A travel composition (20 selected)
Shower and first clear
2023-11-17 00:03:28

Composition of a Tour (1)

On July 26, our whole family and relatives are going to visit Sichuan Island for two days.

Hope, hope, that day finally came. Early in the morning, our whole family woke up. After getting ready, we started at 9:00. We took more than an hour's drive to the dock in Shangchuan. When we took the ship, I saw the vast sea. The water was blue and the mountains stood on the surrounding banks. It took about 40 minutes to get to Shangchuan Island, but it takes another 15 minutes to get to the resort.

After so many stops, we finally arrived at our destination. He led us to the Huayuan Villa to ask for a room. I live with my sister because there are two beds in one room. After we put our luggage away, we went to a restaurant with our relatives to eat seafood. My uncle and father ordered two tables of seafood. There are: urinating shrimp, prawns, shells, scallops. The food is delicious and delicious. I enjoy it. Then, we are going back to the reception desk of Huayuan Villa to buy drinks. A man asked us: Do you want to visit the Underwater World of Sichuan Island? It costs 156 yuan per person. After listening to this, my uncle asked us whether we would go or not, because my sister, cousin and cousin were too young to go, and my mother, some aunts and others did not go. So there are 13 people in total. Therefore, we had to put on our swimsuits, put on a large towel, and enjoy the cool under the coconut trees on the beach. We chatted. There were beautiful scenery, small waves coming, mountains on the north beach, and golden sand shining in the sun. I lay on the chair, bathed in the gentle sunshine. When it was more than five o'clock, my sister and others finally came up. She described to me vividly that you would suffer if you didn't go. How beautiful the underwater world is! There are shells, seaweed and scallops. After listening, I really regret it.

At this time, my cousin and I went to the free zone and got two bubbles. We lay on the water cannon and enjoyed the beautiful scenery, blue sky, white clouds and sparkling water. We played and talked in the water. It was really comfortable at this time. Only a few good words and sentences could describe my excitement.

At nearly six o'clock, the water began to ebb, and the waves were very fierce. One by one, they mercilessly rushed towards my cousin and me. We were floating on the water.

It's almost seven o'clock. We're going back to the villa to take a bath and get ready for dinner. This dinner is seafood again, I don't have much to eat. I went to the convenience store and bought many handbags, including bracelets and shells.

After dinner, my sister and I rented a bicycle for two people to wander in Shangchuan Island, and Shangchuan Island was also very lively at night. At 10:00, I went back to the villa to sleep.

The next day, we left Shangchuan Island after lunch. When we left, I was really reluctant to part.

This trip not only allowed me to try the seafood, but also gave me a taste of the local customs and learned a lot of knowledge. On that day, I was really happy!

Composition of a Tour (2)

Tourism is an activity to broaden our horizons and increase knowledge. Although I have been to many famous historic sites, the most unforgettable trip for me was to visit the cliffs of Wanxian Mountain in Xinxiang, Henan Province.

Although the journey to Wanxian Mountain is far away, the beautiful scenery along the road attracted me. When I first arrived at Wanxian Mountain, I only saw purple lava all over the mountain, just like huge pieces of meat, a layer of fat meat, a layer of lean meat. On the top of the mountain are green trees, more like a plate of braised pork, which makes people salivate.

We took the bus in the scenic area for about ten minutes to reach the world-famous Cliff Corridor Highway. From the guide's explanation, I know that the Cliff Corridor is the face of the villagers in Guoliang Village to solve the traffic jam, poverty and isolation. In 1972, he organized the villagers of the whole village to build hard for five years, and finally built a 1250 meter long cliff road on the 1200 meter high cliff.

When we walked on the steep road, we only saw a cave about 10 meters wide and 10 meters high straight into the top of the mountain. Next to it was a square air vent. The window provided insufficient light for the road. Below the window was a deep cliff. It made people shudder at the sight, and only admired the courage and diligence of the villagers in Guoliang Village. Many tourists took photos to remember Guo Liang, and the worship and nostalgia for the villagers came into being.

Further on, we saw an arched gate with a stone tablet beside it, which said "China Film and Television City". Because of its beautiful scenery and beautiful environment, this place has made many movies and TV works, which makes me even more impressed with this place.

It's time to leave for home in the afternoon. This unforgettable journey made me realize that the villagers of Guoliang Village did not abandon themselves to the status quo in the face of poor mountains and bad waters. Instead, they dared to fight in the sky with hammer and chisel before being brave, and poured out a happy life with hard sweat.

This trip broadened my horizon and increased my knowledge.

Composition of a Tour (3)

In summer, white clouds are just passers-by in the sky. The blue sky is pure and flawless. Good weather, we came to the children's paradise - Shanghai Disney.

After lunch, we watched the float parade, dressed up as cartoon characters, which I like very much. Considering the 37 degree heat, it is not easy for these actors to wear thick hoods and clothes! The theater in the park performs stage plays such as "Ice and Snow", "Pirates of the Caribbean", and so on. My favorite is the musical of Tarzan the Ape. Tarzan, the hero, has agile skills. He will use a long tree vine to make various difficult movements, which makes us marvel. The beautiful and kind-hearted heroine tells the story in the deep green forest with her singing voice. At the climax of the performance, the theater burst into applause. Then, we went to the special scenic spot there: the wall of the Chinese Zodiac. I'm a pig. The piggy bank in Toy Story is on the wall.

The happy day ended and we left Disney.

"Little sluggard, get up!" A burst of rapid voice made me return to reality from my dream. I opened my bleary eyes and saw a ray of sunshine illuminating the whole room. Through the glass window, I saw the appearance of this bustling metropolis.

As soon as I entered the gate, I saw two rows of European style houses and buildings. Further ahead, I saw the castle of Sleeping Beauty. This is the symbol of Disney. Tourists will choose to leave their beautiful pictures here. As we walked, the first stop was of course the boy's favorite "Buzz Lightyear". Then we went to the "Star Wars" museum, which was decorated like a studio. The film character "Black Samurai" appeared in front of me with a red laser sword. Seeing here, I had a feeling of crossing to the outer space base. My father bought me a laser sword that he loved. It was so cool! I am a future soldier, and I want to do justice! Eliminate evil!

When the night comes, we have to talk about Disney's most distinctive fireworks show. When we got to the open space in front of the castle, there was already a flood of people there. The fireworks show began in people's expectation. Under the background of the beautiful castle, the fireworks bloomed more brightly, and people seemed to be in a dreamlike fairy tale world.

Composition of a Tour (4)

At the Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, we went to the sea and chose to take the Rocket boat.

When we traveled in New Zealand last year, we did, but when the boat was sailing on the lake, it was very exciting when the boat was going very fast. I don't know how it feels at sea. I'm looking forward to it!

At three o'clock in the afternoon, we boarded the ship. Everyone was given a raincoat. After sitting down in our seats, we put on our raincoats and fastened our seat belts. I was a little nervous and thought: will the water splash so high? The boat slowly left the dock. The faster it went, the more our hair blew with the wind. Soon, I saw the Alcatraz Island not far away and felt very close. The Alcatraz Island used to be a prison for prisoners. Now the prison has been closed and tourists can visit the island. In a short time, we had already crossed the Bay Bridge. Suddenly, the boat stopped and rotated 180 degrees. The water splashed on us. Fortunately, we all wore raincoats, otherwise we would all get soaked. The ship moved forward again, half way, suddenly turned around quickly, the spray flew high, and everyone screamed, too exciting! At this time, I looked back at my cousin and aunt. They were afraid to open their eyes because they were afraid. In this way, we rode the wind and waves on the sea. After many screams, the ship slowly docked.

I feel that time has passed too fast. I really want to take the Rocket boat again!

Composition of a Tour (5)

Hot summer, splashing water, happy laughter. This summer, I had a thrilling activity - canyon rafting.

At the beginning of the summer vacation, my mother took me to Nanyang for a tour. I was so happy when I heard that there was canyon rafting in the journey. I could not restrain my excitement. My thoughts seemed to have wings, and I had flown to the vast forests and quiet canyons.

We took the bus to Baotianman, a place we had been looking forward to for a long time. I quickly got out of the car and put on my life jacket. Under the guidance of the staff, I sat in the rubber boats. One by one, the rubber boats slid down the slope of the mountain and flew into the torrent. Tourists sprayed each other with water pistols and cheered. It was so funny. When encountering the torrent, the boat swayed from side to side, which frightened me to tightly grasp the ropes on both sides, open my eyes wide, hold my breath, and wait until the torrent was over before I could breathe again. Rows of boats go down the river. Sometimes, when the boat is slow, it looks up at both sides. There are jagged rocks on the bank, high mountains and dense forests, wild flowers in full bloom, and birds that have never been heard. Everything is so novel to me, as if I am in the embrace of nature.

I like the thrilling and exciting rafting, and I love the beautiful nature more!

Composition of a Tour (6)

In my mind, traveling is a person who gracefully carries a travel bag and sunglasses and lands quietly in the place I have been yearning for for a long time, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Hainan Visit every scenic spot and appreciate every custom. So, so far, I have never had such a trip.

However, if deliberately going to a nearby interesting place is also a trip, I can say something about it.

On the eve of the summer vacation, I went to China's "Dead Sea" with several parents and their children. Because we were curious about the state of floating on the sea, we chose to experience it when we entered the door. Who would have thought that when my feet stepped into the Dead Sea, the salt in the water was too heavy, which caused some small wounds on my legs to burn. However, experienced people introduced that the pain would soon improve. So I insisted on going to the center and lying down slowly with the help of people around me. I was really held up by the water, just like the lightness skill in a martial arts play. I still remember that feeling. In fact, one of the most unforgettable activities in the Dead Sea is surfing. I'm afraid it's hard to describe the scene in words. All people are holding hands in the deafening screams, and with the surging waves, people seem to be sitting on the top of the waves. It's really spectacular!

This small trip opened up a more magical and interesting way for me to travel in the future, and this trip not only brought me happiness, but also made me understand what I could not learn from textbooks. This trip made me unforgettable all my life.

Composition of a Tour (7)

Last Saturday, I went to the quaint Qintong Town and the beautiful Qinhu Wetland.

In the morning, we went to Qintong Ancient Town in high spirits and walked slowly on the stone path. I saw the round arched gate. As soon as I entered the door, I saw a pool with countless small goldfish. The small goldfish saw us swim away quickly, and some of them looked at us as if they were saying hello to me!

After walking across the bridge, we also saw the private school hall, the Green Tree Temple, the Wedding Custom Hall, the Water Conservancy Bureau and other scenic spots. Among them, in the Water Conservancy Bureau, I also knew how ancient firefighters used water hoses to put out fires.

In the afternoon, we went to Qinhu Wetland. We rushed to the cruise ship one by one, and all the students in the boat were sitting there. We quickly opened the curtains and looked at the picturesque lake. There were some ducks swimming around on the lake, some were stunned, some were jumping in the water, and from time to time there was a "quack quack" cry. I also saw a huge thing, a three sided pagoda, standing there like a soldier, Guarding the bottomless lake.

When we got off the ship, we enjoyed the science museum. When entering the Wetland Experience Park, the students are already powerless. When watching the milu deer, the students looked at the standing milu deer and asked, "Is this milu deer fake?" A milu deer moved its body, and the students suddenly understood.

Happy time is always so short, but I don't think I've had enough!

Composition of a Tour (8)

This Saturday, I was excited at the thought of going to the picturesque Qintong. I got up early and set out for Qintong.

After an hour's driving, I finally arrived at Qintong, which I had always dreamed of. The path of the ancient town was winding, and if I was not careful, I would get separated, which made me dizzy. Finally, we passed through Ruiyuan and reached the Tea House.

As soon as I entered the tea house, I smelled a fragrance. When I saw it, it was full of all kinds of camellia trees. How beautiful! At a glance, a towering tree stood in the yard. It was winter when we came. Unexpectedly, the leaves of this tree were still green, just like a green robe. The elder sister of the tour guide said that this tree has a history of more than 800 years, and we were amazed after listening to it!

Later, we came to the Water Conservancy Bureau to experience how ancient firefighters put out fires.

After lunch, we came to the Science Museum again. Once in, the students began to cry and howl. It was dark. There were many mirrors along the way. Walking in it was like entering a maze.

After leaving the Science Museum, we walked a long way, and our legs were almost broken. Finally, we saw the Adventure Park. All the students seemed to have forgotten their fatigue. They swarmed in, and ran to the Adventure Park like arrows leaving the string. We played all the amusement equipment.

Today is really a happy day!

Composition of a Tour (9)

The sky is so blue and the air is so fresh. I look forward to the stars and the moon. Finally, I look forward to the day of the family outing. My excitement makes me feel like I'm going to fly. About an hour's drive, I finally arrived at my destination: Yancheng. We decided to go to the wildlife park first. I couldn't wait to rush into the gate. Wow, there are many animals, such as camels in the boat of the desert, zebras in black and white, beautiful giraffes, lions and tigers in the king of the forest, silly brown bears... My favorite is the free range breeding area, where there are many antelopes and sika deer. As soon as we drive past, Many animals surrounded us and begged us for food. Some even put their heads into the window, which frightened my sister and put her head out of the car sunroof for fear of being licked by animals. We fed animals a lot of food. When our car left, many animals looked at us reluctantly, hoping that we could feed more food.

We went to Yancheng Paradise again, played the merry go round, and went up to the climbing platform. We saw the fields, the ring viaduct, and the moat. The most interesting thing is to play water floater with my sister. I am a little afraid of falling into the water and walk carefully. My sister was very brave, and she kept jumping on the floating board with great energy. Finally, she accidentally fell into the water and became a drowned rat.

The happy time passed quickly. It was time to go home in the twinkling of an eye. I will always remember this interesting trip.

Composition of a Tour (10)

One summer holiday, our whole family came to Chengshantou for sightseeing. Chengshantou, located on the coast of the East China Sea at Xixiakou, Rongcheng City, Weihai, Shandong Province, is truly the easternmost end of China's coastline, known as the "Cape of Good Hope in China", and also the first place in China to see the sunrise at sea, known as "the ends of the earth in the south and the East Tianfu Sea in the north". Chengshantou looks like a giant dragon sucking the sea, stretching forcefully to the east of the sea. In ancient times, it was called "the end of the sky".

Chengshantou Scenic Area is very large and beautiful, which makes me feel the charm of nature. White clouds are floating in the blue sky, seagulls fly over the blue sea from time to time, the sea breeze is blowing, and the waves are beating on the rocks, which will definitely remind you of a beautiful and peaceful hometown. In fact, when I first came to the scenic spot, I was a little afraid because although it was beautiful, it was sparsely populated. In addition, the Shanghai wind was very strong, so I could not stand steadily. I felt that I would be blown into the sea by carelessness... I could not help but have a few cold wars and firmly grasped the railing at the seaside. After a while, I got used to the seaside environment. Compared with the hot Xi'an, it was cool here. The sky was blue and the sea was blue. In the sea breeze, my mother pointed to the east and said, "Look, there is Korea. This is the nearest place to Korea, only dozens of miles away." As she pointed, I seemed to see the busy figure of Koreans and their prosperous city.

Time passed quickly. I had a happy and unforgettable day in Chengshantou.

Composition of a Tour (11)

Record a trip

The weather on National Day is good, and I'm in a good mood for traveling. When we went to "hometown", we were frozen to wear cotton padded jacket. On National Day, we came to my grandma's hometown Harbin, which is known as the "Ice City".

Although it hasn't snowed in Harbin these days, it's very cold. It's like reaching into the freezer of the refrigerator. Those who don't wrap their sweaters and cotton padded jackets tightly every day will never get out. Sometimes I feel too cold and can't help shivering. It's really cold!

Harbin is really a big city, at least two Loudi are big. The streets of the urban area alone are clearly divided and orderly. But I felt very crowded. There were many tall buildings and people everywhere, and I could hardly distinguish the southeast from the northwest. The custom of Harbin is also very interesting. There is no air conditioner in the house. It is central air conditioner. Once you enter the building, you feel like you have entered the greenhouse. When I went to my uncle's house to play, I found that despite the progress of the times, the north still has the same customs. People like to cross their legs and sit on the kang to eat, sleep and chat. Cabbage and turnips are all in the cellar, so there is no need for refrigerators to store them. People eat vegetarian food, but they are tall and white. The boys are handsome and the girls are also very beautiful. But I'm not used to it. When I eat food from the north, my first feeling is vomiting.

As a child, first of all, I "rushed" to the zoo and children's park with my grandparents! We saw penguins there, and sometimes they spewed out a pile of white thin and thick things, which made people nearby scream. We also went to Songhua River and Sun Island to watch. In order to see the sunrise, we had to get up early and set out. Standing on the Sun Island, with eyes level, enjoying the cool breeze in the morning, waiting for the first ray of sunshine to break the door of darkness and shine on my face. The sky was as red as a girl's face, and slowly turned to domineering. Gold, and then there was a dazzling golden light baptizing the world. More and more golden light from the egg yellow fireball splashed to every inch of the world, bathed in the refreshing people on the Sun Island, I sincerely felt that it was really cool!

Take a tour in Harbin, and the icy city surrounds the cold air. The folk customs are really interesting. This trip to Harbin enabled me to enjoy the beautiful northern scenery and learn about the strange customs of the nation. It's worth it!

Yao Zhijie

October 5, 2013

Composition of a Tour (12)

On the morning of August 20, my father drove his family to the beautiful Yangjiang.

At noon, we arrived at Yangjiang Beach. The sky there is especially blue, and the blue sky is cloudless. We put on our beautiful swimsuits and rushed to the beach with our blue surfboards. Ah, there are so many people in the water and on the shore. Some people are surfing in the sea, some are picking up shells on the beach, some are splashing water on the beach and playing with each other. I threw myself into the embrace of the sea with open hands "," Wow... "The mother of the sea also warmly embraced me, a big wave rushed fiercely, let me drink enough water, salty taste all over the taste buds, and my eyes could not open. But the cool happiness of my whole body made me lose my anger in an instant. I squatted down and let myself immerse in the sea. Although I was a swimming master, I finally understood the power of the ancients' saying: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead." We are just like babies in the cradle, leaving the mother of the sea to drift with the waves.

In the evening, we enjoyed Yangjiang's beautiful evening scenery while eating Yangjiang's seafood. My mother said, "This year, there have been many changes here, such as high-rise buildings and endless cars..." My sister interrupted her mother, "Where is the development worse than here?" "Exactly! Everywhere in the country is changing with each passing day!" I said loudly.

Yangjiang tour gives me an unforgettable memory.

Composition of a Tour (13)

On a bright spring morning, boo boo boo! It's cloudy. I went to school by bike with a schoolbag on my back as usual, but today is different. Let's travel today! The schoolbag is full of snacks and drinks.

When I got to school, I parked my car in the garage and walked to the classroom. There were a lot of people in the class. Soon we built the car. We started our journey. I listened to Yu Chengqing's Let Me Love Enough at One Time, and I hummed softly. Looking out of the window quietly.

I don't know how long it took us to reach today's destination, the cowboy style resort. Liu Chuang and I went to the first project we played today to row dragon boats!

When it came to us, we were on lifejackets one by one. Our opponents today were 8 adults. When I picked up the oar in my hand, I was very excited. It was my first time to play!

When we started, eight of us began to paddle hard. Whoa, whoa, whoa! The river gently hit my face, like a naughty child, nestled in my arms. In front of me is Shen Jie. I'm not good at paddling, so I have to paddle without any head. But the water hit him, and I can only be deeply sorry for that.

Soon, we finished a circle. When we went ashore, Liu Chuang disappeared. We had no choice but to walk and have a look. After that, we didn't play much. Basically, the whole day is spent eating.

Soon, the day's journey ended. Well, I won't write more. That's all.

Composition of a Tour (14)

An unforgettable travel composition 1

In my memory of colorful Banlan, the most worthy thing for me to remember is the trip to Ocean Kingdom.

Entering the gate of Ocean Kingdom, I looked up and saw a beautiful air aquarium. There were all kinds of marine creatures, which made me praise endlessly: the beauty of the sea combined with science and technology is really beautiful!

We took the map and followed the guide to my favorite Penguin House. The Penguin House is so cold. It's like entering the cold North Pole when you walk in. At this time, I looked around and found many little penguins and trainers playing happily! Suddenly, my curiosity aroused my doubts, so I asked my father: "Why does it snow in the Penguin House? Isn't it snowy in winter in the south?" "Oh, the snow in there is not really snow from the sky." My father explained kindly. But curiously, I still broke the casserole and asked: "That doesn't come from heaven, where does it come from?" "It was made by intelligent human beings." I heard it, and it suddenly came to me. Those little penguins are majestic one by one, wearing a black cloak to show off in the snow. Sometimes they pull the yellow bow tie under their head with their small hands, fearing that they will not find their girlfriend after wearing it askew! What's more funny is that when a little penguin was playing near the water, he was accidentally pushed down by his naughty companion and fell into a big bump

Out of the Penguin Aquarium, Dad took us to the Whale Shark Aquarium, the most worth seeing. I slowly entered the museum with the flow of people. At this time, what I saw was a real underwater world. There were many small fish in it. They were small and exquisite, shining silver, swimming around like silver ribbons, and many unknown tropical fish, colorful, like bright crayons, It reminds me that the compatriots in the deep sea are waiting for the brothers and sisters in the Whale Shark Aquarium to go home! At this time, a lovely beluga whale came from nowhere and looked at us, his mouth moving. Look, it was greeting us.

Later, we went to watch the sea lion show, the dolphin show, and the Beaver House

Ah! This is really a meaningful trip, which not only increases my knowledge, but also makes me see the professional talents of marine life, and even more makes me feel that each of us has the responsibility and obligation to protect marine life.

An unforgettable travel composition 2

Today, I went to the seaside park with my teachers and classmates.

What a big place to come to the seaside park! There are bumper cars, torrent, dare to enter, Ferris wheel, jungle flying mouse... Ferris wheel is my favorite project. I can't wait to let my guide brother and sister Wang Wang take us to play. My classmates and I came to the entrance of the bumper car and entered with several people. I chose a yellow car. After tying the protective belt, I was really afraid and happy, As soon as the bell rang, I stepped on the accelerator, and got out of the car and started to move forward. I saw other people in a daze, turning their hands on the steering wheel, and I drove towards Xiao Ming. There was a loud noise, which startled Xiao Ming. He seemed to have mastered his driving skills and hit me. I made a sharp turn to avoid his attack. In the bumper car room, everyone bumped back and forth, Some teachers also thought it was fun and came to play. They seemed to have lost their teaching fatigue and began to play. A happy smile also appeared on his face.

After playing with the bumper car, we came to the jungle flying mouse again. Just looking at the track of the taxiway, we said goodbye to the excitement. After we got on the car, the cars went one by one. We sat in the first car and started to move forward. At first, it was a 50 or 60 degree uphill, then a curve. After the curve, it was a big downhill and a turn, almost throwing me out, It made my head dizzy. The most dangerous thing is that the taxi has been sinking all the time and suddenly turns - this curve is not an ordinary curve, but the whole car goes straight. If you don't drive fast, it will roll over. It's really dangerous!

There are still many interesting things, but because of the time problem, we didn't go to play any more, only reluctantly left the paradise.

I really enjoyed myself today. I had a great time. Maybe I'm still on the Motilion in my dream at night? Hehe

Composition of a Tour (15)

When the time came, we got on the bus. We talked and laughed on the bus. We all forgot the time and felt it was coming!

At the age of Longgeng, we walked out of the bus, and the wind seemed to welcome us. The cool wind was blowing gently, and it was so comfortable on us! We lined up and walked into the Longgeng Age. We first visited the ancient things. While looking at them, we said that some of them took photos with their mobile phones. I saw how big the ancient plows were. After the visit, we sat down to have a rest, talking with others while bringing our own snacks. Before long, we had to leave. We visited the plants again.

When I came to the Botanical Museum, the first thing I saw was this pink plant. It was very long and big. We walked again and saw a big fruit. When we asked, it was a pumpkin. It was really big. Then we visited the Animal Museum.

There are some extinct animals in the zoo, such as dinosaurs. Although this fake dinosaur is fake, it looks like real. It seems that its sharp teeth will eat you at any time.

It's time to go home. We have to leave. I will never forget this trip, because it made me feel happy. Isn't it happy that we talked and laughed all the way!

Composition of a Tour (16)

There were many people around a Turkish ice-cream shop. I also walked over curiously, and the Turkish uncle gave me a chocolate coin. After a while, I returned the gold coin chocolate to him. He cut a small piece from a large piece of ice cream and put it in the ice cream container. He handed it to me. I took it and turned around. Everyone around me looked at me and laughed. I didn't know what was going on. Looking down, the ice cream in my hand disappeared, leaving only an ice cream cone. Turning back, I saw that the ice cream had returned to Turkey. "What happened? I was fooled!"

At this time, the Turkish uncle handed me an ice cream and said, "Welcome to Gulangyu, little friend." I was happy to take it.

This is my happiest experience, so unforgettable.

Composition of a Tour (17)

I jumped out of bed quickly, and the scene that surprised me after washing was in front of me. My parents, my sister and my brother are standing at the door with their luggage ready. My sister smiled and said to me, "Are you ready? If not, hurry up, or I won't wait for you. I can't stand the 2-hour drive.

Finally arrived, in front of me is a forest, dense trees like a queue like neat, big and small, high and low. I could vaguely hear the clear sound of birds. I accompanied the sound of birds to an open space. There were two extremely tall trees in the middle of the open space. Many birds danced and sang around the trees, describing a beautiful picture. I took out my painting tools and drew them bit by bit. I simply described them and went back.

It was almost evening when we came, and it is already evening now. I went to a hotel with my family. We are going to travel for 5 days. The next day, I went out to play with my family. We came to a place with mountains and water. I ran everywhere when I was excited. When I ran, I suddenly lost my way. I was nervous and looked for my family everywhere. Half an hour later, I still couldn't find them. I was about to cry, but when I saw a tall willow tree beside me, I vaguely remembered that I seemed to have been here. I kept walking by memory, and the more I walked, the more familiar I felt. Finally, I saw my family not far ahead, and they were also looking for me. I ran to them quickly, my mother hugged me when she saw me, as if I would disappear if I was not careful. My mother said excitedly, "I finally found you, which scared me to death." I wiped my tears and said to my mother, "I'm fine."

After that lesson, I won't run amok aimlessly. This also tells us that if one wants to stay on the road of life, he must go step by step purposefully.

Composition of a Tour (18)

Everyone is no stranger. Everyone has traveled, but I think the tourist destination is in Texas.

Last summer vacation, my parents and I went to Texas and made a 3-4 hour car ride to Swan Island. There is a very big Taurus in front of the door. It's very cute. After entering, I saw a tank. I climbed in carefully. Ah! It's like a real inner warehouse. After walking a little further, I saw many big pheasants. There is an amusement park nearby. When I entered the amusement park, the first thing I saw was the zoo. On the right side, the animals surrounded by iron wires were ostriches, camels, goats and sika deer. I walked out of Swan Island happily. I went to a place to play and saw a tall observation tower. After walking for a long time, I saw a yellow beach with a river in front. After playing on the beach for a while, I saw windmills and rain wagons. It was beautiful!

By 4 o'clock in the afternoon, I reluctantly left Texas.

Part II. A travel composition

Childhood memories are like colorful shells floating in my mind, one of which is shining with strange luster.

Gently pick it up and open it, and the unforgettable tourist scene immediately unfolds before my eyes. When I was 8 years old, it was very hot during the summer vacation. The sun scorched the earth like a fire stove, without a trace of wind. Dashu hung his head weakly, and even cicadas were too lazy to shout. However, the sultry weather did not affect our interest in going out.

Our family took a long-distance train to Taishan for fun. On the way, our family talked and laughed and played with endless happiness. Mount Tai is one of the five sacred mountains in China, located in Tai'an City, Shandong Province. At the foot of Mount Tai, we had a rest and followed the tour guide to enjoy it. The scenery of Mount Tai is really beautiful! When I first saw Mount Tai, it was so grand and spectacular. The dangerous front stands erect, the trees are green, and the ancient trees stand tall. There are many stone carvings of past dynasties on Mount Tai. Standing on the top of Mount Tai, the clouds are filled with air, and I seem to have become a fairy. Walking on the Tianjie Street and standing on the Jade Emperor's top, you can feel "small mountains at a glance". We followed the guide to Monkey Mountain. I saw a lively and lovely monkeys waving to welcome us! It really deserves the name of "Monkey Mountain". You see, monkeys can be seen everywhere in the green mountains and forests and beside the green streams. Some of them squatted on the rocks on both sides of the steps to play; Some eat feed with relish on the vacant land beside the stream; Some climbed and swayed on the branches, enjoying themselves; Some snatch food from tourists. No, the food snatching incident happened! A snow-white monkey had long been staring at a tourist's ice-cream and was drooling. He stretched out his hand to beg the tourists, but the tourists were unwilling to hide the ice cream behind him. However, it was too late. At that time, the little monkey stretched out his paw to cover his ears and snatched the ice-cream. Then he skillfully cooperated with his other hand and opened his mouth. It was very enjoyable! The tourist was scared out of his wits and screamed loudly. As for the little monkey, after eating, he wiped his mouth, looked complacent, and began to look for the next "target". Look at their shameless antics, which make people stop to watch for a long time.

When we visited Monkey Mountain, we also enjoyed the scenery of Yixiantian, Qifeng Mountain and some rare wild animals. The trip to Mount Tai not only gave me a taste of the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, but also gave me a deeper understanding of "harmony between man and nature".

Composition of a Tour (19)

Although several months have passed, my memory is still fresh. Although it is only a short week, what I have experienced, felt, understood, seen and heard is enough for me to savor

With the advice of my parents, I embarked on the road to South Korea, feeling extremely happy. This is the first time for me to go abroad without my parents, and it is the beginning of my first independence. Along the way, we talked, laughed and imagined the beautiful South Korea, expecting the plane to land soon. When we arrived in South Korea, all the tiredness was forgotten and replaced by joy and excitement. Then, we began this week's journey. Master Jinjidong, the Black Belt of the World Taekwondo Federation, visited many places with us, including Taekwondo Park, Taekwondo School, the highest Taekwondo institution - National Academy of Technology, Jeju Island and many other famous places in South Korea. What impressed me most was that I visited the National Academy of Technology and watched the wonderful Taekwondo performance. I couldn't help being surprised. In my impression, the Chinese Taekwondo players were not so powerful, and I was secretly amazed. I thought, I will also train hard in the future, as good as them, and lead the younger martial brothers and sisters to surpass them

A short week passed quickly. Although I left with a reluctant mood, I gained a lot. It has become the best memory after I practiced Taekwondo. After returning home, I will continue to write my goals after my trip to South Korea with dreams. I will work hard to learn Taekwondo, and also carry forward the spirit of propriety, integrity and shame. If I have the opportunity to visit South Korea, I will definitely join again.

The Chinese Canglong led me to know Taekwondo, and the trip to South Korea opened my eyes. Here, I would like to thank Cang Long for allowing me to leave this unforgettable beautiful memory in my youth.

Composition of a Tour (20)

I have a happy family. My father always goes out of his way to pay for me and my mother, just like the Grey Wolf father on TV. Let me tell you about it!

I remember one time, my father and my mother went to climb the mountain together. In order to let me and my mother climb to the top of the mountain quickly, my father took everything with him without saying a word: a camera hanging around his neck, a bag on his back, my mother's coat on his shoulder, my snacks in his left hand, and souvenirs I bought in his right hand. Halfway up the mountain, I couldn't walk anymore. My father looked at me and said to me, "Baby, let me carry you!" I was a little impatient, but those two legs were filled with lead, so I had to climb on my father's back. My father carried me forward with difficulty. I saw that my father was sweating and even his shirt was wet. The image of Big Big Wolf's father with sweat suddenly appeared in my mind. It is my happiness to have such a father, and it is also the happiness of our family.

There are still many such things in my family. I will not tell them about the time. In fact, happiness is around you. Let's cherish it!