A Moment of Smile (Collection of 12)
Both wind and rain
2024-03-23 03:59:52
primary school

The Moment of Smile (1)

Smile, stop at every moment. Different people, at different times, on different occasions, smile shows different feelings.

Maybe it's out of introversion. I always feel embarrassed, a little uncomfortable and very restrained in front of people I don't know very well. Recently, our school has come to practice teachers. In English class, this intern teacher will come to our class to listen. After the change of position, the intern teacher came to the English class. Suddenly, something was wrong. It seemed that the intern teacher was sitting near here. Will it be this time······ Our group is speculating. The trainee teacher came over with a stool and sat down at the right rear of me. At that moment, the members of our group became very abnormal. Everyone's sitting posture has changed.

Look! I did it by deflecting to the left, holding my head with my hands, and I didn't dare to turn to the teacher. My deskmate also leans to the left. Yang Chengpeng lies on the table directly. Wu Qianqian keeps her lower body still and leans her upper body to the left. Everyone dared not move. It happened that this intern teacher loved to laugh, was cheerful and talkative. Before class, he took the initiative to talk to Wu Qianqian beside him and asked how much homework was. Whether the time is sufficient. I listened attentively and kept still. The bell rang, and my foot accidentally collided with a person's foot. Intuition told me that it was the trainee teacher's foot. I immediately drew back my foot as if shocked, turned my head quietly and smiled embarrassed. When the English teacher asked us to ask and answer each other in the group, I could only turn sideways to communicate with everyone. The voice is very low, afraid of saying something wrong. When the eyes of each other inadvertently looked at each other, I smiled embarrassed again. Now I found that maybe we were the quietest group in that class.

Finally, when the class was over and the trainee teacher left, we regained our freedom and youthful vitality. I feel that everyone has become honest in this class, but I am so embarrassed.

The Moment of Smile (2)

That morning I went to my grandma's house by bus. It was raining outside. I looked out of the window in boredom. The raindrops were like crystal clear pearls, which were very beautiful when they were scattered from the air to every corner. After a while, the rain became heavier and heavier. The rain flowed down the eaves, forming a continuous line. The car was very crowded, but the car stopped soon after driving. The passengers on the car began to complain again. Why did they stop again on a rainy day.

The door opened, and there stood an old man in his sixties and seventies. His face was wrinkled and his temples were gray. A few drops of rain or sweat fell on the ground. The old man's clothes were all wet, and there were three bags of luggage behind him.

After all, the old man had passed his old age and was weak. He stood in the rain for a long time without bringing up his luggage. The driver honked his horn anxiously, and the old man knew that the driver was calling him to get on the bus.

The passengers in the bus were impatient and said to the old man, "Wait for the next bus. You are dawdling. With so many things, it takes up more space." Some passengers even tried to drive the old man down.

"Stop! What are you doing? Why should you drive the old man off? This car is not yours. If the old man doesn't get on the bus, he will get sick in the rain. If the old man gets sick, who will be responsible for it?" shouted a young man with a dark face and jeans. At that moment, no one spoke in the car anymore. The whole car was so quiet, and the sound of rain outside the window beating the window was so clear and beautiful! Then he got off the bus and helped the old man to get on the bus. He held the old man with one hand and carried his luggage with the other. The old man smiled and nodded at the young man.

The passengers on the bus felt ashamed when they saw such a scene. They didn't know when they would be on a crowded bus. There was an empty seat in the back. The young man helped the old man to sit there. The young man stood in the crowd again.

The car started to move again, and the carriage was noisy again, but more of it was laughter. Everyone's face was full of friendly smiles, which originated from that moment.

The Moment of Smile (3)

I don't remember when she gave me a smile. It just made me feel that she was the angel I was looking for in a moment. Her smile was like a pure lotus flower without any impurities.

She is a single parent family. Because her mother is busy with her work, she has lived in other people's homes since childhood. She doesn't like to laugh. Her life is like a balloon without a soul. Nothing can be seen from her eyes. She has always cried silently with a headache in that remote corner of the community. I can't stand it. Finally, this time I came to her side and watched her cry

She seems to have found me and slowly lifted up that young face full of flowing water. There is no denying that she is really attractive! A pair of pure black big eyes, a small nose, jelly like lips, there is an impulse to kiss fragrant, delicate melon seed face, a little curly hair like a "doll"! She opened her mouth slightly and was about to say something when I interrupted her. I took a tissue to wipe her tears. She looked surprised but did not dodge. I gave her a smile and whispered, "Why are you hiding here and crying?"

She bowed her head and said nothing! Seeing her like this, I never asked again!

After a while, she heard her voice become very bitter and astringent because of crying: "Because my father and mother divorced, and my mother had not come to see me for a long time to work, I dare not cry in other people's homes, afraid that they will not like me..." I tried to resist the impulse not to hold her to comfort me, and then asked: "What's your name?" She gently swallowed five words: "My name is Yu Qinghan!" Her name is as elegant and simple as people's

I asked many more questions that I had hidden in my heart for a long time... She answered them one by one

After a long time, the twilight of the sun slowly shone on her, which seemed very quiet. She asked me for my mobile phone, and I quickly gave it to her. She seemed very happy, and the corners of her mouth slightly rose. A shallow jasmine flower opened on her beautiful corner of her mouth. For a moment, I lost my mind, and her smile was very elegant! We talked for a long time, and she went home. In the evening, I received a strange text message that said: "I seem to see flowers blooming again..." She sent a big smile picture below, very cute as if she were herself.

Looking back on her smile today, I am still very excited

The Moment of Smile (4)

This kind smile comes from the primary school composition at that moment

In study, work and even life, everyone has tried to write a composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme through words. How to write a thoughtful and literary composition? The following is the kind smile collected by Xiaobian for you from the primary school composition at that moment. Welcome to learn from it and refer to it. I hope it can help you.

That morning I went to my grandma's house by bus. It was raining outside. I looked out of the window in boredom. The raindrops were like crystal clear pearls, which were very beautiful when they were scattered from the air to every corner. After a while, the rain became heavier and heavier. The rain flowed down the eaves, forming an uninterrupted line. The car was very crowded, but the car stopped soon after driving. The passengers on the car began to complain again. Why did they park the car again on a rainy day.

The door opened, and there stood an old man in his sixties and seventies. His face was wrinkled and his temples were gray. A few drops of rain or sweat fell on the ground. The old man's clothes were all wet, and there were three bags of luggage behind him.

After all, the old man was over seventy years old and physically exhausted. He stood in the rain for a long time without bringing up his luggage. The driver honked his horn anxiously, and the old man knew that the driver was telling him to get on the bus.

The passengers in the bus were impatient and said to the old man, "Wait for the next bus. You are dawdling. With so many things, it takes up more space." Some passengers even wanted to drive the old man down.

"Stop, what are you doing? Why should you drive the old man down? This car is not yours. If the old man doesn't get on the bus again, he will get sick in the rain. If the old man gets sick, who will be responsible for you?" shouted a young man with dark face and jeans. At that moment, no one spoke in the car anymore. The whole car was so quiet, and the sound of rain outside the window beating the window was so clear and sweet! Then he got off and helped the old man to get on the bus. He held the old man with one hand and carried his luggage with the other hand. The old man smiled and nodded to the young man.

The passengers on the bus felt ashamed when they saw such a scene. They didn't know when there was an empty seat in the back of the crowded bus. The young man helped the old man to sit there. The young man stood in the crowd again.

The car started to move again, and the carriage was noisy again, but more of it was laughter. Everyone's face was full of friendly smiles, which originated from that moment.

The Moment of Smile (5)

Today is the last day for me to get along with my primary school classmates. The sky is clear and intoxicating blue, just like a clear river. The light white clouds float leisurely in the sky. Everything is four words: tranquility and tranquility. I held Xiao Lin's hand, and my heart was empty. I thought of the words in "Hurry": "Go as you go, come as you come, and come as you go." How hurried is it in the middle of "Hurry"? Yes, time is like water in a river. It can only flow away but not return. Cherish it. When I walked into the classroom, I casually looked around at the familiar table, the cheerful figure, the pots of flowers, the TV, the blackboard, and the famous saying: genius is like this. If you work hard all your life, you will become a genius—— Mendeleev. Looking at the "Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces" on the blackboard newspaper and the striking big character "Easy Exam", which had been written a long time ago, we wrote "Hurry" on the wall, showing our handwriting, and the certificate of award was particularly conspicuous. With the fluorescent lamp shining and the fan rotating, everything is so easy-going. I went back to my seat and collected my math homework for the last time. 1、 Two, three, four, there are 16 people in our group. Count them carefully and put them on the desk gently. We were excited about taking graduation photos and rushed out of the classroom. It took a long time to wait for our class. I stood in the third row, behind which was Xiao Cui, my deskmate. Ma Suping is also standing beside me. Above her is her deskmate, who shares the same pity! Chen Yingjun, a close friend, was transferred to the back by the teacher. Goodbye! The teacher is in front of us. Everyone is sorting themselves out. "Do you think the hair is messy? Help me tidy up the red scarf. Oh, the clothes are a little..." Everyone carefully tidied up themselves. I thought: How to take photos? Yes, smile, the most beautiful smile! Usually naughty students are also very cute, trying to make themselves laugh. The photographer adjusted the focus and set up a tripod. "Attention, everyone, it's time to take pictures! Smile!" I smiled! I laugh! I want to leave the most beautiful smile to my classmates! Just listen to the "click" and finish the picture. "One more picture!" said the photographer. We smiled again, the teacher smiled too, and finally the picture was taken. We all heaved a long sigh of relief. Later, I saw my photos and played very well. Pan Yi's action was too exaggerated, and his face looked like a ghost. (unfinished)

The Moment of Smile (6)

I don't remember when she gave me a smile. It just made me feel that she was the angel I was looking for in a moment. Her smile was like a pure lotus flower without any impurities.

She is a single parent family. Because her mother is busy with her work, she has lived in other people's homes since childhood. She doesn't like to laugh. Her life is like a balloon without a soul. Nothing can be seen from her eyes. She has always cried silently with a headache in that remote corner of the community. I can't stand it. Finally, this time I came to her side and watched her cry

She seems to have found me and slowly lifted up that young face full of flowing water. There is no denying that she is really attractive! A pair of pure black big eyes, a small nose, jelly like lips, there is an impulse to kiss fragrant, delicate melon seed face, a little curly hair like a "doll"! She opened her mouth slightly and was about to say something when I interrupted her. I took a tissue to wipe her tears. She looked surprised but did not dodge. I gave her a smile and whispered, "Why are you hiding here and crying?"

She bowed her head and said nothing! Seeing her like this, I never asked again!

After a while, she heard her voice become very bitter and astringent because of crying: "Because my father and mother divorced, and my mother had not come to see me for a long time to work, I dare not cry in other people's homes, afraid that they will not like me..." I tried to resist the impulse not to hold her to comfort me, and then asked: "What's your name?" She gently swallowed five words: "My name is Yu Qinghan!" Her name is as elegant and simple as people's

I asked many more questions that I had hidden in my heart for a long time... She answered them one by one

After a long time, the twilight of the sun slowly shone on her, which seemed very quiet. She asked me for my mobile phone, and I quickly gave it to her. She seemed very happy, and the corners of her mouth slightly rose. A shallow jasmine flower opened on her beautiful corner of her mouth. For a moment, I lost my mind, and her smile was very elegant! We talked for a long time, and she went home. In the evening, I received a strange text message that said: "I seem to see flowers blooming again..." She sent a big smile picture below, very cute as if she were herself.

Looking back on her smile today, I am still very excited

The Moment of Smile (7)

Friend, have you found that there are many moments in your life worth savoring and collecting? At the dinner table, my mother placed a delicious breakfast for me, which made me feel happy; In the classroom, the moment my friends listened to my inner story made me feel warm... The moment my little sister smiled on the bus taught me to face all difficulties with a smile.

In the morning, I dragged my heavy legs slowly to the station under my mother's urging.

After getting on the bus, it was sunny outside, but I was surrounded by a mess. I sat on the chair, my eyes floating, unable to find a place to stay, and thought: The second stage exam is coming, am I ready? Really no problem? A series of problems puzzled me. Sitting next to me was a girl. I looked at her: a pair of unsophisticated eyes, a small nose, an innocent face, and she looked so cute in a printed skirt. I turned my head and continued to stare out of the window. Suddenly, a childish voice pulled me out of my mind. "Little sister, what's the matter with you? Are you in a bad mood?" She said to me with big flashing eyes. I nodded and remained silent. She smiled, pure as a lily, and said: "It doesn't matter. My mother said, 'People should be strong. Life can't be smooth. When we meet difficulties, we can't shrink back. We should smile.'" Then she showed her bright smile again. Under the sun, her smile and her words touched me.

At the station, I was no longer depressed, but energetic. I no longer fear difficulties, but learn to smile like my little sister.

Her smile made me suddenly realize: smile, sing the songs of life, don't complain about too many hardships in life, don't complain about too many twists and turns in life. If the sea loses the billow, it will lose its power; If the desert loses the flying of crazy sand, it will lose its splendor; If life is only two or one line of smooth sailing, then life will lose the meaning of existence!

The Moment of Smile (8)

What is a tearful smile? I can't tell you how it feels.

I only remember the last sports meeting in primary school. On that day, the sun hung on the horizon, which was particularly dazzling. Even hidden behind the clouds, the light can still be seen. The mood of the students is very complicated. Everyone wants to leave no regrets at the last sports meeting.

On that day, I had a game. During the call, my best three companions cheered me on. "You can." The sun shines on their hair, as if inlaid with a light golden edge, which is particularly attractive. "Hmm." I replied softly in my heart. Looking at their familiar faces, I felt a sense of sadness and regret. From the corner of my eyes, a thin layer of sadness appeared. I was a bit dazzled. I walked to the field with a smile.

"Bang." The gun sounded. At the same time, the wind turned away the distant cries, and in the noisy playground, under the dazzling sun, the ears were quiet. I can't see or hear anything. I just said to myself, "You will run away even when you are crying, because you promised others." I breathed quickly, and the wind forced tears and runny nose down. My upper teeth clenched my lower lip, and I tried to wave my arms. My eyebrows were frowned, and the corners of my mouth were actually slightly raised. I would finish the journey no matter laughing or crying. Smiling, in the sun, the corners of the eyes flicker. It seems that there is a pearl across my face. "X, we cheer for you, we shout for you......" I heard the broadcast clearly on the playground. I don't know whether it is sweat or tears. I can't stop falling. I can't tell for myself. I tried to smile, but my tears flowed quietly

I rushed across the end, knelt on the ground and breathed deeply. They are all here. I looked at the familiar playground at my feet and thought of us before. It's another graduation season. How reluctant and nostalgic! Thinking, the mist blindfolded my eyes and numbed my nose.

I looked up at the sky, tears stopped in the corner of my eyes, and I smiled. "At the beginning, we are all children, and at the end, we aspire to become angels..."

The tears stopped slowly, but the smile was still there. In fact, the beautiful feather memory in my heart was still there.

The Moment of Smile (9)

Accompanied by growth, is the strong and upward corners of the mouth, in the smile, taste a clear taste.

When I was young, I either laughed loudly or felt wronged. As I grew up, I learned to keep smiling.

Teenager's smile, half smile rather than smile. There is a taste that pretends to be sweet but cannot be expressed. When you were young, would you understand what trouble is? This is the time to harvest feelings. Smile is still a seed. You can absorb nutrients to grow after you release your inner joy and grievance. The boy didn't smile.

The young man's smile showed a trace of undisguised arrogance. The corners of the mouth and eyes rise together. This is a smile, but it has a dangerous taste. At the end of the youth's road is the treasure beside the trap. This road is full of thorns in your spirit. Even if you can slow down to the last step with a smile, can you stop and not be overwhelmed by victory? If you take another step, you will fall into the trap after a smile. The smile of youth is full of danger.

Adult smile, real smile. Only then can we do this simple and difficult thing well. You will find that the corners of your eyes do not rise together, and the smile has a mature taste. Smile mature, which is full of the essence of your anatomy of life, this is a road to the other shore without obstacles. Adult smile, elegant and generous.

Positive, enterprising, confident, strong, their name is smile. No one has ever been able to face everything with a smile, which is empty talk. Smile in their own hearts, others can not touch, can not shake. Think of your heart as a smiling face and try to keep his upward arc.

When you are old, smile after the thought. When you realize the taste of growth, you don't have to try your best to keep smiling.

The Moment of Smile (10)

Look at what the students are discussing in private in the class, and the teacher's eyes are full of expectation!

At this time, I suddenly remembered today's special day, the 25th important day - Teachers' Day, our respectable and lovely teachers' festival!

I can't help feeling a little excited and smiling at my mouth. What can I do for my teacher on such a respectful day? An exquisite gift or

After class, we greeted each other in our hearts as always, but the teacher asked us: "Should we say one more word today?" The whole class bowed their heads in shame.

The teacher seemed to understand our thoughts and smiled. It was clear that there was a disappointment in her eyes, but she did not blame us and said: "Students, you may have forgotten this day, but I hope you can take the lead by the monitor. At the moment when the teacher came in, she said to all the teachers, 'Happy Teachers' Day!"

Yes, it is such a sentence. All teachers need is such a sentence, a simple and affectionate sentence! I understand that teachers have made such a lot of contributions to us in silence, and what they are pursuing is not any valuable object, but a greeting and a blessing with less ceremony and more affection!

Listen, the teachers will be more gratified by the innocent words.

Such a touching word and such a beautiful and warm smile make our class lively and energetic.

Teacher! You are a piece of chalk, devoting your life in obscurity; You are a candle, illuminating others and burning yourself. For the sake of students, you have worked hard and worked hard!

Teacher! Please allow me to say to you: "Thank you, teacher!"

The Moment of Smile (11)

She is a single parent family. Because her mother is busy with her work, she has lived in other people's homes since childhood. She doesn't like to laugh. Her life is like a balloon without a soul. Nothing can be seen from her eyes. She has always cried silently with a headache in that remote corner of the community. I can't stand it. Finally, this time I came to her side and watched her cry.

She seems to have found me and slowly lifted up that young face full of flowing water. There is no denying that she is really attractive! A pair of pure black big eyes, a small nose, jelly like lips, there is an impulse to kiss fragrant, delicate melon seed face, a little curly hair like a "doll"! She opened her mouth slightly and was about to say something when I interrupted her. I took a tissue to wipe her tears. She looked surprised but did not dodge. I gave her a smile and whispered, "Why are you hiding here and crying?"

She bowed her head and said nothing! Seeing her like this, I never asked again!

After a while, she heard her voice become very bitter and astringent because of crying: "Because my father and mother divorced, and my mother had not come to see me for a long time to work, I dare not cry in other people's homes, afraid that they will not like me..." I tried to resist the impulse of not holding her and comforting her, and asked: "What's your name?" She swallowed five words gently: "My name is Yu Qinghan!" Her name is as elegant and simple as people.

I asked many more questions that I had hidden in my heart for a long time... She answered them one by one

After a long time, the twilight of the sun slowly shone on her, which seemed very quiet. She asked me for my mobile phone, and I quickly gave it to her. She seemed very happy, and the corners of her mouth slightly rose. A shallow jasmine flower opened on her beautiful corner of her mouth. For a moment, I lost my mind, and her smile was very elegant! We talked for a long time, and she went home. In the evening, I received a strange text message that said, "I seem to see flowers blooming again, and she sent a big smile picture below, very cute like herself.".

Looking back on her smile today, I am still very excited.

The Moment of Smile (12)

I thought that the arrival of the summer vacation could make me relax and relax. Unexpectedly, I was overwhelmed by three remedial courses, and the time was even tighter than that arranged at school. Every day, after learning something, I return home with a tired face. "Click" the door opened. "Mom, I'm back!" "I'm back. How are you today?" A smiling face poked out of the kitchen. However, most of the time, I ignored the smiling face and went into the study alone to continue writing the unfinished composition in class. However, my indifference did not cause my mother's unhappiness. As time passed, I began to notice the smile at that moment. That day, after I learned something, I didn't call my mother when I came home as usual. As usual, I opened the door and walked into the house. I thought: Now, my mother must be cooking in the kitchen. I put down my bag and gently opened the kitchen door to see what my mother was doing. The mother in the kitchen was busy cooking and frying with sweat on her forehead. "Mom!" A smiling face turned to hide the tiredness just now. Looking at my mother, I tried to "pretend" to make a smiling face to answer her. When I returned to the study at home, I was deep in thought: my mother worked very hard every day. When I returned home, I had no time to rest and did housework. Sometimes I gave her a look and lost my temper at her. However, my mother did not complain. Maybe, I really went too far. I went to the kitchen with an apology. "Compensate" gave my mother a real smile, and her mother smiled too. There is relief in the smile, and it may be that her child finally "understands" her smile. The happy four leaf clover grows quietly in my heart, and the happy waltz plays again. Love is the moment of smile.