The second day of military training (5 high-quality articles)
If water comes out of dust
2024-03-22 03:06:23

Day 2 of military training (1)

Today is the second day of military training! But today's military training is quite interesting! At least in my opinion! 1: Countdown Today, just starting military training, the instructor asked us to put our drinking water elsewhere! He said to us, "I will give you 10 seconds!" The students scrambled one by one for fear of being punished! No matter how hard we tried, it was useless because the instructor counted down the time like this: "10, 9, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 0" Two: the difference between American time and Chinese time. After training for a while, the instructor asked us to have a rest. After a rest, he told us that it was only 10 seconds! Then count down: "10, 9, 8, 7..." Although this time it was normal, the instructor read it very fast, saying it was 10 seconds, but actually it was only

4. 5 seconds! Later, the instructor explained: "It's American time! It's fast!" Then he continued the training. When training to squat, let's squat all the time, and then told us: "It's Chinese time now, very slow!" The students complained hard, but he shouted: "Shut up!" Nobody dared to complain loudly, but there were a few "die hards" Or whisper to God! 3: Today's military training, the instructor noticed that I was wearing the school seal, and asked me, "What is this? Why do you have it and they don't?" The result was that everyone explained in confusion, but he still understood! Later, I found out that I was the only one in the class who wore the school seal. Standing in the team, I looked very different, very uncooperative! Am I a good student who is uncooperative or disciplined? If you want me to choose, I swear, I will definitely choose the latter! 4: The military songs are floating everywhere. Today, the instructor suddenly came to Yaxing. Today, he sang four military songs! Among them are "Unity is Strength" and "PLA Military Song"! After the first song was sung, the students encouraged the instructor to sing again in order to delay time. The instructor had to sing two songs again. After two songs, the students were still not satisfied! Instructors were asked to sing again, but at this time the instructor clearly saw through our trick and ordered us to stand still, and then he sang again! The plan to delay time by singing has obviously failed! There are many interesting things about military training, but I can't tell them all here!

Day 2 of military training (2)

XX day, XX month, 20xx

It was the third day of arriving at the military training base, the last day before the military parade, and the hardest day of training.

After breakfast, looking at the locked eyebrows of the instructor, we seemed to smell the tension. After routine sorting out the military posture, we started the training of marching and marching. We have all seen the march, especially at the National Day Parade, the uncles of the People's Liberation Army walked in unison like one person! Unexpectedly, it is hard and tiring to practice the positive step. The first is leg lifting exercise. The instructor first made a demonstration: keep your feet level with the ground, raise your legs, and keep your feet about 25 cm above the ground. The drillmaster kept his posture and did not move at all. We were stunned and couldn't help applauding. But when we do it ourselves, we know how much bitterness and tiredness are behind the wonderful! I lifted my left leg as required by the instructor, but my weight was unstable and swayed from side to side within 5 seconds, while the right leg of "Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg" was sour and numb, as if standing for several hours. Gradually, the left leg seemed to be filled with lead, and it was too heavy to lift.

"Oh, my god! I'm too tired to hold on!" I couldn't help beating a retreat drum in my heart. "Take a break secretly, so many people, the instructor must not see it." So, I quietly put down my legs, looked at the students' painful expressions, and felt a sense of complacency

"Stop!" Instructor gave an order, and the students immediately collapsed on the ground, only I still stood relaxed. The drillmaster came over and said meaningfully, "You are very powerful! Then I will practice alone with you for a while?" "What? OK, OK," I was calm, but I had fifteen buckets up and down in my heart. I had no choice but to force myself into action. However, within half a minute, I was exposed. However, the instructor did not get angry. He just took a deep look at me and opened a "kitchen range" for me while the students were resting. Looking at the instructor's sweaty face but still patiently explaining and earnestly demonstrating, I was extremely ashamed, but also secretly determined: I must work hard to practice!

Day 2 (3) of military training

Aileen came to my house after 11 o'clock. I slept well and woke me up. I'm really angry. I want to sleep. Hey, 555

·I went to fry noodles in the morning. Although I was tired of military training, I didn't get much 7 in the morning

We stood in a military position as soon as we arrived in the morning and had a rest. Others were training, we were resting, others were resting, and we were still resting dizzy

Another step, more and more disorderly, alas When the instructor was satisfied, he called me to command. 55555 tired It's messy to walk together. Short girls can walk very fast. The tall ones on our side are not fast or slow Two parts are separated, one side is neat, the other side is neat So I practiced separately. I took our two pairs,,, and Xiao Zheng took the two pairs in front Our two pairs are quite neat I was tired after a short walk. Suddenly, I took a rest Sit on the lawn and chat with Xiao Shi, Xiao Liao, Xiao He and Xiao Hu After a 20 minute break, I didn't gather yet, so I went to call the drillmaster to gather He gave me his whistle Those women all said: Instructor just blew the whistle, you watch blowing, otherwise it would be a kiss, fainting, what are the thoughts I won't blow it Take it and play

·Another step, the neurotic Zheng Haiyan. She is always slower than others. She also grabs the whistle and plays with me, so she won't give it to you. So she came out and let her walk alone, hehe We all watched nerve

At the end, they went back together with Nerve and Zheng Danfeng<all are boarders>

·In the afternoon, it was cloudy. The woman brought me a cane. Just one cane, hehe, give me 7. Yah! The drillmaster was really slow. He had a rest when he stepped down, It's really a matter of life and death to follow the drillmaster. Their boys>the 19-year-old drillmaster<the youngest drillmaster, suddenly>asked us to go to the two classes to play songs. Because of 2V1, they suffered losses, but we drillmaster didn't go, because the girls didn't want to go, which was too boring At the end of the day, the head teacher came to the class

Everyone else is out of school, but we are training The instructor also said a lot of things Carelessness

I went with Liu Weiwei and wore military training clothes. It's really boring P is really bad. 555 hates ZJ

In the first section of the evening, the military song was sung again, and Liu Wei beat time Section 2, look at SP, really moved,,, Old Zheng asked us to sign something, hey It touched the heart of the whole class. Because of the SP, everyone cried, and suddenly felt that they understood a lot

·Mom and Dad, you have worked hard, I love you, Grandpa and Grandma have worked hard, I love you

Day 2 of military training (4)

Early in the morning, I went to cook rice noodles with my brother,, Leng Lengde, wearing a short sleeve, and the girl who cooked rice noodles asked me if I was cold, which is nonsense, can I not be cold? Hurry up, too. I didn't take the key Fortunately, the door is not closed, otherwise I can't get in

·Come to 3 hours, No one in my class came, so I came a little early I went to sit on the lawn and visited my first grade classroom. Oh, what are the stars of discipline

Here comes Xiao Shi and Xiao Liao, and here comes Zheng Hui. Take a picture with Zheng Hui's mobile phone, Take a picture again and say yes, hehe. Everything is good

The drillmaster came, assembled and stepped again, I'm also working as a conductor there. If you are tall, you will stride forward. If you are ahead, you will walk very fast. If you walk irregularly, you will faint They also said that they would separate Class 15 from Class 16 A new team, I faint I didn't command. Go in and walk together. Those short people walk very fast Rush to add samples Also took a group photo, Zheng An pinched my ear with his hand and took it down like this sweat

Gather again, step on the road. Just sing Rest again They went to grab the water from the opposite class, and took Xiaozheng's hair, One person pulls aside, hehe, it's funny Stand the bottle, Throw a bottle from a far place, and it will be yours if you knock it down, hehe

·Gather, step, step, or step What a big sun Erratic, hot death

It's still fast. I can go home again soon

I went to bed after I got home. I was really tired. When I got up for seven meals, they all went out

Day 2 of military training (5)

The second day of military training

There's nothing to be tired of, nothing to suffer from

It's not strict at all. Is it also called military training? As Deng's father said, one instructor is in charge of 109 students. What is playing?

Stand at attention, withhold the salute, take a rest. Salute, cheer Step by step? Oh, other places where they used to do exercises in primary school are going to fight, hehe Two classes bully Class 13 and Class 14 And then combine with us

Other classes are very interesting, but our class is not interesting Only taught a song "Military fireworks"

He also said that the boys are not lively. What kind of singing can they teach

··One, two, three, four, five. It's hard for us to wait

··One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. We are in a hurry

··One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Do you have any?


·Our instructor is boring

It hurts to stand in my leg. My calf

·The sun is killing me

It's not bad