My Little Secret in Composition 600 words (18 in total)
Middle aged messenger
2023-09-04 05:43:06
fifth grade

My Secret in Composition 600 Words (1)

"Everyone will have their own little secret, so let's write our own little secret today!" Teacher Wu turned and left the classroom after arranging the diary.

As soon as I heard this composition topic, my thinking swept me like a raging tide. Speaking of small secrets, alas, it's hard to tell! However, I believe my little secret is not the early opening of the red plum - a unique show. It is the experience that every child has had.

I remember that when I was very young, I often wet the bed. In my vague memory, one night before going to bed, I drank a lot of water and urinated several times, but I still wanted to go to the toilet when I had to go to bed. "Mom, I want to go to the toilet"! My mother looked at me, smiled and said, "It seems that your surname is too bad!"

I was very sad to hear my mother's words. The children made fun of my family name and nicknamed me "urinal", but my mother even made fun of me. "Jindoudou" slapped on my little pillow. I turned away from talking to my mother in anger and thought: "If I don't get on, I won't get on. I will hold on... I feel sleepy in bursts and I fall asleep.".

The next morning, when I woke up from my sweet dream, "Baby, I will buy a boat ticket and send it back to my hometown, OK? "I don't want to leave home or my parents. I don't want to go by boat. I cried and lay in bed.

”Ha ha, it's funny! There was a flood last night, which almost washed you to Hankou?

What kind of flood? Isn't the family good? Hankou, what kind of ghost is Hankou? I'm a little confused. Turning around, I found a sheet hanging on the balcony outside the window. It was the sheet I slept on last night. Then I realized that I was wetting my bed again. The "map of China" on the bed sheet was my masterpiece. I was so embarrassed that I quickly retracted my head into the quilt. No matter how my mother coaxed me, I didn't dare to expose my head for fear of becoming their laughing stock.

Today, when the teacher assigned the topic of this composition, I remembered the little secret that made me hard to tell.

My Secret in Composition 600 Words (2)

Do you have your own little secret? Some people's secret may be to steal sweets in the middle of the night, and some people may steal mobile phones while their mother is not at home. I am no exception. Let me tell you my little secret.

The blue sky is filled with white clouds, and the sun is baking the earth. Alas, when can I drink a bottle of ice coke! I came home with my schoolbag on my back. Eh, what are my parents talking about? I hid behind the door and put my ear up. Mom said to Dad seriously: I bought a bottle of Coke and put it in the refrigerator. Don't let my daughter, a greedy cat, find out. She can't drink it when she has a cold. I can come back later at night. Dad nodded repeatedly. That's great. My mother is not at home. I can drink and give up. I'm itching to think of it.

Before going out, my mother scanned once before she left with peace of mind. Dad is leisurely and complacent, sitting in the living room with his legs crossed, watching TV and blowing the air conditioner. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Don't let the cooked duck fly. But what if my mother finds out? I still have a cold? What about a high fever? Is it to drink or not to drink? I'd better drink it. It certainly doesn't matter if I take a sip. I coaxed myself by pulling my eyebrows to coax my eyes. Regardless, Lord Bao's Shangfang sword was first executed and then announced.

I crept to the refrigerator, opened the door carefully, and felt happy. I felt my hands tremble, and a cool breath came from my back. My heart was beating like a drum. I turned around and saw my father behind me. My father said with a dark face: My mother told me not to drink. If I really want to drink, I can only take a sip. Because you have a cold, I won't tell my mother about it, but you should find a chance to tell your mother. I took a small sip and felt like I had knocked over a bottle of Chinese medicine. It was really not a taste. Coke was originally sweet, but it was more bitter than bitter gourd in the aftertaste.

Mom, take this opportunity to write a composition, I want to tell you that I shouldn't lie to you. Although this matter has passed for a long time, it's really unpleasant to think about it now.

My Secret in Composition 600 Words (3)

Everyone has his own little secret, some happy, some sad... And I also have a little secret that makes me happy!

Last winter, my parents quarreled about something, and they quarreled very much.

They yelled at each other as they spoke. The louder the noise, the more upset I was. My father's face was red with anger, and suddenly stood up like an angry lion: "Enough is enough, have you said enough? It's unreasonable..." My mother also "hummed", turned around, walked back to the room, and closed the door with a "bang". Dad also ignored her, put on his coat and went out of the house. I was left alone in the living room. I sighed and felt very heavy. Why did they quarrel over trifles? I really don't know when they can reconcile? No one accompanied me to talk and laugh.

I walked around anxiously in the living room. I hadn't eaten dinner yet. I was hungry and my stomach growled. What should I do? What shall I do? Suddenly, I found that my father had forgotten to bring his mobile phone when he went out just now. His mobile phone was on the sofa, and an idea came into my mind... I crept to the sofa, picked up my father's mobile phone carefully, and clumsily typed "I was angry just now, Yuanyuan Mom, please forgive me!" and quickly sent it to my mother. But my mother didn't return, I was a little disappointed. By the way, Dad can't find it. He has to delete the "text messages sent" from his mobile phone. "Tick tock......" I listened to the sound of the second hand rotating on the clock and waited for my father's return. Suddenly, I remembered to fill my father's cup with water, which was usually done by my mother. After a while, I heard the key outside the door. It must be Dad! Quickly hid in his room, the atmosphere did not dare to go out, and listened to the movement outside the door with fear. "Dong Dong Dong......" Dad knocked on his mother's door and said to her mother with embarrassment, "Yuan Yuan, you haven't eaten yet, let me invite you out to eat!" After a while, her mother came out with a red face, "Forget it, I'll forgive you this time, but we'll have a good meal!" Ha ha, it's successful! Success! My "little bond" has finally come into play!

Although it was almost a year ago, my mother didn't know that the message was sent by me, and my father didn't know that the water in the cup was added by me. Hehe, it's a secret forever! With me, there must be happy, happy laughter at home!

My Secret in Composition 600 Words (4)

Shh, keep your voice down! Well, it's a secret! Don't be heard! Come here and be careful. Let me tell you this little secret quietly!

Hey, I tell you, I have a little secret that nobody knows! Do you want to know my secret? Well, I'll tell you - I have a secret of not gaining weight, and this secret is my secret!

Girls nowadays are all in pursuit of beauty! But, the meat on my stomach is fat, and I am greedy at ordinary times. I can't keep my mouth shut, and I am getting fatter day by day! Don't worry, I will tell you a secret that you won't gain weight!

First, first, keep your mouth shut! Don't drool when you see food! Don't eat any potato chips or mutton kebabs! Don't eat! Don't eat! It's full of oil. It's strange if you don't get fat after eating it! Usually, eat light meals three times a day. Don't eat too much meat and fish every day! Eat more fruits and vegetables. Don't sit in front of the TV with snacks on holiday. You enjoyed it at that time, but after the holiday, the meat on your body has grown a few kilograms! So, please keep your mouth shut!

There is a good saying: "Keep your mouth shut and your legs open." That is to say, if you want to lose weight, you should not only control your mouth, but also exercise more to drive away the fat. Look at those people who are in good shape, and then look at their daily life. Doesn't it just keep moving, moving and moving again? Get up every morning, go out for a morning run, and eat some nutritious vegetables. At noon, take a walk and kick shuttlecock. We are not so professional, but we can make some simple plans for ourselves. For example, get up in the morning and run for a few laps, jump rope when you are free, go swimming when it is hot... Make a plan, you can implement it well, and do it every day as planned. After a few months, you must lose a lot of weight!

In this era, too much beauty, more health. So for the sake of beautiful and healthy body, let's lose weight quickly!

Well, sisters, my secret of not getting fat has been shared with you! Remember, this is my secret. Don't tell others without permission!

My Secret in Composition 600 Words (5)

Every child has secrets, and I am no exception. But do you know my little secret?

I remember that it was a sunny morning, and the students were concentrating on reading the text aloud. Suddenly, the teacher motioned for us to be quiet and said seriously, "Come to my side to pass the text of" Pastoral Poetry "." Just after the words ended, a voice sighed under the platform: "Oh, the game has gone to waste again." "No!" "Heaven, earth! What mistake did I make?"

"Damn it!" I said dejectedly. "Yesterday I just played and didn't review!"

"What should I do? Is it really 'watching myself fall into the hole'?" I couldn't help shivering.

"Is there really no way?" I almost despair. Suddenly, a strange and "evil" idea occurred in my mind: cheat!

I can't help but be frightened by my own idea. If I cheat the teacher, I will be severely punished; But if I don't do this, I will be left behind after school. Then my image as a good student will be destroyed in an instant. What should I do? Once my "plot" succeeds, I can slip away. For the sake of face, I'd better "do anything" once! Thus, the first "crime of deceiving teachers" in my life began "inexplicably".

The Chinese book in my hand was tightly held by me, and I ran to the teacher with anxiety to recite: "pastoral poetry. The Netherlands is a country of water, flowers, and pastures..."

"Stop! It's very emotional! Just start from the last section!" said the teacher kindly.

"This is the real Netherlands." I smiled and carried it up emotionally, and the devil knew what I was thinking.

"Good! Pass! Next!" The teacher nodded at me, and a smile like the sun appeared on his face. The "conspiracy" succeeded! A big stone in my heart finally landed!

That night, I had a dream that a lion kept chasing me and said to let me re endorse or eat me. I was awakened by this nightmare, thinking that I must finish the homework assigned by the teacher in time in the future, and I can no longer cheat others with my wits.

My little secret is over. What about yours?

My Secret in Composition 600 Words (6)

"Hello, everyone! Next, let's talk about this problem by our Lexue Shansi group!" I walked up to the platform with confidence and lightness, and led the members to the platform with high spirits. This topic exhibition was very successful. The students' admiration and applause lasted for a long time. Even the teacher couldn't help giving us a thumbs up and looked at us with new eyes. The teacher kept shaking his head: "These elves are incredible!"

Due to the excellent performance of our group in the classroom one after another, the crown of excellent cooperation group was put on our head, "worthy of the name"! Everyone in the group smiled and cheered, and made eye gestures: "No one will tell us the secret of our success." Who knew that when the meeting was held last week on Friday, the teacher asked the excellent group to share their experience. Let's discuss and prepare first. Everyone in the group was worried, and the previous excitement disappeared. Jiarong asked, "What should we do, team leader. "Yes, so that we can always become an excellent cooperation group!" "Well, never say!" The members of the group talked a lot. My heart was extremely contradictory and more complicated: "What should I say or not? If I say it and others learn it, then our group will not be an excellent cooperation group. But if I say it, the whole class will become excellent and become excellent. Isn't Xiaowen and Xiaozhen in the class in need of help?" "Make a decision quickly, team leader!" Five pairs of eyes stared at me. "Er..." I hesitated for a moment: "Tell me!" "Ah!" The team members were very surprised, as if they could put a steamed bun in their mouth. I firmly told everyone: "Say, must say! There is still one Apple exchange, and there are two kinds of thought exchange, which can even stimulate many kinds." All members of the team gaped and sat listlessly in their seats. When sharing experience, I came to the stage alone and told the secret we shared

In the future, there will be no "calm" in the classroom. Every time we talked, questioned, challenged, and supplemented, the students were scrambling to be the first to hold up their hands like a dense forest. Looking at the lively and passionate classroom, our group finally realized the happiness and dignity of "cooperation, mutual assistance and common progress"! They are also proud, excited and honored for my original intelligent decision to tell everyone the secret!

My Secret in Composition 600 Words (7)

As the saying goes, one minute on stage, ten years off stage. After many times of hard practice, our singing became sweet and beautiful. At this moment, we ushered in the most anticipated moment - to go out to play!

We drove to the match ground. Everyone's heart is tense. My heart is up and down, because I am the accompanist, and the fate of the whole chorus is related to me: I can't play well, and they can't sing well. This not only tests my skills, but also tests the tacit understanding between us. The most important thing is that we should be in tune.

Finally, it's our turn. The exciting time has come. I sat on the piano bench, took a deep breath, and pressed the keys... With my prelude, the students began to sing: "The sun is red and bright..." The voice was loud and beautiful, and everything was smooth. I was intoxicated with the wonderful singing. But before long, something that worried me happened: at the beginning of the second paragraph, I was half a beat slow! My singing is out of sync with my classmates! My heart suddenly hung in my throat, and my instinct told me that I must adjust immediately! If you speed up, there will be differences between the front and back rhythms, then the whole music will appear uncoordinated, unpleasant, and the concert will become more chaotic. I jumped a note in an inconspicuous place to catch up with my classmates.

The problem was solved in a few seconds, and I was very happy for my little trick. But I also prayed in my heart that the judges would not find out. I adjusted myself and continued to play as if nothing had happened. I concentrate and work closely with my classmates. The passionate singing echoed in the hall, "I love Taiyang!..." Our performance ended.

When I left the stage, I carefully observed my classmates. Obviously, they didn't know the secret of my "skipping", and Mr. Gan (our music teacher) didn't say anything; Don't they know? ha-ha! The judge must not know! This is my little secret!

I don't know how long it took to announce the results! The moderator reported the first, second and third place, without us. I was so scared that my "secret" would not bring down the collective honor, right? I looked at Miss Gan sadly and wanted to tell her the secret... But just then I heard that "Meishan No.1 won the Grand Prize!" The Grand Prize was the highest award! Everyone could not resist their inner joy, and shouted with joy.

At this time, I took a long breath, pressed the little secret back into my heart with my hand, and patted it gently: "Wow, let me enjoy the little secret that worries me!"


My Secret in Composition 600 Words (8)

Shh, I have a little secret. I'll tell you today, but don't tell my parents!

At that time, I was still young, still in kindergarten? I don't go home at noon and take a nap in the kindergarten, but I often can't sleep. Do you know what I'm doing? Today, I will tell you about it.

It's time for lunch break again. I lie on the bed, pulling the pillow towel and counting classmates. Alas, it's boring. Suddenly, I remembered the toy I had with me - my favorite "magnet". So, I secretly hid in the quilt, sucking here and there for a while. I was very busy. I also gave myself a name - little iron measurer, isn't it nice?

If I forget to bring my toys, I will steal a small steamed bun at noon when the teacher is not paying attention, knead it into a ball and put it in my pocket. When I take a nap, I think my classmates are asleep, and the teacher can't see me. I will take out the "steamed bun ball" and eat it bit by bit, unwilling to swallow it. The fist sized steamed bun ball becomes smaller and smaller, The noon time also passed quickly!

Sometimes, I can sleep for a few minutes, but I wake up soon. When I see the time, it is not time to get up yet? What are you playing with? Suddenly, it dawned on me that my little blanket would play with me again. This is my favorite self created game - plucking hair. So I got busy. In a few minutes, I pulled more than ten pieces of wool in red, yellow, blue, green, pink, purple, black and white colors, and then put them into many patterns with enthusiasm. How happy! Suddenly, I heard the footsteps. I was surprised and thought: It's broken. Here comes the teacher. What should I do. I hurriedly stuffed the wool into the quilt and pretended to be sleeping soundly. The teacher looked at it a few times and left. I felt very relieved. In this way, the small blanket is getting worse and worse, just like an old hen who has lost her hair. When I took it home on holiday, my mother wondered: OK, how can this blanket be broken like this? I was so frightened that I didn't dare to breathe.

Shh! Shh! Shh! It's a secret. Don't let your parents know. They always think I'm good. They sleep well at noon every day. If they know, they will laugh at me.

My Secret in Composition 600 Words (9)

After dinner, I picked up a copy of Yangzi Evening News and read it hungrily. When I was scanning the newspaper quickly with my eyes, a report like a cosmic black hole deeply attracted my eyes: if a city child donated his 300 yuan pocket money to a primary school student in a poor mountain area, the students in these poor mountain areas could happily complete a semester of study.

After reading this report, I swore to myself that I would do my best to donate to the children in poor mountainous areas! However, as a primary school student, how can I fulfill my promise? Suddenly, it dawned on me that a perfect plan appeared in my mind: to carry out a "sunshine action" by changing the newspapers and magazines I usually read and saving pocket money. At the same time, I also remembered that I was the "snack king" in my family. My mother gave me 60 yuan of pocket money every month, 50% of which was generally used to buy school supplies and extra-curricular books. As for the remaining 50%, it was not unreasonable to buy snacks. However, "a gentleman's words are irretrievable", no matter how great the difficulty is, I must overcome it!

The day after I quietly implemented the "Sunshine Action", the teacher decided to hold the annual carnival. The teacher said that every student could bring their favorite toys and delicious snacks. As soon as the teacher said, I was anxious like ants on a hot pot. I really wanted to arrive at the carnival right away. But I needed money to buy snacks. The next day at the carnival, I had to empty my hands and eagerly watched the students enjoying delicious snacks. It was really "drooling down three thousand feet"!

Another time, I couldn't stand the temptation of snacks and secretly went to the supermarket downstairs to buy some, but when I got to the cashier, I reluctantly put down those favorite snacks.

Later, my secret was known by my close friend father. He was moved by my love, so he insisted on coming to realize his dream with me. Through discussion, our father and son reached a consensus: Dad used the money to quit smoking to cooperate with me.

In this way, my "Sunshine Action" was realized in advance. Later, when my mother also knew my "secret", tears could not help bursting into her eyes.

Don't tell others, because this is my little secret! Remember!

My Secret in Composition 600 Words (10)

Everyone has a dirty little secret, and I have a little secret hidden for a long time.

I remember that I didn't go to the playground during the big break because I sprained my foot on the stairs. When my classmates were away, I played with one foot in the classroom and only heard a bang. I accidentally broke the glass that the teacher put on the platform. Looking at the broken and unrecognizable cup, I felt dizzy and thought: It's over, it's over... What can I do now? I'm in trouble this time. I'm going to die.

Just when I was in a hurry, after the big break, the students came into the classroom one after another, and I went back to my seat to cover up my anxiety. When they saw the wreckage on the ground, they said, "Who did this? How did you break the teacher's son?" Knowing that I didn't go to class, the desk mate asked me quietly, "Did you break the cup?" "How could it be me?" I tried to bear my heart beating violently and pretended to be innocent. "When you went to the big break, I went to the toilet. Could it be the person who checked the sanitation?" The desk mate scratched his head and said nothing. When the teacher came in, the monitor reported to her: "Teacher, someone broke your cup!" The teacher asked: "Do you know who broke it?" Everyone said in unison: "No! Don't know?" The teacher frowned and asked: "Did you see who came to our classroom?" The students shook their heads. The teacher's eyes focused on my face: "Zhou Ming, you didn't go to the big class today. Did you see someone coming?" I blushed and stammered: "No, I went to the toilet just now. When I came back, I saw..." The teacher said helplessly: "Maybe it was on the ground itself." The students continued to do their own things with laughter, but I felt cold, The body kept shaking.

At night, when I slept in bed, I always felt that the teacher was glancing at me, which made it difficult for me to fall asleep. If the teacher knew that I had broken her cup, she would be furious and "eat" me. I want to confess, but I have no courage.

This secret is like a huge stone pressing on my heart, which makes me feel guilty. It's much easier to write today.

My Secret in Composition 600 Words (11)

Grade 5 Volume 2 Composition: My Little Secret

Everyone has secrets, big or small. I have a little secret that I have lived in seclusion for many years. Today I will tell you.

About six years ago, my mother and I went shopping in the supermarket one day. At that time, I was relatively young and greedy. I wanted to play with everything I saw, let alone in a dazzling array of supermarkets. Soon, I felt the urge to "eat". But because my parents said that I should not take anything that I didn't buy, I held back a little. However, it was noon. It was time for lunch. I was so hungry that my stomach growled and I saw my favorite chocolate. I couldn't help but feel the urge to eat again.

I stretched out my hand trembling. At this time, the words my mother said rang in my ears. My hand soon drew back and I thought: I'd better say goodbye. If I was found out, the noise would be very loud... But I'm hungry, and how could anyone pay attention to me? I thought to myself for a while. But driven by hunger, my hand covered the chocolate again. I just touched the wrapping paper, but I pulled it back like lightning.

that was close! An employee aunt happened to pass by there. I thought she found me, so she pretended to be free and walked away. But I can't give up because I really want to eat too much. I stretched my arm straight and slowly forward, but I still didn't take down the chocolate. I thought to myself: I can't hesitate any more. The last time I boldly "stole", I immediately pulled down the chocolate hanging on the shelf and put it in my pants pocket before I felt "everything is all right".

When I was complacent about my deception, I suddenly found a police officer - a camera! My heart mentioned my voice again: the camera won't capture my crime, will it? If it is found, it will be a disaster! I kept pressing the chocolate until I got out of the supermarket. Fortunately, no one found out about it, so I successfully "stole". However, everything should have consequences. When I got home, I never dared to eat that "disgraceful" chocolate, but stuck it in the cracks of many books. Later, I threw the chocolate into the garbage can when nobody saw it

This matter has been buried in my heart for a long time. Since then, I have never done such "stupid things". Today, I am relieved to say it. Although these secrets are small, they will become our life lessons!

My Secret in Composition 600 Words (12)

Shh, keep your voice down! Well, it's a secret! Don't be heard! Come here and be careful. Let me tell you this little secret quietly!

Hey, I tell you, I have a little secret that nobody knows! Do you want to know my secret? Well, I'll tell you - I have a secret of not gaining weight, and this secret is my secret!

Girls nowadays are all in pursuit of beauty! But, the meat on my stomach is fat, and I am greedy at ordinary times. I can't keep my mouth shut, and I am getting fatter day by day! Don't worry, I will tell you a secret that you won't gain weight!

First, first, keep your mouth shut! Don't drool when you see food! Don't eat any potato chips or mutton kebabs! Don't eat! Don't eat! It's full of oil. It's strange if you don't get fat after eating it! Usually, eat light meals three times a day. Don't eat too much meat and fish every day! Eat more fruits and vegetables. Don't sit in front of the TV with snacks on holiday. You enjoyed it at that time, but after the holiday, the meat on your body has grown a few kilograms! So, please keep your mouth shut!

There is a good saying: "Keep your mouth shut and your legs open." That is to say, if you want to lose weight, you should not only control your mouth, but also exercise more to drive away the fat. Look at those people who are in good shape, and then look at their daily life. Isn't it just continuous exercise? Get up every morning, go out for a morning run, and eat some nutritious vegetables. At noon, take a walk and kick shuttlecock. We are not so professional, but we can make some simple plans for ourselves. For example, get up in the morning and run for a few laps, jump rope when you are free, go swimming when it is hot... Make a plan, you can implement it well, and do it every day as planned. After a few months, you must lose a lot of weight!

In this era, too much beauty, more health. So for the sake of beautiful and healthy body, let's lose weight quickly!

Well, sisters, my secret of not getting fat has been shared with you! Remember, this is my secret. Don't tell others without permission!

My Secret in Composition 600 Words (13)

One hot afternoon, my parents had something to do to go out, so they called me and my brother and gave us two hundred yuan, saying, "This money will buy you dinner, remember not to buy anything iced!" My brother and I nodded like pounding garlic, and said repeatedly, "Yes, yes!" We were overjoyed. "There is no tiger in the mountain, and monkeys are also king!" As soon as Mom and Dad went out, My brother and I went to the supermarket and bought a stick of ice cream.

I have been allergic to eating popsicles since I was a child. Every time I eat popsicles, the allergy is always with me! Sometimes the eyes blink ceaselessly, sometimes the throat starts to ache. Although I feel comfortable when I eat ice lollies, I have endless troubles. Therefore, my mother always tries to persuade me not to eat ice lollies, but I always ignore them!

I know my mother is right, but how can children not like eating popsicles? Especially in the summer, when I'm sweating and thirsty, I want to buy a cool ice lollipop. The cool feeling in my hand will make my summer heat disappear; I can't wait to unpack the package, put it in my mouth and take a bite. In a moment, the taste of ice and cold runs through my body, just like someone carrying a bucket of cold water from my head, making me feel comfortable! Eating popsicles in summer is a great joy in life! Speaking of which, I want to rush out to buy one to satisfy my craving!

Mom and Dad came back in the evening. Mom found me blinking all the time and asked: "Did you run to eat ice lollies?" I was surprised and thought: My eyes have told my secret again! The secret was gone, so I had to bow down and admit my mistake. Unexpectedly, my mother was not angry and said, "Well, I know you really like eating popsicles, so I will let you go this time!" My brother and I were relieved. Although the secret has been exposed, we have also learned a valuable lesson - if you don't know, don't do anything! Open and aboveboard, honest behavior, there is no fear of being known the secret!

My Secret in Composition 600 words (14)

How can I tell others my little secret? If my cousin finds out, she will tell others about her "megaphone", but I can't help it.

I have two secrets that I dare not tell. The first is that when I took the midterm exam last time, I "accidentally" secretly read my classmates' answers, and finally I got 100 points. I am still the only one who knows this secret. Once my mother asked me why I would get 100 points in the exam. I hesitated to say to my mother, "I only got 100 points in the exam because I worked hard to review my lessons in the training class!" Once my mother called the teacher of the training class to ask whether I had reviewed my lessons carefully in the training class, Fortunately, the teacher of the training class told my mother that I always concentrate on reviewing my lessons in the training class, otherwise I would have to be repaired by my mother.

My second secret is that I have a toy I want very much, but my pocket money is not enough, so I secretly "borrowed" 100 yuan that my father put on the cabinet. When my father came to the cupboard to take the money, he found that the money was 100 yuan less, so my father ran to me and asked my mother and brother if they had taken his money, but my mother and brother said no. When I bought that toy back, my father asked me how I could buy toys with money? I told my father the truth with a red face, and I was worried. I thought my father would be angry, but my father said I was honest. Instead of scolding me, he whispered to me, "Don't do that again!" Now I feel ashamed. My parents trust me and love me so much. How can I do things secretly?

Finally, I decided that I would never peek at others' answers or secretly "borrow" adults' money in the future. Otherwise, such a small secret has been hidden and hovering in my heart, and one day I will get sick. Open and aboveboard, open and aboveboard, life will be free and comfortable!

My Secret in Composition 600 Words (15)

My mother's cooking skills are excellent, and the food she cooks is delicious, which only penetrates people's eyes. My mother fills our refrigerator with homemade ice cream, braised in soy sauce, fried... The most popular thing is cake.

Once, my mother put the cake on the table after it was ready and said that my sister would be back soon. She would go out to work and let me and my sister eat the cake to fill our stomachs. I heard the sound of the door closing, and I could not even put on my shoes. "Deng Deng Deng Deng" ran to the kitchen barefoot. Wow, it was all my favorite chocolate cream cake. I wanted to taste the first taste of this delicious cake, "It's delicious," I exclaimed. I cut out a big piece and ate it. My sister might come back. I put down the plate, wiped the cream off my mouth, put on my slippers, and opened the door for my sister. As soon as she entered the door, she said, "I'm hungry. Are you eating again?" Then she went to the kitchen.

I hurriedly stopped my sister and said, "No, no, no, you are very tired after a afternoon of remedial classes. You can sit here and rest. I will cut for you!"

When my sister saw me in such a hurry, she had to sit down. I went to the kitchen and thought, "If I give my sister all the rest, I can't eat much. If I only give her a little, my smart sister will be suspicious..." After a lot of ideological struggle, I had to bear the pain and give half to my sister.

My sister asked me: Why don't you eat? "

I pretended to be calm and said, "I'm not hungry. I'll give you everything!"

Seeing my sister eating incense, my stomach began to complain, and I spent this period of time suffering.

My sister was playing with her mobile phone in the room. I ran quietly into the kitchen to the cake and ate it like a thief. "Hiccup --" I belched and walked out of the kitchen happily.

This selfish eating became my first secret and my last secret.

Don't spread the secret!

My Secret in Composition 600 Words (16)

Every time my mother asks the cleaner to do cleaning at home, it is my most annoying moment. Because my mother will "get" some money from my wallet and give it to the cleaner, as if it was her. Please, this is the money I got from selling waste products with all my heart! How can the river flow eastward! I can't afford to be hurt... Therefore, I finally started to "resist" with anger, which is the so-called "invincible anti stealing method in history" - "hide"!

As the saying goes, "The more dangerous the place is, the safer it is." I also got some small enlightenment from it. I always thought, "What is the most dangerous place? After thinking for a moment, I remembered the counter in front of my house - the most inconspicuous and obvious place, the best place! Thinking of this, I immediately took out 20 yuan from my wallet and put it under the decorations on the counter. well! I can't see it! I began to praise myself: "High! Really high!" But I could not hide all of them here, otherwise they would be exposed obviously.

I glanced at the schoolbag. Is there a good place in the schoolbag? I was going to look through it and saw an exercise book at a glance. My mother never paid much attention to this exercise book. She didn't even know that I had it. Yeah, it's also a good way to clip it here. I was so happy that I thought my mother would never find it.

I went back to my room and looked at the 50 yuan in my wallet and thought, "Is this money for my mother to take?"? I still don't feel satisfied. I haven't had enough "money addiction"! Looking at the half open and half closed wardrobe, I pressed the 30 yuan under the layers of clothes. There are still 20 yuan notes and some coins in the wallet. I have hidden them in the bookcase and key bag in succession

Once again "pay", my mother looked at the empty wallet in surprise, and had to take out the pocket change... I suddenly felt a little stingy.

Shh - keep your voice down and don't let your mother hear you, because this is my little secret.

My Secret in Composition 600 Words (17)

On the first day of this year, I began to have a little secret in my heart - I will give my sister a birthday cake on her birthday. The cake I send will look like this: it will have two layers, one layer is poured with pure white cream, and the middle is dotted with several red strawberries. The second layer is a circle larger than the first layer, with purple red patterns on it, which means that our feelings will be stronger and will not be broken for a small matter. Moreover, the cake I gave this year has a special meaning, because this year is my sister's 18th birthday. I hope my sister will have a happy holiday.

Because of this secret, I don't eat snacks anymore. Whenever I accompany my classmates to buy snacks, I just look around. My classmates asked me, "Why don't you buy food?" I just smiled and didn't answer. This is my little secret. I want to save money for this wish. I must give my sister the best birthday gift.

For this little secret, I visited several cake shops, but there was nothing I wanted. I went to several cake shops and finally saw a similar birthday cake in a cake shop. I asked the clerk carefully: "Auntie, this cake is really beautiful. How much is it?" The clerk said: "Children, you really have vision. This is the best cake in our shop. Why did you choose this cake?" I smiled and said nothing. This is my little secret. How could I tell others about it!

For this little secret, I also aroused the suspicion of my parents. When my mother saw me saving money, she asked me, "How did you save it?" My heart felt flustered, like a strong wind blowing across the lake. If I lie, it seems not good; But if I tell them, it's not a secret. Finally, I smiled again and didn't reveal my little secret.

This is my little secret. I have paid a lot for this little secret. I believe you will be very surprised by this gift on your birthday. You must be very happy!

My Secret in Composition 600 Words (18)

My father had just arranged the "residence" of the little goldfish, so I couldn't wait to run to their "house" and observe through the fish tank. They are really beautiful. Some wore black dresses and swam around under the water as if they were showing me their black skirts; Some people dance in the water with a "red hat" on their head; There is also a pair of crystal clear big eyes like two bubbles, which seems to be used to appreciate its beautiful "villa". These elves are very lively, like a naughty water fairy. I was totally fascinated by them. I didn't leave the aquarium until my mother asked me to eat.

In the evening, I got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, and looked at the small fish by the way. They didn't sleep with their eyes closed as we do, nor swim around lively as we do in the daytime. Instead, they opened their eyes wide and lay on the bottom of the water without moving. This scared me. I thought to myself: Ah! Why doesn't the little fish move? Are they dead? I jumped into bed and woke my mother who was sleeping soundly: "Mom! Mom! The little goldfish is dead!" My mother suddenly became as nervous as me and ran to the fish tank. My mother looked at the little fish, then smiled and said to me, "Don't be sad, the little goldfish is not dead, but asleep." After listening to my mother's words, a big stone in my heart finally fell down, but I was puzzled and asked: "Since the little goldfish is asleep, why don't they close their eyes?" "That's because the little goldfish don't have eyelids like us, so they can't close their eyes." I heard it and suddenly realized.

Nature is full of wonders. Children, as long as we observe carefully and think more, we will find many mysteries.