600 words of my unique composition (4 collections)
Still Night Spring Water
2024-04-12 00:07:20

My unique composition 600 words (1)

My unique skill is swimming. There are several swimming events! There are breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly, drift... I can do four of them. Although I can't swim butterfly, I will study hard. When I first learned to swim, I didn't dare to go into the water! If you don't believe me, let me tell you something.

When I was nearly seven years old, I could not swim at that time. Once when I went to Qingdao, the waves from the sea scared me to run to the shore again and again; I yelled again and again, so I decided to learn swimming.

When I arrived at Shanlu, I stood at the entrance of the swimming pool and thought: This is not in the sea. I'm afraid of nothing without waves. However, when I got inside, I was afraid. I didn't know how deep the water was, but it always seemed to submerge me. The coach asked us to watch how she swam first, and then went into the water to practice holding her breath. When I saw the coach holding his breath for such a long time, I was very worried. If I could not hold it, wouldn't it be uncomfortable if I choked Just as I hesitated, I accidentally slipped into the water. At that time, I didn't respond. The water poured into my stomach one mouthful at a time, choking me! Then the coach asked us to practice in the water to hold our breath. I pointed my toes and moved forward step by step for fear of choking the water again. I began to practice. This is because I have adapted to the environment in the water and am no longer afraid of choking. The coach held me and drifted forward, holding my breath, but once I let go, I stood up immediately, afraid of sinking. After a long time and several weeks, I still dare not drift alone. The coach advised me to quit school. Dad knew that. He pressed my head to hold his breath in the basin. I looked up again and again. Dad picked up the basin together and threw it on me, calling me a fool. I was unconvinced and secretly determined to learn how to swim to show that I was not stupid.

I practice holding my breath every day. I can hold it for one minute. Come on! I practiced again and again every day. On the day of the exam, I floated up alone, two or three meters away! The teacher said I passed the exam, and I was very happy. When I got home, my father said that I was not a fool. I also need to learn backstroke and freestyle! I started a new exercise.

Finally, after my practice, swimming became my best skill.

My unique composition 600 words (2)


I have learned ballet since I was six years old.

At first, I wanted to learn ballet because I liked the clothes there, but I gradually fell in love with them.

Since I learned dancing, I have always taken classes seriously and practiced hard at home. In this way, the dance teacher likes me very much. Every time in class, he praises me for being serious and doing beautiful actions, and often asks me to demonstrate to everyone.

I can move my front legs and back to 90 degrees. My arch looks like a sickle.


Everyone has a unique skill, and my unique skill is to make egg soup. Let me teach you how to do it!

First, while boiling water, beat the eggs in a bowl. The second step is to boil the water and put the coriander and laver into the pot of boiled water. Step 3: Beat the eggs well and pour them into the pot. After a while, it became egg blossom! Be careful not to spill egg soup on your hands and burn them. I will put some green vegetables here, and finally sprinkle with scallions and sesame oil. Wow! A plate of fresh and delicious egg soup is out of the pot. Here, it suddenly occurred to me: It's really like two orioles singing in the green willows, and a row of egrets in the sky. The eggs are not just yellow like orioles, but white like egrets!

This is my unique skill -- making egg soup. Through my detailed explanation, can you also make it? I hope you can make it as delicious as me!


I have many unique skills. Today I will tell you about one of them: running.

When I was in the third grade of primary school, I went to school by myself every day. When it was late, I ran to school. Gradually, I became the first runner in my class. But a few days later, I slipped to the third. Since then, I have always asked my mother to send me. I regret not leaving every day by myself. I immediately remembered that it is not too late to mend the wounds of the dead, and practice better soon. From then on, I began to go to school every day by myself to compete for the "king" of running.

Finally one day, I became a drifter, and I compared with my classmates first. I said that at first, I set out with him to a sharp turning place, I immediately used my drift, and he fell behind me. At this time, the students next to me were dumbfounded. Finally, I won.

My stunt is awesome!

My unique composition 600 words (3)

Hello, everyone. My name is Chen Junhao. I'm 10 years old. I have many unique skills, such as playing basketball, badminton, table tennis... But my favorite unique skill is playing basketball. Let me tell you!

One day, I saw some big brothers playing basketball on the basketball court. When they played basketball, they all flew like swallows. I thought, if only I could be like them!

When I got home, I said to my father, "Dad, please teach me how to play basketball." My father said, "Well, if you want to learn, I will teach you."

My father took me to the nearby basketball court to teach me how to play basketball. He first taught me some basic skills of basketball, such as "horse throwing line". After one demonstration, my father asked me, "Have you seen clearly? Come and try". I tried ten times but still couldn't do it. My arms were tired and I wanted to give up. My father said, "Don't be discouraged. You should stick to it. Only in this way can you succeed. Come on, Dad will teach you again. You should watch carefully." I carefully observed my father's movements, and then I calmly threw the ball up with both hands according to my father's method. I threw the ball five or six times in a row, and finally I hit it the last time. I jumped up excitedly and said, "Yes! Yes! I shot!" My father said, "That's great! But if you want to defeat your opponent, you need to learn more moves. I will teach you 'two and a half steps' now." Then, my father trotted from the basketball court while carrying the ball. When he was near the bottom of the basket, he walked forward two and a half steps, suddenly jumped up and shot the ball, and hit. I looked at my father with envy, and then began to practice repeatedly. Under my father's guidance, I also learned 'two and a half steps'.

The next day, I excitedly invited some friends to the basketball court to show off. I shot against them. After a tense contest, I hit four of the five goals and won! Friends said, "Your unique skill is really good!"

Learning the unique skill has taught me the truth that "nothing is difficult in the world, but only those who have a heart".

My unique composition 600 words (4)

In life, work and study, everyone inevitably comes into contact with composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme meaning through words after people's thinking and language organization. So, how to write a composition? The following is my 600 word essay on arcane skills collected by my editor for your reference, hoping to help friends in need.

From the first grade to now, every year, my mother will buy me a Mathematical Olympiad book - "Draw inferences from one instance". But every year, most of my Olympiad Maths book is blank. Why? Because every time, I would say to myself, "Wait, it's not too late to do it when I go home." After I go home, I would say to myself, "Wait, it's not too late to do it tomorrow.

Once, Teacher Yu suddenly announced that the Olympic math exam would be held next week. I immediately panicked. There was no such thing as Olympiad Maths Examination in the previous issues, so I did even less Olympiad Maths.

When I got home, I turned over the book "Drawing inferences from one instance". The book is divided into many weeks, with five examples every week. There are three subtopics under each example. All of them are the same type of questions. So there are 15 questions every Monday. The book is just finished with 15 questions every week. I calculated that if we went ahead as planned, we should have achieved more than 20 weeks now, but I have just achieved the fourth week. In order to get a good result in the exam, I decided to make up for it. But after only one week, I was bewildered by the boring question type. When I saw the Mathematical Olympiad, I wanted to set it on fire. At my speed, when can I make up! I'm worried to death.

At this time, my mother came in and saw that I was so worried. She asked, "What makes you so worried?" I asked hurriedly, "How can I see the most questions in the shortest time when doing the Olympic math?" "Oh, this," my mother smiled mysteriously, "I have a unique skill!" My mother picked up the Mathematical Olympiad and said, "First, we should understand the examples, and then choose one of the following three exercises to do the most difficult one, so that the '15 questions of the week will become five, and this week's question types will also be understood." I listened and thought, it was really good, but so many missed, really good? Mom seemed to see my hesitation and said, "Try it, if not, forget it." I tried it for two weeks, hey! It's really good. It doesn't feel boring because of doing too much, and it saves a lot of time.

My friends, have you learned my good method?