After injury (14 in total)
Considering feelings
2023-12-10 00:25:39
junior middle school

After injury (1)

The two old birds in the oblique stab also flew like arrows, caught the birds and took them to the nest. The bird's blood drops from the tree to the ground.

Seeing the injured bird, the mother bird and the father bird asked anxiously, "My child, why are you hurt so badly? The group of children under the tree hurt you?" The dying bird said, "The group of children below hurt me accidentally, but I'm fine, please don't worry." When the father bird heard the child's answer, "I must avenge them!" he said angrily

Bird father called "120" to call the woodpecker doctor in the animal hospital. After receiving the call, the woodpecker doctor immediately picked up the first-aid kit and rushed to the bird's residence. When the woodpecker doctor saw the injured bird, he asked with concern, "Who hurt the bird so badly?" The father said, "It was the group of children under the tree that hurt it." When the woodpecker doctor heard this, he shook his head helplessly. It opened the medicine box, first applied painkiller to the bird, and then slowly took out the bullet from the injured part of the bird with pliers. Then the woodpecker doctor bandaged the bird's wound with gauze. After a while, the power of the painkiller disappeared. Hearing the bird's moaning, Mom and Dad were very sad. They asked, "Is the bird very painful?" The bird said, "It is very painful." The mother bird said to the bird, "My child, you are a strong bird, and you should hold on!" The bird replied, "Yes, I want to be a strong bird!"

One month later, the bird recovered. The mother and father of the bird took the bird to thank the woodpecker doctor. The woodpecker doctor said, "This is what I should do, don't thank you. You should be more careful in the future. But they no longer use slingshots to shoot birds. Because the children's parents told the children that birds are good friends of mankind and we need to take care of them, the children no longer use slingshots to hurt birds.

After injury (2)

One moonlit evening, the little turtle was walking in the forest. The round moon is hanging in the dark blue night sky, the stars are blinking their bright eyes, and some of the big trees are like octopus tentacles; Some are like strange shaped coral horn, and others are like rockeries... The little turtle is fascinated by the sight. Unexpectedly, the little turtle stumbled over a branch. It got up and found that its feet were particularly painful. It turned out that its feet were sprained and could not walk. The little tortoise was so worried that he began to cry. At this time, a deer came up to him and said, "What's wrong with you, little tortoise?" The little tortoise told him what happened just now. The deer said to him, "Let me carry you back.". After saying that, the fawn let the little tortoise climb onto his body and spurt to the little tortoise to walk quickly.

After injury (3)

Do you want to say: bragging! Why do you grow eyes on your knees? Don't worry. You'll know after listening to me.

I have a bad problem. When I see the concrete protective pier on the sidewalk to prevent cars from moving, my legs itch. I can't help but step aside and run to the pier. One foot can step on the protective pier and jump out of the distance, just like Batman. So no matter my parents or grandparents, who told me that it was dangerous and advised me not to do so again, I just ignored them and jumped again and again under their fearful gaze and blame.

Tonight, my parents and I had dinner at my grandparents' home and went home together. As soon as I walked out of the community, I saw a pair of protective piers about three meters away. I immediately took a big step and rushed over. Before Mom and Dad came to their senses, my beautiful jump was successfully completed. Because of the rain, I was wearing garden shoes. When I was flying, I almost slipped. My mother was so frightened that she covered her mouth, so she didn't cry out. I just made a smart face at her and laughed at her for being too timid.

I also finished the next few jumps neatly. I was almost at the No. 35 bus stop, and I rushed to the fifth guard pier. But at the moment when I stepped on the guard pier, my foot slipped to the left, and the whole person fell heavily on the ground. The intense pain filled my eyes with tears, but I thought: I am a man and can't cry. Besides, it is also my own naughty. So, I gritted my teeth and pretended to be indifferent to my mother, waved my hand and got on the No. 35 bus with her help.

After returning home, my mother helped me clean the wound on my knee. In order to make the wound heal earlier, she also painted red potion. When I saw the tears struggling to escape in my eyes, my mother smiled and picked up the cotton swab, took the wound as an eye ball, and drew a big eye on my knee with red potion. He also said to it: "You, help your little master to see the road clearly, and stop running and jumping around, so he won't suffer any more."

Alas, this time I had a deep understanding of what it means to "ignore the old man's words and suffer losses in front of the eyes".

After injury (4)

August 10, an ordinary day, is also a day that can not be forgotten, but also a heartbreaking day.

It was a day that made the sun angry. The earth was scorched by the sun, and few people walked in the street. "On such a hot day, my father is still working on the construction site, will he suffer from heatstroke?" I can't help thinking of my father at work while watching TV while blowing the air conditioner at home.

"It's not that my brother doesn't love you..." Grandpa's phone rang suddenly and vibrated on the tea table. Grandpa, who was working on the balcony, walked forward with a brisk step, and his mobile phone was in his hand when he reached out.


"What? Well, well, I'll come!" Grandpa pushed the phone, his face was gloomy, and he anxiously said a few words to Grandma. The whole family lost peace in an instant. I saw my grandparents looking around in the middle of the house, getting dressed and running around the house in a hurry. My brother and I are still in a confused state, thinking: there is no fire at home, why are they so nervous. Thinking of this, my grandparents are already putting on shoes.

"What's the matter? Why are you in such a hurry to go out?" I couldn't help asking.

"You should take your brother with you. Stay at home and don't go out. Your father's back head was cut by the blade flying out of the cutting machine!" Grandfather said, putting on his shoes in a hurry and closing the door with a "touch". I felt like I had been pushed into a deep abyss. The whole person sat for a long time. His brother asked me what happened.

"Nothing, just listen to me!"

"Taotao, I'm afraid..."

"Nothing, nothing!"

All afternoon, I was in a daze. My mind was full of my father's bloody misery, and my whole body could not help shivering. In the evening, my grandparents came home with the news that the problem was not serious and there was no danger. They had stitched, sterilized and bandaged the wound. I was relieved to hear the news.

After dinner, I went to see my father. When I entered the hospital, I saw my father dripping. His head was covered with bandages, his clothes were covered with dust, and his clothes were stained with blood. When Dad saw us, he tilted his eyes at me (after all, his head could not move). My mother greeted me. My brother and I were too scared to speak for a long time. Our noses were sore and we wanted to cry. My parents' faces were very calm. When I looked closely, I found that my father still had dried blood clots from the back of his head to his ears. My mother also looked worried, and her eyes were full of blood and tears.

After the intravenous drip, my father was helped home by my mother. "Taotao, you should study hard. When you grow up, you won't be as hard as I am. I work half to death from head to night every day, and earn only a few pennies. The dust inhalation of decoration is also bad for your health, like today, you almost wiped your neck! You don't study, what will you do in the future? Do my job? You are so weak that no one wants to do it."

After hearing these words, I bowed my head and didn't say a word. I only felt that my father was right. I made up my mind to stop playing, study hard and not let my parents down.

After injury (5)

Beautiful scenery after rain

It always makes people feel warm

Always lose some confidence of smile

Never forget


Never give up

Where is the smile

Lost smile

I can't get it in a moment

The hug that is always missing when lonely

I always blame myself for not being as good as others

Will fall down alone


Thought he would never get it

Lost smile

Always worried about losing

Always because the present is not beautiful

It's always strange that the result is that you don't want

Will lose the old smile


In fact, I don't lack

A happy smile

Just learn to be happy

Happiness is the most important

After injury (6)

In the evening, there were fewer pedestrians and cars on the road. My father and I had dinner in the restaurant, and we were going to walk home slowly.

As I walked, I saw a crawfish crawling on the ground under the faint light of the roadside. Eh, why is there such a small thing here? I think it must be the "shrimp" fish from the food materials of the surrounding restaurants. (The proportion of the beginning of the article is reasonable, the language is compact, and the echo with the end is reasonable)

Lobster Lobster, I met you, but your good luck! I'll take you out of here and follow me home. So I reached for it, and it immediately felt the danger, and lifted up the two powerful pliers, trying to clamp my hand. I watch that formation, and quickly pull back my hand. It's wrong to think again. I'm not a vegetarian. I'm afraid you won't succeed! So I plucked up the courage to try again. I bent down and stretched out two fingers, so as not to let its pliers touch me, but also to make a quick decision.

At this time, I stared at it intently, ready to catch it at any time. At this time, the lobster put down its two pliers. I want to seize this opportunity. I quickly clamped the shell on the lobster head with my hand and picked it up. The lobster angrily shook its long beard, waved its sharp pliers and twisted its body to escape from my hands. I'm wondering how to install lobster? Ouch, it's killing me. I instinctively let go of my hand and looked at my fingers. There was some bleeding. It turned out that lobster nipped my hand with pliers. When I think about it, the guy runs away.

When Dad saw that I was slightly injured, he immediately handed me a piece of paper to stop the bleeding. And he taught me: "When small animals are threatened or in danger, they will try their best to hurt their enemies and protect themselves. This is also their survival rule. You should suffer if you hurt lobsters." Yes, although I am not malicious, because people eat them excessively, they are like frightened birds and full of hostility to humans. Animals and plants are friends of human beings. I hope we can all get along in the natural world in a friendly way. (At the end, the theme is sublimated again with appropriate length, making the article more meaningful and great) (The middle content is clearly described, and the event context is clear)

After injury (7)

Alas, some people are really bad now. They drove me, a happy bird, out of the forest. I travel around the city. The other day, I was wet by the rain and sank into the soil. He was trampled on his leg and couldn't stand up. The worst 'is: I hit a stone and broke my wings. When can I escape from the sea of suffering?

One day, three primary school students found my body covered with mud. A little girl screamed: "Ah, bird, it's hurt!" I was happy when I heard it and thought: "Ha ha, finally someone found me, I can help!" Then, two more boys looked at me and ran away. Alas, he was really unsympathetic. The little girl then ran away, which was disappointing. God, God, don't let that little boy run away, or I won't be saved. Unexpectedly, my "silent prayer" really worked. The little boy did not leave. He put me in the palm of his hand and went to school. The little boy is knowledgeable. When he looked at my wound, he knew that my wing was hit by a stone. In class, he put me in the drawer, and he never left me after class. When I got home, he put me in a small cage, which really moved me.

The next day, the little boy sent me to a place. There, I saw a man in a white coat and many bottles. The little boy said something to the man in the white coat, and the man took out a pair of tweezers. Wow, how scary! Then, the man used tweezers to remove the dirt from my wound, and I cried out in pain. Fortunately, the little boy held me down and said kindly, "Don't be afraid, bird, it won't hurt in a while." I listened, endured the pain, and continued to let the man in the white coat pick up dirt for me. After taking out the dirt, the man detoxified me, bandaged the wound, and gave the little boy some bottles to take home.

After injury (8)

In our daily study, work and life, when it comes to writing, we must be familiar with it. Writing a composition can exercise our habit of being alone, calm our mind, and think about our future direction. Still at a loss for composition? The following is the composition of "recovery" after "injury" compiled by Xiao Bian for everyone. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

With the cicadas chirping in summer, there are still some dry and hot threads in the air, and my heart is like the cicadas chirping, becoming more and more disorderly. I dragged my long back and walked on a road that I didn't know whether was leading to light or darkness. I couldn't find myself, and I couldn't find the direction.

I think I have some musical talents. Since I embarked on the road of learning vocal music, it has always been smooth sailing. The teacher praised me for my high understanding, and the experts said that I was singing with my heart, and I myself was a little "narcissistic". Every year, I will take the vocal music grade exam and win many times, which makes me feel proud. Last month, I applied for the Vocal Music Test Band 8. Although I had to test music theory knowledge, I didn't care at all. When I entered the examination room, I found that the content of the examination was very strange, which made me lost my mind. Soon, I was told that because I failed the music theory examination, I failed the vocal music band 8 exam. The news was like a bolt from the blue, which made me feel the taste of failure for the first time, and woke me up from the dream of "being alone"

I began to think about the reasons for my failure. I know that this failure is both a bad thing and a good thing for me, who has always been going well; It is both a stumbling block on my way to success and a stepping stone to success. Because it can wake me up from my blindness and arrogance, and make me look up to the sky and keep my feet on the ground. So I picked up the music theory book again and prepared for the next exam. I firmly believe that after this failure, I will be able to rally.

But fate often likes to play tricks on people. God played a modest joke on me - I lost in Maicheng again. This time I was depressed and walked in the desolate street, looking up at the gray sky, trying to control my tears and let them flow back into my eyes. I thought of giving up. At this time, my mind flashed the famous words "God will take great responsibility on this person, and we must first work hard". Thinking of Deng Xiaoping and other celebrities who have experienced three ups and downs, I suddenly found that my idea just now is so humble, so I once again raised the sail to move forward.

Over and over again, I collected my feelings and said to myself, "The destiny is in my own hands.". I secretly made up my mind that I would only succeed this time and not fail! I tore off the shell of pride, shamelessly asked questions, and spent almost all my free time on learning music theory knowledge. I carefully understood each knowledge point, and tried to find the logical relationship between each knowledge point, so as to form a knowledge system. At last, the heaven did not disappoint the people who wanted to. In the third music theory knowledge exam, I played well and successfully got the National Vocal Music Examination Band 8 Certificate.

This unusual experience made me understand that there are constant "injuries" and "recoveries" in life. It is because of such "injuries" and "recoveries" that our life becomes more and more beautiful. The experience of "recovery" after the "injury" made me find myself and find the way forward.

After injury (9)

One day, it was Saturday, my mother cooked breakfast for me early and said she would take me out to play. When I went out, it was raining cats and dogs, I thought to myself; The heavy rain came at an untimely time. I was spoiled by it.

But my mother also took me there. I always move around in the car. Suddenly the car skidded to one side, and my mother asked me anxiously; Are you hurt? I am not. I answered as I examined my body. I asked my mother; what about you? I'm all right. Mother stammered back, her pants broke.

When I got home, my mother cooked dinner for me and let me sleep. Then my mother took the medicine and painted it under the light.

My mother has paid so much for us. I must repay my mother for her kindness.

What my parents said: I hope my composition will be better in the future!

After injury (10)

Listen to the beating fingers of Clyderman

Let melancholy flow wantonly.

Fly with your thoughts

Gentle autumn whispers.

Touching the target is the twittering swallow in late spring

Tears are shed by affectionate peony

The sun is also gray!

Suddenly, somehow?

Growing up breathing makes me feel a little tired.

Very hasty.

And at a loss

But time is still so stubborn.

Stubborn never retreat.

Watching the dream deserted in reality.

But still struggling and faltering?

Maybe, maybe

You should know that you have grown up.

It's true!

Innocent eyes

Fear of darkness

That's the innocence of children!

It doesn't belong to me anymore.

I will choose to stick to:

That wilderness in April

The first dream that has cooled to ice!

With my gradually solidified blood

After injury (11)

When I was in the second grade, I was accidentally hit in the eye by a classmate with a mineral water bottle at school. It was very painful at that time, and the eye was bleeding. There were blood streaks. The smashed eye could see nothing but green. I cried loudly. After that, my grandma rushed me to the hospital. I was worried about something on the way, and kept asking: "Grandma, what's wrong with me?" Grandma comforted me and said: "It's OK.". I was relieved, but I still couldn't see. When we arrived at the hospital, the doctor said that we must be hospitalized. After hearing the news, Grandma called her mother and told her about it. My mother immediately came by on a motorcycle, took me to the Eye and Vision Hospital, arranged a bed, and stayed there. She stayed to take care of me at night. It was May Day at that time, which did not affect school, but we could not play. We had to lie in bed and could not even read books. The next day, I could see with that eye, but it was often painful, so I had to take medicine and check my eyes regularly. It was not easy, but I spent all the seven days in the hospital. I was really unlucky and unlucky.

After injury (12)

Xu Zhilin, Grade 9 of Songjiang District Folk Music School in Shanghai, accompanied by the cicadas in summer, there were still some dry heat in the air, and my heart became more and more disorderly like the cicadas. I dragged my long back and walked on a road that I did not know whether to lead to light or darkness. I could not find myself and the direction of my journey.

I think I have some musical talents. Since I embarked on the road of learning vocal music, it has always been smooth sailing. The teacher praised me for my high understanding, and the experts said that I was singing with my heart, and I myself was a little "narcissistic". Every year, I will take the vocal music grade exam and win many times, which makes me feel proud. Last month, I applied for the Vocal Music Test Band 8. Although I had to test music theory knowledge, I didn't care at all. When I entered the examination room, I found that the content of the examination was very strange, which made me lost my mind. Soon, I was told that because I failed the music theory examination, I failed the vocal music band 8 exam. The news was like a bolt from the blue, which made me feel the taste of failure for the first time, and made me wake up from the dream of "self admiration"??

I began to think about the reasons for my failure. I know that this failure is both a bad thing and a good thing for me, who has always been going well; It is both a stumbling block on my way to success and a stepping stone to success. Because it can wake me up from my blindness and arrogance, and make me look up to the sky and keep my feet on the ground. So I picked up the music theory book again and prepared for the next exam. I firmly believe that after this failure, I will be able to rally.

But fate often likes to play tricks on people. God played a modest joke on me - I lost in Maicheng again. This time I was depressed and walked in the desolate street, looking up at the gray sky, trying to control my tears and let them flow back into my eyes. I thought of giving up. At this time, my mind flashed the famous words "God will take great responsibility on this person, and we must first work hard". Thinking of Deng Xiaoping and other celebrities who have experienced three ups and downs, I suddenly found that my idea just now is so humble, so I once again raised the sail to move forward.

Over and over again, I collected my feelings and said to myself, "The destiny is in my own hands.". I secretly made up my mind that I would only succeed this time and not fail! I tore off the shell of pride, shamelessly asked questions, and spent almost all my free time on learning music theory knowledge. I carefully understood each knowledge point, and tried to find the logical relationship between each knowledge point, so as to form a knowledge system. At last, the heaven did not disappoint the people who wanted to. In the third music theory knowledge exam, I played well and successfully got the National Vocal Music Examination Band 8 Certificate.

This unusual experience made me understand that there are constant "injuries" and "recoveries" in life. It is because of such "injuries" and "recoveries" that our life becomes more and more beautiful. The experience of "recovery" after the "injury" made me find myself and find the way forward.

[Comment] This article vividly and concretely recounts an episode in the process of "I" learning vocal music: "I", who thinks he has musical talent, lost to Mecheng twice in the music theory exam and was depressed. It was Mencius' famous sayings and the stories of great men's ups and downs that gave "me" the strength to move forward. It was the efforts of shameless inquiry that enabled "me" to successfully pass the National Vocal Music Test Band 8. It was in this experience of "injury" and "recovery" that "I" gained spiritual growth, "found myself and found the way forward".

After injury (13)

Xu Zhilin, Grade 9, Songjiang District Folk Music School, Shanghai

With the cicadas chirping in summer, there are still some dry and hot threads in the air, and my heart is like the cicadas chirping, becoming more and more disorderly. I dragged my long back and walked on a road that I did not know whether to lead to light or darkness. I could not find myself and the direction of my journey.

I think I have some musical talents. Since I embarked on the road of learning vocal music, it has always been smooth sailing. The teacher praised me for my high understanding, and the experts said that I was singing with my heart, and I myself was a little "narcissistic". Every year, I will take the vocal music grade exam and win many times, which makes me feel proud. Last month, I applied for the Vocal Music Test Band 8. Although I had to test music theory knowledge, I didn't care at all. When I entered the examination room, I found that the content of the examination was very strange, which made me lost my mind. Soon, I was told that because I failed the music theory examination, I failed the vocal music band 8 exam. The news was like a bolt from the blue, which made me feel the taste of failure for the first time, and made me wake up from the dream of "self admiration"??

I began to think about the reasons for my failure. I know that this failure is both a bad thing and a good thing for me, who has always been going well; It is both a stumbling block on my way to success and a stepping stone to success. Because it can wake me up from my blindness and arrogance, and make me look up to the sky and keep my feet on the ground. So I picked up the music theory book again and prepared for the next exam. I firmly believe that after this failure, I will be able to rally.

But fate often likes to play tricks on people. God played a modest joke on me - I lost in Maicheng again. This time I was depressed and walked in the desolate street, looking up at the gray sky, trying to control my tears and let them flow back into my eyes. I thought of giving up. At this time, my mind flashed the famous words "God will take great responsibility on this person, and we must first work hard". Thinking of Deng Xiaoping and other celebrities who have experienced three ups and downs, I suddenly found that my idea just now is so humble, so I once again raised the sail to move forward.

Over and over again, I collected my feelings and said to myself, "The destiny is in my own hands.". I secretly made up my mind that I would only succeed this time and not fail! I tore off the shell of pride, shamelessly asked questions, and spent almost all my free time on learning music theory knowledge. I carefully understood each knowledge point, and tried to find the logical relationship between each knowledge point, so as to form a knowledge system. At last, the heaven did not disappoint the people who wanted to. In the third music theory knowledge exam, I played well and successfully got the National Vocal Music Examination Band 8 Certificate.

This unusual experience made me understand that there are constant "injuries" and "recoveries" in life. It is because of such "injuries" and "recoveries" that our life becomes more and more beautiful. The experience of "recovery" after the "injury" made me find myself and find the way forward.

[Comment] This article vividly and concretely recounts an episode in the process of "I" learning vocal music: "I", who thinks he has musical talent, lost to Mecheng twice in the music theory exam and was depressed. It was Mencius' famous sayings and the stories of great men's ups and downs that gave "me" the strength to move forward. It was the efforts of shameless inquiry that enabled "me" to successfully pass the National Vocal Music Test Band 8. It is in this experience of "injury" and "recovery" that "I" gained spiritual growth, "found myself and found the way forward".

After injury (14)

With the cicadas chirping in summer, there are still some dry and hot threads in the air, and my heart is like the cicadas chirping, becoming more and more disorderly. I dragged my long back and walked on a road that I did not know whether to lead to light or darkness. I could not find myself and the direction of my journey.

I think I have some musical talents. Since I embarked on the road of learning vocal music, it has always been smooth sailing. The teacher praised me for my high understanding, and the experts said that I was singing with my heart, and I myself was a little "narcissistic". Every year, I will take the vocal music grade exam and win many times, which makes me feel proud. Last month, I applied for the Vocal Music Test Band 8. Although I had to test music theory knowledge, I didn't care at all. When I entered the examination room, I found that the content of the examination was very strange, which made me lost my mind. Soon, I was told that because I failed the music theory examination, I failed the vocal music band 8 exam. The news was like a bolt from the blue, which made me feel the taste of failure for the first time, and made me wake up from the dream of "self admiration"??

I began to think about the reasons for my failure. I know that this failure is both a bad thing and a good thing for me, who has always been going well; It is both a stumbling block on my way to success and a stepping stone to success. Because it can wake me up from my blindness and arrogance, and make me look up to the sky and keep my feet on the ground. So I picked up the music theory book again and prepared for the next exam. I firmly believe that after this failure, I will be able to rally.

But fate often likes to play tricks on people. God played a modest joke on me - I lost in Maicheng again. This time I was depressed and walked in the desolate street, looking up at the gray sky, trying to control my tears and let them flow back into my eyes. I thought of giving up. At this time, my mind flashed the famous words "God will take great responsibility on this person, and we must first work hard". Thinking of Deng Xiaoping and other celebrities who have experienced three ups and downs, I suddenly found that my idea just now is so humble, so I once again raised the sail to move forward.

Over and over again, I collected my feelings and said to myself, "The destiny is in my own hands.". I secretly made up my mind that I would only succeed this time and not fail! I tore off the shell of pride, shamelessly asked questions, and spent almost all my free time on learning music theory knowledge. I carefully understood each knowledge point, and tried to find the logical relationship between each knowledge point, so as to form a knowledge system. At last, the heaven did not disappoint the people who wanted to. In the third music theory knowledge exam, I played well and successfully got the National Vocal Music Examination Band 8 Certificate.

This unusual experience made me understand that there are constant "injuries" and "recoveries" in life. It is because of such "injuries" and "recoveries" that our life becomes more and more beautiful. The experience of "recovery" after the "injury" made me find myself and find the way forward.

[Comment] This article vividly and concretely recounts an episode in the process of "I" learning vocal music: "I", who thinks he has musical talent, lost to Mecheng twice in the music theory exam and was depressed. It was Mencius' famous sayings and the stories of great men's ups and downs that gave "me" the strength to move forward. It was the efforts of shameless inquiry that enabled "me" to successfully pass the National Vocal Music Test Band 8. It is in this experience of "injury" and "recovery" that "I" gained spiritual growth, "found myself and found the way forward".