A Certificate of Merit (19 Collections)
Laugh over the past
2023-12-17 06:06:36
Junior two

A certificate of award (1)

Do you have something you love? I have. Listen to me slowly.

My favorite thing is a certificate of award obtained in summer camp. Do you think there is something rare about a certificate of award? Yes, I thought it was very ordinary, but it was very precious after I signed all the coaches, teachers, including my best friends who played in the summer camp!

I still remember that the certificate of award was issued at the last time when I went home. At that time, a foreign teacher put a medal on me. I was very excited! This certificate is square and square, about the size of A4 paper, with a blue border on the outside and a white center. It says "Thousand Island Lake International Summer Camp" on the top, and my name on the bottom. The side and back are all signatures of coaches, teachers and students.

Isn't my certificate a piece of paper in the eyes of others? For me, this certificate gives me a lot of motivation. When I see this certificate when I don't want to do my homework, I will think of what the coaches and teachers said to us: "Study hard, and then I can repay the motherland!

Whenever I see it, I always think of the seven days of happiness in the summer camp... Looking back on those days, I am still a little excited!

I love that certificate. It makes me work harder and reminds me of the happy seven days.

A certificate of award (2)

Do you have something you love? I have. Listen to me slowly.

My favorite thing is a certificate of award obtained in summer camp. Do you think there is something rare about a certificate of award? Yes, I thought it was very ordinary, but it was very precious after I signed all the coaches, teachers, including my best friends who played in the summer camp!

I still remember that the certificate of award was issued at the last time when I went home. At that time, a foreign teacher put a medal on me. I was very excited! This certificate is square and square, about the size of A4 paper, with a blue border on the outside and a white center. It says "Thousand Island Lake International Summer Camp" on the top, and my name on the bottom. The side and back are all signatures of coaches, teachers and students.

Isn't my certificate a piece of paper in the eyes of others? For me, this certificate gives me a lot of motivation. When I see this certificate when I don't want to do my homework, I will think of what the coaches and teachers said to us: "Study hard, and then I can repay the motherland!"

Whenever I see it, I always think of the seven days of happiness in the summer camp... Looking back on those days, I am still a little excited!

I love that certificate. It makes me work harder and reminds me of the happy seven days.

A certificate of award (3)

The certificate of award, for our students, represents the supreme honor. However, whenever I see that certificate, my face will automatically turn red. It is like a whip, whipping my heart

After the final exam, our test paper was handed out. The red number "86" was written on the test paper, and my brain was blank. The two numbers "86" were like a big hammer to me. This score was obviously not my ideal score, and it also meant that I would miss the certificate of "three good students"

When my deskmate saw my score, he must have read my heart's loss from my expression and said to me quietly, "Otherwise, you can find a four point question to change secretly, and ask the teacher to add four points to you, maybe you can get a certificate of award!" I was overwhelmed by "86" and "certificate of award", and immediately found a four point question to change, and walked to the teacher, He pretended to be calm and said, "Teacher, you corrected my mistake." The teacher took the test paper and looked at me with a smile. Without saying anything, he just marked a small "check mark" next to the red "fork" and added four points to my score. In this way, I got 90 points "righteously" and "aboveboard".

On the day when the certificate was issued, I got the certificate of "Three Good Students in the Class" as I wished, but this certificate has one more sentence than usual: "I hope you are not lying to me." This sentence is on the edge of the bottom corner of the certificate. It is very small, but it looks so bright

I didn't have the courage to show this certificate to my parents, nor did I dare to post it. I just kept pressing under my desk, all the time

A certificate of award (4)

From kindergarten to the third grade, I have participated in numerous competitions and received numerous awards. They are piled up like a hill, which represents my efforts. But the most precious thing for me is the certificate of "Three Good Students" at the end of the last semester of the third grade!

In the first grade, my mother carefully taught me, so that I formed good habits, and gradually began to feel that the content of learning is very simple, I can! In the second semester of grade two, I finally got the most severe impact: I like to talk in class, I didn't finish my homework, and my handwriting was scrawled... In short, I was full of all negative energy, so I gradually lied. Mother played, scolded and confided, but I still remained the same. Because I think my mother is very busy every day, and my father can't manage me. Sometimes I can't, and adults don't teach me. Going to training classes is just like going to play.

Finally one day, my mother sat down with me and talked with me quietly, hoping that I would study hard with her and that I could slowly change myself, and my mother also began to change herself. Gradually, I found that my mother no longer lost her temper and beat me rudely. Every time I studied, she would study and take notes in her own study; Every time I won't, my mother won't say that you are stupid, but she takes the trouble to tell me again and again that I will. Sometimes she can't help it, and she won't get angry easily. Instead, she will leave for a while and come back to continue talking; Sometimes when I failed in the exam, my mother's first reaction was not to scold me, but to take out the test paper and analyze it with me to find her own problems

Before I knew it, I began to climb up again. Maths began to climb from more than 70 points at the beginning to more than 80 points, and finally reached more than 95 points. Chinese began to stay in class until now, I fell in love with Chinese and became a representative of several Chinese classes. The progress over the past year is not only because of my own efforts, but also because of my mother's influence on me. Although she sometimes nags and is cruel, her strong personality and serious attitude make me more and more confident to take the long road of learning! Finally, the three good students I lost came back! When I held this award soaked with tears and sweat, I was so excited at that time. My eyes were full of tears, and my heart was full of thanks to my mother!

I cherish that certificate very much. Every time I encounter difficulties in learning, I will think of it. How can I get good results if I don't work hard and persist? Its value lies in my mother's efforts, my efforts, and my heart to make progress together!

A certificate of award (5)

On a sunny morning, the sky suddenly darkened, because it was the day of blackboard newspaper again. Although it was a small blackboard newspaper, it was like a roadblock for our class, because we were not good at painting.

As soon as we entered the new semester, the teacher found that we were not good at drawing, so he encouraged us all the time and said, "You must get the certificate of award for the blackboard contest." We were very moved. We often carefully designed the blackboard newspaper after class. Many students in the class also signed up for the art class, and many of them spent their time playing computer to find the information on the blackboard newspaper. When the teacher saw that we were so active, he smiled happily and still encouraged us. We didn't give up and continue to prepare carefully. At this time, everyone had only one idea in mind: we must get the certificate of award!

One afternoon after a few days, we were busy with the blackboard newspaper again. The monitor found that the color painted with chalk was not beautiful. At this time, several students shouted: Use gouache! Although I found a good way, no one in the class brought gouache, and Monday was coming soon. Everyone was eager to think: "What should we do? What should we do? Today is Friday afternoon. If only we could buy gouache, but the guard downstairs would not let us leave school." The monitor thought about it and said, "Look for an art teacher." After hearing her words, a group of people went to look for an art teacher, and finally borrowed gouache. Everyone drew carefully, with beads of sweat on their faces. It was almost six o'clock, and the blackboard newspaper was finally finished. Everyone looked at the beautiful blackboard newspaper and smiled happily.

At last, it's time for the selection. Everyone is very quiet. The classroom is so quiet that you can hear the needle fall. Everyone's heart was pounding and pounding. When the radio read about our class, everyone's tears were almost falling. We seemed to see our busy figure... When we held the golden certificate, everyone laughed. Cheers of "We have won" and "We have succeeded" resounded in the classroom.

This success was really hard won, and I will never forget it.

A certificate of award (6)

After the winter vacation, when I stepped into the campus, a gust of wind blew in my face. It gently stroked my face and accompanied me into the classroom.

The classroom is very lively. Some students are talking about some interesting new things with other students, and others are reviewing their lessons. Because the exam is coming, we will enter an important review stage.

After a winter vacation, I almost forgot what I learned. When I was dictating, many students made more than five or six mistakes in their dictation because they were not careful at the beginning. So the teacher asked us to go home and copy more times to consolidate our memory. well! This consolidation was really effective. In the next few dictations, there were more than 20 100 points! Even my dictation scores 100 points every time! This is exactly the answer to that sentence: "Review the past and learn the new". They not only have a deeper memory of the original knowledge, but also have a further understanding of the original knowledge.

After the exam, the results came out, and my Chinese scores were not very good. Well, today we are handing out certificates of merit! I was very depressed at the moment when I watched my classmates happily go to get the certificate of award and see that there was nothing on my desk. After class, the teacher called me to the office and asked: "What kind of certificate do you want most?" I answered in a small voice: "Three good students."

When I got home, my parents were very happy that I could make such achievements. He said to me, "You should understand the teacher's care for you. She is trying to encourage you. Although some aspects can not meet the requirements of" three good students ", the teacher gave you a certificate of award, which means that you have the ability in this area, you can do better, and will not disappoint the teacher's expectations of you."

After listening to this speech, I have a deeper love for my teacher. I must return a certificate of commendation to my teacher with my outstanding achievements and good conduct!

A certificate of award (7)

There are many awards of all sizes on my wall. Among these awards, one of the smallest and most inconspicuous is particularly precious and special. It was sent to me by my uncles and aunts from Ningbo Evening News. It was my first time to participate in the essay contest of summer camp. It was a chance. I read from the newspaper that Ningbo Evening News would organize an activity to enjoy the plum blossom at Jiufeng Mountain. Seeing this news, I was so excited that I asked my father to sign up for me. Dad readily agreed. When I arrived at Jiufeng Mountain, I was in a happy mood, facing the continuous drizzle, watching the charming plum blossom.

The fragrance of flowers fills the mountains, making people intoxicated. When I got home, I had too much fun, so I had the idea of writing a composition. But after that, I dare not contribute. I think: if others see my composition is so poor, how humiliating! My father seemed to see my mind and said firmly to me: "Li Hao, you should have confidence in everything you do. It doesn't matter if you fail. The key is participation." After listening to my father's words, I decided to contribute. The next day, I put my composition in the envelope and put it in the mailbox. But as soon as I turned around, I began to regret. I wanted to take the manuscript out of the mailbox! In the next few weeks, I was restless and always anxiously looking forward to it. However, the manuscript sent out was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no reply. With the passage of time, the matter of contribution gradually blurred in my memory. On July 4 this year, I received a letter from Ningbo Evening News Agency unexpectedly.

I opened the envelope curiously and found a gold lettered certificate and a certificate, as well as a 80 yuan bill of lading from Xinhua Bookstore. I saw, ah, it was my composition in the essay contest that won the prize! I was ecstatic. I held the certificate in my arms like a baby and felt a warm current flowing through my body. I carefully pasted the certificate on the wall to encourage myself to move forward. I want to say to my uncles and aunts in the newspaper office: "Thank you for your encouragement! This precious certificate has changed me from a little boy who has no confidence to a boy who loves writing, reading and has courage."

A certificate of award (8)

The golden certificate under the glass plate of the desk always has a magical power. I always feel full of fighting spirit and courage when I see it. I got this certificate when I participated in the Young Pioneers Leader School.

I remember that it was the last day of the training, and I went to the Oriental Oasis Activity Center to finish the field training. Finally, it was a project to test my courage - climbing mountains. We came to a field where there was a sharp "mountain" piled up with wood in the center, standing in front of me like a pyramid. There were only two or three ropes hanging down from the top of the tower for climbing. I was afraid at once. Some students in our class are quick. They step back and use the power of run-up and arms to reach the highest point like monkeys, which makes me dumbfounded.

It was my turn. I was born a little timid. I had never climbed such a steep building before, and my legs could not help shaking when I had no place to rest my feet. The students were cheering me on, and the coach also asked me to give it a try. My face was a little red, and I got up my courage. I rushed to the hill like my classmates in front of me, and jumped halfway up the hill. At this time, I looked down and felt dizzy and hung in the air.

"Don't look down, look forward, put your hands on it, look up!" "You are the best, come on!" The coach's advice came in time, and the cries of the students were also ringing in my ears, which gave me great courage, and every word inspired me. I think I can do what others can do. Thinking of this, I firmly grasped the rope with both hands, supported by my feet, overcame my psychological obstacles, and climbed up hard to reach the top of the mountain. Looking at my slightly red hands, I couldn't help feeling happy. I finally conquered the dangerous peak and completed the same action as others. I'm no worse than others! The coach also came and gave me a thumbs up. After passing the examination, I got a flash certificate of award like everyone else.

Whenever I see this certificate, the scene of summoning up the courage to climb up will appear in my mind. I can achieve what others can do, and I can do the same in learning. I will summon up courage to face difficulties.

A certificate of award (9)

I have always carefully kept a certificate of award for the calligraphy and painting competition, which has a special meaning for me.

In a third grade art interest class, the teacher asked us to prepare our entries, but I forgot to bring my brush and paint. I lowered my head and pretended to make a draft, while quietly asking for help from my classmates nearby.

At this time, the boy sitting in front of me turned his head and asked, "Did you bring any brushes or paints?" This guy is a "poor student" who gives teachers a headache. He must be gloating now! I nodded helplessly. He gave a strange "oh" and turned around. I thought to myself, no, he must report to the teacher. How could he give up the opportunity to perform better than others? Who would have thought that he would turn back immediately and hand me his own painting tools: "Here." "What about you?" He scratched his forehead and said haltingly: "I... hmm, you can use it! I can't draw well anyway. It's a waste!"

"XX, stand up." The art teacher called his name.

He rose slowly from his seat.

"Don't paint well, talk nonsense." The teacher said as he walked to his desk. "Where are your brushes and paints?"

"No, I didn't."

"Teacher, it is..." I was about to explain to the teacher when my words were interrupted.

"Teacher, it's my fault that my speech in class affects my classmates," he said first.

"Well, it's a good attitude to admit mistakes, so don't do it again. Now make a draft first, and come to my office to paint after class."

Later, my painting won a prize in the competition, which can be attributed to him! I was very grateful to him, so I used it as a thank you to help him make up lessons and let him get rid of the title of "poor student" as soon as possible.

We have become good friends now, and this certificate is the witness of our friendship.

A certificate of award (10)

In a twinkling of an eye, more than half of this semester has passed, and we began to borrow books for the next semester in advance. At the same time, many people asked us to borrow books. When I looked in my desk, I found my certificate of merit.

I took out this thick stack of awards. This is all the awards since I went to school. They are big and small, thin and thick, hard and soft, with different colors and patterns. I looked at them and counted them: one, two, three, four, five... forty, forty-one, four twelve, forty three, forty four! Unexpectedly, I have so many certificates of merit. On average, there are only four certificates in a semester. I drew two out of them. One was the winner of the "Climate Change, the Challenge of Our Times!" China Children's Environmental Painting Competition, which was co sponsored by the United Nations Environment Programme and the National Working Committee of the Young Pioneers of China. The other was the gold medal in the "World Peace Painting, Calligraphy and Photography Exhibition", which I am most proud of, I think: I earned these certificates with hard work. No pains, no gains. I must study harder and get more certificates in the future.

I held this pile of certificates, looked at them again and again, and never wanted to put them down. From the first place in the final exam of the first grade to the top in each exam now, from the winning prize in the story contest to the gold, silver and bronze prizes in various painting competitions, I seemed to return to the exciting scenes of receiving awards and heard the praise of my parents. After a while, I put the certificates in order from large to small, and put them carefully in the bookcase.

I think: these certificates represent not only the competition, but also my progress. I must learn in the competition in the future, gain in learning, and be happy in more and more certificates.

A certificate of award (11)

Last week, Mr. Fang said to me happily, "You won the first prize in Wenzhou Soft Pen Calligraphy Competition!" "That's great!" I cried out, reached out to take the certificate of award, but could not help thinking back to the hard won certificate.

I remember that one day during the summer vacation, teacher Fang sent me a card to participate in the calligraphy contest. As soon as I heard it, I braced myself up and made up my mind to practice calligraphy as well as calligraphy. In order to realize my dream, I wrote neatly every stroke. When I was proud of my calligraphy, I suddenly had a fever. At that time, I felt tired and discouraged. My mother said that the most important thing in the competition is to participate in it. Winning the prize is second. The key is to exercise yourself and let yourself enjoy the process of the competition. Although I understand this truth, I still feel very uncomfortable in my heart. After practicing for so long, if the game fails, how boring! Fever ah fever, why don't you come early or late, just come on the day of the game?

Early Sunday morning, I came to the scene and found it was a sea of people. I kept telling myself: calm down and don't be affected. When I got to the examination room, I immediately took out the "Four Treasures of Study". When I saw the examination questions, I began to write. As soon as I picked up the pen, I found my hand was trembling. I could not calm down. I was still hesitating when watching the players beside me finish writing a word. "Exercise yourself, focus on participation, the result is not important." Mother's words echoed in my ears, I want to forget these things that interfere with me, and immediately concentrate on writing. When I first wrote down, I suddenly felt quiet around me. I took out 12 points of spirit to complete the work in one go.

I didn't expect to win the first prize. I'm really happy. This small certificate tells me that I should have the spirit of unremitting efforts and not afraid of difficulties.

A certificate of award (12)

I was especially happy that at the end of this semester, I was awarded a certificate of "Outstanding Young Pioneer". Dad was also very happy to see it. He quickly hung the certificate on the high wall and introduced it to guests as soon as they came. Mom was also very happy to see it. She quickly took photos and sent them to her circle of friends, and got many compliments.

Aunt Yan, the nanny, takes care of my sister at our house and cooks delicious food. She is going home for the Spring Festival. My parents and I want to surprise my aunt. My first reaction was the certificate. I said, "Shall we also give the aunt a certificate?" My parents clapped their hands in approval.

So we took action quietly to avoid our aunt. I asked my father to design a beautiful award certificate according to the appearance of my award certificate, and printed it out with light yellow thick colored paper. I wrote the words "Aunt Yan was conscientious, efficient and responsible in taking care of Wang Erniu's children in 20xx, and was rated as the" outstanding worker "of the year. This statement is hereby issued for encouragement. " I think my writing is good. At the same time, I suggested to my father: "Shall we all sign and stamp on the certificate to show our recognition of aunt's work?" Both parents agreed: "We all approve of aunt's work." So we took turns to sign and stamp on the certificate. At this time, my mother took out a red paper bag, and I took out my 200 yuan lucky money. My mother said, "You can put it in yourself." I put the money into the red envelope, and prepared to give my aunt a surprise before she left.

When it was time for my aunt to go home, I quickly took out the certificate of award and red envelope. My aunt was very surprised. She said, "This is the first certificate of award in my work, and I will stick it in the center of our home wall." I also asked my father to hold an award ceremony for my aunt, and I took a group photo with my aunt and mother.

My aunt happily went home for the Spring Festival. My parents praised my idea of giving awards and red envelopes to my aunt. They said, "It's a grown up performance to recognize and praise others.".

A certificate of award (13)

I am a certificate of honor. I represent honor and also a symbol of eternity. I can make people happy and sad. People who get me are happy, and people who don't get me are sad. People on the earth are crazy for me. They compete with each other just to have me.

In people's hearts, owning me is like getting wealth. However, people's greedy heart cannot be satisfied. Although some people think that I am a kind of affirmation and a kind of glory, and they try to win me by their own strength, another group of people snatch me with despicable means, and they want to own me by no means. The world has two styles, one is bright, the other is dark, I can clearly 'prove that I am a small certificate of merit, but I can see people's hearts. I hate the vulgarity of the world and the dark world. Why are some people so cunning and terrible? Greed like a monster devours good people. I will use "myself" to help just and good people, so that they will never give up and continue to persist.

Recently, I found a new owner who got me by hard work. He put me on the bed as a memorial. My good friend is a medal. He hates hypocrisy as much as I do. We often talk about things together. When we are together, my world is full of kindness, less sadness, more laughter, less jealousy, more positive glory. It's really a good time.

One day when the master and my mother were cleaning the room, they accidentally tore me. My mother quickly glued me with tape. I was so hurt that I really wanted to cry, but I would rot when I touched water, and the master would find me, so I had to bear tears. It was really sad! If the host had not been so careless, this whole lot of tragic things would not have happened. Another time, the master accidentally lost me. I was covered with dust. I don't know where I am? I'm really worried and angry. What's urgent is that it's dark and dark here, and the air is wet. I'm almost moldy! The anger was that the master was careless. Fortunately, the master found me later, or I would disappear in the world.

I really hope that the host can get rid of the bad habit of carelessness and let me no longer feel sad. I also hope that when people pursue our medal family, they can get it in the right way, and they should continue to strive for the top, step by step to improve their requirements, and not be satisfied by us. If you can, like Madame Curie, after winning the Nobel Prize, What we want to see most is to continue to work despite the existence of fame and wealth. Please take us as the affirmation of our efforts and the reward of our hard work, so that the world will be better because of our existence.

A certificate of award (14)

I have always carefully kept a certificate of award for the calligraphy and painting competition, which has a special meaning for me.

In a third grade art interest class, the teacher asked us to prepare our entries, but I forgot to bring my brush and paint. I lowered my head and pretended to make a draft, while quietly asking for help from my classmates nearby.

At this time, the boy sitting in front of me turned his head and asked, "Did you bring any brushes or paints?" This guy is a "poor student" who gives teachers a headache. He must be gloating now! I nodded helplessly. He gave a strange "oh" and turned around. I thought to myself, no, he must report to the teacher. How could he give up the opportunity to perform better than others? Who would have thought that he would turn back immediately and hand me his own painting tools: "Here." "What about you?" He scratched his forehead and said haltingly: "I... hmm, you can use it! I can't draw well anyway. It's a waste!"

"XX, stand up." The art teacher called his name.

He rose slowly from his seat.

"Don't paint well, talk nonsense." The teacher said as he walked to his desk. "Where are your brushes and paints?"

"No, I didn't."

"Teacher, it is..." I was about to explain to the teacher when my words were interrupted.

"Teacher, it's my fault that my speech in class affects my classmates," he said first.

"Well, it's a good attitude to admit mistakes, so don't do it again. Now make a draft first, and come to my office to paint after class."

Later, my painting won a prize in the competition, which can be attributed to him! I was very grateful to him, so I used it as a thank you to help him make up lessons and let him get rid of the title of "poor student" as soon as possible.

We have become good friends now, and this certificate is the witness of our friendship.

A certificate of award (15)

In order to encourage teachers to compete, a school has developed a certificate of merit incentive law, which stipulates that anyone who participates in activities organized by the school can get a certificate of merit, and one point will be added to the title; If you win the first place in a single subject at the whole level, you can get a certificate of merit and two points for your professional title.

In order to get a certificate of merit, some teachers participate in all kinds of activities, and they are very active. They only want to get a certificate of merit, and they will not participate in any activities without a certificate of merit; In order to get a certificate, some teachers try their best to encourage students to cheat; There are more and more activities in the school, even there is no activity, so we can simply find a reason to organize an activity just to get a certificate of award.

A year later, the school cleaned up the certificates issued during the year, and found such a reality: those teachers who are ready to enter the professional title, as long as they issue certificates and participate in activities, everyone gets a lot of certificates; Almost everyone's single subject score is the first, while those teachers who do not evaluate their professional titles do not participate in any activities organized by the school, and their teaching scores are behind. In order to get the certificate of award, teachers attacked each other with complaints, and the relationship between colleagues was tense.

In the face of this open secret, no one wants to say more. When the exam results come out, it will be worse than before.

Many things, if not restrained, the ugly side of human nature will overflow.

A certificate of award (16)

In life, work and study, everyone often comes into contact with the composition bar. Composition is a way for people to express the relevant knowledge, experience and ideas stored in their memory in written form. I believe many people will find it difficult to write a composition. The following is a carefully arranged award paper composition by Xiao Bian. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

What does a piece of certificate paper mean? An honor? Once proud? A growth? No, she is also carrying a special experience.

"Hurry up, everyone is ready!" The teacher shouted while clapping his hands: "The competition is about to start, everyone should stand by his own bed." It turned out that the annual clothing folding competition has started, and all the students who participated in the competition have already stood in position nervously, eager to try. I am also one of them. I am concentrating on the messy clothes and getting ready.

"Du --" The competition began, and all the players immediately threw themselves into the "battle". Some sort clothes first, with eyes like shuttling machines; Some hands like adding a small motor, quickly playing with clothes; Some students are already sweating and can't find the front and back of their clothes; Other students cried out in a hurry... Fortunately, I came here prepared. I carefully wiggled my clothes, as if making exquisite flower carvings. The sleeves aligned with the sleeves, and the trouser legs aligned with the trouser legs. A pile of clothes that used to be idle on the bed became neat under my skillful hands. I am very satisfied with my 'works'. Looking around, it seems that they are not stacked neatly like mine. I seem to see the glittering award paper waving to me.

"Du --" The whistle sounded again, and all the contestants stopped. I walked confidently by each bed. Suddenly, on the small bed near the door, I saw the work of student X, with clothes and pants stacked separately, socks folded like buns, and the bed sheets were kept very smooth, The whole work looks like a united family waiting for the little master. I feel that the whole person is warming up, and an evil idea comes out of my mind. Looking at the crowd rushing out, I secretly walked to the bedside of classmate X

All afternoon, I was in a panic. Facing the applause of my classmates, I got the certificate of award with regret and fear. When I saw classmate X applauding me warmly, I dared not meet her eyes.

Before school was over, I walked to the teacher hesitantly and fearfully. The teacher smiled and asked me, "What's the matter, Han Xu champion?" I blushed with shame, but I still got up the courage to tell the teacher the little action just now. After saying that, my mind was suddenly relaxed. All the anxiety and shame seemed to run away. I waited for the teacher's criticism, but I didn't expect the teacher to look at me, Smile: "It's still a good boy to know that you can correct your mistakes. If you dare to admit it, it means that you have recognized your mistakes. You should keep this certificate, but you should go to apologize to classmate X. Do you think so?"

"Hmm!" I nodded and ran to classmate X at a brisk pace

This certificate paper contains this unforgettable experience. It tells me that it is also an honor to dare to admit mistakes.

A certificate of award (17)

I knew in my heart that it was impossible for me to win a prize for my little achievement. Because I can't jump rope before, and I never jump rope. This time, our class held a one minute rope skipping competition. In order not to lose face to the group, I carefully trained for several days. During the competition, I only jumped 52 times with all my strength. Let alone winning the prize, I was still 30 times behind the last two.

"Ren Hao showed the spirit of participation and hard work in this rope skipping competition, and we gave her a spiritual encouragement award. I hope..." Before the teacher finished speaking, there was warm applause in the classroom. The students looked at me with friendly eyes. I looked up at the teacher, who had a sincere smile and full of expectations in his eyes. I still hesitated. "Ren Hao." The teacher called again, like the spring breeze blowing his face, like the rain moistening the seedlings.

From the seat to the podium, it's only four or five steps. I don't know how I got there. I can only remember clearly that I bowed deeply to the teacher before receiving the first certificate of award in my life.

The teacher still remembers me, and he still has me in mind. In the past, I thought that the teacher only liked those excellent students, often deliberately did not do homework, and even played some practical jokes, but the teacher was worried. I hold the certificate of award in my hand, and my heart is like the surging river. At the thought of that truancy, the teacher twisted his feet to find me, and I felt my cheeks warm immediately

When I looked up at the teacher again, I had more confidence and determination in my eyes.

A certificate of award (18)

"Hello, teachers and students..." My heart was trembling, and my voice was so "tortuous". It was my speech contest in the fifth grade. To tell the truth, I was particularly unsuccessful, but on the other hand, I was very successful!

"Stop crying, Xiao Ning!", My classmate and I were holding a certificate of award. Tears of grievance flooded my eyes. I tried to prevent it from flowing out. The teacher who took the photo shouted, "Eggplant!" I just couldn't be happy!

After school, I went home again. I lay on the bed and cried loudly. Neither my father nor my mother came back. I was so lonely. Maybe it was me who was wrong. I cried for this kind of thing. I wiped my tears and went to open the door. "Who is it?" The door opened. But no one was there. Just turning back to the room, I found an envelope on the ground -- pick it up, open it, and inside it was a certificate of commendation, "Xiao Ning, excellent performance in the speech contest, so as to encourage!" The big certificate of commendation wrote this sentence, she wrote it so carefully, and after looking carefully, I found that she wrote it once with a pencil, and then wrote it again with a black pen. After reading the certificate, Another piece of paper fell out of the envelope, on which -- "That is just a piece of paper. If you think it is important, I will give it to you. Don't lose heart, don't lose heart. Remember, I will always support you!" After reading these words, the tears that unconsciously stopped came down again

Who else besides her, from kindergarten to now, can understand me so well and talk about my heart?

Higher self became her reason to protect me, and I was used to having a "bodyguard" after school.

A certificate - a piece of paper - just a piece of paper is full of her love.

A certificate of award (19)

In a third grade art interest class, the teacher asked us to prepare our entries, but I forgot to bring my brush and paint. I lowered my head and pretended to make a draft, while quietly asking for help from my classmates nearby.

At this time, the boy sitting in front of me turned his head and asked, "Did you bring any brushes or paints?" This guy is a "poor student" who gives teachers a headache. He must be gloating now! I nodded helplessly. He gave a strange "oh" and turned around. I thought to myself, no, he must report to the teacher. How could he give up the opportunity to perform better than others? Who would have thought that he would turn back immediately and hand me his own painting tools: "Here." "What about you?" He scratched his forehead and said haltingly: "I... hmm, you can use it! I can't draw well anyway. It's a waste!"

"Stand up." The art teacher called his name.

He rose slowly from his seat.

"Don't paint well, talk nonsense." The teacher said as he walked to his desk. "Where are your brushes and paints?"

"No, I didn't."

"Teacher, it is..." I was about to explain to the teacher when my words were interrupted.

"Teacher, it's my fault that my speech in class affects my classmates," he said first.

"Well, it's a good attitude to admit mistakes, so don't do it again. Now make a draft first, and come to my office to paint after class."

Later, my painting won a prize in the competition, which can be attributed to him! I was very grateful to him, so I used it as a thank you to help him make up lessons and let him get rid of the title of "poor student" as soon as possible.

We have become good friends now, and this certificate is the witness of our friendship.