Tomato scrambled egg composition 600 (collection of 4)
Glorious years
2024-01-10 05:29:40
primary school

Tomato scrambled egg composition 600 (1)

fried eggs with tomatoes

During the Spring Festival, I thought of my parents' hard work in raising me, so I decided to make a "scrambled egg with tomato" for them to show my gratitude.

On that day, my parents both went to work early. I decided to make a "scrambled tomato egg" for them at noon. I took my lucky money to the market. The market was really busy. There were all kinds of dishes. I went to the tomato stall and said to the boss, "Boss, I want two tomatoes". The boss gave me two tomatoes. I went to the egg store to buy two eggs and some onions. Now the materials are ready, I can take them home and start making them. When I get home, I put on my mother's apron and look in the mirror. Hmm! You look like a little cook! First, I open two eggs, put them into a bowl, mix them well with chopsticks, and then, like my mother, put a little salt, and then put some rice sprinklers for cooking, and mix them well. Then he washed the newly bought tomatoes with clean water, washed the chopping board, and cut the tomatoes into small pieces of the same size. When everything was ready, I turned on the gas, turned on the stove, and put a little oil. There was still water in the pan. The oil bounced up, which scared me to step back again and again. After turning down the fire, I poured eggs into it. It's OK to fry it until it's half cooked. I pick up the eggs, because I have to cook them with tomatoes later. Then I put the tomato into the pot and stir fry it. I put a spoonful of salt and sugar in the pot to make the tomato not too sour. I boiled the tomato until it was almost ripe and poured the eggs in again. I added some soy sauce, and then some water, and covered the lid. After a while, I saw the aroma of tomato and eggs floating out of the pot. I turned off the fire, poured the vegetables out of the pot, and put a little green onion on it. Then my parents came back from work, and I gave them a taste. They stood up and said, "It's delicious, full of color, smell and taste!" They also praised me for growing up!

Students, in life, we must learn to be grateful. We must honor our parents.

Tomato scrambled egg composition 600 (2)

That day, when my mother came back from shopping for vegetables, I looked at the basket. There were bright red tomatoes, green onions, and hot peppers. So I said to my mother with a flash of inspiration: "Mom, can you teach me how to cook?" "OK." My mother agreed happily when she heard that I was so active in learning to cook. She first took out tomatoes from the bag and then two eggs from the refrigerator. Let's clean the tomatoes, peppers and scallions together and cut them. Mother took out the cutting board and put the tomatoes on it. Seeing that the raw tomato is going to be cut, it's like a person who has committed a crime is going to be beaten. I really can't bear it. My mother had just cut a few knives when she stopped suddenly and said, "Since we are going to learn to cook, cutting is the first step, let's go." I carefully took the kitchen knife and stroked left and right, but I didn't dare to really cut it. Mom was impatient and grabbed the knife directly. "Rinse, rinse, rinse" was done in a few seconds. Then cut onions and peppers. Again, just a few seconds later, I cut the scallions into small pieces and the peppers into strips. The things to be cut were ready. I took out a bowl and a pair of chopsticks from the cupboard, put two eggs on the edge of the bowl and gently knocked. The shell broke, and the golden egg liquid flowed out. Stirring the egg liquid, as if creating a golden world.

When everything was ready, I turned on the gas and poured oil into the pot. When the oil was hot, I put the onion and pepper into the pot. Suddenly, the oil splashed out. I was afraid and stepped back a few steps. My mother helped me stir fry it quickly. Then, I poured the beaten eggs into the pot, and the golden liquid immediately dispersed and slowly solidified. Then add tomatoes, salt and chicken essence, add some water, stir fry for two minutes, and the delicious tomato scrambled eggs are ready.

This is my first time to cook. My mother was very satisfied. She said, "The first time I cooked vegetables, it was really great!" We ate delicious tomato scrambled eggs and talked about interesting things. We were very happy.

After that, I will cook this dish whenever my mother is not at home. Whenever I see this dish, I will think of this happy thing.

Tomato scrambled egg composition 600 (3)

First, Grandma asked me to wash two tomatoes and cut them into small pieces. I put the washed tomatoes on the cutting board, with one hand holding the tomatoes, and the other hand picking up the kitchen knife to cut carefully. The naughty tomato slipped in my hand, and the kitchen knife almost cut my hand. I managed to cut the tomatoes into small boats. Then we have to beat eggs. I knocked the egg to the edge of the bowl, the eggshell broke, and the egg liquid flowed into the bowl. I picked up my chopsticks and beat eggs in the same way as Grandma usually did. Only listen to the sound of "dong dong dong" when chopsticks hit the edge of the bowl. Baby Egg seemed to say to me: "Little master, you should mix us evenly."

When everything was ready, Grandma asked me to pour the oil into the pot and boil it. Soon, the pot began to smoke. I quickly poured the egg liquid into the pot. The egg suddenly expanded and made a "squeaky" sound. I unconsciously stepped back for fear of being splashed with oil. Then, I put the tomatoes into the pot and kept stirring them with a shovel. Grandma said to me, "Don't forget to add salt." I quickly put a large ladle of salt into the pot. "Oh, I seem to put too much, will it be too salty?" I muttered to myself. Grandma comforted: "It doesn't matter, you put more sugar to neutralize it, so it won't be too salty." I did as Grandma said. Finally, I put some scallions in the pot, added a little vegetable essence, and then stir fried it.

Red, golden and green, a plate of tomato scrambled eggs with perfect color, aroma and taste has been cooked. I can't wait to have a taste. Wow, it's delicious! This is my first time to cook, and I feel very proud.

Tomato scrambled egg composition 600 (4)

I took out two tomatoes and two eggs from the refrigerator. Tomatoes are round and red, smooth to the touch, and there is a small green hat on the head. Eggs are oval, just like pebbles of skin color.

I have prepared the ingredients and will start to make tomato scrambled eggs. I put cold water into the pot, covered the pot, and at the same time I gently crossed the tomato skin with a knife, and carefully put it into the pot. I waited patiently. Five minutes later, I took the tomato out of the pot and found that the tomato skin where I had just crossed was slightly rolled up. I grabbed the rolled place with two fingers and slowly tore it off, for fear of damaging the plump meat of the tomato. After tearing the skin, I cut the tomato into the size of a leaf with a knife and put it on the edge. Then I picked up an egg and knocked on the edge of the table twice. Several cracks appeared on the eggshell, I peeled it, and the egg white and yolk were poured into the bowl. I picked up another egg and repeated the action just now. I picked up the bowl, tilted it slightly, and stirred it up and down quickly with chopsticks until it turned into a yellowish liquid.

Now comes the best time. I poured oil into the pan, picked up the handle of the pan, and slowly shook it until the oil became hot. I poured the stirred egg liquid along the edge of the pan. A round egg cake appeared in the pan, and then a "peep" sound came out of the pan. The egg seemed to say, "Very hot, very hot!"! I watched the color change of the egg. When it turned golden, I turned it over gently with a spatula for fear of destroying its perfect circle. When the other side is cooked, I use a spatula to divide it into many small pieces. When I poured the cut tomatoes into the pot, the sound became louder, and white smoke was emitted, giving off a strong fragrance. I used a spatula to stir quickly, and saw tomatoes and eggs rolling in the pot. When I was about to leave the pot, I added three small spoons of salt and a little sugar, and then put it on the plate.

Looking at the scrambled eggs with red and yellow tomatoes, I was very happy. I can't wait to taste it.