My Beneficial Friend Composers (6 required)
Kindness is my nature
2023-11-15 07:47:40

My Beneficial Friend Composers (1)

I have many friends, but Song Jiahui is my best friend.

She has a pair of smart and handsome small eyes, a small and exquisite nose, a small and eloquent mouth, and two shallow dimples when she smiles. Her long hair is very beautiful!

Song Jiahui and I go to school together, learn composition together, and do homework together. She is my inseparable friend. Her greatest characteristic is her willingness to help others. Once, I forgot to bring my pencil box. I borrowed many people's pens, but they didn't give them to me. Finally, I borrowed them from Song Jiahui, who happily agreed. After class, I said to her, "Thank you, Song Jiahui!" She smiled and said, "You are welcome. Beneficial friends should help each other."

She also has a special interest in sports. I remember one time in PE class, Song Jiahui and I played the game of throwing sandbags together. Song Jiahui and I were the attackers, and she danced happily on the court, but each time we missed, and always threw sandbags far away. When the bell rang, we sweated and breathed heavily. "Continue to play in the next class!" Song Jiahui said.

Song Jiahui is not only beautiful, but also honest, kind-hearted, smart, lively and intelligent. This is my good friend. I think we are friends now and will always be friends in the future.

My Beneficial Friend Composers (2)

Today, it was a sunny day. My mother took me to the pet mall. Wow! Many animals! My mother and I walked for a while. Suddenly, I saw a little white rabbit, and I fell in love with it. Its eyes are like two rubies, and its ears are long. It seems that it can hear the voice dozens of miles away. It's amazing! It has the biggest feature of a three valve mouth, which is unique. Its whole body is snow-white, and its tail is like a small white pompon.

I looked at my mother with pleading eyes. When my mother saw it, she came to me and said, "You like this little white rabbit so much, then buy it." I smiled happily.

On the way home, I was thinking about how to name it. My mother said, "It's so white, why don't you just call it white?" I thought the name was bad, and said, "Mom, how about calling it Xiaoxue?" My mother thought it was a good idea and agreed.

When I got home, I quickly found a cage for him to live in. Xiaoxue is very cute. She likes carrots and vegetables best. Once I wanted to play with it, holding the carrot above the mouth of the cage and deliberately preventing it from eating. As soon as he saw the carrot, he jumped up hard. I said, "Xiaoxue, try your best to jump. Your favorite radish is on it. Don't you want to eat it? It's a good meal!" Xiaoxue pricked up his ears, as if he understood me. His hind legs jumped up hard, and his front legs stretched forward to the mouth of the cage, trying to catch the carrot, It failed for the first time. But Xiaoxue was not discouraged at all. She kept jumping up. She really had the determination to "never stop eating carrots"! The effort pays off. Xiaoxue jumps many times and finally catches the carrot. He ate the carrot proudly, and his eyes were still looking at me, as if to say, "Look, I am strong, right? I ate the carrot!"

I like Xiaoxue very much. I play with it whenever I have time. It is like a good friend in my life, adding a lot of happiness to my golden childhood.

My Beneficial Friend Composers (3)

I have many beneficial friends, but my best friend is Ou Jiali!

She is a girl with long hair, small eyes, small mouth, small nose, and two small dimples. Such an ordinary looking girl is my best friend. Why? Look below and you will understand.

She and I are old classmates. We have been classmates for three years. It's funny to think of the scene we just met! One day, I wanted to go to the toilet very much. I rushed out of the classroom after class and ran straight to the toilet, but I didn't bring a tissue, ah! I shouted, almost no one looked at me, I felt very embarrassed. At this time, Ou Jiali, who had just transferred from our class, seemed to know that I didn't bring any paper towels, so she brought me two paper towels. When I finished washing my hands and saw her waiting for me at the door, we both giggled. She asked me what happened just now and why I didn't take a tissue when I went to the toilet. I lowered my head in embarrassment, 'Don't forget next time' 'she said‘‘ I don't know why, I am very happy to answer. A student who had just transferred to another school and didn't know me, but he helped me a lot. After this incident, the two of us became inseparable friends. She and I also had many funny stories!

This is my good friend - Ou Jiali! I like her very much!

My Beneficial Friend Composers (4)

I have loved reading since I was young, and so have my two sisters. I remember when I was in the second grade of primary school, I began to love reading.

At that time, the school had not been merged, and I was still studying in my hometown's primary school. There is a reading class every week, which is taught by the principal. We like this class very much, just as we like computer class so much now. When we got there, we would look for a book called Seven Color Flowers, but it was always robbed by others. I didn't get it once, so I advised the student who got the book to lend it to me. Finally, I persuaded him with my eloquent tongue. I looked at Seven Color Flowers like a wolf and thought it was very beautiful. But in the end, I reluctantly returned the book to my classmates.

Since then, I have become very fond of reading. Once, I found a dusty book with my father's name on it. I opened it and found it was called "Selected Excellent Stories". I think: it's my father's book when he was young! I found the story of stealing imperial mausoleum in it, so I thought it was very beautiful. I read some of them before I went to bed every day, and now I don't know how many times I have read them.

Gradually, I became interested in myths and fairy tales. My mother bought me a copy of The Thousand and One Nights, which made me sometimes forget to eat.

In the fourth grade, my sister, who was in high school, borrowed several books from her classmates. They were all about killing people. Although it was very scary, the more scary it was, the more I wanted to see it. In this way, I have read everything.

Now I'm in Grade 5. I got a library card when I was in Grade 4, but I don't have much time to borrow it now. I just read at home the magazines my sister bought, such as Reader, Youth Digest, Mystery, and UFO Discovery. I think UFO Discovery is the best because I like reading UFO books best.

Books are my good teachers and friends, and we will continue to go together.

My Beneficial Friend Composers (5)

Around me, some people are strange, while others are familiar with us day and night. I am most familiar with a good friend and classmate from grade one to grade four. She is beautiful and kind, and she is ×××.

She is of medium stature, with short black hair. He has thick eyebrows, and a pair of big bright eyes under the eyebrows. Her eyes are particularly good. It seems that she can see things hundreds of thousands of miles away. Under the eyes, there is a small and exquisite nose. The most noticeable thing is his cherry like mouth, and he talks eloquently.

She is very humorous and always tells us all kinds of jokes, which makes us laugh.

He is also very kind. Last time, he didn't come to class because he was ill. After school, I went to visit her at home. Seeing her powerless appearance, I wanted to pour him a glass of water, but who knows, I accidentally splashed hot water on her face. I was worried that she would be angry with me. But she didn't, just said to me, "It doesn't matter, just wipe it with a towel."

He is still a very gentle person. Last time I forgot to do my homework, she learned that she did not complain to the teacher immediately, but patiently guided me and told me how to do it. When she finished, she said to me, "Next time you can't forget to do your homework."

She is such a gentle and kind-hearted little girl. She is my good friend and inseparable friend.

My Beneficial Friend Composers (6)

When it comes to mentors and helpful friends, everyone may think that they are two people, one is a teacher who is older than himself, and the other is a close friend of his own age. However, what I said today is that he is both my good teacher and my good friend. This man is my father. My father is of high stature, standing straight like a unyielding aspen, holding his head high and proud of the world. He has black and shiny hair, bright eyes, and can see into every corner of the world. A small and exquisite lion's mouth, and a little more than can be said of the dignity. My father is very concerned about my study. I learned how to care in a dark evening.

When night fell, I put on a black cloak for the blue sky. On the desk in the bedroom, I was reading and writing at night. The light suddenly flashed twice and never came on again. I fell into darkness. "Pa", the faint light came on again, and gradually reflected the words on the table. Looking along the "source" of the sound, Dad turned off the computer he was using and took out the standby power supply to provide power for my desk lamp. "Dad, don't you need it?" Before I finished speaking, Dad said, "Do your homework quickly, or wait until the electricity runs out, and see how you can use lighting?" I lowered my head and continued to do my homework. Although it was cold winter, my heart was burning. My father not only cares about my study, but also cares for me a hundred times in life. That was a year ago.

It was raining. I went to a classmate's house with some good friends and went downstairs. A mischievous friend rang the doorbell of a family. I was afraid of being regarded as the "troublemaker", so I turned around and fled. At that moment, I seemed to hear the misplacement sound of bones, and then I fell to the ground - unable to stand up. Seeing this, the troubled student stuck out his tongue and rushed to help me. Several other students looked at me in surprise - they could turn their feet around! With another uninjured foot, I hopped and walked home with difficulty.

After returning home, my father looked at my injured ankle (swollen as thick as a thigh) and rushed to carry me to the hospital. He pinched my bones and carried me home, taking care of me carefully. The most important thing is that other fathers can't do it. It often happens between my father and me. Whenever I have a little trouble, whenever I am frustrated, I always spit out all my unhappiness like my father, and he will listen quietly and sometimes give some comfort and help.

This is my warm, happy and happy father, my mentor and friend.