Life Moved My Composition 600 Words (6 in general)
Follow the wind and treat loneliness as freedom
2023-09-16 06:39:45
Junior three

Life Moved My Composition 600 Words (1)

The dim street lamp lengthens the trance shadow, and the people who come and go chase the trivia of life. The west setting sun casts its last light, and the time of life passes away quietly in the instantaneous tranquility. Will we pay attention to its instantaneous beauty, which belongs to the touch of life?

Life needs to be moved. I never hide the tears that sometimes overflow from my heart. What I see through the tears is life and the world. Wet is the flower of truth and hope. Love is the source of moving, tears are the flow of true feelings, life is exquisite because of moving, and mind is gentle and generous because of moving. The vast world is a long journey. In the life with hurried steps, who doesn't have the dilemma of panic and helplessness, and who doesn't have the pain of heart rending and lung splitting? The warmth and softness of the chest were moved to clearly discover that there are still many places where the sun can not shine on the earth, and we will feel the hope in the pain and suffering more vividly.

I was moved by Paul's optimism and firmness towards life in How Steel Was Tempered; I was moved by Annie of Green Gables. Annie's smile came from children's innocence and openness; I am moved by the lofty willfulness and belief in life of Jean Valjean in Les Miserables; I am moved by Robinson's persistent belief and hope for life in Robinson Crusoe!

Ordinary life, busy days, in the face of a blue sky that is as clear as a wash and is very painful; Facing the scarred and unswerving reef hit by the surging waves forever; In the dusk sunset, the melancholy flute sound floating with the wind, and the last glow...... There are so many things that affect our insensitive nerves, and there are many details that we don't care about, which will make us feel excited in an instant, and produce an inexplicable move!

A person standing quietly, quietly experience the peace of life, gently open the door of the heart, and talk with the voice of the heart. Staring at a light chasing the lit 'whole star sky, close your eyes——

It turns out that life is all moving!

Life Moved My Composition 600 Words (2)

In daily study, work or life, everyone often comes into contact with the composition bar. With the help of composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. In order to make your composition more simple and convenient, the following is the life between the stones arranged by Xiao Bian, which moved my composition by 600 words. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

In a quiet summer, the sky is dotted with stars, which is the best time to enjoy the scenery in a day. I sat on the steps with two hands holding my head and blinking playfully at the stars. When I was tired, I lowered my head and wrote on the stone steps on the ground with a stick. I was tired of playing. When I was ready to get up and go home, I was surprised to find life between the stones!

I guess it must be the wind that scattered the grass seeds on every corner, including my steps. The grass seed got warm from the sun and moist from the rain. It desperately searched for a place on the steps where it could take root - the step gap. After many hard days and nights, and at the cost of many efforts, it grew a stubborn body from the steps of this barren land.

This grass is about to shoot out its leaves, but it has shown infinite vitality. It can only rely on a little sand in the step gap to take root, and use soft and slender roots to skillfully extend into the gap in the step. A few days later, it grew up. It was so difficult to move upward in such an environment. Its stem twisted and twisted. Each leaf had a shallow white scar, as if it had formed a scar when growing. Every time a leaf grows, it will take several days. It may not grow long, but for such a small body, it will suffer a lot.

Grass seeds are blown by the wind. It cannot choose dark fertile soil, but where there are grass seeds, they will be green. Because they use their tenacious vitality to win a place for themselves. Wang Anshi's "Bamboo Stone" wrote: "We are determined to stick to the green mountains and never relax. We are rooted in the broken rocks. We are still strong with thousands of blows. We can let the wind blow from east to west, north to south.". These tenacious lives born from the cracks in the stone, miraculously growing in a desperate situation, show the dignity and magnificence of life.

Xiao Cao's tenacious perseverance for survival is what we lack. Everyone can't choose his or her own birth family and background, but can challenge all the unlucky circumstances. Therefore, the determination of one's own destiny, whether brilliant or not, depends on the most tenacious perseverance and strong mind in the difficult struggle!

Life Moved My Composition 600 Words (3)

Falling red is not a heartless thing. It turns into spring mud to protect flowers.

Fallen leaves are the symbol of autumn. When the leaves on both sides of the road slowly turn yellow, just like a vast golden sea, the leaves will fall one by one, with a trace of regret, a trace of sadness, as if they were leaving their loved ones. These fallen leaves seem to have a pair of wings. When they fly away, they are extremely gorgeous. In the last few seconds of this life, they are still dreaming of youth, jumping, rotating, dancing, flying and falling to the earth. Show the beauty of your life again. But the relentless autumn wind came as scheduled. The autumn wind is merciless and the autumn day is silent.

But who knows that after the fallen leaves fall, they still feed the new flowers and trees, making unknown contributions. Just like firefighters, I remember that many people died in the Tianjin explosion a few years ago. At that moment, saving people was above everything, and disaster relief was above everything. However, in order to protect the people in the disaster, they were willing to use their own lives to exchange for other people's lives... "Life is the most precious thing for people" is Ostrovsky's "How Steel is Tempered" A sentence from. Since life is precious, there are still people who are willing to sacrifice their own lives and make selfless contributions for the people. However, all men die.

In nature, we have all seen plants or animals with strong vitality. Grass --- Life that is not afraid of burning. How does grass live in the cold? Although there is almost no grass in winter, some grass rush to probe when the winter is not over, and use its tenacious vitality and body drive to break through the thick snow

This is life. Who has not suffered setbacks in life? We should face setbacks head-on and not choose to escape. But in this life, there are not only setbacks, but also happiness and joy after success brought by setbacks.

Life Moved My Composition 600 Words (4)

In our life, there are some small things that may be ignored by us, and it is often these small things that make us feel warm!

Recalling that time, I still remember it vividly.

I remember once, because it was sunny, my mother took the quilt to wash and dry it. I think my mother does so much housework every day. It must be very hard. I'm thinking about helping my mother dry the quilt. My mother said, "Let me do these little things. You just have to study hard." My mother went out with the quilt in her arms. I followed her, and saw her drying my quilt in a sunny place, while her quilt was in a sunlit place; She swung the quilt neatly, but I saw her waist tremble, and she suddenly frowned, showing an embarrassed face, with one hand on her waist. "Did your mother's waist disease happen again?" I worried and watched her limp home with her hands on her waist. At this time, my heart was filled with guilt, and my eyes were moist. I think back to the past - the best food is always left for me, the most beautiful is always bought for me, and the most interesting is always given to me... As long as it is the best, my mother always tries to give it to me without hesitation, but never thinks of being nice to herself.

The love my mother gave me was so touching, while the love my father gave me also made me very happy.

Once, my father went for a walk and saw someone selling watermelons. "My daughter likes watermelon best. It looks good. Buy one to quench her thirst." I chatted with my partner in a shop and heard my father's conversation with the vendor. I can't wait to run home. My father has cut the watermelon and cleaned its skin. I immediately gobbled up. My father was happy. I asked, "Dad, why don't you eat?" "You eat, I don't like watermelon." Dad walked into the kitchen. While I was chewing the watermelon, I followed him, but I found my father was carefully chewing the rare red meat on the watermelon skin, and my tears burst out immediately

This deep love from my parents gives me enough stability and happiness to accompany my growth. Pray that: I have grown up and my parents will still be alive when I promote filial piety!

Life Moved My Composition 600 Words (5)

When the white clouds are floating and the sky is blue, and the beautiful and graceful birds are flying freely in the soft white and blue scenery, will you be moved by the happiness and beauty of the birds at that moment? At this time, I will say: "I will!"

Life is tenacious and fragile. In nature, the reason why there is vitality everywhere depends on the small lives one by one. Even if the wind and rain blow, the sun is like fire, lightning and thunder, and even if the environment is so bad, we have to stick to it bit by bit to have this harmonious and beautiful earth. Moving life, life brings us beauty.

"The wild fire never burns out, and the spring wind blows again." This is the poet's praise of grass. Although it is just an ordinary life, it is so strong! Despite the difficulties and risks, they survived. Even though they were burned out by the fire, as long as the roots are still there, green grass will grow in the next year. The grass is not as graceful as the peony, nor as graceful as the lotus, but in my heart, it is an immortal little life!

Dandelions are flying in the wind, flying freely in the sun and rain. There is no direction, no burden, its life shows a strong, when it floats the moment, nature was moved, it was warm by the sun for a long time, and finally, it nurtures new life again!

The night gradually became dark, and the stars covered the whole sky, like countless pieces of gold, shining silver, dazzling and charming. They are so lovely and charming that they can choose to appear in the daytime, which is well-known and famous for a long time, but they finally choose to appear in the night, which is as ordinary as the night, but it embellishes the unknown night, making it as beautiful and bright as the day. In the "life" of the night, stars come out every day to decorate the dark sky. It is not lonely. Under the bright moonlight, the stars appear more lovely and dazzling.

In the life, that one by one strong life, let me move!

Life Moved My Composition 600 Words (6)

I guess it must be the wind that scattered the grass seeds on every corner, including my steps. The grass seed got warm from the sun and moist from the rain. It desperately searched for a place on the steps where it could take root - the step gap. After many hard days and nights, and at the cost of many efforts, it grew a stubborn body from the steps of this barren land.

This grass is about to shoot out its leaves, but it has shown infinite vitality. It can only rely on a little sand in the step gap to take root, and use soft and slender roots to skillfully extend into the gap in the step. A few days later, it grew up. It was so difficult to move upward in such an environment. Its stem twisted and twisted. Each leaf had a shallow white scar, as if it had formed a scar when growing. Every time a leaf grows, it will take several days. It may not grow long, but for such a small body, it has to suffer a lot.

Grass seeds are blown by the wind. It cannot choose dark fertile soil, but where there are grass seeds, they will be green. Because they use their tenacious vitality to win a place for themselves. In Wang Anshi's Bamboo Stone, he wrote: "We are determined to stick to the green mountains and never relax. We are rooted in the broken rocks. We are still strong with thousands of blows. We can let the wind blow from east to west, north to south.". These tenacious lives born from the cracks in the stone, miraculously growing in a desperate situation, show the dignity and magnificence of life.

Xiao Cao's tenacious perseverance for survival is what we lack. Everyone can't choose his or her own birth family and background, but can challenge all the unlucky circumstances. Therefore, the determination of one's own destiny, whether brilliant or not, depends on the most tenacious perseverance and strong mind in the difficult struggle!