Class composition (15 selected)
To grieve alone when things and people change
2024-04-25 04:18:17

Class composition (1)

It's almost time for class. I think it's going to rain. Suddenly, there was a strong wind in the sky, and the big raindrops fell on the ground like bullets. People on the road took shelter from the rain. The trees bent down to Uncle Feng, who seemed to say, "Ha ha, I am invincible in the world. "Uncle Yu said," I'm going to scare Wang Yubo home today and stop him from going to class.

On the bus, I saw that it was raining harder and harder. I don't think Miss Suo will come. I said to my mother, "We'd better not go, or we will be flooded again. Go back! Just in case. "Mother said," We must persevere in the end. We can't just flinch when encountering difficulties. Just now Uncle Yu was still laughing, but now he had to say, "Well, the plan is not good!" At this time, Lei and Dian saw that the rain was not successful, and they thundered and lightened to stop us, which did not stop our progress.

It's almost here, and the rain is easing. At this time, people are all on the road. We are also at the place of class.

I finally defeated the bad "spirit" who didn't want to attend class.

Class composition (2)

Today I will go to the Children's Palace to learn work lessons. In fact, the Children's Palace is next door to my home. I asked my mother why she didn't send me directly to the Children's Palace so that I could be lazy in bed. Mother said that we should listen to the unified arrangement of the school, and we can't do what we want. Shortly after arriving at the school, we got on the bus and felt as if we were in a good mood for traveling.

Our first lesson was "in step". This game is played by four people in a group. I am in a group with Wang Yizhen, Chen Siyu and Tao Ranruozhan. The rule of the game is that four of us should stand on the same board, and then work together to move forward like one person walking. The teacher gave each team 20 minutes of practice time, and then compared who walked faster. At the beginning of the exercise, we couldn't walk fast at all. Basically, we stopped walking two steps and stopped walking two steps. The four kids complained to each other, and we were all tired. Later, the teacher told us that to do a good job in this game, first of all, we should unite, think together and make efforts. First, choose a person to shout the command, and then everyone will step out rhythmically according to the command. After such training, our team began to have a significant improvement, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

After the official competition, our efforts were not in vain, and we successfully entered the final group. Although they failed to get the ranking in the end, the partners encouraged and comforted each other, and never complained about each other as they did in the beginning. Through this game, we understand that a team unity is fundamental, and only unity can work together to overcome difficulties and defeat opponents.

Class composition (3)

In the sixth grade of primary school, the school arranged Mr. Wu to be our Chinese teacher, and the students cheered happily. Miss Wu is a female teacher. She has good features and treats people kindly. She always wears simple clothes and never pursues fashion.

Miss Wu is very relaxed in class. Just listen to her carefully. She never gets angry with us. All her classmates like her. One time, when summing up his homework, Mr. Wu pointed to a book and said, "One student wrote the word 'driving' into the bottom of the word 'wood', which seems that the student is really not simple, and can ride on wood to heaven; Some covered their mouths, and their faces turned red; Some lie on the table and can't stand up for half a day; Others even laughed and cried

After a long time, Mr. Wu patted the platform and said, "Please pay attention to that student, and then take a plane to see the clouds." Another burst of laughter. After laughing, we understood that we should not write carelessly. Once, in Chinese class, Mr. Wu asked us to study by ourselves. The students didn't obey the discipline, and the classroom was a mess. Some students look around; Some students talk quietly with their deskmates; Some "naughty eggs" make "grimaces", making the students around "giggle". At this time, Mr. Wu sighed and said: "Students, class discipline is so poor, let alone a needle, it is ten nails --" Students all opened their eyes to look at Mr. Wu, "fall on the ground, you may not hear!" "Ah, hahaha......" The students laughed, but also understood the teacher's intention. The classroom was quiet, and the students were all immersed in their homework. Mr. Wu looked at the students' attentiveness and smiled knowingly... This is Mr. Wu's style in class.

Class composition (4)

In the morning, I opened my eyes and looked at my watch. Wow, I'm going to be late. There are still 15 minutes left.

I quickly opened the quilt, got out of bed, picked up a piece of clothes and put them on my body. "Mom really is, why didn't she tell me to go out?" I muttered while dressing. Eh, why is this dress so big? When you take a closer look, it's a coat. I took off my coat and put on my sweater. It was not easy to get the clothes and trousers fixed. It was time to wear socks. But where were the socks? I found the end of the bed from the head of the bed, found the bottom of the bed from the bed, and turned the bed upside down, but I still couldn't find them. Forget it. I'll talk about socks later. I stretched out my feet to put on shoes. I found that socks were hidden by shoes. No wonder I couldn't find them. It really takes no effort to find a place to walk through iron shoes! I quickly put on my socks and rushed to the bathroom like an arrow. I picked up the toothpaste and squeezed it hard, but it could not be squeezed out.

"Mom forgot to buy toothpaste again. How can I use this dry toothpaste?" Forget it. I dipped some water on my toothbrush, rubbed my teeth a few times, and then washed my face. Ah, that's too bad. At this time, I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot - Tuan Tuan. I really wanted to fly to school at once. But I know it's impossible. Suddenly, the scene of being criticized by the teacher emerged. I can't help shivering, and I can't imagine it anymore. I put my schoolbag on my back, took out a bread and a bottle of milk from the refrigerator, and "flew" to the door.

Just as I was about to lock the door, Aunt Wang, the neighbor, saw me carrying my schoolbag and asked, "It's hard to go to school on Sunday!"

Oh, there is no class today on Sunday!

Class composition (5)

This year, we had a different Spring Festival, and then we ushered in a different class.

Originally, we all had to listen to the teacher in the classroom, but now, the first thing to get up is to open the live program and wait for the teacher to go online. All these courses rely on the Internet. As soon as class time comes, Mr. Chen's familiar voice comes out of the computer. Although the way of class has changed, the enthusiasm of the students has not changed, and we can also share our feelings with teachers and students. When the teacher called to answer the question, I subconsciously raised my hand, but it suddenly occurred to me that this was an online class. How to answer the question? There is a key for raising your hand on the screen. When you press it, it means you have raised your hand. When the teacher points to you, a line of words will pop up on the screen: you and the teacher are talking. All the students can hear your voice. When the teacher calls the students to answer, the students' answers will be heard from the computer. Of course, sometimes, the voice of teacher Chen will also be heard: "So and so students, are you online?" What's different about Weiyi is that you can't see the teachers and students. I feel alone in class. For example, the teacher said: everyone begins to read aloud. When I finished reading, I felt that I was reading in front of the air. There was no atmosphere for class. I wanted to laugh when I thought about it.

Usually, teachers are needed in class. Now, both teachers and networks are needed in class. Therefore, as long as one network card is used, the whole class will be affected. In this way, the class will be very tired. Teachers need to spend half of their time debugging the network, which is inefficient. I am really worried about Mr. Chen at the other end of the computer.

Although this class is very fresh, I still hope that the virus will disappear earlier, and we can also return to school, teachers and students.

Composition in Class (6)

"Class!" My mother shouted at me, who was still taking a nap at home, and I suddenly got up. Then I hurried out of the study, turned on the computer, took the notebook and pen, and everything was ready.

Don't be surprised, why do I have classes at home, because recently I have been taking online classes. The teacher broadcast live on time to teach us how to study on the Internet, and the teacher needs us to clock in two minutes before class. If you are late for class, it means that you are late for class, and the teacher will record a demerit and be punished.

Fortunately, my mother told me to be on time today, otherwise I would be really late for class. For students who are late for class, the teacher has some ways to make us punished. The most common thing is to copy all the contents learned today dozens of times under the supervision of parents. What I dislike most is copying, so what I fear most is being late for class.

Only when I punch cards at the time of each class, can I feel a little relieved. In fact, the current class mode has not changed much, but the location and environment of the class have changed. But the essence of teaching has not changed. Teachers teach and we learn. Compared with having classes at school, I feel more free to have classes at home. But it is the lack of classmates and speaking partners around me that makes me a little distressed. Because I am the most active student in the class when class is over, and I have the most words.

Now, even if a class is over when I go online at home, in addition to going to the living room and having a few words with my mother, I really hold back.

Class, the teacher on the computer screen told us

After learning the knowledge content, I took a pen in one hand and made learning notes seriously. After each class, I will sum up what the teacher said. During this period of home classes, I developed my ability to learn independently. Even if there is no teacher next to me and no parental supervision, I will study hard.

Class Composition (7)

A physical chemistry teacher: You should study physical chemistry well. Look at Qingchuan. If you can't learn physical chemistry well, you will have a game over.

Second political teacher: We should learn to be independent. Look at Qingchuan. He was alone in the Qing Dynasty, and his parents were not around. If you are not independent, what can you do if you accidentally pass through later!

Third history teacher: Study history well. Look at Qingchuan. If history is not good, why do you work in the imperial palace! If you follow the wrong person, your life will be over!

Fourth geography teacher: Study geography seriously. How important geography is! Look at his wife. If he doesn't learn geography well, he will never come back.

Class composition (8)

"Ding Lingling, Ding Lingling!" Class began.

The teacher came in with a smile on his face, and we started our science class. The teacher first showed us a small video, which said to cut apples with water. The cut apple looks exactly like the one cut with a knife. How powerful the water is!

After watching this small video, the teacher asked us what we understood and answered quickly. I was the first to raise my hand, so I was the first to answer. I immediately said: "I understand the power of water is very powerful!" He laughed happily: if you rob me! " The teacher who was listening to me just now was very serious. Suddenly, he burst out laughing.

The teacher put forward another topic that he thought we would not be able to solve. As a result, they scrambled to answer the questions. The teacher asked me to say it. It's a piece of cake. I can easily answer the teacher's question!

The teacher said, "You are really going to be as powerful as the water we saw today!" The teacher looked a little surprised.

"You look down upon us!" We said happily to the teacher with one voice.

Composition in Class (9)

I often worry about not having a seat. Every time I go to the school canteen, sooner or later, either the table is occupied or an empty bowl is placed on the table, which means the table has been occupied. Sometimes luckily, a few good friends have seats, so I will squeeze with them, otherwise I will have to take my meals to the classroom every time. Summer is fine, but not in winter. Some people will ask how such a small thing can cause so much trouble! I can't help it. It's just that one seat brings so many troubles.

In fact, there are many such phenomena in society. Two broken bricks placed on the street or roadside indicate that the location has been occupied, even if the location is idle for a whole day or more, it will be occupied; If an object is placed on the desk and chair of the library's self-study room, it means that this person has an owner. Even if the "owner" of the seat does not show up all night for self-study, this person is so empty.

Look, just after the bus door was opened, men, women, old and young all tried their best to squeeze upward in order to get a seat; The school district is very hot. No matter how expensive it is, parents want to rent or buy it because they want to get an ideal degree for their children. This is the love of parents for us. They want to create a better learning environment for us. Seating is like seizing the first opportunity. You are fast, and someone is faster than you; You are strong, someone is stronger than you.

Seating is like a bridge. No matter how many people are on the bridge, you have to squeeze through it, because no one will give you a way unless you squeeze. Every year, many people are squeezed to get into the civil service, Why do they have to cram for the civil service exam? No one wants to sweep the street anyway, but why does anyone want to do it! Because of people's psychology of comparison, because people always want to live a better life. I always think that sweeping the floor without being a civil servant can better reflect the value of life. In fact, there is no distinction between high and low occupations. All jobs that can bring convenience to others should be respected. So too many things should not be "crowded" or occupied. When striving for a position, you should also consider whether other people's situations need to give way, because this "giving" will not make you lose anything, and on the contrary, it will gain more respect from others.

May everyone give their love!

Composition in Class (10)

I prefer music, which can bring us happiness and strength, so my parents signed up a guitar class for me in the summer vacation.

Today is my first guitar lesson. After class, the teacher introduced himself first, and then gave each of us a guitar textbook and a guitar. Then, the teacher explained the parts of the guitar to us, and then told us that the first string played with the nameless finger, the second string with the middle finger, the third string with the index finger, and the fourth, fifth, and sixth strings with the thumb. Finally, after preliminary learning, the teacher formally taught us to play songs.

Teacher: "The song we are going to play today is the familiar song" A Tiger "."

We did as the teacher told us, and soon we would play, but we should change the chord slowly. After the practice, the teacher asked each of us to play it for him.

It's my turn. I'm a little nervous. I'm slow when changing chords. After playing, the teacher told us where everyone was wrong according to the songs we played. Let's practice the guitar more at home. We should not be nervous when playing the guitar. We should be relaxed and play it naturally.

This year, I learned more music knowledge, and learned about the notes, melody, and playing methods of music. I will learn music carefully.

Composition in Class (11)

Sun Wukong, a character that everyone is familiar with, once made a scene in the Heavenly Palace and was caught (attacked) by Erlang God. Our class repeated the "play".

On Thursday morning, Miss Huang of our class was absent from class, so the monitor of our class had to go to the office to find the teacher. But there was no teacher in the office, so our class became a mess.

NO.1: "Four Heavenly Kings" disturb the order.

The literary and art commissar sang, which gave the "Four Heavenly Kings" an opportunity to take advantage of: singing the popular song "I love you, like a mouse loves rice..." Alas, their singing of the "Heavenly Kings Band" was just enough, but it was still so ugly. You have never heard the voice, which is simply more than It's not clear. In short, after listening to it, I will feel that the song sung by crows is so beautiful.

NO.2: The teacher didn't come to discuss.

"Well, why didn't the teacher come?" "I think so. Two teachers didn't come. They must be taking lessons. First, Miss Zhang kicked Miss Huang to 'Huangjia Village' (where Miss Huang lives) with a flying leg Of course, Mr. Huang was not satisfied. He took a super fast bus back here from the expressway and used a 'thunderbolt leg' to send Mr. Zhang who was coming to the classroom to 'Zhangjiajie' (the territory where Mr. Zhang lived). Suddenly, the two saw Mr. Ma who was coming to our class to teach English, and at the same time, they used 'iron sand palm' to take her to 'Malaysia'... "

NO.3: Class is over.

Oh! Class is over! Then, it poured out. Suddenly, the "messenger" came back to the classroom nervously and said, "Here comes the teacher!" The students in our class poured in again. Teacher Zhang came in (angry) with a pale face and scolded: "What class is this? Discipline is so poor. Where are all the class cadres?"

In this way, we spent two classes in cursing.

Composition in Class (12)

Sleeping in Class Composition (I)

In today's math class, as usual, Miss Bian vividly talked about the "classification of corners" on the platform, while the students were listening to the teacher carefully, and the classroom was silent. Suddenly, my eraser rolled to the ground accidentally, so I had to pick it up. When picking it up, I accidentally found that Yang Yuhe seemed to be sleeping. He was lying on the table with his arms bent over his arms, his eyes closed tightly, as if he had fallen asleep. I heard Huang Yue calling him softly, but he didn't know it and went on sleeping. I really want to walk over and shake him. However, I had no choice. I was in class. I was afraid of disturbing the teacher and other students, so I had to continue to listen.

I don't know how long it took for the students to finish their homework, but I found that Yang Yuhe was gradually waking up. I suggest students take a nap at home. In this way, everyone will be energetic in the afternoon.

Class Sleeping Composition (2)

In the afternoon, there was another boring math class, and the atmosphere of depression slowly spread. All the students are listless. Xiao Kai, too, was exhausted by the sea of questions last night, and the first lesson in the afternoon just happened to be a math class he didn't like very much, so he listened and fell asleep.

What a coincidence! The teacher just came over. I hurried to remind him, but he didn't respond. "Zhao Zongkai, stand up for me." The teacher was angry. "What's the matter? It's early in the morning. The sun hasn't come out yet?" Maybe he was too tired, so he answered. The whole class burst into laughter. The math teacher was so angry that he flushed: "You, you, go to the office for me to have a good reflection. You don't have to go to class today." This was when he reacted and had to leave the classroom reluctantly.

At this time, we have to ask: Is it our fault to sleep in class?

First of all, today's parents are always looking forward to their children. They constantly impose burdens on their children, making most children unable to get normal sleep. Scientific research shows that a normal middle school student should sleep 8-9 hours, but actually they only sleep for about 7 hours, or even less. Therefore, if you sleep less at night, you will lose your spirit in class in the daytime, and feel confident when you sleep in class.

The second is the boring class. Most teachers nowadays use the "spoon feeding" teaching method to try their best to instill knowledge into us. In fact, this will backfire. It does not work, but also produces rebellious psychology to the classroom. I think that in class, we should pay attention to emotional teaching, and at the same time, we should provide more opportunities for students to actively participate in the classroom. According to the actual situation of students, we should make reasonable stratification, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students and cultivate their interest in learning, so that we can get twice the result with half the effort.

Therefore, let's consider the problem from the root and let sleeping in class no longer occur.

Sleeping Composition in Class (3)

Today, I had the misfortune to be named by the class cadre when I slept in class. I knew that I had committed a serious crime, failed to live up to the cultivation of science teachers, and wasted the capital my parents gave me to go to school. I also wasted every good youth in class. No matter how naughty I am, I must teach myself a lesson today!

First, punish yourself for not doing homework at night and going to bed early. I never imagined that I was famous in the classroom because I thought I was handsome, intelligent and brave. But every night, when I looked at the stacks of textbooks and dictionary thick test papers, I could yell out of the window for help. I thought I was wise all my life and fell on those words and geometric figures. It was the saddest thing for people who had been mixed for more than ten years. From today on, I will get used to turning a blind eye to my homework. I have heard doctors say that too much mental activity can lead to Alzheimer's disease when I am old. I might as well have a good sleep. In the morning, I will borrow the homework of my classmates who have good grades to refer to it, and change my blank answers into correct ones in a cursory way. It will be much easier.

Second, punish yourself not to listen carefully. According to a survey, the biggest factor for students to sleep in class is that teachers are boring. The so-called good listening is just listening to the teacher read a lullaby. The more carefully he listens, the faster he will fall down. Those top students who are among the best in the class learn from books even if they get good grades.

As he spoke, he felt that it was not worth for the teacher. He worked hard to prepare lessons for us at night. Unexpectedly, he was just composing a lullaby. He was also playing the piano in the daytime, facing the large herd of cattle under the platform (except me).

I have been struggling with my mind for a long time. After thinking about all my mistakes, I should be punished. I hope that after this "self punishment", I may not sleep in class again, and my back will be lost in the solemn classroom.

Wanwang, please forgive me and let me go.

Composition in Class (13)

This is an unexpected thing. I have never seen such a thing since I studied at school. If the power failure occurs in the dormitory, I will generally notify everyone; However, I haven't met the water cut-off several times at all. I never met the water cut-off after getting up in the morning like this; I haven't seen it once when I stopped heating. It's winter now. It's really unbearable without heating!

My roommates all agree that this morning's class will not be held, because it is an English class and belongs to the time of electricity class. Every time we need to use a projector, and this morning there was a power failure!

When I washed with pure hot water, I found that other people had left. But when I found that it was time for class, I immediately packed my things and went to class. At this time, I met other people and went to class. When I went to the classroom, I found that the teacher had arrived, and there were few people in the classroom.

I was really caught off guard. When I got up, I had enough time. I found that there was no electricity at all, so I had the idea of not going to class. This is what happened this morning. It seems that we can't take chances!

Composition in Class (14)

I really don't want to attend the first class. This is an English class, and there will be few people who listen carefully in class. However, the English class is still tenacious and the teacher is still persistent! The students in our dormitory are late in class, mainly because they really don't want to go to class. But when they go there, they find that there are many people around. It seems that the English class is about to end, but there are still many people who are unwilling to come!

However, in class, we can clearly feel the students' attitude towards English classes. Even those who usually listen carefully have gone to bed at this time. Many people are playing mobile phones here and making up for sleep. It seems that many people really don't want to go to class!

I think this is mainly because the teacher is still speaking CET-4, and we didn't participate this year, and there are few people who like English, so this is what happened!

Composition in Class (15)

This morning, my mother said that the composition class was off, and she asked me to go to the morning class with my brother. I was very excited!

8: At 15, we arrived at the Red, Yellow and Blue Morning Education Center. In the first section, we started thinking at 8:30. After playing the slide for a while, it was time for class. The younger brother went to class alone (because the time was too early, other children didn't come). The teacher who taught him was Wei Wei. The younger brother introduced himself first. The next content was: One day, the little squirrel had a birthday party. The mother of the squirrel held a birthday party for the little squirrel. Several things were missing from each picture. Let the younger brother observe carefully, and then explain what was missing, 9: Ten points This class is over.

The second class was music class. Teacher Tian Tian had something to do, so she changed to teacher Nan Nan. This class consisted of four people (including her younger brother). This time, her younger brother was the second one to introduce himself. After the introduction, she began to play the roles of elephant and mosquito respectively.

I think my brother's course is much easier than ours.

Class composition 250 words

Today, my teacher Ma accompanied me with my homework. My teacher Ma is actually my father. One of them is Di Zi Gui. When my father talked about first filial piety and second sincere faith, my father told a story about faith.

One day, a mother went shopping, and her children had to go together. The mother said to the child, "You stay at home obediently, and mother will come back to kill pigs to make meat at night." The child agreed as soon as he heard that there was meat to eat. Mother came back in the evening and saw her father sharpening his knife in the yard. The mother asked, "What are you doing?" The father replied, "You promised the child to cook meat." The mother said, "I was just joking with the child." The father said, "I must do what I promised the child." The mother said, "I will keep my word." He killed pigs for the children and cooked a big meal for them.

This is the story of credit.

Class composition 250 words

In the second class this afternoon, Mr. Huang, a math teacher from Class 7, Grade 2, came to our class. In the third class in the morning, Miss Huang came to our class and said to Miss Xue, "Miss Xue will come to our class for the second class this afternoon.

At the second class in the afternoon, Miss Huang came to our class happily. Miss Huang said, "Boys and girls, today we are going to have an interesting math class," dividing peaches "." I was curious to think, "We have learned this class, why should we learn it again? By the way, it may be to consolidate the average score knowledge for us again."

After listening to this lesson, she spoke as well as our teacher Dong.

Class composition 250 words

At noon today, we got up earlier than other classes, because we were going to have a seed on the opposite side of the text, we prepared for several weeks, so hard! But we will practice unremittingly because we want to win honor for Class 4, Grade 1.

When we got there, we lay down and had a rest for a while, and then we were ready for class. Teacher Xue began to lecture us, and she asked many questions. The whole class spoke actively. I raised my hand desperately, but Teacher Xue always didn't call me, and she didn't even look at Group 4. Although Teacher Xue called the students in front, and then walked back, she didn't call me. It was sad! I also want to answer more questions and exercise my courage.

I hope Mr. Xue will ask me to answer more questions next time

Class composition 250 words

Today, a very beautiful female teacher came to give us a lesson. She first said hello to us. Her voice was like a golden voice, which made us like her at once. She showed us the pictures of her school, and the beautiful pictures made us shout.

The formal class began. The teacher's beautiful voice attracted our attention. The students raised their hands and spoke loudly. The teacher praised us happily. I listened carefully. My hands were often raised high, but the teacher didn't see me or call me. I was very sad. After a long time, the teacher finally called me, and I was very happy to put the little snail at the end. The teacher praised me. My heart is as sweet as honey.

As we were writing carefully, the teacher's gentle voice came to our ears: "Goodbye, students." We also said to the teacher: "Goodbye, teacher!" I really hope the teacher can give us some more lessons.