Composition Dad (19 compilations)
Silence is gold
2024-05-21 08:57:25
primary school

Composition Dad (1)

One morning in May, the sun was warm like a velvet quilt. On a stone beside the pond, a small insect carrying a baby egg -- the opossum bug climbed up; Come and bask in the sun. In order to let the egg baby who is afraid of both cold and heat hatch successfully, he dives, basks in the sun, and keeps going up and down. This little insect who hatches larvae hard must be a mother.

Wrong guess. This is actually the father of the opossum bug. The mother will lay the eggs on the back of the father, and the father will take good care of these eggs until the birth of the little stinkbug.

There are many model dads in nature. Like the father seahorse, it has a pouch. The female seahorse will lay her eggs in the pouch, and then the father seahorse will nurture the little seahorse until its birth. There is also the father of the pheasant, who is a dutiful 'housewife' to hatch eggs and take care of young birds. It is not ambiguous at all. Also hard is the ostrich, which can hatch up to 50 babies at the same time, and also independently raise young ostriches for more than half a year.

The most moving model father is the emperor penguin living in the Antarctic. After laying eggs, the mother penguin must return to the sea to store nutrition. So the father penguin stood in the snow and ice, warming the eggs between the instep and abdomen, which took about two months. The mother penguin didn't return until the baby penguin was born.

Children, our father is also hard and great. Go back home to express our love for him. Tell him that you have worked hard and I love you. Then kiss him.

Composition Dad (2)

My father has a pair of big eyes like black grapes, thick eyebrows, a sweet mouth under his small nose, and his standard figure, very handsome!

My father is a person who understands and loves to protect me. When I encounter difficulties, he always comes to accompany me and help me at the first time. I remember one time, because I didn't do well in the exam, I didn't dare to face my father and mother when I came home. I was so worried that a string of tears welled up in my eyes and rolled down one by one. When my father saw me crying, he asked, "What's wrong, daughter?" I replied, "Dad, I didn't do well in my math exam this time. Only 79 points. I'm sorry, Dad! I will study hard in the future!" "You cry because of this? It's irrelevant if you didn't do well in this exam! As long as you work hard. The key is that you should master good learning methods, listen carefully and take notes in class, and ask the teacher more if you don't understand. You can also ask me and your mother more at home. Failure is the mother of success. I believe my precious daughter will become better and better! " Hearing my father comforting me so much, I said excitedly: "Thank you, thank you for your love!" So my father smiled, and I also smiled.

My father is also a person who loves to protect me. One Saturday morning, I said to my father, "Dad, I'm going to learn painting by myself today." My father said, "No, I have to let my father send you." I refused, so I quarreled with my father. Finally, my father said the reason why I was not allowed to learn painting alone - I was an 8-year-old girl, and the distance was long, so there were many vehicles on the way. Then I realized that my father was right to protect me. I said to my father, "Dad, I'm sorry."

Look! This is my father. He is a person who understands and loves to protect me. I will definitely repay him and his mother for their father's support.

Composition Dad (3)

Surely someone will say that everyone's father has a birthday. What's there to write about. But my father's birthday is different this time.

My father is a military officer who has been away from home for many years. This Spring Festival is his holiday, and the 14th of the first month is his birthday. Therefore, he made an appointment to have a party that night with his former comrades in arms and classmates who haven't seen each other for more than 20 years. But on the evening of the twelfth day of the first lunar month, his army suddenly sent an emergency notice to let him return to the army in the fastest time. My father did not hesitate to book a ticket for the next day.

When I got home from school and learned that my father was leaving, my heart was sore. I said to my father, "Can't you wait until your birthday is over?" My father stroked my head, smiled and said, "Thank you for your son, thank you for your retention. I am already very happy, but my father is a soldier, and should always obey the call of the motherland." I looked at my father with admiration, Immediately gave him a military salute and said loudly: "Dad, I see. Happy birthday to you!"...... In fact, tomorrow is Dad's birthday, but Dad is now sitting on the plane from Shanghai to Sanya.

Dad, I want to say to you: Your son really grows up and understands, so you can work with confidence! Our family will celebrate for you tomorrow, and everyone will feel that your birthday is happier and more meaningful

Composition Dad (4)

He is a people's policeman. No villain can escape his golden eye. He is my father!

He has a national face, a pair of bushy eyebrows lying on his face, a pair of bright eyes, and a tall nose.

Once, my father and I went to the park to throw softball. After a while, when I was tired, I said to my father, "Dad, you asked me so much, how high can you throw it?" Dad smiled and said, "Wait a minute." After that, he grasped the softball tightly, leaned back slowly, and stretched his hands straight. Suddenly, there was a sound of "whoosh". The white softball seemed to be a white dove flying to the roof. With a sound of "dong", the softball landed on the roof. I thought the softball could not fall down. I was so worried that it turned around like an ant on a hot pan. However, unexpectedly, the softball rolled down from the downhill. I said with exaggeration, "Dad, you are going to break the record!" This is my father. He has great strength and is also strong in sports.

He is also a dedicated and persistent person. Sometimes when he comes home from work in the evening, he will bring some "homework" back to do. He always struggles to think and try his best to complete this task. He is a person with a sense of responsibility and has been praised by the big leaders of the unit.

But sometimes, he is also very strict. Once, I didn't want to jump rope. My father was very angry. It seemed that there was a flame burning in his heart. After a while, my anger disappeared. He said earnestly: "Jumping rope is to strengthen your body. No one wants to force you. You decide by yourself." After hearing this, I felt it was really reasonable, so I followed my father downstairs.

He is an excellent father, he is my father! I love him.

Composition Dad (5)

My father is 40 years old this year. He is medium height and likes to cut his hair flat. He looks a little fierce on the outside, but in fact he is a very kind person at heart. In my memory, my father never hit me. Every weekend, he would take me outside to play and exercise his body.

My father likes sports very much. He usually likes cycling, fishing, playing badminton, playing top, etc. My father would go to Dongtai Mountain by bike as long as he was free. It was less than an hour. Sometimes I also participated in many cycling competitions. Although I didn't get the place, my father was not discouraged, but also very happy, because my father competed to exercise and build up his body, not to get the place.

My father is still a very caring person. Every holiday, whenever he has time, he will go to visit some elderly people who have five guarantees and help them buy food and things to use. I remember once, a reporter from a TV station found out that he wanted to broadcast his father's love, but he was kindly refused, My father said, "To help others is not to become famous, nor to seek return, but to let those who are in trouble get a warm and happy life."

This is my father who loves sports and love. I am proud to have such a father.

Composition Dad (6)

My father has dark hair, a pair of flaring ears, and a pair of bright big eyes. However, he has a big disadvantage, that is, he likes drinking very much.

Yesterday, we had a treat at home. We had lunch in a restaurant. Grandma, siblings, and they were all there. We set up two tables. Mom and I sat at the second table, Dad sat at the first table, and Dad's brothers sat at the first table. Soon, the food was served, along with several cups of apple juice. I ordered a large bottle of Coke, poured a lot of it, and drank happily. My father took a box of dry white wine, and they had a good drink. They drank it and talked loudly. I whispered, "I want to go home, I want to go home..." While I was whispering, several bottles of Wang Laoji came up, and my cousin was elated, He reached out his little hand and was about to take a bottle of medicine. When the elder brother beside him saw this, he immediately stopped him with his hand: "Don't you know that you have just recovered from a serious illness?", He could not help but say: "Yesterday I learned a word and wanted to cry without tears, but now I know what it means." I laughed: "It's just for you to learn." He made a face at me, and then stood in a daze. His father couldn't bear it, and lost a third of Wang Laoji

Give him a drink and order him to take a sip. The cousin was overjoyed and immediately drank

Like a dying man getting a life saving straw. Then, I served a plate of taro balls. When I saw it, I became greedy and ate it happily. After several times of eating, I felt that my stomach that had just growled was not so hungry, and my cousin was even worse. I swallowed it at once and felt very hungry.

At this time, there was a lot of trouble on my father's side. I was talking about brotherhood. I sipped Coke and felt a little uncomfortable. I had no appetite for the next dishes. The voice on the other side was very confused. Dad and his wife drank a box of dry white, their faces were red, and they walked unsteadily. Grandma and mother advised them not to drink, They pushed them aside. I couldn't stand the atmosphere, so I quickly walked downstairs with my cousin to breathe fresh air. My father and mother went down to pay the bill. When they walked up the stairs, they fell down and collapsed. Mother helped him upstairs and went down to pay the bill. After settling the bill, my cousin and I played downstairs for a while, but I didn't see my father coming down. I was impatient. My mother went upstairs to look, and I also went to join in the fun. As a result, we saw my father sitting on the chair, vomiting. The floor was full of vomit. I shouted, ran downstairs immediately, and then came back to his senses, and trotted up again, Dad was very weak, and we had no choice but to watch him vomit. After vomiting for a while, he slowly stood up, walked downstairs, called a brother, and drove us home. When we got home, my mother and I became his servants. I sent tea and chewing gum once, and my mother accompanied him beside him, delivering food, noodles and paper towels to him. We were busy for Dad.

After an hour or so, Dad finally stopped vomiting, but he was still very weak. Now he may even be able to defeat his cousin. When I was busy at night, my little servant still didn't get off work. He kept boiling water and serving tea for my father. My mother was not idle. She brought the dinner to the small table in the room. My father was comfortable without moving. My bones almost fell apart when I was tired. So I went to the computer room to comfort myself. Who called me a little net worm? hey. However, before I could sit still, my father's roar of a lion started: "Son! Son!" This scared me a lot. I hurriedly opened the door and went into my parents' room: "Why, why?" My father said loudly: "Bring tea and put some sugar!" I covered my ears. I thought we were cursed upstairs and downstairs. My mother signaled to my father to keep it down, My father did not care, but still loudly said to me: "What are you waiting for? Hurry up!" As soon as I saw my father was going to lose his temper, I quickly ran to the bathroom, poured boiling water into the cup, picked up a large piece of white sugar with a spoon, put it into the cup, mixed it with chopsticks for half a minute, brought it to my father, and left quickly, I basically repeated this action all night, so tired

The next day, my father's "illness" improved. My mother and I were relieved. I must stop my father's drinking behavior in the future. Oh, no, it's crazy drinking!

Composition Dad (7)

On June 17, Father's Day came, and my father told a very interesting story, which made me fascinated. The story my father told was wonderful!

I held my father and said, "I'm tired, I want to play with the plane." Dad said, "OK!" My father held me in his hands, and I opened my hands and flew like a small plane. It was fun!

Then I clamped my father's feet, and my father took my hand. His feet shook up and down, just like sitting on a seesaw. It was so funny!

My father stretched his feet straight, and I sat on my father's legs, sliding around, just like playing on the slide, I am so happy!

I love my father best!

Composition Dad (8)

Today, I went to visit the Science and Technology Museum with my father. After I came out, I saw the blood collection truck on the square. I asked my father, "Didn't you say you would donate blood?" My father scratched his head and said, "Did I say that?" I knew my father had never donated blood before. I was afraid, so I said, "You said, you are a man." My father looked at me, thought for a moment, and said, "OK, let's go."

When I got to the blood collection truck, I was as nervous and excited as my father. When I finally got to the most nervous time, I quickly closed my eyes and dared not look again. I secretly looked in my fingers. I was so nervous. When I saw the blood flowing in the tube was purple, I asked what was the matter? My father told me: "Because there is carbon dioxide in the venous blood and oxygen in the arterial blood," "Oh, it's amazing."

On the way home, I walked excitedly with my father. I wanted everyone to see that I had a brave father. On the way home, I asked my father, "Why is blood purple? Why do you want to donate blood? Why can't I?"

A little drop of blood will form a river of love.

Composition Dad (9)

The eyes are the light of the heart. My father and daughter and I are deeply in love, heart to heart. He usually uses his eyes to teach me. My father has a pair of eyes, which have always encouraged me to move forward. What I thought in my mind could not escape my father's sharp eyes.

I remember once, I was writing a composition on my desk. Write, write! I suddenly didn't know what to write, so I saw the cartoon album my father bought for me. I was also a fan of small paintings. I couldn't restrain my impulse to paint. I couldn't wait to take out my own picture book and draw cute cherries. When I was intoxicated with my own painting, I suddenly heard the sound of opening the door, knowing that my father was off duty. Alas! I had no choice. I hid my excellent works in the drawer. My father came in to see me and read the composition. His sharp eyes looked at the drawer, took out the pictures in the drawer, and looked at me with his strict eyes, as if to say to me: "Everything should be done with one heart and one mind, but not with two minds. How can you draw a picture when writing a composition?"

A few days later, the Chinese exam papers were handed out, and I got 94.5 points, ranking tenth in the class. I was ecstatic. When I got home, I couldn't wait to show my father the test paper. At this time, his eyes were full of encouragement, as if to tell me: "Don't be proud, keep working hard. In the future, I should also do the exam carefully, but don't be careless!"

Another time, Mr. Luo, who was in science class, asked us to go home to do an experiment. This was my first time to do an experiment, and I was very nervous. However, I failed repeatedly and lost confidence. At this time, my father cast a kind look at me as if to tell me: "Don't lose heart because you failed this time. You will be able to do it next time."

Dad, your eyes urge me to move forward and let me work hard. Your eyes are a bright and eternal lamp in my heart.

Composition Dad (10)

My father went to Beijing for a business trip a few days ago, so I came back today. I miss him so much!

At noon, my mother took me to the East Railway Station. As soon as I got to the East Railway Station, I ran directly to the exit and looked at the screen. The train in my father's seat was half an hour late and would not arrive until about 11:15. My mother and I waited anxiously for my father. I saw people coming and going in the square of the railway station, everyone carrying big bags and small bags, some entering the waiting room and some getting on a taxi, Time passed slowly. As I looked at the exit, I said to my mother, "Mom, why hasn't Dad come out yet?" My mother said to me, "Don't worry. It's fast. Dad will come out after a while, He said happily, "Dad, I miss you so much!" Dad gently kissed me on the face and said, "Good boy, I miss you too!"

My family got into a taxi and went home happily.

Composition Dad (11)

My father's name is Ma Mingkui. He is 49 years old. He has small eyes, single eyelids, a high nose and a big mouth that can't be closed. His knowledge is profound, and he also cares about me.

Each difficult problem baffled me, but it didn't defeat my father. He could tell me clearly every time. If I still didn't understand this problem, he didn't lose his temper, but smiled and said, "Come on, my father will tell you again. This time, listen carefully." He told me again, and after that, asked me if I understood? He gave me several questions of the same kind, and I did it without hesitation.

His work is very busy, but every day he takes a little time to help me with my study, play with me, and amuse me.

My father helped me when I was in trouble, comforted me when I was sad, and teased me when I was unhappy In short, my father appeared in front of me when I needed him.

I love my father!

Composition Dad (12)

You went to Beijing to send me to college. It was a rare trip of honor in your life. You have been busy in the wind and rain, selling watermelons for a summer, and did not make up for my tuition and travel expenses until the day before I started school. Ten yuan, five yuan, five cents, ten cents... thousands of dollars for tuition, a big bag. You count them again and again for fear of making mistakes. After counting, you smile happily and contentedly.

I stood aside, so sad that tears would come out.

At that time, we were accompanied by two students in the county. Their father was a government official in the county. Along the way, those two fathers talked a lot, but you kept silent and occasionally smiled humbly at them. You can't get a word in, but you don't know how much I love your silence and smile.

We went to school, signed up, and settled down. The two fathers went to Tiananmen Square to visit the Great Wall. I said, "Dad, this is the first time I came to Beijing. Go out and have a look with my uncles." You smiled and said, "If you don't turn around, it's just people." I advised again, "If you don't go to the Great Wall, you can go to Tiananmen Square and have a look. I finally came to Beijing once." You still refused. When I was young and angry, I was worried and angry at you, but you greeted my tears with good temper: "Daughter, Dad will have a chance to come to Beijing in the future, and it will not be too late to see it then."

After two days in Beijing, you couldn't even afford to stay in a hotel for five yuan a night. You just made do on the couch in front of our dormitory building for two nights. When you left, you began to have a fever and runny nose.

Before leaving, I lost my temper again at the gate of the school. Because you apologized to me. You said: "Girl, seeing those children in your dormitory coming to school with brand new leather boxes one by one, my father felt very sad. My father could only buy a backpack for my daughter for more than ten yuan..." Your eyes turned red as you said that.

I didn't trust you to go back alone. You didn't know the word or the way. You firmly refused to let me go to the station. I was afraid that I was unfamiliar and could not find the way back to school. Suddenly, my throat choked, but the voice was very high: "I don't feel ashamed, what do you care about?!"

After saying that, I turned around and left before you even got on the bus.

Dad, how can a daughter talk to her father like that? But I was... I was really afraid to let you see the crazy tears in my eyes!

I swear in my heart that when I work and earn money, I will take you to Beijing.

This promise has not been fulfilled until now. You used to have no money. Now you have money, but you are old.

Yes, when you are old, you begin to feel uncomfortable. You are more homesick and don't want to go anywhere.

Dad, I'm sorry.

Composition Dad (13)

Today, I was watching TV. Suddenly I heard my father calling me, and I hurried out of the room. It was my mother who asked me to go out with her and I got on the bus. My mother went to the cake shop, and I knew it was my father's birthday. We bought cake, birthday noodles, and a big pomelo. I asked my mother, "Why buy a big pomelo?" My mother said, "Because there are two guests at home, one of whom is Uncle Shi Lei. He likes eating pomelo very much." We went home after shopping.

After returning home, I quickly ran into the restaurant, and saw that many delicious dishes had been placed on the table, so I began to eat. After eating, my father said, "Let's eat the cake together." I couldn't wait to bring the cake up. Wow, what a beautiful mousse cake! There are many fruits on it: pitaya, strawberry, blueberry, macadamia... all my favorite fruits. After eating the cake, I also ate noodles. My dog, Awang, kept looking at me. I wondered if he was hungry. I gave him the cake I had left. Wow, he ate it in two or three bites. It seemed that Awang was really hungry.

This day, we are very happy.

Composition Dad (14)


My father is tall and fat. He runs outside all day, and I don't see him when I go home every week. I think he may be too busy. My father seldom goes home, so I seldom see my father when I go home. So I especially cherish the days with him. One day, after taking a bath, I said happily, "Play chess with me". I started playing chess with him. I went first. I hesitated for a long time before I took a step. Dad took a leisurely walk. Ha, I felt happy when I ate his chess. My father ate my chess. I found that my father ate my chess. I found that my father seemed to know how to move. My father ate my chess every few steps. Only at the end, I had no way to go. I was dead before, after, left and right. I couldn't do that. I lost to my father. I wanted to cry. My father said to me, "It doesn't matter if I lose chess.". Although my father said it, I still wanted to cry. My father comforted me for a long time. I stopped crying and laughed. I think how much my father cares about me. I will listen to what he says carefully and do it carefully. Dad's composition 300 words

Composition Dad (15)


I have a patient person who is not argumentative or talkative.

Once, my father didn't go to work, but he didn't see some dirty clothes piled in the bathroom, so I was severely scolded by my mother. That morning, he got up, ate breakfast and went to work as usual. When he came to the factory, the people there said to him, "Old Zhan, there is nothing to do today, so the factory director said that today is a holiday. You can go home to rest." So he went home to rest. Because he was really tired from working those days, he went to bed when he got home. He didn't get up until two o'clock in the afternoon. I went to the kitchen and cooked some food myself. Then he went to work in the fields. He pulled grass in the field, drained water and fertilized... He didn't go home until half past four to cook. At five o'clock, my mother came home. When he saw that my father had already cooked at home, he asked, "Today, why are you at home so early? Is it a break?" My father said, "Yes. There was no work in the factory today, so I had a day off." At this time, my mother saw that the dirty clothes in the bathroom were not washed, so she was furious, He roared loudly: "Why, you are resting today? What did you do at home? Why didn't you wash these dirty clothes? To be honest, what are you doing?" Dad said nothing, just cooking and cooking silently. Mother became more angry and scolded more severely. But Dad just didn't speak up and defend himself. I think my father has a good temper, so I said to my mother: "I saw my father working in the field when I came home from school. You can go to the field to have a look and see that what I said is true." My mother went to the outside of the door to take a look at the field. When she came home, her anger completely disappeared, and she said to her father sheepishly, "You are such a good writer. Why don't you tell me the truth? It's better to be a child. I don't blame you. If there is anything you want to tell me in the future," Dad still didn't say, but just smiled innocently. People there say that my father is an honest man with a good temper. My father is such a person.

Composition Dad (16)


A mature man who has passed 40 years is my father.

His father is nothing special, and his educational level is not particularly high. He served as a soldier for several years, but was not assigned to an ideal job because of opportunities. For this reason, his father always tells his mother sadly that his life is meaningless. But as soon as he saw me, he smiled happily. I once asked him why he was so happy when he saw me. He said that it was because my good grades helped him regain his lost self-esteem. In fact, I don't know whether he is trying to smile or really laughing.

Every winter, my hands will be very cold. My father will always cover my hands for me, and then he will say painfully: "My father will send you to school every day!" From that day on, as soon as I get down the stairs, I can see my father's car parked in front of the corridor, and prepared fried pork and chopsticks for me as my breakfast. After finishing eating, he would also give me a napkin to wipe the oil stains off my mouth. Sometimes when students saw it, they would envy and say, "You are happy to have such a good father." On the days when my father sent it to school, every day my hands would be covered by the hot frying pan, and I would no longer be distracted by the cold hands in class.

After all, Dad was once a soldier and acted quickly. Sometimes when we saw a cup about to fall off, we didn't react. He had already stepped forward to catch the cup. When we reacted, he had firmly held the cup in his hand. For this reason, my mother and I often teased him, "OK! It's not like a 45 year old man at all."

But can Dad really be so young forever?

That day, I accidentally saw my father sitting on the cane chair on the balcony, enjoying the sun while reading newspapers. I think it's strange that Dad will sit down and read the newspaper. I smiled and was about to leave, only to find that my father suddenly took the newspaper a little farther away, his eyes still staring at the newspaper, his head tilted to the left and then to the right, he took the newspaper closer, repeated the action just now, and then took it farther, as if he was looking for a good place to read the newspaper, but he never found it. So he went into the living room, took a pair of scissors and walked into the room. As he walked, he muttered, "What's wrong with this man? Why can't he read the newspaper clearly?" So I leaned against the door frame and looked into the room to see what Dad was doing with the scissors. But who knows, my father used it to cut nails! I simply sat down to watch my father cut his nails. Dad seemed to have to work hard every time he cut a knife. I asked, "Dad, are your nails particularly hard?" Dad nodded in embarrassment. I realized that my father was engaged in flowers a few years ago. Almost every day he played with his jujube trees barefoot in the ground. His feet had become slightly deformed, and his toenails had become very hard. "Ouch." It was Dad's cry. I saw some blood on my father's big toe. I got up to get the band aid, but my father stopped me and indicated not to use it. I wanted to ask the reason, but my father looked at his feet repeatedly and whispered, "What's the matter? It didn't happen a few years ago, but why is it so useless now? What's the matter with this man?"

What's up? Just because my father is old.


I have a young "father" who said he was old because his mother said he was talkative. In fact, he was only in his thirties. He was not tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He always talked with a smile.

Dad is a "book fan". He holds a book in his hand all day long. In addition to watching TV while eating, he also needs to look at it before going to bed.

My father is a "computer fan". He graduated from computer science. In addition to reading books, playing computer is his strong point. Through computer learning, data searching, and playing games, as long as he plays computer, he forgets to eat and sleep.

My father is still a "fan of sketches". He has almost memorized the exquisite sketches of the Spring Festival Gala over the years and imitated them very much. At this time, I am my father's best partner, and the best audience mother is laughing her head off.

I love my lovely and funny father, and my father loves me


My father is very busy at work, but he is willing to take time to accompany me, or study, or travel, or talk. My father and I are always full of fun together, there will always be insights and gains.

On Sunday morning, my father and I went for an outing by bike. The morning of spring is beautiful, the sky is clear and the breeze is gentle. At this time, there were not many vehicles and pedestrians on the wide road in the city, and the dense trees along the road had already been bustling. My father and I rode side by side to see who could ride faster. "Cool, really cool!" I shouted happily while pedaling the bike, which made the spring under the seat "creak".

The scenery in the countryside is more beautiful. The winter jasmine smiles at us, and the willow branches wave to us. My father and I rode harder and farther along the country road. Who knows, my freshness soon passed away, my movements were no longer brisk, my bike became tottering on the road, and what's more, my water was almost exhausted. My father said quietly: "Now you can go back or go forward. There may be water in front of you, or you may not find water. If you can't find water, you have to bear it." Looking at my father without any anxiety, I said: "Let's go forward." My father gave me a hard push, and we continued to move forward.

Kick, kick, my speed is getting slower and slower, my throat is beginning to dry, and my forehead and nose are sweating. The father riding in front stopped his car and said, "Son, why don't we go home?" I know my father best. This seductive "suggestion" actually stimulates me and tests me. "Hold on! Don't give up halfway!" My father and I clapped our hands, encouraged each other and went on our way.

The sun rose high, and we finally arrived at the destination beach. Faced with the vast expanse of water and sky, I regained my vitality. I writhed and danced heartily on the beach, chasing each other with my father; While digging sand, while fishing for small fish. I shouted happily: "It's fun! Today's hard work is worth it." My father saw how happy I was, and said to me blandly: "Let's go out next Sunday and play. You can drive." "No, I think it's better to ride a bike." I firmly said, "It's not fun now without the hard work on the road." My father listened with a knowing smile, "Yes! Only through our own efforts can we enjoy happiness. Do you know the truth of" Sincerity is the key to success "?" I frowned and shook my head. Dad then said: "Son, no matter what you do, you will encounter various difficulties, but as long as you are willing to do and stick to it, any difficult problems can be solved, which will not defeat us! Life is like a journey, the important thing is not the destination, but the scenery in the journey and the mood to see the scenery. Only when you let your heart travel can you enjoy the infinite scenery. " After listening to my father's words, I nodded.

At noon, my father and I took out the food we brought from home and ate heartily. Why are we eating and drinking together so sweet? I'm still holding a Coke to toast my father

I like being with my father, because he always lets me understand many principles of life and study in some seemingly ordinary things, so that I can grow up in a happy environment!


The power of example is infinite. Everyone has his own example in his heart. Who is my example? He is my strict and kind father.

My father is very kind. He takes care of me meticulously in life. I am always surrounded by the warmth of a strong father's love, which may be the result of human affection. But my father is very strict with me. He is not careless in quality cultivation, dealing with people and things. In learning, my father has always supported me. No matter whether my grades are good or bad, he is full of confidence in me. What touched me most was that although my father was forty years old, he could study foreign languages day and night for me regardless of the difficulty of aging memory decline. Until now, my father still insisted on reading foreign languages. Even if I was busy with my work, my father would take time to watch foreign language news. I knew that my father did it all for me, In order to help me with my foreign language, I have no reason not to study hard and live up to my father's expectations. My father's learning spirit is my example and my driving force.

My father's in-depth study of his work and continuous improvement have always made me admire him. He has gone from an ordinary basic worker to a business and technical manager step by step. I have seen and remembered the hard work. Now, my father is responsible for the overall business work. Naturally, he is much busier than before. The most frequent case is that he has not returned home for five consecutive days. After becoming a leader, my father has a lot of social intercourse. Every time I see my father coming home after drinking, I feel very distressed the next day. Dad, what is more important than health? You are honest and sincere by nature. Why don't you play tricks to hide? I saw my father's silver thread in front of his forehead increased a lot, because he was too busy and tired. My father's conscientious, responsible, meticulous and efficient dedication to the enterprise will always be my model!

Dad is not only responsible for his work, but also gets along well with his colleagues. Once, my father saw that the elevator for delivering food in the canteen was broken, so he immediately sent workers to repair it. Even the staff of the canteen respected my father very much. My father is a man with a clear distinction between public and private affairs. In his work, he is strict with his colleagues and has clear responsibilities. But in private, my father and his colleagues are like brothers. They care about their family and life very much, without any leadership. My father is also an example to me in dealing with people and things.


Dad, my most admired dad, a strict and kind dad, I will always take you as my example and forge ahead bravely on the road of life!


The mountain is calm and deep.

The mountain is straight and strong.

Dad is a mountain.

Dad standing, is the peak; Dad is lying, it's Ling. I love my father. My father is a mountain, and I am a tree on the mountain. Stepping on my father's broad shoulders, I climb and grow.

My father is a mountain, and I am a tree. The mountain nurtures the tree.

My father loves me very much. His love is rough and true, just like a mountain nurtures a small tree, while turning his life into a trickle and delivering it to the growing tree, he hopes that the tree will grow stronger and stronger, and become more and more upright.

My father is the mountain, I am the tree, and the mountain is the tree's coach.

Dad never gives in to me. When I was learning to walk, I fell down. It was my mother who wanted to pull me up. It was my father who was complained by my mother who shouted "Get up again"; It is my mother who wants to hold me in every ditch, and it is my father who encourages me to leap over. When he made a mistake and told a lie, his father immediately slapped him to help him correct it. Although the slap was not heavy, it eventually corrected a lot.

My father is a mountain, and I am a tree. The mountain smokes the tree.

Dad never modifies his words. His words are just a simple sentence, but clear; My father said very little, but when he said it, he said loudly. Listen: "Since it is a tree, it should grow into a pillar!" What my father taught me was a condensed theory of human behavior. My father was a soldier, and he always asked himself and his children to be soldiers. Therefore, no matter what he did, his children would never dare to be lazy and careless. In this way, my father took me from today to tomorrow with his steady steps. My father's character has shaped my character.

Dad is the mountain, I am the tree, and the mountain is the support of the tree.

My mother often said that my father was the pillar of the family. Without him, the family would fall apart. Yes, Dad's dedication to the family is not only economic and material, but also deep love! Dad's love brings the family together as a whole. Without it, the whole family will lose its vitality.

My father is a mountain, and I am a tree. The mountain cares for the tree.

Zhu Ziqing can't forget his father's back, and I can't forget his father's eyes with hope and determination. Under his watch, I became mature from childishness and strong from cowardice. Now, my father is old, but his eyes have never left me. Can't forget, Dad's eyes, can't forget, Dad's care.

My father is a mountain, and I am a tree. The tree loves the mountain forever. I love my father forever.


My father is 42 years old this year. He has bright eyes, pearly white teeth, sensitive ears, closed eyebrows, and a tall nose. He looks very handsome. Although he is still handsome at 42, he looks like an uncle in his twenties and thirties. My father is a doctor who helps the wounded and rescues the dying.

Dad is a strong man.

When I heard my grandparents talk about my father, there was a tear in my eyes. They said that my father was a strong man, and my father had met many setbacks since childhood. My father was weak, sickly, and thin, but he was very strong. At that time, the family environment was not very good, and my family was very poor. They could only eat porridge and sweet potatoes every day, but they were not afraid, The strongest thing was that my father had many white hairs when he was 7 years old, but he ignored others' discrimination and studied hard, so he tried hard to enter a university that few people could enter at that time. Finally, my father chose to study medicine, and my father had always suffered from low back pain since he was more than 20 years old. He never gave up himself and never despair. At that time, he had no money, so he never received treatment, But now my father often still has low back pain, but he never moans. When we want to care about her, she comforts us and says it's OK, Dad is OK. Jinjin go to do her homework! But I heard my father is so optimistic about life. I really admire him. How many people can be so strong? And when I encounter difficulties and setbacks, my father often enlightens me, infects me with his deeds, and hopes that I am also a strong person like him, so I am now working hard to learn from my father's strong

My father is also a good doctor. Because of my father's attending doctor, there are countless people looking for him to see a doctor, but my father never yells tired. Hardworking without complaint. One night, an old woman from the countryside was pale because of a stomachache. At 7 p.m., the old woman wanted to see her father. But then we were ready to eat. Many doctors on duty prevented him from seeing his father because he was not on duty that day. When father heard their quarrel, Immediately ran down from the dormitory building and asked what happened. After they told Dad everything, Dad said to Grandma, what's wrong with you? The granny said that her stomach hurt. Later, after her father's examination, it was quite serious. Then the granny was unconscious. After a long time of rescue, she finally landed her life again. But for a few hours, he didn't know whether her father's stomach was croaking or not. He seemed to care nothing. The patient cared most. After a few days, the granny left the hospital, The grandma's family returned some gifts to her father. The grandma's family said that Dr. Huang, please accept our little favor. Thank you! My father politely refused, saying that it is our doctor's bounden duty to take care of the patients, and it is our sacred job to heal the wounded and save the dying, so I won't let you bring me gifts. I appreciate your kindness. Grandma's family quickly praised Dad as a good doctor

Dad, I love you. You are both a strong person and a good doctor.

Composition Dad (17)


In this era, most families are nagging mothers, but our family is strange. Every time I hear my father "talking", and when I say it, it's like a continuous stream! I never like to be his "listener", but my father's mouth is not thin. Why is his "eloquence" so good? Every time under his "speech", I have to nod my head sincerely. Can't stand Dad's "war of words"!

Yes, once when I went out to cram school, I met my father when I went downstairs. He turned his head and asked, "Is the door closed when I go out?" It really hit me! I'm no longer a child. Can't I do anything like this? "Oh, I see! It's just closing the door!" I just retorted so little at that time, and my father started his "long speech". I had to listen respectfully to the way my father spat. Alas, Dad can draw inferences from one instance too! That was the same time, I was late for cram school... At night, I was sitting on the sofa watching TV, watching with relish, and from the other side of the living room came the familiar voice: "I watch the time, do what I should do..." "Come on, come on, I know!" I replied impatiently. Angry, angry, my father's mouth, I take it!

At noon one day, my father solemnly taught me "experience". He said: "Don't go out alone at night now, there are many bad people, have you heard..." I retorted: "What, now there are absolutely more good people than bad people!..." My father and I had a disagreement, so I and my father had a heated "debate". Alas, after all, Jiang is still old and hot, Dad is always hotter than me! Forget it, even if I step back, good women will not fight with Dad!

Angry! Angry! When will this nagging begin! But annoyance is annoyance, annoyance is annoyance. Finally, when I think about it, that annoying nagging may still be a missed thing many years later.


I have a young "father" who said he was old because his mother said he was talkative. In fact, he was only in his thirties. He was not tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He always talked with a smile.

Dad is a "book fan". He holds a book in his hand all day long. In addition to watching TV while eating, he also needs to look at it before going to bed.

Dad is a "computer fan". He graduated from computer science. In addition to reading books, playing computer is his strong point. Through computer learning, data searching, and playing games, as long as he plays computer, he forgets to eat and sleep.

My father is still a "fan of sketches". He has almost memorized the exquisite sketches of the Spring Festival Gala over the years and imitated them very much. At this time, I am my father's best partner, and the best audience mother is laughing her head off.

I love my lovely and funny father, and my father loves me


My father is very busy at work, but he is willing to take time to accompany me, or study, or travel, or talk. My father and I are always full of fun together, there will always be insights and gains.

On Sunday morning, my father and I went for an outing by bike. The morning of spring is beautiful, the sky is clear and the breeze is blowing. At this time, there were not many vehicles and pedestrians on the wide road in the city, and the dense trees along the road had already been bustling. My father and I rode side by side to see who could ride faster. "Cool, really cool!" I shouted happily while pedaling the bike, which made the spring under the seat "creak".

The scenery in the countryside is more beautiful. The winter jasmine smiles at us, and the willow branches wave to us. My father and I rode harder and farther along the country road. Who knows, my freshness soon passed away, my movements were no longer brisk, my bike became tottering on the road, and what's more, my water was almost exhausted. My father said quietly: "Now you can go back or go forward. There may be water in front of you, or you may not find water. If you can't find water, you have to bear it." Looking at my father without any anxiety, I said: "Let's go forward." My father gave me a hard push, and we continued to move forward.

Kick, kick, my speed is getting slower and slower, my throat is beginning to dry, and my forehead and nose are sweating. The father riding in front stopped his car and said, "Son, why don't we go home?" I know my father best. This seductive "suggestion" actually stimulates me and tests me. "Hold on! Don't give up halfway!" My father and I clapped our hands, encouraged each other and went on our way.

The sun rose high, and we finally arrived at the destination beach. Faced with the vast expanse of water and sky, I regained my vitality. I writhed and danced heartily on the beach, chasing each other with my father; While digging sand, while fishing for small fish. I shouted happily: "It's fun! Today's hard work is worth it." My father saw how happy I was, and said to me blandly: "Let's go out next Sunday and play. You can drive." "No, I think it's better to ride a bike." I firmly said, "It's not fun now without the hard work on the road." My father listened with a knowing smile, "Yes! Only through our own efforts can we enjoy happiness. Do you know the truth of" Sincerity is the key to success "?" I frowned and shook my head. Dad then said: "Son, no matter what you do, you will encounter various difficulties, but as long as you are willing to do and stick to it, any difficult problems can be solved, which will not defeat us! Life is like a journey, the important thing is not the destination, but the scenery in the journey and the mood to see the scenery. Only when you let your heart travel can you enjoy the infinite scenery. " After listening to my father's words, I nodded.

At noon, my father and I took out the food we brought from home and ate heartily. Why are we eating and drinking together so sweet? I'm still holding a Coke to toast my father

I like being with my father, because he always lets me understand many principles of life and study in some seemingly ordinary things, so that I can grow up in a happy environment!


The power of example is infinite. Everyone has his own example in his heart. Who is my example? He is my strict and kind father.

My father is very kind. He takes care of me meticulously in life. I am always surrounded by the warmth of a strong father's love, which may be the result of human affection. But my father is very strict with me. He is not careless in quality cultivation, dealing with people and things. In learning, my father has always supported me. No matter whether my grades are good or bad, he is full of confidence in me. What touched me most was that although my father was forty years old, he could study foreign languages day and night for me regardless of the difficulty of aging memory decline. Until now, my father still insisted on reading foreign languages. Even if I was busy with my work, my father would take time to watch foreign language news. I knew that my father did it all for me, In order to help me with my foreign language, I have no reason not to study hard and live up to my father's expectations. My father's learning spirit is my example and my driving force.

My father's in-depth study of his work and continuous improvement have always made me admire him. He has gone from an ordinary basic worker to a business and technical manager step by step. I have seen and remembered the hard work. Now, my father is responsible for the overall business work. Naturally, he is much busier than before. The most frequent case is that he has not returned home for five consecutive days. After becoming a leader, my father has a lot of social intercourse. Every time I see my father coming home after drinking, I feel very distressed the next day. Dad, what is more important than health? You are honest and sincere by nature. Why don't you play tricks to hide? I saw my father's silver thread in front of his forehead increased a lot, because he was too busy and tired. My father's conscientious, responsible, meticulous and efficient dedication to the enterprise will always be my model!

Dad is not only responsible for his work, but also gets along well with his colleagues. Once, my father saw that the elevator for delivering food in the canteen was broken, so he immediately sent workers to repair it. Even the staff of the canteen respected my father very much. My father is a man with a clear distinction between public and private affairs. In his work, he is strict with his colleagues and has clear responsibilities. But in private, my father and his colleagues are like brothers. They care about their family and life very much, without any leadership. My father is also an example to me in dealing with people and things.


Dad, my most admired dad, a strict and kind dad, I will always take you as my example and forge ahead bravely on the road of life!


The mountain is calm and deep.

The mountain is straight and strong.

Dad is a mountain.

Dad standing, is the peak; Dad is lying, it's Ling. I love my father. My father is a mountain, and I am a tree on the mountain. Stepping on my father's broad shoulders, I climb and grow.

My father is a mountain, and I am a tree. The mountain nurtures the tree.

My father loves me very much. His love is rough and true, just like a mountain nurtures a small tree, while turning his life into a trickle and delivering it to the growing tree, he hopes that the tree will grow stronger and stronger, and become more and more upright.

My father is the mountain, I am the tree, and the mountain is the tree's coach.

Dad never gives in to me. When I was learning to walk, I fell down. It was my mother who wanted to pull me up. It was my father who was complained by my mother who shouted "Get up again"; It is my mother who wants to hold me in every ditch, and it is my father who encourages me to leap over. When he made a mistake and told a lie, his father immediately slapped him to help him correct it. Although the slap was not heavy, it eventually corrected a lot.

My father is a mountain, and I am a tree. The mountain smokes the tree.

Dad never modifies his words. His words are just a simple sentence, but clear and clear; My father said very little, but when he said it, he said loudly. Listen: "Since it is a tree, it should grow into a pillar!" What my father taught me was a condensed theory of human behavior. My father was a soldier, and he always asked himself and his children to be soldiers. Therefore, no matter what he did, his children would never dare to be lazy and careless. In this way, my father took me from today to tomorrow with his steady steps. My father's character has shaped my character.

Dad is the mountain, I am the tree, and the mountain is the support of the tree.

My mother often said that my father was the pillar of the family. Without him, the family would fall apart. Yes, Dad not only contributed to the family's economy and materials, but also the deep love! Dad's love brings the family together as a whole. Without it, the whole family will lose its vitality.

My father is a mountain, and I am a tree. The mountain cares for the tree.

Zhu Ziqing can't forget his father's back, and I can't forget his father's eyes with hope and determination. Under his watch, I became mature from childishness and strong from cowardice. Now, my father is old, but his eyes have never left me. Can't forget, Dad's eyes, can't forget, Dad's care.

My father is a mountain, and I am a tree. The tree loves the mountain forever. I love my father forever.


My father is 42 years old this year. He has bright eyes, pearly white teeth, sensitive ears, closed eyebrows, and a tall nose. He looks very handsome. Although he is still handsome at 42, he looks like an uncle in his twenties and thirties. My father is a doctor who helps the wounded and rescues the dying.

Dad is a strong man.

When I heard my grandparents talk about my father, there was a tear in my eyes. They said that my father was a strong man, and my father had met many setbacks since childhood. My father was weak and sick, very thin, but he was very strong. At that time, the family environment was not very good, and my family was very poor. They could only eat porridge and sweet potatoes every day, but they were not afraid, The strongest thing was that my father had many white hairs when he was 7 years old, but he ignored others' discrimination and studied hard, so he tried hard to enter a university that few people could enter at that time. Finally, my father chose to study medicine, and my father had always suffered from low back pain since he was more than 20 years old. He never gave up himself and never despair. At that time, he had no money, so he never received treatment, But now my father often still has low back pain, but he never moans. When we want to care about her, she comforts us and says it's OK, Dad is OK. Jinjin go to do her homework! But I heard my father is so optimistic about life. I really admire him. How many people can be so strong? And when I encounter difficulties and setbacks, my father often enlightens me, infects me with his deeds, and hopes that I am also a strong person like him, so I am now working hard to learn from my father's strong

My father is also a good doctor. Because of my father's attending doctor, there are countless people looking for him to see a doctor, but my father never yells tired. Hardworking without complaint. One night, an old woman from the countryside was pale because of a stomachache. At 7 p.m., the old woman wanted to see her father. But then we were ready to eat. Many doctors on duty prevented him from seeing his father because he was not on duty that day. When father heard their quarrel, Immediately ran down from the dormitory building and asked what happened. After they told Dad everything, Dad said to Grandma, what's wrong with you? The granny said that her stomach hurt. Later, after her father's examination, it was quite serious. Then the granny was unconscious. After a long time of rescue, she finally landed her life again. But for a few hours, he didn't know whether her father's stomach was croaking or not. He seemed to care nothing. The patient cared most. After a few days, the granny left the hospital, The grandma's family returned some gifts to her father. The grandma's family said that Dr. Huang, please accept our little favor. Thank you! My father politely refused, saying that it is our doctor's bounden duty to take care of the patients, and it is our sacred job to heal the wounded and save the dying, so I won't let you bring me gifts. I appreciate your kindness. Grandma's family quickly praised Dad as a good doctor

Dad, I love you. You are both a strong person and a good doctor.

Composition Dad (18)

My father is in his forties. He is very tall and has short hair. He is neither handsome nor cool. He works in the power company, but in my eyes, Dad is the most handsome man in the world!

I remember a sunny Saturday when I found a Rubik's Cube at home. My father messed up the order. I think I can restore the Rubik's Cube and give him a surprise when he comes back from work. But I still haven't restored the Rubik's Cube after all my efforts. After Dad got off work, I said to Dad dejectedly, "I wanted to give you a surprise, but I couldn't spell it." Dad felt my head and said, "Don't worry, silly boy, Dad will help you solve the problem." Dad took the Rubik's Cube and looked carefully. He twisted the Rubik's Cube very easily. After a while, A complete Rubik's Cube will be completed.

Children, do you think my father is clever?

Composition Dad (19)

Li Hao

I waved a cigarette in front of my father and said, "Do you want to smoke it?" My father said, "I don't smoke, you can't tempt me." Seeing my father's determination, a big stone fell in my heart. But you don't know, my father used to smoke heavily. Speaking of my father's smoking cessation, there is another story! Do you want to know? Then I'll tell you about it.

"A cigarette after dinner is as happy as a fairy" is a famous saying that my father often says. But he coughs a few times after he puffs. For father's health. I decided to help my father get rid of this disgusting cigarette.

After discussing with my family for a while, I was ready to implement Plan A: reasoning with him. I told my father, "There are more than 20 kinds of harmful substances in cigarettes, such as nicotine and coal tar.

My plan B is to do experiments. I used the harmful substances from cigarettes to soak in water, and used the poisoned water to raise fish. The fish died soon, but my father still refused to listen, saying, "I'm not a small fish, I'm afraid of nothing." I really can't help him.

Now, I have no choice but to implement Plan C: compulsory smoking cessation. I threw away my cigarette and lighter. But Dad learned to lie. He said he was going shopping, but he wanted to buy cigarettes and lighters. Sometimes I secretly smoke in the bathroom. I think Dad is really hopeless, and decided to give up helping him quit smoking.

But things turned around. I once caught a cold and coughed badly. My father took me to the hospital. The doctor said that I not only caught a cold, but also smoked second-hand smoke. My father blushed when he heard that, and he decided to quit smoking.

Don't look, my father really made up his mind this time. One time, my father took out half a cigarette and a lighter in his pocket. After looking at them for a long time, he finally threw away the cigarette and lighter.

My father gave up smoking for me. I love my father. He is really great.