Frustrated Composition (17 practical)
Ideal octogenarian
2024-01-18 03:50:53
Senior One
topic of conversation

Losing Composition (1)

As the saying goes, "The people are the foundation of the country, and the people eat first". The word "eat" is familiar to everyone. I have also eaten many things, such as "suffer losses".

In the long road of life, there is no smooth sailing, no rainbow without wind and rain. Losing is a blessing. Losing this time is a lesson for the next time.

Once, I went downstairs to buy soy sauce for my mother. When I came to a shop, I picked up a bottle of soy sauce and asked the boss, "How much is a bottle of soy sauce. He gave the money to him.

When I got home, I handed the soy sauce and the remaining money to my mother. My mother looked, "Eh, where is the other two yuan? Did you buy junk food?" "No," I said, "the boss said it was 10 yuan." My mother asked in doubt: "I usually buy this brand of soy sauce for 8 yuan? Why do you buy it for 10 yuan?" Then, My mother took me to another shop, picked up the same brand of soy sauce and asked the boss, "How much is this bottle of soy sauce? My mother led me to a shop outside the community and asked the boss how much the same brand of soy sauce cost. "Eight yuan!" How come it's eight yuan again? Am I really losing money.

When I got home, my mother said to me earnestly: "When shopping, we should shop around. We can't just buy things quickly and go home quickly. We can only buy things that are cheap and of good quality by looking at more stores, remember?"

This loss warned me not to buy things blindly, but to choose things that are worth it.

Losing Composition (2)

When I was a child, my family was poor. Every time when I ate, my mother would always say, "Let's give up, we can't eat, we can't grab, we can't eat enough." So, although we sometimes can't eat enough, we still can't help but eat less when we see a few dishes. Our brothers and sisters have good appetites because they often suffer from stomach problems and fall asleep hungry.

It seems that losing is also a blessing.

Being willing to suffer losses means temporary abandonment and sacrifice, but at the same time, we will get unexpected gains without losing the kind of mind and demeanor we pursue. To think a little further, if a person refuses to suffer losses in everything, goes all out in pursuit of fame and wealth, grabs money, and takes advantage everywhere, he will lose his personality and dignity, lose the value of being a man, and how can he feel the happiness of life?

Human life is limited. It can be said that people come and go in a hurry. Everyone wants to live a happier life. So what is happiness? What kind of people can feel happiness?

With a correct outlook on life and values, we will have a correct outlook on happiness and enjoy real happiness. Happiness is a kind of inner feeling. When you enjoy the happiness of life and feel that your life is full and meaningful, you already have happiness. Such experience only belongs to those who are willing to suffer losses and are willing to give.

Those who do not know how to suffer losses are always used to calculating others. Behind the camouflage of enthusiasm and benevolence, what is hidden is the naked desire for money, fame and wealth, as well as the attack and injury to others.

Those who are willing to suffer losses always have a kind heart and think of others for the good. They are kind to others everywhere. Behind the seemingly innocent, pedantic and weak, there is an open, indifferent, tolerant and defenceless world.

We often sympathize with some small people who are willing to suffer losses, and hate those who want to take advantage of power everywhere. Why? What is the difference between people? Who is much smarter than who? It's just that we have different attitudes towards others. Everyone has a steelyard in his heart. After weighing others, he should also measure himself. After commenting on others, please don't forget to remind yourself that being a loser will make you feel secure and happy in life.

Of course, when we talk about suffering losses, we do not include our attitude towards issues of principle. For major issues of right and wrong, we can't accept losses or give in, because it is related to a person's survival value and the meaning of life.

In real life, although sometimes good people can't compete with bad people, good people will be plotted and attacked by bad people. However, the final result will still bring us comfort: speculation and profiteering will eventually be "wise and wrong", or suffer a big loss. Those who are willing to suffer losses temporarily will not really suffer losses, but will also get the feedback of "peaches and plums don't say anything, and they will make their own way", so they must live a relaxed, comfortable and practical life.

Cheap gain is the biggest loss, and true giving is the pay without return. A temporary loss will bring a lifetime of peace. Peace is a blessing, and loss is a blessing.

It is impossible to win friends by haggling over every ounce. It is impossible to coexist with people just for profit. People also despise people if they are unreasonable. There is no impassable barrier in life. If you step back, you will win many friends. It's not a matter of principle. Smile and wave your hand. It's better to be confused. This is the way of communication.

Those who are willing to suffer losses will always maintain a peaceful and free state of mind. Only in this state of mind can we feel the happiness of life.

Losing Composition (3)

Everyone in the world wants to seek happiness, but the higher the desire, the more difficult it is to achieve. In fact, happiness is around us, and the source of happiness is to suffer losses. To suffer a loss is to be able to hold a boat in one's stomach. To suffer a loss is to be happy when Maitreya goes down to earth.

As the saying goes, "A loss is a blessing." However, this "loss" is a small loss, while "happiness" is a great blessing. Nowadays, few people can understand this. Only those who have the spirit of indifference, detachment, and optimism can understand that only "loss" is a blessing!

An old man lived on the northern border. One day, his horse got lost. People expressed their regret to him. But he didn't think it was necessarily a bad thing. A few days later, his horse brought a good horse, and the neighbors came to praise it. The old man said, "How do you know this is not a disaster, So father and son lived happily. So it is said that to suffer a loss is a blessing, to eat a small loss, but to get a great blessing.

Losing doesn't mean being timid, but being brave.

Losing doesn't mean being stupid, but being wise.

Losing doesn't mean losing, but getting.

Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi were western generals of the Shuofang envoy in Tang Dynasty. They had a long disagreement because of their prejudice. When Anlu Mountain rebelled, Guo Ziyi was promoted to Shuofang Jiedu Envoy. Li Guangbi became his subordinate. Fearing that he would take the opportunity to retaliate, he asked, "No matter what you do to me in the future, I will not complain, but only try not to implicate my wife and children." Guo Ziyi left his position and hugged Li Guangbi with tears in his eyes, saying, "The country is in danger. I can't be so cynical and haggle over every detail." Li Guangbi saw his open mind and led the team to fight. The general has made outstanding achievements in fighting against rebellion and neutrality. This fully demonstrates that it is not cowardice, stupidity or loss to suffer losses. However, we can get more valuable things in the loss, that is, "happiness".

Nowadays, many people in the society are very realistic, unwilling to lose their interests, unwilling to take on the responsibility bravely, unwilling to pursue wisdom, because many people are blinded by snobbery, become selfish, become ignorant and numb, become hungry, and refuse to make a contribution to the society. Here I want to say that loss is not loss, not stupidity, not cowardice, Losing is blessing!

Losing is blessing! Because of losses, we get inexhaustible love, because of losses, we get eternal happiness, because of losses, we get the source of happiness

Losing Composition (4)

Someone once said that to lose is to gain the most advantage. I didn't understand it before, but now someone has taught me, and he has really done it. He is my good friend and my model - Ying Yunzhan.

Ying Yunzhan has always had many friends, precisely because he would suffer. Once, Ying Yunzhan, I and Wang Ji went to borrow equipment for our class to do sit ups. We were silly when we arrived at the equipment room, eh? There is no teacher at all. What should we do then? Fortunately, Ying Yunzhan knew that the teacher might be in the library, but then a question came up. There were three of us. Although we were not far from the library, we also needed someone to look for him. If we three went together, it would not be necessary. But if one of us went alone, it would be a loss for that person? When I was wondering, Ying Yunzhan volunteered and said, "I'll go!" So I was glad I didn't suffer.

After a while, Ying Yunzhan came with the teacher. The three of us were led by the teacher to the equipment room. I was just happy and didn't suffer. I began to worry again. I thought: "Teacher Li asked us to take ten cushions back, but we only have three people. So, we have three more than one, so one person should take more than others! Ying Yunzhan has just suffered a loss. It is impossible for him to take four. Then Wang Ji and I have a 50% chance of suffering a loss. How many will I take? " Wang Ji and I were at a loss. We were embarrassed to take three, and we felt a loss to take four. Wang Ji and I hesitated to take a look at each other. At this time, Ying Yunzhan said again: "Zhong Ye Xiao took three, Wang Ji took three, and I took four." Ying Yunzhan suffered another loss, which made me feel ashamed.

Therefore, Ying Yunzhan is my model in this respect. The reason why he has so many friends is also because of the spirit of thinking about others! So to suffer a loss is to take the biggest advantage. Ying Yunzhan suffered some small losses, but he won many people's favor. Everyone likes to make friends with him. So in this regard, I am seriously correcting and learning from him.

Losing Composition (5)

As the saying goes, a loss is a blessing. People always recite this sentence, but they don't understand its true meaning. In my opinion, losses refer to "small losses". It's nothing to suffer from small losses. We can learn from our lessons and avoid big losses later. Don't make trouble for losses. It may be a good thing for you.

When I was in primary school, I had a conflict with a classmate. The reason is that he stepped on my shoes. I asked him to apologize to me, but he didn't say. I hit my temple with my fist again, which irritated me. I gave him a hard word: "You wait for me!" He was so good that he replied to me contemptuously: "I will wait!" I gave him a punch impulsively. Then there was a fight. I accidentally pushed him to the corner, which made his face pale. The students went to the head teacher, who took him to see a doctor. At that time, I was immature and didn't explain the facts clearly. My family paid all the money for his medical treatment. I said to my father at that time: "It's not fair! He started it first!" My father said frankly to me: "Son, don't be sad, leave the rest to me, and don't make trouble later. At this moment, I can't help but shed tears. I have a lot of feelings in my heart and want to release them! I was an asshole, the black sheep of my family. Later, at the class meeting, I was blamed for what I did, which made me very upset. However, one student said to step back. I went home to ponder over this sentence, and it was reasonable. If I had ignored him, there would have been no similar tragedy. I have decided not to make trouble and fight any more.

Although I have suffered losses, I will be blessed. From that day to now, I haven't provoked a single incident or fought. As the saying goes, it is a blessing to suffer losses!

Losing Composition (6)

It is believed that you must always contact or use the composition, especially the topic composition which is of great significance in the composition. The topic composition must be related to the topic. Generally, the requirements of topic composition only specify the scope of the topic, not the theme of the composition. So how to write topic composition? The following is a 400 word composition on the topic of loss and happiness collected and sorted out by a small editor. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

Suffering is blessing topic composition 400 words 1

On the long road of life, there is no smooth sailing, no rainbow without wind and rain? But at this time, please remember that it is a blessing to suffer losses, and those who like to take advantage of small things are often the ones who suffer big losses.

The story happened between two flowers.

In a warm spring season, a chrysanthemum seed was planted under a peach tree. As the spring breeze caresses, peach and chrysanthemum flowers are slowly blooming. In March, the peach blossom season, the peach blossoms are all in full bloom, enjoying the scenery of spring, while the chrysanthemum is so small! It's not half as big as the peach blossom. The arrogant peach flower glanced at it with scornful eyes and said, "Look at you, nobody, only give me fertilizer." The peach flower humiliated the chrysanthemum greatly, thinking that it had taken a big advantage. The chrysanthemum was indifferent to its words, and overwhelmed the loss of eating. Spring has passed in a twinkling of an eye. In summer, peach blossoms have lost their former style, and their heads droop under the scorching sun, while chrysanthemums are still so small and full of vitality. In autumn, when chrysanthemums are blooming, the proud peach flowers in spring have already withered and become fertilizer for chrysanthemums, while chrysanthemums have a thin body and suddenly bloom in the cool autumn wind. People no longer mention peach blossoms, but praise the tenacity of chrysanthemums with praise language. The loser chrysanthemum fought back against the cheaper peach blossom.

In the process of doing things, many people are as open-minded as chrysanthemums. They don't care what others say to win the cheap, otherwise they will always be under the pressure of others. Second, people like chrysanthemums will hold them high above their heads.

What's the loser? It is a blessing. What is Fu? It is others' approval, recognition and friends.

Suffering is blessing topic composition 400 words 2

There is no absolute fairness in the world, so it is inevitable that one side will feel that it is losing and the other side will take advantage. In the face of similar things, do you choose to suffer or take advantage?

The ancients said, "A fall and a gain". According to this sentence, a loss is certainly a blessing! If you lose something, you will think about where you are wrong. In this way, you will exercise yourself and make progress in this process.

There was an ordinary rural woman with low cultural level who set up a small stall on the street and sold a film for only ten cents. Others said that she was dead set, but she turned a deaf ear to it. Later, her business grew larger and larger, and she opened a photographic equipment store. She still earned a dime per film. Once, a customer from other places left his wallet with her. She spent a lot of long-distance phone calls to find the owner. Sometimes, when she overcharges others, she is also anxious to find others to repay her money. In doing so, she suffered losses on the surface, but in fact, she won the trust of others, and people love to buy things in her store. Although a dime is small, every little makes a mickle. So she has made a lot of money. Isn't it just a loss or a blessing?

There is also a owner of a sand and stone farm who does not have much culture or prominent background, but his business is surprisingly good and has been thriving for many years. It turns out that anyone who has cooperated with him once is willing to cooperate with him again, because he insists on taking profits when distributing profits with each partner. Less money, but more profits to the other side. But this small amount of money has won him a large number of customers. Isn't it a loss or a blessing?

These two things sound like the Arabian Nights. Is it possible that two ordinary people defeated many powerful opponents? probably! Because these things often happen around us. These things fully illustrate a truth!

Suffering is blessing topic composition 400 words 3

As soon as I entered the door, a sweet smell of potato chips came to me. In class, the teacher cheerfully brought up two plates of potato chips, one was the well-known Panpan potato chips, and the other was the humble Jiajia potato chips. There was no difference in appearance between these two plates of potato chips, which were similar to ordinary potato chips, but the price and taste were very different. The Panpan potato chips on the right made me greedy. At this time, the teacher smiled and said to us, "Everyone comes up to get a potato chip and a piece of paper. But this time, this sentence failed. If so many people get good results, wouldn't the teacher lose a lot of money? Besides, am I such a greedy person? So I took the cheap one without even thinking about it. After taking the note back, I kept my eyes closed and dared not look at the words on the note, but opened the note and wrote: "Congratulations, because of your apology, you got a bag of delicious hawthorn." So I received a bag of sweet and delicious hawthorn slices. At this time, I stood on the stage, chewing hawthorn slices in my mouth, How happy I am when I look at the students who are talking about it! Those greedy cats who reached for Panpan potato chips had to stand there and watch.

Indeed, it is also a blessing to suffer losses, and small gains are not so easy to get, so we should always be a person who does not covet small gains.

Suffering is blessing topic composition 400 words 4

I believe that everyone has suffered losses, and some people think that losses are annoying; But I think it is actually good to suffer losses. I think the same is true for each "blessing in disguise".

Once I wore a pair of trousers with shallow pockets. There was a money saw in the pocket, which contained 29 yuan. Unconsciously, my wallet was lost, and I cried for a long time. This is my weekly allowance. It's gone in a twinkling of an eye. Of course, I feel uncomfortable!

On the face of it, I suffered a loss, but I don't think it is a bad thing? Since then, my department has been very careful to take the wallet. There are even hundreds of dollars in the wallet, and I haven't lost my luck. Because I lost a little money, so as to avoid losing more money, this is undoubtedly "Fu".

I remember once, I checked the math exam several times and thought there were no mistakes. At this time, my deskmate touched me and said quietly, "There is a question you are wrong." I was very nervous and copied his answer. When the paper was handed out, I was shocked. I had done the right thing in the original question, but I was muddled to correct it. Do you think I was wrong! At the beginning, my deskmate told me that there was something wrong. On the surface, it was a good thing, but in fact, there was something bad in it? Because of this, I became confident, and confidence is the cornerstone of success. Since I have never made similar mistakes, doesn't this also verify the truth that "loss is happiness"?

Students, please remember this sentence - to suffer is to be blessed. Loss can make you alert, increase your knowledge, and build your confidence... As long as you can keep an open-minded and optimistic attitude, you will find that loss is a valuable teacher.

Suffering is blessing topic composition 400 words 5

As the saying goes, "The people are the foundation of the country, and the people eat first". The word "eat" is familiar to everyone. I have also eaten many things, such as "suffer losses".

In the long road of life, there is no smooth sailing, no rainbow without wind and rain. Losing is a blessing. Losing this time is a lesson for the next time.

Once, I went downstairs to buy soy sauce for my mother. When I came to a shop, I picked up a bottle of soy sauce and asked the boss, "How much is a bottle of soy sauce. He gave the money to him.

When I got home, I handed the soy sauce and the remaining money to my mother. My mother looked, "Eh, where is the other two yuan? Did you buy junk food?" "No," I said, "the boss said it was 10 yuan." My mother asked in doubt: "I usually buy this brand of soy sauce for 8 yuan? Why do you buy it for 10 yuan?" Then, My mother took me to another shop, picked up the same brand of soy sauce and asked the boss, "How much is this bottle of soy sauce? My mother led me to a shop outside the community and asked the boss how much the same brand of soy sauce cost. "Eight yuan!" How come it's eight yuan again? Am I really losing money.

When I got home, my mother said to me earnestly: "When shopping, we should shop around. We can't just buy things quickly and go home quickly. We can only buy things that are cheap and of good quality by looking at more stores, remember?"

This loss warned me not to buy things blindly, but to choose things that are worth it.

Losing Composition (7)

In the hot summer last year, I followed the Children's Palace summer camp to Qingdao. I made many good teachers and friends there.

We had a good time for six days. In these days, we visited all the beautiful scenery in Qingdao. Come to the seaside, enjoy the charm of the sea, etc.

It's time to go. In order to leave some souvenirs for our trip, the guide let's go to the supermarket to buy some local specialties. I strolled around the supermarket leisurely, sweeping the shelves with my eyes. Suddenly, I found a food I had never eaten before: "hot mutton kebabs". Unfortunately, there is only one bag left.

I was so greedy that I quickly put out my hand. Unexpectedly, I was blocked by another hand. When I saw it, it was Gangjie. Just wanted to argue, but saw his strong muscles shrink again, thought forget it, it's OK to lose once!

Watching Gangjie happily take away the beautiful plastic bag, I sighed, swallowed my saliva and left.

At this moment, the sound of "clattering" came from behind me. Looking back, the salesperson poured piles of "hot mutton kebabs" into the shelves. I felt lucky and took a bag.

On the way home, we ate and drank happily. Suddenly, I heard a cry. At first, it was Gangjie. He was spitting out a piece of red stuff, and then he shouted: "What mutton kebabs! They are so disgusting!"

"Let me see, alas! This is overdue!" Some students looked at it and said.

"Overdue! Maybe mine is also overdue!" I exclaimed. Hurry to have a look. It's OK! It was delivered three days ago. be in luck.

I tasted mutton kebabs and felt good!

Remember! Sometimes it's good to suffer losses!

Losing Composition (8)

Suffer will at present if you do not listen to the old man's advice, The saying is so right! I didn't listen to Grandma's advice these days. I ate too much ice cream. As a result, I had a stomach cramp this morning. Alas——

"How hungry!" I shouted at the first word when I got up in the morning. The stomach kept barking, which was extremely uncomfortable, just like the feeling of not eating for ten days. Can sit in front of a table full of food but have no appetite and can't eat. I barely ate half of it, but I went to school with my screaming stomach.

In the first English class, my stomach was even more uncomfortable. I couldn't straighten my waist, and I fell on the table, unable to hold my stomach. Mr. Zhang almost didn't listen to what he said. Even the English letters on the blackboard became delicious food. Ah, I'm going crazy!

What's worse is doing morning exercises. Almost every movement made me feel worse, and I couldn't do any of them properly. The scenery in front of me kept swinging back and forth. The sun was saying such a thing. The sweat on my head ran to the corner of my eyes, which made me cry.

By the end of class, I had completely changed my image as a crazy girl, just like Lin Daiyu, who was hiding in a corner and humming feebly. Seeing the students running, I envy them! But I can't.

Alas, it's not worth making me look like this for just an ice cream! For a moment of "happiness", my stomach suffered all morning. I should have listened to Grandma. Alas, this is really: if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer.

Losing Composition (9)

Losing is a kind of magnanimity to understand and understand others. No matter what you do, you should understand that "taking small losses and winning big profits" means taking small gains and not haggling over every ounce.

Losing is a huge personality power, which can produce strong cohesion and appeal. Han Xin once believed in the belief that "a scholar can be humiliated, not killed", and swallowed his pride to climb from his crotch to keep a useful body. There was also a saying that "if you don't lose in front of you, you can't be afraid of burning firewood". If you don't lose in front of you, how can you get such good results?

Losing is a noble moral character and also a kind of profound self-restraint. There was a group of college students who wanted to enter certain industries. I don't know why. When they first entered the interview, they were trampled several times. At that time, too many people attended the interview. At that time, he was trampled and didn't say anything, because he knew that losing is not what, losing is happiness, losing is loss, losing is gain.

Losing is a state of being kind to life and others, which can cultivate people's sentiment and bring you peace and tranquility. Many successful people are willing to lose. In life, they don't care about every ounce. Between gain and loss, they know tolerance. They know that loss is often accompanied by happiness in everything. If you want to have a real happiness, You just need to understand the importance of "suffering loss". In fact, suffering loss is not suffering loss, it is the matchmaker of happiness.

Losing is a principle of dealing with people, which is based on the loss of interests. On the basis of regaining happiness, it is based on love and happiness. The poet also said that "no loss, no gain". In the legendary masterpiece "The Song of the Cottage Broken by the Autumn Wind", Du Fu lived in poverty and hardship, but finally he gave the broken hut to the Wu family to live, but he moved to a dilapidated place far away. This is what he can suffer. He knows that suffering is nothing, To suffer a loss is just a way of doing things that can be ignored. We should understand that suffering a loss is a kind of happiness and a realm that others cannot get.

To suffer a loss means to repay good for bad and not to haggle over every ounce.

To suffer losses means to gain big profits with small profits.

Losing means giving happiness with a broad mind.

To suffer a loss means sacrificing the ego and making the greater self come first.

Losing means helping yourself, as well as helping others.

From then on, you should understand a profound truth: "Eat small losses, win big profits; eat small losses, win big happiness; eat small losses, win big happiness." Losing is accompanied by your continuous happy growth.

Frustrated Composition (10)

Once upon a time, honest people seemed to become unlucky objects. When bullied, they never said anything and swallowed their pride. They seemed to defend their so-called integrity. In my words, they became fools who "were sold, cheated, and counted money for others". But after I read a newspaper report, I immediately changed my previous ridiculous and childish view.

The newspaper probably reported that a few days ago, several infants who had consumed "Shengyuan Youbo" milk powder were found to suffer from premature and other diseases after examination. Although this matter has been clarified, which is purely coincidental, it seems to have become a microcosm of millions of families worried about the quality of milk powder. The truth of "honesty and integrity, no loss" seems to be a laughingstock in the eyes of those businessmen who are cruel. False pesticides, fertilizers, and seeds often make those farmers toil for a year, but in the end, they reap nothing; However, some unscrupulous people, in order to make huge profits, make some fake drugs into the market, which leads to the death or disability of innocent consumers... Some people, greedy for money, wash some ugly shells, grind them into powder, and sell them as pearl powder at a high price, which makes consumers suffer from diseases... While they make a fortune, they do not know, Has lost more valuable than material wealth, a person's qualifications - integrity!

This reminds me of the seventh man in the breakfast shop: others bought pork neck, but she bought high-quality pork; Others rely on the geographical location of the store to eat, but she relies on integrity to eat, which has won more customers and more wealth for her.

Yeah! Be honest and never lose; And even if we suffer, we can live with our conscience!

Frustrated Composition (11)

Lu Yao, who won the "Contradiction Literature Award", once said that I was particularly impressed: "Since I don't think I have suffered, how can he take advantage of it?" This sentence often makes me feel relieved when I feel unbalanced in life.

The writer Lu Yao was inherited to his uncle's family when he was young. The uncle without a son regards Lu Yao as his own child. Although his family conditions are very bad, he will try his best to let him go to school. He, who is sensible, naturally reports on Uncle in his own way. When he finished school, he tried to help Uncle. At that time, he would cut pigweed in the back mountain with his friends. Once, Lu Yao, who was quick to cut a basket full of pig grass, was about to take a rest when one of his friends suddenly rolled on the ground with his stomach covered and an expression of pain. Lu Yao was worried and asked hurriedly, "What's the matter? Does your stomach hurt? Let me carry you back." "However, I haven't finished mowing the grass, and I will be scolded when I go back." The little partner replied to Lu Yao with a very painful expression. He helped the little partner to a sitting place to rest, smiled and said, "It's OK, I will help you cut the pig grass, and soon I will help you go back." Sure enough, Lu Yao helped the little partner cut a basket full of pig grass. He carried his own basket of pig grass, and took his partner's basket of pig grass alone, with the other hand holding his partner back. After hearing this, Lu Yao's friend who came back was indignant: "Well, you were cheated. He often pretended to have a stomachache, then cheated others to help him work, and let him take advantage of it again." Lu Yao was not angry after hearing this, but calmly said, "I don't think he took advantage of it." His friend looked puzzled, Lu Yao then said, "Even if he pretended, it must be because of something. Maybe he was tired, or he was unwilling to do it. So no matter whether he pretended or not, he needed help at that moment. I helped a person who needed help. I was very happy and full. Since I didn't think I had suffered, how could he take advantage of it?" After listening, my friend nodded thoughtfully.

Indeed, I always encourage myself to take advantage of things I feel happy about.

When I first went to college, I was full of curiosity about everything. I especially liked office software. In high school, I only saw the courseware made by teachers. When I went to college, I made it myself. I always felt it was very fresh and magical. A friend learned that I like doing nothing, so he chatted with me: "I have a particularly important time to do today, but tomorrow I will go to the stage to give a lecture. If it is too late to do later, you can help me do the PowerPoint. When I finish my work, I will come back directly to get familiar with the content, and go to speak directly tomorrow." "OK" I didn't hesitate for a second, and directly typed two words on the keyboard. She was very satisfied with my PPT, and also expressed her deep gratitude. The next day's lecture was also very effective. I am also very satisfied, and I feel that I am still valuable. Later, my roommate told me that she didn't have anything important that day. She just played games in the dormitory all day. "She lied to you when she knew that Bi would not refuse. It was too much." The roommate always felt worthless for me, and said, "She just likes to take advantage of others, lazy, and use the results of others. She always thinks of getting something for nothing." To be honest, I am not as calm as Lu Yao. I was a bit upset when I heard about it, and was going to find her to argue, She came to me first: "I have a speech for the competition, please help me prepare it, thank you!" "No" This time I answered her without hesitation for a second. Since then there has been no following. After finishing these two words, I don't want to ask her whether she really had something important that day. I am calm and rational. In fact, I have gained a lot. If she hadn't lied, I wouldn't have done her courseware, so I would have missed a chance to practice my skills, and I wouldn't know that my courseware could still be recognized by the teacher, It is even more difficult to see that she is a person who likes to lie and repeats itself. She has improved my skills and made me feel satisfied and happy after helping others achieve good results. I didn't suffer at all. On the contrary, I thought I had taken advantage of it.

"Losing" or not is always not absolute, as the saying goes, "A blessing in disguise is not a blessing in disguise." Disaster and happiness are mutually attractive magnetic fields, just like Luyao paid for water and happiness; It's like I paid my time for my affirmation; Just like my friend, although she succeeded in getting a chance to be lazy, she lost my trust and the opportunity to practice her skills. Lu Yao and I seem to have suffered a lot from their experience. In fact, we are the ones who have gained a lot. His little friends and my friends, who think they have gained a lot, have lost more important and valuable things. Life is just like this. There is no once and for all thing, and there is no luck in the end. Different people view things differently, but some people will magnify the shortcuts brought by others' help, while others will reduce the misfortune brought by losses.

To suffer a loss is not the original meaning. I think it is a blessing. It can make us more open-minded and indifferent. As Lu Yao said, he doesn't think that he will suffer, and others must not take advantage.

Frustrated Composition (12)

Whether in school or in society, everyone has written a composition. With the help of composition, you can vent your feelings and adjust your mood. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is a 600 word essay collected and sorted out by Xiao Bian. It is for reference only. Welcome to read it.

I think maybe everyone is unwilling to suffer losses, but I want to take the initiative to suffer losses, so does my family.

Once, I went swimming in the river with one of my good friends. We swam together, very refreshing! After swimming for a while, I suddenly found that my watch was still on my hand. Fortunately, there was no water coming in. So I took my watch off Geng and was ready to throw it to the bank. But XX called me, "You are not afraid of breaking your watch." I said, "There is a deep place from here to the bank. I can't trample on the water. I can't get through." XX said, "I will help you take it to the shore from time to time." So I gave my watch to XX. He walked a few steps towards the shore and started to tread on the water. Unexpectedly, "Cheng Yaojin was killed on the way". My friend came out of nowhere and jumped on XX's back like a prank. Although XX could tread on the water, he could not bear the weight of a person. So he sank. Where's my watch? Naturally, it was flooded with XX. Alas, a good watch is useless. My friend said he would compensate me, but I refused. I thought, "You compensated me this time, will you be as good as before when you see me next time?" So I lost a watch, but it's worth it to close my relationship with my friends. I can't do all these things. My grandma can do them, too.

Once, there were two primary school students. Maybe they were too curious! In order to test the firmness of the greenhouse in my vegetable garden, I used it as a target and hit it with stones. When their parents learned about this, they took the initiative to find their grandmother and said that they wanted to make compensation. Grandma said, "Forget it." Later, when she talked about this, she said, "If I asked them to make compensation that time, I would not be happy when I met them next time. If we did not let them make compensation, they would treat us better."

It seems that it is also good to suffer losses in life! Loss is the melting agent of contradictions, the fusion agent of feelings, but happiness!

Frustrated Composition (13)

On Saturday, I was doing my homework when I heard my mother say, "There is a criminal police open day today." I was clamoring to go there. My mother said, "It's already 3 o'clock, and the activity will be over at 4 o'clock. I just checked the navigation, and there was a traffic jam on the road. It's too late. I'll take you to the reservoir after you finish this homework."

It was nearly 5 o'clock when I finished my homework. I prepared snacks and Dad took us out. I felt a little carsick on the way and fell asleep on the way

My mother woke me up from my dream and said, "The reservoir has arrived." I opened my eyes and saw that it was already dark outside. I looked at the direction of the reservoir. It was like a huge black hole, and I was afraid. Because it was too dark and unsafe, we had to go back home.

On the way home, my mother said to me, "I know the reservoir may close, but I still brought you here because my mother promised you that you would do it." I thought in my heart, today is really a loss, and I didn't get anywhere I wanted to go. I was very upset. If only I had finished my homework earlier! I think of my mother's words: do things with a plan, to be sure; There should also be a concept of time, and homework should be timed and not delayed. I used to be impatient, but today I have finally tasted the bitter fruit.

I secretly made up my mind to finish my homework early next Saturday and ask my friends to play in the reservoir on Sunday.

Frustrated Composition (14)

Good people should be honest first. Only honest people can be kind. My uncle is a kind and honest man.

A few days ago, a new employee named Xiao Li came to work with my uncle.

Xiao Li is a part-time worker. He often comes to LeEco late to change shifts with his uncle. My uncle could have gone home from work at five o'clock in the afternoon, but in order to wait for Xiao Li, my uncle was almost two hours late, which worried my grandparents.

When many people see here, they will think: If it is me, I don't care whether Xiao Li has come or not! When my time is up, I can go home. Or once or twice is acceptable, but too many times is unacceptable. Most people will certainly complain.

But my uncle didn't think or do that. He insisted that he would not go home until Xiao Li came. Therefore, my uncle comes home almost every day after seven or eight o'clock in the evening.

Generally speaking, my uncle suffered. He helped Xiao Li every day, but his salary did not increase because of this, and there was no extra reward or honor to speak of. My uncle didn't complain. He worked day after day, night after night, and came home late.

But in my opinion, my uncle did not suffer. His spirit has been enriched - he has been kind and tolerant.

When others are in trouble, he does not complain and silently helps them to ease their urgent needs. When others do not comply with the agreement, use a smile to contain their mistakes.

Frustrated Composition (15)

I remember when I was in the first grade, my parents took me to buy curtains when my family moved to a new house.

When I came to the place selling curtains, I went straight to the children's area. At that time, Pleasant Goat and Grey Wolf were popular. I liked them very much. There was just the last one left. The curtain was light blue. There were several lambs running on it, followed by the Big Wolf. I suddenly felt that I was also running on the green grassland. It was so beautiful, just this one. I took my parents to the curtains, but my mother poured cold water over me: "What kind of eyewash do you have? This blue can't help but be dirty." "No, I'll take this one, I don't want anything else." I said stubbornly. My father looked at my determination and said gently, "Baby, there is something better. Go to other places to have a look." "No, no, I will take this one, and you will go yourself" I said reluctantly. My parents really left and left me alone. I thought to myself, "Hum, if you don't buy it, you can't buy it with your lucky money." When I watched my parents go farther and farther, I squatted on the ground and shouted anxiously, trying to call back the parents who had gone farther, but failed. When my temper breaks out, let alone nine cows, I can't even pull back ten tigers, a hundred elephants and a thousand whales. If I were born in the war and fought with the Japanese, I would be recorded in history and remembered by future generations forever.

The boss of the curtain with a big belly couldn't help coming to pull me up, but he didn't pull it up for any reason. Passers by, whether old or young, will come and pull. Finally, I still squat there unmoved. "Hum, what will you do? I will never stop until I reach my goal."

Finally, I used my killer weapon to cry. I usually don't cry. When I cry, my parents should be aware of the seriousness of the matter! Sure enough, my parents ran back from afar before I cried a few times.

Finally, my parents gave in to me and bought that curtain. I really want to thank you - "Bull temper". You let me have my favorite curtain. However, shortly after I bought it, I found that the curtains didn't block the light when I slept at night, which really blinded my titanium alloy eyes. "I can't stand changing them all night" I muttered. Because of this curtain, I didn't sleep well for several days. I couldn't get up in the morning and dozed off in class. How did you choose it in the first place? I didn't listen to the old man.

Alas, I'm so arrogant... I really regret it!

Frustrated Composition (16)

As an old saying goes, one can become a superior person only after suffering from hardships. Song Lian, a great litterateur in ancient times, once wrote in the Preface to Sending Dongyang Ma Sheng. He was fond of learning when he was young, but because his family was poor, he just seemed to have a book collection family to borrow books for viewing. Under the harsh and piercing conditions, I still study hard. When encountering problems that I can't, I often travel thousands of miles to follow the elders to the learned gentleman's home for advice. In such difficult conditions, he can stick to a learning heart, work hard, and continue day and night, finally making him knowledgeable and respected. Compared with those Imperial College students who have teachers and a vast sea of books, Song Lian has the opposite learning and living conditions, but students can't study hard. They often have the mentality of being blessed and not knowing what to expect. Although Song Lian suffered in terms of conditions, she was no less successful than others.

As the old saying goes, if you are willing, you will get something. In our study, in our work, and in our life, we do not seek pleasure first, and then create hard. This process also does not exist. When we face the unfavorable situation for ourselves, why not have fun in hardship, and take a strong heart with the belief that it is a blessing to suffer losses?

Frustrated Composition (17)

Gradually, we lost the childish side and replaced it with a mature face. From the ignorance at that time, we changed our maturity concerns. In this process, we also knew what losses were.

Losing is wisdom. As the saying goes, "A fall and a gain" means that after a loss, you will learn from it and gain insight. Gou Jian, the King of Yue, suffered a great loss and died. He became a prisoner and lived a life worse than death. However, he remembered his own sin, learned a lesson, endured hardships, and realized his dream of national recovery. This is not easy to get. Isn't it the ideal realized with wisdom after suffering losses?

It is prudent to suffer losses. The Three Kingdoms are in a tripartite confrontation. The State of Wei has repeatedly invaded Shu and Wu to realize the pattern of the unification of the Three Kingdoms. However, the State of Wei was repeatedly frustrated. Sima Yi, the governor of the State of Wei, was repeatedly defeated by Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of Shu, and he could not help being wary of him. The "empty city plan" is the best embodiment of this. People say: "Once bitten, twice shy"! It is because I have suffered a loss that I am afraid of suffering another loss, from which I have forged a person's cautious, careful and stable character.

Losing is growing. Celebrities have said: "Failure is the mother of success", but I think failure is actually "a dumb loser". Edison, the great inventor, is known for his inventions since childhood, so that his inventions amount to more than 1300 kinds. However, when he was young, he suffered losses everywhere, and his income from working for others was always poor. Buyers also tried their best to lower the price of waste products. However, he never stopped his steps towards success. What he had suffered in the process slowly promoted his growth.

It can be seen from this that loss is an inevitable experience in our life, but this experience is beneficial. Who doesn't know that "being able to eat is a blessing", and eating a loss is also eating. If you eat too much loss, you will become a "blessing".

From small to large, we suffered more and more losses, and we suffered more along the way. But what have we gained from the losses? It is the opportunity and wisdom of growth.