Find the Movements Around You (15 required)
The sea is upside down
2023-11-12 04:13:01
topic of conversation

Looking for the touch around you (1)

As long as we all give a little love, the world will become more harmonious and warm.


Two days ago, our campus launched the search for beauty and moving deeds around us. The purpose is to let us feel the positive energy of society, and let us plant the seeds of love in our hearts from childhood. When I got home, I couldn't wait to ask my parents what good things were around me. Mom and Dad said that you would not check the Internet yourself. By the way, check online.

When I turned on the computer, a message jumped into my eyes: at 5:20 p.m. on October 13, 2011, a little girl was too short when she was finishing school. A passing car blocked her view and overthrew her. Then another car hit her, and she died. What a terrible thing it is! More terrible things are still to come!

If you want to know more, please see the following true and specific content:

The accident happened at 5:20 p.m. on October 13, 2011, when a little girl came home from school to play downstairs. Because the little girl wanted to play opposite, she had to cross a road. There are often minivans coming in and going out there. The road is not wide. What's more, the street lights there are not very bright, so it is very dangerous to cross the road there. Generally, people will pay attention to whether there are vehicles on the left and right, and they will walk slowly when there are vehicles. Ordinary drivers will also slow down, not to mention it will be dark at that time. That was a little girl crossing the street by herself. Suddenly, a speeding car hit the little girl. In an instant, the little girl was pulled into the wheel. There was no one around, no one. Somehow, the car didn't slow down, let alone stop, and continued to gallop away. I wonder if he hit the little girl! The little girl struggled after being crushed, but then another car hit her. The little girl was crushed again, and the driver ran away. The little girl bled a lot!

In this way, the tragedy continued, and the passing vehicles ignored the little girl and turned around. Why didn't the eighteen passers-by save the little girl? Why? Don't these people have compassion? Or watch the little girl die.

Later, an old woman with silver hair who was picking up garbage passed by, she stopped immediately, cried loudly, and asked someone to call the police and 120. At this time, people gathered here. Only then can the matter be retrieved.

After that, many people were saying: Why did the grandma save the little girl? Why didn't so many passers-by save the little girl? I was afraid that the little girl's parents would tell the eighteen passers-by that they were responsible for it, and I was afraid that they might catch fire. But this is a matter of life and death! A life left like this. Although the driver who caused the accident was caught afterwards, how bad his influence was, and how small his personality was compared with that of the old woman.

After the media reported the incident, it immediately caused a lot of public praise all over the country. Then my grandmother was rewarded by the government with 20000 yuan. Later, the boss of a company in Dongguan rewarded her with 500000 yuan, but she didn't accept it, because she felt that money could not represent everything, and the conscience of the people she needed. How well she said that we should not lack morality in this society.

Isn't this the positive energy of society? Isn't that the good thing I'm looking for? Seeing this, I am really moved. As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become warmer.

Looking for the Movements around (2)

This is a love waltz. Every capital deeply touched me. Every note can make me leave the most real tears. He taught me how to find the touch around me.

This book is in the form of a diary to tell the feelings of the host, Public Security Rico. His partner is his example; His kind mother taught him kindness; My helpful father made Amrico learn to be grateful. I am really happy that Amrico lives in such a big family.

In the book, there are exciting little love between teachers and students, parents, and friends; There is a touching love among the country, society and nation. I was also shocked by the optimistic spirit that permeated everywhere.

Think again about our side. At school, helping our friends is love. At home, parents' care is love. On the bus, giving way to the elderly is love. Picking up a piece of paper on the road is love, a love for nature... In fact, love is all around us, everywhere.

We have no right to say that there is no love around us. We can only say that what human beings lack is a pair of bright eyes that find love.

It is this love waltz that taught me, so that I have the eyes to find love, so that I have no worries every day, and have a happy, relaxed life.

Looking for the Movements around (3)

Moving is an indescribable emotion, which can only be appreciated by our heart.

Often, I am touched by some people or things, but sometimes what touches me seems to be nothing.

When I see my beloved flowers wither overnight and their petals lie scattered on the ground; When I saw the young eagle about to come out of the shell, struggling outward; When my long lost friend extended his hand of friendship and hugged me tightly... although, these are so ordinary. However, they have deeply touched my heart which is easy to move.

What touched me sometimes turned out to be a subtle and easily ignored scene. Just like flower withering, this is the most ordinary phenomenon. However, I melted it into my heart and silently turned it into an elegy of life's disappearance. It seems that Lin Daiyu is deeply moved. Otherwise, how can she perform the sad scene of burying flowers, and how can she send out the emotion of "the beauty will grow old as soon as spring comes, and people will die as soon as flowers fall"?

In fact, moving doesn't need too much words, tears, praise, and effort to change something. Moving is a kind of delicate emotion, just like a clear stream flowing quietly on the road of our life. Only when it flows through the rugged mountain road, it gently stirs up a crystal clear water flower and then continues to flow forward.

I am moved because I deeply love all the beautiful things in the world and only love them. It is precisely because of my touch that all beautiful things love me deeply and fall in love with me.

Moved, it brought me closer to my friends, and kept our sincere friendship forever. It kept the deep emotional exchange and touch between us. Care for each other, encourage each other and give each other.

Moving, can wash people's mind impurities, it is like a multi flavor bottle, let us taste the ups and downs of life. It is also like a furnace, helping us refine the essence of life.

In moving, we keep the truth, goodness and beauty of our hearts; In moving, we maintain human dignity; Moved, we change the old self and win the new self.

When we carefully observe and appreciate the people and things around us, let the tightest string in our hearts feel touched, and stir up the sounds of nature in our hearts.

Life is a mirror. If you smile at it, it will smile at you.

Looking for the Movements around (4)

One winter morning, my mother and I went to the crowded vegetable market to buy vegetables. After passing the carrot stall, we bought some water sensitive carrots. I forgot to take it when I left after paying. The turnip seller called us at that time. We didn't know whether the voice in the market was too loud or his voice was too low.

In the evening, my mother said to herself when squeezing juice: "Sydney, oranges and apples are all here. I always feel something is missing. It's carrots. They fell on the vegetable stand!"

So my mother took me with her, braved the cold wind, and ran to the market. At that time, there were not many people selling vegetables. Suddenly a voice called us, "Are you looking for me? Here, here is your carrot."

I was stunned. After we left, he kept watching these turnips until we came for them

My God? Where he sells turnips is integrity! Tonight's juice is particularly sweet.

Looking for the Movements around (5)

Every time I see him, he is doing something small within his power. Although it is small, he is 84 years old after all! Looking at his busy figure, I couldn't help worrying. On Saturday afternoon, the sun was blazing. I took the bus home after reading the book. Just after the bus arrived, a familiar figure flashed before my eyes. Isn't this the lord? He holds a paint bucket in his left hand, a big brush in his right hand, and a garbage can and shovel at his feet... My fast international metropolis Shanghai will surprise foreigners, saying that it is full of holes; It is said that China's international reputation will also decline if it grows bigger; Second, most of these advertisements are deceptive. Some charlatans not only cheat people, but also treat them carelessly, ignoring other people's lives... There are countless examples, and we can't let them take advantage of them. " Let me help you, too. Let's shovel the annoying psoriasis together. " Grandpa Wang said, "Well, the community is my home, and it is up to everyone to take care of it! As long as we do a good job of the seemingly insignificant things around us, our sky will become bluer and the city will be cleaner!" Grandpa Wang's action has driven many people in our community to participate in doing a good job of small things, right? Didn't he "transform" even a lazy person like me?

Looking for the Movements around (6)

The moment I opened the book, a piece of apricot silver fell quietly. Moved, such as the heart breaking snow, enjoy the snow, my heart becomes quiet and peaceful. There will be a pillar of warm water in a pool of smart water. When he drops into your heart and moistens your heart, which may have been dry for a long time, your heart will be slightly moved. I call him moved.

The umbrella, with its broken lace supporting new hope, also silently blocked the wind and rain.

The old man looked weak, relying on his umbrella all day long.

This is a story between an elderly mother and a son who has not yet grown up, which makes tears accumulate in my eyes.

As I walked, a middle-aged woman with ragged clothes and a disheveled face blocked my way. She wore a tattered red coat. A pair of blue cloth shoes also had holes in them, and her toenails were exposed. A strange sound came from her throat. I could barely hear that she wanted the bottle of yogurt in my hand. I gave it to her in surprise. She took it with a big hand with a grateful look, and one hand touched her pocket. Finally, she found a crumpled fifty cents in a small corner. She smiled and handed it to me. I said hurriedly: No... no need. She thought for a while, took the money in her hand, went to a small restaurant, and bought half a bowl of porridge and a stick of fried dough sticks. When she came back to a corner with a full load, I suddenly found that there was a little boy who was dressed slightly better than the old woman, about five or six years old. The woman picked up yogurt and gave it to him. He took a small sip and pushed it to the woman. I finally understand that they are a mother and son. The mother gave her son a stick of fried dough sticks and half a bottle of yoghurt, and drank half a bowl of congee that had been completely cold. The boy thought about paying for a while, left the half bottle of yoghurt, split the fried dough sticks in two and handed them to his mother... I think this is probably the happiness of the mother and son! The mother loves her son, and the son is also filial to his mother! At that moment, my tears were gushing out!

What do you feel? A man has a thousand answers, but he can't say it, he can only taste it carefully. It feels like a refreshing liver spring, drinking it freely, making our hearts clear and bright, moving, like the intoxicating sea breeze, feeling the sea breeze, making our hearts pure and spacious.

Older mothers and childish children can also have this strong maternal love. Their mutual humility, especially the children's letting their mothers share with them, moved me very much, and I also understood that moving is everywhere and everywhere. As long as you have the heart to look at others and read others with love. You will understand how simple and clear it is to be moved.

Looking for the Movements around (7)

Every time I see him, he is doing something small within his power. Although it is small, he is 84 years old after all! Looking at his busy figure, I couldn't help worrying. On Saturday afternoon, the sun was blazing. I took the bus home after reading the book. Just after the bus arrived, a familiar figure flashed before my eyes. Isn't this the lord? He holds a paint bucket in his left hand, a big brush in his right hand, and a garbage can and shovel at his feet... My fast international metropolis Shanghai will surprise foreigners, saying that it is full of holes; It is said that China's international reputation will also decline if it grows bigger; Second, most of these advertisements are deceptive. Some charlatans not only cheat people, but also treat them carelessly, ignoring other people's lives... There are countless examples, and we can't let them take advantage of them. ", Let me help you, too. Let's shovel the annoying psoriasis together. " Grandpa Wang said, "Well, the community is my home, and it is up to everyone to take care of it! As long as we do a good job of the seemingly insignificant things around us, our sky will become bluer and the city will be cleaner!" Grandpa Wang's action has driven many people in our community to participate in doing a good job of small things, right? Didn't he "transform" even a lazy person like me?

Senior Three of Liuyi Primary School in Chongming County, Shanghai: Lala Lala

Looking for the Movements around (8)

Every day, we grow up in the love of our parents, the hard work of our teachers and the touching deeds around us. The teacher accompanied us all the way to the peak of knowledge; Our parents took us through a long academic journey together; The fragrant West Lake Longjing tea filled with sincere feelings is the touch around us.

The transparent blue sky is like a blue silk handkerchief, on which some white clouds stay, like flowers embroidered on silk handkerchiefs. On the way back from school, I saw an old woman who was about 80 years old with white hair and wrinkled face lying on the ground. There were many young people around with their children. No one reached out to help her, but also laughed at the old woman. I thought to myself: Why did they laugh at the old woman?

Don't they have their own grandmother? I couldn't bear to see a lonely old woman in the midst of these unsympathetic 'mockery'. I ran to help the old woman, and I asked, "Grandma, where does it hurt you?" The old woman spent a lot of effort pointing to her face and asked me, "My face is particularly painful. What's wrong with my face?" My left eye swelled up when I saw it; The nose tip rubbed some skin; The blood on the side of the mouth kept flowing out.

At this time, my tears were already rolling in my eyes. I thought to myself: Why did an old woman make her suffer so much? "Grandma, your face is swollen and your mouth is bleeding all the time." I said, "I will help you up first." The old lady thought about it and then said, "OK." When I helped her up, although it was hard, I found her tears fell down when I helped her up. Her tears seemed to reveal her pain; Her tears seemed to say, "My face hurts! Son, come to me soon!" At this time, I really wanted to talk about her son: Don't you fear letting your mother come out alone? Why don't you come out with your mother? Without your mother, there would be no you today! You know what? I helped the old woman up. The old woman stood up and pointed at her crutch. I picked up her crutch and gave it to her. She leant on it with one hand and rubbed her face with the other.

She seemed to see that I was going to send her home. She said to me, "You don't have to send me home, my child. I can go home by myself." I saw from her eyes that she was very strong. I said, "Can you?" The old woman smiled reluctantly. The old woman said, "Yes." She said, and walked slowly. I watched her slowly leave me behind. I hope she will be happy in the future. And I hope everyone has a sense of compassion.

I was deeply moved by the strength of my grandmother. Moving is the voice from the heart, the loudest and best song.

Looking for the Movements around (9)

That made me very guilty, but I was moved more

One Sunday, I was clamouring and pestering my grandfather, who was over seventy years old, to take me to the flower and bird market to play. My grandfather could not resist my indomitable, so he had to nod his head and agree. I arrived at the destination cheerfully and was playing hard. I just heard a scream of ammonia. My finger was bitten by a naughty mouse, and I could vaguely see the mouse's tooth prints, which made me grin with pain. My grandpa hurried to the destination and scolded me for taking me to the hospital for injection by electric bike.

On the road, because it had just rained, the road was slippery, and the small pools on the road were full of water, which could reflect the shadows of people traveling. I sat quietly in the car. Suddenly, I felt the car incline. I looked down, no good! Grandpa's car rubbed against the stone steps and was about to collapse. My grandpa instinctively used his foot to prop it up, and it was only a few seconds before it stabilized. My grandpa's foot unexpectedly slipped, losing its center of gravity, and I closed my eyes. "Bang!" Grandpa and I fell to the ground together with the car. I just felt a buzzing sound in my head, and my heart "clucked" for a moment. Suddenly, there was an inexpressible tension and fear: what if my grandpa fell and hurt? He has high blood pressure! I suddenly opened my eyes. Grandfather got up with difficulty, and his face was red with sweat. Grandpa almost rushed over and asked me about my injury with a trembling and hoarse voice. Fortunately, fortunately, I'm not in any serious trouble. Grandpa gave a long sigh of relief and limped to yield to the car. It could be seen that Grandpa was injured. When I hesitated to go to the hospital, my grandpa said without thinking, "Of course!" "But you..." My grandpa, who is usually kind, shouted, "I'm fine! Your wound is important!" After that, my grandpa let me get on the bus and waited for the car with no electricity. I think grandpa must be riding with great pain now! I felt immediately surrounded by the power of love, and a warm current mixed with various emotions flooded my heart, with guilt, remorse, and emotion. I have always been strong, but now I burst into tears. It must be salty... Grandpa, I swear I will never ignore your words again. Don't worry!

In fact, moving is around you, depending on whether you can find it. Because sometimes, we will turn a blind eye to this kind of moving

Looking for the Movements around (10)

Love is an integral part of life, and moving is piled up into love. Many people complain that life is callous because they never remember those moving moments. In fact, moving is everywhere. You can enjoy the beauty of life only by looking for the moving around you.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning, the stars at night, the teacher's careful teaching, and the parents' considerate care. Whether it is nature or society, they all give us the greatest favor, but they don't ask for return, which makes me deeply moved.

In the vast sea of people, even those who pass by, as long as a nod or smile, the heart will be full of warmth. Take taking the elevator for example: I hurried into the lobby. Seeing that the elevator door was about to close, I had to wait for the next one. But the door opened leisurely. It turned out that the people in the elevator opened it for me when they saw me coming. Or when you get into the elevator, you see that your floor is lighted by someone. The person turns out to be the girl who always meets in the elevator but has no intersection. You look at each other and smile, knowing it from your heart.

The innocent friendship between friends is also moving. Even if it's just a small detail: during the autumn outing, the torrent bravely made me drenched all over with water, and I was shivering, so I put a warm coat on my shoulder; Before the final exam, my friend sent a text message to encourage me to review together and get good results; After school, I shouted that I was hungry, and my friends gave me food to fill my stomach. Many things do not say thank you on the surface, but remember the same in the heart. Because we are friends, friends who shake their hands for a lifetime.

I am always grateful to get so much moved. When I look up to enjoy the sun, I feel the sun shining on my face; Let the breeze blow your face, and you will always feel bright and cheerful in your heart. Nature gives us love, so that we can have this colorful life. People around us share the touching moments with us, so that we can feel warmth from inside out.

Healthy saplings are not formed by occasional heavy rain. In the same way, only by looking for the feelings around you can you feel the notes of love for a long time and make love melodious and long-term.

Looking for the Movements around (11)

Often, we will ignore the feelings around us because we are used to familiarity. During the epidemic period, when I stayed at home, I felt a lot calm.

That day, I woke up as usual and opened the nail to check the homework after the teacher's review. After reading it, I was satisfied and backed out. I inadvertently glanced at the time when the teacher was reviewing it. A little bit? One o'clock in the morning?

I seemed to see that in the late night, all the lights were on. The teacher sat in front of the computer, patiently watching the homework handed in by the students in the white sky, occasionally rubbing his eyes and shrugging his shoulders, sometimes frowning, sometimes smiling. Before long, she got up from her chair, sat up and looked at the homework she had just finished, nodded and smiled. Then she lay down in peace, and in her dream she seemed to see the students getting their homework

The next day, these teachers who fought alone at night opened the studio with full spirit.

The live broadcast of mathematics teachers is always relaxed and pleasant. She likes to put some interesting pictures in the courseware. She likes to joke with everyone in class, which always gives people a very comfortable feeling. I always cross my legs and play in such an easy class. But in an accidental conversation, I learned that she always stayed up late to do courseware and correct homework. It seems that I can understand her behavior and the joy after completing the task, but she is unavoidably painful. She could have gone to bed early and got up early, but she chose to stay up late and get up early; She could have spent more time with her family, but she did choose to spend more time with her students.

In fact, every teacher is like this. They give up more leisure time and choose students. Indeed, I always hide my tired side and leave our good temper and energetic side to us.

"Looking for the touch around me", I think I have found it!

Looking for the Movements around (12)

Looking for Moving Senior High School Composition (I)

As long as we all give a little love, the world will become more harmonious and warm.

Two days ago, our campus launched the search for beauty and moving deeds around us. The purpose is to let us feel the positive energy of society, and let us plant the seeds of love in our hearts from childhood. When I got home, I couldn't wait to ask my parents what good things were around me. Mom and Dad said that you would not check the Internet yourself. By the way, check online.

When I turned on the computer, a message jumped into my eyes: at 5:20 p.m. on October 13, 20xx, a little girl was too short when she was finishing school. A passing car blocked the view of the little girl and overwhelmed her. Then another car hit the little girl and she died. What a terrible thing it is! More terrible things are still to come!

If you want to know more, please see the following true and specific content:

The accident happened at 5:20 p.m. on October 13, 20xx, when a little girl came home from school to play downstairs. Because the little girl wanted to play opposite, she had to cross a road. There are often minivans coming in and going out there. The road is not wide. What's more, the street lights there are not very bright, so it is very dangerous to cross the road there. Generally, people will pay attention to whether there are vehicles on the left and right, and they will walk slowly when there are vehicles. Ordinary drivers will also slow down, not to mention it will be dark at that time. That was a little girl crossing the road alone. Suddenly, a speeding car hit the little girl. In an instant, the little girl was pulled into the wheel. There was no one around, no one. Somehow, the car didn't slow down, let alone stop, and continued to gallop away. I wonder if he hit the little girl! The little girl struggled after being crushed, but then another car hit her. The little girl was crushed again, and the driver ran away. The little girl bled a lot!

In this way, the tragedy continued, and the passing vehicles ignored the little girl and turned around. Why didn't the eighteen passers-by save the little girl? Why? Don't these people have compassion? Or watch the little girl die.

Later, an old woman with silver hair who was picking up garbage passed by, she stopped immediately, cried loudly, and asked someone to call the police and 120. At this time, people gathered here. Only then can the matter be retrieved.

After that, many people were saying: Why did the grandma save the little girl? Why didn't so many passers-by save the little girl? I was afraid that the little girl's parents would tell the eighteen passers-by that they were responsible for it, and I was afraid that they might catch fire. But this is a matter of life and death! A life left like this. Although the driver who caused the accident was caught afterwards, how bad his influence was, and how small his personality was compared with that of the old woman.

After the media reported the incident, it immediately caused a lot of public praise all over the country. Then my grandmother was rewarded by the government with 20000 yuan. Later, the boss of a company in Dongguan rewarded her with 500000 yuan, but she didn't accept it, because she felt that money could not represent everything, and the conscience of the people she needed. How well she said that we should not lack morality in this society.

Isn't this the positive energy of society? Isn't that the good thing I'm looking for? Seeing this, I am really moved. As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become warmer.

Looking for Moving High School Composition (II)

Love is an integral part of life, and moving is piled up into love. Many people complain that life is callous because they never remember those moving moments. In fact, moving is everywhere. You can enjoy the beauty of life only by looking for the moving around you.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning, the stars at night, the teacher's careful teaching, and the parents' considerate care. Whether it is nature or society, they all give us the greatest favor, but they don't ask for return, which makes me deeply moved.

In the vast sea of people, even those who pass by, as long as a nod or smile, the heart will be full of warmth. Take taking the elevator for example: I hurried into the lobby. Seeing that the elevator door was about to close, I had to wait for the next one. But the door opened leisurely. It turned out that the people in the elevator opened it for me when they saw me coming. Or when you get into the elevator, you see that your floor is lighted by someone. The person turns out to be the girl who always meets in the elevator but has no intersection. You look at each other and smile, knowing it from your heart.

The innocent friendship between friends is also moving. Even if it's just a small detail: during the autumn outing, the torrent bravely made me drenched all over with water, and I was shivering, so I put a warm coat on my shoulder; Before the final exam, my friend sent a text message to encourage me to review together and get good results; After school, I shouted that I was hungry, and my friends gave me food to fill my stomach. Many things do not say thank you on the surface, but remember the same in the heart. Because we are friends, friends who shake their hands for a lifetime.

I am always grateful to get so much moved. When I look up to enjoy the sun, I feel the sun shining on my face; Let the breeze blow your face, and you will always feel bright and cheerful in your heart. Nature gives us love, so that we can have this colorful life. People around us share the touching moments with us, so that we can feel warmth from inside out.

Healthy saplings are not formed by occasional heavy rain. In the same way, only by looking for the feelings around you can you feel the notes of love for a long time and make love melodious and long-term.

Looking for Moving High School Composition (3)

In my impression, moving seems to be just a difficult carry on. However, in ordinary life, is moving everywhere?

At noon every day, when passing the Provincial Taizhong High School, there are rows of neat and beautiful chalk words on the road. When I go there, I always want to go to the source of the chalk words and the person who wrote them. I want to see who can write on the road with such leisure. Unfortunately, it is difficult to achieve. But when I was about to forget this chalk word, I saw this "strange man". But the moment I saw him, I was stunned. He is a disabled person with no legs. There is a stereo on the flatcar he "sits" on. At first, I thought he was a tape seller, but after seeing the chalk on his hand, I knew that he was the "wonder" I had been looking for. Suddenly, a few dark yellow leaves floated down from the tree beside the road, which made me feel cool.

What he put in his stereo is not pop songs but Huangmei Opera! Hearing this, I felt a little sad. What is more striking is that the disabled person is writing in chalk, and the words are correct. Many people standing around him, I have a general look at the content of his writing, which is all drama! So many, so long! It's all handwritten! Someone nearby could not stand it anymore. He put dozens of yuan in his car and casually asked, "Are you tired? Write so much! Sit down and rest for a while." An old man pushed him. I thought that the disabled person would say something sad or complain. But I was wrong.

He smiled and said, "Thank you, but for me, I don't want to talk about 'tiredness' because I don't rest all the time. I understand your kindness, but I really don't need to rest. If you are tired from standing..." Before he finished speaking, he made a bit of effort to the side of the car and took a photo of the car. Then he said, "Just take my car and don't be dirty!" After listening to his words, I left in a hurry. I was afraid I would cry

I am not sentimental, nor do I pretend to be sentimental. Only when the thought of "everyone for me" affects us, there are such simple people! Although he is physically disabled, his mind is beautiful. As the famous British philosopher Bacon said, "Virtue is like a gem, which is more gorgeous against the background of simplicity"!

Although I only use one thing to prove my doubts, it is enough to prove that moving in life is really everywhere!

Looking for Moving High School Composition (4)

Many things around everyone will be touched, but some of them are very subtle and will be forgotten in a blink of an eye. Maybe there are not many things that can move you for a long time. Recently, one thing moved me for a long time.

There are a lot of sundries on the roof next to my house. The owner of that house put some old pots and toys on it, covered them with a plastic cloth, and pressed them with bricks to prevent the wind from blowing them down and hitting others.

A few weeks ago, I played in front of my house. It was warm and sunny. Through the sunshine, I accidentally found something moving on the plastic cloth of the next room. So I observed for a long time below and found that there were many kittens there. I thought that maybe they came from somewhere and settled here temporarily. I didn't see the size of the kittens clearly, and I was too lazy to see them again, so I turned around and went home.

On the way back from school a few days later, I suddenly remembered the cat. I put down my schoolbag and hurried to see how the cat was. It turned out that it was much quieter than usual. Could it be that the kittens were sleeping? No, not all kittens sleep together even when they sleep. What's the matter? I could not resist my curiosity. I carefully stepped on my tricycle, supported the wall, and stood on tiptoe to look out. Eh? Why are all the cats gone? Did they move away? Or was he driven away by the owner? Or... I began to worry about these kittens. They are safe here. Will they survive in other places? Thinking about it, I vaguely heard the cries of kittens. Looking for the sounds, I found them, but I couldn't believe my eyes. There are four kittens lying under a big cat about 2 meters away from me. They are all white and very beautiful. But when I saw a bloody kitten in front of the big cat, I couldn't help shivering. What is so cruel, even such a small cat. Looking at this dying kitten, I really want to go and get rid of it, but I know that nothing can help me.

This is when I saw the big cat guarding it and licking its blood. This female cat's behavior deeply moved me. Even a cat has such feelings. What is the reason that this kitten is so bruised? I knew that the kitten was going to die. At the moment I was about to leave, I saw it use its last strength to move towards its mother's arms, as if it was the warmest and safest place in the world.

Once again, I was moved by the feelings between them, and I couldn't help crying.

This event gave me an emotional shock that I may never forget.

Looking for the Movements around (13)

There are a lot of sundries on the roof next to my house. The owner of that house put some old pots and toys on it, covered them with a plastic cloth, and pressed them with bricks to prevent the wind from blowing them down and hitting others.

A few weeks ago, I played in front of my house. It was warm and sunny. Through the sunshine, I accidentally found something moving on the plastic cloth of the next room. So I observed for a long time below and found that there were many kittens there. I thought that maybe they came from somewhere and settled here temporarily. I didn't see the size of the kittens clearly, and I was too lazy to see them again, so I turned around and went home.

On the way back from school a few days later, I suddenly remembered the cat. I put down my schoolbag and hurried to see how the cat was. It turned out that it was much quieter than usual. Could it be that the kittens were sleeping? No, not all kittens sleep together even when they sleep. What's the matter? I could not resist my curiosity. I carefully stepped on my tricycle, supported the wall, and stood on tiptoe to look out. Eh? Why are all the cats gone? Did they move away? Or was he driven away by the owner? Or... I began to worry about these kittens. They are safe here. Will they survive if they go to other places? Thinking about it, I vaguely heard the cries of kittens. Looking for the sounds, I found them, but I couldn't believe my eyes. There are four kittens lying under a big cat about 2 meters away from me. They are all white and very beautiful. But when I saw a bloody kitten in front of the big cat, I couldn't help shivering. What is so cruel, even such a small cat. Looking at this dying kitten, I really want to go and get rid of it, but I know that nothing can help me.

This is when I saw the big cat guarding it and licking its blood. This female cat's behavior deeply moved me. Even a cat has such feelings. What is the reason that this kitten is so bruised? I knew that the kitten was going to die. At the moment I was about to leave, I saw it use its last strength to move towards its mother's arms, as if it was the warmest and safest place in the world.

Once again, I was moved by the feelings between them, and I couldn't help crying.

This event gave me an emotional shock that I may never forget.

Looking for the Movements around (14)

One morning when I got up, I felt dizzy and wanted to vomit. I didn't tell my parents. However, I felt more and more uncomfortable. I fell down on the bed all of a sudden and felt very hot. Then I felt my forehead as if it was burning. I told my father in front of the TV. Dad was so distressed that he asked me to lie down and sleep for a while. However, I have been sleeping for a long time, and my head is still very dizzy. My father brought a wet towel and covered my head. At that moment, I was really moved. My father tried all kinds of ways to make me feel comfortable. He remembered that yesterday, my father was also sick. Both my mother and I were worried, but my father said that my resistance was strong and I was not afraid. I am very moved and grateful to my father for doing things for us, not afraid of fatigue, not afraid of hard work.

At this moment, I suddenly got up, I wanted to vomit, my father saw it, he quickly helped me to the bathroom, patted my back, "wow!" All the things in my stomach vomited out, my father was not afraid of dirt, washed for me, and poured water for me. At that time, my tears almost came out. My father was so kind. He usually scolded me and criticized me. I always hated him. But after experiencing this, I knew that my father loved me.

After gargling, I walked on my weak feet and fell asleep on the bed. My father saw that I was really uncomfortable, so he helped me, rode on the motorcycle and went to the hospital. After my father hung up the number, he took a thermometer and put it in my mouth. After a while, my father took it out. When he saw it, 39.5 ℃, my father kissed me heartily. The doctor called my name, and my father and I walked to the consulting room. The doctor said, "It's a hot cold. First give me an injection to reduce the fever, then go to the blood test, and then go to the dispensing." I was most afraid of the injection, but my father encouraged me to say, "Zixin is never afraid of injection." When I arrived at the injection place, the doctor first wiped the place where the injection was to be given, and then gave the infusion. When I saw the doctor doing this action, I was very afraid. My father said, "Don't be afraid, there is my father there!" The needle went in, and I tried hard to stop my tears from flowing down, but they still flowed down. After the injection, my father took me off the table and helped me to walk. He said to me while walking, "I'm not afraid. We will go to have a blood test later."

I think Dad is really good, encouraging me and comforting me. Finally, when I arrived at the blood test, my father held my hand, and the doctor put a needle into the meat, and the blood flowed out. But I no longer feel pain. After the blood test, it's time to dispense the medicine. Dad told me to stay in the seat for fear of my discomfort. I think: Dad cares about me so much, and I used to talk back. I really shouldn't! Through this

Looking for the Movements around (15)

As long as we all give a little love, the world will become more harmonious and warm.

Two days ago, our campus launched the search for beauty and moving deeds around us. The purpose is to let us feel the positive energy of society, and let us plant the seeds of love in our hearts from childhood. When I got home, I couldn't wait to ask my parents what good things were around me. Mom and Dad said that you would not check the Internet yourself. By the way, check online.

When I turned on the computer, a message jumped into my eyes: at 5:20 p.m. on October 13, 2011, a little girl was too short when she was finishing school. A passing car blocked her view and overthrew her. Then another car hit her, and she died. What a terrible thing it is! More terrible things are still to come!

If you want to know more, please see the following true and specific content:

The accident happened at 5:20 p.m. on October 13, 2011, when a little girl came home from school to play downstairs. Because the little girl wanted to play opposite, she had to cross a road. There are often minivans coming in and going out there. The road is not wide. What's more, the street lights there are not very bright, so it is very dangerous to cross the road there. Generally, people will pay attention to whether there are vehicles on the left and right, and they will walk slowly when there are vehicles. Ordinary drivers will also slow down, not to mention it will be dark at that time. That was a little girl crossing the road alone. Suddenly, a speeding car hit the little girl. In an instant, the little girl was pulled into the wheel. There was no one around, no one. Somehow, the car didn't slow down, let alone stop, and continued to gallop away. I wonder if he hit the little girl! The little girl struggled after being crushed, but then another car hit her. The little girl was crushed again, and the driver ran away. The little girl bled a lot!

In this way, the tragedy continued, and the passing vehicles ignored the little girl and turned around. Why didn't the eighteen passers-by save the little girl? Why? Don't these people have compassion? Or watch the little girl die.

Later, an old woman with silver hair who was picking up garbage passed by, she stopped immediately, cried loudly, and asked someone to call the police and 120. At this time, people gathered here. Only then can the matter be retrieved.

After that, many people were saying: Why did the grandma save the little girl? Why didn't so many passers-by save the little girl? I was afraid that the little girl's parents would tell the eighteen passers-by that they were responsible for it, and I was afraid that they might catch fire. But this is a matter of life and death! A life left like this. Although the driver who caused the accident was caught afterwards, how bad his influence was, and how small his personality was compared with that of the old woman.

After the media reported the incident, it immediately caused a lot of public praise all over the country. Then my grandmother was rewarded by the government with 20000 yuan. Later, the boss of a company in Dongguan rewarded her with 500000 yuan, but she didn't accept it, because she felt that money could not represent everything, and the conscience of the people she needed. How well she said that we should not lack morality in this society.

Isn't this the positive energy of society? Isn't that the good thing I'm looking for? Seeing this, I am really moved. As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become warmer.

Zhang Chunzao, Grade 5, Donghua Primary School, No. 33, Guanchang Road, Dongguan