Writing about Winter in Grade Two (9 selected articles)
Swallows are long without trace
2024-04-12 04:26:51
second grade
describe the scenery

Writing about Winter in Grade Two (1)

When winter comes, it looks like a fairy in white. She stretches out her slender arm and gently touches the earth, making it white and pure. On a snowy night, the snow can clothe the earth with white clothes, and can also dress the village as a land of powder jade. Oh, she is really magical! Here are some words about writing 600 words in the second grade in winter for you to learn.

Winter will come after autumn every year! It brings a cold wind and a cold scene of withered branches, which makes us feel the cold of winter!

Winter brings cold air all over the corner. The northwest wind blows, making people feel cold. Bare trees stood pitifully on both sides of the road, and the once vigorous grass finally failed to support them. They withered and turned yellow and fell asleep.

In such cold weather, you can see rows of cypress trees standing tall and slim, fearing the cold wind. On both sides of the corridor of the campus, there are green figures flashing. In the cold winter, cypress trees are still so rich, green and vibrant.

In this cold winter, people who exercise in the morning are not afraid of the cold, which can be seen everywhere. In the boundless fog, the figure is shaking ceaselessly. Young people are like athletes on the field, all in high spirits, and they are running vigorously with hot breath in their mouth. The elderly also went out of the house and shined in the square, stretching their hands, kicking their legs and jumping from time to time. Although they are old people, they are not inferior to young people in sports. Some of them also kick shuttlecock and jump rope, tenaciously struggling with the biting cold.

After each year, the weather will be colder. The flowers and trees will put away their smiling faces. Small animals will hide and enter their own nests. Some will begin to hibernate. People put on thick and warm down jackets, and migratory birds flew to the warm south. The coldest day of the year came.

Winter is a cold season. Although the cold brings inconvenience to people, it also has a beautiful and lovely side. I like winter because it can temper people's will and make people stronger.

In winter, like a white girl. But everyone blamed her for making the world cold and withering vegetation. The topic of "hate winter" spread all over the city with the wind as the carrier, and also spread to my ears in winter, but winter is not sad, she is still so calm and natural. The winter is unknown and has been contributing to mankind

In winter, although it is cold, it has made many contributions to us, and its contribution cannot be buried. Let's think about it: without keeping the land warm in winter, will spring sowing go smoothly? Without the freezing in winter, will the soil be wet in spring? Without the training of severe winter, can Spring girl's footsteps be so healthy and firm? Winter is the mother of spring, which is true. Without the arrival of winter, there would be no beautiful approaching of spring.

Winter comes to us in obscurity. It brings cold and happiness to people! The winter scenery is of special value!

The snowflakes in winter are beautiful, and the snow will last all day. The snowflakes in various shapes dazzle people. You look far away, ho! The mountains, water, trees and houses are all like wearing a complete set of silver white suits, and each suit is shining with colorful light. With the decoration of this snow, people feel comfortable. Walking outdoors to enjoy the beautiful scenery of that snow makes people feel that winter is not so cold!

The morning in spring is warm, the morning in summer is warm, and the morning in autumn is quiet. What about winter?

Just after dawn, I was walking on my way to school with my schoolbag on my back. The boundary between heaven and earth is so hazy: the mountains are white, the sky is white, and the water is also floating with white fog. I want to feel this strange fog, but it is like a naughty child, running east and west

The cold wind roared, and with its thick fingers, it arbitrarily scratched the pedestrian's hair and pricked the pedestrian's skin like a needle. The pedestrians were helpless, so they had to buckle their winter clothes tightly, put their hands in their pockets, shrink their necks, and move forward quickly. The pines and cypresses on both sides of the road stand up vigorously, bravely facing the wind, frost, rain and snow, encouraging people to move forward bravely.

The shops in the street have been opened one after another. I have no time to enjoy the dazzling array of goods, nor to taste the coveted food, so as to speed up my pace and go to school to look for winter mornings.

As the rising sun rises in the east, the gray fog seems to be rolling ceaselessly. I vaguely see the heads of people on the playground: one, two, three... The playground is gradually bustling. Look, there comes an old teacher. Several young pioneers are saluted to him. The old teacher smiles and nods and smiles

"Hoo hoo"! With the sound, a group of students over there are jumping long ropes. The rope was thrown into the air, skimmed over the top of the head, and then wiped the ground. It flew up and down like a golden snake, and from time to time raised the happy laughter of the students. The students playing football here catch up with each other. First they leap into the air, then they kick hard. The ball draws a beautiful arc in the air. What a "fishing for the moon"!

Seeing this, I hurried to the classroom. Oh, the classroom is full of enthusiasm: the teacher is meticulously correcting homework, sometimes concentrating on deep thinking, sometimes nodding, sometimes rubbing hands, stamping feet... Some students are practicing reading in groups, and some are doing homework. Huang Junzheng, the "king", is interested in telling stories to the family, and she is surrounded by fans who can listen to the stories

In the morning of winter, although the climate is cold, it is full of vitality and vitality everywhere, and is pregnant with the hope of blooming flowers in spring!

When the flowers are red and the willows are green, the spring has turned into a scorching summer. And then to the two seasons when the golden autumn is fruitful. Time passed, and finally changed to my favorite season - winter.

The dry climate in the north makes the viral cold spread among people. People are looking forward to your coming. Finally in a quiet night, you are silent. As if afraid of waking people's dreams, she carefully covered Mother Earth with a thick and warm quilt. At daybreak, the children in the neighborhood shouted excitedly and in surprise. At this time, you become a mischievous angel in heaven, playing with children.

Your arrival is undoubtedly a surprise. The world is covered with ice and snow. You used the magic that you were proud of, so many feather like elves gathered in groups and crowded together neatly. Ouch! I don't know who made the snow smooth and cobblestone like. How many fragile and insignificant lives will be hurt if you fall carelessly!

The trees also seemed to like the new clothes Grandpa Winter gave them. Everyone bent over with a smile and waved their arms, as if they were comparing whose new clothes were the most beautiful. It's rustling and windy. It seems that the wind can't stand their vanity and tears the beautiful new clothes. By the way, it also gives people a big "surprise". The goose feather snow is still flying leisurely, and the little trees are wrapped up with silver flowers. How beautiful! The beauty makes people forget all worries and sorrows, and only remember the purity and tranquility in front of them.

You are about to leave. Although you and I have only been together for a few days, we have been used to your inseparable presence with us. You seem to be reluctant to give up. All the little elves turned into tears. You hugged each other sadly, and then it became ice. On the eaves, on the car wires, on the drainage pipes... How many places have you carved your own marks! The ice ridges are various, sometimes simple, sometimes vigorous; Sometimes turbulent, sometimes ups and downs. Lighten your fingertips. Endless chill flows through your fingertips and then flows into your body. But the chill was fleeting, replaced by a deeper warmth in winter.

Are you bringing cold? Not really, but endless joy and deep warmth.

Let's sing this beautiful winter song together with the sound of snowflakes dancing.

I like the gentleness of spring, the fierceness of summer and the romance of autumn, but I still like the cold winter with flying snow.

I like the peace in winter. In winter, we made a suit of white mink coat tailored for the big place, put crystal white gauze skirts on the tree girls, covered white duvets on the grass, and guarded the land quietly. There were his soldiers everywhere - snowflakes, defending the kingdom of winter. The grass slept quietly, and the tree girls stood gracefully in the snow, as if they were beautiful princesses, What a peaceful scene!

I like the snow flying all over the sky in winter. The flowers are dancing in the air. The elegant dance moves us. Standing in the snow, we enjoy the beautiful scene. It is also like playing hide and seek with you, jumping on your face mischievously, and disappearing in a twinkling of an eye. So many times, you still can't catch it, and it is smiling at you proudly in the sky! It's also like sliding down the slide one by one. I'm so happy that I can't close my mouth and can't wait to slide down

I like the variety of winter. Speaking of winter, skiing, snowball fights, snowman making, ice sculpture and other colorful games are indispensable. In the snow, the children played and played with snowballs. The clothes, hair and gloves were covered with snow everywhere. They didn't care. They just rubbed a snowball quickly and were excited. When he threw it, the other party showed no weakness. Another snowball hit the face, not only not angry, but also laughing.

Making snowmen is a "gentle" game compared with snowball fights. Although there is no thrilling and fun snowball fights, the children are still very happy, let alone ice sculptures. Through careful production, various ice sculptures with strange shapes and different colors have appeared. What game can match it in the world?

I like winter, like its peace, like its flying snow, colorful, I love winter.

Winter is the most beautiful season of the year.

My favorite season when I was young is winter, because winter is a world of snow, and there is a vast expanse of white everywhere. In the snowy winter, I can make snowmen and have snowball fights with my friends in the snowy sky. We can enjoy our fun and play together. We can leave all our troubles and worries behind, ignore them, and let laughter accompany us.

The snowflakes flying all over the sky are like elves. They are holding hands and dancing their vigorous posture. The wind also accompanies them. However, in reality, I like snow and am quietly intoxicated in this snowy world.

At this time, the world is like a beautiful picture, dressed the earth in snow-white clothes, even the original bare branches are full of flowers; What if I thought it was full of pear blossoms? Winter is like a white desert. In the world of snowflakes, endless white comes into sight, but the earth is uneven, just like the sparkling water, extremely beautiful

Winter is the most brilliant and brilliant in a year. When the sun breaks through the clouds, and when it falls in the evening of winter with its shining purple robe, people can't stand its dazzling light.

In the cold winter, although some people do not like to go out, it is also warm, and can be a family around the stove for warmth, and a family to talk.

Although winter is not as vigorous as spring, hot and hot as summer, or the autumn, it has its unique features. It can let bare branches blossom, and also let the earth wear new clothes to show its unique natural scenery.

Let's love it together.

Writing about Winter in Grade Two (2)

The snow in winter is so white that you can feel the snow pressing on the pine trees. The following is the second grade composition written by Xiao Bian. Let's have a look!

Write a second grade composition in winter 1

When winter comes, the trees on the mountain are withered and yellow, and the birds are gone. The weather is too cold, so people stay at home, unwilling to go out, and there is no one on the road.

One day, snowflakes drifted outside. The snow grew heavier and heavier. Soon, the snow covered the roads, trees and houses. How clean the white world is! The poet Liu Zongyuan decided to go fishing. The air outside was so fresh. He soon came to the river and boarded a boat. Wearing coir raincoat and bamboo hat, he fished alone in the cold on the river. There was silence around, and Liu Zongyuan's heart was also very calm.

It was very cold and there was no one around. Maybe no fish caught the bait, but Liu Zongyuan was still very calm and focused on fishing.

We should learn from Liu Zongyuan. As long as people have confidence and perseverance, no matter how bad the environment is, we cannot be destroyed.

Writing Winter's Second Grade Composition 2

One day last winter, my father said he would take me to the West Lake to play. I said that in winter, the leaves had fallen, the flowers and grass had withered, and there was no snow. It was fun. My father said that winter also has the beauty of winter. Let's go and find the beauty of winter together.

When I arrived at the West Lake, I saw a yellow lotus stem and lotus leaves in the lake, and a row of green willows without leaves were beautiful. The grass in the park is like a big yellow carpet. The red and orange maple leaves are very bright in the sun. There are also beautiful wild ducks and white swans chasing for food in the lake. I borrowed half a loaf of bread from an aunt to feed the swans. We met a beautiful cat along the way, took a beautiful sunset, and saw four sisters wearing beautiful ancient clothes.

The winter without snow is so beautiful.

Writing Winter's Second Grade Composition 3

Some people like green spring, others like hot summer, but I prefer winter. When winter comes, the happiest time is also coming. My children and I go to make snowmen, play snowball fights, and roll snowballs

At noon, I skated on the frozen water. After lunch, how happy we were in the snow covered woods! My mother looked for me everywhere, and finally I came back. On the way home, I walked on the snow covered road, and jumped up happily. I saw my dog, "Xiaoxue", walking up and down the road, and it seemed to say: "Fun, fun!"

How beautiful the winter is! So I like winter, I hope this winter will come soon!

Writing a second grade composition in winter 4

It snowed in a very cold winter. Xiaoming, Xiaohuan, blossoming and Xiaoqiang play together. Suddenly, a small, white snowflake fell on Xiaoming's hand. Xiaoming looked carefully, wow! Xiaoming found that the snowflake was hexagonal. Xiaoming shouted, "I found that the snowflake was hexagonal."

Then Xiaohuan saw several pine trees, and Xiaohuan cried out, "I think the small tree is like a pagoda.

We must wash our hands after playing. " It's like speaking at a conference, but no one said it again at last. Then everyone realized that it was because they talked too fast, and everyone laughed hysterically. This is the happiness in winter. Although it is very cold in winter, sometimes you will sweat happily in winter.

Writing Winter's Second Grade Composition 5

The season of the story is winter. One day, Beibei just got up and saw her good friend Lang Lang making a snowman outside. Beibei shouted, "Lang Lang, let's play together." Lang Lang said yes.

Beibei made a big snowman with great strength. Lang Lang said that the snowman was a bit strange. Beibei knew that the snowman was missing eyes, hair, nose and hands. Beibei hurried to the bottom of the tree and picked up two leaves. She told Lang Lang to put one leaf on the snowman's head. Beibei put the other leaf on her own snowman's head. Beibei ran home again and took two cotton hats, Take it to the snowman to prevent it from getting cold. Lang Lang happily said thank you. Beibei's expression was very happy, and her front teeth showed.

Lang Lang's small hands beat the head and body of the snowman vigorously. Beibei also inserted the candied haws into the snowman. Lang Lang was good at rolling the snowball on the ground.

Writing about Winter in Grade Two (3)

[Happiness in Winter]

Xie Xuanchen

Winter is coming. On a snowy morning, happy Xiaoming and Xiaohong held hands and began to roll the snowball. Xiaoming rolled out of the snowman's body, and Xiaohong rolled the snowman's head.

Xiaohong puts a small snowball on top of a big snowball as the head of the snowman.

Finally, they made the shape of the snowman, and put decorations on the snowman, with black stones in his eyes, long turnips as his nose, a hat on his head, and the broom behind him as the hand of the snowman, like a fat Xia.

Everyone laughed when they saw the snowman.

[Happiness in Winter]

Yi Dongyang

When winter came, there was a heavy snow, which covered the earth with a thick quilt. Hua Hua and Hong Hong rushed out to make a snowman.

Hua Hua rolled a big snowball, and Hong Hong rolled a small snowball. Hong Hong put her little snowball on Hua Hua's big snowball to make a snowman. Hua Hua went home and got a bucket, a broom and a carrot. Hong Hong found two black little black stones and a round little red stone. The bucket is the snowman's hat, the black stone is his eyes, the carrot is his nose, the small red stone is his mouth, and the broom is his hand.

This is really a happy day.

Writing about Winter in Grade Two (4)

Second grade students read pictures and write happy winter (attached with pictures of reading pictures and writing in winter)

Winter came, the weather became cold, and all the leaves fell. The children put on a thick cotton padded jacket. Xiaohe also put on a shiny, beautiful new dress.

It snowed. The children made a beautiful big snowman outside. The big head was wearing a red bucket hat, black eyes, and a carrot nose. It was lovely. There were three red bean buttons on the fat body, and two broom arms. It was very exciting.

The big pine tree in the distance also wore a thick white hat, which looked like a white cloud from afar.

I think it must be fun for children to have a snowball fight. They grab a handful of snow and pinch it into a ball. In the snow, they hit you and you hit him, running and cheering. They must be very happy.

Look at the pictures and write about the pictures in winter

Writing about Winter in Grade Two (5)

Winter is the most beautiful season of the year.

My favorite season when I was young is winter, because winter is a world of snow, and there is a vast expanse of white everywhere. In the snowy winter, I can make snowmen and have snowball fights with my friends in the snowy sky. We can enjoy our fun and play together. We can leave all our troubles and worries behind, ignore them, and let laughter accompany us.

The snowflakes flying all over the sky are like elves. They are holding hands and dancing their vigorous posture. The wind also accompanies them. However, in reality, I like snow and am quietly intoxicated in this snowy world.

At this time, the world is like a beautiful picture, dressed the earth in snow-white clothes, even the original bare branches are full of flowers; What if I thought it was full of pear blossoms? Winter is like a white desert. In the world of snowflakes, endless white comes into sight, but the earth is uneven, just like the sparkling water, extremely beautiful

Winter is the most brilliant and brilliant in a year. When the sun breaks through the clouds, and when it falls in the evening of winter with its shining purple robe, people can't stand its dazzling light.

In the cold winter, although some people do not like to go out, it is also warm, and can be a family around the stove for warmth, and a family to talk.

Although winter is not as vigorous as spring, hot and hot as summer, or the autumn, it has its unique features. It can let bare branches blossom, and also let the earth wear new clothes to show its unique natural scenery.

Let's love it together.

Writing about Winter in Grade Two (6)

Last night, it snowed heavily. This morning, the snow covered the ground as if covered with a thick layer of white granulated sugar. The snow has become a paradise for children. The children put on thick cotton padded clothes. Some were having snowball fights, and some were making snowmen.

The snowman Xiaomei and her brother made is very cute: buttons for eyes, carrots for nose, red peppers for mouth, candied haws for arms, snow for body, and buckets for hats. They sang and danced around the snowman. This is really a happy winter!

A wonderful day (Zhao Zhenjie)

There was a heavy snow last night, but it stopped this morning. The students made an appointment to play snow in the park.

Xiaohong and Xiaoli are making a snowman excitedly, and Xiaogang and Xiaoming are having a snowball fight happily. The students looked at their masterpieces.

Showed a knowing smile!

Today is really a wonderful day for students!

Make a Snowman (Li Xinwei)

In winter, the snow stopped. The ground was covered with white snow. At noon today, Xiaohong and her sister Xiaoli were making a snowman in the park. First they made a snowman's body, then a snowman's head. They found some things, including radishes, peppers and two strings of sugar coated haws Used to make nose, mouth and two small hands A beautiful snowman is finished! They played happily with the snowman!

Make a snowman (Wang Jinghan)

In the morning, Xiaohong and Xiaoying are making a snowman. They use three snowballs to make the snowman's body, black buttons to make eyes, buckets to make hats, carrots to make noses, peppers to make mouths, sugar coated haws to make hands, and red buttons to make clothes buttons. Xiaoying made a snowman and went snowballing again. They were very happy! Xiaolu and Xiaoliang are still having a snowball fight. They are also having a good time!

Make a snowman (Huang Yiqing)

This morning, Xiaohong and Xiaoli went to make a snowman together. They made a big round ball and two small round balls. They used two strings of candied haws as snowman's hands; They take a carrot as the nose of the snowman; They also took a pepper as the mouth of the snowman; They also used a few small iron balls as snowman's eyes and buttons on their clothes.

They had a good time today. I also like them making snowmen.

Make a snowman (Chen Siyan)

In winter, the snow stopped, and the vast expanse of white on the ground seemed to be covered with a layer of white quilt! In the park, Xiaohong and her sister Xiaohua are making a snowman. They first built the body of the snowman, and then the head of the snowman. They also took a carrot, a pepper, and two ice sugar coated haws to make a snowman's nose, mouth, and cute hands. Finally, they took buckets to make hats for the snowman.

The snowman is made, so cute! They had fun with the snowman!

Make a Snowman (Peng Lan)

After the heavy snow, my sister Xiaoqing and her sister Xiaomao went to the countryside to make a snowman. The countryside is a vast expanse of white, and the pine trees in the distance are covered with snow. Xiaoqing and Xiaomao first piled the body and head of the snowman, then made the nose of the snowman with carrots, the eyes of the snowman with two black buttons, the mouth of the snowman with a red pepper, the hands of the snowman with two strings of ice sugar gourds, the buttons of the snowman with two red hawthorns, and finally put a pink bucket upside down on the snowman's head, A hat that serves as a snowman. Looking at the snowman, sister Xiaoqing and sister Xiaomao are so happy!

Make a snowman (Zhang Junhui)

In the morning, Xiaohua and Xiaoli are making snowmen in the park. Xiaoxiao and Xiaogang are having a snowball fight.

Xiaoli and Xiaohua are making a lovely snowman! Xiaoli made a round and big belly. Xiaohua just saw two buttons on the ground and buttoned her on the snowman's belly. Xiaoli said, "You are so imaginative!" Xiaoli went home and took two ice sugar coated haws and inserted them into the snowman's belly as the snowman's hands. Xiaohua made a round head. Xiaoli said, "You are really round!" Xiaoli ran home again and took out a pepper to be the mouth of the snowman. Xiaoli also took a carrot to be the nose. Xiaohua ran home and took the two black chess pieces of Go as the eyes of the snowman. Xiaoli ran home and took out a bucket to be the snowman's hat. They both showed their skills! Everyone looked at the lovely and beautiful snowman!

Xiaogang and Xiaoxiao in the distance are playing a snowball fight. They are holding some snow and kneading it into a ball to play. They are both playing happily!

What fun it is in winter! We like winter!

Make a Snowman (Wei Yanbing)

It snowed heavily this morning. Xiaohong takes her brother to the park. They decide to make a snowman. Her brother is responsible for snowballing, and her sister is responsible for dressing up the snowman.

Twenty minutes later, the snowman was finally made. The sister and brother looked around and saw what was missing? Xiaohong put a bucket on the snowman's head as a hat. The snowman "laughed", and Xiaohong and her brother also laughed

Writing about Winter in Grade Two (7)

Ah! The whole world has become a white fairy tale world. I love the snow.

It snowed, and snowflakes floated from the sky, like beautiful butterflies dancing. When we walk on the snow, we feel soft under our feet, as if we are walking on a trampoline. At this time, if you grab a handful of snow from the ground, squeeze it into a ball, and still go out like a snowball fight, you must feel particularly comfortable at that time

The snow also tells us that winter is coming. Let's get ready for winter!

So I like snow. So I like everything in the snow!

I like snow.

Chapter 2

When I woke up in the morning, the car and phone booth outside were covered with snow, but there was no snow on the ground. Remember that Niu Yaowei said, "It snowed" yesterday! In fact, it didn't snow yesterday, but he lied to us. But it snowed today. He is really a prophet!

The snowflakes whirled and fell down. It was like a light dancer dancing in the air, while the wind was like a cheerleading team, always cheering for the dancers. The more powerful the cheerleading team is, the better the dancers will dance. Alas! If it snowed a little harder, we could read "Make a Snowman"!

Chapter 3

Last night, Xiao Hong had a dream: It's snowing! She had a good time.

The next morning, Xiaohong woke up feeling very cold, so she got up and added some clothes. Xiaohong went downstairs after eating breakfast. She saw that it was snowing outside. There were snowflakes in the sky, snow blankets on the ground, and silver clothes on the trees, which were white everywhere.

Just then, Xiaohong heard the laughter and laughter of the children. It turned out that everyone was making snowmen and having snowball fights!

Let's start with a snowball fight. Xiaoming picked up a snowball and hit Xiaohua. Xiaohua dodged the attack like a flexible kangaroo. He also rubbed up a snowball and hit Xiaoming. Xiaoming didn't dodge and was hit. But he was not reconciled, so he rubbed up a "shell" and hit Xiaohua again. After a while, Xiaohua was also hit

Let's talk about making a snowman again. Xiaogang and Wang Yun have already made a big snowman: round head, fat body, red nose probably blown red by Grandpa Beifeng, and big eyes seem to be enjoying the beautiful scenery around!

Seeing this scene, Xiaohong couldn't help running over and began to build a snowman.

Writing about Winter in Grade Two (8)

Last night, I stayed at my grandpa's house because I slept late watching cartoons. Early this morning, Grandpa called me out to watch the snow. I put on my clothes and went outside to see what a heavy snow it was! My grandpa's home is on the mountain. Looking down, the whole world is white.

I helped my grandpa sweep the snow. I was so tired that I was sweating. While the heavy snow was still falling, many children were playing snowball fights and making snowmen in the snow. Others dug a big hole in the snow. It was warm and fun to hide in it.

Although the heavy snow brings a lot of inconvenience to people, I like the heavy snow.

Chapter 2

It's snowing, it's snowing. There were snowflakes in the sky, snow blankets on the ground, and silver clothes on the trees, which were white everywhere.

As soon as I left home, the first thing I saw was snow. There was white snow on the branches. I thought: in spring and summer, it brought us green. In winter, it seemed that Snow Girl sent it a coat. I also saw grass lying quietly on the ground, covered with a snow blanket, and sleeping. When the pupils were reading aloud, a gust of wind seemed to say to the children, "Be quiet, don't wake the grass.", When the pupils heard it, they turned down their voice. I thought it was good that it snowed! It can help the grass sleep and the trees spend the winter.

How nice it is snowing!

Chapter 3

As soon as I opened my eyes this morning, I heard my mother say that it was snowing. I "rubbed" out of the bed and leaned over to the window. It was a silver world outside. The poplar trees that had lost their leaves were covered with shiny silver bars. "Wow, great! You can have a snowball fight and make snowmen!" I shouted happily, Mom heard it and walked over and said, "You know how fun it is to play. Although snow has a lot of fun, there are also many inconveniences. The weather is very cold, and there is thick snow on the ground. If you don't clean it in time, it will be very inconvenient for people to travel. You get dressed quickly, and I will go out to clean the snow in front of the door soon." I heard it and said quickly: "I will go with you."

When I went out, I saw that everyone had gone out to sweep the snow, and I was also sweeping hard. My grandparents praised me as a good boy who loves working, and I felt like I had honey in my heart. In the laughter of everyone, we soon swept the snow clean.

On the way to school, looking at the clean street, I asked my mother: "Who swept the clean road

Yes, the civilization of the city needs to be maintained by all of us.

Writing about Winter in Grade Two (9)

Second grade winter scenery composition: campus in winter

It's cold in winter, and it snows heavily outside. The bare branches on the campus are covered with fluffy snowflakes, and the window glass of the classroom is decorated with various window decorations, some like cheerful birds, some like fierce tigers, so cute!

After class, the students rushed out of the classroom happily, and the campus immediately became lively. Some students made snowmen and some had snowball fights. How happy they were! I think what students like most is snowball fights. Barry Jie of our class threw the snow into a big snowball at me. I dodged to one side, and the snowball passed behind me. Barry Jie attacked Yang Shangfeng again. Before Yang Shangfeng knew it, the snowball had hit him. We all thought it was very funny.

Winter is my unforgettable season. I like the campus in winter.

Second grade winter scenery composition: fog in winter

When I got up this morning, my father sent me to a special Latin dance class.

As soon as I went out, the white fog rolled in. I have never seen such a big fog! The road ahead and the things around can't be seen clearly. The fog is white and silver. The car lights are on. The silver and white fog turns golden yellow, like magic.

The fog fell on my face wet and dewy. I sat in my father's car, and the fog covered my lower body. I was riding in the sky like Monkey King. The fog is soft, like a new quilt, covering my body.

It is possible that Aunt Wu will get married. The silver and white fog may be the silver wedding dress that Mother Earth gave Aunt Wu! Along the way, there were gold and silver in many places, which was extremely beautiful. The fog seemed to become a charming silver palace. The silver fog shone in our hearts, and I seemed to see many beautiful fairy tales.

At school, my father's hair and eyebrows were covered with white fog, and he became a lovely Santa Claus.

I like the heavy fog this winter!

Second grade winter scenery composition: an unforgettable winter

20xx is an unforgettable winter, or a cold winter.

In the morning, I put on my clothes and opened the window. The ground, trees and houses were white. How cold it is snowing! But I'm not afraid of cold. I'll go to have a snowball fight with my friends! When I went downstairs, I saw that they were all playing snowball fights. I also participated in one. I grabbed a mass of snow from the ground and threw it at them, but instead of throwing it at them, I threw it into a tree. I was very angry. I grabbed a mass of snow and threw it at them. I threw it on the head of a small partner. I laughed and said, "You are too stupid." I won. I ran excitedly on the snow. As a result, they came and beat me black and blue, and I counterattacked them. I threw snowballs at them, and finally I won.

I went home singing a beautiful song.

Second grade winter scenery composition: winter is coming

There are four seasons in a year. The beginning of winter is the beginning of winter. When we enter the beginning of winter, the weather is getting cold. It tells us that winter is coming.

Winter is coming in a hurry, but I still miss autumn and the maple leaves in autumn. Look, groups of "phalaenopsis" are becoming active again! Maybe you will ask: "How can there be butterflies in autumn?" "Yes" is the leaves blown down by the wind! Look, they are dancing in the air: colorful, red, yellow, green, and half green

Miss Qiu walked away quietly, and Grandpa Winter came unconsciously. All things were brought into winter overnight, and people suddenly became "fat" a lot. Look out of the window, the snowflakes fall from the sky and float down one by one. The tiny and light snowflakes like fluff are flying in the air and slowly floating to the ground; Small and big snowflakes are fluttering gently like catkins; The snowflakes fluttered and fell down timidly, dry, light and crystal like powder. Dye everything on the earth white. The children rushed out of the room to push the snowman in the snow and have a snowball fight. Yes, the problem belongs to us.