300 Word Gratitude Composition (Selected 16)
Astringent ambition
2023-08-24 03:09:27
topic of conversation

300 Word Gratitude Composition (1)

Although we don't say thank you for your great kindness, we must not only express gratitude in our heart but also in our mouth. For those who need gratitude, we must express our gratitude. There was a legend in the United States that in a village, a family sat around the table to eat, but the mother brought a pot of straw. The whole family was very strange, and did not know what was going on after all. Mother said, "I have cooked food for you all my life. You have never said a word of gratitude and praised the food for its delicious taste, which is different from eating straw!" Even the most unrequited mother in the world is looking forward to hearing even a little echo of gratitude. Then we look at the assistance and kindness given by others, It is even more necessary to express gratitude. It is not just to express gratitude, but also a kind of inner communication. In this kind of communication, we will feel that the world becomes more beautiful because of such close ties.

Gratitude is a philosophy of life and great wisdom in life. Gratitude can dispel all internal grievances and sweep away all dust in the world. In life, it is impossible to have too much fun. All kinds of failures need us to deal with them bravely and open-minded.

What do you think?

300 Word Gratitude Composition (2)

She is a very kind sister, and she has always encouraged me to move forward!

She often accompanied me out to play. Every time she went out, she would tell me a profound truth. At that time, although I had a vague understanding of every truth, my sister said it unequivocally.

A few days ago, I had chicken pox all over my body. I was always upset and irritable, with a reluctant face. My chicken pox is much better, but I have been used to the comfortable life at home. When I was going to school the next day, I racked my brains to make up many rhetoric reasons, so I didn't want to go to school.

My mother knew that my sister and I had a good relationship, so she asked her to persuade me.

My sister said to me: Don't cherish your life now. Why is it bad to go to school! Go! There are many good friends waiting for you! Look at me, I didn't study hard to get such a result... We should cherish the current learning environment. Some people can't go to school yet!

Her conversation with me taught me a profound truth! Thank my sister!

300 Word Gratitude Composition (3)

It is said that the greatest person in the world is my mother. Like everyone, I also love my mother very much.

My mother is a railway worker. She works very busy every day. As my father works in other places, he seldom goes home. My mother does all the housework alone. I was touched to see my mother busy every day.

For my mother, the more important thing than housework is to help me with my homework. She spends a lot of time every day to guide and supervise my study. I was touched to see her meticulous and tireless every day.

My mother is very concerned about my health. She worries about my food, clothing, housing and transportation. Especially when I was sick, I was very moved to see her running around and anxious.

Mother is also an optimistic and beautiful person. She said that she loved beauty. Most of my wardrobe were her clothes, and the dresser was also full of her cosmetics; She is optimistic because she occasionally listens to music and plays games when she is free. Whenever I see her happy appearance at this time, I am very moved.

Today is Mother's Day. I wrote down my feelings and gave them to my mother as a gift for Mother's Day. Let's always be grateful to our mother and bless her!

300 Word Gratitude Composition (4)

Thank you mother Thank you mother Dear mother: Hello! You have been away from me for 3 months. Mother's Day is coming. I can't bless you face to face. I can only express my love for you with this letter. Dear mother, do you know? In fact, I have a lot of words to tell you. I will tell them one by one on this Mother's Day. Thank you for your nurturing and meticulous care for me, making me a lively little girl. Since I was born, I have been snuggling in my mother's arms. How happy I am. But mother, when I was just in the first grade, you left me to work in Lhasa.

Mom, do you know? How unaccustomed I was when you left! Sometimes I feel as if I am sleeping beside my mother. After a blind date with my mother, I kiss the cold wall. I woke up in a flash, and I want to be in my mother's warm arms now! Mom, you are 3800 meters above sea level in remote Lhasa, and the weather is bad. Please take care of yourself. I know that only your hard work can lead to my superior life. We can only meet once a year! How I cherish that time. One day, one day, it's the day you left so soon. In your sleep, you call out: "Mom, Mom!" Dear Mom, don't worry. I have grown up, learned a lot, made a lot of progress, and understood a lot.

I will study hard to repay my mother's selfless love. Although we are far apart, I cannot stop my deep blessing to you- Happy Mother's Day! Good health to your daughter

300 Word Gratitude Composition (5)

Whenever the song "grateful heart, thank you, accompany my life, let me have the courage to be myself, grateful heart, thank fate, flowers bloom and fall, I will cherish..." haunts my ears, I will have a lot of feelings.

Yes, each of us should have a grateful heart. Everyone should be familiar with the story of "Lamb kneels and sucks, crows feed back"! This story tells that the lamb is kneeling when drinking its mother's milk. The reason why it wants to drink on its knees is that it wants to repay its mother for her kindness. The same is true of crows. When crows were young, their mothers worked hard to find food to eat, and then fed them one mouthful at a time. When the little crow grows up, the old crow is too old to fly. At this time, the young crow would go out to find food to feed his mother until the old crow died.

Indeed, all animals have such a grateful heart. They all know to repay their parents for their upbringing. Then, what about us humans! We should know how to be grateful. But in real life, there are always unfilial children. I think this is wrong. It is the so-called "a drop of grace should also be reported to Yongquan"! What's more, they are the parents who gave birth to you and raised you! Please let us have a feeling of gratitude!

300 Word Gratitude Composition (6)

Some people say that teachers are hardworking gardeners who cultivate the flowers of the motherland. Another sentence also describes that the teacher's spring silkworms will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torches will not dry until they become ashes and tears.

We grow from seedlings to trees, but we will always be your students. I am not the best student, but you are my most respected teacher.

Although we don't know the unknown journey ahead, we still appreciate the ups and downs you have accompanied us through, and the years you have accompanied us through. You said, we are all children, and maybe we can't express our gratitude in a better way, but please trust us, each of us, and really know how good you are to us.

You have devoted your whole life to us. Thank you for making me from an ignorant child to an excellent Young Pioneer. These days, my grades are somewhat unstable. You told me to correct my learning mistakes in time.

Thank you, teacher. You let me enter the sea of books, and also let me learn a lot of knowledge. You also accompanied me through the turning points of life, and lit up the road ahead for us.

Thank you, teacher, for your hard work.

300 Word Gratitude Composition (7)

There is a passage in the story that touched me most: once, when it was raining heavily and my mother had not yet returned, my daughter decided to follow her mother's way back every day to find her mother. When she saw her mother pouring rice cakes on the roadside, she knew that her mother had left her forever. It rained all the time, and my daughter didn't know how long she cried. She knew that her mother would never wake up again, and only herself would be left. The little girl wrote the song "Heart of Gratitude" in sign language again and again in the rain. Tears and rain mixed together, and she slipped across her small but strong face... "" Heart of Gratitude, thank you for accompanying me all my life, and let me have the courage to be myself.

’’When I read this, my tears could not help flowing down. It was my mother's love for her daughter that moved me, and it was her grateful heart that moved me. At this time, I remembered that my neighbor Mrs. Li was over 80 years old. She had five sons. You push him, and he pushes you. Nobody wants to support Mrs. Li. Mrs. Li had to sit alone in her thatched cottage. She had no good food, no good clothes, and no son to accompany her to see a doctor even when she was ill. Do you think such a son is useful? They are not as good as the little girl in the story! Speaking of this, I also remember that my mother sends me to school every morning, picks me up at night to accompany me to do my homework, and makes delicious food for me... I think from now on, I will learn from little girls, care more about my parents, and be a dutiful child.

300 Word Gratitude Composition (8)

To know how to be grateful with a grateful heart is the foundation of a person's morality. Learning to be grateful is what people should learn. In life, there are many people and things that have moved me, as well as the ones I have paid.

I am grateful to my mother for her hard work. She raised me. She got up early every day to cook for me. My mother's selfless love deeply moved me. She is the person who loves me the most in the world, and I am the happiest child in the world.

I am grateful to my teacher, who, like a gardener, selflessly and diligently raises "flowers and plants". The happy flowers and plants are us; She is like a candle, illuminating others and burning herself. I love my teacher!

I am grateful to those hard working sanitation workers who work from morning to night to make the city cleaner and more beautiful. No matter what the weather is like, they are always working hard. Their actions are beautiful and their hearts are more beautiful!

Thanks to my friends, they gave me selfless help, let me feel the happiness of friendship. When encountering difficulties, give me a little encouragement to regain my confidence. When I was sad, I also gave some comfort to make my heart warm. When they are happy, they are beside me to share with me. Friends are my greatest wealth in this life. I believe, long live friendship! Of course, there are many people who moved me

Because there are so many people in the world who pay for me, I will repay them and the world with a grateful heart!

300 Word Gratitude Composition (9)

The holiday in my mind is Thanksgiving Day, because I want to thank teachers, parents and friends who helped me.

On Thanksgiving Day, I should first thank my teacher. Thanks to the teacher, thousands of words come together into one sentence, "Thank you, teacher!" and one sentence, "Teacher, you have worked hard!". It is the teacher who teaches us so much knowledge and also tells us how to behave. From today on, I will study hard and repay my beloved teacher with my outstanding achievements.

Secondly, I should be grateful to the parents who gave birth to me and raised me. "Dear Mom and Dad, thank you for giving me life! Thank you for bringing me up!" You usually get up earlier than me, washing clothes and making breakfast for me. In the daytime, face the loess and back the sky, work hard to earn money to support our family, buy us school supplies, and when we grow up, I will take care of you.

Third, I want to be grateful to my friends who have helped me. Every time I encounter difficulties, you will help me solve them. When I get sick, you will help me cook; I have troubles to enlighten me; Help me solve problems... Friends, thank you! I will help you to solve your difficulties.

I do this every Thanksgiving.

This is the holiday in my heart - Thanksgiving Day.

300 Word Gratitude Composition (10)

Nowadays, people are in a hurry. They attach importance to money and reputation. They are nostalgic for the secular world. Many people despise the things around them that are unknown, dedicated and helpful to you. Is it deep to contain without revealing? Is the value of life just getting? Is it arrogant to treat the things that have helped you numbly? There are too many things for us to be grateful for.

Maybe you are bathing in the sun, maybe you are enjoying the wind and rain, but you should also be grateful. With gratitude in mind, the soul will not be cool. People who know how to be grateful feel that the world is sunny and the heart is as broad as the sea.

Thank you for that smile, it gives you comfort; Thanks for the first ray of sunshine in the morning, it dispelled the fog and gave you warmth; Thank you for the breeze, it gives you cool; Be grateful for the handful of soil that gives you fragrance.

Thanksgiving teachers teach us to be human every day; Thanksgiving parents teach us patience and strong every day. We are grateful to our brothers and sisters. With them, our life will not be uncertain. You can always see their figures and backbones struggling for us.

We are grateful for the difficulties. They make us have ideals, the strength to struggle, and the goals ahead. They make us fight with high morale.

Thanksgiving which leaf, it is, let us return to nature. Thanksgiving that chalk, is it for our ideal growth, dedication of their own strength. Be grateful to that family, because it is a haven of love.

With a trace of gratitude, what you get is far more than what you pay.

300 Word Gratitude Composition (11)

Father's love is like a mountain, which always gives us a lofty and dignified support. Motherly love, like water, always injects us with clear and warm life milk. Maternal love is tangible, while father love is invisible. Maternal love is in front of us, and father love is far away

He is a mountain, tall and dignified; He is a pool of water, deep hidden; He is a drop of tear, hot and affectionate; He is a moving tree, always sheltering us from wind and rain; He has the strongest arm in the world and supports us to see all the ups and downs in life. He has the most solemn name in the world - Father.

She is a gust of wind, touching our hearts; She is the sun, shining the light of love on our hearts; She is a piece of spring, giving us countless joy and reverie; She has the most pure wings to fly with us. She has the same name as an angel - Mother.

Someone once asked me, which one of my parents is good to you? I thought for a long time, "Love is incomparable, the way of giving is different, but one thing is certain - they all love me." Someone also asked me: "What do you think love is?" I think: life would not exist without love. Love is not earth shaking, as long as the heart to love on the line. When someone asks about gratitude, I will tell him: try to take the word of gratitude apart. Feeling is the meaning of gratitude, boon is grace, and the sum is gratitude. How can I thank you? Use your sincere heart. Parents are the most grateful people. First of all, we should thank them for giving birth to you. Second, we should thank them for raising and educating you. How much time and effort did parents spend in the growth of a person's life?

300 Word Gratitude Composition (12)

When I was very young, my father accompanied me all the time. When I was nine years old, he didn't go out to earn money. He had been working in other places for several years. He didn't go home until the Spring Festival this year. When I first saw him, I found that he was old, with deep wrinkles on his dark head and white hair on his temples. I would never see his handsome appearance again. I threw myself into my father's arms and cried, "Dad, you are working hard outside?" "How can time make you so old?" My father said that we farmers have no culture, Working in the city is all tiresome and dirty words. I can't get a timely meal or a good sleep. I get up at the fifth watch and sleep in the middle of the night. The boss still doesn't pay me in time. He often deducts his wages. Sometimes when I am sick, I will be called if I don't have money for treatment. I have suffered a lot and suffered a lot. After listening to my father, my tears flowed out, and I was determined to study hard, learn knowledge, learn skills, and earn a lot of money in the future, so that my father could also enjoy the life of city people, to repay my father's upbringing.

300 Word Gratitude Composition (13)

Seems to have recalled the confused figure in the rainy night; Seems to have remembered the yearning eyes under the eaves; It seems that we have too many reasons to repay our parents, but we have no words to express our love for them. However, everyone should know how to thank and repay our parents, because there is only one parent! They once paid for your growth, endured humiliation for your mischief, were gratified by your efforts, and were happy for your progress... Maybe they will also have a broader and more selfless love for you! As such, you should love them with more selfless love and repay them!

Do you still remember that your mother broke her heart when you were young; Do you remember how much criticism you made your mother suffer; Do you still remember how pale my father's face was at the parents' meeting? All these things arise from you, but it is the parents who bear them. Should you repay them for their silent inheritance?

How many parents look forward to their children's success and their daughters' success? They are not forcing you, but want you to have a better life!

Friends, remember how many contributions of spring, summer, autumn and winter, remember how many kind words of advice, use your love to repay your parents!

300 Word Gratitude Composition (14)

Some people understand diligence, some people understand filial piety, some people understand respect, and some people understand cherish. I learned a different kind of feeling - gratitude.

When I was learning to walk, it was my parents who helped you; When my life is rough and uneven, it is my parents who help you through the rough; When I learned to play under pressure, it was my parents who gave you a cup of hot tea... Our parents have paid so much, shouldn't we learn to be grateful?

I remember once, when I was playing with my brother at home, I accidentally fell my forehead on the corner of the wall. Suddenly, the blood on my forehead kept flowing. My father and mother picked me up in a hurry. They didn't even change their shoes. They picked me up and drove me. It was very foggy at that time. My father drove the car very fast and sent me to the hospital as fast as possible

It was those experiences that made me understand my parents' love and let me learn to be grateful to my parents. We should be more caring, less complaining, more grateful and less dissatisfied. Let's repay our parents for their upbringing with a sincere heart of gratitude!

300 Word Gratitude Composition (15)

Mother, give me unlimited love, I want to sincerely say to my mother: "I wish my mother a happy holiday!"

I remember once, when our class finished school, there was a strong wind outside, thunder and lightning, and then it began to rain cats and dogs. When I rushed out of the classroom, my mother quickly took off her coat and put it on me. Also kindly asked: "Is it cold?" I said: "Not cold." The north wind whistled my mother's thin body. Back home, I was not wet by the rain at all, but my mother was taught to be a drowned rat by the rain.

Another time, I was ill and my mother was very anxious. Take a thermometer to measure for me later, pour medicine and water for me later, and then stir it with a spoon to take it for me. Even in the dark night, I got up again and again to take my temperature. My mother has done so many things for me, and I also want to do something for my mother.

On Saturday, I got up early and cleaned the house. Even the toilet was clean with a cleaning ball.

My mother gave me selfless love, and I will repay my mother when I grow up.

300 Word Gratitude Composition (16)

May 12, 20xx is the day of Thanksgiving Day. It is your teacher who let us know how to be strong and learn to be grateful. Although you may be just an ordinary person, your feat touched everyone. You are a teacher who sticks to your post. When I learned that you used your own body to prop up a prefabricated board and protect four children, I understood that this is the responsibility of teachers and the glory of human nature; You are a loving and selfless mother. Your posture makes everyone remember that your back has been deformed by the prefabricated board above, but there is a sleeping baby girl under your body. Just before death came, you left a message on your mobile phone that could never be sent: "Baby, if you are still alive, remember that Mom loves you.

It is not that you are kind to your students or children, but that you are kind to China. 1.3 billion people praise your deeds. Every strong and surviving compatriot is a hope for China, because they have experienced it.

We learned to be grateful because of you. Because your four flowers of the motherland continue to bloom, because you are a star of hope that continues to shine, I thank you. Although you have passed away, your spirit will be passed on from generation to generation.

Wish you happiness in heaven!



July 17, 20xx

A student