Beautiful Scenery after Snow (Collection 15)
Over the years
2023-11-09 02:03:30
fourth grade
describe the scenery

Scenery after Snow (1)

Snow is the emissary of winter. It adorns the earth with its unique posture. It snowed heavily this winter. The snow was especially heavy, and it rained all day. The next day, I came out in high spirits.

"Ah" I couldn't help cheering. Look, how beautiful the snow has decorated the earth! The earth seems to be covered with a white quilt, and the houses and trees are all covered with snow. If you look at it, it is white everywhere. The tall pine tree was even more charming when it was covered with snow. Next to him stood a snowman similar to Santa Claus. The snowman wears a Christmas hat on his head and a bag on his back. It seems that it is full of toys. It is really lifelike! I can't help but step into this "fairy tale world". The cedar is loose and soft. It makes a "squeak" sound when I step on it. I jumped to a branch of a small tree, and before I could escape, the snow fell on my hair and clothes. I cried excitedly: "Ah, I became a snowman!"

Snow, you are a magician, you cover the earth with quilts; You are a painter, you make the world more beautiful.

Scenery after Snow (2)

Snow is the emissary of winter. It adorns the earth with its unique posture. Last winter, there was a heavy snow in Beijing.

The snow was especially heavy, and it rained all day. The next day, I came to the outside with great enthusiasm.

Ah, I couldn't help cheering. Look, how beautiful the snow has decorated the earth! The earth seemed to be covered with a white quilt, and the houses and trees were all covered with snow. As far as you can see, everything is white. When the tall pine tree was covered with snow, it became more charming. Next to it stood a snowman similar to Santa Claus. The snowman wears a Christmas hat on his head and a bag on his back. It seems that it is full of toys.

I can't help but step into this mythical world made of ice and jade. The cedar is loose and soft. It makes a creaking noise when I step on it. I jump hard and reach the branches of a small tree. Before I can escape, the snow falls on my hair and clothes. I cried excitedly: Oh, I have become a snowman!

Snow, you are a magician, you cover the earth with quilts; You are a painter, you make the world more beautiful.

Scenery after Snow (3)

It's snowing. How beautiful it is. The snow is like a cotton padded garment, gently covering the earth. However, my favorite is after snow.

After the snow, we can have a snowball fight and have a "close contact" with the snowman. Thinking of this, I smiled happily.

The next day, the snow finally stopped. Walking on the way to school, I heard the sound of "creaking" at my feet. oh dear! Did I hurt the little snowflakes!

When I got to school, I found the playground full of snow. Ha ha, this snowball fight must be very enjoyable!

It was not easy to stay in school until class was over. I immediately ran to the playground and played a snowball fight. Although I was covered with snow in class, I was very happy.

In the afternoon, moving pictures appeared. The students scrambled to take things to sweep the snow, so that our sanitary area was soon cleaned. The snow on the dustpan seemed to make a big meal. This big meal is not only snow, but also the students' love for the collective!

The snow is beautiful, even more beautiful after snow.

Scenery after Snow (4)

Snow is the emissary of winter. It adorns the earth with its unique posture. Last winter, there was a heavy snow in Beijing.

The snow was especially heavy, and it rained all day. The next day, I came to the outside with great enthusiasm.

"Ah" I couldn't help cheering. Look, how beautiful the snow has decorated the earth! The earth seems to be covered with a white quilt, as well as the house, the trees......, all covered with snow. As far as you can see, everything is white. When the tall pine tree was covered with snow, it became more charming. Next to it stood a snowman similar to Santa Claus. The snowman wears a Christmas hat on his head and a bag on his back. It seems that it is full of toys.

I couldn't help stepping into this "mythical world" made of ice and jade. The cedar is loose and soft. It makes a creaking sound when I step on it. I jump hard and reach the branches of a small tree. Before I can escape, the snow falls on my hair and clothes. I cried excitedly, "Oh, I'm a snowman!"

Snow, you are a magician, you cover the earth with quilts; You are a painter, you make the world more beautiful.

Scenery after Snow (5)

Yesterday, it just snowed. Today, I came out to enjoy the beautiful scenery after the snow!

Walking on the road, I admire the trees on both sides. When the breeze blew, the branches trembled, as if they nodded to us. Whew -- A piercing cold wind blew, and the trembling trees shook down the snow like jade chips. The snowflakes, reflecting the morning sun, flash bright colors. In the round flower bed, all kinds of flowers and trees with withered leaves were brought in and were full of white flowers. The cedar is covered with white velvet snowballs; The tall poplar trees are hung with crystal clear silver bars; And the willow trees with no leaves are falling snow.

I looked down at the wide road. The straight road had been covered with a long white carpet. It was so pure and crystal clear that I could not bear to step on it. Walking on the road covered with white carpet, I felt so comfortable. Walking on the soft snow like a silver carpet, I looked up. Several cotton like white clouds floated in the blue sky. They swam freely in the boundless sky. Groups of birds shuttled back and forth from different directions. They let go of their singing voice and sang beautiful songs, It seems to be praising the scenery after snow.

"Cluck cluck~" I heard a pleasant laugh. Upstairs, several children ran out of the house laughing, and the lawn suddenly became boiling. All the boys are lively, and what they are most interested in is snowball fights. On the lawn, there was a "murderous vibration", and white snow balls flashed like meteors, exploding white smoke. The girls built a snowman on the side to express their hopes. The cute and charming snowman was born in the hands of the children: big eyes, red nose, smiling mouth, white body, which made people laugh.

Walking, I came to a piece of grass. Here, all become white. The vast lawn seems to be covered with an incomparable "Simmons", white and soft. How I want to lie down on it and sleep... "Eh? Where is the grass?" It turns out that Snow Girl covered the grass with a snow quilt. Look, the grass is sleeping soundly! It's like a child lying in her mother's arms and falling into a sweet dream!

Snow has brought people longing, hope, joy and a white world! After the snow, it is still so beautiful that we still have so much fun.

Scenery after Snow (6)

"Come on, come on, it's snowing heavily!" In the morning, I was still asleep and woke up by my mother's surprise cry. I quickly dressed and ran to the window to see, "Wow! What a heavy snow!" I hurried downstairs to embrace the white world.

The field after snow is a white sea. The farmer's uncle's vegetable field, wheat field and field path were covered with a thick snow quilt. And the uneven vegetables peep out under the snow quilt to see the spotless white world. At a glance, the vast fields seemed as if the surging sea had suddenly stopped moving.

The house after snow seems to be wearing a strange white hat. Some are triangular, some are trapezoidal, some are rectangular, and some are round... From a distance, rooms are like castles in the ice and snow world, which is very interesting!

The yard after snow is a paradise for me and my dog. The snow in the yard is covered with the footprints of my dog and me, which are as big as a gourd and as small as a plum blossom. Several rows in the east and several rows in the west, the messy footprints also constitute a beautiful picture. We ran and played in the yard. In the cold snowy days, we were warm and lively in our laughter.

Snow brings children into a fairytale world and brings infinite fun. I love the beautiful scenery after snow!

Scenery after Snow (7)

On Saturday afternoon, I was very happy because I was going to buy a pet hamster on Sunday!
At night, I went to bed with a happy mood. Mother said there might be heavy snow on Sunday, so when I slept, I put my hand over my chest and prayed constantly, "It won't snow tomorrow, I bought a hamster."
On Sunday morning, I opened the curtains and said, "No! It's so cloudy, it seems that hamsters are going to go to soup." When my mother said no to the drought in the city, my heart was as gloomy as the weather. After a while, I went to the balcony and stood by the window. How beautiful! The snowflakes drift down regularly, and the elder brother Feng Er goes through the snow. At this time, a ray of sunshine appeared in my worried heart.
I decided to go downstairs to play. Also use the camera to take pictures of many beautiful scenery after snow. The light snow is still rustling down. I made a snowman on the lawn. I first piled the snow in a pile, then formed a small hard snowball, rolled the snowball around in the snow, and finally it would become a big snowball. Put the big snowball on the piled snow, and then put the eyes and mouth on the branches. By the way, we need to install our hands! I was afraid that some boys would destroy it, so I put four words "No damage" on the stick beside it. Hee... I always think there is something wrong with it, so I put a "fence" next to the snowman, ha ha! It's much better this time. Little Snowflake dances beside the little snowman and plays with the snowman.
I was a little cold. After a while, I returned home and found that the light snow outside had turned into goose feather snow. The snowflakes are just like children, who have just been let out by their mother to play for a while. They are flying freely. When I saw this beautiful scene, I couldn't help putting my hand out of the window to pick up a small snowflake. Wow! It is so soft, so crystal, like goose feather!
Looking around, the mountains are covered with snow everywhere. Snow, dressed the small tree in white cotton padded clothes, and the Maozhi small tree became more energetic. Mother Shan was also covered by the soft snow quilt.
This snow scene reminds me of a poem by Han Yu, a great poet, that "snow is too late for spring, so I wear court trees to make flying flowers". I seem to have a picture of spring in front of me.

Scenery after Snow (8)

When I got up in the morning, I couldn't wait to see the beautiful scenery after the heavy snow. As soon as I left home, I regretted it. The north wind was blowing towards me, making me shiver and drool. The upper and lower teeth were fighting in my mouth. My hands were numb and my feet were numb. Grandpa Dong mercilessly slapped me in the face, the pain of the knife and the pain of the meat. I curled up and walked on.

I only looked at myself, but I forgot to see the beautiful scenery after the heavy snow. I looked around and could not help but say "ah": the branches of peach trees were covered with fluffy, shiny silver bars, and the pine trees were covered with heavy, fluffy snowballs. The world is still covered with white snow and made of jade. It is so beautiful and exquisite.

I don't know why, today's road conditions are particularly good, as if it had never snowed heavily. It is neither slippery nor wet. The snow has been piled on both sides of the road, and the middle is clean. I thought to myself: Who is doing this with good intentions? When I was confused, there were several "pingpingpingping" sounds coming from afar.

I followed the sound and saw several uncles and aunts de icing, some of whom were shoveling ice with shovels; Some took boiling water to melt ice; Some use sharp tools to make ice. When you are hungry, take a piece of bread to fill your stomach; When it's cold, hold a warm handbag and cover your hands; When you are tired, go to the wooden bench to have a rest. What are these uncles and aunts doing in this way? In order to ensure the safety of everyone, prevent someone from slipping, and prevent the car from skidding. So what do they get from doing this? Yes, they didn't get anything beneficial, but only the most common things in the world, that is, everyone's praise, the feeling of happiness when de icing, and words that warm people's hearts. Their breath converged into a "love" in the sky.

As I slowly walked away, I could only hear their sweet laughter and the sound of the spade hitting the ground. I moved my body, stretched my waist, stamped my feet and twisted my neck, only to find that my originally frozen body had stretched out.

Those uncles and aunts' spirit of selfless dedication and consideration for others gave me warmth. There seems to be a stove beside me, which has been warming me. My hands are warm, my feet are warm, and my heart is warm.

Scenery after Snow (9)

As the saying goes, "Snow augurs a good year." There are no children in Northeast China who do not love snow, and I am no exception.

When winter comes, I can't help but "fly" out of an idea: this time it snows again, I must have a good time. However, I am sometimes attracted by the beauty of snow, especially the year before last.

The year before last was a warm winter season with little snow. It was not easy to expect a heavy snow. As soon as the snow was over, the red face of the sun showed up. I was busy bringing my playthings. I dressed well and trotted downstairs. Go downstairs and have a look. Wow, what a beautiful view! The earth, houses and trees are all silvery white. In the sunlight, the ground flashes like pearls, countless; The trees are covered with shiny silver bars, which are extremely beautiful; The snow on the roof is as thick as quilts, covering the house... I am completely fascinated by the scenery in front of me!

Not only the scenery is beautiful, but also the people are beautiful. On the street, people are bustling, including two four or five year old boys playing "catch the thief". Suddenly, a little boy fell down. He burst into tears. At this time, a big sister ran from a distance, helped the little brother up, patted the snow on his body, took out the only 2 yuan and handed it to the little brother. The little brother said, "I don't want it, keep it." The big sister said, "This is nothing. Take it to buy sugar." The little brother smiled quickly.

Snow is white, elegant and pure. Through the white snowflakes, I saw the warm spring, the smiling faces of people, and the future of the motherland

Snow will usher in another harvest season.

Scenery after Snow (10)

Yesterday, it just snowed. Today, I came out to enjoy the beautiful scenery after the snow!

Walking on the road, I admire the trees on both sides. When the breeze blew, the branches trembled, as if they nodded to us. Whew -- A piercing cold wind blew, and the trembling trees shook down the snow like jade chips. The snowflakes, reflecting the morning sun, flash bright colors. In the round flower bed, all kinds of flowers and trees with withered leaves were brought in and were full of white flowers. The cedar is covered with white velvet snowballs; The tall poplar trees are hung with crystal clear silver bars; And the willow trees with no leaves are falling snow.

I looked down at the wide road. The straight road had been covered with a long white carpet. It was so pure and crystal clear that I could not bear to step on it. Walking on the road covered with white carpet, I felt so comfortable. Walking on the soft snow like a silver carpet, I looked up. Several cotton like white clouds floated in the blue sky. They swam freely in the boundless sky. Groups of birds shuttled back and forth from different directions. They let go of their singing voice and sang beautiful songs, It seems to be praising the scenery after snow.

"Cluck cluck~" I heard a pleasant laugh. Upstairs, several children ran out of the house laughing, and the lawn suddenly became boiling. All the boys are lively, and what they are most interested in is snowball fights. On the lawn, there was a "murderous vibration", and white snow balls flashed like meteors, exploding white smoke. The girls built a snowman on the side to express their hopes. The cute and charming snowman was born in the hands of the children: big eyes, red nose, smiling mouth, white body, which made people laugh.

Walking, I came to a piece of grass. Here, all become white. The vast lawn seems to be covered with an incomparable "Simmons", white and soft. How I want to lie down on it and sleep... "Eh? Where is the grass?" It turns out that Snow Girl covered the grass with a snow quilt. Look, the grass is sleeping soundly! It's like a child lying in her mother's arms and falling into a sweet dream!

Snow has brought people longing, hope, joy and a white world! After the snow, it is still so beautiful that we still have so much fun.

Scenery after Snow (11)

600 word composition 1

Beautiful scenery after snow

As the saying goes, "Snow augurs a good year." There are no children in Northeast China who do not love snow, and I am no exception.

When winter comes, I can't help but "fly" out of an idea: this time it snows again, I must have a good time. However, I am sometimes attracted by the beauty of snow, especially the year before last.

The year before last was a warm winter season with little snow. It was not easy to expect a heavy snow. As soon as the snow was over, the red face of the sun showed up. I was busy putting on my playthings and wearing them, and trotted downstairs. Go downstairs and have a look. Wow, what a beautiful view! The earth, houses and trees are all silvery white. In the sunlight, the ground flashes like pearls, countless; The trees are covered with shiny silver bars, which are extremely beautiful; The snow on the roof is as thick as quilts, covering the house... I am completely fascinated by the scenery in front of me!

Not only the scenery is beautiful, but also the people are beautiful. On the street, people are bustling, including two four or five year old boys playing "catch the thief". Suddenly, a little boy fell down. He burst into tears. At this time, a big sister ran from a distance, helped the little brother up, patted the snow on his body, took out the only 2 yuan and handed it to the little brother. The little brother said, "I don't want it, keep it." The big sister said, "This is nothing. Take it to buy sugar." The little brother smiled quickly.

Snow is white, elegant and pure. Through the white snowflakes, I saw the warm spring, the smiling faces of people, and the future of the motherland

Snow will usher in another harvest season.

Beautiful scenery after snow 600 words composition 2

Beautiful scenery after snow

The heavy snow poured down day and night, and the whole world became an endless silver sea.

The lush forest belt has changed from its green clothes to white ones. The tall branches of poplar are like a sharp sword soaring into the sky. The verdant coniferous pine stands still and proudly accepts the wind and snow washing; The needles are covered with pine snowballs, like a white coat. The branches of weeping willows and elms are no longer so shrivelled, and the snow on them is like white plum blossoms in bud.

When I step on the white velvet snow, I feel like walking on the carpet at home. Seeing the footprints left behind in different shades, it seemed that I had done something wrong that I should not have done. Seeing that the crystal clear snow was trampled beyond recognition, I couldn't bear to go further. I could not help but stop, slowly squat down, gently pick up a handful of snow from the ground, carefully knead it into a ball, and smell and lick it with the tip of my tongue.

I accidentally touched a camphor tree on the roadside. The snow on the tree like a blooming pear flower flew down from the tree and landed on my head, face and clothes, as if I were in the sea of flowers.

With the help of their parents, children in the distance piled up all kinds of snowmen - some like Altman, some like Monkey King, some like joy. The posture is myriad and lifelike.

Older children, chasing and cheering in the snow, sometimes grabbed the snow on the ground, on the bark and on the turf, covered it with their hands and threw it at each other. The sparrow also changed its silence for several days, jumping from this branch to that branch, chirping and making incessant noise.

Ah! Snow white, you are the messenger of winter, bringing infinite vitality and vigor to the whole earth.

Ah! Snow white, you are the crystallization of joy, you bring people not to find!

Beautiful scenery after snow 600 words composition 3

Beautiful scenery after snow

After a heavy snow, I saw a silvery white outside the window. The heaven and earth were silvery white, as if they were one, like a fairyland on earth. It was extremely beautiful.

When I come outside, I can see that the sky is white and the ground is white. It's simply "white, especially enchanting"! The car was covered with white quilt, as if it were a car in a fairy tale. I immediately ran downstairs with my mother because we were going to the square to play. We have just arrived at the square. Wow, it is also silver white, like a magical world of ice and snow. Besides, the trees there are also very beautiful. There are poplar, pine and willow trees. Although the poplar tree is bare, like taking off its clothes, I feel that it will be very cold, but Snow Girl has turned into a white cotton padded jacket and put it on the bare poplar tree. The willow tree hung its hair. It felt that its hair was not beautiful, so it wanted to let Snow Girl hang on its hair. In this way, it was like wearing a white cap. The most eye-catching thing is the pine tree, because it has the most snow on its body. It is like a mushroom sprinkled with sugar. When the children shake it, the snow on the pine needles falls down, like a light snow.

I came to the stone table and stool again. Wow, there is thick snow on it, like cream cake. After I saw it, I really wanted to eat it. Although it is cool to sit on, it is soft and comfortable. Houses and high-rise buildings are covered with snow, just like castles in the fairy tale world. After the snow, the air is also very fresh, breathing, as if to clean the lungs again. On the snow, the children are playing to their heart's content, and the laughter spreads to the sky.

Seeing these scenes, I thought of a doggerel about snow: the sky is general, and the well is black. The yellow dog is white, and the white dog is swollen. This poem is really vivid and interesting! The scenery after the snow is really beautiful, and it really makes me linger.

Scenery after Snow (12)

Beautiful Scenery after Snow Composition 1

It was still raining at noon on Tuesday. In the afternoon, it slowly turned into snow. It had been raining all afternoon. By the end of school, a thin layer of snow had accumulated on the ground. The north wind mixed with snow fell on my face, causing some knife like pain, and my eyes could not open.

Sitting on my father's bike, I feel that the road is not too slippery. Yes, it hasn't frozen yet. Maybe tomorrow will be different! My body was cold and shivering. I really hoped to get into the room with heating, but my father didn't even open an umbrella. It seemed that snowflakes had built a small snow house on his head. What does Dad say? It's more difficult than this!

After dinner in the evening, I went out to have a look. The snowflakes were accompanied by the wind, and the cold wind was biting my bones. I quickly got into the house. The snow on my body soon melted away. I received a message saying that I could not go to school tomorrow. I was so happy!

The next day, I got up very late and the sun came out. I saw that most of the snow on the ground turned into water. Only the places with thick snow and the snow on the leaves and grass still struggled with the sun tenaciously. The snow on the road had already become snow under the rolling of the wheels. When pressed by the car, the snow splashed. My yard was basically dry because my father had cleaned it last night, There is only a thick layer of snow in the vegetable field, which is dazzling under the sun. It seems to be colder than yesterday. As the saying goes, snow does not turn cold into snow. This is so hard for the little sparrows. Where can they find food? The water on the roof is blown everywhere by the wind from time to time, and the snow is getting less and less, so it is difficult to make snowmen. I grabbed a handful of snow. It was soft and soon turned into water in my palm.

In the middle of the afternoon, when I went out, I saw that the snow had stopped melting, and it was hard to touch. It was ice. Yes, the water would freeze when it was below zero. It seemed very cold outside. I was afraid that the vegetables in my field would be over before I could pick them.

At night, the ground is already very slippery and colder. Maybe the snow will melt tomorrow, but it's just winter. There are opportunities to see the snow!

Snow can not only bring us happiness, but also learn a lot of knowledge. Snow is really enjoyable!

Beautiful Scenery after Snow Composition 2

The messenger of spring is the flower, the messenger of summer is the tree, the messenger of autumn is the fruit, and what is the messenger of winter? Of course it is snow!

Speaking of snow, in fact, I like snow. Every winter, I often dream about snowflakes dancing in the sky, and then the world turns pale, but many times I will be disappointed because the next day I see a sunny day.

The straight cement road has been covered with a long silver white carpet, so pure, so crystal, and like spotless cotton candy, I can't bear to step on it. On the left side of the road was a thick lawn, but now the grass is under the thick snow quilt, lying in the arms of the mother earth and having a sweet dream; On the right side of the road is a row of willows with no leaves left. The trees are covered with hairy and shiny silver bars. A breeze blows, and the snow flakes on the trees slowly fall down, like white butterflies dancing. The plantain trees in the flower beds also wore thick cotton padded jackets, as if they were hibernating, or drilling into the warm quilt. It looks like a white carpet in the yard. It's soft and comfortable to step on it. Looking at the vast expanse of white from a distance, it seems that the white clouds in the sky fall on it.

I stood in front of the window, staring at the group of innocent and lively children, I could not help but see the scene of a bumper harvest of crops in the year: in the morning, a golden ray of sunshine shone into every family's yard, and farmers' uncles smiled and stepped up to the farmland. In the field, the golden rice ears waved their long arms and shook back and forth as if they were saying hello to each other. The smiles on the farmers' faces are even brighter, because they know that this year's crops must grow exceptionally well. Ha ha, auspicious snow promises a bumper year!

Put on your coat, and you come to a cool and beautiful world. A cold air comes to you, with a little fragrance of snowflakes. I thank you, Xue!

Beautiful Scenery after Snow Composition 3

In the morning, I opened the shutter, wow! It's snowing! The trees, the ground, and the eaves outside are covered with snow. The sun shines on them, shining silver. It seems that many small eyes are blinking to see the beautiful world. The snow on the tree is like white pear flowers, competing for fragrance and blooming; The snow on the ground is thick, like a white blanket, and people can't bear to step on it; It seems that the eaves are also frozen by this weather. Look, the eaves are also covered with snow white clothes.

I hurried to eat and thought: it is possible to observe the snow today. I rushed to the school in a hurry, but the result was just wrong.

When we got to the square, the teacher asked us to race. I thought to myself: What's so difficult about this? Who knows, the teacher said half way, and then said let's run where the snow is thick. I stepped on the ground, and the snow didn't even pass my boots. I thought to myself: The teacher is letting us experience the hardships of the Red Army! I was thinking that the teacher had already said that I would start. I ran away, but I could not run for a while. My feet seemed to be tied to a big stone. Finally, I ran away to the end. I was so tired that I wanted to turn myself into a magician and turn snow into a comfortable bed to lie down. Then, the teacher asked us to roll down the slope faster than anyone else, and we scrambled to climb the slope. The teacher said: "Start". The students got ready to faint and rolled down the hill. After a while, the students felt that the sky was spinning and the earth was spinning. I felt that the ground was like a rotating disk, which could not find the north of my rotating parts. I got up in a daze and vaguely saw the students get up like big bears. As a matter of fact, it hasn't gone far yet

Finally, the teacher asked us to play a game called burying living people. It's like burying people with snow. This time, we buried Liu Keyan bit by bit as a victim. One student said that a sign should be put up with the words "Liu Keyan died for playing". Laughing made our stomachs ache.

On our way back to the class, we saw the trees were full of "flowers". They seemed to say, "How happy you are!"

I like the fun after snow.

Scenery after Snow (13)

The beautiful scenery after snow essay 1

The heavy snow poured down day and night, and the whole world became an endless silver sea.

The lush forest belt has changed from its green clothes to white ones. The tall branches of poplar are like a sharp sword soaring into the sky. The verdant coniferous pine stands still and proudly accepts the wind and snow washing; The needles are covered with pine snowballs, like a white coat. The branches of weeping willows and elms are no longer so shrivelled, and the snow on them is like white plum blossoms in bud.

When I step on the white velvet snow, I feel like walking on the carpet at home. Seeing the footprints left behind in different shades, it seemed that I had done something wrong that I should not have done. Seeing that the crystal clear snow was trampled beyond recognition, I couldn't bear to go further. I could not help but stop, slowly squat down, gently pick up a handful of snow from the ground, carefully knead it into a ball, and smell and lick it with the tip of my tongue.

I accidentally touched a camphor tree on the roadside. The snow on the tree like a blooming pear flower flew down from the tree and landed on my head, face and clothes, as if I were in the sea of flowers.

With the help of their parents, the children in the distance piled up all kinds of snowmen - some like Altman, some like Monkey King, some like Joy. The posture is myriad and lifelike.

Older children, chasing and cheering in the snow, sometimes grabbed the snow on the ground, on the bark and on the turf, covered it with their hands and threw it at each other. The sparrow also changed its silence for several days, jumping from this branch to that branch, chirping and making incessant noise.

Ah! Snow white, you are the messenger of winter, bringing infinite vitality and vigor to the whole earth.

Ah! Snow white, you are the crystallization of joy, you bring people unusual beauty.

Beautiful Scenery after Snow Essay II

Yesterday, the snow fell silently for a long time.

This morning, I opened the window and saw how beautiful it was! There is a vast expanse of whiteness. The road, branches, roof and grass are covered with a layer of pure, crystal white snow, like a large piece of soft and comfortable Persian carpet, which is softer than lying on the grass. I feel that I am in a fairytale world that is extremely beautiful. The branches are covered with shining snowflakes. At a glance, they look like flawless emeralds. They are very beautiful. The snow on the road was cut by the passing cars. The lovely children were shaking the thin branches, trying to shake down the snowflakes covered on the branches, and the leaves floated down one by one, like butterflies flying down. How beautiful, how amazing! I ran out of the house and walked on the soft snow. I could hear the creaking sound under my feet. I tried to run and left a series of deep footprints behind me. The snow continued to fall, and the white jade like snow foam quietly fell on people's heads, as if smiling at us.

It is really the north wind that blows the ground and turns the white grass. In August, the Hu sky is snowing. Suddenly, like a night of spring breeze, thousands of pear trees bloom. Scatter it into the bead curtain and wet the cloth. The fox fur is not warm and the brocade quilt is thin. The general's horn bow was out of control, and his iron clothes were still cold. The sea is dried up by hundreds of feet of ice, and the gloomy clouds and gloomy clouds are frozen for thousands of miles. The Chinese army bought wine to drink and returned home, Hu Qin, Pipa and Qiang flute. At dusk, snow fell on the shaft gate, and the red flag was frozen by the wind. Luntai East Gate saw you off. It was snowy on the mountain road. There is no king in the mountain loop, and horses are left in the snow.

Today is destined to be a happy day, with beautiful scenery, delicious food as company, and visit relatives. Life is always so beautiful. Tomorrow I will continue to study hard with this happy mood!

Beautiful scenery after snow essay 3

"It's snowing, it's snowing!" This is the first snow after I came to my grandfather's house. I picked up the snowflakes with my hands, but without waiting for a closer look, the tiny snowflakes turned into a small bead of water.

It snowed all day and night and stopped. After a day and a night of heavy snow, the house was covered with white clothes, and the willow branches became silver bars. The heavy snow dressed the branches of poplar trees like beautiful coral and strange antlers. The wheat field was covered with thick cotton quilts. The sky is connected to the ground, the ground is connected to the sky, and the snow is boundless. The whole earth has become a world of jade carving and silver carving. The children were very happy. Some were having snowball fights, some were making snowmen, and some were sledding. His hands were frozen and his face was red, but his head was sweating, laughing and frolicking.

The sun came out and shone on the white snow, dazzling people's eyes. The snow began to melt slowly in the sun, and the eaves began to drip on the snow, making holes in the snow. The snow on the tree drips down the trunk. From time to time, one or two slap sized snow blocks shake off the branches and silently push them on the snow. The snow on the road has been trampled down and dirty by people coming and going, but the snow on both sides of the road is still so white, as if it has plated a silver edge on the road, making it more clean and spacious.

The scenery after snow is so beautiful!

Scenery after Snow (14)

The field after snow is a white sea. The farmer's uncle's vegetable field, wheat field and field path were covered with a thick snow quilt. And the uneven vegetables peep out under the snow quilt to see the spotless white world. At a glance, the vast fields seemed as if the surging sea had suddenly stopped moving.

The house after snow seems to be wearing a strange white hat. Some are triangular, some are trapezoidal, some are rectangular, and some are round... From a distance, rooms are like castles in the ice and snow world, which is very interesting!

The yard after snow is a paradise for me and my dog. The snow in the yard is covered with the footprints of my dog and me, which are as big as a gourd and as small as a plum blossom. Several rows in the east and several rows in the west, the messy footprints also constitute a beautiful picture. We ran and played in the yard. In the cold snowy days, we were warm and lively in our laughter.

Snow brings children into a fairytale world and brings infinite fun. I love the beautiful scenery after snow!

Scenery after Snow (15)

"Ah" I couldn't help cheering. Look, how beautiful the snow has decorated the earth! The earth seems to be covered with a white quilt, and the houses and trees are all covered with snow. If you look at it, it is white everywhere. The tall pine tree was even more charming when it was covered with snow. Next to him stood a snowman similar to Santa Claus. The snowman wears a Christmas hat on his head and a bag on his back. It seems that it is full of toys. It is really lifelike! I can't help but step into this "fairy tale world". The cedar is loose and soft. It makes a "squeak" sound when I step on it. I jumped to a branch of a small tree, and before I could escape, the snow fell on my hair and clothes. I cried excitedly: "Ah, I became a snowman!"

Snow, you are a magician, you cover the earth with quilts; You are a painter, you make the world more beautiful.