Grandpa's Day (7 selected articles)
2023-12-26 06:10:59
Grade 3
practical writing

Grandpa's Day (1)

As the saying goes, "It's hard to eat every meal on the plate." Today, I really understand the truth contained in this ancient poem.

In the morning, Grandpa carried a hoe to the field to weed. When I saw it, I begged my grandpa to go with me. My grandpa could not help but accept my request.

When I arrived at the field, I was excited and anxious. I jumped and jumped barefoot. Looking at the vast field, I felt much happier at once. The birds fly freely in the sky, the butterflies dance in the wild flowers, the bees land on the stamens and industriously collect nectar. Everything is so harmonious. But my grandpa was working hard. I trotted to him and looked down at him. I was very puzzled, so I muttered to myself, "What is my grandpa doing? Weeding? It's so hard, I might as well help him!" I talked to myself for a while, but my grandpa didn't move at all. Seeing that I had nothing to do, I learned his appearance and pressed the soil with one hand, Pull up the green "weeds" one by one. I am more and more skillful in pulling up the "weeds" with flexible hands and feet. In the blink of an eye, lines of "weeds" disappear in the soil. After a long time, I grabbed a handful of "grass" at my feet and threw it into the distance, making a winner's gesture and glancing at the dead and incomplete "grass" He said, "Ha, my speed of pulling grass is too fast!"

At sunset, grandpa stood up, straightened his waist and shouted: "Yingying, we should go back!" His eyes gradually turned from me to the "weeds", and his kindly expression immediately turned green, like a green pepper. He was overcast and scolded loudly: "These weeds you call weeds are seedlings! How many times have I told you to cherish rice. It's hard won. Look at you now, now... "Before grandpa's words fell, I was foolish and froze, my legs trembled, my hands broke down in cold sweat, and expressed deep apology to those seedlings

The day spent with grandpa was full and unforgettable!

Grandpa's Day (2)

On Friday night, I read, studied, and did my homework. When I saw a sudden burst of drowsiness, I fell asleep in my chair unconsciously
In the dim light, I walked into a green grassland. At the end of the grassland, there was an ancient village. I couldn't help blurting out: "God, have I passed through it? It's also amazing." Looking around, I found that there was a pavilion near the mountains and by the water near the dense jungle. The courtyard was full of spring, fragrant with peaches and plums, and curls of smoke rising from the kitchen. Ah, I was really hungry, So I walked towards the courtyard.
Before I raised my hand and knocked on the door, the picture of pepper on the central door knocker winked at me and said, "This is Wang Yunxiang, who always makes small mistakes when dictating new words. Are you here? Welcome, welcome!" I hesitated for a moment, but the door slowly opened with a creak. Strange flowers and plants, small bridges and flowing water immediately appeared in front of me, There was an old man with white hair but full of energy sitting on the bluestone board, twisting his beard and smiling at me. Why does this person look familiar? Oh, I remember. I met him in the Chinese textbook. He is Grandpa Cangjie, the historian of the Yellow Emperor! This is amazing. I hurried into the yard. I want to find Grandpa Cangjie to learn. My Chinese is not very good. Meeting him today is a blessing in disguise! I happily ran to Grandpa Cangjie and bowed deeply and said, "Grandpa Cangjie, how are you?" My grandpa's words made me feel ashamed. I blushed and lowered my head. I just listened to my grandpa saying, "Don't worry, don't worry. Now that you are here today, let grandpa teach you well, understand it, and concentrate later, won't you?" I listened and was very happy. I opened my heart and talked with grandpa and told him about the difficulties in learning. Finally, he hoped that he would teach me various classifications of Chinese characters. He listened patiently, stroked my head with his gentle hand, and gladly agreed.
"Hungry?" Grandpa asked, and I nodded. "Let's eat first!" Grandpa said, pulling me into the kitchen. Ho, the shovel skilfully turns the dishes in the pot. After frying, the pot shakes its body and puts the dishes into the plate. Plate after plate of delicious food lines up and jumps in front of us... Wow, too powerful! I was entranced when Grandpa Cang Jie said, "As long as you master these Chinese characters, they will naturally be used by you. The more you learn, the better you master them, the more they will listen to you! How about that? Isn't it amazing?" I heard the words, and my spirit was invigorated!
After dinner, I spent the whole afternoon pestering Grandpa Cangjie to learn Chinese characters and worked tirelessly. My grandpa taught me that the types of Chinese characters include hieroglyphics, ideographs, and pictophonetic characters... His eyes are kind and detailed, his tone is gentle, and he has no pretence of immortality.
At dusk, I had learned almost all about the classification of Chinese characters and the meaning of their parts. Then I reluctantly said goodbye to Grandpa Cangjie and returned to the green grassland. I closed my eyes and silently understood what I learned today
When I opened my eyes, I found I was back at my desk. Rub your eyes, ah, I had a wonderful dream just now, in which I had the most wonderful day!

Grandpa's Day (3)

There are many characters in the book, and I want to have a day with them. Finally, on this day, I realized this wish.

When I was immersed in the sweet dream, a sudden knock on the door woke me up. It was my mother who woke me up! She said, "There are two mountains in front of our house, Taihang Mountain and Wangwu Mountain, blocking the way."

So I went to ask Yugong grandpa to help me move the mountain. It was too slow! I said to Yugong grandpa, "It's too slow. When can we move these two mountains?" Yugong grandpa said firmly, "If we keep digging, we will be able to move!" I was impatient and invited the engineering team to help us. The construction team brought explosives and bulldozers. The sound of the shelling in the mountains was deafening. How fast you dig the mountain! But Grandpa Yu is still digging there. At noon, I looked at the two high mountains. When can we finish digging! So I invited the magician to the front of the mountain and asked him to move the mountain away. The magician closed his eyes and said something eloquently. Suddenly, his hand pointed to "change!" We were all waiting for the miracle to happen. But nothing has changed. Those two mountains still stand high there. Grandpa Yu is still digging there.

My head got hot and I said to Grandpa Yu Gong, "Why should we dig these two mountains? Let's move to the other side of the mountain." But Grandpa Yu Gong ignored me and continued to dig one by one

Yugong's sincerity finally moved the Emperor of Heaven and ordered Hercules to carry the two mountains away.

Grandpa Yugong is unafraid of difficulties and perseveres in digging mountains. He is a good example for me to learn from. This is the most meaningful day I had with Grandpa Yu Gong.

Grandpa's Day (4)

Early in the morning, I got up happily from the train berth. Do you know why? Don't know? Because today I can see my uncle, aunt, brother Qianqian, brother Xinxin, as well as my youngest grandpa, grandmother, aunt, second aunt, third aunt, many relatives I have never seen before.

At 8:43, we arrived in Wuxi. My aunt and uncle picked us up together, but I wonder why brother Qianqian didn't come? Ah, my uncle told me, "I'm still sleeping late at home!" I took my uncle's car and quickly arrived at his house. Once inside, wow! Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt, Second Aunt, Third Aunt, Fourth Aunt, Eldest Uncle, Second Uncle, Third Uncle, Fourth Uncle, Eldest Mother, Eldest Sister, Second Sister, Third Sister, Xin elder brother, Qian elder brother, I am not familiar with more than half of these people, so it took me a long time to play with them naturally.

We went to Taihu Jingcheng Park first. We found a space to play badminton. I was eager to play badminton with brother Qianqian, but brother Qianqian was afraid of losing, so he didn't fight with me, either alive or dead. I ran after him but failed, so I had to fight with uncle. First, Uncle said, "I'm a champion!" Then, Uncle hit a hard ball. I didn't want to be outdone. I also responded with a kick. We fought and fought like this. I was exhausted and sweating heavily, but Uncle was still so energetic, so I had to lose the battle. Then Grandpa Yao and Uncle Yao came to a world war

We set out to the next place. However, I found that brother Qianqian was missing. It turned out that brother Qianqian was on a bridge in front of me. My little sister and I chased after him. Oh, forget to introduce her? She is the daughter of the eldest aunt, the younger sister of brother Xin Xin, and my younger sister. My little sister and I finally caught up with the missing brother Qianqian. I followed him and felt angry. As expected, my brother was really angry. At that time, my sister went up to ask you what happened? The elder brother replied to her, "What's wrong?" After our help, brother Qianqian finally recovered and was not angry, but suddenly the little sister cried again

Back to my uncle's house, after lunch, we started the fantastic journey in the afternoon. We arrived at Shangxian River Wetland. As I expected, I played badminton again. This time, I won't suffer. I won't play... Watching them play and play, I found that brother and sister Qianqian were missing. I asked my uncle what they were doing. My uncle said he rented a bicycle for three people, but I was scared.

In the evening, I went back to my uncle's house to have dinner and watch TV. I watched and watched. I found that my father and mother were asleep when they went back to the house. I had to lie in bed with my father and mother and wait for a good time tomorrow. I should know that tomorrow is Grandma Ma's birthday!

Grade 3 of Qingbin Primary School in Nangang District, Harbin, Heilongjiang: Liu Rui

Grandpa's Day (5)

Early in the morning, I got up happily from the train berth. Do you know why? Don't know? Because today I can see my uncle, aunt, brother Qianqian, brother Xinxin, as well as my youngest grandpa, grandmother, aunt, second aunt, third aunt, many relatives I have never seen before.

At 8:43, we arrived in Wuxi. My aunt and uncle picked us up together, but I wonder why brother Qianqian didn't come? Ah, my uncle told me, "I'm still sleeping late at home!" I took my uncle's car and quickly arrived at his house. Once inside, wow! Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt, Second Aunt, Third Aunt, Fourth Aunt, Eldest Uncle, Second Uncle, Third Uncle, Fourth Uncle, Eldest Mother, Eldest Sister, Second Sister, Third Sister, Xin elder brother, Qian elder brother, I am not familiar with more than half of these people, so it took me a long time to play with them naturally.

We went to Taihu Jingcheng Park first. We found a space to play badminton. I was eager to play badminton with brother Qianqian, but brother Qianqian was afraid of losing, so he didn't fight with me, either alive or dead. I ran after him but failed, so I had to fight with uncle. First, Uncle said, "I'm a champion!" Then, Uncle hit a hard ball. I didn't want to be outdone. I also responded with a kick. We fought and fought like this. I was exhausted and sweating heavily, but Uncle was still so energetic, so I had to lose the battle. Then Grandpa Yao and Uncle Yao came to a world war

We set out to the next place. However, I found that brother Qianqian was missing. It turned out that brother Qianqian was on a bridge in front of me. My little sister and I chased after him. Oh, forget to introduce her? She is the daughter of the eldest aunt, the younger sister of brother Xin Xin, and my younger sister. My little sister and I finally caught up with the missing brother Qianqian. I followed him and felt angry. As expected, my brother was really angry. At that time, my sister went up to ask you what happened? The elder brother replied to her, "What's wrong?" After our help, brother Qianqian finally recovered and was not angry, but suddenly the little sister cried again

Back to my uncle's house, after lunch, we started the fantastic journey in the afternoon. We arrived at Shangxian River Wetland. As I expected, I played badminton again. This time, I won't suffer. I won't play... Watching them play and play, I found that brother and sister Qianqian were missing. I asked my uncle what they were doing. My uncle said he rented a bicycle for three people, but I was scared.

In the evening, I went back to my uncle's house to have dinner and watch TV. I watched and watched. I found that my father and mother were asleep when they went back to the house. I had to lie in bed with my father and mother and wait for a good time tomorrow. I should know that tomorrow is Grandma Ma's birthday!

Grandpa's Day (6)

One day in the summer vacation, my parents and I went back to our hometown to visit our grandparents.

While I was watching TV at my grandmother's house, my mother came to me quietly, handed me the fishing net gently, and said: "Son, stop watching TV, let's go fishing."

After listening to this, I jumped three feet high. If you know that fishing is my favorite, you should know my mother.

We talked and laughed all the way, and the scenery beside us was beautiful, especially those white wild chrysanthemums, dotted in the green grass, like stars blinking their eyes, like nodding and smiling at us again. Today I am in a bright mood.

After a while, we came to the pond, and my mother and I had a net. Shortly after the net was released, I saw some fish rushing in, as if there was a sword mountain in front of them, and a sea of fire could not stop their greedy desire. It was really "ambitious".

"Son, do you know why we caught the fish in the bucket?" I blinked a little confused. "That's because they can't resist the temptation to eat, so they have to pay for their lives. In fact, there are many temptations around us, so we should resist the temptation, know what to do and what not to do." I nodded, my mother said I understand.

After a while, I found a problem: Mother's net has many big fish. I was about to ask my mother, who seemed to understand my mind. She told me that she would find the answer by carefully observing herself.

Finally, I understand that if you want to catch more fish, you should not only concentrate, but also be patient. Only in this way can you plan strategies and be determined to win.

In a twinkling of an eye, the morning passed, and our bucket was also full of fish. When we picked up the bucket to go home, I found that the fish in the bucket were no longer so happy. So I said to my mother, "Let's put the fish away. Animals are human friends, and I want to see them free."

My mother listened to my words, touched my head and said happily, "Son, you are kind, and my mother supports you." So we reluctantly put them into the water and said to them, "You are free."

On the way home, although I was carrying an empty bucket in my hand, my heart was full of pride and joy, because I not only knew that animals were human friends, but also understood what Shanzai was

Grandpa's Day (7)

The sixth grade diary of primary school Title: Grandpa's happiest day is also happy

Rain on August 14, 2014

Today, four relatives came from my hometown to see my sick grandfather. They are the children of my grandfather's second brother's family. My grandfather has six brothers and sisters. My grandfather is the sixth and the youngest. Although my second grandpa died many years ago, his family still contacted my grandpa's family through Cheng Bojun. They come from Shanghai and have a strong Shanghai accent. When speaking, they sound faster than Mandarin. But for people like me who grew up listening to Mandarin, they are like listening to Tianfang Night Talk.

My sister and I became bored after we recognized each other. They talked with their grandparents in the living room, but sometimes someone smoked. I hate to smoke second-hand smoke, but they came from afar with difficulty. They came to see their sick grandpa specially, and made the home a rare bustle. I'm too happy! How could it mean "discipline"? What about them?

At dinner time, we had two tables, and their men had one table. Our women's table. But from time to time there are people coming from that table to toast. Everyone was in high spirits. Even I had three cups of juice. We are all infected, even grandpa is no exception. He drank a bowl of beer. You know, he has never been a drinker this year.

After dinner, they took out the little kumquat, which they had planted themselves. They could smell the faint fragrance from afar, especially when they were near. It also reminds me of my childhood - I went there when I was five years old. It's very proud to say that I am the only person who has ever been there except my grandparents. I lived there for nearly a month, and now they don't remember the third grandpa and the third grandma except the third grandpa.

At night, although I slept in a small bed with my mother, it was warm. Maybe I saw my relatives! I think the title: This is the best comfort for the sick grandpa! Grandpa may feel more warm at home than I do!

This should be the happiest day of grandpa's life. All brothers and sisters, children and some distant relatives will come to visit grandpa. Maybe this day is the happiest day of grandpa's life!