Safe Traffic Accompanies Our Bank (17 Selected Articles)
Look at the white clouds floating in the sky
2023-12-19 02:50:21

Safe traffic with our bank (1)

"Didu, Didu, Didu..." Another shocking sound of an ambulance came, and another blood stain appeared on the road. In the past 10 years, there have been 600000 road traffic accidents and more than 100000 deaths every year, and the number of deaths is increasing. From January to October this year alone, 426378 road traffic accidents occurred nationwide, resulting in 87218 deaths, 391752 injuries, and direct property losses of RMB 2.02 billion. The number of deaths increased by 1618, or 1.9%, compared with last year. Traffic accidents have become the number one killer in the world today. The traffic situation in Beijing is not optimistic. Especially recently, the rate of traffic accidents near the campus and involving teachers and students has increased, giving us many painful lessons. The party concerned lay on the ground and groaned painfully. The groaning was mixed with infinite regret. The perpetrator helplessly looked at the bleeding party and sighed deeply... With the rapid development of society, the pace of life and work became faster and faster. Cars became the main tool of people, which brought us unprecedented convenience and speed, While everyone praises the social progress and enjoys it, it also brings us disasters. One by one, fresh life disappears under the speeding wheel, and one by one happy family is broken in a blink of an eye. Therefore, we must obey the traffic rules and drive safely to avoid these accidents and grow healthily. According to relevant data, on average, there are two car accidents per second in China, and 20000 people are killed in car accidents every year. This shocking figure strikes people's tender heart. Traffic is the lifeblood of the national economy. Traffic safety is not only related to the development of the national economy, but also closely related to the lives and properties of the broad masses. In order to maintain road traffic order, prevent and reduce traffic accidents and cause people's necessary lives, properties and other economic losses, The Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China is hereby formulated, so that every citizen can achieve traffic safety in my heart according to law. It was 2005, and a car to pick up and send children stopped beside Xingang Road in our school. A little boy's grandmother was waiting for him at the roadside. The little boy saw his grandmother, probably excited for a moment, forgot to look left and right for vehicles, and rushed out of the door immediately. Unfortunately, something happened. "Bang", the child was knocked down and died on the spot. How did the child get hit by a car? The reason is that when the child got off the bus, he didn't check whether there was a car on the left and right, but rushed out with a word. This seemingly inconspicuous action caused irreparable regret. I still remember a traffic accident that happened at my door last year. It was an intersection. A motorcycle from the Pearl River Garden was heading towards Yandi Square. A truck from Taishan Road to Tanjiashan collided with it. They both wanted to cross the intersection before each other, but they collided. The motorcycle driver was knocked down by the motorcycle and could not move. The wood on the truck was scattered all over the ground, and the windshield was like a spider web, Half of it was broken, and the driver's head was bleeding. The rushing ambulance picked them up... people gave way to the car, warmth and order; The car makes people feel safe and understand. In this world, only when people and cars are modest to each other can we avoid traffic accidents as much as possible, reduce the number of deaths and cherish precious lives. Please cherish your life! Let's grow up happily and healthily under the security, and build our beautiful home!

Traffic accidents happen all the time. It is like a powerful explosive. If we are careless, this explosive will explode in our lives, breaking families and making people sad. So we must obey the traffic rules. In this economically prosperous society, the number of vehicles on the street is gradually increasing and speeding in front of you. Maybe at this moment, your negligence or violation will bring inconvenience to the traffic and also cast a shadow on your mind. It is understood that tens of thousands of innocent children and adolescents die every year due to various accidents, and traffic casualties caused by lack of traffic awareness and indifference account for a large proportion of primary and secondary school students' casualties. The traffic safety of primary and secondary school students involves the happiness of thousands of families, which requires the joint responsibility and management of the traffic police, schools, families and society. In this economically prosperous society, the number of vehicles on the street is gradually increasing and speeding in front of you. Maybe at this moment, your negligence or violation will bring inconvenience to the traffic and also cast a shadow on your mind. I suggest that the police or teacher counsellors be appointed regularly or irregularly to maintain the traffic order at the entrance or intersection of the school with complicated traffic, so as to ensure the safety and smoothness of the "green channel". At the same time, traffic safety education and management will be included in the content of school management. Every primary and secondary school must work in accordance with the acceptance and evaluation standards at ordinary times, and traffic safety education will be included in the quality education supervision and evaluation. It is suggested that primary school students should use the method of "queuing up" and "wearing small yellow hats" to arrange students on the same road and in the same direction into teams, and teachers should escort students across the road to ensure their walking safety; When organizing students to go out for group activities or organize spring and autumn outings, strictly standardize the approval procedures, control the approval, resolutely stop sick cars and overloaded cars from transporting students, and ensure the traffic safety of teachers and students. At the same time, we have strengthened the renovation of the school and the surrounding traffic environment, and resolutely outlawed violations that hinder the passage of teachers and students, such as setting up stalls at the gate of the campus and occupying roads for the city. It has created a good traffic environment for teachers and students. Before you violate the rules, think about the consequences. You should know that precious life is only once. As the saying goes, life is more important than Mount Tai. For yourself, for your family, for your life, please obey the traffic rules!

Boys and girls, let's wait for the red light and safety. Let us have more responsibility and less sacrifice. Let's be more conscious and be a responsible member of the information school. In order that your personal safety and that of others will not be damaged, in order that there will be no more calls for grief from relatives due to violation of traffic rules in society, the death of young lives, and in order to stop the tragic situation of white haired people giving away black haired people due to shallow traffic awareness, let's obey the traffic rules together and be an information person who cherishes life!

Safe traffic with our bank (2)

That night, I turned on my computer to see the news. Suddenly, I found a line of small words, "Huizhou: Lost Soul Mixer Crashes 7 Vehicles and Injures 4 People". I quickly opened it.

The car in the picture is rotten, but we can imagine how serious the accident is. The perpetrator explained that the accident was caused by brake failure. But I think this accident was not only caused by brake failure, but also because the driver's attention was distracted and didn't concentrate on driving.

As far as I know, some students now rush across the road without looking at the traffic lights. There are also some drivers who drive after drinking and fatigue, resulting in a series of accidents. Many people die at the hands of car drivers. And let them lose a happy family, lost the life in full bloom. If it were you, would you feel lonely? Will you feel helpless? Do you want your family and friends to shed tears of grief for you? Each fresh life disappeared at the moment when the car was speeding. His family did not follow the pain for a moment, but suffered for a lifetime! Life is not a joke, life is only once! We should cherish life! Those bloody facts make us feel the pain of losing our loved ones and understand the importance of traffic safety. Do you have to wake up at that time and understand what is safety and what is life?

Therefore, I would like to appeal to you to remember the traffic safety jingle: stop at the red light, go at the green light, and remember the traffic safety. Street signs should be observed, and police gestures should be understood. When you turn a corner, you should light up and slow down on the streets. Drunken driving is really bad. I lost my car and went to jail. Don't overtake on the expressway. Remember to control your speed. Overloading of buses and trucks is forbidden. Traffic safety is different.

Grade 5: Du Guichan

Safe traffic with our bank (3)

For a long time, because people do not pay attention to the water traffic safety and violate the traffic rules, it has brought a lot of inconvenience to the lives of the masses of the people. Some even ended up in disaster, disturbing the social traffic order and destroying the social stability. In order to build a harmonious society, each of us should pay attention to water traffic safety, be civilized middle school students, and be disciplined Chinese citizens. From now on, let water traffic safety accompany our growth!

The bloody lesson should not be forgotten.

Just in July 1995, a bus carrying a group of college students eager to go home at the Honghua Ferry, because the driver did not stop as required and did not pull off the handbrake, it ended up sliding down the Yangtze River, leading to a major water safety accident that killed more than 50 people and causing injuries to many families. Luo Qingquan, then the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, represented Yichang Municipal Party Committee The municipal government apologized to each family member and punished the person responsible for the accident. In 1998, a private teacher surnamed Liu from Yanshikou Village, Moshi Town, took his own boat to Geheyuan to catch a car in the morning. Because of the fog, strong wind and overload, the family turned over to the nearby Riyue Villa in Qingjiang River. Except for her husband, she and her son died. In June 2002, it was originally a sunny day. A student of a certain school was playing by the river. He could not swim, but he saw that his classmates were at ease on the other side of the water. He was not familiar with the water environment here, so he went into the water at will. Because the sand in the river was very slippery, he accidentally slipped to the bottom of the river. There was no one around him. His classmates could not see him at the lower reaches of the river, When his classmates found him, he had drowned and died. A few days ago, I also saw on the news that a ship was traveling at sea. The pilot thought the ship was too slow, so he accelerated and overtook the ship. He accidentally hit an island, sinking the ship and killing countless people

Traffic safety reasons should not be ignored

From these vivid examples, we should also understand that when you are excited and go into the water without any protection, have you ever thought that you have reached the edge of danger? When you are not familiar with the water environment, you will drop into the water at will. Do you remember how many people die every year because of drowning? When you complain about too many regulations, do you think that if not, how many people will be killed by merciless water. It is a civilized behavior to obey the water traffic rules. Because you not only ensure your own safety, but also show respect for others' lives. The reasons for the above accidents can be summarized as follows: First, you have weak safety awareness; Second, the operation rules are not strictly observed, leaving hidden dangers that may cause safety accidents; The third is to violate the traffic rules, drive the "three no's" boat to berth, overload and overload, and drive at a speed limit, thus causing frequent traffic accidents; Fourth, the management departments at all levels failed to earnestly perform their duties and strengthen the management and guidance of water traffic safety. Many water safety accidents have not been corrected in time.

So how should we pay attention to water traffic safety?

Our country has vast waters. When people travel, they will have many opportunities to take boats. Boats are important in water. In the middle of navigation, there is danger of encountering wind and waves, so the safety of traveling by ship is very important.

1. Do not take a ship that is super adventurous. In order to ensure the safety of shipping, the relevant management departments have issued safety certificates for all ships that meet the safety requirements. Do not travel on unlicensed ships.

2. Do not take ships other than passenger ships and passenger ferries.

3. Do not take overloaded ships or ships with mixed passenger and cargo loads.

4. Do not take overloaded ships. The safety of such ships is not guaranteed.

5. Line up to get on and off the ship in order, and do not crowd or scramble to avoid accidents such as crowding and falling into the water.

6. When the weather is bad, in case of strong wind, waves, dense fog, etc., you should try to avoid taking a boat.

7. Do not fight or chase in the bow, deck, etc. to prevent falling into the water. Do not crowd on one side of the ship to prevent the hull from tilting and causing accidents.

8. Many of the equipment on the ship are related to ensuring safety. Do not move around to avoid affecting normal navigation.

9. When sailing at night, do not shine flashlights on the water or the shore, so as not to cause misunderstanding or illusion of the pilot and cause danger.

10. In case of accident, keep calm and follow the command of relevant personnel.

11. Attention should be paid to collective boating: teachers should lead and command the team, and line up to get on and off the ship. No fighting or walking is allowed; Obey the command of the staff on board and maintain the order on board.

These are the eleven precautions for water traffic safety, which I hope you will keep in mind.

There is a famous saying about life: "Life is like a flower, which can only bloom once, and can only enjoy the warmth and tenderness of a season. We should cherish life and accompany safety. Let's start from now on, care for life, and let the water traffic safety accompany us!

Safe traffic with our bank (4)

God is fair and stingy. He only gives everyone one life, so we must cherish it. Traffic safety in life is closely related to us, just like our friends. Keep by our side day and night, educate us and admonish us.

Life is precious. There is only one life in a person's life. We should cherish life. Attention to traffic safety is also a part of cherishing life. Now there are too many people who have died because of traffic accidents. Aren't they wronged? There is a little girl named Qian Hongnian. She is a little girl sitting in basketball. When she was 4 years old, there was a car accident

This girl lost the chance to walk forever. She never had to wear shoes and pants again, and she only spent her life in basketball. There was also a huge traffic accident in Gaoping. Because the driver was overloaded and speeding, 14 live lives disappeared in the colorful world. It is not inevitable that how many white haired people send away how many black haired people, and life is just a slip of the imagination. As long as everyone abides by the traffic rules, knows the law, understands the law, abides by the law, improves safety awareness, and changes bad behaviors, unnecessary injuries will be avoided.

Traffic safety is not for one person, but for all people. It tells us that we must learn and obey the traffic rules. Human life is short and never comes back. It is like a small shell, traveling in the sea with full knowledge, abiding by traffic rules, and improving traffic safety awareness. 2008 is the year of the Olympic Games, and there are always some bumps along the way. We should ring the alarm bell of traffic safety, always remember the lesson of blood, and learn from traffic. We should create a safe and unobstructed traffic environment.

Safe traffic with our bank (5)

Human life is valuable, and human life is extremely fragile. With the progress of human beings, the development of society and the continuous updating of science and technology, the real environment of people's life is also undergoing earth shaking changes. Wide roads and Mercedes Benz cars... Today, the convenient and fast transportation network in all directions has promoted the rapid development of modern society, but it is followed by scenes of bloody human tragedies.

Traffic accidents happen frequently, but few people pay attention to the fragility of life and the importance of traffic safety. In China, one person dies every five minutes and one person is disabled every one minute due to traffic accidents. The number of deaths per day reaches more than 280, and more than 100000 people die every year. More than 30 million people die from traffic accidents worldwide. However, many people are indifferent to this series of amazing data. It is not that the publicity of traffic safety knowledge is not enough. Parents and teachers remind us to pay attention to traffic safety and cherish life all the time from primary school to university. But some people don't take all this to heart, and they have to wait until the tragedy falls to themselves to regret it.

Lukate once said: "Life can't be twice, but many people are not good at spending it even once." It refers to those who cherish it until they lose it. In fact, the hidden danger of traffic accidents is everywhere. It is like a powerful explosive. If we are careless, this explosive will explode in our lives, which will break up families and make people sad. At about 6:30 a.m. on February 24, 2006, a huge traffic accident occurred 12 kilometers away from Guixin Highway in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province. A double sleeper bus from Guangdong to Sichuan lost control and crashed into the guardrail and rushed out of the roadbed, overturned the barrier more than 7 meters high, and fell into a small river. Among 45 passengers in the car, 23 died on the spot, and 22 injured passengers were sent to hospital by local police for rescue. Among the wounded, a 2-year-old girl suffered severe facial injuries and had more than 100 stitches sewn on her wound. After the accident, relevant heads of Guizhou Provincial Government, Safety Supervision Bureau, traffic police, highway administration, medical and other departments rushed to the scene to organize rescue. After a preliminary investigation by the police, because the bus driver did not rest after driving all night, the police initially determined that fatigue driving caused the accident.

Look, the bloody facts flashed before our eyes, but the sad scenes let us remember that it was the struggle of blood, the painful tears, the sympathetic eyes... shouldn't we cherish our precious lives for this when the tragedies are repeated again and again? Obey the traffic and pay attention to traffic safety, which is the appeal of human beings. There is no reason for everyone, only responsibility, responsibility for the happiness of human life, which is the only rule for everyone.

Grade 5: Hu Ruyi

Safe traffic with our bank (6)

With the progress of society and the take-off of science and technology, the means of transportation are increasingly developed, and people travel more and more. However, there is a dark killer behind this phenomenon - traffic safety. Traffic accidents have become the first killer of mankind. The following is about describing traffic safety with us I hope it will be helpful to you. If you like it, you can share it with your friends!

A person's life is like the thin wings of a cicada. It can't stand the wind and rain. It is fragile but extremely strong. The Creator created people, and energetic life came to this world. Shouldn't we cherish it?

When I see a flower in full bloom, I am happy for it; However, when I watch one flower after another wither slowly, I can't help feeling sad. In my definition, flowers are the beginning of life, and flowers are the end of life. How many flowers can you see in your life? When you look at time once, time will slip away.

I can't help sighing that life is so short! It is everyone's bounden duty to protect their own lives. With life, we can talk about how to make it more exciting. A philosopher once said that life has only yesterday, today and tomorrow. Yes, life is slowly leaving. Life is not about the length but about the brilliance. Seize every moment and let life shine like bright stars... What a terrible devil is hidden in this busy street and in the songs and laughter, do you know the hidden danger of traffic!

Nowadays, how important it is to reduce traffic hazards. I remember that it was one noon last year, when people walked through the crowded streets, and the rapid clatter was deafening. At this time, a car ran wildly. I stood on the roadside, my hair stood up, and in front of me, a pupil with a backpack was skipping along the road, "ah -" just heard a scream, and a fast car hit the student, The child who was so lively just now has been knocked aside.

People also stopped to look at this horrible picture. What a tragedy! The conscience of the driver who caused the accident has not been completely extinguished, so he quickly dialed 120. The driver held the child in his arms, "You must persevere, and the doctor will come soon!" Looking at the dying child, I couldn't help shedding tears... Fresh blood fell on the ground, and the dazzling red was so eye-catching. Soon, the ambulance came, and the doctors lifted the child onto the stretcher, The driver of the accident also followed, watching the ambulance slowly disappear in our sight, and the people also scattered, while I stood there, motionless.

Everyone's life is given to us by our parents, which is invaluable. Only with the existence of life can we achieve our colorful dreams. A person will not have a second life, so we should cherish it. We are the future of our motherland, the builders and masters of the future. For our future, let's cherish life, will you?

"Everyone is responsible for traffic safety." Traffic safety is very important for everyone. If we do not pay attention to traffic, it is easy to cause traffic accidents, and there is a great chance of causing car damage and human death.

In school, the teacher often tells us some knowledge about traffic safety. At home, my parents also explained the precautions for traffic safety to me every once in a while, reminding us to pay attention to safety. There is also traffic safety propaganda on the board. I carefully selected the essence of these knowledge and made the following points. As long as we master the following, we can not worry about the traffic.

The way to travel without driving is as follows: stop at the red light and go at the green light when crossing the road, and take the zebra crossing, pedestrian overpass or underpass. Look left and right. Many people will obey the red light and green light, but they also have to look left and right at the green light. Because a few people do not obey the red light and there are often people who run the red light, so everyone must be careful. Take the zebra crossing because the driver will slow down when he sees the zebra crossing. At this time, it is very safe for you to cross the road at the zebra crossing; The reason for taking the pedestrian overpass and underpass is that the driver sees the pedestrian overpass or underpass and thinks that all people will walk there and will not cross the road. At this time, it is dangerous to cross the road again.

The way to drive is like this: never drink before driving, never take drugs, never drive tired, never exceed the speed limit, never drive fast on the road, and never use the lights at night. Never drink alcohol before driving, because alcohol will make people's will blurred, so driving is very dangerous. Drug taking is illegal, and it will make people hallucinate when driving with drugs, which is even more dangerous; Fatigue driving will make people sleepy, make people lose their concentration, and is easy to cause accidents; The reason for not speeding is that if the speed is too fast, people's reaction ability can not keep up with it, which will easily lead to rear end accidents. And fast racing is faster and more dangerous. The reason why you can't use the lights at night is because people's eyes. If you are suddenly exposed to strong light, you will lose your sight for three seconds. It's like being blindfolded when driving. It's very dangerous.

If you can't remember, please remember this nursery rhyme first! "When walking, you should pay attention to: stop at the red light, go at the green light, and cross the road with a zebra crossing. What if there is no zebra crossing? If you walk across the pedestrian overpass or underpass, you can't forget to look from side to side, and don't run or play on the road. When driving, you should pay attention to: don't drink, don't take drugs, don't overspeed, and don't drag race, not to mention misuse of the lights."

If everyone knows these methods, they can travel with confidence!

The police camp, in the eyes of my peers and me, has always been mysterious. We all want to get close to it, but there is no chance. Today, I had the opportunity to go to Baoji Traffic Police Detachment with friends from Baoji Daily's small press corps to learn about traffic safety.

We first came to the 122 command center, the modern and intelligent nerve center of Baoji's transportation. The interior of the command center is very open. In front of it is a large screen, which shows the images of Baoji's 84 cameras. Looking at the large screen, I was amazed by the advanced modern technology and my interest in the unfamiliar field of transportation. Then, we learned about 122 command center in depth: it was built in June 2012, covering an area of 1600 m2, composed of three parts, with a total investment of 30 million yuan, It is the perfect embodiment of GPS digital trunking.

Then, we came to the multi-function conference room, where we met Uncle Hao Xiaohui, the "National Outstanding People's Police", who taught us the stop and straight gesture. When I followed him to make the stop gesture, I didn't feel anything, but when I used the straight gesture, I felt very sore because the big arm and the small arm were at a 90 ° angle.

After we learned gestures, Uncle Hao Xiaohui also told us that they had to make different gestures more than 300 times every day in the wind and the sun, and they also had a long working time, usually more than 12 hours. We only made stop and straight gestures two or three times indoors, and our arms were sore, which made me deeply understand the difficulties of traffic police uncles, It also gave me an idea: to promote traffic safety, so that they can not have to work hard to command the traffic.

The next traffic safety promotional film touched me even more: the young little Qianqian had a dream of dancing since childhood. Unfortunately, she was involved in a traffic accident, in which she lost her legs, thus breaking her dream and destroying her hope and future. When I saw this, I was very sorry, and at the same time, I was more impressed with the necessity of traffic safety.

Now, let's join hands to actively promote traffic safety, abide by traffic rules, and let traffic safety accompany our happy growth!

Safety is something we should always remember. We should have a sense of safety and know more about safety. "Obey the traffic rules" is a very important issue, not just empty words. We should not only talk about this sentence, but also keep it in mind, put traffic safety in the first place, so that the possibility of traffic accidents becomes less and less. Let's grow up happily and healthily under the security, and build our beautiful home!

Life is unique and precious. There is only one life in a person's life. We should cherish life. Attention to traffic safety is also a part of cherishing life. Now there are too many people who have died because of traffic accidents. Aren't they wronged? I once saw such a traffic safety accident: on a sunny day, my mother and I went to the street and drove past Taiji Mountain, a tragic traffic accident occurred. When we passed by, the tragedy had already happened.

A mother and daughter were riding a battery car across the road when a large truck full of goods came head-on. As it was a downhill section, the goods were too heavy and the brake could not be braked, and they hit the battery car they were riding. Suddenly, the mother and daughter were rolled under the wheel with the rolling of the wheel. What a tragedy! The human flesh turned into meat mud and bled all over the ground. I can't bear to watch it anymore. If the truck driver could have braked without pulling the cargo brake a little, the tragedy would not have happened.

Now the urban traffic is busy, and the tragic traffic accidents are as numerous as stars in China, because the death and injury rate of traffic accidents in China ranks first in the world. There are numerous traffic accidents when driving after drinking. Dear uncles and aunts, when you drive on the road, do you remember the traffic safety rules? You can enjoy the beautiful scenery at 40km/h; More than 60 kilometers, you will take the bus to the public security bureau tonight; Above 80 kilometers, you can see the best orthopedic doctor; At a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, you can enjoy the most considerate and preferential funeral services. In order to not enjoy these benefits, please do not make or answer the phone while driving, do not overload, and drink and drive is absolutely impossible!

People give way to cars, warmth and order; The car makes people feel safe and understand. In this world, only when people and cars are modest to each other can we avoid traffic accidents as much as possible, reduce the number of deaths and cherish precious lives. "Trees grow in ten years, people grow in a hundred years". Traffic safety publicity should start from children and students, so that we can accept Education: educate yourself, manage yourself, and form a good habit of consciously abiding by traffic regulations.

Let's join hands to take the word "traffic safety" forever in our hearts, so that people all over the world will consciously abide by the traffic rules, so that traffic accidents will disappear in our lives forever, so that our tomorrow will be full of flowers and sunshine. Traffic safety is our best friend. It will always protect us and bring us happiness. Let's strive to be civilized and law-abiding students!

Traffic rules are unknown to everyone and must be observed by everyone. If there were no traffic rules, what would the world be like? I can't imagine. In today's era, it can be said that a place without traffic rules is a backward place. I don't know what traffic rules are, and no one abides by them, so the society will be in chaos, and people will not live a stable life. It is really lawless.

Fortunately, our country has specially formulated traffic regulations, so that everyone can live a orderly life, build our beautiful green home, and build our beautiful and harmonious home. However, despite this, there are still some people who flout the traffic regulations, making traffic accidents happen from time to time.

On a sunny Sunday, Xiao Yu and I went to the market. On the way, I saw some cars float like the wind and then passed by. These cars were seriously overloaded. It's easy to have an accident. Let's not cross the road. If we are hit by a car, the consequences will be unimaginable. I was thinking, Xiaoyu said, "Look what's wrong there, let's go and have a look."

I said carelessly, "What's the beauty of an accident?" I saw the uncle's leg bleeding, which was scary. Later, I learned about the cause of the accident. The uncle bought a car and rode to the market. The man who was hit was a young man who didn't understand the traffic rules, but now he was hit so hard that he couldn't walk any more. Seeing this situation, I thought that if he had studied more and learned more about the traffic rules, he might not have been hit by a car crossing the road today.

In the evening, I heard my grandfather say that a young man went to the market and drank with some friends in a restaurant on the street. In the afternoon, when he was drunk, he had to ride a motorcycle home. What a dangerous thing it was. What should I do if I hit someone? Fortunately, his house is not far from the street and there is no accident. I think, who is this person? I really want to see him and tell him that he can't drive after drinking. If the police find him, he will be fined or his driver's license will be revoked. I sincerely hope that there are fewer and fewer such people in the world, and more and more people obey the traffic rules.

We primary school students should seriously study the knowledge of traffic regulations. We should not only abide by traffic regulations ourselves, but also try our best to dissuade them when they see violations of traffic regulations. We should keep in mind that we should salute when we see the car, say hello when we see people, and walk on the right. We should strive for civilized transportation, protect ourselves, and make our home more harmonious and beautiful because we comply with traffic laws.

Safe traffic with our bank (7)

Walking safety: pedestrians must walk on the sidewalk. There is no sidewalk to walk on the right. The following is the composition of traffic safety organized by Xiao Bian. I hope you like it.

Traffic safety with our bank (1)

With the development of economic prosperity and the rapid development of transportation, traffic accidents often come into our lives and can not be avoided. Therefore, everyone should know about traffic safety, and I have such experience.

I remember one night, my father had just drunk wine and was ready to go home by motorcycle. My mother and I were sitting on the motorcycle my father was driving. In the process of driving, a car came up and a pit appeared in front. Because my father was driving too fast, there was a sudden brake. At that moment, my father turned the head of the car and the car fell on the ground. At that time, I'm so scared. It's related to the safety of our family! Fortunately, nothing serious happened this time. It was just that my father and I had a little skin on our forehead, and my mother's foot turned a bit, but it also gave me great enlightenment. I learned that I can't drive a car after drinking. If there is a slight mistake, we may lose our lives.

Children, when we are playing, we must not go to the side of the road to play, so there will also be traffic accidents. I have the impression that there is such a thing.

It was a sunny morning. A fourth grade student kicked a shuttlecock on the roadside. The shuttlecock fell in the middle of the road. She ran to pick it up. When she was having fun, a truck came up to her and ran over her without mercy. In this short moment, she lost her precious life. But now that she is in the fourth grade, her parents raised her with their own efforts, and finally she got such a result. Do you think this is a person's fate? No, it's not what you think. The fate gives everyone the same treatment. It depends on how you face it and cherish it. Traffic safety is too important for us. As a student who is about to graduate from primary school, I want to tell you that as long as we all obey the traffic rules and learn about traffic, we will make those regrettable accidents disappear one by one.

Traffic safety is not for one person, but for all people. It tells us that we must learn and obey the traffic rules, go to school happily and go home safely. Human life is short and never returns. It is like a small shell. Traveling in the sea, there are always some bumps along the way. We should ring the alarm bell of traffic safety, always remember the lesson of blood, learn the whole knowledge of traffic, obey the traffic rules, improve the awareness of traffic safety, and make the tree of life stand tall and straight.

Traffic safety with us (2)

In recent years, with the development of science and technology, social progress, transportation is increasingly developed, and people's travel modes are increasingly diversified. However, behind this phenomenon, there is also a major problem that cannot be ignored - traffic safety.

Some students may say, "What's the point of traffic safety? Just pay attention to vehicles, pedestrians and traffic lights when crossing the road and cycling." This is too one-sided. Perhaps it is because of negligence of a small gap, it will bring lifelong regret. We often see many relevant reports on TV and newspapers. It is the neglect of traffic safety that has led to these tragedies. Not long ago, a traffic accident occurred in our province, causing one person to die on the spot. This incident has once again sounded the alarm bell for us: security issues cannot be ignored.

It is reported that in 2006, there were 378781 road traffic accidents in China, a decrease of 15.9% over the previous year. Since 2000, the number of road traffic accident deaths has dropped to below 90000 for the first time, resulting in 89455 deaths, down 9.4% over the previous year.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Public Security, there were 38 extremely serious traffic accidents in which more than 10 people died, the lowest point in history since 1991, resulting in 558 deaths, down 30.9% from 2005. In the road traffic accidents in 2006, the number of deaths caused by motor vehicle drivers' traffic violations decreased significantly. A total of 76350 people died, down 16.2%. Among them, the number of deaths caused by speeding, fatigue driving and drunk driving decreased by 26.3%, 25.6% and 21% respectively. In addition, the number of deaths caused by minibus and heavy truck accidents also decreased.

Although the situation has improved, we can't take it lightly. Every March is the safety education month for primary and secondary school students. Maybe some students are bored and think that this is a platitude, which is of no use at all. So why are there so many primary and secondary school students killed and injured in traffic accidents every year? The reason why the safety problem is reiterated again and again is to try to avoid such incidents. Life is only once for everyone, so we must cherish it and love him.

Maybe someone will say, "I also violated traffic rules, but nothing happened!" That is a fluke mentality, a joke with my own life. People usually violate traffic on the grounds of tight working hours or ignorance of traffic rules. Although this is understandable, the price paid is also higher. It's simply a gamble with life! It seems that to fundamentally reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents, it is necessary to actively popularize the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China among the masses, so that every citizen can know, understand and use the law, and become a beneficiary of the traffic law. composition

"Go to school happily and come home safely" is a common wish of every school teacher and student's parents for students. Teenagers are the flowers of the motherland and successors of socialism. They should learn how to protect themselves while learning scientific and cultural knowledge. Today, the traffic is getting busier and the pace of life is speeding up. It is even more urgent to obey the traffic rules, so that we can have a guardrail on our way forward. Everyone is responsible for complying with traffic regulations. Everyone abides by traffic rules and social stability.

Primary school is the most brilliant season of life. Cherish life to ensure that good times are enjoyed by life. Having a healthy life is the premise of everything. Your life is your own. When you enjoy the joy of youth, don't forget. May our joint efforts make traffic easier and life safer.

Safe traffic with our bank (8)

Life is precious. Although many good things happen around us, we still hear many unfortunate accidents. We should cherish life and let the flower of life take root in our hearts. If you don't want your life to slip away, you should pay attention to safety. Because safety is our life and death, don't let us lose our precious lives.

There are many unexpected things around us.

One day, my mother sent me to school. Suddenly, an uncle came to us on a "flying car". My mother quickly pulled me aside. When she was about to rush to save the old man, the uncle seemed to have a grudge against the old man. He sped up his speed and scared my mother out of her mind.

I also heard that there were three students in a middle school in a county who went out to play alone and died in a traffic accident in a crash. Students, the parents of these three students did not know that they had paid a lot of efforts to them, but they left the world forever, leaving their parents. I can imagine these aunts and uncles feeling sad and sad. As the saying goes, "pity the parents of the world"!

Safety and life, maybe people will think, why are these two words linked together? Because life is with safety. We have seen or heard so many accidents, we should not become the protagonist in the accident!

Cherish life, let us no longer have any traffic safety accidents near our ears! Safety is not only a word, but also related to our life and death. If you are not careful, your soul will leave your body and the person you least want to leave.

The peanut root of our life has sprouted for a long time. Let each of us stay in our hearts for a longer time!

Safe traffic with our bank (9)

This afternoon, the school organized us to see a movie called "The zebra crossing of life". After watching this movie, I felt very deeply.

The film mainly tells a reporter interviewing a policeman to see what he is going to do in the day, and then tells about some car accidents: speeding, drunk driving, running red lights, etc. The most serious one was a truck driver who was overloaded and fatigued in order to earn more money. He ran a red light and collided with a school bus, killing four children. Many people were injured in a serious car accident. Among the dead were the truck driver's own daughter. Later, the truck driver turned himself in and went to prison, and his mother died of a heart attack because of his accident, He is too late to repent, but there is no regret medicine in the world.

After watching this movie, I was in tears. A car accident destroyed countless children and families. In my daily life, I also witnessed the collision of the battery car with a bus due to running a red light on the road, and the people riding the battery car were knocked down on the spot, bleeding all over the ground. These bloody lessons made me understand that we must obey the traffic rules, stop at red light and go at green light, and do not violate the traffic laws. At the same time, we also remind our parents, elders, relatives and friends: Don't drive fatigue; Don't drink and drive; Do not overload. Because once a traffic accident happens, it will not only destroy himself, but also two, three or more families.

Students, God is stingy but also fair. He only gives us one life. Let's cherish this life. Students, let's keep the four words "traffic safety" in mind and let it grow; Let's take "traffic safety" to heart, and let these four words accompany us through a happy childhood!

Safe traffic with our bank (10)

I'm going to watch a class today - traffic safety class. When it comes to transportation, everyone will think about life safety and how precious life is. So I was very excited when I heard that I was going to see the traffic safety class.

If we want to ride bicycles on the road, we must be 12 years old; If you want to ride an electric bicycle, you must be 16 years old; If you ride a motorcycle on the road, you must be at least 18 years old, and you need a special certificate to ride a motorcycle. The motorcycle must have a license plate, and you cannot ride too fast, otherwise you will hit a car and people will fly out of the motorcycle. If the bus wants to turn, it must be 2.5-3 meters away from the right front of the bus, so that it can be safe. Some middle school students ride bicycles and play. As a result, a car knocked them down. Another man was very bold to walk in the middle of the motorway without holding the handlebar, so he didn't hit a tree. Some people run the red light when they go to and from school, causing many traffic accidents.

Some people drive very well. When they see people crossing the road, they stop and let people pass first, forming a civilized behavior of "letting cars pass pedestrians". Others went home by road car. As soon as the car stopped, the students ran to the car, forming a stampede. After getting on the bus, you should do it in order. If you don't have a seat, you should hold the railing next to you. You can't play on the road. You should get on and off the bus in order.

In the future, we must pay attention to traffic safety, not running red lights, giving way to pedestrians, not crowding, not trampling. If you see someone running a red light or doing something wrong in the future, we have the obligation to warn them, tell them the harm of doing so, and let them correct.

Safe Traffic with Our Bank (11)

Traffic safety is a problem that everyone has to face. Every time we go out, we may encounter a traffic accident, but we can't stay out all the time, so traffic safety is a problem we must pay attention to. Let's talk about it.

Jincheng traffic police recently released a short film about traffic safety. Let's take a look. He mainly talked about the waiting station, the blind area of the car, what age group can ride the car, the hazards of drunk driving, the role of the helmet, etc. When waiting for a car, you should stay away from the big truck. If you are too close, you will exceed the predicted road due to the difference between the two tires, and you will be scratched, Every car has a blind spot, especially large trucks, because almost 80% of large trucks have a blind spot, and the reason for this problem is that the driver seat of large trucks is too high. After talking about large trucks, let's talk about the cars that students ride. Junior high school students can ride bicycles, and they can only drive motor vehicles when they are 18 years old with a driver's license. Now some middle school students secretly ride electric bikes to and from school, which is a huge hidden danger. Middle school students will panic in case of an accident, while adults also have unconsciousness, that is, after lack of sleep and drinking, people in this situation can not concentrate on driving, and there will be a few seconds of eye closure, which will lead to accidents at this critical moment, After talking about the danger, let's talk about the magic weapon that can protect our lives. It's the helmet. More than half of the deaths are caused by head injuries in traffic accidents, and one helmet can reduce the head injury by 70%. It's a fact that a man wearing a helmet gets two huge impacts on his head when he rides a bike and collides with others, and he stands up after falling down, Nothing at all, which shows the importance of helmets.

There is no round trip ticket in your life. You only have one life, so please cherish your life, stay away from traffic accidents, learn traffic knowledge, protect your own safety, and warn others to pay attention to traffic safety.

Safe Traffic with Our Bank (12)

On my way home from school, I hummed a happy song. Suddenly, the sound of an ambulance interrupted my singing. I looked up and saw that an ambulance was coming. I was scared out of a cold sweat, and I almost lay under the belly of the ambulance. Pedestrians on both sides of the road quickly dodged. It turned out that there was a car accident just now on Yingchun South Road in Jiajiang County: a man named Yang Jun came speeding up in a car and just collided with Liang Yibin, an 11 year old cyclist. People feel heavy, "What a pity for this child!" What is the reason for this? Because he did not obey the traffic rules, Liang Yibin violated the two provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, "Driving a bicycle on the road; tricycles must be at least 12 years old." What a pity! If he had obeyed the traffic rules, he would not have lost his life in this way.

Not abiding by the traffic rules will cause many unexpected consequences, not only serious damage, but also a beautiful family will be destroyed.

I have a cousin who is very capable and has built a small western-style house; My cousin is very smart and has always been among the best. His family is harmonious and the whole family lives happily. But because my cousin didn't obey the traffic rules, he had a car accident and became a dementia person. His IQ was just like a child of several years old. My aunt hated him and left him. Since then, my cousin has lived a life without father and mother love, and his achievements have plummeted. All these consequences are caused by people's disregard for traffic safety and non-compliance with traffic safety.

The consequences of not abiding by the traffic rules are a disaster for everyone and every family in life. How cruel it is; Failure to obey the traffic rules will make the elderly lose their children and lead a lonely life; Failure to obey the traffic rules will cause young parents to lose their lovely children and fall into pain; Failure to obey the traffic rules will make young children lose their parental love... Friends, life belongs to us only once, we should cherish life, we are the masters of life! For the safety of others and our own lives, we should "stop for three minutes rather than seize a second" and be a good citizen who abides by traffic rules.

Safe Traffic with Our Bank (13)

Traffic safety with us

Wang Pengyu, Class 10, Grade 6, Wulian Experimental Primary School

"Stop at the red light, stop at the green light, wait when the yellow light comes..." This nursery rhyme was well-known when I was young, but have you done it today with advanced technology?

In modern cars, our travel has become more convenient and more disturbing. Some people, regardless of the danger of their lives, rush to high-speed cars to make money just for touching porcelain; Some students do not obey the traffic rules, cross the road, and play in the mobile workshop. It is dangerous to be scratched accidentally; Some adults will drive after drinking. We will stop them in time, or we will regret... Only when we remember the traffic regulations can we avoid accidents.

As a primary school student in the 21st century, you should not only obey the traffic rules yourself, but also remind people around you to remember them together. Next, I would like to share with you all the things that happened to me. My father is a man who forgets everything when he drinks. At a party, my father had a few more drinks. When I came home, I wanted to drive. I found out that I would go to jail for driving after drinking. I hit someone and finally hurt myself. Dad said with a nonchalant face, "It doesn't matter. Don't worry, I'll just drink a little." He said to open the door and get into the car. I became more serious: "You can't drive that. You can pick up the car here tomorrow!" But my father still refused to listen to the persuasion: "Get on the bus! I told my friends, but I couldn't find it." I said angrily: "Since you drive, you have to be responsible for other people's lives, and more importantly for your own. Life. If you drive, I won't get on the bus. I would rather walk home by myself.". It was very late, and I was unmoved. I seriously persuaded my father, who reluctantly agreed with my determination and the persuasion of his friends. I also made some small traffic cards for my father to give to his friends to remind them to obey the traffic rules.

When driving, we should obey the traffic rules, as do pedestrians. Don't say such perfunctory words as "I know nothing" and "I know what I know". This is often the source of accidents. On the way to school, we should obey the rules and watch the traffic lights at the zebra crossing; On the way after school, we should not fight, run or jump, and follow the road team closely. When there is no adult accompanying you, when you walk across the zebra crossing, you should also remember to "stop, look, and pass".

Let's join hands, act together, abide by traffic laws, resist those uncivilized traffic behaviors, and create a better and harmonious society!

Safe Traffic with Our Bank (14)

Every morning, when I carry my schoolbag and go out of the house, I always hear my mother nagging me to "pay attention to safety"; Whenever we come to the crossroads, those uncles with small yellow flags guide us safely through the zebra crossing; When we sit in a Mercedes Benz car, the slogan "Safety is the way to go home" can be seen everywhere. "Safety" is like a seed falling on every corner of people's lives. "Traffic safety" is a topic of constant concern in our life.

In the world, countless lives fall down in traffic accidents every day. What should we do when we lament that life is so short, fragile and vulnerable?

Yes, only by complying with traffic laws and regulations can life be guaranteed, and the flower of life will blossom more brightly. Ignoring traffic laws and regulations will pay a heavy price, even a precious life. I once witnessed a scene with my own eyes: the sky was gloomy and the weather was sultry that day. I went out of the house to relax my tired eyes. When I just came to the intersection, I only heard a "bang". Following the reputation, a young man was shot far away by an oncoming motorcycle and immediately lay on the road, motionless. The driver of the accident was also thrown far away and hit a tree, immediately bleeding. When I saw the debris and blood all over the ground... My heart was aching. I couldn't bear to continue watching and left quietly.

They left their loved ones with endless sorrow and pain. The rolling wheels are merciless. There are reports of traffic accidents in the newspaper from time to time, and the victims' blood is often splashed on the road. These examples show that if we want to cherish life and health, we must obey the traffic rules. Cherishing life is to respect ourselves, let us obey traffic rules, strengthen safety awareness, establish civilized public morality for traffic safety, and escort our own lives. When we walk on the road where people and cars come and go, we should always keep a clear head. We should not play on the road and give no chance for accidents. Let us be more modest and patient, not greedy for instant gratification, and responsible for our own lives.

With security, we can walk in a leisurely mood on the sunset fields and by the river, singing in a low voice "picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely see the south mountain"; Only in this way can we climb the ladder of life with a firm will and sing loudly, "When the wind blows and the waves break, we can go straight to the sea with cloud sails."

We should not only abide by traffic regulations, but also be guardians of traffic regulations and disseminators of civilization. Let's join hands and let the ferry of life sing happily and fragrance all the way under the care of love and responsibility; Let each happy note jump forever in the movement of our life when the car comes and goes.

Primary School Students' Traffic Safety Accompanies Us Composition II

"Diddle, diddle, diddle

According to relevant data, on average, there are two car accidents per second in China, and 20xx0 people are killed in car accidents every year. This shocking figure is pounding people's childish heart.

Traffic is the lifeblood of the national economy. Traffic safety is not only related to the development of the national economy, but also closely related to the lives and property of the broad masses of the people. In order to maintain road traffic order, prevent and reduce traffic accidents that cause people's necessary life, property and other economic losses, the State has formulated the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, Let every citizen make traffic safety in my heart according to law.

As the carrier of traffic, the road has hurt countless people's lives. It cannot be absent, but with it there is endless bloodshed.

Before an accident, if people stop for a moment, there will be no bleeding. Bleeding is not only painful, but also the impact of the soul, causing people to die. Such an accident should not happen. What's the meaning of such sacrifice? Blood can be stopped, but if you lack a foot or a hand, you will become disabled. Would you like to?

If people do not pay attention to safety, the accident will spread like "SARS". Maybe the victim is not you, but he, but maybe tomorrow is you, because you do not obey the traffic rules, causing property losses. Is it worth it? Why can't we obey the traffic law?

I still remember a traffic accident that happened at my door last year. It was an intersection. A motorcycle from the Pearl River Garden was heading towards Yandi Square. A truck from Taishan Road to Tanjiashan collided with it. They both wanted to cross the intersection before each other, but they collided. The motorcycle driver was knocked down by the motorcycle and could not move. The wood on the truck was scattered all over the ground, and the windshield was like a spider web, Half of it was broken, and the driver's head was bleeding. The rushing ambulance picked them up

If they were both slow, they would not be like this. It's the so-called "step back and open the sky"! Do you bleed for your own personal interests? This makes people feel that the road is not a peaceful place, but more like a "battlefield". The drivers are "soldiers", but the road is not a battlefield, and they are not soldiers. The real soldiers are dying for the country, but they are for personal interests.

Do you want to hear the screams, the crash, and the destruction of your own family?

Let traffic safety appear in our hearts from time to time, and let the voice that shocks people no longer appear.

Primary School Students' Traffic Safety Accompanies Us Composition 3

God is fair and mean. He only gives everyone one life, so we must cherish it and take care of it. But with the development of economic prosperity, more and more people buy cars, perhaps for convenience or to show off, but they do not know that there is a pair of evil eyes on the car, that is - car accidents!

Whenever I walk to school in the morning, I often see some students still staying at home. When I get to school, those students run past me quickly and rush to school. In order to be faster, they are willing to run through the red light, which results in one disaster after another

I once witnessed a car accident. It was a primary school student who was sweating towards the school. The red light was on, and he continued to run as if he had not seen it. At this time, a person driving the car did not see the primary school students. He just honked his horn and rushed, needless to say, he must be late for work. The primary school student just heard the sound of the horn and turned his face, The car rushed towards him. I knew that a car accident was inevitable, so I turned around and prayed silently for the pupil

Since I saw the accident, I have always carefully avoided every car on my way to school.

Once, I went to school with my classmates, and the red light came on. She was impatient. She was going to rush over. I hurried to hold her. She turned her face angrily and shouted, "What are you doing?" I said with a serious face, "Don't run the red light!" She said, "What about running the red light? I often run the red light, but nothing happened." I said, "It's OK now. If something happens, it will be too late." She said, "You will talk big. Then you said, I used to run the red light. Why didn't there be an accident?" I said, "If everyone thinks like you, wouldn't the world be in chaos?" She said, "Nothing can happen. It's OK to go through the red light." I said, "You are lucky. According to the expert's analysis, the accident probability of running the red light every year is 70%." She suddenly realized that she would not run the red light again.

Cherish your life, don't let traffic accidents take innocent and beautiful lives... Let your blood touch the beautiful world again and again... So, when you are driving or riding on the road, please remember that your life does not belong to you alone, your life is more deeply related to your family

Safe Traffic with Our Bank (15)

I once heard someone say: "War is the most terrible thing in turbulent years, and car accidents are the most terrible thing in peaceful years." At first, I didn't think so. I wondered whether car accidents, a strange and familiar word, were really so terrible?

Until in an accidental opportunity, the impact of my eyes, shocked my heart. "There are about 600000 traffic accidents in the country a year, and the number of deaths and injuries is more than 100000..." It was thought that the simple word "traffic accident" had such magic power that it killed many people, and many happy families fell into great grief instantly. People's lives seem so weak and vulnerable in the face of traffic accidents.

Why is this? Why are there so many traffic accidents? Why are there so many tragedies and misfortunes? I think there should be only one answer - it is all caused by people's non-compliance with traffic regulations.

With the development of society, various vehicles have come into people's families. Motorcycles and cars have appeared in ordinary people's families. They are originally a means of transportation, but some young people regard them as cool tools.

On the endless stream of roads, a group of 15 - or 6-year-old boys appeared on motorcycles. Young people with low awareness of traffic safety ran red lights, didn't wear helmets, let alone driving licenses... Young people in their 20s and 20s should compete with cars in their cycling speed, and they also put "S" on the crowded streets... a middle-aged man who was flushed with drink, Shaking your car on the road... How terrible! They put the Road Traffic Safety Law and other relevant traffic safety laws and regulations behind them. They put their responsibilities to the family and their parents, wives and children behind them. They put their comfort behind them! They even put the safety of passers-by's life behind them! How terrible!

What has been said, I just hope that people can pay attention to traffic safety, give themselves, their families, others a commitment, give safety a commitment, cherish each other's lives, and let traffic safety accompany us every day! Know that precious life is only once.

As the saying goes, life is more important than Mount Tai. For yourself, for your family, for your life, please obey the traffic rules!

Safe Traffic with Our Bank (16)

We are the future of our motherland, our growth, and our safety are related to the rise and fall of our nation and the progress of society. Therefore, we must consciously abide by traffic rules; When crossing the road, you should see the signal lights clearly, stop at the red light, run at the street light, walk on the sidewalk, and do not cross the traffic barrier: you cannot ride a bicycle on the road when you are under 12 years old; Don't play and play in groups on the road!

Let's print the four characters of "traffic safety" deeply in our hearts! Let traffic accidents disappear from our lives! Let our tomorrow be full of sunshine!

Safe Traffic with Our Bank (17)

The bloody lesson should not be forgotten.

Just in July 1995, a bus carrying a group of college students eager to go home at the Honghua Ferry, because the driver did not stop as required and did not pull off the handbrake, it ended up sliding down the Yangtze River, leading to a major water safety accident that killed more than 50 people and causing injuries to many families. Luo Qingquan, then the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, represented Yichang Municipal Party Committee The municipal government apologized to each family member and punished the person responsible for the accident. In 1998, a private teacher surnamed Liu from Yanshikou Village, Moshi Town, took his own boat to Geheyuan to catch a car in the morning. Because of the fog, strong wind and overload, the family turned over to the nearby Riyue Villa in Qingjiang River. Except for her husband, she and her son died. In June 20xx, it was originally a sunny day. A student of a certain school was playing by the river. He could not swim, but he saw that his classmates were at ease on the other side of the water. He was not familiar with the water environment here, so he went into the water at will. Because the sand in the river was very slippery, he accidentally slipped to the bottom of the river. There was no one around him. His classmates could not see him at the lower reaches of the river, When his classmates found him, he had drowned and died. A few days ago, I also saw on the news that a ship was traveling at sea. The pilot thought the ship was too slow, so he accelerated and overtook the ship. He accidentally hit an island, sinking the ship and killing countless people

Traffic safety reasons should not be ignored

From these vivid examples, we should also understand that when you are excited and go into the water without any protection, have you ever thought that you have reached the edge of danger? When you are not familiar with the water environment, you will drop into the water at will. Do you remember how many people die every year because of drowning? When you complain about too many regulations, do you think that if not, how many people will be killed by merciless water. It is a civilized behavior to obey the water traffic rules. Because you not only ensure your own safety, but also show respect for others' lives. The reasons for the above accidents can be summarized as follows: First, you have weak safety awareness; Second, the operation rules are not strictly observed, leaving hidden dangers that may cause safety accidents; The third is to violate the traffic rules, drive the "three no's" boat to berth, overload and overload, and drive at a speed limit, thus causing frequent traffic accidents; Fourth, the management departments at all levels failed to earnestly perform their duties and strengthen the management and guidance of water traffic safety. Many water safety accidents have not been corrected in time.

So how should we pay attention to water traffic safety?

Our country has vast waters. When people travel, they will have many opportunities to take boats. Boats are important in water. In the middle of navigation, there is danger of encountering wind and waves, so the safety of traveling by ship is very important.

1. Do not take a ship that is super adventurous. In order to ensure the safety of shipping, the relevant management departments have issued safety certificates for all ships that meet the safety requirements. Do not travel on unlicensed ships.

2. Do not take ships other than passenger ships and passenger ferries.

3. Do not take overloaded ships or ships with mixed passenger and cargo loads.

4. Do not take overloaded ships. The safety of such ships is not guaranteed.

5. Line up to get on and off the ship in order, and do not crowd or scramble to avoid accidents such as crowding and falling into the water.

6. When the weather is bad, in case of strong wind, waves, dense fog, etc., you should try to avoid taking a boat.

7. Do not fight or chase in the bow, deck, etc. to prevent falling into the water. Do not crowd on one side of the ship to prevent the hull from tilting and causing accidents.

8. Many of the equipment on the ship are related to ensuring safety. Do not move around to avoid affecting normal navigation.

9. When sailing at night, do not shine flashlights on the water or the shore, so as not to cause misunderstanding or illusion of the pilot and cause danger.

10. In case of accident, keep calm and follow the command of relevant personnel.

11. Attention should be paid to collective boating: teachers should lead and command the team, and line up to get on and off the ship. No fighting or walking is allowed; Obey the command of the staff on board and maintain the order on board.

These are the eleven precautions for water traffic safety, which I hope you will keep in mind.

There is a famous saying about life: "Life is like a flower, which can only bloom once, and can only enjoy the warmth and tenderness of a season. We should cherish life and accompany safety. Let's start from now on, care for life, and let the water traffic safety accompany us!

Everyone is responsible for traffic safety

In this world, only when people and cars are modest to each other can we avoid traffic accidents as much as possible, reduce the number of deaths and cherish precious lives.

Life is unique and precious. The world becomes wonderful because of life. Do you cherish your life? To ensure your life, please obey the traffic rules and maintain traffic order.

We have to go out every day, go to school, work, buy vegetables. When we walk on the road, traffic safety is very important. Some people ask, "Is it OK not to wear a seat belt in hot weather?" "Why don't agricultural vehicles selling melons get on the highway?"

The relevant personnel explained that the safety belt must also be worn on high speed in hot weather? Some consulting drivers said that it is hotter to fasten the seat belt at high speed in hot weather. Can you not? According to statistics, if drivers and passengers in the front row wear seat belts after a traffic accident, they can effectively reduce casualties by 70%. The safety belt is designed to protect the life of the front seat passengers from injury after the vehicle accident, which can effectively protect the front seat passengers from secondary collision. At present, the weather is hot, and some people are not responsible for their own lives when they try to stay cool and not fasten their seat belts when driving. Why don't farm vehicles selling melons get off the highway? According to Article 4 of the Measures for the Administration of Expressway Traffic, pedestrians, non motor vehicles, tractors, agricultural transport vehicles, battery vehicles, wheeled special machinery vehicles, full trailer tractors and motor vehicles with a designed maximum speed of less than 70 kilometers per hour are not allowed to enter the expressway. Agricultural transport vehicles and two wheeled motorcycles can not drive on the expressway because of their low safety coefficient and poor protective measures, which are very likely to cause malignant traffic accidents.

Children are the future successors of society. Whether they can grow up healthily is related to the rise and fall of the nation and the progress of society. To educate people, we should not only carry out intellectual education, but also carry out moral and disciplinary education. It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people. The work of traffic safety publicity and education starts from young children, so that students can receive traffic safety knowledge education from an early age, to educate themselves, manage themselves, and form a good habit of consciously abiding by traffic laws and regulations. It is a long-term plan to achieve a good order for a generation and a society.

Traffic laws and regulations stipulate that two basic conditions must be met for driving safety: one is that vehicles without license plates and certificates cannot be used on the road; the other is that they are not qualified to drive until they are 18 years old and have obtained the relevant driver's license. However, when patrolling on the road, the traffic police found that a considerable number of vehicles had incomplete "three certificates", and some students who did not meet the legal age also rode on the street. It seems that the problem of traffic safety education for students has a long way to go. How can primary and secondary students go to school safely and go home happily?

Having said so much, I think you should know the importance of traffic safety. Then, please "protect your life, refuse to violate rules" and cherish your life!

God is fair and stingy. He only gives everyone one life, so we must cherish it. Traffic safety in life is closely related to us, just like our friends. Keep by our side day and night, educate us and admonish us. Life is precious. There is only one life in a person's life. We should cherish life. Attention to traffic safety is also a part of cherishing life. Now there are too many people who have died because of traffic accidents. Aren't they wronged? I once heard of such a traffic accident: it was a sunny day, my aunt and I were walking in the street. Suddenly, a car "swished" past me. When I looked closely, it was a boy who was riding his bike and didn't know where to go. Because he was riding too fast, he almost ran into the pedestrians on the Banma Road.

Pedestrians advised him not to ride so fast, but he did not listen to the advice and continued to ride his "flying bike", with a proud and hurried look on his face from time to time. I think: the boy may have something urgent! Otherwise, how could he ride so fast? But it is very likely to cause traffic accidents. It's exactly what I expected. My aunt and I were at a corner and saw many people around the middle of the road. We went there with curiosity. "Ah!" I could not help exclaiming. Isn't this the boy who just rode the "flying bike"? Why was he hit by a car? I heard the bystanders talking, "Alas! This child is so pathetic! Just now he accidentally hit a big truck and took off with his car." "If this child rides slowly, if that driver drives slowly, if..." However, no amount of "if" can make this completely withered bud reopen. The boy's parents didn't know how much they cared for the child who fell in the pool of blood, but now they can only watch their child go, which makes the parents extremely sad

Let's take the word "traffic safety" forever in our hearts, let people all over the world consciously abide by traffic rules, let traffic accidents disappear in our lives forever, and let our tomorrow be full of flowers and sunshine. Then, traffic safety is your best and best friend. It will always protect you and bring you happiness. Let's strive to be civilized and law-abiding teenagers!

Self rescue knowledge of water traffic safety

safety tips

Generally, as long as we comply with the relevant regulations, it is still safe to travel by boat, but sometimes we will inevitably encounter some dangerous accidents. Let's learn how to deal with dangers together!

Under normal circumstances, people need to breathe freely, inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Once you accidentally fall into the water, your nose and mouth will not be able to breathe; If it lasts for more than 2 minutes, or choking occurs, it is very easy to damage the respiratory system; After 4-6 minutes, the nervous system will suffer irreversible damage, even death. What should we do if we go out or play by boat, and a boat capsizes or sinks, or we accidentally fall into the water due to crowding? In this case, in addition to mastering swimming skills, we should also know some emergency measures.

1. Self rescue skills for accidental falling into water

1 In case of accidental falling into the water, you should seize the opportunity to shout for help to attract others' attention.

2 Try to catch floating objects in the water, such as life jackets, life buoys, life boards, planks, foam boards, etc., and use their buoyancy to survive.

3 In case of "cramp" in the water, keep calm, lengthen the "cramp" muscles, and let them stretch and relax.

4 If you cannot swim, you should hold your breath immediately, try to lean back your head, breathe with your mouth, and try to stay calm until the rescuer arrives.

5 When the rescuer appears, do not panic to grasp the hands, legs, waist and other parts of the rescuer, but obey the command of the rescuer and let him take you to the shore.

2. What to do when a partner falls into the water

1 Call for help or run to an adult in situ.

2 Immediately try to call "110" or "12395" for help.

3 If the situation is urgent and it is really too late to call for help, you can use long bamboo poles or throwing ropes and other tools to rescue partners.

Two precautions should be kept in mind:

① Don't hold hands and tie a human chain to save people. In areas with deep water or complicated underwater conditions, hand in hand rescue can easily cause more people to fall into the water.

② People who can't swim or have poor water quality should never go into the water, otherwise they will not only fail to save others, but also lose their lives.