Perception of life in composition (6 practical articles)
See clearly the people's heart
2023-09-25 00:07:10

The perception of composition on life (1)

Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, my life has gone through 15 years, and I have grown up from an ignorant teenager, gradually understand the hardships of life, and gradually learn to give up.

My mother once told me, "Life is like a gourmet jar, which has everything in it. In life, we have the joy of success, the pain of failure, the difficulty of struggle, and the joy of harvest. This is a complete life. In life, some people can be optimistic and cheerful, some people can rewrite life, and some people can only accept fate. We should be a strong person in life. While being optimistic and cheerful, we should actively change our life. "

When I was in kindergarten, I was overjoyed because I learned 1+1=2; When I arrived at primary school, the teacher told me what questions might be given in each exam and how to answer them to get high scores; When I entered junior high school, the teacher told me which ancient texts to recite, because the exam often came; When I entered the threshold of high school, the teacher told me to memorize the review outline of tens of thousands of words, so that you could stand out and enter the temple in the minds of students. In my opinion, learning has become my whole life.

In 15 years, as I grew up year by year, I began to have my own world. I like reading novels because I think reading books can enrich my mind; I like listening to music, because I think listening to music can cultivate sentiment, relax body and mind; I like writing essays, because I think it can help me to channel my emotions and make myself more gentle; I like surfing the Internet, because I think surfing the Internet will broaden my reading range and increase my knowledge. However, now a large number of exercises have filled my space, which oppresses me to gasp for breath. I feel dizzy and dizzy after taking a small exam every three days and a big exam every seven days. Heavy homework, exam pressure, parents' and teachers' expectations are like mountains, pressing on my young shoulders, and I don't know when they will crush me.

The bookshelf once full of novels is now replaced by thick exercise books, and the computer is also covered with countless dust. I don't remember how long I haven't touched it, but all I can do is sigh helplessly.

I once thought of resisting for my own hobby, but looking at my parents' expectant eyes, I swallowed the words again and again and continued to struggle in the sea of books.

Until yesterday, I saw in the TV news that those children in poor mountainous areas have to get up in the morning every day to go to school and climb mountains. They don't even have the most basic learning tools, but they learn very carefully. From their eyes, I saw eager eyes. They are eager to read, eager to learn, eager to sit in a spacious and bright classroom.

I was shocked. Suddenly, I understood the meaning of learning and had a mission and responsibility, which my so-called hobbies could not accomplish. In a flash, I also understood that life should also learn to give up, to give up their own preferences for their own dreams. I have no regrets!

The perception of composition on life (2)

What is life? Life is a cup of pure boiled water, which needs our own seasoning. Add some tea, it will become a fragrant tea; Add some coffee powder, and it will become bitter and sweet coffee. You can also turn it into warm milk and sweet honey... I made a cup of mellow coffee.

I can't remember which year it was on Children's Day. My mother took me to the Wildlife Conservation Park. After entering the gate and turning right, you can clearly see a group of children crowding around a car, and then walk closer to see that it is an activity car that takes lottery tickets for gifts. After reading the instructions, it was 100% awarded. I wanted to play too, so I forced my mother to run there. In a hurry, the staff took the ticket from the children's hands without looking up, glanced at it, then pulled out a prize from behind, threw it out, and the child jumped away happily after catching it. I held the red lottery ticket in my hand and squeezed through the "crowd". The staff snatched the ticket from my hand and took a small thing like a music box from behind. When I was closing my eyes and excitedly preparing to harvest joy, the thing I had just put in my hand was snatched lightly.

I squeezed out of the crowd again and saw a boy who was at least one head taller than me. I said scornfully to me, "It's who gets it." I was angry, but I dared not say it, so I could only watch his smaller and smaller figure disappear in front of me. I was so sad that I cried to my mother and told her all about it. At that time, my mother was so tall in my heart that she could solve all problems. I was hoping to ask my mother to help me get the prize back when I heard a gentle voice: "Duo, put the collar in order first!" I looked down. I didn't know when the collar had turned to the horizon. I quickly put it in order and looked at my mother with expectant eyes. Mother grabbed my hand and said, "Don't you still want to play? Let's go..."

This matter has tied a knot in my heart. I don't understand why my mother didn't help me. I am her own daughter! Until one day, I saw a sentence in my mother's diary: "My mother wants you to face life bravely..." I suddenly understood and finally understood my mother's hard work.

My mother does this to make me strong. When life fails, she doesn't just care and complain, but always do what she should do, and keep a calm mood to treat life.

Life gives me more than a prize. Life should be colorful. Only when I do my part well and look ahead, can I reap the true meaning of life.

The perception of composition on life (3)

In our daily study, work and life, we often meet different people, experience different things and have different feelings. At this time, it is a good choice to write an article about our feelings. However, how to write the article of sentiment? The following is a composition of my feelings about life, which is just for reference. Welcome to read it.

Just like messy thoughts need to be carefully blamed, life sometimes needs to be counted and managed. The right and wrong of the past, and the long road to the future, all in the mind to gallop imagination, summary. It is like a kind of spiritual purification and diversion; Ideological breeding and sublimation; Hold your breath emotionally. Always abandon some lonely melancholy, lonely wandering, lost tears. Pick up some happy years, sweet fragments, sweet drops. Always forget what should be forgotten and remember what should be remembered. There should always be, there should always be, there should always be a very deep day shallow through.

This is also like life. For a long time, there is no such thing as sitting quietly in front of the quiet window, lighting a slightly bright lamp, carefully opening the heart lock, calmly thinking, and letting the thoughts escape freely. At this time, I was completely relieved and let the camera of life slow down as I wanted, so detached!

Intoxicated, when no one whispers with you at night, enjoy the fairy tales you have woven, explore the messages from your heart, and recall the past. At this moment, there will always be a bunch of troubles or sweet, worry or joy without reason. All kinds of mood, let alone.

This is life. In fact, life is nothing more than the collision of thoughts and emotions, and the interweaving of rationality and sensibility.

College life is wonderful and colorful. Although there is less reliance and exhortation from parents, there is more comfort and comfort from sisters. In fact, life never lacks anything, just depends on how you guess.

To be honest, the relatively independent life circle makes me rational. No longer clinging to the trivial things in the past, no longer indulging in the glory of memory. When I touch the reality, I know that life has always been very real, but I am too stubborn and wrap myself too tightly, like a different person living in a fantasy world. Always yearning for elegant and free living. I yearn for the faint clouds in the sky, as well as the faint blue in the sky. Believe that perhaps life is originally waiting for wandering, drifting forever. However, at the end of thousands of miles, there is still no dream of flowers, faint fragrance floating vision picture. Regret occupies my heart.

I complained about the insipidity of life, mourned the caprice of fate, gave up wrongly, lost the power to move forward, became numb, ambition became dim, and my mood became dim

How many tears intertwined me, how many times the interpretation of the world made me sad, but it is still chaotic support. Although tired, there is still a glimmer of hope. Although embarrassed, there is still a ray of light. I have been searching and exploring hard. I didn't return with a full load, nor did I sing in the splendor of stars. At that moment, life seemed to lose its inherent meaning to me and me.

Think for a long time

Maybe this is the real life. There are regrets everywhere, but there is hope everywhere. Hope comforts regret, and regret enriches hope. I began to be confused. I believe that everyone has regrets in their hearts, but after all, what dominates life is not wandering in the fertile land of regrets, but sailing far. Maybe say goodbye to regret and hide deep in my heart. The corner is another sky

The crystal of love is drifting away, warm sun

The seeds of hope are sown in the clear sky

In fact, you can choose that life is always the dawn, as long as you are willing to open your eyes at the first time to see the brilliant dawn, dazzling, dazzling

You know, life is so light when trees and grass fly in autumn, fireflies fly and fireflies fly, and people pass by in a hurry. May as well use a faint smile to dissolve the sadness in your heart! May as well use that small touch to fill the beautiful connotation of life!

The perception of composition on life (4)

Whether you are in school or in society, everyone often comes into contact with the composition bar. With the help of composition, you can vent your feelings and adjust your mood. I'm sure many people will find it difficult to write a composition. The following is a carefully sorted composition of my work and life, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

There is no job in the world that is not hard, and there is no place where people are not complicated. If it is destined to work, you should play it well. You should believe that every line can produce a champion.

Be ready to seize the opportunity at any time. The opportunity will not find you alone or wait for you. The opportunity will always belong to the prepared person. Always accumulate conditions and be ready for entrepreneurship.

It is important to do things, and it is also important to be a person. In the process of work, people understand and see that a person who can work hard, help colleagues enthusiastically, and has good interpersonal charm is the success.

Work is not only for getting a salary, but also for growth and happiness. Don't just work for salary, but also work for dreams, and work for your own future. In the future, only by working steadfastly, diligently, and with a sense of responsibility, can you do your work better.

Put your energy into study and practical work. Only by constantly enriching yourself with knowledge and arming your mind can colleagues identify with you, leaders will not underestimate you, and society will not eliminate you.

There is a kind of happiness that becomes hesitation, a kind of liveliness that becomes deep, a kind of innocence that becomes a trick, and a kind of smiling face that becomes bitter. When I was a child, I lost it, but when I grew up, I missed my childhood and let happiness stay a little longer.

With a certain ability to work, others will envy you. You should believe that the right way in the world is vicissitudes of life.

Everything in the world is like this: when you deliberately pursue it, it flies away like a butterfly; When you concentrate, unexpected gains have quietly come to your side!

If we only get tired, nervous and disappointed from our work, how painful our life will be; What a vanity even if the job that you are tired of brings fame and benefits!

Love, how wonderful, how cruel. Love is an angel on one side and a devil on the other. It is the fruit of God's Garden of Eden, delicious, but it will make people lose their minds. It tempts people in the world to keep trying and always get hurt. It is a rose with thorns. It is so beautiful that people cannot help picking it. People who touch it always get hurt.

Promises are not white clouds drifting with the wind, promises are not floating duckweeds, promises are not fleeting meteors, promises are not sparkling and transient. Commitment is the heart, commitment is the gold, the heart is sincere promise, promise is golden!

When we work together, we form a team. I am no longer working alone, but as a team, I am working together and selflessly. A good job can only reflect one's ability to work. Being able to do things without knowing how to be a person is undoubtedly lonely in a team.

Start your own business, use the fastest speed to decide, and make great efforts immediately to start the most brilliant career journey in your life.

Only when you work hard can you learn to listen to the opinions of the majority, consult with the minority, make your own decisions, and approach the truth from complexity to simplicity.

The so-called luck is that when opportunity knocks at your door, you also open the door for it. The so-called happiness is that when blessing knocks at your heart, you just open the door. I wish you happiness and good luck.

Who has never been lonely, who has never been lost, who has never been lost, who has never been lonely, who does not know the importance of friends, who does not know that friendship is reliable, life is too long, friendship is hope, the goal is too far away, friends are power, cherish each other, carry the wind and rain together in life.

If it's not your job and you do it, this is an opportunity, but the opportunity is always disguised as trouble, and people can't seize it. When trouble comes, the first reaction of ordinary people is to run away, so they miss the opportunity.

Whether we are happy or not depends to a large extent on the habits formed by our hearts. Cultivate a happy mood, that is, form a happy habit, and work will become a continuous feast!

Never lose heart or give up because of a setback. Whether you are happy or not is completely in your own hands. When we regard work as a pleasure in life, we naturally enjoy it.

My work, my efforts, my efforts, and my life, I love you, I love myself more.

A person should try his best to tap all his potential to realize his dream. Efforts may fail, but giving up means you can never succeed.

The work you do every day has no happiness, no sense of satisfaction, endless dissatisfaction with the work, complaining, will do everything in a mess, is the precursor of failure, and will not make us happy.

When I was young, every day was sunny and relaxed; When I grow up, I feel stressed and exhausted every day. Now I understand my parents' difficulties and the need to work harder for my children. I wish you all the best in your efforts.

Life is meaningless unless there is work; All work is hard, unless there is knowledge; All knowledge is empty, unless there is aspiration; All aspirations are blind unless there is love. Work with love is the embodiment of life, so let's work with love!

Work is not for survival, but for giving meaning to personal life, giving glory to your own life. Working with such an attitude, you can get fun from any kind of work.

They all say that "the three monks have no water to drink", because they don't know how to cooperate and help each other. Help each other, the three monks have water to drink every day. If we help each other more in our life, we will certainly save a lot of trouble. Let's cooperate!

No matter success or failure, we should cherish the experience; Whatever your life is good or bad, you should cherish what you have now; Regardless of the distance between relatives and friends, those who love you must cherish, learn to cherish, and grasp the wonderful life.

Never forget to smile no matter how upset you are, never forget to persist no matter how bitter you are, and never forget to cherish yourself no matter how tired you are. You will become more stable every time you are low-key, and you will become more excellent every time you are high-profile.

People are simple when they are young, but complicated when they grow up; When poor, it is simple and becomes more complex; Simple when falling down, complex when gaining power; Gentlemen are simple, villains are complex; May you be simpler, happier and happier.

The road is out, but do you know that the road is the scar of the land, even if it is easier to walk, we will feel a kind of hidden pain of life every time we go further. Walking on the road that others have passed, it shows the pain that everyone turns a blind eye to, so they don't feel pain. The most painful thing in life is that we always follow our own path. In fact, there is no way. We are determined to stick to this persistence just to be ourselves in our hearts.

The perception of composition on life (5)

Perception of military training life

In the short military training life, there are many colorful youth songs which are composed of the students' hard sweat and happy laughter, accompanied by the officers' loud and clear commands, and rows of squads on the training field are doing all kinds of actions in order. In my eyes, everything is so novel. I stood there, in the sea of a group of military, experiencing the vitality and vitality of youth.

I have always believed that "there is nothing wrong with being young". As young people in the new era and as Chinese in the new era, we should inherit the old adage of "studying hard and improving our ability, and establishing ourselves and reaching people", tap our potential and realize our ideals. In the military training, the most impressive thing for me is standing posture. At that time, my feet were numb, as if they no longer belonged to me. At that time, I once wanted to call the report out, but when I saw that others were standing there seriously and motionless, I hesitated again. Everyone is young, why can they and I can't. I want to prove that I am not inferior to them. Although my military posture is not so standard, I applaud myself confidently because I persevered. The power of example is infinite. I was able to persist until the end. The example of the drillmaster and his comrades in arms played an important role. I would like to sincerely say thank you to them, especially the drillmaster's careful instruction which moved me most. They took pains to correct my mistakes, serious but not rude, caring but not indulgent.

After entering the military training, I deeply realized the strict discipline and style of the soldiers in the military camp, and realized that the heroic and upright posture was honed in this little sweat. Aren't the solemn slogans of the instructors on the playground, the orderly footsteps of the students and the loud military songs just interpreting our dreamlike youth? Military training is the epitome of our bittersweet life. In this painful period, we bid farewell to the once comfortable life when we were young, and suffered from physical pain during training and the loss of leaving home. During the whole process of military training, my feet were paralyzed. I stood at the first place and was hit by the sun. He shone on me relentlessly. Sweat slid across my cheeks, soaked my back, and tears flowed down the stream. In fact, how much I want to say to the instructor, "report, want to take a break," just because I chose high school, not to lose to myself at the beginning, so I insist on.

In a day of military training, I learned a lot, and these knowledge and experience will lay a solid foundation for our future. I will cherish this hard won opportunity, train well and cultivate my physique and will. To be a qualified Huanong is worthy of his dark green military uniform.

Military training is a powerful activity that can enhance physical fitness and discipline. After several days of military training, we are full of momentum like grass just moistened by the sun. From the time when the clinic was crowded to the time when we entered, it was obvious that everyone's will had been strengthened. The pain caused by the military training was overcome by our determined perseverance. Military training tells us to persevere. We won

Sunshine, because we are more brilliant than sunshine! Under the scorching sun, there is our dazzling youth; As the saying goes: Eat bitter in bitter; A man is a master. Military training; Let us have the courage to overcome difficulties; Let us understand solidarity and mutual assistance; Military training; Opened our glorious youth.; Every day as the drillmaster hummed the military song, we began to like that song, because it contains our memories.

In the song, there are young people's high morale, sweet and warm classmates, sincere friendship between teachers and students and instructors. My actions triggered a lot of insights. When I talked with each other, I could also interpret the true meaning of life.

I firmly believe that we can walk well in the seven days, and we can walk well in the next three years, and we can also walk well in the future life! Therefore, we should fight for it. Let's summon up courage! Let confidence pave the way for us, let courage overcome difficulties for us, and move towards the sunrise. I firmly believe that we can walk well in the seven days, and in the next three years, we can also walk well, and we can also walk well in the future life! Therefore, we should fight for it. Let's summon up courage! Let confidence pave the way for us, and let courage and insight pave the way for me. I firmly believe that we can go well in the seven days, in the next three years, we can also go well, and we can also go well in the future life! Therefore, we should fight for it. Let's summon up courage! Let self-confidence pave the way for us, and let courage overcome difficulties for us. Let's move forward to the sunrise. Let's overcome difficulties and move forward to the sunrise

Military training really made me learn a lot. The solidarity and friendship between classmates, the feelings between teachers and students, the feelings between the military and the people, and many feelings ferment together, solidifying into the most beautiful memories in my mind!

The perception of composition on life (6)

During the military training, I was deeply impressed by the drillmaster's serious face; Although the military training has ended, I feel as if the instructor is still in front of me when I start to walk, stand at attention, take a rest, and move forward. At the beginning of the military training, I thought that the military training was just a show, walking and training under the guidance of the instructor, and finally the classes would show it. However, I soon found myself wrong. Because instructors and teachers have said to us more than once that military training is the first lesson in middle school. The purpose of military training is not only to correct and teach us the posture of walking, standing at attention and taking a rest, but also to cultivate our self-control, good behavior habits and strict learning style, and establish our spirit of hard work and solidarity and cooperation, So that under any conditions, we can take every step of the long journey of life correctly.

I keep in mind the teachings of officials and teachers. If the purpose is clear, then I have to work hard. During the military training, I always felt that the instructor's face seemed to be staring at me, looking at me and encouraging me; Are you lazy when staring at me? See if my movements are normal? Encouraged me to continue to do the next action. Just a few days before the drill, the instructor once said an encouraging word to us: "In fact, as long as you put out 50% of your efforts, our class will get excellent results in the drill; but you must use 100% of your efforts to strive for it." This sentence moved me. I firmly remember the instructor's words of encouragement as my direction of effort and motivation. The seemingly ordinary movements of walking, standing and turning are endless. I have strengthened my belief and determination: I will try my best to do every move, do it as best as I can, and devote myself to military training with 100% enthusiasm. Because I know that only qualified can be achieved with all my efforts, and only excellent can be achieved with all my heart. I cherish the honor given to me by my school and class, but it is not the end of my efforts. I will regard it as a milestone in my progress, and take it as a starting point to advance towards a higher goal.

Comprehension of Military Training Life Composition 2

When I first arrived at the military camp, I was unfamiliar with everything. One or two days, it became a habit to live a busy but unhurried life.

Day 1: Everyone was dressed in military uniforms, which looked neat and green from a distance.

The next day: I got up in a hurry and ran in the gray morning without brushing my teeth. I did morning exercises, sang military songs, practiced walking, played catch downs, stood on iron pillars, and watched videos in the evening. Then we understand more: we should know how to be grateful, know how to improve ourselves, and study for the rise of China! The third day, climb the mountain. The road is rugged and can be described as eighteen bends in the mountain road. Everyone sang military songs all the way, and their morale was high. The instructor on the top of the mountain told us some knowledge about national defense. It turned out that if there were no soldiers to stick to the frontier of the motherland day and night, the people would not have today's happy life. Great soldiers are the pride of the nation. Today, I walked the iron rope bridge, stepped on the bucket and climbed rocks. It is obvious that I am a weak athlete. I also learned martial arts, cool

Day 4: Mud rolling, walking

Day 5: Practice flood control and earthquake prevention, first aid and wound dressing, pass the military parade... Time has passed quickly, unknowingly, it has to come back, but I am reluctant to leave now. I remember grabbing food around the rice pail every day. I remember shaking all the time and being too slow when I crossed the iron chain bridge. I also remember standing guard and staring blankly. I also remember dressing other people's heads badly

In those days, we trained together, were scolded together, ate snacks together, rolled mud together, spoke ill of instructors behind their backs together, talked secretly together in the evening with quilts covered, sang military songs together, were punished, cried together, laughed together, and homesick together. It's time to leave, but this military camp will always keep everything here for us. It's a pity that the drillmaster didn't sing to wish you a pleasant journey. But I will always remember the drillmaster's lovely smiling face.

After the military training, I have a lot of experience. It turns out that life should not be so easy as we do. We can make our lives better and more meaningful. There is still a long way to go. After the military training, I added another motto given by the instructor: Nothing you can't do, only what you don't want to do.

Comprehension of Military Training Life Composition 3

At the weekend, I was a little excited and a little worried about packing. I had never left my family since childhood. Although I would take care of myself, I was still worried about whether I could adapt to the military training life and live in the same dormitory with my classmates. I got on the bus to the military training base with anxiety and excitement, and sat with a classmate I liked. She talked with me calmly, and I replied happily, but I still felt uncomfortable. I didn't know whether it was carsickness or something.

However, I arrived at the military training base just a few minutes away, and I was still unconsciously happy to see the surrounding mountains, because I seemed to have been yearning for the pastoral life, looking at the buildings, and there was no bad in the description of the students. I followed the instructor and the students into this strange five-day military training life.

The first day seemed to pass easily, but it was always careful and serious to complete the instructor's order. Just because all the students had military training before, and what they should have learned had already been learned. Only I, the poor man in the first military training, worked hard to follow the rhythm of the students, but I was still very helpless that I always beat slower than others, so I had to think about and consult others again and again during the break time.

At night, I was even more tired. I sat upright on the playground and didn't dare to move. When I got down at night, my waist was very sore, and I still slept on a hard wooden bed. My biological clock was not adjusted. I usually could sleep after eleven o'clock, but I had to sleep at ten o'clock. Everyone had to toss and turn in the bed, but I was afraid of disturbing my classmates, I had to move slightly every time I turned, and finally fell asleep under the repeated urging of the god of sleep. The most painful thing was that when I was immersed in a sweet dream, the loud whistle sounded horribly. I dared not stay in bed and had to get up to tidy up the house.

There is no doubt that bathing is also a very troublesome thing. Always prepare bathing equipment and change clothes at noon. After the instructor said that he would try his best to rush to the dormitory and then fly to take a bath. After one step, there would be a long queue and wait for ten or twenty minutes. At that time, no one would pay attention to you even if you were exhausted. In the next few days, there was almost no change in the training content, but the training volume was increasing. Each instructor always hoped that his team could get an excellent company. However, the instructor who was preparing to change careers did not know what he thought. The rest time was a lot, which may be one of the reasons why this military training was relatively easy. However, this military training was really fruitful. It seemed that the relationship with my classmates was better, and my laziness seemed to dispel some of it. I also understood the reason why the soldiers were determined to stay strong, and finally knew that my life was really good. Even if I didn't have pocket money, my parents' wages were not high, my life was happy, and my family was the simplest happiness. Cherish the present, and somehow feel it.

Although I have gained, I can't say that I like military training life. I can only say that the occasional military training is really good for us. As an emotional animal, I also feel a little reluctant to part with this life. The kind of quiet, hard but comfortable life, and the kind of simplicity to people around me, this feeling may no longer be able to