Unforgettable Time (8 elaborations)
Keep a little beard
2023-11-12 05:04:44
Junior two

Unforgettable Time (1)

Sitting on the bus to another place, I accidentally touched a cold object with my fingertips in my backpack, took out a silent look, and couldn't help laughing. I saw a shining nail clipper.

I remember from afar that my mother chased me to cut my nails when I was not familiar with the world. When my mother's gentle voice sounded, she rubbed my little white face and slowly said, "Come on, girl, reach out and let my mother cut your little nails." I always sat in my mother's arms happily, and gently extended my little hand to let her hold the small, exquisite silver things. I remember that the object had existed since a very small time, and the end was worn brown, but the head was still smooth and sharp. Mother gently held my little hand, picked up the nail clipper, and slowly cut it from one end. Then there was a clear and pleasant sound, "click, click", over and over again. At this time, I always giggled and said, "Mom, Mom, please be gentle, it's itchy." My mother would also put her long, warm and soft washed hair on my face, and said with a smile, "Nanny, how dare you frighten me? Is it itchy or not?" Then I would laugh, and my mother would carefully cut it off with a smile, and small fingernails would dance and fly in my hands. Later, I thought it was a dream in Tagore's poems.

I held it gently and remembered when was the last time my mother cut it?

As I grew older, I gradually began to alienate my mother and went alone in silence. At night, after finishing my homework, I always put aside my mother's hands when I soaked my feet in drowsiness. I was embarrassed and didn't know where to put them. Mother also gently lowered her hand, as if she knew that I thought it was a very disgusting and shameful thing. She is cutting herself silently, but her action seems to be cutting for the baby, very light.

The bus is bumpy, and my heart is at a loss. Mother could not forget to put down a pair of nail clippers in her packing. Only my mother can remember this little thing. I felt the smooth and delicate nail scissors and thought of scenes of pictures, which moved my mother's delicate and soft heart.

Although I felt it in my heart, I did not understand it. But I will never forget the trimming time, until forever, forever

Unforgettable Time (2)

Time flies. What can make me change? Sometimes the wind will come into your life quietly. Even if it is just a second, it will leave you the deepest impression. What makes us begin to shake every wish we ever made. The sky is very blue. Looking up at the sky, I found that we still live in this world and have not been forgotten by this world.

Looking back on the past, I found that the past life is the past that I have been avoiding and can not forget at the same time. I know when I can start a new life. Stepping into a new stage, I find how nostalgic I am and how unbearable I am. In the unforgettable time gap, everything still remains. It doesn't matter whether it's sad or happy, sad or happy. Because I have a new life, I have a new world, even if the world is so simple and needs to be re managed, but don't forget, We still live in this world.

Thank those who once made me sad and made me sad. Without them, I might not be able to achieve what I am now. Sitting on the bed thinking about how to complete this article, I know that I can no longer find the kind of sadness and happiness I used to find in my writing. Maybe sometimes I need to cherish the time and cherish the lost time. Although I have gained a lot now, I know that the words I wrote are becoming less and less energetic, and more and more I have lost everything I ever had. I know that there are no stories that can move me, and there is no love that can move me. Not I have changed, but the world I live in has changed.

In fact, I really appreciate those who still support Yao Yao's words. If it were not for you, I would not start writing this article again, I know that I may never be able to write those beautiful words or those wonderful jokes again. This is the thing I cherish most and the thing I have lost now. At the beginning, I didn't really want what would happen because of this, but over a long time, I began to love words, began to like words, and liked the feedback I received, I like some miscellaneous things.

Well, just like this, I can't forget you in the time slot, thank you.

Unforgettable Time (3)

That time shone in my mind like a star, and became a memory that I could not part with.



Before I was seven years old, I lived in a remote village with my family and lived a free life every day.

There is no high-tech equipment in my hometown. Most of the houses are triangular brick houses. The body of the house is made of bricks and the roof is stacked with tiles, simple and plain. Some houses are even made of mud, but they are warm and comfortable to live in.


The backyard is a large flat field full of crops, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, peanuts, vegetables... It's like a treasure house waiting for you to find treasure.

I remember once, I and several good friends carefully planned a good plan - Stealing sweet potatoes to roast. We carefully came to a sweet potato field, carefully dug up the soil, broke the sweet potato and its leaves, took out the sweet potato, and then replanted the sweet potato vines. Then we pretended to leave the field as if nothing had happened, and came to our "secret base". In fact, it was just a small cave. First, we put the sweet potatoes into the cave, and then we made a stove with several big stones. Then we ran home to get some firewood, lit it and put it into the "stove". Then we dug the sweet potatoes out of the cave, crossed them with branches, and put them on the "stove" to bake. The baked sweet potato has a blackened skin, but the inside is golden yellow. It tastes sweet and fragrant. Now I recall that the saliva is still in my mouth. It's delicious!


In the summer, my friends and I would play by the river in our village. The water in the river is very clear, and the sand and stone in the water can be clearly seen. The river shines brightly in the sunlight and is extremely beautiful.

We often swim to the center of the river to play. The river often has some small fish and shrimp. We often catch them and feed them home. It's very funny!

Once, I caught fish with my friends. We dived into the water and began to search. Soon, we found the target - a cute little crucian carp with black body. We immediately started to catch him. Unexpectedly, he was small, but his hands and feet were so flexible. Now he was drilling into the cracks on the left, and now he was hiding under the stones on the right. We pressed him step by step, but he shook his body and fled lightly. We looked at each other in embarrassment, but secretly admired its power.


I often play on the slope of the hill with my companions. There is no grass growing on that slope. The slope is about 70 degrees. We usually stop when we climb halfway. After a little rest, we began to play the game of slide. "Whoosh". We only slide from the hillside to the bottom of the mountain. Sometimes, we fall down and eat shit without grasping. But we don't feel pain or tired at all. My mother had a headache because the new pants had several big holes in their buttocks within a few days.


When I was seven years old, I was going to the first grade. My parents took me away from my hometown, which brought me countless laughter. I was sad for a whole month because I would never see my hometown and friends again. How I wish I could stay in that time forever and stay with my hometown forever.

Unforgettable Time (4)

My friend's memory is like a song, fresh, warm, sad, let me reluctant to forget. Some memory fragments are linked together in my mind, making my missing for you long and lasting

I meet you in the campus when the leaves just turn green, swaying in the wind. At that time, there were always two figures walking hand in hand in the campus. We talk about the changes in the world. We grieve for spring and autumn. We are happy for each other's success together. This is all the complexity in the campus has disappeared, only our laughter and play.

I laughed silently. The original memory could be so clear that I could see your every smile and hear your every word. I am very lucky to have you as my friend, who has accompanied me through so many years.

But we finally separated, like two clouds in the sky, blown away by the wind, to the ends of the earth.

Raise the corners of the mouth, tears silently fall. So my heart needs your comfort!

I'm still very happy to have you as a friend, which makes me worthy of memories and nostalgia. Although it is as short as a meteor across the sky, it is beautiful. We played together, full of innocence and happiness, and integrated into my body, just like wind chimes, gently swaying in my heart, and the clear bell aroused my yearning for you. This period of time will accompany me forever. Even when I get old, it will add a sense of comfort to my old age.

We walked together, happy and happy; But now, only I am lonely. I can never forget the time with you, like a piece of rain, moistening my heart; Like a ship, reach the other side of success!

Unforgettable Time (5)



——But I don't want to go!

——I wish you a good journey

I forced a smile to send off my good friends who waved goodbye. Seeing you, my former deskmate, I couldn't smile because of the pain in my heart

I haven't seen you for more than two months, but there are still twelve days left, just three months.

The cool wind on the roadside is raging again. It comes back once a year. My sixth grade, can you come back?

Immediately, my hands will have ugly chilblains, itchy and uncomfortable;

I will not eat breakfast immediately, and stomach disease will make me cover my stomach in class, which is very uncomfortable;

I will talk and laugh with others immediately, and then think of you, it's hard;

Right away, I

Now no one will help me find gloves for this guy who loves to lose things in the cold wind. I miss it very much;

Now no one will pretend to bring me an egg tower every morning. I miss it very much;

Now no one will really understand that I have deliberately bickered with me, which is very uncomfortable;

Now no one will

Excited to say that the other party's IQ is unlimited close to zero, but you are a little more stupid than me, because my IQ is 152;

Excited, he said "Go to hell" and accused the other party of being stupid

Now, I'm freezing my fingers, hungry, and bored. No one jokes or quarrels with me. Miss you, miss my passing sixth grade. I try my best to regard my quiet deskmate in junior high school as you with a sullen personality, and the boring and tense life in junior high school as a happy sixth grade.

I can't forget my primary school days. I can't forget not only all your friends, including the girl who hated me, and the good brother who was loyal

Hey, do you miss you as much as I do now?

Unforgettable Time (6)

As I was about to graduate, I had too much emotion and regret in my heart. Looking up at the blue sky in the campus, the air was still full of such a fragrant smell. Those who were impatient and slow clouds still smiled sweetly at me just like the cream on the cream cake; The swing on the playground is still shaking tirelessly, as if it still called us friendly like yesterday; The iron gate at the gate of the campus is always "creaking" and singing the same song; Yes, everything has not changed, only the flag fluttering in the wind has witnessed our beautiful time, which was as beautiful as a rainbow and as sweet as chocolate.

I can't forget that when we first entered primary school, those childish faces were full of confusion and loss. Everything on campus blinked at us like winter jasmine, and we were happy in the campus, running with small figures and never tired. The little magpie chirped around the kind teacher, and the question was so simple and lovely, delicate and crisp: "Hello, teacher!" How could it still ring so clearly in the ear.

I can't forget that in the third grade PE class, I fell down a high step, and my knee was immediately full of blood. When I didn't respond to the pain, my classmates had already surrounded me, comforted me, and held me to the infirmary. Those two small hands that I extended in both directions were full of warm power, and those caring faces were still unforgettable to me.

I can't forget last year's Teacher's Day. Now think about it, it should be the last Teacher's Day we spent in primary school. We stuck the card we wrote to the teacher on the blackboard, saying "bless" and "miss". It bloomed like flowers. What's the blackboard? It's clearly a wall of love.

I can't forget the laughter of my classmates; Never forget, the teacher's gentle big eyes; Forget the summer afternoon ice cream; We can't forget the competition at the art festival, our dance - "Rush Forward", our happiness at the party... We can't forget the past and look back carefully at the campus where we used to live, where our laughter was floating, and our tears of growth were also left behind.

Never forget the wonderful time in primary school, I will treasure you in the music box of my memory forever!

Unforgettable Time (7)

My friend's memory is like a song, fresh, warm, sad, let me reluctant to forget. Some memory fragments are linked together in my mind, making my missing for you long and lasting.

I meet you in the campus when the leaves just turn green, swaying in the wind. At that time, there were always two figures walking hand in hand in the campus. We talk about the changes in the world. We grieve for spring and autumn. We are happy for each other's success together. This is all the complexity in the campus has disappeared, only our laughter and play.

I laughed silently. The original memory could be so clear that I could see your every smile and hear your every word. I am very lucky to have you as my friend, who has accompanied me through so many years.

But we finally separated, like two clouds in the sky, blown away by the wind, to the ends of the earth.

Raise the corners of the mouth, tears silently fall. So my heart needs your comfort!

I'm still very happy to have you as a friend, which makes me worthy of memories and nostalgia. Although it is as short as a meteor across the sky, it is beautiful. We played together, full of innocence and happiness, and integrated into my body, just like wind chimes, gently swaying in my heart, and the clear bell aroused my yearning for you. This period of time will accompany me forever. Even when I get old, it will add a sense of comfort to my old age.

We walked together, happy and happy; But now, only I am lonely. I can never forget the time with you, like a piece of rain, moistening my heart; Like a ship, reach the other side of success!

Unforgettable Time (8)

My friend's memory is like a song, fresh, warm, sad, let me reluctant to forget. Some memory fragments are linked together in my mind, making my missing for you long and lasting······

I meet you in the campus when the leaves just turn green, swaying in the wind. At that time, there were always two figures walking hand in hand in the campus. We talk about the changes in the world. We grieve for spring and autumn. We are happy for each other's success together. This is all the complexity in the campus has disappeared, only our laughter and play.

I laughed silently. The original memory could be so clear that I could see your every smile and hear your every word. I am very lucky to have you as my friend, who has accompanied me through so many years.

But we finally separated, like two clouds in the sky, blown away by the wind, to the ends of the earth.

Raise the corners of the mouth, tears silently fall. So my heart needs your comfort!

I'm still very happy to have you as a friend, which makes me worthy of memories and nostalgia. Although it is as short as a meteor across the sky, it is beautiful. We played together, full of innocence and happiness, and integrated into my body, just like wind chimes, gently swaying in my heart, and the clear bell aroused my yearning for you. This period of time will accompany me forever. Even when I get old, it will add a sense of comfort to my old age.

We walked together, happy and happy; But now, only I am lonely. I can never forget the time with you, like a piece of rain, moistening my heart; Like a ship, reach the other side of success!