Primary School Students' Compositions on Mid Autumn Festival (20 practical articles)
Forty one flowers for men
2024-05-28 05:33:47
primary school

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (1)

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival, which is also my favorite festival. I got up early in the morning and ate the necessary moon cakes for the Mid Autumn Festival. This year, our family has abundant moon cakes, including: egg yolk, bean paste and fruit.

After breakfast, the first thing I did was send a text message to my teachers, classmates and friends to express my blessing. Looking out of the window, there was still a shower in the sky, and I worried: if it rains today, will there be a moon at night? So I asked my mother: will there be a moon tonight when it rains? Mother replied, "Today will be the full moon of the Mid Autumn Festival.". My mother's words have made me feel more secure.

At noon, my mother told me that she and my father would take me to Grandma's for dinner. I was very happy.

It's time to have dinner at my grandparents' home. I helped my grandparents set out the dishes and sat down to eat. I saw that today's food was very rich. The chicken, duck, fish and rabbit could not help but drool. I ate with relish, even without paying attention to the sound of TV.

After dinner, I went home and found out about the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival. It is said that eating moon cakes on the Mid Autumn Festival began in the Yuan Dynasty. At that time, the majority of people in the Central Plains could not bear the cruel rule of the ruling class of the Yuan Dynasty, and they revolted against the Yuan Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang united all rebel forces to prepare for the uprising. However, the court officers and soldiers searched very closely, and it was very difficult to convey information. Military adviser Liu Bowen came up with a plan and ordered his subordinates to hide the note containing the "August 15th Night Uprising" in the cake, and then sent people to send it to the local uprising army separately, informing them to respond to the uprising on August 15th night. On the day of the uprising, all the rebel armies responded together. The uprising army quickly started a prairie fire. Xu Da captured Yuandu and the uprising was successful. When the news came, Zhu Yuanzhang was so happy that he hurriedly passed on an oral order to let all the officers and men enjoy the coming Mid Autumn Festival with the people, and gave the "moon cake", which was used as a secret message when the troops were launched, to the officials as a seasonal cake. Since then, the production of "moon cakes" has become more and more sophisticated, with more varieties, and the larger ones are like disks, becoming the best gifts. Later, the custom of eating moon cakes on the Mid Autumn Festival spread among the people. After learning about the origin and customs of the Mid Autumn Festival, it is time to have dinner.

After dinner, my parents and I watched the moon on the balcony, but the moon didn't come. After a while, I fell asleep on the balcony.

I'm so happy today!

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (2)

This evening, I turned on the TV to watch the news. I saw the scenes of Mid Autumn Festival in different places on TV.

I saw beautiful fireworks in the sky at night during the Mid Autumn Festival in Shanghai and other places. Many people are watching. Some places are performing cultural and entertainment programs. Not only young people but also grandparents are performing on the stage. The younger brothers and sisters are also unwilling to lag behind and compete to perform on the stage. In some places, big plays were also played. Those who like watching and listening to plays have come to watch the show. In some places, there are many people who go to the river to put lights, candles on the lights, lit a large area of water. With the flow of water, they are swimming freely, very beautiful.

In the Capital of Porcelain, their Mid Autumn Festival is different from other places. They put up big colored lights, with all kinds of animals: fish, elephants, bears, turtles, monkeys... Those colored lights have unique shapes and different shapes, which are very beautiful. Those animals are made of plates, cups, bowls and other porcelain.

People there enjoy the bright moon while watching the programs and eating moon cakes. Some people answered the reporter's question and said: "Today, eating mooncakes in this situation is more fragrant and sweet than ever." People's faces were smiling.

I think Mid Autumn Festival is very interesting all over the country. The Mid Autumn Festival in Wuzhen is also very good, which makes people very happy.

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (3)

The Mid Autumn Festival scenery is naturally good, only lacking stars in the Milky Way! I'm looking forward to the Mid Autumn Festival!

During the day, people gathered on the street, and the stream flowed continuously; In the afternoon, there are fewer people on the street than in the morning. At night, there are fewer people on the street! Some enjoy the moon, and some eat reunion dinner at home!

When it's time for dinner, almost people are enjoying a variety of delicious food at home! I am also happy to help my parents at home! The dinner is about to start. I sit at the table and wait anxiously and patiently. Just then, the big clock rang. After six clangs, my brother shouted, "Dinner is ready!" Then my uncle and aunt rhythmically served dishes. We all sat at the table, and only my mother was still busy in the kitchen. Two minutes later, my mother happily served the last dish! While eating these colorful meals, we watched the moon outside the window! The moon is hanging obliquely in the sky, and there are few stars in the endless Milky Way, blinking cute!

Uncle took a drink of wine and said: "When will the moon come? Ask the sky! Have a drink of wine! Suddenly, my face is as red as the sun!

The night was very quiet, the full moon like a jade plate was walking through the clouds, and the light moonlight was shining on the earth!

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (4)

The 15th day of the eighth lunar month is the annual Mid Autumn Festival. Mid Autumn Festival eat moon cakes, eat moon cakes. Do you know the meaning of eating moon cakes on Mid Autumn Festival? He means that the moon is round and the moon cake is round. Of course, the family will get together.

The Mid Autumn Festival is also called the Mid Autumn Festival, the August Festival, the August Meeting, the Mid Autumn Festival, the Family Reunion Festival, the Daughter's Day, the Mid Autumn Festival, the Moon Festival, the Moon Night, the Moon Chasing Festival, the Moon Playing Festival, the Moon Worship Festival and the Moon Changing Festival. But I don't know that these are right.

However, I also like moon cakes very much because of their shape and taste. However, the shape is the same. Its beautiful lotus shape is extremely beautiful.

At the end of the day, I grabbed a handful of petals and threw them to my sister when I watched the moon. She became a petal person. My mother and I laughed.

This is the way I celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival. How are you? Let's listen and share the happiness of the festival.

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (5)

The lunar August 15 in China is the traditional holiday--the Mid-Autumn festival. In ancient times, the Mid Autumn Festival, together with the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival, was one of the four major festivals, and was deeply loved by people.

In the Chinese lunar calendar, a year is divided into four seasons, and each season is divided into three parts: Meng, Zhong and Ji. Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival is also called the Mid Autumn Festival. The moon on August 15 is rounder and brighter than the full moon in other months. So it is also called "Moon Festival" and "August Festival". On this night, people look up to the bright moon in the sky, and naturally look forward to family reunion. Travelers who are far away from home also take this opportunity to express their yearning for their hometown and relatives. Therefore, it is also called "Reunion Day".

In the Tang Dynasty, the Mid Autumn Festival was very popular. People, rich or poor, old or young, who lived in Manchuria, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, had to wear clothes of recognition, burn incense and worship the moon to express their wishes and pray for the blessing of the moon god. In the Southern Song Dynasty, people presented moon cakes to each other, taking the meaning of Tuanyuan.

Today, the custom of playing under the moon is far less popular than in the past. However, it is still very popular to hold feasts and enjoy the moon. People "ask the sky about wine" to celebrate a better life, or wish their relatives in the distance healthy and happy, and "share the joys and sorrows" with their families.

There are many customs of the Mid Autumn Festival in different forms, but they all express people's infinite love for life and yearning for a better life.

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (6)

It's the Mid Autumn Festival again. I miss my mooncakes a little!

My hometown is in the south. The mooncakes here are generally sweet, unlike the salty food in the north.

Every Mid Autumn Festival, I will take my sister to the street to buy moon cakes. This year, of course, is no exception. I take my sister with me, and he goes on the road with his new salary.

On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the pedestrian street is still crowded with people, and the sound of peddling is full of cochlea - "egg yolk mooncakes are cheap!" "maltose is sweet!" "bean paste filled mooncakes! Eat a long high!" Eh! Moon cakes filled with bean paste! My favorite, I took my sister through the three passes to cut through the crowd and went straight to the bean paste moon cake stall.

We were almost crowded out by the crowd, but we finally got to the shop where we bought bean paste moon cakes. We bought two or three jin of bean paste moon cakes at one go. The other fillings were not as much as the bean paste fillings. We were satisfied and set out on our way home.

When we arrived at the crossroads, a different kind of "hawking voice" penetrated our ears - someone was begging.

We watched from a distance. The man was a woman with a baby in her arms, wrapped in a tattered quilt, and a broken banana with a few bites under her knee... My sister and I felt pity. We took out our pockets, but there was no change. We thought of a way to send some moon cakes. At that time, the woman looked at me and nodded at me.

Although I ate a few fewer mooncakes this Mid Autumn Festival, my heart is sweeter than the bean paste mooncakes I ate.

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (7)

Facing the breeze and smelling the fragrance of grass, I embarked on the journey of appreciating the moon. The words of people who came to the small garden have broken the silence of the autumn night. It can be seen that people have been waiting for a long time.

At this moment, the stars in the sky are shining their light, the grass on the ground is reflecting green light, and the lanterns in front of the red building of the school are emitting a slight red light. Only heard a loud noise in the sky, colorful fireworks flew to the sky, dozens of eyes gathered on the ground into colorful fireworks. The children cried with joy. The grandmothers smiled. Young aunts chirp happily.

The gorgeous fireworks invited today's protagonist, the moon, which rose slowly from the treetops, looking so noble and elegant. Dressed in silver gauze, it moves towards the night step by step, with light and empty steps to show its beauty to people. This is a symbol of purity. The soul of an angel is gorgeous and elegant. It is as white as gold, as white as silver, and as gold as pearls. It shines brightly on the earth, shining soft moonlight. It's really like water in autumn. Its beauty makes me marvel thousands of miles.

In ancient times, there was a legend of a beautiful moon goddess. Today, there is a great feat of human landing on the moon. The moon is also the object of homesickness. The ancient poets mentioned the moon many times in their poems, such as "looking up, I found it was the moonlight, and when it sank back, I suddenly thought of home." I don't know how many people have sighed about the beauty of the moon. The moon is always bright and high above.

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (8)

This year's Mid Autumn Festival is coming again. There are a lot of people on the street. Some of them are in a hurry to purchase, and some of them are in a hurry to come home from other places. Similarly, my mother and I are shopping together in this market. In order to celebrate this beautiful festival, look, we are going home to have a reunion dinner with shopping bags and bags! Although everyone's actions are different, they all have the same purpose, that is, to get together with their families, watch the moon in the moonlight, eat moon cakes, enjoy the warm time of reunion, recall every ups and downs, days and nights with their families, and talk and laugh with their families. The moon is round, the home is round, the moon cake is round, and the festival is round, Under the shower of love and the light of reunion, the cultural customs of all previous dynasties of China have perfected the whole of China and recorded a Mid Autumn Festival.

In this warm and happy night, our family is no exception. My father came back from a business trip. My uncle, second aunt, second uncle, aunt, uncle, I... all gathered at my grandpa's house to enjoy the delicious food. I ate a moon cake, which gave me a cool feeling. It was delicious. I looked carefully, smelled gently, bit slowly, and felt the cool of the moon, It flows into my heart, and at the same time, there is a warm current of happiness. It flows into my heart, and this beautiful feeling can only be enjoyed by the whole family. My uncle poured a glass of wine and said, "Come on, let's celebrate this festival of reunion and drink a toast. The adults drink a toast, and our children also drink a toast. We look at the moon while eating moon cakes, and talk about childhood and family affairs while talking and laughing. Everyone smiles so sweet, warm and happy.

This is my family, a warm home. It is its power that makes me happy and happy. Its reunion makes me smile brilliantly and sweetly. I really want to echo in this time forever. Let me always remember this unforgettable, happy and sweet Mid Autumn Festival!

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (9)

The bright moon is rising above the sea, everyone faraway enjoy the same moment.

Looking up at the night sky, the stars are shining all over the sky, like the most rare, precious and bright pearls picked up from the sea floor and spread in the Jiuqu Palace, elaborately decorated on the side of the bright moon like a full string bow.

The moon at 15 is always so round and bright. It seems to hang a huge and luminous white jade disc high in the sky. Her light is always so soft and graceful. The full moon tonight seems to gather all the tenderness and brilliance.

The round mooncakes are also like small bright moons, which are picked from the sky and put into this shiny round dish.

Large and sweet bananas, red and crisp apples, round grapes like pearls, honey peaches as sweet as spring honey, big, sweet and delicious watermelons... All kinds of fresh fruits are gathered around the moon cake like pilgrims.

Every Mid Autumn Festival, no matter how far away from home, people always come back to spend the Mid Autumn Festival with their families. Under the sweet scented osmanthus tree, the whole family sat together, ate moon cakes, watched flowers and enjoyed the moon. They happily chatted together, laughed and talked, and enjoyed a happy and peaceful atmosphere.

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (10)

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I finally look forward to the Mid Autumn Festival. How happy I am!

That night, after the family had just finished their dinner, it was dark. At that time, Grandma brought a Shengluo filled with wheat, inserted a fragrance in the middle, and a kind of fragrance called Liangjingjing was also inserted around. Then she inserted two candles on the wax stick, so Grandma lit the candles and incense. I felt very curious and asked, "What kind of fragrance is Grandma? How is it fun?" The grandmother replied, "It's shiny and fragrant, which means that you can go out without wind and rain, and you can remove disasters." I looked at it and nodded.

After a while, Grandma brought up the apples, moon cakes, pears and other things she bought in the morning. I was sitting on a chair, looking at the round moon in the sky. Suddenly the moon disappeared. I felt very strange, so I cried out: "Why is the moon gone? Where has it gone, Grandpa said, "Don't move. The moon cake is not for us to eat, but for the moon father. When the moon father is full, we can go out to keep safe." I nodded vaguely and sat on the chair again, looking at the sky, hoping that the moon would come out again, and then let me look at it. At the same time, I also thought that it was the first time that I knew that there were so many customs on the Mid Autumn Festival in my hometown! I also think that the Mid Autumn Festival is a festival of reunion, just as Sushi said in "Water Melody", "I hope people will live for a long time, and share the beauty of the moon".

Just then, my mother patted me and said, "It's too late to go to bed." So I reluctantly went into the room

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (11)

"I hope people will live for a long time and share the beauty of the moon". Today is the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, which is a traditional Chinese festival. At this time of year, people who are far away from their hometown will return to their hometown to reunite with their families, so it is also called the Reunion Festival.

Breeze blowing, cool autumn. The chill in the air made the pedestrians on the road shiver uncontrollably. But our house is full of heat waves.

Adults gathered around to talk about the interesting things around them, while children played and sang about each other's happiness. At this time, Mom and Grandma "came on stage", holding the tools in their hands and starting to make moon cakes. While doing, I worry about the children at home. But we don't care. When we see the prepared mooncakes, we secretly take them out to share with our partners. But my mother was still depressed: "Ah! Why is one of the mooncakes I just made missing? " We saw it and snickered in the room.

Dinner began. Although the dinner was not as rich as it was in the Spring Festival, it was more lively. At the dinner table, both adults and children are modest to each other. " Here you are. Eating more can help you grow. " Thank you. You have had a busy day. " Eat more. This dish is delicious. " Thank you, thank you! ". Such atmosphere and greetings have immersed me in happiness and made me cherish this reunion moment.

After dinner, everyone moved to the window to watch the moon. At this time, the round moon was embedded in the dazzling stars on the black and blue night. This scene seems extremely harmonious, quite a bit of ink painting charm, beautiful.

The best night of the day is about to pass, and the Mid Autumn Festival will go with it. But I can never forget the happiness of family reunion.

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (12)

It's another sunny day. Why not go shopping in such a fine weather today? "Mom, I want to go shopping!" I said eagerly. "But it's so hot today. Look, there's no one on the street." Mother explained, "Let's go to the park for a picnic! It's the National Day holiday and the Mid Autumn Festival. The park should be very busy." "Well, well, let's go," I said happily.

We brought many delicious things: hamburgers, French fries, chicken wings, jelly, yogurt, seaweed... We crossed the Yangtze River Bridge by bus and came to the Liberation Park. We found a shady space at the door, spread newspapers on the lawn, and put all kinds of food on it. I couldn't hold it any longer. I picked up a fried chicken wing and chewed it. My mouth was full of oil stars. We had another hamburger and some biscuit yogurt. My mother asked me, "Do you want to stroll around the park after eating so much?" "Of course!" I picked up a handful of French fries and put them into my mouth.

After a while, we ate almost everything. We collected waste bags, boxes, bottles, dirty newspapers and other garbage, threw them into trash cans, and began to "travel around" Jiefang Park. We had not come half way before there were more people. It was originally the 60th anniversary of the National Day Wuhan Flower Exhibition, with the Great Wall, Huabiao, China's territory, the national flag, lanterns, Yellow Crane Tower, Yangtze River Bridge, Turtle Hill, etc. Let me have a closer look. Wow! Many people are taking photos.

"Mom, give me the camera quickly, and I will take pictures!" So my mother gave me the camera, and I found a flower watch in the distance. I took a camera in my hand and gave it a series of snapshots, which were square and upright. Mom looked at it and said, "You took a good picture! There is the Great Wall, go and take a picture." So we came to a Great Wall. I pressed the button and snapped a picture of the Great Wall background. My mother stood under the Great Wall, and I took another picture for her. I suddenly found more and more people in front of me. It turned out that there was a scene where "development is the absolute principle". The music of "Welcome to Beijing" came from the air, and we couldn't help singing.

During the tour, there were many award-winning photo exhibitions hanging on the trees along the way, and I took many photos. While resting on the grass, I also took many photos of tourists: they played badminton, flew kites, and flew balloons... everyone was very happy.

The sun slowly set in the west. We played badminton on the lawn, sweated and went home.

The sky is getting dark, and the bright moonlight is shining on us. The moonlight tonight is so bright and soft. I enjoy the round and large moon and fall asleep

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (13)

The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. I like it best because I can enjoy the round moon and eat crisp moon cakes.

The Mid Autumn Festival is the reunion day. Our family goes to grandma's house to have a reunion dinner. As soon as I entered the room, I saw a table full of food, including fish, beef, cucumber, eggs and my favorite lobster. I immediately picked up my chopsticks and ate. After a while, the food on the table was eaten by my family. At this time, I heard my mother's laughter, and I said, "What's wrong?" My mother pointed to my nose, and I touched my nose. It turned out that there was a grain of rice on it, and I laughed with her.

After dinner, everyone watched TV around the TV. I thought: "We are so happy that we can have a reunion dinner together, but we can't forget the uncle of the People's Liberation Army who guards the national defense line. They have not been reunited with their families, but they have risked their lives to fight on the border defense line, so we can live such a happy life. We need to study hard and report our outstanding achievements to the uncle of the People's Liberation Army.

After watching the TV program, my family began to sit in the yard and watch the moon. I was reminded of the story of "Chang'e Flying to the Moon" told by my grandfather.

This Mid Autumn Festival is both happy and unforgettable. I want to let time pass quickly and usher in the next Mid Autumn Festival.

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (14)

Today, the weather is very good, the blue sky with white clouds, everything is so beautiful. So my mother and I came to my grandmother's house together, because today is the Mid Autumn Festival.

We first came to China Resources Wanjia in Lintong. We bought red apples like lanterns, and then bought a banana that was yellow, orange and orange like the moon. I also bought large and sweet kiwi fruit, and finally I bought delicious moon cakes.

After we bought the things, we went back to Grandma's home with our brother. As soon as we entered the door, I saw Grandma warmly stretching out her hands and smiling, saying, "Back, Grandma misses you!" I can't wait to think about Grandma's embrace.

I chatted with my grandmother, and then I went to cook with her. Of course, I was Grandma's little assistant. We ate delicious food. Now it is noon, I have nothing to do, so I decided to do my homework first and then go to read for a while.

Finally, at night, I became very excited as if I had changed my personality, because I could sit in the yard and chat with my grandmother while eating moon cakes, and also see the moon like a jade plate, which was a very happy thing. I was very happy.

I am exhausted, but I am very happy!

It was a very happy day!

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (15)

Quietly, the night drew down the curtain. Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. The bright moon shines on people, and everyone's face is full of happy smiles.

The autumn wind is bleak, and the maple leaves bring the news of golden autumn. The garden smells of autumn. Ginkgo took a fan to cool; Dandelions are flying in the air; The grass sings and dances with the autumn wind; Osmanthus, shy smile, elegant fragrance, fragrance ten miles. Orchard, is a harvest resort. Look, the red smile is the generous expression of Apple; Pears exude tender skin between green leaves; Jujubes can't wait to light lanterns. People seem more busy at this time. Hang red lanterns and have a reunion dinner. Everyone's life is busy with the arrival of the Mid Autumn Festival. The busy street, "Didi - bar", a string of voices have been merged into a cheerful symphony.

The dark night sky seemed lonely and deep. Suddenly, a ray of light appeared in the sky. Suddenly, fireworks were everywhere. The night was no longer monotonous. Fireworks rendered the whole city, sketched out beautiful lines, and the boundless sky was panoramic. The color bars add a special color to the silent night sky. Red, green and pink, streaks of color light, like meteors, pass through the sky. Neon lights spin out warm colors of joy in the bustling city. Big red lanterns are hung on the beams and trees one by one. The "Pinghu Autumn Moon" on the West Lake is undoubtedly a good place to watch the moon. The lake is calm and sparkling. The moon shines on the West Lake. The beautiful West Lake is caressed by the moonlight and sleeps so peacefully. On the lake, several scattered cruise ships are shining with colorful light, which has become an indispensable scenic line of the West Lake. What a beautiful landscape painting! In this golden autumn festival, the warmest thing is home. In the moonlight, I eat moon cakes, drink tea, chat and enjoy the moon. In this atmosphere, I feel the warmth and happiness of home. The moon at 15 is particularly round and bright. In the moon, I was full of imagination, as if I saw the fairy Chang'e flying to the Guanghan Palace with the Jade Rabbit in her arms. Wu Gang also took an axe to cut down the cinnamon trees. Various beautiful legends come to my mind. Su Shi's "Water Melody" gushed out of my mouth, and I didn't feel like singing a few words: "When will the moon be bright? Ask the sky about wine. I don't know the palace in the sky. What year is it this evening? I want to go back by the wind, but I'm afraid that the Qionglouyuyu will be too cold at high places. How can it be like dancing to clear the shadows?" Isn't this the scene of "people and moon reunited"?

The Mid Autumn Festival is a happy day. I not only saw the beautiful moon and ate sweet mooncakes, but more importantly, I realized the feeling of reunion, harmony and warmth with my family.

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (16)

The Mid Autumn Festival on the 15th of August is coming. All the relatives of Yunfang have to go home for the festival, because the Mid Autumn Festival is a reunion festival. But my family is like a bit of moon cake, with several people missing: brother, sister, aunt, uncle, aunt. At lunch, there was a large table of good dishes, such as: large plates of ducks, large plates of pig feet, large plates of fish... delicious, which made my mouth water. Grandfather, mother, father, aunt and I gathered around the table and tasted the delicious food. However, there seemed to be a lot of things missing from our ears: the original laughter was gone.

I only heard "the sound of eating in silence, and sometimes I heard my grandfather say with no confidence:" Eat, eat. "The atmosphere of the last Mid Autumn Festival was gone. I glanced at my father, ah! My father's face was so blue that I had to eat quietly.

At night, I set up a telescope to observe the moon carefully. Eh? There is a "dark cloud" on the moon. I quickly turned up the degree and looked carefully. Ha! Interestingly, the "dark clouds" on the moon make up a picture of a person sitting under a tree eating. But there is only one person on the moon. Like my family, there seems to be less atmosphere, no chatter and laughter in the past. Alas, I really hope that the next Mid Autumn Festival will be a happy and full of laughter.

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (17)

I am a stranger in a foreign land alone. I miss my relatives every festival. Today is the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, which is also the traditional Mid Autumn Festival. It's another day of family reunion.

Today, our whole family went to grandma's house to have a reunion dinner. After the reunion dinner, we went to Grandma's' balcony to watch the moon. Suddenly, my sister gave us a suggestion, saying that today is the Mid Autumn Festival, the festival of reunion and moon watching. Let's compare the ancient poems with the moon on our backs! "That's a good suggestion," my mother said happily. "When will the moon come? Ask Qingtian about the wine." Just after my mother said that, my brother came to me, and then I said, "I don't know the moon when I was young. I call it a white jade plate." My sister said without thinking, "When will the moon come? I stop drinking and ask:

People cannot climb the moon, but the moon goes with people? " "Good" said Uncle 2, good at memorizing! My elder brother was not willing to be outdone. He shook his head and carried his back to "Mount Emei in half moon and half autumn, shadow into the Pingqiang River." His glib tongue made us laugh. My younger brother felt that he was ignored by us, so he deliberately said: "I thought of a sentence!" We said with one voice, "What is it?" My younger brother smiled and shouted: "The moon represents my heart" and then sang. You ask me how deep I love you and how much I love you.

Time passed quickly. It was already over 9 o'clock. So we reluctantly left Grandma's house. Our family had a happy Mid Autumn Festival.

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (18)

In my heart, there is a different Mid Autumn Festival. Many people's articles are true. Although the content is different, they are all true things. The Mid Autumn Festival is almost the same every year. Eating moon cakes, watching the moon, watching lanterns and so on are nothing new. Mooncake, is still that flavor; The moon is still so round; Lanterns are still so boring. I understand that this is a custom, an ancient custom, but now it is a new era, and custom should be added to novelty.

The Mid Autumn Festival in my heart is a world belonging to children, because every adult has children to become, so that they can return to their childhood one day, isn't it good? At this time, children should not be trapped in school, but have a happy childhood. There are games and delicious food everywhere, as well as many fairy tale characters - Aisha, Anna, Princess Long Hair, Transformers, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. There are 369 types of games, such as science and technology games, horror games, fairy tale games, princess games, etc. The most famous one is "playing lanterns", because if your bullets can knock down the floating "lantern monsters", you will get a set of moon cakes. This is not an ordinary moon cake. It can change its flavor. What you want to eat in your heart will be what you like, but it can only change twice, otherwise it will become an ordinary moon cake. Moreover, it will not deteriorate or become moldy, and will not smell after 10000 years. However, there are only 10000 sets in the world, and only 10000 sets are produced every year! Everyone wants to get it.

In my mind, the Mid Autumn Festival has a dreamlike world, strange food, and even the entrance to the magical world. However, everywhere there are lantern monsters that can float, moon cakes that can fly, and the moon will put down a ladder to let everyone come up and talk. Oh, this is the Mid Autumn Festival in my heart.

The smell of gardenia lingers around my nose, fireflies ignite around us, and the melodious flute sounds around me. Wow, I want to spend the Mid Autumn Festival like this.

In fact, everyone has a different Mid Autumn Festival in their heart, but they have long been influenced by customs and hidden the Mid Autumn Festival. Hey, let's talk about it. What's our Mid Autumn Festival like?

The Mid Autumn Festival in my heart is up to me. Lovely Mid Autumn Festival, you said, will you come?

Grade 6: Huang Xin

Primary School Students' Composition on Mid Autumn Festival (19)

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival, which falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. On the Mid Autumn Festival, people usually eat moon cakes and round fruits, such as grapes, watermelons, etc. Of course, there is also a big, round moon. I think eating moon cakes, eating round fruits, and watching the moon symbolize a happy, happy and round family.

This year's Mid Autumn Festival in our family is very special, because we have a new member - my brother, he is obedient! His little face is round and his skin is white. When he wants to nurse, his little hand shakes back and forth. Give him a wave, and you also wave your hand! I think his little face is really like a round moon cake.

After dinner, our family went to the balcony to watch the moon. The moon tonight is particularly round and big, and there are some yellow halos around. Looking at it, I feel that there are Chang'e and Yutu in the bright moon! I suddenly thought of the ancient poem "Gulang Yuexing", and began to read and cheer for everyone. After reading, everyone applauded me.

Today's Mid Autumn Festival, our family had a very meaningful, happy reunion. This is the Mid Autumn Festival in our family, and this is the Mid Autumn Festival for all Chinese people. People who watch the moon, eat moon cakes, and look at the moon in other places will miss their hometown. "The moon rises above the sea, and the horizon is at this time". I wish all the Chinese people in the world will be reunited.

Primary School Students' Composition for Mid Autumn Festival (20)

I like the artistic conception of the Mid Autumn Festival. This is the essence of my Mid Autumn complex.

Growing up in the countryside, I always looked forward to the festival. The Spring Festival and the Mid Autumn Festival are the two most important festivals in my hometown. Perhaps it was because the living standard was relatively low at that time, and only during the holidays would the family improve their life; Maybe it's a holiday when the holidays come, and there will always be some entertainment activities, so I can have a good time; Maybe both. In short, adults are busy during the holiday. But adults go back to their busy schedule and have a relaxed mood every holiday. Of course, we are the most happy carefree children.

During the Spring Festival, although it coincides with slack farming, I always feel busy every year. But the Mid Autumn Festival gives people a special kind of joy, a kind of peace of mind, a kind of special longing. Later on, it seems that the mood is different.

I like the Mid Autumn Festival. That is not only the savings of harvest, but also the beginning of harvest. She said that she saved money because summer harvest was too late. It is said that she is the beginning, because autumn is coming with her fruitful steps, which is full of the joy of harvest in people's hearts. I think only those who have experienced rural life experience will have such feelings, mood and deep feelings. Composition for Mid Autumn Festival in Primary School

I like the Mid Autumn Festival. In the round moonlight, round mooncakes, ripe apples, pears, grapes and other fruits are also on the market. Under the moonlight, people are tasting delicious food and talking about harvest. While appreciating the moon, I miss my relatives in a foreign land. Actually, the saying goes, "Be ready to miss your relatives every holiday.".

I like the Mid Autumn Festival. Mother makes mooncakes for us every year. The moon cake made by my mother looks like a big cake, very thick, fresh noodles, and fresh stuffing. Whether steamed or baked, there are moon patterns carved in large bowls of farmers, including petals carved from osmanthus. The stuffing is also very special. The main ingredient is Hongtang, which contains some sesame, Qinghong silk, nuts, raisins, etc. The newly made mooncakes are steamed, soft and delicious, suitable for the elderly; It is baked, burnt outside and tender inside. Young people like it very much. You see, the new mooncakes are steaming hot, and a smell of fragrance is coming. It's really mouth watering!

Many years have passed. Although there are a variety of moon cakes in the market, and all kinds of fruits and melons are available, I still like to eat moon cakes made by my mother. Although the pattern of the moon cake has not changed much, the pattern is always clear, uniform and beautiful. So when I come home in time for the Mid Autumn Festival, I always eat two large pieces, and feel so fragrant and sweet.

I like the artistic conception of the Mid Autumn Festival, because I can see the development of the motherland's economy and the change of people's living standards from the table.

You see, in addition to poultry meat, traditional vegetables and other foods, there are more and more meat, vegetables and seafood on the farm table.

"No feast without wine", Chinese people always drink a little wine on happy days. In the past, most of them were high quality liquors such as Erguotou. Now, state banquet liquors such as Remy Martin and Moutai are also on the table of common people. All these indicate the rise of the motherland's economy and the prosperity of the people's life. After more than 20 years of reform and opening up, the well-off life is no longer a blueprint of planning and vision, but gradually become a real life of thousands of families.

I like the Mid Autumn Festival. She can bring me new feelings, new experiences and new gains every year. I am willing to feel the care of my relatives, taste the philosophy of life, and experience the changes in my hometown in this artistic conception.

The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. I hope that this year's Mid Autumn Festival will be more round and bright, and I hope my relatives will be healthier, my hometown will be more beautiful and rich; From the bottom of my heart, I hope that the motherland will become more prosperous and prosperous. Perhaps, this is the essence of my Mid Autumn Festival complex.