Zou, who accompanied me into the first classroom of life, was our class teacher from the first grade. I remember that on the first day of enrollment, she smiled and taught us to learn hand by hand... For two years, she has been watering our motherland's future "flowers" with her whole love.

Last winter, when I was living at school, I got chickenpox unexpectedly, and chickenpox all over my body made me itch terribly. When Mr. Zou learned about it, he led me to the principal's office, helped me take off my clothes, rubbed chickenpox medicine on my whole body, and opened the electric heater for me. First, I was worried about my cold, and second, I was allowed to bake and sterilize my whole body against the electric heater because chickenpox was highly infectious, Ms. Zou said that I could get better faster. She also told my life teacher that my clothes must be washed separately and I must sleep alone to avoid infecting other children. She also urged me to go to the office every morning, noon and evening to wipe chickenpox medicine. Like my mother, she told me not to eat spicy food, but to eat light dishes. Under the careful care of Mr. Zou, my chickenpox finally recovered a week later, and I sincerely thanked Mr. Zou.

Another time, I didn't do well in my Chinese exam, and I was afraid of being criticized by my teacher. When I went to the recess, Mr. Zou smiled and said to me, "Ruirui, if you can get rid of your careless bad habits, you will be the best child in our class." The teacher's smile is the teacher's deep love for me. This meticulous care has been with me for two years.

From birth, love has always been around us and in our life. Whether it is the love of parents or teachers The source of love everywhere. In growing up, learn to help others and offer love; Learn to study hard and repay teachers' care; In the bath of "love", love and I grow happily together!

Care Accompanies My Growth (12)

The love of friends moistens my heart like the spring breeze; Like a tree sheltering me from wind and rain; For example, my beloved teacher taught me the way to solve a difficult problem. Friend's love warms my heart.

I still remember that last semester there was a physical education class to test running. When I heard the news, I was dumbfounded. What I hate most is running and other sports. But I didn't expect my good friends would say that I could run fast when they saw me. My legs were so long and my height was so high. But they didn't know that I had no sports cells at all. Alas. I thought silently.

This PE class is finally coming. Reluctantly, I went to the playground and waited for the teacher. At this time, the students prepared to run one by one, and my heart became more uneasy. I heard a familiar and unfamiliar name Liu Moumou. Isn't it me? I can't help wondering why it happened so quickly. I walked with heavy steps to get ready, only to hear Gao and Zhou cheering me on. Somehow my confidence came back, maybe it was the cheering voice of my classmates that encouraged me. Maybe I don't want to be the last one in the group. Just listening to the whistle, we tried to run forward, one lap, two laps later, I was thrown to the end. Under the sun, my physical strength gradually weakened, even a little sign of heatstroke. At the end of the race, I dragged my body to the end, although I was the last one in the group. Gao and Zhou rushed over and helped me run to see how much time was spent. Alas, it's only 39 seconds. It's really unfortunate. It was noon, and beads of sweat were streaming down my face. Gao Jian helped me to the playground and sat down to have a rest; "Are you all right? Your face is so sweaty. Do you need me to wipe your sweat?" It was just two short sentences that made me regain my strength. When I found out that Zhou had disappeared, I asked Gao, but she didn't know. At that time, I was very angry. Unexpectedly, after a while, she held a bottle of mineral water that had been turned open and handed it to me, which deeply touched my heart.

A nameless action, a few simple words, the meaning of friendship is so simple.

I used my last effort to get to the class. Although I was far away from them, there was a concern in my eyes from time to time. The eyes were so innocent, I will always remember.