Composition of Race against Time 600 (20 required)
How can I rely on my strength
2023-08-30 04:59:26
primary school

Writing in a race against time 600 (1)

Swallows are gone, when it rains, willows are withered, and when they are green again; When the moon is missing, it will be round again. But time is running out. Is there time to come again? Time slipped away silently.

I am a procrastinator. In the morning, it takes at least 10 minutes to get up lazily and dress after the alarm clock rings. I can't get out of the bathroom without washing for 10 minutes. It's so easy to have breakfast time. I will chew carefully and swallow slowly... When I get home from school and prepare to do my homework, I always take out my mobile phone to play for a while. When I hear my mother's nagging, I will write my homework as soon as possible. I will play while playing. Finally, I will write late and sleep late. The next day, I repeated the story of yesterday.

Time is wasted by me every minute. Sometimes I look at the time, "Gee, it's 22:00 so soon, my homework boy hasn't finished it!" When I see other students' high learning efficiency, I can only envy them silently.

The old man of time treats everyone fairly, everyone gets the same time, but how to use time reasonably is his own thing. When chatting, time flows from the mouth, when watching TV, time flashes from the screen, and when sleeping, time slips away from the pillow. Time is invisible and colorless, but it flies by every moment. What we need to do is race against time. Time can never stop, so we must insist on running hard.

The race against time requires reasonable arrangement of time, so I made a plan for myself:

First of all, we should change our attitude and take everything seriously with a correct attitude.

Second, get rid of bad habits, such as procrastination, procrastination and the habit of making excuses for yourself.

Finally, write a schedule for yourself and grasp your every minute.

Cherishing time is not only reflected in words, but also in actions. I firmly refuse to be a giant of words and a dwarf of actions.

Life is only a hundred years, how short! How precious time is! I want to cherish every minute, race against time, and be the master of time. In this way, we will not "grieve the elder" because of "the young do not work hard".

Composition of Race against Time 600 (2)

I am a very "procrastinating" girl. My time seems to be always a little slower than others'. I have to procrastinate for about 20 minutes when someone finishes the paper in 40 minutes. If I can finish the calculation in 10 minutes, I have to delay for five minutes to be happy. I have to write my homework at 10 o'clock on Sunday evening on weekends, even I have no time for my "bedtime story". So it seems that I must adjust my life time.

The question is, how can I adjust it? I pondered, but my brain was still powerful. I woke up the dreamer with one word. I planned to sort out the reason for my procrastination. Unexpectedly, I said "oh". It was reading! I believe you should ask again: "Reading, why is it the culprit? Is reading not a good thing?" If you really ask, then I have to explain.

When I came home, the first thing must be to read. If I didn't read every day, my heart would itch and I couldn't stop reading. I always stopped at 7:8, and then asked my mother to let me read for a while. When I began to write my homework, I always thought about the plot in the book. The homework was wrong, and I had to change it to midnight. If I didn't sleep well at night, I would be tired of attending classes at school, unable to listen, and unable to write homework... This is not a good thing! In the end, I will get half the result with twice the effort! On this "holy" day, I made up my mind: I must do my homework first, then read books, and speed up!

The next day, I began to do my homework. Because I didn't read a book, I was so greedy that my hand touched the bookcase again. "No, no, can't see!" I took this sentence as a needle and plunged it into my heart. After a while, I couldn't help but think to myself, "Oh, how unbearable! Go and read a book." My soul retorted, "Try hard, and you will succeed!" Finally, my soul won, and I persevered! I finally defeated "Tuolao"!

After this effort, I experienced the happiness of finishing my homework early. I believe that I can keep going.

Writing in a race against time 600 (3)

My mother always likes to let me race against time, but most of me lost to time.

When I came home from school, when I was doing my homework, I said to myself, "I want to finish my homework in an hour." I began to write my homework, and I forgot the goal I set for myself. I looked around and around for a while, and when I finished my homework, I looked at the time, ah! It took me two and a half hours. Ah! Lost.

And when I went to the toilet, I said, "I must go to the toilet within two minutes, but I felt this, that, when I finished going to the toilet and washing my hands, I played on the washstand, and looked at my watch. Twenty minutes passed. Alas! I lost again.

Sometimes I procrastinate with my homework in school every time, and the teacher leaves me at night. My mother also waited outside the school gate for a long time. Because of my procrastination, I wasted not only my time, but also the time of my teacher and mother.

But I also win sometimes.

Once, when I had dinner, I said, "I must have dinner in twenty minutes.". Ha ha, I won the time that time.

There was still one summer vacation. I took the time to finish my summer homework in half a summer vacation. Ha ha, I won the time again.

After learning<<race against time>>and listening to the teacher and mother's instructions, I found that I really wasted a lot of time before. Sometimes in school, others were doing homework, but I was playing. I always look around when I do my homework at home, which wastes a lot of time.

From now on, I will make good use of my precious time, stop looking around at my homework, listen carefully in school and finish my homework carefully.

I want to win time and become a successful person.

Composition of Race against Time 600 (4)

Time is unchangeable, still moving forward like flowing water, it will not change because of one person, one word, one thing. Time is merciless. It doesn't look at everyone's complaints. It doesn't become fast because children want to grow up. It doesn't become slow because an old person remembers the world. Time passes quickly, like a blink of an eye. Many people, an inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time. Therefore, we should grasp the time and race against it.

Maybe time passes in a hurry, and we can't adapt, but in any case, we should learn to adapt, to race against time, and seize every minute of time. Time won't wait for us. As long as we start, we will run forward quickly. So we can't hesitate. When we see the time running away, we should calm down and not waste time.

Time is precious, maybe it will flow through our every move, maybe in the blink of an eye, a talk time. Therefore, we should race against time. Time runs fast. We should do more intentional things in a period of time. Although we are only teenagers, we always think about it for a long time! However, time has already run away.

We should know how to race against time, and take a few quick steps when time passes. Maybe we will do more than before. Maybe we young people don't know that those who often sit in rocking chairs and watch the sun rise and set every day, but we don't know that they are regretting. We are not like them. Old people, we are young people, and we should do more meaningful things when we are not old, so that we may not be as sad as them when we are old!

Let's not say that time is too cruel, nor that time passes too fast. Time has always been like that. It has never changed. It has only become our view of time. If we feel that time passes quickly, why don't we know how to cherish the time in front of us? So please race against time and cherish time!

Composition of Race against Time 600 (5)

It is said that "an inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time". But I never understood the value of time before. I thought that there was plenty of time and I could not use it all up, so I always wasted time. For example, I always played while writing homework, and sometimes I waited until I had to hand in my homework to finish it in a hurry. In this week's Chinese class, after learning the text "Race against Time", I really understood that time will never come back when it has passed. Only by cherishing time can I make a difference.

On the weekend, I did my homework at home. I did it for more than 2 hours at a time and finished all my homework. When my mother came back, I was happy to show her my homework. I thought happily, "My mother must praise me, because I didn't waste time this time!" However, when my mother picked up my homework to check it, her face darkened with laughter and angrily said to me, "How many mistakes did you make when you checked it yourself?". I checked carefully and found that there were so many mistakes that I had to spend nearly an hour correcting them one by one. Now I know that it is a waste of time if you just want to be quick and don't concentrate on doing something seriously!

Since then, I have focused on everything and tried to do it fast and well. In class, I listened carefully and tried to understand everything the teacher said, so that I would not waste time like some students because I had to ask the teacher again after class. When I do my homework, I will do it carefully and try to do it right again, which saves me more time to do other things.

This week, the teacher assigned homework. As soon as it was handed out, I said in my heart, "I will finish it on Friday night!" As soon as I got home with confidence, I ran to my room, quickly took out my homework, and did it carefully and carefully. I wanted to finish Chinese in 50 minutes, but I finished it in 40 minutes. Then I went on to do math. It was supposed to take one hour, but I finished it in 35 minutes. I did English for 20 minutes, and finally I finished all my homework at the fastest speed. My mother helped me to check and pass all the tests at once! I jumped for joy!

Time is like an endless river, which never returns. But I firmly believe that a person who walks in front of time must be the winner!

Composition of Race against Time 600 (6)

When I was young, I always looked up at the sky belonging to white clouds and sighed: When will the sun set? When I grow up, I always look up at the starry sky and sigh: When will the sun rise slowly? When I was a child, I always thought why I couldn't use up the time? When I grow up, I always feel that this time is not enough? In retrospect, I was only walking slowly on the road of life. I didn't want to detain the fleeting time at all. Instead, I wantonly "indulged" it to make it pass slowly. When I grow up, I fly like a meteor on the road of life, reaching out to try to retain it, but I can't even touch a bit of its spare time, just like a famous saying of Byron: "There is no way to make the clock knock the past time for me." My time, my years, slowly pass, as if I would be stolen as soon as I relax my vigilance. Finally, I can only race against time. As fast as it can fly, I must run as fast as I can. I don't need to wait for others to give me time slowly. I need to fight for time to give myself.

The British scientist Huxley commented on time in this way: "Time is the most selfless, giving everyone 24 hours;"; Time is also the most selfish. It is not 24 hours for anyone. "When I finish a task assigned by a teacher, time has already passed; when I stretch when I am tired, time begins to pass again. As a last resort, I must race against time every day. Time always leaves me out of breath without hesitation, but I still catch up tirelessly. When I catch up and want to have a rest, I fall behind it. It can be said that time is like water in a faucet. If you refuse to turn the water, it will pass unexpectedly; Time is the water in the sponge. If you refuse to squeeze it, you will lose its speed forever; Time is running out of shower gel. If you refuse to use it, you are the biggest sinner.

Race against time. Maybe one day, I won unexpectedly. When I cheered for this, I lost.

Composition of Race against Time 600 (7)

Mr. Lu Xun once said, "Time is like water in a sponge. As long as you are willing to squeeze, there will always be some." This sentence tells us that water can always be squeezed out of a sponge, and time can always be squeezed out during busy times. Time is in the hands of people.

In the past, I always felt that I had a lot of time and didn't know how to cherish it. During the winter vacation, I clearly knew that there was a lot of homework, but I felt too good about myself. I thought I could finish it in a few days, and I didn't want to study at all. So I play mobile phones and games every day. When I get bored, I go shopping around. In the evening, I chased the drama until eleven o'clock, and then came back to read the novel until one or two o'clock in the morning... What is homework has long been forgotten.

As time flies, I began to pay attention to my studies at the beginning of school. There was no way, so I had to make up day and night. Alas! Finally, I finished it at 11:00 p.m. the day before school began, and I felt that I was not really myself anymore. After thinking about the high school entrance exam three months later, I felt that I was under great pressure. So I made a decision to cherish time, study hard and race against time.

Facing the severe high school entrance examination, I must make changes, so I made a schedule for myself, used my time reasonably, arranged my homework and rest every day, never let my homework arrange me, and should be the master of my time. I will use the more than 100 days I have left to "turn over" and fight for the high school entrance exam.

In order to race against time, I also made a lot of efforts. Every time the bell rings, other students rush out of the classroom. I write hard in the classroom and make full use of my spare time. Isn't it just squeezing water from the "sponge"? After lunch, I hurried to school to do my science homework. One day, I had left time far behind and completed the homework that the teacher had not yet assigned. In this way, I always think: "I won the time!"

In this way, it seems not surprising that I won a little bit of time, but a little bit every day will converge into a big point in the future. Just as an inch of time is an inch of gold, an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time. The time I win is my wealth.

It is not easy to race against time. We should make corresponding efforts and have perseverance and endurance. Only by persevering in this way can we win time. To be the real owner of time, let's work together! Final exam!

Composition of Race against Time 600 (8)

I am an ambulance. Two days before the Spring Festival in 20XX, my master parked me in the garage as usual. I am ready to have a good rest for a few days, and my master is happy to go home for the Spring Festival. ha-ha! After working hard for a year, I can finally have a good rest. I want to have a good sleep first.

On the night of January 22, when I was sleeping soundly, I was awakened by the sound of a rush of footsteps. My master opened the garage door, gently patted my body, locked his eyebrows and said deeply: "Old man, we have a task, cheer up, and follow me to the battlefield." I immediately became a pole of battle preparation. I turned on my warning light and rushed out like an arrow. On the way, my host said: "A big disaster is coming to Wuhan, even all over China. The terrible virus is declaring war on us, and we need to race against time to save more people." After listening to the host's words, I accelerated my speed again. I picked up an old man who was seriously ill. As soon as I ran, I would race against time and death and send him to the hospital as fast as I could.

Not good! There is a traffic jam ahead. What should I do? I wish I could fly over with wings. I shouted at the top of my voice, "Brothers, let me go quickly, I have a critically ill patient here!" I turned the alarm to the maximum. When the brother in front heard my cry, they immediately gave me a "road". I roared over and finally sent Grandpa to the hospital in the shortest time. Because it was delivered in time and the grandpa was saved, I thought of singing happily.

From January 22 to today, I can't remember how many patients I have transported. They are old people, middle-aged people, children, and even babies. I've been working for many days. I'm so tired. However, no matter how tired I am, I will continue to fight because

There are many people waiting for us to help. During this period, many of my brothers broke down due to their long time work, but they went into battle after they repaired. They are really good. I also want to speed up my speed and enter a new battle!

Recently, I have less and less time to go out! This shows that the virus will be defeated by humans. I'm so happy! I hope this battle will end soon, so that I can be "laid off" earlier.

Composition of Race against Time 600 (9)

Time is invisible and makes people feel no emotion.

Perhaps, with the tick by tick voice is time, the tick by tick voice outside the window is time, and the blush beside the mountain is time.

But what is time!

This has always bothered Su Qian. The magician's grandmother, Su Qian, once said, "In a corner of the magic world, there is an old man named Time. If you encounter a problem, you can go to find him". For Su Qian, who is only half of her magic blood, she didn't take this to heart. Today, however, Su Qian must go to the Magic Kingdom through the portal to find Old Time.

Find the Portal

Before going to the magical world, Su Qian asked her father to discuss seriously how to find the portal. Originally, according to her father, the portal was in the longest river or the shortest stream in our city. But where it was, she still hoped for Su Qian's luck. Then she found it before sunset, or the portal would disappear.

Su Qian looked at the time and saw that it was five o'clock. An hour later, the sun would set.

Su Qian must hurry up. It's too late. Su Qian gets on her bike and starts!

Su Qian first found the longest river and threw herself into the water. She looked left and right, but still could not find the portal. She looked at her watch for half an hour, and it took at least 20 minutes to get to the shortest stream. Su Qian had to ride her bicycle and drive at a speed until she reached the stream. Su Qian searched in the water, and the water flowed through Su Qian's legs, As time went by, the sun went down.

Su Qian was confused and went ashore, only to find her father waiting for her on the shore.

Looking at Su Qian's confused face, his father laughed and said, "My silly child, don't you know? What you have just done is to race against time, and what you have run through is time“

Composition of Race against Time 600 (10)

My mother often told me that we should not waste time. We should race against time to make life meaningful.

Like me, every night, there will be homework, sometimes less, sometimes more, we must learn to race against time. On that day, we had a lot of homework. We could finish it at 7:30. By 8:00, I had not finished it.

Therefore, I was very impatient and kept complaining: "What kind of broken homework can't be finished all the time, but I'm worried to death. What can I do? I can't finish it!"

At 8:2, 8:10, 8:15... It was not finished until 8:30. Mother came up and asked, "Why, I haven't finished it yet? I usually finish it very early, but how can I write it today?"

"Too much homework." I responded angrily.

My mother began to teach me: "There are many homework today, just on the one hand. In addition, your attitude is not correct. You can drink some water, take a peek at the TV, and eat some snacks. So time has run away, so you can write so late. You should write quickly, and write well, learn to race against time, surpass yourself, and win time."

The next day, we had almost the same amount of homework as yesterday. Ha, it's all done before 8:00. Unfortunately, I wrote a "fly on the grass", and my mother came to do ideological work again: "Today, you lost the game against time again. You only paid attention to time, but did not pay attention to time to ensure the quality of your work. Your performance is not as good as yesterday."

The third day, really, unexpectedly. The teacher invited me to the office and asked me to evaluate my work achievements: "Broken homework, I got a second in math homework."

I do my homework again. This time, I will not be distracted or have fun. I want to write seriously. It took about the same time as yesterday. The workers are neat, beautiful, one word, beautiful. My mother checked my homework and was very satisfied: "Today, my child, you won." Yes, I won time by working hard.

Composition of Race against Time 600 (11)

In life, sometimes I will be late and delay time, sometimes I will not finish the examination paper because of the slow speed of the exam... I also have such experience, I was puzzled by a difficult problem, and tried my best to think about it, and then looked at the ceiling, as if there were answers on the ceiling; After a while, I was scratching my head again, and time was wasted. I looked at the clock, and there were only 15 minutes left. I decided to let go of this question and do the following questions first.

The following questions are simple, and I finished them quickly. When I finished, I sat on the seat and played with my pen and correction tape. I didn't think of the question that baffled me at all. I was doing my own thing.

When I handed in my test paper, I handed it in.

After class, someone asked me how I wrote that question. I suddenly remembered that I didn't write that question. I shouted, "Ah, it's over. I forgot to write that question!"

I immediately came to the office and asked the teacher to let me write for five minutes, but the teacher said no, so I had to sit down sadly.

After this lesson, I understand a truth. You should also plan your time reasonably when taking an exam. After you finish rolling the paper, you should check it in time to see if there are any questions left off. Don't waste time.

In our life, there are some celebrities who cherish time very much, such as Liu Bichev, Chen Shengshen, Lu Xun, etc. Lu Xun is a litterateur. In his life, he created many magnificent articles. He spent all his free time writing. Even at the last moment of his life, he never stopped writing. What a great man! In the future, I will also use sporadic time effectively and plan my time reasonably.

Although I can't run the time at all, we still cherish every minute of our life, because once time passes, it will never come back.

Composition of Race against Time 600 (12)

Every celebrity has his own way of arranging his time reasonably. The famous scientist of the former Soviet Union, Liubichev, is a typical example. Every day, Ljubichev would make a "time table" by himself, on which he would sum up the time wasted in his daily schedule, and compare it with the time of the previous few days to evaluate his day.

Liubichev will not only make a "time table" for himself, but also do more meaningful things in his spare time. Liubichev loved reading and research, so he would read books on the subway and bus, and also study science when excluded.

The foreign famous meeting will arrange the time reasonably, and the Chinese mathematician Chen Shengshen will also arrange the time reasonably.

If you were asked to study in the noisy barber shop, would you settle down? Surely not! However, Chen Xingshen often studies mathematics in the barber shop, as if he had completely shielded the noise, and completely devoted himself to his own world.

Compared with the time arrangement of celebrities, we need to greatly improve our students' time arrangement. Take the exam as an example. There are three situations in our class every exam. Each type - common type. The ordinary type is quite common. People of this type want to get a good score, so they don't do anything. They just bury their heads in the examination and write fast. The second is the daze type. As the name suggests, the dazed type is to do nothing after the exam. My deskmate is such a person. As soon as he finished his examination paper, he turned to the left and looked out of the window. His eyes were dull and tired. The third type is pen playing. In fact, they are similar to those in a daze, but their hands are not idle. They shake and shake the pen in their hands. They don't know what they are doing and what they are thinking. Do we waste time at any moment compared with that celebrity?

Although we all know that we cannot run for time, if we take such a small step and run for a short second more, we may win over our past selves.

Composition of Race against Time 600 (13)

In the past, I always felt that I had a lot of time, and I didn't know how to cherish it: I remember the last summer vacation when I knew there was a lot of homework, but I thought I could finish it in a few days, so I didn't take this matter seriously. So I play with my mobile phone and computer at home every day. When I'm tired of playing, I go shopping, buying everything, and playing at night: watching movies, and playing mobile games when I come back at 11:00, I have to play until 12:00 in the morning

Days and months went by like a shuttle...... School would start in a few days, but my homework had hardly been moved. So I rushed to do my homework crazily day and night, using my time to eat and sleep. Finally, I finished my homework two days before school began. After this incident, I secretly made up my mind, "In the future, I will cherish time. Today's things can be done today, and can't be delayed to tomorrow, and race against time."

Now I am not like before. I have made a time optimization table for myself. I have written down how to save the most time. I will finish my homework within the specified time, check it carefully after I finish it, and form this good habit. After I check my homework, I will pick up the book and look at it wholeheartedly... In the evening, when my mother came to check my homework, there were no mistakes in my homework, I told my mother how to do it. My mother gave me a thumbs up and asked me to stick with it. She told me that I should do the same in the exam in the future, which can be of great use.

I also learned to be an "efficiency expert" in my life. I learned a lot from the book: do meaningful things, enrich myself, plan and plan before doing things, and don't be confused. In this way, we won't waste time but cherish time.

It is not a simple thing to race against time. You should make corresponding efforts and have perseverance and patience. Only by persevering in this way can you win time and become the real master of time.

Composition of Race against Time 600 (14)


Miss Liu, are you happy recently? I think I'm very happy! Since you gave us the lesson "Race against Time", I have learned a lot. I have raced against time! There have been many interesting things in my family recently. I want to tell you one of them.

Mr. Liu, since you gave us the lesson "Race against Time" in the future, I have many insights. I used to procrastinate, and I felt wrong. Now, I start to race against time. On the weekend, I seriously practiced the piano for 90 minutes, not as impatient and careless as I used to be when I practiced for 40 minutes. When I went to dance class, I went very early. This time, instead of sitting in the classroom and chatting with my classmates, I was practicing martial arts... Thank you, Mr. Liu, for teaching us, so that I really understood the truth of this famous saying - every inch of time is an inch of money, and every inch of money can't buy an inch of time!

Mr. Liu, let me guess a riddle for you: I am dressed in blue and have a short, round figure. The floor is so clean! Miss Liu, you can't guess! Let me give you the answer! It is my sweeping robot - IROBOT. He gets up at 8 o'clock every morning and sweeps the floor. He is a good helper of his mother! Although the floor of my house is very clean, it's IROBOT's turn, and there's a lot of garbage swept out! On Saturday morning, our family were sleeping late, and IROBOT was still cleaning the floor. When I get up, hey! Why is there only one slipper left? I wore a slipper to look for my parents. As a result, my parents only wore one slipper. The three of us looked at our feet and laughed! Mother smiled and said, "Our slippers must have been pushed away by IROBOT as big garbage." So we found another slipper under the bed, under the cabinet and under the desk. When we sweated for slippers, we found that IROBOT was sleeping comfortably in its "nest"!

Mr. Liu, do you think my little robot is cute? I will race against time in the future!


Work smoothly

good health

Composition of Race against Time 600 (15)

This story tells of Jesse and her family living in Clifton Frontier Village, Indiana. They should be visited by others like the animals in the zoo, and there will be guards to guard them. When diphtheria broke out, the children in the village began to die. Jessie's mother sent her to carry out a dangerous task and seek help from the outside world. Jessie knows nothing about the outside world. However, what Jessie saw outside Clifton Village was a more mysterious and dangerous world, far beyond her imagination. After being rescued, all the children in Clifton were rescued, but two children died. Finally, they no longer live in the primitive world, and they also live in buildings.

After reading this book, I felt a lot. I realized the importance of cherishing time and thinking of others at any time. We should also cherish the present life. In the village where Jesse lives, they can only live like their great grandfather. In the lives of insiders, there is no TV, recorder, speaker, refrigerator, or even tap water. What we do in life, we should seize the time, don't let your time slip away quietly at your fingertips. Just like Jesse, for her relatives, goes to the outside world for help, hoping that they can get better in this terrible disease. When we do anything, we should think of others and not do things that are not right for others. But in the end, although Jessie called for help, two children died. Jessie was very sad. She thought it was her fault and didn't call for help in time. It can be seen that he cared about his little partner and hated himself for not calling for help in time. I think people living in that village are very difficult. They can't work with machines. They can only work with their own hands to earn money and support their families. They are very tired.

After reading this book, I understand that important things and unimportant things, we should hurry up to do, don't miss every minute, only in this way, your life is full!

Composition of Race against Time 600 (16)

No one can surpass time, but you can arrange time reasonably and use it reasonably, so your life will be more wonderful.

There is a time limit when we take the exam. But after finishing the test paper, our class has "three classic performances". The first is the general type. After they finish the test paper, they will carefully check on the seat. I belong to this type; The other is a daze type. After they finish their test papers, they will sit in their seats in a daze. Every time the teacher reminds them to use their time rationally, such people are behind time; The third type is the crying type. Every time after the exam, there will always be one or two students sobbing, or even crying, because they did not finish writing the test paper, and the teacher is speechless.

The "general type" and the time race can always keep pace with each other at the same time, while the other two types are backward.

Many famous people are not wasting their time after they become famous. They still arrange their time reasonably and run side by side with time

Like Liubichev, he not only created a set of methods to arrange time, but also reasonably arranged sporadic time. The "time statistics method" he created is compared with the positive and negative time of yesterday or the day before. If he finds that the negative time occupies more than the positive time, he will compare and correct it. This is also a good way to arrange time skillfully!

Another time on the subway, he wanted to take advantage of this time rather than sit and wait, so he took out a book and read it carefully.

Now those who waste time and waste time are committing suicide and lagging behind time. You don't like others to catch up with you, do you? Why not start using your time now and try to make up for it!

Although human beings can't run time, they should try to catch up with time, and arrange time reasonably, because you own it alone, which is for your own sake!

Composition of Race against Time 600 (17)

No one can surpass time, but you can arrange time reasonably and use it reasonably, so your life will be more wonderful.

There is a time limit when we take the exam. But after finishing the test paper, our class has "three classic performances". The first is the general type. After they finish the test paper, they will carefully check it in their seats. I belong to this type. The other is the daze type. After they finish the test paper, they will sit in their seats in a daze. The teacher reminds them to use their time rationally every time, Is behind time; The third type is the crying type. Every time after the exam, there will always be one or two students sobbing, even crying, because they did not finish writing the test paper, and the teacher is speechless.

The "general type" can always keep pace with time in the race against time, while the other two types are backward.

After many famous people become famous, they are not wasting their time. They still arrange their time reasonably and run side by side with time.

Like Liubichev, he not only created a set of methods to arrange time, but also reasonably arranged sporadic time. The "time statistics method" he created is to add and subtract the positive and negative time of a day and compare it with the time of yesterday or the day before. If he finds that there is more negative time than positive time, he will correct it. Is this also a good way to arrange time skillfully?

Another time on the subway, he wanted to take advantage of this time rather than sit and wait, so he took out a book and read it carefully.

Now those who waste time and waste time are committing suicide and lagging behind time. Do you always dislike others to catch up with you? It's better to start using time now and try to make up for lost time!

Although some people can't run the time, they still try their best to catch up with the time, and they should arrange the time reasonably, because you have it alone, which is for your own sake!

Composition of Race against Time 600 (18)

This afternoon, in the class team class, the teacher came to the class with a smile and said to the students, "Today's class team class, let's play a small game." As soon as we heard the word "game", the class burst into flames and was full of expectations for this game. The teacher continued: "This game is to let you experience the fun of racing against time. First, take out a piece of paper, and then copy a paragraph of text in one minute to see who can write fast and well!"

After listening to the teacher's words, my heart was both excited and nervous, more excited. I immediately prepared the paper and pen and thought, "I must take the first place!"

"The game begins!" The teacher pressed the timer, and the students began to write quickly with their pens in their hands. Suddenly, the class only heard the rustle of pens. At this time, I hold my pen and concentrate on the book. I wish I had two more hands to write quickly. I just shouted in my heart: "Fast, fast, fast again!" Even though my hands were sore and weak, I still tried my best to write, as if I had already forgotten the acid and pain. There was only one voice in my heart: I want to seize the time, I want to catch up with the time, I want to exceed the time!

"Stop! The game is over!" "Whew..." Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. At the end of the game, we were all wet with sweat, but our eyes were full of confidence.

The teacher said: "If everyone has the spirit of racing against time in their future studies, everyone will become a big winner in life. As Darwin said, the way to finish work is to cherish every minute."

Through this game, I learned that although it is difficult for people to win time, they can quickly run a few steps in limited time. If you can persevere, you will reap a lot!

Composition of Race against Time 600 (19)

Time is like an energetic teenager, running easily and winking at me mischievously. I ran exhausted and wanted to stop for a rest, but time didn't wait for me at all. I ran away from me with a smile. I tried my best to seize the time to prevent it from leaving, but it smiled at me and ran away again. I suddenly realized that time would not have compassion to stop and wait for me, and I could not shake hands with time to make peace. Otherwise, time will conquer me, and I will live in poverty all my life; Otherwise, time will lose to me, and time will follow me happily all my life, and accompany me to the end of life. Yes, it is better to do something meaningful happily than sit by the bed and stare blankly into the distance. Time slipped away again when I gazed into the distance. Suddenly, I was stunned: What was I doing just now? What was I thinking? No, I didn't think about anything, but I shrank aside intentionally or unintentionally to ask time to run first.

Ah, Mr. Time, stop, wait for me! Time didn't even look back. It ran away when I called it, giving me a silent answer.

The past days are gone, and the future days have not come. Time is too stubborn. It refuses to go back or even stop. I sighed, my time can only depend on myself. Every day comes and goes, what can I do? Let it slip away? no Don't wander! Don't hurry! I want to cherish every minute! I don't want to spend my life in vain. I don't want to sit and look at the past pessimistically. look forward! Look at the future!

Work hard and run! Time, don't be crazy, one day, I will defeat you!

Composition of Race against Time 600 (20)

Li Qiuping

"An inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time." This famous saying let me know the value of time.

Once I was a time waster, let me tell you my trilogy of time wasters.

One of the Trilogy of Wasting Time -- Laid Down

"Ding Ling Ling... Ding Ling Ling..." The alarm clock opened its mouth and shouted loudly. It was so noisy that I reached out my hand and pressed it gently, and the alarm clock closed its mouth obediently. What time is it? I opened my sleepy eyes and took a look. What's six o'clock? Why don't you sleep for a while! Continue to lie comfortably on the bed, the "creak" door opened, saw my mother staring at me and said: "Get up quickly, little sluggard." My mother went out in person, and I reluctantly got up. Look at the clock on the wall. Oh, my god! It's seven twenty already. I dress, comb my hair and brush my teeth in a panic I urged my mother to drive faster all the way, or I would be late.

The Second Trilogy of Wasting Time -- Going Home from School

"Ding Ling Ling... Ding Ling Ling..." The school bell echoed in the school. My classmates and I walked out of the school like caged birds. On the way home, "I have just 10 yuan in my pocket, why not buy some food and go home again?" I heard a voice in my heart. Well, that's a good idea. With ten yuan, I came to a small cart and bought some Malatang. I was slowly walking home with delicious Malatang and ice-cream until it was getting dark.

The Third Trilogy of Wasting Time -- Writing Homework

When I took out my homework to do my homework, suddenly a naughty kitten appeared in my heart. It reached out a finger to scratch my heart and said quietly: "The Adventures of Lolo is coming soon. Turn on the TV and write after watching it! It's still early." I couldn't help turning on the TV and looking at it with relish. After watching TV, the kitten put out a second paw to scratch my heart and said with a smile: "There is ice cream in the refrigerator, go and eat some!" The temptation of ice cream made my mouth water. When I finished eating the ice cream, I found it was seven o'clock. My mother knew that I had not done my homework and had to beat me to death. I picked up my pen and carelessly finished my homework without checking it. The next day the teacher corrected my homework, and several bright red forks appeared on it.

Since I made several mistakes in my homework and was severely scolded by the teacher, I will never waste time again.

One of the Two Steps to Save Time

Every day when I come home from school, I no longer wander on the road and buy snacks. When I got home, I took out my homework and wrote it attentively. When the kitten appeared again and encouraged me to waste time, I would beat it hard and drive it away. After finishing my homework, I can check it one by one, and I can also find time to read extracurricular books. My achievements are a hundred feet ahead and go further.

Time Saving Part 2

Once, my mother wanted to go out and asked me to boil some water. When boiling water, I always find some books to sit by and watch. When the water is ready, I have read several stories.

My friends, time is like water in a sponge. As long as you are willing to squeeze, there will always be time.

Class 410, Duxiu Primary School