Unconvinced Composition (20 in total)
Encounter tulips
2023-11-22 09:00:17

Don't admit defeat in composition (1)

I am a boy named Chen Bolin. He is not tall or short, his hair is dark and bright, and he has a pair of small black eyes under his shallow eyebrows, which often flash a look of defiance.

Once, I was seriously practicing in the table tennis room when the coach asked me to play a game of three wins in five games with another student. I told myself: I will win! With this mentality, I went to the front of the table and won 5 goals at one time. I can't help gloating. If it goes on like this, I will win! However, after a while, the other side suddenly overtook me as if it was a divine help. As a result, I lost this game. I became nervous after the other side won one game. I was anxious for success and panicked. Instead, I could not control the score. All the balls I had played in the past went out of bounds, and I lost the second game unintentionally.

What should I do? What should I do? If the other side wins one more game, I will definitely lose! I am so anxious that I give up? No, how can I easily admit defeat? I still have a chance. At this time, I thought of my wish to become the strongest table tennis player in the province. How could I fall down here? Yes, I must calm down for my dream. Only calm down can I win. So I took a few deep breaths and gradually calmed down. After I recovered my confidence, I immediately pulled back one game, and I won the fourth game again. At this time, the other side could not help but get nervous and look a little flustered. In the decisive game, I easily crossed the final hurdle with a score of 15:8 and won the game. yeah!

I don't admit defeat not only in table tennis competitions, but also in other places. You can't do well in the exam. Keep working hard next time; You can't write it well, you can't write it twice, until you are satisfied; If the scientific experiment fails, it is no good. We should continue to improve our methods until we succeed.

Don't admit defeat in composition (2)

He is an unyielding child, and the results of those two examinations prove this.

Liu Jiawei did not dare to say so after his mid-term exam results came down. I felt that he was very nervous. He told me in a very low voice, "I was very sad because my score in this exam was not ideal." I comforted her and said, "It doesn't matter that I didn't take the exam this time, but your mother won't forgive you if you don't get a good score next time." Liu Jiawei said to me with begging eyes: "You must not tell my mother about this, because I will definitely get a score of more than 90 points next time."

For a while, I also helped Liu Jiawei review his lessons. Liu Jiawei said gratefully, "Thank you for helping me review these days. I'm sorry if I don't get full marks in this exam!"

When the final exam results came out, Liu Jiawei really lived up to my expectations. After returning, he proudly said to me, "Look, I got a full mark this time!" He patted the test paper on the table. "All right!"

I can't help admiring his unyielding strength. "It seems that my energy has not been wasted these days. I will say that as long as you make unremitting efforts, you can become useful." After listening to my words, Liu Jiawei firmly nodded. I know he is working hard again. With his unyielding strength, I believe he will constantly overcome difficulties and forge ahead.


The description of psychology and language fully shows his unyielding character, highlights the theme of the article, and tells us to believe in ourselves, constantly overcome difficulties and forge ahead.

Don't admit defeat in composition (3)

A grass, it is just a grass, what can it do? What can we do? It must be easy to be ignored, but it has become indispensable to my growth.

I think grass is full of vitality, power and hope. It has a wide range of uses: it can become one of the prescriptions for people to treat diseases; It can also absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, allowing us to absorb fresh air; It can also green the environment and make the world free from desertification... Its most worth learning quality is its tenacity.

I remember once, I did badly in the midterm exam and walked home dejected. When I walked into the yard, I thought of sitting on the chair for a while, but because the chair was being remodeled and dismantled, I sat on the lawn and quietly reflected... Suddenly, the light in my heart disappeared. I was very unhappy when I thought of being scolded again when I returned home. After thinking for a while, sighing and preparing to go home, I looked down and saw that the grass was squashed by me. I think the grass is as lost as I am. I slowly walked home

The next day, as always, I passed there and was surprised! The grass was bruised by me yesterday. Today has grown up again, and more energetic than yesterday! It seems that my heart is not so heavy, and the light in my heart is back! It's like being pressed by a big stone and moved away, which makes you feel much more comfortable in a moment. Looking at the lively grass, I couldn't help thinking of Bai Juyi's writing: "The wild fire can't burn out, and the spring wind can grow again." The grass is just like this. No matter how difficult it is, it always straightens its body again and again. So we can get up from where we fall, and we will succeed as long as we work hard!

Don't admit defeat in composition (4)

My mother is tall and tall, with a roll of dark hair and a pair of curly eyebrows under her hair. She always wears sports clothes at home, and sometimes asks me to play basketball games on the basketball court with her!

One Friday, when having dinner, my mother said, "After dinner, let's go to play basketball!" I heard that playing basketball, knowing that basketball is my favorite! I agreed without thinking. So, I took the basketball and my mother went to the basketball court happily!

When we got to the basketball court, I said to my mother, "Let's have five balls, and I'll let you have one." My mother said, "OK! But don't cry if you lose." So we started the game.

I dribbled the ball, sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right, sometimes to the front, sometimes to the back, sometimes to the foot, sometimes to throw it from my mother's head, but my mother tightly blocked it with both hands. I thought, what should I do? I can't always be stopped outside the three-point line! So I looked for the right opportunity and made a three-step layup from outside the three-point line. As a result, the ball scored. It's my turn to serve again. I still use the same move, but no matter what, I was stopped in the middle of the game. I only saw my mother coming to hook the ball with lightning speed. So, the score was pulled from 1-1 to 1-2. I was angry, and I started "outrage". I used all my skills, and I directly scored two 3-pointers. Finally, I won. I think: this time my mother will take it. But her mother said: "Failure is the mother of success. If you lose this time, come again next time."

This is my mother, a mother who is unwilling to admit defeat and love exercise.

Don't admit defeat in composition (5)

"I also want to guess intelligence problems with my brother," the quick talking sister shouted. I thought to myself: Although your mind usually turns faster than mine, you don't have my heart. "Competition is competition! Who is afraid of who!"

The teacher asked, "A popsicle costs two yuan, and someone took ten yuan to buy the popsicle. Why did he only get three yuan?" Let me think with my sister.

After a while, my sister said: "I won't, can the teacher give some hints?" "I haven't thought it out yet! Don't say the answer." I opened my mouth and blocked her back. She winked at me, as if to say: I can't think of intelligence problems, you can't think of them.

I hinted to myself: this is a common sense problem in life. Don't panic. Keep your mind steady. As long as you think hard, you will come up with it. My brain was running at full speed. I thought again and again: if I took a ten yuan ice lolly to buy a two yuan ice lolly, I would not find a three yuan ice lolly; If you can change it into three yuan, it must be five yuan... Right! I had a brainwave: take two five yuan ones, isn't that ten yuan? Just take out a five yuan one and buy it. Don't you just need three yuan?

I spoke out my thoughts, the teacher took the lead in clapping, and my sister also stared round in surprise. I said, "If you don't admit defeat, you will win if you think hard."

Disyielding Composition (6)

I'm a kid who just wants to win and doesn't want to lose. In the class, I study hard, unite and love each other, do everything carefully, that is, I am afraid of falling behind others, lest I can't catch up with others. At home, I always let my parents see my amazing "unyielding" tenacity.

I remember one time, the school physical education class to jump rope. I haven't learned rope skipping, so I can't jump even two in practice. Everyone else jumped very smoothly, and I was worried, like ants on a hot pot. When I got home, my mother comforted me, "Let's not rush, take our time." My father taught me the correct rope skipping movements hand in hand. Three times at a time, nine times twice, 17 times three times, 28 times four... Slowly ', I jumped again and again, the number was increasing, and the sweat was also increasing, slowly across my cheek, but I didn't care. I finally passed the exam. I jumped 63 times.

This is me, a "do not admit defeat" me. Because I know that as long as I work hard, I will succeed.

Disyielding Composition (7)

The year 2008 is the year of the Olympic Games for the Chinese people. After that, a "whirlwind" has swept through the national fitness campaign. Well, the wind blew to our house.

Look, my mother bought me football, table tennis and badminton. We always go out for sports when we are free. Sometimes we play football, sometimes we play badminton and table tennis, but what I like best is badminton.

This Sunday, my mother and I held a "special" badminton match. Want to know the win or lose of the game? Please follow me to the stadium.

In the afternoon, my mother and I hurried to a vacant space downstairs - our badminton match ground with joy. I drew a "Chu River Boundary" in the middle of the dam, and also drew their "camp", so the competition began.

First of all, I served. When I saw my mother standing close, I served a far ball. I thought that my mother might not receive it. I was secretly happy. I saw the badminton like a happy bird flying in an arc in the air, but my mother quickly backed away. The badminton was hit hard by my mother's racket, and the bird flew back again. At this time, I also stepped back quickly, saying that it was too late. At that time, the bird fell on the ground. At this time, my heart is extremely uncomfortable! But I didn't admit defeat. I thought, Mom, see how I can subdue you! So, I served a high pressure ball. After serving, I pressed the other party hard and quickly. The ball just crossed the boundary and fell to the ground. My mother came and moved forward quickly but could not catch it. "Ha ha! Mom lost!" The sun finally shone on me, and my mood changed from cloudy to sunny.

I decided to chase after the victory, so I came to play square ball. I played to the left, to the right, to the long ball, to the short ball, trying to disrupt my mother's position, but my mother was not so easy to deal with. Badminton sometimes flies in the air and sometimes falls down on the ground dejectedly. I tried my best, but in the end, I lost.

But I won't say "lose" in my mouth, insisting that my mother is playing tricks. I pouted, gambled and said, "I won't admit defeat, come again next time!"

Once I got home, I fell on the sofa... At the 2008 Olympic Games, I grew up. I was playing badminton on the court. It was fierce. I woke up when my mother asked me to eat. It was a dream! How I wish my dream come true!

Disyielding Composition (8)

My name is Yu Hao. In the second day of the first grade of Tieer Middle School, I have a short black hair, two thick eyebrows below the hair, and two modest eyes. I study very hard at ordinary times and often study late at night, so I have a pair of glasses on my nose. A smile will reveal two deep dimples and a row of neat teeth. Don't look at my delicate appearance. In fact, I am a person who will not admit defeat. For example, I never flinch when encountering setbacks.

Frustration is very annoying in the eyes of many people. I don't think so. On the contrary, I will smile in the face of setbacks. I regard setbacks as a kind of training for me. Only after countless trials and tribulations can we achieve success. When I was in primary school, I had won the top ten of the grade for many times and was a very good student. However, in the exam for the sixth grade to junior high school, I did very badly because of my carelessness. As a result, I was assigned to the slow class of No. 2 Middle School. My mother was very worried when she learned that I would not learn well in the slow class and affect my future. But I'm not worried at all. Because I firmly believe that as long as I work hard, I can learn well in any class, so I study hard in the slow class. After a semester of hard work, I was finally transferred to the best class in this grade with excellent results.

I won't admit defeat. At the same time, I'm a big player. I like all kinds of sports. If you ask me what I like to play most, I will say without thinking: "I like playing computer games most!" Maybe I have a talent for playing games! I am a top expert no matter what "Dream Journey to the West", "World of Warcraft", "CS", "Bubble Hall"! Take Dream Journey to the West for example! I went to the Little Wild Goose Pagoda to have a 140 level Tang government, which has already been promoted, full of skills and cultivation, and equipped with excellent strengthening equipment, which can damage 3500 and defend 2500! Enough drag! There are also eight domestic babies. Now in our district, my strength ranks first, and no one can beat me!

This is me, a person who does not admit defeat and likes playing computer.

Don't admit defeat in composition (9)

She is a person who does not admit defeat. Her name is "Xiao Ying".

I remember one time, we had a competition to fold the pavilion, and each of us had a piece of paper. In fact, there are eight steps to fold the pavilion. The most difficult step is the second step, which is "turning the paper into a triangle". She did not finish it for most of the day, but also took great efforts; As for me, it's easy. I laughed at her and said, "Ha ha! You can't even do this! It's really 'awesome'! Ha ha..." She said, "Hum, I will surpass you one day!" Then she left without looking back. Later, when I saw her, I said, "Give up! There is a good saying: 'Let nature take its course, don't fight with yourself'..." But she said nothing. I thought it was acquiescent. Gradually, I forgot this matter, even the second step I could easily deal with at that time. Another month later, she asked me to compete again. I thought: You have lost several times before, but this time it must still be! Fifteen seconds later, she yelled, I thought she was injured, but she even folded it! Stunned, the paper in my hand fell to the ground. After her failure, she did not give up, but went home to practice for a month!

I remembered her motto: I will fail, but I will never admit defeat. When you admit defeat, you will have a disgraceful side. Come on, surpass her, believe in yourself!

Don't admit defeat in composition (10)

"Alas, what a pity! It's just a little worse!" You may not understand what we are doing. We are playing a "bullfight" game. You may have to ask, how can a bull fight? Where to fight? Don't worry. Come and have a look with me!

Just after class today, teacher Lv said with a smile, "Today, we play bullfighting." When we came outside, the teacher told us the rule: the other party cannot exceed the yellow line, and if it exceeds the yellow line, it will lose. After being divided into two groups, each group will send one person to compete. The students nodded one after another, and after the division, we put on the famous brand, and the game began.

The first round and the second round passed in a twinkling of an eye. In the third round, when XXX and I arrived, I raised my mouth slightly and thought: "She is so fat and stupid, I will win!" At the teacher's command, I used the nine changes in Sun Tzu's Art of War: one down, one up, one left, one right. Xxx was confused by my changing moves and lost the battle direction. However, my attack did not stop. My efforts did not fail the people who wanted to. I finally saw a word: love. When I tried hard to use the words of Love Group, she didn't show any weakness. She tightly clasped my palm with her palm and pulled me towards the yellow line. I was accidentally pulled into the yellow line, and I lost! But I am not convinced at all. At the end of the game, I ran to xxx and said, "Let's play again!" Under my repeated attacks, xxx finally lost the battle, and I cheered.

Although I didn't win the official competition, I know that only the persistent people can win the final victory, so I won't admit defeat!

Disyielding Composition (11)

I learned the lesson from last time and trained very hard before the game. When the summer vacation is over, I go to training every morning and afternoon, always tired and panting.

After hard training, I have great confidence in this competition.

Finally, the day of the competition came. I came to the competition site early and jumped into the water to warm up before the competition.

The game finally started. I came to the waiting room nervously, waiting for me to take a deep breath and wave to my teammates before settling down. I put a chocolate into my mouth from time to time to ease my heart.

It was my turn to go on the stage. When the gunshot sounded, I jumped into the water and paddled desperately. I tried to recall the actions my coach did during my usual training. I felt like a fish shuttling happily in the water. Gradually, I seemed to be a little powerless. I swam more and more slowly. At last, I looked back excitedly in the cheers of my teammates, I lost many rivals, but my heart was cut by a knife

I am the second! I was splashed with cold water, no! I trained so hard that I still came second.

I was so disappointed that I couldn't say a word when I returned to my teammate. Cai Yufei left, came over and patted me on the shoulder and said, "It doesn't matter. We all look at your efforts and think in our hearts. You went to training without even going to school. It's right to get good results. It's good to be one second behind the city team."

I didn't hear what he said later. But the last sentence touched my heart. I have a heart that will never admit defeat! I'm no worse than the city team. I must surpass him. Since then, I have been training harder, whether in hot summer or cold winter.

With the passage of time, the annual swimming competition is coming again. At this time, I am no longer nervous. Because I have an unyielding heart, I believe I can win the championship!

This time, I was not nervous at all and paddled rhythmically. I reached the finish line again. I looked up at the referee, who was very surprised at my results. I'm number one! At this time, I seemed to be on top, and I looked at Sun Chang with pride.

I won because I have a heart that will never admit defeat. I firmly believe that as long as I work hard, I can succeed even if I lose. An unyielding heart drives me forward courageously and makes me reach the other side of victory. He let me know that as long as I never admit defeat, I will be able to surpass myself and the people above.

Undaunted Composition (12)

Speaking of me, I can use "not admit defeat" to describe. Although I am a weak girl, my white and red melon face is inlaid with two smart and bright black "gems", and the small mouth slightly raised under my small nose shows my unyielding personality.

That summer, the sun's father-in-law was not beautiful and radiated "heat energy" every day, which made us sweat like rain. Therefore, my mother decided to take my brother and I to the "Summer Amusement Park" to play in the summer. The amusement park is shaded with green trees, which is much cooler indeed, and there are various entertainment items that make us forget the hot weather. In a twinkling of an eye, we played the jungle flying mouse, tropical flying car, trampoline and other projects. The most exciting and challenging project is to take the "snowy mountain roller coaster"!

Brother went in without thinking. What about me? Looking at the "snowy mountains" that are rising one after another, I dare not move forward. When my mother saw this, she asked, "What's the matter? Let's go! My brother has already gone in." Hearing the sound, my brother stepped back and looked at me with a smile: "Why? Today I become a coward?" and kept saying "coward". How can I bear to be strong? "Who are you laughing at? Who says I'm a coward? Of course I dare to play!" Then I went into the waiting area angrily.

Although I entered the court, my feet began to tremble when I waited, and I began to regret how strong I was. But I quickly reminded myself that everyone dares to sit down. It doesn't seem terrible. Besides, if I quit, my brother will publicize my timidity. I will never let him succeed. I must be brave. Thinking about this, it was our turn soon, and I lifted my chest and sat on the roller coaster. Although my body felt a little uncomfortable and my heart felt hollowed out during the roller coaster ride, I always thought: hold on, hold on, and I can do the same if my brother can. At the same time, he kept shouting, and he could not help shouting to release his fear. Finally, after experiencing a period of ups and downs, the roller coaster slowed down and kept slowing down until it stopped. Yeah, so cool! That's amazing!

After getting off the roller coaster, I didn't feel afraid any more, but wanted to play again. But what about my brother? Looking back, he was so frightened that he could not speak! It's really exciting! This time he became a real coward.

Look, this is me, a small and exquisite fairy girl who never gives up.

Disyielding Composition (13)

He is an unyielding child, and the results of those two examinations prove this.

Liu Jiawei did not dare to say so after his mid-term exam results came down. I felt that he was very nervous. He told me in a very low voice, "I was very sad because my score in this exam was not ideal." I comforted her and said, "It doesn't matter that I didn't take the exam this time, but your mother won't forgive you if you don't get a good score next time." Liu Jiawei said to me with begging eyes: "You must not tell my mother about this, because I will definitely get a score of more than 90 points next time."

For a while, I also helped Liu Jiawei review his lessons. Liu Jiawei said gratefully, "Thank you for helping me review these days. I'm sorry if I don't get full marks in this exam!"

When the final exam results came out, Liu Jiawei really lived up to my expectations. After returning, he proudly said to me, "Look, I got a full mark this time!" He patted the test paper on the table. "All right!"

I can't help admiring his unyielding strength. "It seems that my energy has not been wasted these days. I will say that as long as you make unremitting efforts, you can become useful." After listening to my words, Liu Jiawei firmly nodded. I know he is working hard again. With his unyielding strength, I believe he will constantly overcome difficulties and forge ahead.

Undaunted Composition (14)

I remember when I was just learning to ride a bike, every time I came back with bruises or bruised knees or limped home.

In the morning, the sun pecked the eggshell of the night and hung in the sky early. I went out to learn cycling before everyone woke up - because I was so old, it was a shame that I could not ride a bike, so I went to the playground early to practice cycling.

I can't get on the bus, so I have to use "lazy" to get on reluctantly. I sat on the floor and stepped on the pedal. I just heard "Pa" and fell on all fours. When I lay on the ground and didn't want to get up, Father Sun shone on me as if to say, "Get up! You should bravely overcome difficulties and not be intimidated by difficulties." So I got up the courage to stand up again and began to overcome the problem of getting on the bus. First, I used the old way to get on the bus, and then I had to go down a slope, because it helps to keep balance. I put my feet on the pedal. Sliding down the slope, "Ah, I finally broke the boarding pass!" However, just when I was happy, the downhill was over, and the balance began to be difficult to control, so I held the halter tightly with both hands to keep it. I usually see other people riding bicycles very easily, and some even don't need to hold their hands. Unexpectedly, there are many questions in it!

After three laps, I began to be able to control the bike slowly, although occasionally I couldn't control it, generally speaking, it was OK. Finally, I conquered Pingdi.

I began to lose my mind and challenge the gravel road. As soon as I entered the gravel road, I fell down and ate shit. It was terrible. However, I still firmly believe that Aunt Heidi said, "Even if I fall a hundred times, I will stand up for the hundredth time." I challenged dozens of times on the steep gravel road, and finally I rushed to the gravel road from the corner of the square. I thought I could ride on the gravel road for a period of time with the help of momentum, but this made me fall more seriously, and I could not stand on the ground for a minute, I thought: Forget it, forget it, I must not cross the gravel road! But I don't think I can ride the gravel road. It's not for nothing? I decided to do it again.

As a result, every time I tried, I wanted to do it again. About a dozen times later, I rushed out of the gravel road. "I learned it!" I was very happy.

This time, I learned to ride a bike, although I was scarred. This is not to admit defeat, not afraid of difficulties!

Undaunted Composition (15)

When I entered junior high school, I met many new classmates. Cheerful, humorous, generous. However, Cao Xuerong, her spirit of never giving in, left a deep impression on me.

Shortly after the beginning of school, the class held a speech contest. Cao Xuerong actively signed up. The speech contest also has awards, including the first prize, the second prize and the third prize. The speech contest soon kicked off. Zhang Shuwen was the first one to come to the stage. She seemed to have been prepared for it. Once she came to the stage, she began to talk. Seeing her posture, several students around us are worried about Cao Xuerong. Try to persuade her to abstain. Unexpectedly, she shook her head firmly, waved her hand and said: "No, I must make a speech on the stage, because this is not only an opportunity to show my ability, but also an opportunity to challenge myself." We can't say anything more after hearing her say so. "

Finally, she went on the stage, introduced herself first, and then spoke. Although her courage was commendable, she was a little embarrassed. The next day, the teacher announced the ranking: "The first prize was Zhang Shuwen, the second prize was Zhang Liyan, and the third prize was Cao Xuerong." The teacher deliberately prolonged his voice, and the class immediately applauded. Cao Xuerong was not happy at all. Instead, he stood up and told the teacher, "Can we hold another speech activity? I must get the first prize." The expression on the teacher's face could not tell whether he was happy or embarrassed. After class, she asked Zhang Shuwen for the secret of writing a speech. Get ready to turn over again.

As she expected, the Chinese class carried out the activity of Roaming the Chinese World. She asked teachers and students for advice on methods, and also consulted a large number of books, network terms and the usage classification of product specifications. There is pay, there is gain. In this activity, she achieved her wish.

After class, she smiled and said to us, "Look, I said that I will succeed. In a word, that's right: Kung Fu pays off. Who makes me born with a character of not giving up?" We laughed.

Yes, we should learn from her spirit of not being afraid of losing and not accepting defeat, and courageously pursue what we want to achieve our goals. This is Cao Xuerong, a girl I know who refuses to lose.

Undaunted Composition (16)

A friend complained that my space text is not updated. Very weak to explain, I have ideas! Often, when walking on the road, words and sentences flashed in my mind, but they were all words, not words.

What has been ignored is not only words, but also students. Review is like a messy battle. One piece at a time, like words, cannot be made into another. The worst thing is that I don't know what I'm busy with. I'm like a blind busy dog. I just turn around my tail every day. The writing is not beautiful; The knowledge points of lectures are not necessarily implemented; The pursuit of things, can not be realized...... So every day frown, probably fell asleep still tightly locked two eyebrows. Wrinkling has become a habit that I don't think. One lunch break, he used his finger to scratch my forehead while sitting beside me watching TV. I woke up and stared at him: "What are you doing?" He said: "The eyebrows are all screwed together, and the forehead is full of wrinkles. It's ugly!" Today, I looked into the mirror and found that there was a thin vertical line in the center of the eyebrows, which is the sign of frowning every day. The leader criticized: "You should take care of what you told me!" My eyebrows were again subconsciously wrinkled, and I explained again: "How dare I not take care of it?" I didn't ask myself again: what effect will it have if I take care of it? A wise man will get twice the result with half the effort. A fool like me has to fly like a headless fly.

I try my best to make myself more beautiful, shaping, beautifying, making up, and buying beautiful clothes, but when I "feel sorry for myself", I always think of a butterfly. I always remember a big butterfly flying in the traffic on the main road in a hurry. At that moment, I even felt that it had been rocked by the airflow of roaring cars. It was not a bit "graceful". Pity its beautiful wings! I was beautifully dressed in the mirror and let me see the big butterfly that was flying unsteadily.

No one knows more about themselves, diagnoses themselves and prescribes prescriptions than they do, but they just don't get used to it. They adjust their mentality and follow their own steps. Always tell yourself that God knows that I am stubborn and I will never admit defeat!

Undaunted Composition (17)

There is a spirit called unyielding. This spirit of not bowing to the fate. How many people can do it? I hope everyone can have this power.

Suffering always gives special care to some people, and the unexpected blow on the body makes the soul suffer. Unfortunately, you are one of them, but luckily, you taught me what is strong.

If you lost one leg, how would you spend the rest of your life? If it were me, I think that the first time I would choose to end my life, or sit in a wheelchair depressed, waiting for old age, to end this short life. This may be everyone's normal reaction. It's really a big blow. However, he used his actions to explain that life is not difficult.

A sudden accident made him lose a left leg, and he just chose to give up his life. However, he slowly began to understand that the absence of a leg might not stop his love of life, and he chose to let the world prove that he was not a waste man. I continued to ride more than 100 kilometers every day, and later I rode from Henan to Hainan; From Harbin to Beijing; In 16 years, I rode from Chengdu to Lhasa, and in 17 years, I challenged the 2800km new Tibet line. He proved how strong life can be with his actions.

After reading his deeds, I thought of my past and really blushed. It is true that people with sound limbs always bow down, complain when encountering difficulties, and feel sad alone in a corner where no one is around. I think that this kind of life should be changed. I can certainly learn from him to ride the wind and waves and pursue the life I want. I will not complain about life, but try to correct it.

We should not always think about what is missing, but what you can do with what you have now. If you think about it, go ahead and do it. I believe you can also have the spirit of not giving up. If you fall down, you will stand up and cut through the thorns all the way to find the meaning of life.

Undaunted Composition (18)

When the bell rang, I turned off the video and listlessly carried my bag to the tennis class.

In the first two classes, I was as motivated as my friends. Even if the teacher called for a rest, we would also help to pick up the ball. But after a few classes, I gradually fell behind. She can always press the ball just right, not high but far, but I can't catch the ball or hit the net, and sometimes the ball will fly into other fields, causing others to be careful of UFOs on their heads from time to time. I thought to myself: I can't drop a ball this time! But as a result, the teacher still praised her repeatedly and said to me forever: "Come on!"

I have never been a person who gives in. On the contrary, I hope I can always do better than others.

The video was sent by my mother. I complained about her more than once and didn't accompany me in my tennis class. My friend's mother, who has always been around, keeps taking pictures of her and cheering on. But my mother is taking her yoga class! Click to open the video. A big black bear's mother is leading a small bear to climb the snow mountain. Two black spots, one big and one small, move slowly. I'm not interested in watching it.

This class, my mother unexpectedly stayed, did not go to class, I am very happy. I thought, I must be able to play well now, with my mother here! But this day was especially bad. I was about to play a beautiful backhand. Unexpectedly, when my foot twisted and my shoelace loosened, my shoe fell off. I froze in embarrassment. My friend laughed her head up and down, but then she became a victim. When I served, the ball hit too high and didn't fly far, but it landed on her shoulder. I felt that I had no fighting spirit at all. The endless cold wrapped me, making me feel cold in bursts.

"I'm not suitable for playing tennis!" I told my mother, "I just don't play as well as her." "How can I?" My mother patiently comforted me, "When I learned yoga, I was flexible and diligent in my class. At that time, I never thought that someone would learn better than me, but after changing classes, I found that there were so many people who worked harder than me, and I was so much behind them! But I will never admit defeat. I recite the password many times every day, and even improve myself by teaching some friends. Now, I'm no worse than them! Every time I have classes, I feel very happy! "

Open the video again, and I watched it carefully. Soon, Mama Bear had climbed to the top of the mountain, but Little Bear was still working hard. Suddenly, his body tilted and he was about to fall. If the steep cliff falls, the consequences will be unimaginable. But the bear steadied himself and climbed up again. It has reached the top of the mountain, but it slides down again... I look at this bear, it seems to be the epitome of the mother bear. Finally, Little Bear climbed the mountain, and it succeeded!

Going to class soon, I found the note left by my mother on the desk: I want to see you again, you who do not admit defeat!

Undaunted Composition (19)

Human life is limited, and no one knows how long his life is, so we should let the limited life radiate infinite glory! Recently, CCTV is broadcasting the Chinese Poetry Conference. It is a special player in this program that gives me a profound experience of life.

In the first program of "China Poetry Conference", a contestant calmly walked from one side of the stage to the middle of the stage. This man is not tall, wearing a gray green short sleeved shirt and black pants, and looks unattractive, but the empty sleeves on both sides attracted my attention. As soon as he came on the stage, the 100 member group cheered warmly, and he smiled to greet everyone. At this time, I wondered: Why did he lose both arms? How did he learn poetry in life?

Through his self introduction, I learned that he is 20 years old from the Law School of Sichuan University. I lost my arms because I met the transformer when I was six years old. Later, with the careful care and guidance of his parents, he learned to brush his teeth, write and surf the Internet with his feet. And finally through hard study, with a good score of 603 points, was admitted to Sichuan University. After listening to his self introduction, all the people present gave warm applause again and again. In front of the TV, I was moved to tears.

During the competition, he seemed confident, almost without hesitation, and he could answer all kinds of questions without hesitation. With the encouragement of the Hundred People's League, he not only passed the customs smoothly, but also scored 186 points, defeated the other four players and won the qualification of the challenge competition. In the next stage of the challenge competition, he became more brave. Even though the score was far behind, he still persevered and went all out. In the end, the team turned the tables on 5:4. This made me feel relieved and unbelievable at the same time. He could defeat the female doctoral student of Peking University without both arms! This young man who never gives up is Peng Chao!

Peng Chao's optimistic and tenacious attitude made me feel his love for life, and realized that the most important thing in life is to bravely face all the ups and downs, no matter how weak you are, no matter what setbacks you encounter, as long as you have courage, there will be hope. From now on, we should cherish every day, every minute and every second to make our life more meaningful!

Undaunted Composition (20)

"How do you feel about being the third place winner of the Olympic Games in the short distance backstroke competition?" At night, I heard such a sentence beside the TV, and then I heard Fu Yuanhui say: "I used the power of flood and famine, who knows what I experienced..." At the end, Fu Yuanhui stopped and said: "I want to seriously thank myself for being strong."

I thank myself for being strong, because I have made great efforts, and because my achievements have been exchanged with my whole body and mind. Not only Fu Yuanhui, but also everyone who has made great achievements, suddenly remembered me who worked hard.

In those two years, my mother suddenly became enthusiastic about the piano grade examination, and planned to make me leap forward to take the Grade 8 exam directly after I had just taken the Grade 4 exam. Even piano teachers agree with this view - they all think I have such potential ability. So I began to train almost crazily.

When it comes to the weeks of grade examination, it is even worse. Mom said, "The grade examination is coming these days, and you have finished your homework. Play for at least three hours a day." Mom was absolutely right, so I had to answer it. When I sat down to play the piano, I wanted to overcome my shortcoming of slow scale playing. Thinking of this, I started crazy practice. My fingers kept flying on the keys in an orderly manner, but the sound of the piano became light again. I had to follow the teacher's method: walk with four fingers and five fingers, but then "walk" hard on the piano.

However, after five minutes, the whole hand was twisted out of shape, and the four and five fingers could not use proper strength in playing. I wanted to give up, but I felt that there was a force supporting me, so I made up my mind to let four fingers and five fingers "walk" on the piano again. Ten minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, my whole person is bad: sitting on the piano bench for a long time makes my back ache and buttocks ache, and the long "walking on the piano" makes my fingers a little numb, unable to lift freely, and staring at the music score for too long makes me dizzy. But it seems that this is just the beginning: with the increase of speed, the left hand is more and more unable to keep up, and the cooperation between the two hands is also getting worse... I have to "find another way" - first practice the left hand alone, then practice the cooperation between the two hands, and so on, repeatedly practice again and again, and pay the whole body and mind.

I thought about giving up, but I finally persevered; I thought about what to do if my grades were low, but I succeeded in the end. A few months after the grade examination, a red notebook appeared in front of me - it was the certificate of the Chinese Music Association. I was surprised and happy. However, I don't want to do anything now. I just want to calm down and thank myself for not giving up.

Little author: Jiang Siqi