Observation of composition comments (6 in general)
An old urchin
2024-05-26 03:23:14

Observe composition comments (1)

XX has a good performance in school and can consciously abide by the rules and regulations of the school. Attend class attentively, think positively, and have good academic performance. I hope that in the future, I can take part in some useful activities while studying hard, so as to improve my quality in all aspects.

Xx: The teacher is always happy that you have a strong enthusiasm for learning and a sense of honor in the class; Of course, I'm glad for your achievements; But you also need to know that learning is like rowing in the rapids. I hope you can make persistent efforts to achieve better results.

20: At school, you are very self-conscious, disciplined, concerned about the collective, frugal, and able to complete your homework in a timely manner. You are a good student. In learning, I am flexible and quick in thinking, and I also have good grades, but I still need to work harder to keep going and strive for greater progress.

Xx: You can consciously abide by various rules and regulations of the school, and pay close attention to learning, which has been praised by teachers of all classes. What the teacher wants to say to you here is that in addition to learning, you should also pay attention to participating in more activities that are beneficial to your own development, so as to achieve all-round development in all aspects.

The student cares about his classmates at school, abides by class discipline, actively participates in various beneficial activities, listens carefully in class, completes his homework in time, and has a clear learning purpose. His academic performance has improved greatly this semester. I hope he will continue to work hard for better results in the future.

Observe composition comments (2)

If there is no fantasy, childhood will not be colorful. It is not only a pleasure, but also a good thing to experience the prestige of commanding others from another angle and the taste of hard work and hardship from another way of life. The words and actions of the 'commander' and 'soldier' in the text are both 'soldier' and 'childish'. The two children are so serious that they look like real commanders and soldiers, which makes people laugh and cannot help admiring the liveliness described by the author.

The first time I cooked alone, I had to be in a hurry. According to the order of cooking, the author wrote the whole process of washing rice, cooking rice and cooking. Due to lack of experience, we should be particularly careful; The more careful, the more nervous. Fortunately, the young writer is very clever, and can be quick witted at the critical moment to turn the corner. The author has grasped the characteristics of cooking for the first time, and there are few words; But it is written in a small way. Although the author is in a hurry when cooking, the article can be written clearly.

She loved the doll so much that she observed it carefully. She observed and described in this order: blue sky → stars → moon → little boys and girls → cute little kittens. It is easier to write a still life, but it is not so easy to write a still life vividly and concretely. Zhou Zhiying's children did exactly that: she not only wrote about the colors and filial piety of all parts of the still life, but also wrote about the clothes and gestures of little boys and girls, and finally wrote about her own association, showing her love for the gift her father gave her.

The detailed description of inner activities and ingenious back and forth care prove that you have mastered certain writing skills.

I understand your emotional pain. It is gratifying that you are a strong child and a sensible child, because you have written such a touching masterpiece. I'm happy to have you as a student. As long as you grasp today, your future will be beautiful and happy.

There are many fairies in nature. As long as you observe them carefully, they will give you rich associations and useful enlightenment. Some people observe bees and praise their selfless dedication; Some people observe ants and admire their industrious character; When you observe the little crab, you like its obstinacy. Look, these little elves really give us a lot of inspiration. Just like you said, crabs are cute when walking sideways, and people are bored when walking sideways. This is the truth you found, and adults should also admire it.

Words are people's faces. This composition writing has made remarkable progress, and your face is much brighter.

Home should be warm and happy, but now you are in a bad situation. The teacher is very sympathetic to this, but you should face the reality: on the one hand, the bad environment can temper your will, I believe you will succeed; On the other hand, if we want to find a way to change the environment, we can boldly do the ideological work of our uncle and persuade them to play less or not. This is not good, but 'everything depends on a try'. Let's work together!

XX, you dare to reveal your true thoughts in your composition. The teacher admires this, but the views in your composition are wrong and one-sided. Although XX has shortcomings of one kind or another, this is by no means all he has. We should learn to understand the surrounding things (including people) comprehensively and correctly. In fact, XX also has many bright spots, such as his fast running, hard work and so on. We should see this and do our best to help him‘ At the beginning of his life, he is naturally good. As long as we sincerely help him, he will change and become a good student, don't you think so?

Do you know Mr. XX? The teacher is so happy for your progress! I hope you will make persistent efforts and recommend a famous saying from the famous writer Ostrovsky to you, 'People should control habits, but never let habits control people. It is simply worthless if a person can not get rid of his bad habits'.

Observe composition comments (3)

1. Seek the gains and losses of life from self reflection, reveal the true feelings in repentance, and the words are powerful and shocking.

2. The sentences are smooth, the sentence meaning is smooth, the words are beautiful, the narrative image is vivid, and the language expression ability is strong.

3. The language is concise, concise and comprehensive, and the meaning is refined and the writing power is fully displayed. A few words can convey the charm of the characters.

4. The language is smooth and clear, the description is detailed and vivid; The sentence is implicit and euphemistic. After reading, it is like a lingering fragrance after drinking.

5. The language is lively, funny and humorous, which makes people laugh.

6. The words used in the behavior description are exquisite and accurate. The series of verbs vividly highlight the psychological state of the characters and point out the character characteristics of the characters.

7. The language is basically smooth and occasionally not smooth.

8. The language is not clear enough, the sentence meaning is ambiguous, and the sentence is awkward, which is difficult to understand. The sentence is wordy, does not convey the meaning, only details are not omitted, and is redundant.

9. The language is too simple, which seems to be outline narration, but it fails to outline. The meaning of the text is incomplete, and the narration is boring, dry, dull and lifeless. Beginning of composition:

10. The beginning of the article is simple and appropriate. It sets off the mood of the characters through the description of the environment, which is very artistic. The beginning is concise and to the point

11. The beginning of the article is novel and has the effect of preempting others. The readers will be able to have an impression of the characters as soon as they meet.

12. The beginning of the article is fascinating and attracts readers The combination of point and surface makes the article vivid, specific and appropriate.

13. The article is vivid, rich and readable. The first move is extraordinary, attracting readers and moving people with real feelings.

14. The article is very clear at the beginning, playing the role of the master of the full text. The article is novel in material selection, which arouses readers' desire to read

15. With full passion, he described... with outstanding emphasis, appropriate details and specific content. The metaphor is appropriate and the words are vivid.

16. The language of the article is easy to understand, close to the reality of life, and it makes people feel more intimate In a relaxed and pleasant tone, he talked to us with endless aftertaste.

17. The narration is natural, vivid, compact, natural and coherent, with a prominent center.

18. For the description of scenery, the language is concise and accurate, and the association is to touch the scene, and the scene is naturally integrated.

19. By enriching the characters' language and actions, it sets off the characters' ideological quality.

20. The article narrates while expressing feelings.

21. Make full use of the combination of dynamic and static writing, supplemented by metaphor, personification and other techniques

Chapter 2

1. There is a certain order. The little writer first observed the rabbit as a whole, and wrote down the fur color of the rabbit's whole body, then observed all parts of the body, from the head, to the body limbs, and then to the tail.

2. Grasp the appearance characteristics of animals to write, write about the whole body, highlight "snow-white fluff", write about eyes, mainly write about eyes "red", write about ears, mainly write about ears "long", write about mouth, highlight the "three flap mouth" of white rabbits, write about legs, only write about "long" and "short", write about tail bars, highlight "short". In particular, the little author wrote in more detail about the "three valve mouth", because the "three valve mouth" is very special when compared with other animals. The little author also wrote his own guess about why the little white rabbit has a "three valve mouth".

3. Grasp the activity characteristics of animals. For example, in the text, "as long as it hears a slight sound, it will raise its ears and turn around in all directions... It always jumps and jumps when walking", and the short tail "also follows a pout and a pout" describes the activity characteristics of the little white rabbit.

4. Pay attention to the accuracy of words and try to be beautiful. The ears "stand up", the tail "stick" behind the buttocks, the words "stand up" and so on are used accurately, and the little author also uses the sentence of analogy. For example, "When it squats down, it looks like a white pompon", "It has a pair of red eyes, like two rubies embedded in a snowball", which describes the white fur of the rabbit, giving a fluffy feeling, and the eyes are red and bright. After reading this article, I really feel the cute little white rabbit.

5. The appearance of small animals is very interesting and cute. How can I write down their interesting and lovely appearance? Two points should be learned when writing animal shapes:

6. First, learn to observe carefully. Observation can be carried out from whole to part or from part to whole. First, look at the whole body and the color of its hair. Then look at it from beginning to end, part by part: what's head, ear, eye, foot and tail like. After observation, practice speaking and writing down the contents in order.

7. Second, learn the characteristics of catching animals. Animals all have heads, bodies, tails, feet or wings, but they are different. When observing, we should grasp their characteristics. For example, the appearance of a cat is characterized by a pair of changeable eyes and a long beard on its face, as well as four paws that can catch mice. This is the difference between cats and other animals. When observing, we should grasp these characteristics.

8. To write about small animals, we must first get familiar with them and observe them. Generally speaking, when describing a small animal, first of all, we should describe its shape, carefully look at its head, tail, hair color, limbs, shape and color; Then look at its life habits, such as how to eat, how to sleep and so on.

9. The description of small animals' appearance focuses on static description, while the description of small animals' activities focuses on dynamic description. Observe and describe orderly and hierarchically from static to dynamic.

10. However, the following three points should be paid attention to when writing animals: first of all, the key points should be highlighted. Writing animals should not be like a "daily account", and the key points must be highlighted. Some can focus on the shape of small animals, and some can focus on the habits of small animals. No matter how you write, you should grasp the typical, highlight the key points, and describe specifically.

Chapter 3

1. Secondly, it is necessary to describe in detail. No matter how animals look or how they live, they should not write a few general descriptions. When describing the life habits of small animals in particular, we should pay attention to the accurate use of verbs, reproduce the scene of small animals' activities, and give people the feeling that "things are in front of us".

2. Moreover, be organized. When writing, you can't say one thing and write one thing in the west. There is a lack of organization. Think about what to say before you start writing. How do sentences relate to each other, and how do layers relate to each other. How to start, how to end, how to combine the whole article.

3. This is a small piece of composition, which vividly shows the cute image of monkeys to our eyes. This effect is due to the author's careful observation and description from the static (appearance) and dynamic (life habits) aspects.

4. When describing the appearance, the author first summarizes the overall impression with "very strange appearance", then describes its concave nose, protruding mouth, yellow fur in black and scratching claws in turn. At this time, we will love monkeys.

5. The author turned his pen and wrote about the scene of little monkeys eating bread. The author threw a piece of bread to it. The little monkey first "didn't pick up", just "tried with his paws", looked at me with his eyes, and finally "gobbled up." This step by step description shows the cute part of the little monkey to us.

6. This poodle is white and shiny, with a plump body, thick limbs, a big furry tail, sharp teeth, hook like claws, and bell like eyes. It looks very powerful.

7. To describe a small animal, first of all, we should describe its appearance. We should carefully look at its head, tail, hair color, limbs, shape, characteristics and color. As in the following paragraph about dogs:

8. On Sunday, I came back from my grandmother's house and saw a big sister carrying a cute little black dog in a purple bag on the bus. The little black dog has a pair of triangular ears like pieces of fur on its head, soft and drooping down, which is very interesting. Two round black eyes kept looking around. The round black nose looks like a small velvet ball. His mouth was tightly closed and he didn't say a word. How like a good child who doesn't make any noise! I really like this little black dog lying in the bag.

9. This exercise was written by a pupil in the first grade. Although the article is short, it is very comprehensive: the animals described in time and place and their love. All metaphors and modifiers are vivid and appropriate.

10. Composition is to write my heart with my hands. Write your own happiness, anger, sorrow, joy and happiness. We love small animals. When describing them, we should also use pen to blend our favorite feelings between the lines. Readers can feel our love when they read the text.

Observe composition comments (4)

Selected essay comments on observing small animals

1. There is a certain order. The little writer first observed the rabbit as a whole, and wrote down the fur color of the rabbit's whole body, then observed all parts of the body, from the head, to the body limbs, and then to the tail.

2. Grasp the appearance characteristics of animals to write, write about the whole body, highlight "snow-white fluff", write about eyes, mainly write about eyes "red", write about ears, mainly write about ears "long", write about mouth, highlight the "three flap mouth" of white rabbits, write about legs, only write about "long" and "short", write about tail bars, highlight "short". In particular, the little author wrote in more detail about the "three valve mouth", because the "three valve mouth" is very special when compared with other animals. The little author also wrote his own guess about why the little white rabbit has a "three valve mouth".

3. Grasp the activity characteristics of animals. For example, in the text, "as long as it hears a slight sound, it will raise its ears and turn around in all directions..." "It always jumps and jumps when walking", and the short tail "follows with a pout and a pout" describes the activity characteristics of the little white rabbit.

4. Pay attention to the accuracy of words and try to be beautiful. The ears "stand up", the tail "stick" behind the buttocks, and the words "stand up" and "stick" are used accurately. The little author also uses the sentence of analogy. For example, "When it squats down, it looks like a white pompon", "It has a pair of red eyes, like two rubies embedded in a snowball", which describes the white fur of the rabbit, giving a fluffy feeling, and the eyes are red and bright. After reading this article, I really feel the cute little white rabbit.

5. The appearance of small animals is very interesting and cute. How can I write down their interesting and lovely appearance? Two points should be learned when writing animal shapes:

6. First, learn to observe carefully. Observation can be carried out from whole to part or from part to whole. First, look at the whole body and the color of its hair. Then look at it from beginning to end, part by part: what's head, ear, eye, foot and tail like. After observation, practice speaking and writing down the contents in order.

7. Second, learn the characteristics of catching animals. Animals all have heads, bodies, tails, feet or wings, but they are different. When observing, we should grasp their characteristics. For example, the appearance of a cat is characterized by a pair of changeable eyes and a long beard on its face, as well as four paws that can catch mice. This is the difference between cats and other animals. When observing, we should grasp these characteristics.

8. To write about small animals, we must first get familiar with them and observe them. Generally speaking, when describing a small animal, first of all, we should describe its shape, carefully look at its head, tail, hair color, limbs, shape and color; Then look at its life habits, such as how to eat, how to sleep and so on.

9. The description of small animals' appearance focuses on static description, while the description of small animals' activities focuses on dynamic description. Observe and describe orderly and hierarchically from static to dynamic.

10. However, the following three points should be paid attention to when writing animals: first of all, the key points should be highlighted. Writing animals should not be like a "daily account", and the key points must be highlighted. Some can focus on the shape of small animals, and some can focus on the habits of small animals. No matter how you write, you should grasp the typical, highlight the key points, and describe specifically.

11. Secondly, it is necessary to describe in detail. No matter how animals look or how they live, they should not write a few general descriptions. When describing the life habits of small animals in particular, we should pay attention to the accurate use of verbs, reproduce the scene of small animals' activities, and give people the feeling that "things are in front of us".

12. Moreover, be organized. When writing, you can't say one thing and write one thing in the west. There is a lack of organization. Think about what to say before you start writing. How do sentences relate to each other, and how do layers relate to each other. How to start, how to end, how to combine the whole article.

13. This is a small piece of composition, which vividly shows the cute image of monkeys to our eyes. This effect is due to the author's careful observation and description from the static (appearance) and dynamic (life habits) aspects.

14. When describing the appearance, the author first summarizes the overall impression with "very strange appearance", then describes its concave nose, protruding mouth, yellow fur in black and scratching claws in turn. At this time, we will love monkeys.

15. The author turned his pen and wrote about the scene of little monkeys eating bread. The author threw a piece of bread to it. The little monkey first "didn't pick up", just "tried with his paws", looked at me with his eyes, and finally "gobbled up." This step by step description shows the cute part of the little monkey to us.

16. This poodle is white and shiny, with a plump body, thick limbs, a big furry tail, sharp teeth, hook like claws, and bell like eyes. It looks very powerful.

17. To describe a small animal, first of all, we should describe its appearance, look carefully at its head, tail, hair color, limbs, shape, characteristics and color. As in the following paragraph about dogs:

18. On Sunday, I came back from my grandmother's house. On the bus, I saw a big sister carrying a cute little black dog in a purple bag. The little black dog has a pair of triangular ears like pieces of fur on its head, soft and drooping down, which is very interesting. Two round black eyes kept looking around. The round black nose looks like a small velvet ball. His mouth was tightly closed and he didn't say a word. How like a good child who doesn't make any noise! I really like this little black dog lying in the bag.

19. This exercise was written by a pupil in the first grade. Although the article is short, it is very comprehensive: the animals described in time and place and their love. All metaphors and modifiers are vivid and appropriate.

20. Composition is to write my heart with my hands. Write your own happiness, anger, sorrow, joy and happiness. We love small animals. When describing them, we should also use pen to blend our favorite feelings between the lines. Readers can feel our love when they read the text.

Observe the recommended composition comments of small animals

1. There are various ways to express feelings: sometimes, describe the appearance of small animals specifically, and blend their feelings into it; Sometimes express feelings in simple sentences; Sometimes, use the two methods alternately. The writing is flexible and does not stick to one pattern.

2. At the beginning of the article, I use the sentence "I love frogs very much" to express the author's feelings and feelings. Then he used "often go to the pond to watch frogs" to show the author's "love" for frogs. When hearing the croaking of frogs, the author felt that the croaking was like "a magnificent symphony!" There were few sentences, but he wrote the loud and beautiful croaking of frogs, from which we also felt how deeply the author felt for frogs! Why does the author have such deep feelings for frogs? Because frogs can catch at least "ten thousand pests" within one year, which is why the author likes frogs. Finally, the author said with emotion: "Frog, really is our good friend." The ending was powerful, and the expression of emotion was true.

3. Although there are rules to follow, there is no definite law. There is no way to write a small animal. Only by mastering a basic writing method and being able to use it flexibly, can we truly and vividly describe our favorite animals.

4. Highlight the key points. The description of a small animal is the same as the composition of other contents. It can not cover everything. It is like a "running book". We must highlight the key points. Some can focus on the appearance of small animals, and some can focus on the habits of small animals. No matter how you write, you should grasp the typical, highlight the key points, and describe specifically.

5. Be careful to describe. When describing any kind of small animal, we should describe it carefully and carefully. No matter how you describe your appearance or your life habits, you can't describe them in a few words. Especially when describing the life habits of small animals, we should pay attention to the accurate use of verbs, reproduce the scene of small animals' activities, and give people the feeling that "things are like in front of us".

6. Be organized. The description of a small animal is the same as that of other compositions. It cannot be written in one sentence or another. It lacks organization. Before writing, think about what to say first, what to say later, and what to say again. How to link sentences, and how to link layers. How to start, how to end, how to combine the whole article. Think about these before you start writing, so that the article can be organized and well structured.

7. There is a certain order. The little writer first observed the rabbit as a whole, and wrote down the fur color of the rabbit's whole body, then observed all parts of the body, from the head, to the body limbs, and then to the tail.

8. Grasp the appearance characteristics of animals to write, write about the whole body, highlight "snow-white fluff", write about eyes, mainly write about eyes "red", write about ears, mainly write about ears "long", write about mouth, highlight the "three flap mouth" of white rabbits, write about legs, only write about "long" and "short", write about tail bars, highlight "short". In particular, the little author wrote in more detail about the "three valve mouth", because the "three valve mouth" is very special when compared with other animals. The little author also wrote his own guess about why the little white rabbit has a "three valve mouth".

9. Grasp the activity characteristics of animals. For example, in the text, "as long as it hears a slight sound, it will raise its ears and turn around in all directions..." "It always jumps and jumps when walking", and the short tail "follows with a pout and a pout" describes the activity characteristics of the little white rabbit.

10. Pay attention to the accuracy of words and try to be beautiful. The ears "stand up", the tail "stick" behind the buttocks, and the words "stand up" and "stick" are used accurately. The little author also uses the sentence of analogy. For example, "when it squats down, it looks like a white pompon", "it has a pair of red eyes, like two rubies embedded in the snowball", which describes the white fur of the little white rabbit, giving people a fluffy feeling, bright. After reading this article, I really feel the cute little white rabbit.

Observe the excellent composition comments of small animals

1. Seek the gains and losses of life from self reflection, reveal the true feelings in repentance, and the words are powerful and shocking.

2. The sentences are smooth, the sentence meaning is smooth, the words are beautiful, the narrative image is vivid, and the language expression ability is strong.

3. The language is concise, concise and comprehensive, and the meaning is refined and the writing power is fully displayed. A few words can convey the charm of the characters.

4. The language is smooth and clear, the description is detailed and vivid; The sentence is implicit and euphemistic. After reading, it is like a lingering fragrance after drinking.

5. The language is lively, funny and humorous, which makes people laugh.

6. The words used in the behavior description are exquisite and accurate. The series of verbs vividly highlight the psychological state of the characters and point out the character characteristics of the characters.

7. The language is basically smooth and occasionally not smooth.

8. The language is not clear enough, the sentence meaning is ambiguous, and the sentence is awkward, which is difficult to understand. The sentence is wordy, does not convey the meaning, only details are not omitted, and is redundant.

9. The language is too simple, which seems to be outline narration, but it fails to outline. The meaning of the text is incomplete, and the narration is boring, dry, dull and lifeless. Beginning of composition:

10. The beginning of the article is simple and appropriate. It sets off the mood of the characters through the description of the environment, which is very artistic. The beginning is concise and to the point

11. The beginning of the article is novel and has the effect of preempting others. The readers will be able to have an impression of the characters as soon as they meet.

12. The beginning of the article is fascinating and attracts readers The combination of point and surface makes the article vivid, specific and appropriate.

13. The article is vivid, rich and readable. The first move is extraordinary, attracting readers and moving people with real feelings.

14. The article is very clear at the beginning, playing the role of the master of the full text. The article is novel in material selection, which arouses readers' desire to read

15. With full passion, he described... with outstanding emphasis, appropriate details and specific content. The metaphor is appropriate and the words are vivid.

16. The language of the article is easy to understand, close to the reality of life, and it makes people feel more intimate In a relaxed and pleasant tone, he talked to us with endless aftertaste.

17. The narration is natural, vivid, compact, natural and coherent, with a prominent center.

18. For the description of scenery, the language is concise and accurate, and the association is to touch the scene, and the scene is naturally integrated.

19. By enriching the characters' language and actions, it sets off the characters' ideological quality.

20. The article narrates while expressing feelings.

21. Make full use of the combination of dynamic and static writing, supplemented by metaphor, personification and other techniques

Observe composition comments (5)

Observation composition with teacher's comment I

Once, my mother bought back many lobsters. They jump and run, very cute. So I caught two and put them on the plate to observe their activities.

Look! The lobster is covered in armour. When it stretches, it looks like a small rocket. Its head is triangular, with a pair of dark shining eyes on it. It is only as big as a small green bean, and it looks like two black pearls. Two tentacles like pheasant hair on the head of a Beijing Opera martial arts actor grow on his head. There are two big pincers like iron pincers on both sides of the lower part of the head. Don't underestimate these two big pincers. They are powerful! There are four pairs of small pincers behind the big pincers. The tail of the lobster has five segments, and the middle two segments are not very obvious. When the tail opens, it looks like a dancing butterfly. Listen, the water makes a sound of "plop plop" and splashes with water. They are playing in the water!

The most interesting thing is that lobsters use pincers to clip things. I put a pencil into the water. It held the pencil above its head and then held it flat. It was like doing stick exercises. It's so funny that it shakes its head and tail! I looked at it and couldn't help laughing!

[Teacher's comments] In this article, the author describes the lobster bought by his mother, which is full of content and expresses the author's love for lobster. This article adopts the structure of total, division and total, which is well organized and well structured; The language of the article is fluent. The description of lobster appearance uses figurative and anthropomorphic rhetoric to make the description vivid and vivid. For example, "The lobster is armored all over. When it stretches, it looks like a small rocket."

Observation composition with teacher's comments II

My friends, do you know the azalea? It is the city flower of Shenzhen and one of the top ten famous flowers in China. Let's observe the azalea, right?

My balcony has a pot of azaleas, very beautiful! The branches of azaleas are rough to the touch. When they first grow out, they are light green, and then they slowly become brown. There is a leaf every half fist on the branch of rhododendron, and there is always a sharp thorn protruding beside the leaf. Don't underestimate these thorns. If you touch the tip with your hand, you will pierce your palm! The leaves of rhododendron are small, oblong, sharp at the end, dark green on the surface, very smooth to the touch, light green on the back of the leaves, and clear at a glance.

Now it's the turn to introduce the key point of this time - the flowers of azalea. Our cuckoo has red flowers. The petals are very thin, just like the branches. It is not so smooth and a little wrinkled, just like rice paper for traditional Chinese painting. There are three slender stamens in each flower, which are tubular. What I didn't expect was that the red stamens could produce yellow flowers! Small, very attractive!

Rhododendron is rich in color, including dark red, light red, rose red, purple red, white and other colors. When it comes to flowering, azaleas will blossom in clusters. I like the light red one best. The flower is very beautiful and charming against the sun. It looks like a group of colorful butterflies dancing in the air from afar.

I like the beautiful azaleas!

[Teacher's comments] The author describes the beautiful azaleas. At the beginning, he popularizes the knowledge of azaleas, and then describes the pot of azaleas on the balcony at home. Through careful observation, he describes the leaves, petals, and stamens of azaleas in detail, and the words are also very accurate, For example, "The petals are thin, like branches, not so smooth and slightly wrinkled, just like rice paper used for traditional Chinese painting." The language is fluent.

Observation composition with teacher's comment III

September 13 sunny

Today, I picked up some yellow and lovely beans on the road. I looked at the poor little beans. I didn't want to throw them away, so I took them home and washed them. Then I dug a few holes in the soil, buried them in the holes, and poured some water. It would be great if Xiaodouzi could grow up now.

September 16 sunny

After several days, those beans sprouted today! The gray stems and round green leaves form a beautiful bean sprout. Each bean sprout is like a shrunken tree.

September 22, sunny

Today, I got up early and ran to the flowerpot. Now, the bean sprouts in the flowerpot have become bean sprouts. The gray stems have become gray black, and the leaves have become larger and greener!

Looking at the bean sprouts I have planted, I am really proud!

Observe composition comments (6)

Third grade observation essay comments [Selected]

1. There is a certain order. The little writer first observed the rabbit as a whole, and wrote down the fur color of the rabbit's whole body, then observed all parts of the body, from the head, to the body limbs, and then to the tail.

2. Grasp the appearance characteristics of animals to write, write about the whole body, highlight "snow-white fluff", write about eyes, mainly write about eyes "red", write about ears, mainly write about ears "long", write about mouth, highlight the "three flap mouth" of white rabbits, write about legs, only write about "long" and "short", write about tail bars, highlight "short". In particular, the little author wrote in more detail about the "three valve mouth", because the "three valve mouth" is very special when compared with other animals. The little author also wrote his own guess about why the little white rabbit has a "three valve mouth".

3. Grasp the activity characteristics of animals. For example, in the text, "as long as it hears a slight sound, it will raise its ears and turn around in all directions..." "It always jumps and jumps when walking", and the short tail "follows with a pout and a pout" describes the activity characteristics of the little white rabbit.

4. Pay attention to the accuracy of words and try to be beautiful. The ears "stand up", the tail "stick" behind the buttocks, and the words "stand up" and "stick" are used accurately. The little author also uses the sentence of analogy. For example, "When it squats down, it looks like a white pompon", "It has a pair of red eyes, like two rubies embedded in a snowball", which describes the white fur of the rabbit, giving a fluffy feeling, and the eyes are red and bright. After reading this article, I really feel the cute little white rabbit.

5. The appearance of small animals is very interesting and cute. How can I write down their interesting and lovely appearance? Two points should be learned when writing animal shapes:

6. First, learn to observe carefully. Observation can be carried out from whole to part or from part to whole. First, look at the whole body and the color of its hair. Then look at it from beginning to end, part by part: what's head, ear, eye, foot and tail like. After observation, practice speaking and writing down the contents in order.

7. Second, learn the characteristics of catching animals. Animals all have heads, bodies, tails, feet or wings, but they are different. When observing, we should grasp their characteristics. For example, the appearance of a cat is characterized by a pair of changeable eyes and a long beard on its face, as well as four paws that can catch mice. This is the difference between cats and other animals. When observing, we should grasp these characteristics.

8. To write about small animals, we must first get familiar with them and observe them. Generally speaking, when describing a small animal, first of all, we should describe its shape, carefully look at its head, tail, hair color, limbs, shape and color; Then look at its life habits, such as how to eat, how to sleep and so on.

9. The description of small animals' appearance focuses on static description, while the description of small animals' activities focuses on dynamic description. Observe and describe orderly and hierarchically from static to dynamic.

10. However, the following three points should be paid attention to when writing animals: first of all, the key points should be highlighted. Writing animals should not be like a "daily account", and the key points must be highlighted. Some can focus on the shape of small animals, and some can focus on the habits of small animals. No matter how you write, you should grasp the typical, highlight the key points, and describe specifically.

11. Secondly, it is necessary to describe in detail. No matter how animals look or how they live, they should not write a few general descriptions. When describing the life habits of small animals in particular, we should pay attention to the accurate use of verbs, reproduce the scene of small animals' activities, and give people the feeling that "things are in front of us".

12. Moreover, be organized. When writing, you can't say one thing and write one thing in the west. There is a lack of organization. Think about what to say before you start writing. How do sentences relate to each other, and how do layers relate to each other. How to start, how to end, how to combine the whole article.

13. This is a small piece of composition, which vividly shows the cute image of monkeys to our eyes. This effect is due to the author's careful observation and description from the static (appearance) and dynamic (life habits) aspects.

14. When describing the appearance, the author first summarizes the overall impression with "very strange appearance", then describes its concave nose, protruding mouth, yellow fur in black and scratching claws in turn. At this time, we will love monkeys.

15. The author turned his pen and wrote about the scene of little monkeys eating bread. The author threw a piece of bread to it. The little monkey first "didn't pick up", just "tried with his paws", looked at me with his eyes, and finally "gobbled up." This step by step description shows the cute part of the little monkey to us.

16. This poodle is white and shiny, with a plump body, thick limbs, a big furry tail, sharp teeth, hook like claws, and bell like eyes. It looks very powerful.

17. To describe a small animal, first of all, we should describe its appearance, look carefully at its head, tail, hair color, limbs, shape, characteristics and color. As in the following paragraph about dogs:

18. On Sunday, I came back from my grandmother's house. On the bus, I saw a big sister carrying a cute little black dog in a purple bag. The little black dog has a pair of triangular ears like pieces of fur on its head, soft and drooping down, which is very interesting. Two round black eyes kept looking around. The round black nose looks like a small velvet ball. His mouth was tightly closed and he didn't say a word. How like a good child who doesn't make any noise! I really like this little black dog lying in the bag.

19. This exercise was written by a pupil in the first grade. Although the article is short, it is very comprehensive: the animals described in time and place and their love. All metaphors and modifiers are vivid and appropriate.

20. Composition is to write my heart with my hands. Write your own happiness, anger, sorrow, joy and happiness. We love small animals. When describing them, we should also use pen to blend our favorite feelings between the lines. Readers can feel our love when they read the text.

Grade 3 Observation of Composition Comments [Classic]

1. The context is clear, the sense of hierarchy is strong, and the theory of qi narration is orderly and not disordered.

2. The details are appropriate, the priorities are clear, and the ideas are clear. Carefully selected, the materials seem to be customized for the theme.

3. The description is detailed and concrete, the description of details is vivid and lifelike, the personality of the characters is distinctive and prominent, the image is plump, and it is vividly on the paper.

4. Use the environment to set off the mood of the characters, and blend the feelings with the scenes.

5. The imagination is rich, the idea is strange and does not deviate from the reality of life. The association with life broadens the readers' thinking and makes them feel lively and interesting.

6. The description of scenery is vivid and lifelike, the words and sentences are appropriate and appropriate, the scenery comes into being with the feelings, and the feelings and scenes blend together. What is presented to the readers is just like a vivid sketch.

7. Imagination is wonderful, which not only originates from life, but also is higher than life. It broadens readers' horizons and is full of artistic charm.

8. The description of the event process is detailed and specific. Although there are many contents, they appear to be orderly, reflecting the author's clear thinking and ability to plan and layout.

9. The description of appearance is vivid and vivid. The characters' faces are lifelike and the clothes are appropriate. It is like a mirror reflecting the characters' personalities. It is really the so-called "life depends on each other".

10. The description of the environment is objective and true. The environment serves the character's character, which better explains the context of the character's character formation process.

11. The demeanor description is vivid and vivid, with only a few words, which can outline the character characteristics of the characters at a glance, and the characters' speech and behavior have a distinct and unique personality.

12. The content before and after is not closely related, some of the content is too isolated, and not closely related to the main body of the article.

13. The narration is simple and rough, with only a frame structure, and the characters lack distinctive personality characteristics.

14. The details and details are not properly arranged, and the priorities are not clear enough.

15. The content is mostly linear outline, lacking point type detail. Inconsistent with the times, the content is too old and aging.

16. The focus is prominent, the center is clear, and the purpose is clear.

17. A clear point of view, a clear stand between likes and dislikes, makes people clear at a glance.

18. The theme is directly highlighted in the content, clear and concise, without any superfluous meaning.

19. Serious theme, noble thought and strong enterprising spirit.

20. The center is not clear enough and the purpose is not clear enough.

Third grade observation composition comments [Latest]

1. The argument is full and powerful, the analysis is thorough and reasonable, and the philosophy is strong.

2. The examples are rich, the materials selected are appropriate, and the description is detailed and appropriate, which is more convincing.

3. Strong feelings, such as volcanic eruptions, can move readers deeply.

4. Sincere and affectionate, like mellow wine, make people drunk without drinking.

5. The emotion is true and natural, without the suspicion of affectation, and the true feelings are expressed with a plain heart.

6. The mental process is real and delicate, and the thoughts and attitudes of the characters can be seen in front of the readers.

7. The feelings are true and exquisite, and the words are moving. They are really from the heart of the author.

8. Seek the gains and losses of life from self reflection, reveal the true feelings in repentance, and the words are strong and powerful, shocking.

9. The sentences are smooth, the sentence meaning is smooth, the words are beautiful, the narrative image is vivid, and the language expression ability is strong.

10. The language is concise, concise and comprehensive, and the meaning is refined and the writing power is fully displayed. A few words can convey the charm of the characters.

11. The language is smooth and clear, the description is detailed and vivid; The sentence is implicit and euphemistic. After reading, it is like a lingering fragrance after drinking.

12. The language is lively, funny and humorous, which makes people laugh.

13. The words used in the behavior description are exquisite and accurate. The series of verbs vividly highlight the psychological state of the characters and point out the character characteristics of the characters.

14. The language is basically smooth and occasionally not smooth.

15. The language is not clear enough, the sentence meaning is ambiguous, and the sentence is awkward, which is difficult to understand. The sentence is wordy, does not convey the meaning, only details are not omitted, and is redundant.

16. The language is too simple, which seems to be outline narration, but it is not clear and concise. The meaning of the text is incomplete, and the narration is boring, dry, dull and lifeless. Beginning of composition:

17. The beginning of the article is simple and appropriate. It sets off the mood of the characters through the description of the environment, which is very artistic. The beginning is concise and to the point

18. The beginning of the article is novel and has the effect of preempting others. The readers will be able to have an impression of the characters as soon as they meet.

19. The beginning of the article is fascinating and attracts readers The combination of point and surface makes the article vivid, specific and appropriate.

20. The article is vivid, rich and readable. The first move is extraordinary, attracting readers and moving people with real feelings.