Sharing happy compositions (19 required)
Starlight on a moonlit night
2024-05-26 02:26:04
Junior three

Sharing happy compositions (1)

If growth is compared to a book, happiness is undoubtedly colorful illustrations, making our life interesting. Today, I will tell you about my happiness in growth.


I remember that it was a weekend and coincided with the tail of summer vacation. When I was free, I saw my dirty schoolbag and wanted to exercise myself. Just do it. I first made a basin of clean water, dipped all my schoolbags in water, poured a large bag of washing powder into it (yes, it was a large bag), and then rubbed it vigorously. After a while, a large number of bubbles and sewage appeared, and I ignored them. I thought it would be clean, but when I picked up my schoolbag, I was disappointed. I rubbed it almost in the same place. Some places were very clean, while others were still dirty. But I was not discouraged. I changed the water and started fighting again. At this time, my mother told me that there was no need to put such a large bag of detergent, and detergent hurt my hands. After saying that, he also demonstrated it to me personally. My mother's help was like a timely help, which made me suddenly understand how to wash my schoolbag.

So I changed the basin of water from time to time according to the way my mother said. "Ah! It's finally finished, it's really great!" With the cheering that indicates that I have finished washing, I happily picked up my seemingly new schoolbag, and the corners of my mouth could not help rising. Yes! Who would be unhappy with such a big change in their schoolbags? The original grey cushion became as bright as new; The cloth with a lot of dust has disappeared; The logo on the front of the schoolbag is bright as if it can show people. I couldn't help cheering again and again when I picked up my still wet schoolbag. "I've grown up! I can wash my schoolbag!!"

Through this incident, I understand that happiness is something that you can obtain to make you feel happy as long as you work. So, come on! Let's work hard together to create a happier and better future!

Sharing happy compositions (2)

Sharing often creates a beautiful artistic conception and leads you to the road to success—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Sharing is a wealth. The greatest sport in the world is football. Football is a sharing sport. Eleven people on the field are constantly cooperating and sharing to create opportunities. Teams that are good at cooperation often create beautiful goals. There are two kinds of football in the world, one is Pakistani football, the other is British football. Pakistani football has been based on sharing and passing for hundreds of years since ancient times. English football is good at strength. Based on personal breakthrough, there is no sharing. When Brazilian football meets English football, it goes without saying that Brazilian football will win. This year's European Champions League illustrates this point. Barcelona wins Manchester United.

Sharing is a key. Basketball is a hot sport, and the highest level of basketball is the championship, which has always been the dream of every player. Sharing is an invisible key, which can open the door of dreams. () The championship team of last year stopped in the second round. The Lakers have been good at sharing since ancient times, but this year they fought separately, resulting in disharmony. As Mencius said, "The right time is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the right people." The people and the key here are sharing. Everyone knows the grizzly bears of the "Black Eight", because it is inevitable for them to share success.

Sharing is a good way. Since ancient times, China has formed a national spirit with patriotism as the core, leading the Chinese people to create wealth, always representing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, achieving common prosperity and sharing is the unity of the whole people, and has laid a good foundation for building a well-off society in an all-round way. Sharing also helps China to establish an image of a responsible big country in the world.

Sharing often creates a beautiful artistic conception to lead you to success.

Sharing happy compositions (3)

Sharing happy composition 1

This afternoon, I went to Zhao Xingran's home alone, and we first played shopping. It was like this: the two of us opened a shop, where we could eat or buy things. If we went on a trip, we would stop selling goods. We played for an hour, so we made more and more money! Then, we bought a new shop. Later, we became rich nobles!

Then, we began to play a game of poker. I didn't even know how to take poker. After only playing for one minute, I gave up the game.

Finally, we built a big castle with building blocks. Next to it is the wall. Outside the castle are thick rattan leaves and roses of various colors! In the middle is a big castle. Later, we added the Princess, Prince, King and Queen, which makes it more vivid and beautiful!

Today, I shared happiness with my friends. It's really a happy day

Sharing happy composition 2

As we grow up, the burden increases, the pressure of learning increases, and the happiness decreases. If you want more happiness, you should learn to share your happiness with others. Someone once said that if you tell one happiness to a friend, you will get two happiness. If you tell happiness to multiple friends, you will get a lot of happiness.

Take my writing for example!

One day, I fought with my classmates and was caught by my teacher. It was just a hug to get out of the way; I did poorly in the Chinese final exam because I got more than 10 points because my composition score was 50 points, so my mother asked me to make up my composition during the holiday. My mother also said, "The more I know my shortcomings, the more I will challenge myself." Although I don't believe in my own ability, I still did what my mother said. The first composition I wrote was about fighting with my classmates. After I wrote it, I showed it to the Chinese teacher, who helped me revise it and said it was good. After that, my mother tried to help me contribute on the Internet. After a few minutes, my composition was published on the Internet. It's hard to express my happiness in words now. The first time I shared my happiness with my Chinese teacher, the teacher was also very happy, praised me and encouraged me to make continuous efforts. My mother shared this happiness with my neighbors, and many people gave me thumbs up when they saw me.

Back to school after the holiday, the teacher shared this happy thing with all the students in the class. The students all looked at me with surprised eyes and gave me warm applause, which made me feel how happy and happy I am. After class, many students crowded in my seat and asked me how I did it. I answered every question and shared my achievements with my classmates. Later, I asked my classmates to help me revise my other compositions. Soon, I published another composition, and the students admired me even more. I also share my achievements with my online friends. They praise me and say that my composition is getting better and better. They often encourage me to say, "I look forward to your next composition, come on!" I can't express the happiness I get from it.

I like to share my happiness with others, so I get a lot of happiness. Then, friends, you should also share your happiness with your friends, so that you can get more happiness.

Sharing happy composition 3

Bacon once said: "If you tell happiness to a friend, you will get two happiness, and if you tell sorrow to a friend, you will be divided into half of the sorrow." In life, if you really do this, you will realize how magical it is.

That day, my uncle brought me some rare gadgets from Hangzhou, including puppets. Diabolo, etc. Once I got these things, I was so happy that I wouldn't even let them go. I was playing with diabolo by myself. I didn't want to play for a long time, and I didn't know what was going on. I always thought it was boring. I lay on the table, thinking about why I felt this way. Suddenly, my mind turned and I came up with a wonderful idea - let my good friends play and see if they will feel the same

It was also a chance. I really realized how amazing it was.

When I told my good friend that I had such a rare thing as diabolo, he jumped three feet high happily. Surprised, he asked me, "You can't lie to me, can you? Do you really have the diabolo in the legend?" I nodded proudly, drew diabolo from behind with a smile, and said: "How is it, not bad?" He immediately opened his eyes in surprise and could not put it down. At this time, I looked at his excitement. I felt happy when I was excited. Much happier. I also played diabolo happily with him with a happy smile, which was not boring at all

At that time, I really realized that with friends. When partners share their happiness, how happy they will be!

Sharing happy compositions (4)

"Happy New Year!" The new year has arrived again under the mutual blessing of the public. I am ready to welcome the new year. I look at the heart lake, listen to the voice of my heart, figure out the inner world, and find the true meaning of life. What is my new hope for the New Year?

What is my New Year's resolution? I hope to work together with others. Since I was young, I was always the leader of a team because of my ability, and my whole body was full of pride. But also because of this reason, I was unwilling to cooperate with my teammates, and they no longer trusted me, leaving me out. Gradually, people around me left me. I was so lonely and annoyed, and I began to reflect on myself. Some people say that "unity is strong", indeed! A drop of water can be dried by a pinch of soil, a wave of wind, but thousands of drops of water can support ships together. What's the use of a success? Only through solidarity and cooperation can we not be like a plate of loose sand, which will drift around when the wind blows. In the future, I will try to integrate into the group, accept the opinions of others, respect others, and cooperate with others.

What is my New Year's resolution? I hope I can face setbacks more bravely. When I was young, I had pressure on my schoolwork because of my mother's tight marking. After joining the Chinese language training class, the pressure was even more overwhelming. But when I returned home, I always watched TV, ate snacks, and my mother complained about everything. Even after being scolded by the teacher, I would just hide in the bed and cry. So I hope I can have more courage to face all difficulties. There is a saying that "only plum trees that stand upright in the cold wind can open buds one after another". you bet! Only after the impact of the sea water can the rock stir up beautiful waves; Only after a violent impact can a stone collide into a brilliant spark. This is the case in life. We must go through big storms before we can achieve great things. In the future, when facing setbacks, I will have more courage and come up with solutions.

What is my New Year's resolution? I hope I can share what I have with others. In the past, when others asked me for something, I always said, "You won't take it from others! Go away!" Because I don't know how to share, I made friends leave me one by one, ignoring me. But look at Meimei beside me. She is generous and generous, making many friends around her. At this time, I found that "solo music is not as popular as public music". Sharing is not a "giving", but a "gain", a "gain" that makes others happier. There is a saying that "shared happiness is doubled, shared pain is halved" indeed! When we are willing to sprinkle perfume around, we can not only smell the fragrance around, but also smell the fragrance ourselves. Perhaps, when we know how to share, a candy can also be a joy for poor children. A person who knows how to share, his life is colorful, and a person who does not know how to share, her life is like a pool of stagnant water. The old will not go, the new will not come, and she will always live in her own world. In the future, I will take off the mask of selfishness, build a tower called Sharing, and build a bridge of friendship between people.

In the new year, new hope, new year, new changes, with the blessing of all, I planted the seeds of hope and worked hard to let the flowers of cooperation, courage and sharing bloom one after another. I will make good use of my New Year's wishes and let myself have a happy year.

Sharing happy compositions (5)

Sharing happy compositions with friends (I)

Share happy composition

Share happiness

Life is full of all kinds of fun, like flowers.

Everyone has his own fun. Some people regard reading as a pleasure, and even after busy work, they steal light from the gap of time to study; Some people regard sports as fun. When they can hardly work, they still have to support themselves to catch up with some work; Naturally, eating, drinking, playing and wandering are also regarded as the greatest pleasure. As for those "pleasures" that are inferior to others, there is no need to talk about them. Fun reflects people's mental outlook, moral character and, of course, world outlook. While I regard the joy of sharing experiments with others as fun. A great chemist said, "I like doing experiments with my best friends in the laboratory most because I can get through the difficulties with my friends". Like this chemist, I also like to study interesting experiments in the laboratory with my best friends

One day when I was reading Harry Potter in a book, I saw that his magic wand could easily light the alcohol lamp. I was wondering if I could do it with chemical things without computer stunts? I couldn't control my curiosity, so I found my best friend JIM, and I asked him to go to the laboratory with me to try it. We constantly tried different methods in the laboratory, using white phosphorus and red phosphorus, and various chemicals. But they were unsuccessful, and we began to reflect on what was wrong! Suddenly, JIM called me, "Guan Rui, can we use the product generated by the reaction of potassium permanganate and acid to stick on the stick?", Then inhale concentrated sulfuric acid into the potassium permanganate powder with a dropper, mix the above thick mixture with a stick, stick the potassium permanganate dipped with concentrated sulfuric acid on the wick of the alcohol lamp, and the wick will not be lit immediately. We succeeded. It can be seen that the magic of wizard Harry has also been broken by us. JIM and I smiled for our success. In fact, the theory is that concentrated sulfuric acid and potassium permanganate are strong oxidizing chemicals. Once they contact the alcohol on the alcohol lamp, they will immediately release a lot of heat and reach the alcohol ignition point, so the alcohol lamp will be lit soon.

I like to share the joy of the success of the experiment with others. I prefer the spirit of unyielding and striving towards the goal. "Happiness is the spiritual pillar of a person's life, and sharing happiness is a magic weapon for individuals to win in various social behaviors. If you are a person who loves sharing happiness, you will be unimpeded in your social behaviors!


Steal the joy of success and share the fruits of success

A semester is almost over, and we have a nervous review. In order to let us relax, Mr. Shen specially held an activity of "making dumplings" for us on the day of winter solstice.

Our group sent Xiang Dong and Da Xiang Lihe noodles. Everything comes to him who waits! The scattered flour became obedient children in their hands and immediately became dough. They carried the washbasin to the group table.

We started to make dumplings together. Everyone is working in high spirits. First, we take out the fried stuffing and put it on a small plate. We squeezed a small ball from a large ball of dough, and pressed it gently with our hands into a flat shape, as thin as possible, so that the skin of the cooked dumplings also had the flavor of filling. Then put the prepared stuffing into the freshly made flat and thin dumpling skin. Finally, close the two sides and carefully pinch the frame to make the dumplings have beautiful patterns.

Xiang Dong carefully wrapped the dumplings, but after all, it was the first time to make dumplings. There was a hole in the side and a hole in the side. He pinched the leak well, and added a little flour where there was a gap. The mistake was immediately remedied. Dumplings have various shapes: some are like fried dough sticks, some are like polar bears, and some are like duck heads

Although Zhou Lifeng's performance is poor, his dumplings are unique and vivid. There are also cradles of Baobaoshui, dinosaurs that have long been extinct, and elephants with long noses

The dumplings made by Daxiangli also "deserve the reputation". The shape is the same, the size is the same, and even the amount of stuffing is equal. It can be called a masterpiece of a master.

Although Jiancan is unknown, the dumplings he made are lifelike: that slim girl seems to be dancing her graceful body. "Ha ha, one eye is missing." Xiang Dong seems to have found a new land. Jiancan hurries up with sesame seeds carefully. "That's like words!" Xiang Panpan nodded and said.

Zhou Yilu's dumplings are superb. With her dexterous little hands, we can see the strange animal dumplings one by one: naughty monkeys, lovely white rabbits, lions, the king of the forest

"It's so beautiful!" Xiang Panpan couldn't help saying, "How about mine? It's not bad!" It's so ugly! " Xiang Dong and Zhou Lifeng insulted Xiang Panpan with one voice. "Let me change it," Zhou Lifeng said loudly. With that, he flattened the border of the dumpling, reassembled a pair of lace, squeezed the dumpling, and a delicate dumpling was born.

Zhou Lifeng and Da Xiangli also jointly made "sesame fried dough sticks". Xiang Panpan and Zhou Yilu also jointly made "triangle bags", "four corner bags", "six corner bags", etc. Jiancan stops drooling and says, "Go steam quickly."

In this way, we put a variety of dumplings into several beautiful and clean plates. Panpan, the leader of the group, said in an imperative tone, "All go out. The destination is the canteen."

After ten minutes of waiting, the steaming dumplings finally started cooking. The other groups cast envious glances one by one. We ate our own dumplings with relish, and we were very happy.

The idea of "what you own is delicious!" came into every group member's mind. "Stealing the joy of success and sharing the fruits of success" is the wish of our group and the expectation of every child!


Share happiness with friends

If you had five apples, what would you do? An old man asked a young student who came to learn martial arts a strange question. The young student replied without thinking, I will eat one myself, and the other four will be given to friends. The old man came to be interested. "Why?" The old man seemed very satisfied with the answer, "When I eat an apple, I can taste the taste of the apple. When I eat five apples, I still taste the taste of the apple. It's better to share with others than let others taste the taste of the apple. The taste of five apples turns into one apple and four happiness. Why not?" In this way, this young man was left behind by the master of exquisite art.

Sharing happiness with others does not mean that you are reducing happiness, but increasing happiness.

Last summer vacation, I went out for a trip, which made me very happy. It was like saying, "Happiness is like a fairy". I really "swam" the mountain and "played" the water!

When the summer vacation ended, I was still immersed in the happiness, smiling every day and looking like a happy person. Careful, she found it and came to me after class: "Pistachio, what makes you so happy?" I said: "I told you, I went to Hengdian in the summer vacation, which is a famous film and television base! It's fun!" A little surprise flashed in her eyes, "Oh, in fact, I also want to go with my mother during the summer vacation, but she is too busy. It seems fun to watch the advertisements on the bus, isn't it? Tell me about it quickly! I'm so curious!"

After she sat down, I began to talk like the Yellow River that had broken its bank: "The next day was the most fun! We went to a place called 'Shuixiang Village' to play, where we could see mountain torrents breaking out and also splash water! At night, everyone was waiting quietly. After a while, there was an" artificial "downpour in the sky, and the mountain began to" flood "again, The flood roared down the mountain, scaring the "grandpa" and "grandma" down the mountain. The flood directly rushed into the pool below the mountain, and the water in the pool grew more and more until my shins stopped. At this time, the water splashing officially started! Really, I have the courage to go down to the pool and splash with others, not only throwing others into a "drowned rat", but also becoming a "drowned pig"! Ho ho! " After listening to her, she smiled happily, "Ha ha, it's so funny! I really want to see what you look like when you become a" pig in soup "!"

I burst out laughing, "Ha ha! How did you listen to my explanation? Is it funny?" She shook her head and said it was not satisfying. I said, "We also went to a place called" Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival ". There is a haunted house in it. I tell you, people went in and cried out in high spirits. Then he made a face to show her. She covered her stomach and shouted, "Ouch, ouch! You are so funny. I don't have to go after listening to you." I was even happier after hearing her words.

Now, I understand the meaning of Bacon's words! "If you tell a friend happiness, you will get two happiness!" Yes! Don't I get two happiness now?


Share the joy of success

With success and happiness, how can we truly experience its joy? With this question in mind, today I read Ye Mingzhu's work The Joy of Sharing. After reading this article, I benefited a lot.

The article tells a story: father and son competed on the lake. The father was more skillful. The son was unconvinced and kept practicing. Finally, he surpassed his father once, but the father did not see or appreciate his child. The little boy who has always been naughty and strong unexpectedly shed tears of injustice. This story tells me that when a person succeeds, he needs someone to share the joy with him.

What impressed me most in the article is that my son practiced again and again to surpass his more skilled father, and finally got a good result of 11 drifts, while his father showed a suspicious look, which made the strong boy cry. Finally, the father found out the reason why his son was sad: no one shared the fruits of his victory with him. In the article, my son said, "It's not easy for me to play 11 games, but you haven't seen". Reading here reminds me that I have had the same experience. The school held a dictation contest. After careful review, I got full marks. I was very happy. I wanted to go home early and tell my father the good news. As soon as I entered the house, I reported good news to my father. But while reading the newspaper, my father did not look up and said, "It's no big deal, this is the right thing to do." My heart was cold and I was no longer happy. Dad, do you know? How I want to hear your praise for me, even if it is a sentence!

I remember when I was in the third grade, I wrote an ideological and moral social survey assignment and won the District Award for Excellence. When I told my mother the good news, she kissed me first, and then said, "My daughter is wonderful!" Do you know? I feel happier than winning the prize, because my mother shared happiness with me!

Bacon once said, "If you tell your happiness to a friend, you will get two happiness" Yes. Even if you enjoy delicious food alone, it is tasteless; If no one knows and pays attention to a success, it will be eclipsed. Sharing together will make the sweetness sweeter, the fragrance sweeter, and the happiness happier. So I hope that when a person succeeds, someone can share this joy with him!


Share happiness

Life is full of all kinds of fun, like flowers.

Everyone has his own fun. Some people regard reading as a pleasure, and even after busy work, they steal light from the gap of time to study; Some people regard sports as fun. When they can hardly work, they still have to support themselves to catch up with some work; Naturally, eating, drinking, playing and wandering are also regarded as the greatest pleasure. As for those "pleasures" that are inferior to others, there is no need to talk about them. Fun reflects people's mental outlook, moral character and, of course, world outlook. And I regard the happiness of sharing experiments with others as fun. A great chemist said, "I like doing experiments with my good friends in the laboratory best because I can do experiments with me

Sharing happy compositions (6)

Sharing is a joy 700 (1)

Sharing is also a kind of happiness

The earth is the mother of mankind and the cradle of life. They all know how to share.

The sun knows how to share. It shares the warm sunshine with everything on the earth, making all creatures feel warm; The river knows how to share, so we can drink cool and delicious spring water; Rain also knows how to share, because it can share, so it nourishes all things, so that all things will not die of thirst, charming.

Sharing is a magical thing, which will make happy people happy. When a person plays with his favorite things, it is Dulele. Sharing such things is public lele, that is, everyone will feel happy.

I remember one time, my cousin was coming to my house, and I was panicked when I heard her name. You should know that my cousin is a famous "king of destruction". Everywhere she went, her toys killed and injured countless people. The toys she touched were all less than one arm and less than one leg. In short, my cousin's "lethality" was very amazing. Seeing my cousin coming soon, I had a brainwave at the time of burning eyebrows, and a brilliant plan flashed through my mind. Or hide the toys! No, no! What if they are found? The toy will still be broken in arms and legs. It's better to teach your cousin to love toys than to be so nervous. yes! Just do it! "Pa pa pa!" A familiar sound of footsteps came from outside the door. It was my cousin. As soon as she came in, I generously gave her all the toys to play with. When she saw them, she played without hesitation, with a smile on her ruddy face. I couldn't help laughing at her smile.

"Cousin, I tell you that toys have lives. You should take care of toys, or they will cry!" I said to my cousin. "Ah?" exclaimed her cousin in surprise. "I will treat toys as well as my sister does to her." She hugged her and gently stroked its head. "You can play, sister!" My cousin handed me a Barbie. "OK, let's play together!" I took the Barbie and smiled at my cousin. She also smiled at me. It was a happy day. Through this event, I understand that sharing will bring happiness to people.

Grade 6 of Taishun Experimental Primary School in Wenzhou, Zhejiang: Xia Ruoyu

Sharing is a joy 700 (2)

"Companion" of life - sharing

Lu Xin, Class 6, Danxi Primary School

Someone said, "Our life is made up of countless pictures to share with others." If life lacks the "companion" of sharing, it will become dull and boring.

Previously, I was an extremely "stingy" little girl. I didn't know how to pass happiness on to people around me and how to make friends with strangers. Therefore, I was very lonely. Every time on weekends, I envy the children downstairs when they are enjoying themselves.

That time, I sat at the door of my house staring at the blue sky. "Hello, sister." A strange little girl called me back. I looked at her and wondered: Who is she? Do I know? "Sister, can I make friends with you?" I was so surprised that I blurted out, "OK." "That's great. My name is Yubai. What's your name?" "My name is Lu Xin." "Now that we have become good friends, would you like to come to my home to play?" She said expectantly. "Of course!" I was overjoyed and finally made friends!

When she arrived at her home, she held all her "treasures" out and introduced them to me one by one, just like an experienced guide introducing the scenery along the way to me. When I took out the doll, I exclaimed, "What a lovely doll. Then you will have a happy life. From her, I know the true meaning of "people are happy when they are happy; people are worried when they are worried".

Since I made her a friend, I found myself "assimilated" by Pei Pei. Now I have changed my appearance and become lively, cheerful and straightforward. She really looks like a magic magician, and instantly transformed me. It's incredible!

Sharing is the "companion" of life! Share the pain with others, and the pain will be reduced by half; Sharing happiness with others will double happiness.

Sharing is a joy 700 (III)

Sharing is a joy 700 (4)

Sharing is a joy 700 (5)

There is a kind of happiness called sharing

zhong xue

Once a boy asked his father, "Daddy, why are oranges one by one?" His father told him, "Oranges divide themselves into small pieces so that more people can share their sweetness.". Orange is a wise man, because it knows how to let others share themselves, and will make itself happier. I remember a little story: two fishing masters often go fishing together by the reservoir. These two people, depending on their own abilities, showed their skills and gained a lot each time.

Tourists nearby admired the ease with which these two masters caught fish. So some people bought fishing rods to try their luck. Unexpectedly, these tourists who are not good at this way have no success in fishing.

As for the two fishing masters, their personalities are totally different. One of them is a loner who doesn't care about others and enjoys fishing alone. The other expert is a warm-hearted, bold and unconstrained person who likes to make friends. The expert who loves making friends saw that tourists could not catch fish and said, "Well, let me teach you how to fish. If you learn the method I taught you, give me one for every ten fish you catch, and don't give me less than ten fish you catch." The two sides hit it off and agreed happily.

After teaching this group of people, the fishing master went to another group of people and was very busy. One day, the helpful fishing master spent all his time guiding the anglers. What he got was a huge basket of fish and a large group of new friends. At the same time, he said "teacher" to the left and "teacher" to the right, which was highly respected.

Another fishing expert who came with me didn't enjoy this kind of fun. When everyone learned to fish around his companion, he was even more lonely. I spent a whole day fishing and looked at the fish in the bamboo basket. I got far less than my companions. A fishing master who loves to help others shares his own fishing methods with others, so that others will gain more and he will gain more. Someone said, "If you share your happiness with one person, you will reap two happiness. If you share your happiness with ninety-nine people, you will enjoy one hundred happiness." What a happy and warm word sharing is! In our school, the upcoming activity is a sharing activity that will give more than 2000 students the opportunity to participate. What kind of activity is that? I think many students should know that, yes, it is to set up an open reading post station. In order to broaden the students' knowledge horizon and improve their cultural taste, the school leaders decided to set up an open reading post station, and put bookshelves on the corridors of each building. On the bookshelves will be all kinds of exquisite books brought by students. One book is small to us, but now your books, my books, and books brought by each of our students are all together, Every book can be transferred in the hands of the whole school, so the ocean of knowledge flows. Here, you can enjoy reading and bathing in the endless fragrance of books. However, students, the problem is that this reading post station is completely open. There is no glass, door or lock on the bookshelf. We can take down our favorite books from the bookshelf at any time and anywhere. Even if a few students take books home, they may not be found, This is a big test for the integrity of every student present and whether they can consciously abide by the rules. Students, can your integrity stand the test? The teacher has every reason to believe that the students will not rob the books, tear the books, scribble on the books, or take the books home secretly, will they? Of course, school leaders and teachers will certainly come up with a lot of bad behaviors to deal with the very few students who like to use their brains. Mr. Lv is here to solemnly remind the students not to use their brains. If you are caught, you will lose a lot. Think about it, when you are not allowed to read any of the books on the shelf, you will lose the opportunity to share more than 2000 books, and also lose the opportunity to increase knowledge and expand knowledge. Of course, what's more frightening is that your reputation will be wiped out. Everyone will look at you with different eyes. Boy, can you bear such eyes? Yes, it's hard to bear. Therefore, students must firmly remember the four words "integrity reading". Only when every student reads with integrity can our good books live long and our bookshelves are always full.

Finally, I hope that students will be happy to share their good books with more people, and I hope that students will become better and more outstanding because they have shared the good books of more than 2000 students in the school! Of course, what we hope most is that each of us can have a business card of "honest reading".

Sharing is a joy 700 (6)

Sharing is a joy

Living in this bleak world, we have too much, but also desire too much. You may as well put it down, put everything down, and then you will have an unimaginable feeling.

Let go, we dare not let go, because let go, it means loss. Greedy human, when can we understand that it is not painful to let go.

In learning, we compete bravely and fight to the death; In life, what you wear, I also wear what, climb a peak; At home, what you eat, I want the same size, fight for equality; In society, what he does and what he gets, I also want to get jealous eyes. If we can put these aside and cooperate in learning and competition, we can learn together; In life, what you wear, I wear my, each style; At home, what you eat, you eat, I order; In society, what he does is his ability. I should learn, and we will be relaxed and happy.

It's a good thing to look down on something. Maybe my story is just your footprints, maybe my words are just your childishness. However, in the face of your confused eyes, please use my thinking advantages to help you make a journey.

When I was young, my mother taught me: "One should be able to take it and put it down.". At that time, I just understood that it was a successful person's demeanor and a magnanimity. When I grew up, I realized that the predecessor of a successful person was also an ordinary person who could afford and let go. Success is not achieved overnight, just as "failure is the mother of success". It takes countless failures to be truly successful. However, failure is not a bad thing. We should be "the style of a winner" - we can accept failure, but we cannot accept giving up. I just want to let go of everything and be a simple child. Watching the moon and counting stars under the night sky is my pure wish. I realized it silently, and put it down quietly.

In fact, the most worthwhile thing in the world is not to pay, nor is it dedication, but simply put it down. Putting down is also a kind of happiness.

Huang Jiaqi, the third day of the third middle school of new cadres

Sharing is a joy 700 (7)

Learning to share is a kind of happiness

The day of the entrance exam is approaching day by day, and the students are all engaged in the tense review stage.

One morning, I went to the class to check the recitation of poems. Before I entered the door, I heard the classroom was noisy. When I pushed the door, I saw that some students were talking, some rushed to other people's positions, and some were under the desks. Seeing this scene, I was full of anger and asked: "Students, what are you doing without reading?" The classroom immediately quieted down, and some students began to read quietly. I think something must have happened in the class, otherwise, how can the students who usually obey the discipline behave differently today? My eyes scanned the classroom for a week and found that there was a girl student with excellent academic performance in our class wiping her tears. I walked up to the girl student and whispered, "Read first, and come to my office after class."

After class, she came to my office. I smiled and asked, "Why are you crying in the classroom today? Who bullied you? Tell the teacher." She bowed her head, bit her lips and did not speak. "If you don't tell me, how can the teacher decide for you?" I said jokingly when I saw that she was silent. She replied with a sad face: "My classmates said I was selfish!" I was a little confused: "Why do people say you are selfish. So she treasured the materials as a treasure, and reviewed them quietly in her spare time. She wanted to get a good result in the entrance exam and could go to key high schools. But she was found by her deskmate, which caused the dissatisfaction of the whole class. Everyone attacked her together, saying that she only cared about herself and had no sense of collectivism.

So it was. Looking at her who was still wiping away tears, I smiled and said, "Don't cry. Do you still remember the teacher's saying to you, 'Give roses and leave fragrance in your hands'? In our class, you must learn to share with your classmates. Sharing is a joy and a spiritual relief. By sharing your own things, the ice wall between you and your classmates will gradually melt, and you can feel the joy of sharing. If you don't share anything with others and close yourself in a 'secret room', your heart can only be a closed and lonely space. And every kind of happiness and pain in life needs to be shared with others to make it valuable. Sharing is the basis of friendship. If you don't share with others, you are doomed to be lonely, and even make your classmates despise you. Are you very upset and helpless today? Remember that sharing is the premise of happiness! " She nodded knowingly: "Teacher, I know what to do." She left with a smile of satisfaction. People say that the responsibility of a teacher is to "teach and educate people". Only teaching but not educating people is a failure of education. Yes! As a teacher, we should always grasp the students' ideological trends, be good at finding problems, and be able to guide students in a timely and correct manner, inspire students, and cultivate their ability to distinguish right from wrong.

Sharing is a joy 700 (8)

Sharing is a kind of happiness. I often have meetings outside and bring back some good local tea to share with tea friends. Over time, tea friends came to my office every other time to enjoy a cup of good tea. Some opened the door to the mountain and said, "What good tea is there to share with you?" Some simply brought their own cups and utensils, and opened the cupboard to get tea. I always think that although I am the owner of this good tea, as long as I put it in the office, this tea is everyone's. So I often prepare some envelopes and paper bags in case that some tea friends have to bring back a brew of tea to share with other tea friends when they still have something to offer. To share good tea in the office is actually to share a joy, a happiness, and a casual touch. At the same time, it can also enhance the understanding between tea friends. If we interpret the word "sharing" in a real sense, it is not just a cup of tea sharing, but an attitude of "awareness and dedication". Chinese Zen tea culture has four major functions of "gratitude, tolerance, sharing and affinity". To analyze the "sharing" in Zen tea culture from the spiritual level, just as the eminent monk Dade Jinghui understood the word "sharing" - "using points"

Sharing happy compositions (7)

Happy to share Excellent composition

In daily study, work or life, everyone has the experience of writing a composition. I know a lot about composition. Composition is a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from a concise and concise language that can be understood by oneself through compression to an external language form that is developed, has a standardized grammatical structure and can be understood by others. Is there no clue when writing a composition? The following is an excellent composition shared by Xiaobian for everyone. Welcome to read and treasure it.

Tintin Monkey is an intelligent inventor who always likes to invent something strange. The little animals like him very much and have always been very popular.

One day, he invented a new game machine. He invited all his good friends to his home to play. Ding Ding taught them how to play. Everyone had a great time!

However, after a few days, Ding Ding became impatient. Silently think: "These little fools" can do nothing. You want to play with my invention. Hum! Ding Ding rudely drove his friends out of the house.

Ding Ding began to enjoy his invention alone. At first, he was happy. Before long, he was dizzy. What's more strange, he felt colder and colder, so he had to shrink into the quilt. He thought, "Why is my room getting colder and colder, and my heart getting more and more lonely?"

At this time, the little panda Bobo saw Ding Ding in the room and rushed in without saying a word. Bobo immediately warms him with his own body, and Ding Ding slowly recovers to normal, which makes him feel the care of his friends. He was ashamed and said, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have driven you away. Can you invite them back?"

Friends came again. Ding Ding and everyone had fun. He was happy only when he understood sharing!

Sharing happy compositions (8)

Ah! Finally, I'm looking forward to the May Day holiday. I got up early this morning. Ah! Father Sun has already seen through my mind, and he is also happy to smile and blush.

We chatted on the road, and came to Weifang Fuhua Amusement Park unconsciously. I ran in happily. I saw the exciting roller coaster, the slow Ferris wheel, and the rushing torrent

I got on the hot air balloon first, and my father also got on the hot air balloon. "Dad, how about a fight between father and son?" I said confidently. I pressed the red button and rose into the air. When I saw that my father was still under me, I was complacent. Wow! Dad is a late mover. Why is the speed so fast? At once, he was far ahead of me. I was in a hurry. I pressed the buttons back and forth, but it didn't help. Dad won. This made me understand that when we have achieved a little, we should not be conceited.

Then I sat on the Ferris wheel, and I felt an indescribable feeling after I sat on it. Up to the highest point, I looked down and was very surprised. Oh, my God! It's so high. People with acrophobia would have been scared to death earlier? After drinking the milk, I threw the bag down like a snowflake. When I just let go, I regretted it. Isn't it destroying the environment?

This May Day, I had a good time!

Sharing happy compositions (9)

Take out your happiness and share it with others, and you will reap double happiness. Moreover, in that happiness, there are not only friends who are happy for you, but also friends who encourage and cheer you on. Why not exchange a share of happiness for double happiness?

I remember that time - it was my first time to participate in the composition contest. I was very happy and excited, but in addition, my heart was full of fear. I was afraid that if I didn't write well, I would lose my reputation. Therefore, I was dizzy all day long and worried a lot.

In the afternoon, when I came home from school, I told my sister about it. At first, my sister was surprised and asked me if it was true. I nodded and told her my concern. My sister smiled and patted my head and said, "Little writer, what's troubling?" I nodded in despair and said, "Sister... stop joking, I, you don't know, belong to the kind of person who falls off the chain at the critical moment "In addition, write well, don't think too complicated. Come on! I believe my sister is the best!" I tried to squeeze a smile from my face to give it to my sister. Then he went into the room and wrote a piece of his best article - "Believe in Yourself" in his best language and font.

Sharing happy compositions (10)

Children's Day is coming, what a grand festival. There are so many people in the shopping mall that most of them are parents who bring their children to buy holiday gifts. Caier took 10 yuan, pushed the car, crowded in the crowd, and selected his favorite toys.

As she walked, she suddenly saw a little boy crying sadly in the corner. Caier came forward and asked curiously, "Why are you crying?"

"I... Mom won't buy me toys because... I failed my exam..." The boy whispered to Caier.

Caier felt sorry for him. After thinking about it, he slowly reached out and put 10 yuan into the boy's hand. The little boy saw it and said gratefully, "Thank you, sister."

Caier pushed the cart away with a limp face. She was a little disappointed. She felt that she had one yuan left in her pocket and could only buy bubble gum. She put her car aside to buy bubble gum. When Caier came back, there was a bag of sugar in the car and a note beside it, which said: "Thank you, sister, for sharing a happiness with me in this happy festival.". This is a packet of sugar for you. I hope you can share this happiness. Caier looked at it and suddenly felt a warm stream of tears

Sharing is a state of mind of fraternity, learning to share is learning to live; Sharing is a belief in life. If you understand sharing, you will understand the value of your own existence; Sharing is a kind of depth of thought. When you think deeply, you also share the joys and sorrows of growth.

While others get the happiness you give, we also get unexpected gifts from ourselves.

Zhu Yuefei, Grade 3, Junwei Primary School, Huadu District, Guangzhou

Sharing happy compositions (11)

Share happiness

Bacon once said, "If you tell happiness to a friend, you will get two happiness, and if you tell sorrow to a friend, you will be divided into half of the sorrow." Whenever I am happy, I will share the joy with my friends.

One Sunday morning, my aunt came to see me with fresh oranges early in the morning. I was very excited. While eating fresh and sweet oranges, I played in the park. Suddenly, a boy in a blue T-shirt appeared in front of me. The boy squatted under a big banyan tree, and the sleeve of his clothes was dirty by something. I curiously walked in and saw that it was Wang Wen. We were neighbors and often played together. However, he seemed to have cried. I asked him why he cried in a friendly way, but he didn't say a word. In order to make him happy, I will touch his happiness with my own happiness. I handed him the orange in my hand, and told him the funny scene of my playing in the park at the same time. Wang Wen's listless face smiled on the road. Seeing that he listened so carefully, I would work harder. I talked with relish, and at the same time I felt that I was also very happy. Wang Wen kept asking me some questions, It seems that he is also intoxicated with my happiness. After that, we also ate oranges together. Our hands were covered with the smell of oranges.

On this day, I not only ate delicious oranges, but also gained the taste of sharing happiness with others. Sharing happiness with others will make others happy and make yourself happier


Sharing... is a simple and difficult word. When you are sad, you can tell your friends, share your worries with your friends, and you will be happier; When you are happy, share your happiness with your friends to make them happy; When I am sad, sharing can also bring me happiness. Friends will comfort and encourage me

If I had unlimited happiness, I would share it with everyone instead of selfishly "hiding". If I choose to hide, it will be a loss. It doesn't matter if you hide and don't tell everyone. But after a period of time, this happiness will be lost. When I want to know what this happiness is, if I forget it and don't tell others, and others don't know it, I will lose?

If I were you, I would definitely choose the first one. Share with everyone. I am happy. I will tell my grandparents at the first time that they will be happy for me, not sad. I will tell my best classmates Zhang Xiaonan, Chen Zhixin and Qiao Danni at the first time to make them happy. Let's share and play together.

Listening to the book said: when you share happiness with others, you will have two happiness; When you open your heart and take out your precious things? Dang? Share with e people? r, You will understand that sharing is beautiful. What is sharing? When it rains heavily, you are impatient and complain that the bad temper of God prevents you from going home? r, When I looked up, I saw a piece of red, covering the dark sky. When I looked back, I saw the smiling faces of my classmates. You know, sharing is happy, just like an umbrella covering the rain.

When we share happiness, happiness is not only a feeling, but also a harmony. I have a friend who always smiles on her face. She is strange. Is she happy? R Wait to laugh, but when we are sad, we also laugh... Maybe we can't be sad? Wait for laughter, then use a pain, too? End of line

Sharing is a state of mind of fraternity. Learn to share, and you will learn to live.

Sharing is a kind of depth of thought. When you think deeply, you share your friend's pain.

Sharing is a belief in life. When we understand sharing, we also understand the meaning of existence.

In a word, sharing is a kind of happiness. It is a different kind of happiness.

One apple for one person. You can only get a delicious meal. One apple, shared by two people, can not only get delicious food. You will also gain an extra joy. That's what I got.


Sharing... is a simple and difficult word. When you are sad, you can tell your friends, share your 'sadness with your friends, and you will be happier; When you are happy, share your happiness with your friends to make them happy; When I am sad, sharing can also bring me happiness. Friends will comfort and encourage me

If I had unlimited happiness, I would share it with everyone instead of selfishly "hiding". If I choose to hide, it will be a loss. It doesn't matter if you hide and don't tell everyone. But after a period of time, this happiness will be lost. When I want to know what this happiness is, if I forget it and don't tell others, and others don't know it, I will lose?

If I were you, I would definitely choose the first one. Share with everyone. I am happy. I will tell my grandparents at the first time that they will be happy for me, not sad. I will tell my best classmates Zhang Xiaonan, Chen Zhixin and Qiao Danni at the first time to make them happy. Let's share and play together.

Listening to the book said: When you share happiness with others, you will have two happiness; When you open your heart and take out your precious things? Dang? Share with e people? r, You will understand that sharing is beautiful. What is sharing? When it rains heavily, you are impatient and complain that the bad temper of God prevents you from going home? r, When I looked up, I saw a piece of red, covering the dark sky. When I looked back, I saw the smiling faces of my classmates. You know, sharing is happy, just like an umbrella covering the rain.

When we share happiness, happiness is not only a feeling, but also a harmony. I have a friend who always smiles on her face. She is strange. Is she happy? R Wait to laugh, but when we are sad, we also laugh... Maybe we can't be sad? Wait for laughter, then use a pain, too? End of line

Sharing is a state of mind of fraternity. Learn to share, and you will learn to live.

Sharing is a kind of depth of thought. When you think deeply, you share your friend's pain.

Sharing is a belief in life. When we understand sharing, we also understand the meaning of existence.

In a word, sharing is a kind of happiness. It is a different kind of happiness.

One apple for one person. You can only get a delicious meal. One apple, shared by two people, can not only get delicious food. You will also gain an extra joy. That's what I got.

Sharing is a joy

In this world, I think happiness is the most important. People should always try to keep a happy mood. In this way, you will be full of enthusiasm for life. More importantly, when you find happiness, you must share it with others, because happiness can be passed on. Just like farming, the more seeds you sow, the more you will reap. Every day, we find happiness from every corner. A good book, a humorous sentence, and some interesting TV programs will always make you have a good mood for the day. For me, it is my greatest wish to travel around the world, and I always dream of being a live host of TV programs, so that I can share my happiness with you most. In the process of sharing happiness, I also found that many people around me have a unique field to explore happiness, which is often lacking by others. People need to communicate with each other. If you don't notice, you will find happiness can also collide with brilliant sparks. In every communication, we will gain friendship, knowledge and happiness. Try to find happiness and share it heartily. Sharing itself is a kind of rare happiness.

Sharing is a joy

Every day, we find happiness from every corner. A good book, a humorous sentence, and some interesting TV programs will always make you have a good mood for the day. For me, it is my greatest wish to travel around the world, and I always dream of being a live host of TV programs, so that I can share my happiness with you most.

In the process of sharing happiness, I also found that many people around me have a unique field to explore happiness, which is often lacking by others. People need to communicate with each other. If you don't notice, you will find happiness can also collide with brilliant sparks. In every communication, we will gain friendship, knowledge and happiness.

Try to find happiness and share it heartily. Sharing itself is a kind of rare happiness.


Life is happy because of sharing.

Happiness can be shared, food can be shared, happiness can be shared, experience can also be shared, even sadness can be shared. So I say that life is full of happiness and warmth through sharing.

Take sharing your worries for example! Many people tell their friends about their worries and ask them to think for you. Even I think so.

Once, I was unhappy all day, and I had a headache, a worse mood, and a very grumpy temper. When I returned to my dormitory after school, a close friend of mine came up to me and asked me what was wrong, and comforted me that it didn't matter. Don't you want to be happy in your life? If all people are like you, they will live many years less! Life @ Focus on happiness! He made me laugh through tears.

Later, I summarized that life should be happy. Even if life is sour, sweet, bitter and spicy, life also has many hardships. No matter how big or small, as long as you stick to it, you will win, and you can break this barrier.

Sometimes, life is also full of ups and downs. If there are no ups and downs in one's life, it will not have much value. If life is not shared, there will be no happiness.

Life is so bumpy and sharing is indispensable.

Sharing is the first thing in life. We should put sharing first, and communicate with people more, so that more friends will come to you.

Life is happy because of sharing.

Share happiness

Giving is happiness, receiving is happiness, learning is happiness, and playing is also happiness. However, I think sharing is the happiest.

Sharing can be that when a classmate doesn't bring a book, they lend it to him; It can be that when a classmate encounters difficulties, everyone helps him; It can be that when the student can't answer the question, everyone will tell him carefully. Even borrowing pencils, erasers and rulers is sharing.

That's the fourth grade thing. On that day, I was reading the composition newspaper with great interest, but I happened to see my composition "Family Animation Fans" published in the newspaper. I am ecstatic to know this news. Who can I share it with? Well, just tell Li Mingyu! I took the newspaper and walked happily to Li Mingyu's seat. "Look!" I pointed to my composition. "My article was published!" He immediately stood up from his seat and was more excited than I: "Wow, you are great! Congratulations!" At that time, I really realized the meaning of the sentence "If you tell a friend about happiness, you will get two happiness". I think I am the happiest person in the world!

Sharing is not only everywhere on campus, but also everywhere in life. On the bus, you can always see young people giving up their seats to the elderly; At the railway station, you can help others carry luggage at any time; On the road, you can always meet the situation of leading the way for people who don't know the way but have urgent matters

My head teacher, Ms. Shen, whose daughter is a senior high school student in Shijiazhuang No. 2 Middle School, often goes to Shijiazhuang to visit her daughter on Sundays in order to save her daughter's time, instead of letting her run back. Every time I go there, I eat, use and wear a lot of things. This time, because the school had a meeting, the time was delayed. After arriving at the station, the time to leave the bus was only two minutes. The teacher was very worried. At this time, a strange man helped the teacher carry the luggage. At the last moment, the teacher, with the help of the stranger, squeezed onto the train.

The world is so beautiful because of sharing. Life is enriched, passionate and colorful because of sharing. Because sharing is happy!

Feeling after reading

In the article, it was only written that an old man had two pieces of candy and gave one piece to a little boy. They were sucking sweetly and enjoying the happiness. There are no flowery words and beautiful sentences, but in these plain words, I can understand the meaning of the article: share happiness. It turns out that happiness and happiness are everywhere just like sunshine. A person, as long as he has two pieces of candy in his arms, one piece is generously given to others, and the other piece is left to savor carefully, there will be real happiness like a spring, and real happiness will come easily. Have a share of happiness, share happiness with others, bring happiness to others, and then harvest more happiness, naturally you will get more happiness, and happy life will be realized in this beautiful cycle. On the contrary, if you have a happiness but don't share it with others, and if you are stingy and exclusive, others will not feel happy, and you can only taste your own happiness, big or small. Then another kind of lonely life will also appear in this bad cycle - you do not share happiness with others, and others will not give you happiness. Spend this life in such a day without a smile, won't you be lonely? As long as you carry two candies and share them generously, you can have a happy time and a happy life.

Sharing Happy Compositions (12)

Sharing happy essays (I)

Happiness is easy to find. As long as you are careful, you can find happiness in life. I don't know if you have found it. If you do, remember to share it with everyone.

Happiness is simple, happiness is around you. A joke from my classmates is happy, playing games is happy, playing football is happy, playing basketball is even more happy for me, and everyone is happy when sharing happiness... Sharing happiness is a beautiful thing. When there is a joke, everyone laughs together; Play games and enjoy together; We play football together, and we play basketball together. All this is about sharing happiness. Maybe happiness is so simple. Playing basketball every day is my happiness. I am sharing happiness when I don't play with my classmates; Painting every day is Xiaowei's happiness. Teaching others to paint is to share happiness; Practicing calligraphy every day is Xiaochi's happiness. Teaching others to practice calligraphy is to share happiness; Playing table tennis every day is a joy for Xiao Wang and Xiao Xin. Challenging others is a joy to share.

Look at the world with an optimistic attitude. The world is full of happiness; Look at things with a calm mind, and you will see both sides of things. In fact, we are sharing happiness all the time. Sometimes, it's just because you haven't tasted carefully. It's easy to share happiness. When you speak to me, happiness is everywhere and laughter is everywhere.

Sharing is heart to heart exchange; Sharing is the transmission of love; Share, let us from now on more a world, more a love; More love; Let's share happiness; Sharing feelings; Share the beautiful world

Sharing Happy Essays (II)

Sharing is a kind of happiness and a kind of spiritual relief. Whenever you have something happy or unhappy to tell your friends, you will feel the whole person is happy. In fact, to share every bit of life with others is to convey the feelings between each other by heart.

Sharing is a kind of happiness and a kind of spiritual relief. Whenever you have something happy or unhappy to tell your friends, you will feel the whole person is happy. In fact, to share every bit of life with others is to convey the feelings between each other by heart.

The school held a book donation activity. Each student can donate his favorite books to more students. Let's take our class for example. The students in our class had only one day to donate books, which had already "piled up like a mountain" and kept the male student who copied the book name busy. Of course, I am no exception. I also donated my four favorite books to the school, which shows how loving our classmates are! Later, we also held a good book recommendation meeting during the squadron activities. Each student who was selected took his favorite book to the podium to briefly introduce the contents, interesting parts and touching feelings of the book, so that everyone can understand the book more. If you like to read it, you can also find this student to take a look. Moreover, my classmates borrowed books from me, and I am also happy to share my good books with her. This is sharing fun.

There is a story about Mother Teresa: once, he heard a news that a Hindu family had nothing to eat for several days, so she took some rice and ran to their home. Before the nun could figure it out, the mother of the family had divided the rice into two parts and sent one of them to the Muslim neighbor. The nun asked her, "How much can each of you eat? I only give you a little rice, and you have ten members. How can you eat enough?" The mother only replied, "They have nothing to eat.

The mother in this story gives us the highest interpretation of "sharing", because her answer restores the original bright background of life, and lets us understand that sharing is a kind of happiness and happiness of life.

By sharing your own things, the ice wall between you and others will gradually melt, making people feel the great pleasure of sharing. If you don't share anything with others and close yourself in a "secret room", your heart can only be a closed and lonely space, and you can't live in the same world with others. And every kind of happiness and pain in life needs to be shared with others to make it valuable.

Sharing is the foundation of fraternity, and those who do not share their feelings with others are doomed to loneliness. Let's take action and learn to share with others. The shared world is beautiful!

Sharing happy compositions (13)

Nobel has not only created many great deeds, but also is willing to donate the huge amount of money he has received to set up the Nobel Fund, which is admirable. It also makes the winner of the Nobel Prize every year how ecstatic. When receiving the prize, he is so excited that he immediately tears, and his heart is even more excited and moved, It also makes future generations have unlimited memories of Nobel's great sentiments.

Another example of sharing is that Kong Rong is not only a modest and polite student, but also knew how to "share" when he was a child. One day, his mother brought a pear back to his brother to eat, and the other brothers saw it but also wanted to eat it. When his brother stepped forward and gave the pear to his brothers, his mother felt unspeakable, Kong Rong knew how to let pears go at a young age, and also let me know that sharing is the basis of doing things. Later, this story became the idiom "Kong Rong let pears go".

Sharing not only enables us to have friends, but also to get a lot of joy and happiness from the process of sharing. It also enables everyone to have a kind and willing heart to share, which can make every day a colorful life. At the same time, there will be no harmful people in the world!

Sharing happy compositions (14)

How do I know this small step of happy sharing? One summer afternoon, my mother asked me to send the planted roses to my neighbors, relatives and friends. At the moment when the fragrance of each flower was smelling, I found that the surprise on each face was more brilliant than the flowers. The roses I own seem to be decreasing gradually, but the fragrance of flowers on my body is accumulating more and more. Then I realized that although the happiness I had alone was good, it was still difficult to hide loneliness! The more you think about yourself in your heart, the more indifferent people will be! If I use sharing to build a bridge, cross the cold canyon, narrow the distance between the hearts, connect me into us, draw each other's feelings and feelings, more and more happy "I" will share, and "our" life will naturally be more broad and open.

The joy of sharing can be found everywhere in life. The taste is sour and sweet. It is so beautiful. No matter how light it is, it is enough to make people addicted and hard to extricate themselves. So, now I can share a little happiness every day, so that I can have a simple happiness every day: a glass of pearl milk tea, do both things, drink together; A piece of pineapple bread will fall apart to satisfy everyone's appetite; Take fruit dessert to go. You can definitely enjoy it. Through sharing, when we tasted delicious cakes, we were moved by the mother's intentions and the chef's creativity; When chewing the sweet fruits, we shared the twists and turns of flowers and the hard work of farming. Just because we are willing to share and have the courage to pay, we also know how to be grateful and tolerant, and then look forward to the future life, to have more joy and beauty.

Don't doubt it! Sharing is so happy, so easy! Have you found happiness? Remember to share, happiness will follow you closely! Let's be happy together!

Sharing Happy Compositions (15)

For a long time, I have kept myself in a small world, where my emotions, joys, sorrows, successes, failures, ideals and pursuits are hidden. I am used to bearing everything and enjoying success alone. When I was sad, I quietly looked up at the stars in the sky that were not very bright, taking away my pain; When frustrated, listen to those sad tunes alone, let the beating notes take away my troubles; When I succeed, I always silently write down my happy mood in my diary,...... I like to watch the rain quietly by the window, chewing my mind alone; Like to shout loudly, when the wind takes away troubles, crosses the Indochina Peninsula and falls into the Pacific Ocean; I like to wash away my dusty memory in the rain.

I don't know how to describe myself? Is it sentimental or neurotic? In short, I can't find suitable words to express it. I like to watch the sky and listen to the rain silently; I also like to make up some words from time to time to fill my heart and express my feelings. But those gorgeous words are often permeated with sadness and lamentation. Life is short and youth is fleeting. Because my neuroticism cannot be reconciled with the joy of others, no one shares the irrelevant words I wrote, and no one spends too much time thinking about my pessimism and looming sadness.

I grew up slowly in ignorance, I learned slowly in growth, I slowly turned back in change, I slowly became happy in communication, and I slowly separated in happiness. I know that what should be shared with others should be more happiness than endless melancholy. As a result, the haze in my heart was evaporated by the sun, and the sadness that my mind was constantly in disorder was also blown down by the wind. My happiness began to be shared. At this time, I felt it was good to have someone share with me. composition

The rain is still falling, the wind is still blowing, but just for a moment, the afternoon sun will shine through the clouds. Gradually the rain stopped, and the fresh world was frozen in the sunny smile.

The wound was blowing in the night wind, and the unprovoked darkness submerged the sadness I left behind. In the birdsong, the morning glow has become crimson, and I am still stepping on the morning dew, breathing the sad air that still vaguely remains, heading for the distance. The rising sun reflected my firm smile, and the dawn paved the road. I saw that the road in the future was no longer rough, no longer so lonely...... Because someone shared my mood, which could comfort my uncertain mood. composition

On the way of growing up, thank you for sharing my troubles with wind and rain, and thank you for sharing my happiness with friends. The dusty door gradually opened, and I learned that sharing is actually so simple.

Sharing Happy Compositions (16)

That time, my cousin Yan Yan came to my house to play. As soon as she arrived, my mother sent her to my room with great enthusiasm and asked me to play with her. When I saw my cousin coming, I took out my favorite books and toys.

"Sister, can I play with these?" Sister asked softly, with a smile on her face. Seeing her like that, I agreed. After thanking her, she picked up a picture book called "Grandma Hua", sat on the bed and read it with interest. When she saw the funny plot, she would laugh.

After reading Grandma Hua, she picked up another picture book to read. I said, "Yanyan, do you want to eat sweets?" She nodded while reading. I think: She really loves reading, and she deserves to be a little bookworm! It's good to share your own things with others!

After a while, Yan Yan took out a coloring book from her small bag and said, "Let's paint together!" Seeing her like that, I said, "OK."

When she began to draw, she hummed a song while drawing. I also deeply felt the joy of sharing, and I thought happily: How nice it is to share! Give your own things to others to play, and then you can get happiness from others' play. How comfortable!

It's really good to share. It can not only make yourself happy, but also make others happy. This feeling of sharing is really comfortable!

Sharing is happy. If you selfishly take all the beautiful things as your own, don't let others play, just let yourself play, then the most interesting things will become boring, and the most beautiful things will become ugly.

Sharing Happy Compositions (17)

In the summer vacation, my father bought me a model airplane. I can hardly put it down. I always wipe it, look at it, and put it on the bed before going to bed every night.

When I thought of going to live at my grandmother's home during the holiday, I began to worry: what if there were so many brothers and sisters in the family who would quarrel to play, then grab the plane model, and then the fragile plane model would... Ouch! Terrible! This imaginary picture made me jump alive. I'd better hide the plane model and play with it when nobody is around!

Unfortunately, after a long time, the secret was discovered by my younger brothers and sisters. Sure enough, they all pestered me to play with planes.

"Brother, can you show us the model plane? '

"We promise not to play badly!"

I quickly shook my head: "No, no, I can't play for you!"

When they saw that I didn't show any kindness, they immediately turned over and said, "Hum! Who cares? Let's play without him!"

Looking at my younger brothers and sisters leaving behind, I thought that if I didn't play, I would not play. I would go to play with my model plane.

I locked my room, played with the model plane, and felt extremely bored. There were bursts of laughter from downstairs. It seemed that there was a kind of magic to attract me. I wanted to play with them, but I was afraid that they would bear a grudge against me. In desperation, I went to my father to help me persuade them, and I agreed that they would play with my model plane.

After listening to my words, my father smiled: "People should know how to share, so they can not be lonely!" After listening to my father's words, I suddenly realized, so I took the initiative to find my brothers and sisters, gave them the model plane to play with, and taught them how to play. Everyone is happy to play together again.

Those who can share will be happy, because sharing not only makes others happy, but also makes them happy.

Sharing happy compositions (18)

So how, when and to whom should we share it?

You may open 90 tables and invite guests to share the joy of marriage, or just sing a song or even smile at strangers passing by. Who cares about spending money or free? Happiness is a bridge between hearts, and sharing is just its road.

As for when, no one cares. Happy people will never be refused to share happiness. You can share happiness when others are frustrated and helpless, and that person will feel the warmth of timely help; Or you can make things even better and make everyone's happy assets more and more. After all, some people say that happy people are rich. So don't be stingy. Happiness is a 24-hour convenience store. Sharing is never closed.

Finally, what about the object? Some people say that happiness is the best gift for meeting people, which enables you to make many friends. You can be old friends or old friends; Others say that happiness is the universal language of the world, regardless of nationality, identity, age, gender... There is no need or reason to be restricted when sharing happiness.

If you still don't know, smile. This is the easiest way to share happiness. And remember, the person who shares happiness must be a happy person, and don't bother too much - you just want everyone to be happy with you!

Sharing happy compositions (19)

Sharing happy composition material I

Happiness is easy to find. As long as you are careful, you can find happiness in life. I don't know if you have found it. If you do, remember to share it with everyone.

Happiness is simple, happiness is around you. A joke from my classmates is happy, playing games is happy, playing football is happy, playing basketball is even more happy for me, and everyone is happy when sharing happiness... Sharing happiness is a beautiful thing. When there is a joke, everyone laughs together; Play games and enjoy together; We play football together, and we play basketball together. All this is about sharing happiness. Maybe happiness is so simple. Playing basketball every day is my happiness. I am sharing happiness when I don't play with my classmates; Painting every day is Xiaowei's happiness. Teaching others to paint is to share happiness; Practicing calligraphy every day is Xiaochi's happiness. Teaching others to practice calligraphy is to share happiness; Playing table tennis every day is a joy for Xiao Wang and Xiao Xin. Challenging others is a joy to share.

Look at the world with an optimistic attitude. The world is full of happiness; Look at things with a calm mind, and you will see both sides of things. In fact, we are sharing happiness all the time. Sometimes, it's just because you haven't tasted carefully. It's easy to share happiness. When you speak to me, happiness is everywhere and laughter is everywhere.

Sharing is heart to heart exchange; Sharing is the transmission of feelings; Share, let us from now on more a world, more a love; More love; Let's share happiness; Sharing feelings; Share the beautiful world

Sharing happy composition material II

You will travel far, my dear friend. At this moment, I don't know what to say. A thousand words come together into two sentences. I hope they can accompany you on your journey.

-- Friends

Always be happy and share your happiness with others

Keep happy, my friend. This is the last luxury of our poor people. Don't lose the habit of happiness easily, or we will have nothing.

Be happy every morning and evening. You should learn to listen to the language of all things. You should try to communicate with the rivers, mountains and earth around you. In every village you pass, leave your laughter as a souvenir. So many years later, when people talk about you again, they will also remember how happy a girl passed by and let them share your happiness.

Happiness is a virtue. You should take it with you like a lover's handkerchief. Sharing happiness is also a virtue, because happiness can be contagious. You should spread happiness to everyone around you, whether he is a tired farmer or a sick traveler, whether he is a barefoot child or a mother worried about rice, you should spread happiness to them and make them smile like flowers.

Friends, remember to keep happy and share happiness with others.

Happy is a public name rather than a private one. It's really meaningless to steal music alone.

"To be happy alone is to be happy with others. Who is happy?"

Share your happiness with others when you succeed

You will arrive at your destination one day in the sunshine. Friend, as long as your body is running with hot blood, as long as you hold a torch to scare off wild animals, you will reach the place you want to go sooner or later, even if you walk through the forest, climb mountains and cross the sea.

As you pack your bags and prepare to return, I want to say to you, friend, don't forget to prepare a gift for those who have helped you, so that they can share the happiness of your success. In this way, your success will be more meaningful.

You should remember that on the journey, you have drunk the spring water that others have scooped for you, you have eaten the food that others have given you, and you have asked a child for directions. Remember, friends, remember the voice and appearance of these people. Before you return, you should prepare gifts for them. After all, your success has their sweat. Your happiness also deserves their share.

Take the scenery and stories you have seen and heard on the road, and then take your experience and feelings to tell them by the warm stove.

Tell people who are short of water where there is water ahead; Tell the sick person which herb can cure the disease. Tell them your experience along the way, tell them where there is a bend in the road ahead, and light up the way for the lost children.

These are the best gifts. They will be as happy as you when they receive them. In this way, your trip is not in vain.

If you are a fire, you should try to light others up;

If you are a basin of water, you should try to wash others;

If you are a well, you should try to let others taste it;

If you are a grain of rice, you should try to grow more rice;

If you are a cloud, you should try to send rain to the arid areas;

I am a crescent moon, so I have to find a way to send Qinghui to the night walkers

Cherish your own vitality, so that people can share your vitality.

Share the nectar of life with others, and your life will be happier!

Sharing happy composition material 3

We have all experienced childhood, and he is our happiest period.

It is said that there is a "happy spring" in Shuihu Liangshan Mountain. People can live a happy life as long as they have a drink. Many people want it, but no one has ever found it.

There was a rich man in the village. He only cared about himself and didn't care about others, so he didn't have any friends. He was very unhappy. He wanted to be happy and decided to go to the "happy spring".

After walking for several days, he met an old man with white hair in the dense forest. The rich man asked the old man where the "fountain of happiness" was. The old man said he was willing to tell him, but on one condition, after finding the spring, he must give it to everyone in the village to drink, so that others can also be happy. In order to get the spring water, the rich man had to agree to the conditions of the old man. The rich man followed the direction of the old man and found the spring.

The rich man filled a large bottle of "Happy Spring" and walked back. As he walked away, he thought, "How outrageous that I finally found the spring water and wanted to share it with everyone! This bottle of water can never be shared with others. I will pass it on from generation to generation, so that my descendants can be happy forever!"

The rich man happily returned home, closed the doors and windows, called his wife to him and said, "I have found the spring of happiness! Never let anyone know." Then he opened the bottle cap. Strangely, there was no water in the bottle. Instead, a note was poured out. It read: "Those who only care about their own happiness will never be happy!"

This story tells us: "If you have happiness, you should share it with others, so that everyone can be happier and happier."

The truly happy people are those who share happiness with others and enjoy happiness with others, while those who are not happy are those who do not want to share happiness with others. Sharing is happiness, on the contrary, even if you get happiness, you can't feel it.