You warm my sight 600 (15 required)
as boundless as the sea and sky
2023-09-16 03:29:38

You warm my sight 600 (1)

There is truth everywhere in the world. If you look around carefully, you will find that it is warm everywhere. At the age of 7, he practiced calligraphy at home. Suddenly, someone knocked at the door. My father immediately stood up and opened the door. My neighbor stood at the door, not knowing what he was talking about. However, I sat at the desk in front of the door to do my homework. The wind blew the paper everywhere in an instant. I frowned. In anger, I stood up and slammed the door, but the door seemed to hit something. Then I heard my father shout: Ah!

Dad kept waving his hand, quickly expanded, and gradually became red. My father raised his other hand, and the wind came to me at the speed, but I just felt the strong hand. I immediately closed my eyes, but after a while, nothing happened. So I opened my eyes and found that my father resisted. He reached out to cover my face, ready to hit my hand, and immediately turned and left.

The neighbor seriously muttered: Why don't you look at what's on the door? Then I lowered my head in shame, and my face looked like a red apple.

In the evening, when I was watching TV, I found that in a program called Human Health, a medical professor said: If your finger is injured, you will feel pain from the heart, so there is a word called "ten fingers connected". In my mind, I was in a daze first, then flaunt, looking for my father everywhere. After searching for a long time, I didn't find it, so I stood up and walked to the door of my parents' bedroom. I wanted to knock at the door, but I heard my mother say, "Why is it so serious?"

Dad said: But it's not my son's fault, it's my fault. This would not have happened if I had not put my hand on the door frame. After listening, my eyes were red. In the future, we should consider things before and after, not just on impulse.

This event made me understand that when I do something wrong, I cannot shirk responsibility and apply responsibility to commitments. My father's expression of love blurred my vision. He not only educates me with his own behavior, but also influences me and lets me grow. I know I can't stand my temper. I can do whatever I want! There is an indescribable taste in my heart!

Dad, you warm my eyes!

You warm my sight 600 (2)

There are true feelings everywhere in the world. As long as you look around carefully, you will find that warmth is not everywhere. When I was 7 years old, I was practicing calligraphy at home. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. My father immediately stood up to open the door. The neighbor stood at the door and didn't know what he was talking about. However, I sat on the desk in front of the door and wrote my homework. The wind blowing in from the outside immediately blew the paper everywhere. I frowned, and in a rage, I stood up and forced the door to close, but the door seemed to hit something, and then I heard my father yell: "Ah -!"

Dad kept waving his hand, and it quickly swelled up, and gradually became red. Dad raised the other hand, and the wind speed hit my face, but I just felt the strong hand wind, and I immediately closed my eyes, but after a while, there was no movement, so I opened my eyes, and found that Dad held back, reached out to my face to hit my hand, and immediately turned away.

The neighbor seriously muttered, "Why don't you look at what's on the door?" Then I lowered my head in shame and looked like a red apple.

In the evening, while watching TV, I found a program called "Human Health", in which a medical professor said: "If fingers are hurt, pain will come from the heart, so there is a word called" ten fingers linked to the heart ". I was stunned at first and then Zhang Huang, looking for my father everywhere. After looking for a long time, no, so I stood up and walked to the door of my parents' bedroom. When Zhun Ben reached for the door and knocked, I heard my mother say, "Why is it so serious?"

My father said, "But it's not my son's fault, it's my fault. If I don't put my hand on the door frame, it won't happen.

This event made me understand that when I do something wrong, I cannot shirk responsibility and should be responsible for it. My father's expression of love has blurred my vision. He not only educated me with his own behavior, but also influenced me and made me grow up. I know I can't let myself go, just do what I want! I have an indescribable taste in my heart!

Dad, you have warmed my sight!

You warm my sight 600 (3)

In the depths of my heart, there is a sunflower that has always been bravely and brightly blooming. The golden flower is brilliant and dazzling, as if it is the sun itself, will not fall asleep because of the dark night, and will not rotate for others. It is so happy, free, warm my sight. This flower comes from the Biography of Van Gogh and blooms in my heart.

Watching Van Gogh's works, I always have a strange feeling. Judging from his skills alone, his handling of details does not seem to be brilliant. The word "exquisite" is also irrelevant to his paintings. However, his paintings always have attractive magic. Each picture is a bright and vivid world full of fantasy and innocence like a child.

Van Gogh's life is not as beautiful as his works. In Europe at that time, Impressionism had not yet risen, and his paintings were called rough, clumsy, absurd, crazy, and even ugly. He and his paintings were never accepted by the world before his death. He had been reduced several times to poverty and hunger. Van Gogh's living expenses, purchase of paint and painting materials, has always been provided by his brother. People regard him as a loser and an incurable madman.

But look! His "Sunflower"!

Sunflowers are in full bloom on the paper, and the honey colored flower plate is decorated with golden petals, with a high attitude. A handful of sunflowers were inserted randomly in a light brown pottery pot, which was brilliant. Each brushstroke is rough and unrestrained, but let the most nimble sunshine stay on the paper forever. I felt the warm breeze blowing in the countryside of southern France, and heard Van Gogh's hearty laughter after the painting. In an instant, the sunshine in the painting, like a clear spring, poured into my heart. I was immersed in a pure sunlight, and the heaven and the earth were transparent. The clear sunlight, with the air, permeated my chest and flowed into my blood.

There is no need to rush for others, no need to fear malicious eyes, if you love it, you should dare to pursue it, as a sunflower, you should do your best to chase the sunshine you love.

Whenever I am confused and depressed, I will look up at the sunflower in my heart. Behind it was Van Gogh's bright laughter. That sunflower warms my sight and encourages me to pursue bravely, my happiness and freedom.

You warm my sight 600 (4)

The rain is still falling and still doesn't want to stop. Under the gloomy sky and gray clouds, I can see the light in a trance. In such a rainy day, everything is blurred in the rain curtain. The flying raindrops reflect a strange dazzling light, and each drop of rain falls, as if it were the swan song of a beautiful story. Standing in this gloomy space, misty rain, in this half space of zero and one degree, I saw the girl with small eyes who was in a trance of traffic against the light. Suddenly, I don't know what it feels like to be warm.

The unprecedented chill is flowing in my heart. I can't see clearly the faces of people coming and going along the vague road in front of me, whether I am forgotten in this world or not. It's so cold, so cold is my heart.

Dark clouds are running away, and the light is dissipating. I stood quietly, like fallen leaves. Nobody told me to stop.

It seems that it has been a century, and there is no sense of rain falling. Has it stopped raining? Looking up at the sky, I found that only an umbrella covered my sky. Turning around, I saw the proud girl. The raindrops are still falling. I don't know what they are mixed with. They look so soft. A figure was deeply imprinted in her clear, glazed pupils. My eyes were misty and warm.

I clearly saw that there was a timid and humble girl in the deep sea like pupil.

That indifferent girl, that pale blue umbrella, and that gloomy day, stopped at that moment. Wandering in the familiar street, I was never alone, my good friend, the lofty girl. My heart was warmed by that indifferent girl.

That warm girl. It warms my sight and illuminates my world.

The sky is gray, and it's already dark. I still remember what you said - later, together, I think if the flowers bloom after the rain, you must be in my world with a smile, you, warming my eyes.

And later, together.

You warm my sight 600 (5)

Open the curtains. The sun is warm and comfortable.

In the boundless crowd, I met you. You are like a rainbow in the sky, scattered in front of me, turned into a touch in my heart, and warmed my sight.

I remember clearly that it was Friday after school

"Hey, what homework is assigned by the Chinese teacher today?"

"Doing newspaper copying by hand. I just said that. Why did you forget it again? It's a good memory! Ha ha..."


My companion and I were having a good chat when we crossed the crossroads. Eh? What's going on? Why is the car so unstable? I was in a daze when the car suddenly tilted down. I jumped down suddenly, and then the car was divided into several parts. The picture was really horrible! My classmates and I stood there staring at the car, wondering what to do.

I looked around and saw that no one wanted to help me. Alas, is this the so-called true feelings in the world? I doubt it.

As time goes by, the watch "ticks, ticks, ticks..."“

I really can't think of any good way, so I can only stand there blankly. People on the street all looked at me strangely, so I didn't know what to do. Suddenly, a tall figure stood in front of me, and I quickly stepped back. He came to me, took a look at my "retired" bike, took out the mobile phone from his pocket, "Call your parents quickly, it's getting dark." I was startled by the sudden emergence of the uncle, whose eyes were staring at me. But finally, with the help of my uncle, my father took me home.

Up to now, I still can't forget his back and the warmth he brought to me.

Although your love is very small, as small as a star in the Milky Way, but so warm, so I can not forget.

Love, so ordinary, so ordinary. But love is not false.

You warm my sight 600 (6)

I like to plant flowers and grass. Every time I see my plant growing after school, I can't help but poke it around to find out the secret of its "heart".

This semester I bought two plants, found a pot, found soil and planted them. A few days later, a few small buds were sprouted from the two bare branches. A few weeks later, when it grows up, the tender green leaves are pleasing to the eye.

It was summer and the hottest time. I wanted them to grow in the sun. The intention was good, but the reality was cruel. When I returned home again, I found that they had died in the sun. The dry leaves were lying on the ground in silence. When the wind came, they moved twice and were lifeless

Now that it is dead, let's mourn for it. If we want to see its appearance again, we can only wait for the spring flowers to bloom in the coming year. A week later, when I looked up, I found that it sprouted. The bud was small, but it was very tenacious, and it gathered vitality. Yes, it died and came back to life. But the reality is cruel after all, it ushered in the second death, this time its life is so short, it seems to be a micro lens, but can not catch it. Yes, its life fell into silence again, it was waiting, it was waiting, it was waiting for a suitable opportunity to wait for a chance to live, would it come... It did not give up hope, it was absorbing nutrients in the ground all the time, as the saying goes, efforts will always return, its return comes, its leaves are greener, under the test of light, it died, But it never gave up the hope of living. It always reborn with hope and dreams, which also doomed to its extraordinary life. It has grown from a little bit to my leg length. What has it experienced, wind and rain? Eaten by insects? Baked by the scorching sun? We don't necessarily do it. It does. It's the same for us, we can't see rainbow without wind and rain; How can we know the meaning of living without experiencing life and death?

The stubborn green not only warms my sight, but also warms my heart

You warm my sight 600 (7)

I am standing on the road with oblique moonlight. The white zebra crossing in front of the feet is particularly bright in the dark night.

"Spring Festival is coming, there are so many cars". After waiting about five minutes, Grandma said with emotion.

"Otherwise, let's go directly. This is the zebra crossing. They dare not do anything about us.". I am impatient.

"What are you talking about? Will others drive around if they have nothing to do? Let's wait until there is no car!" Grandpa pulled me seriously.

Another five minutes later, the traffic finally thinned out, so we crossed the road carefully and slowly.

The darkness of winter always comes early, and the street lights are not lit. I took a worried look at my grandparents: everyone is wearing black cotton padded clothes, as if they are integrated into the night. Those motorists can't see us clearly, can they? I think I held my grandparents tightly and stopped walking, which led to loud cries one after another.

Suddenly, the bright white light beside me lit up my sight - beside the zebra crossing, even at the end of the road we were about to cross, cars stopped behind us, waiting for us to pass so gently.

There is no red light here.

As we walked, we looked at the driver with grateful eyes. The last white car shocked me even more! I vaguely saw a pregnant woman in pajamas with a painful face sitting on the front passenger seat, and her husband leaned towards her, as if to ask or comfort.

For me, what they are about to do, we are anxious to go home, so insignificant! I couldn't help but quicken my pace.

In this thick night, spring seems to be sprouting. Two magnolias standing beside the road seem to have exposed white eyes and tender red lips, quietly swallowing the fragrance. I can't help taking a breath, wow! How sweet! What's so terrible about the darkness and the distance? My heart is full and bright like never before! I think: I will also slow down, open the window, smile and say to those grandparents: please go with confidence! Very safe!

Yes, I would like to spend my whole life paying attention to them, so that they can walk calmly across the road with their old and inflexible legs, be grateful, and pass calmly.

You warm my sight 600 (8)

Father's love is not as spoiled as mother's, like spring breeze, always surrounding you. Father's love is silent and deep, like a mountain or a huge stone. It will be behind you only when you need it.

It was in the summer vacation, my father took me to climb Lingyan Mountain. Lingyan Mountain, which I climbed several times before, always walked along the winding path to the top of the mountain. This time, however, he proposed that we should go up the mountain with "sharp ascent". I replied, "No problem, just go up the mountain road!" But when I saw the "sharp rise", I was dumbfounded. The slope is very steep, almost 90 degrees. My father walked in front and said to me while demonstrating: "The slope is steep, you can grasp the branches on both sides and walk in a Z shape, so it won't be too hard." Soon, I mastered my father's method, and I was able to run and jump up like a rabbit.

While I was enjoying this new way of climbing the mountain, my feet suddenly slipped and my body fell backward. My heart was tight, "Oh, no, I'm going to fall down," and the expected pain did not occur. I looked back and saw a pair of powerful hands on my back. I stood up with difficulty. Just two steps away, a penetrating pain came from the bottom of my foot. Ah, my foot was scratched. When Dad saw it, he quickly took out mineral water from his bag to wash and clean the wound for me. Then take out the Band Aid prepared in advance and put it on my wound. After dealing with the wound, we continued to sprint to the top of the mountain. Soon, a huge stone blocked our way. Dad saw my hesitation and looked embarrassed, so he took the lead in climbing the boulder. "Come on, you can get to the top of the mountain." Dad said and handed me his hand. When I held it, it seemed that a warm current was coming to guide me to the top of the mountain.

At this moment, we are standing on the top of the mountain, and there is an inexpressible pleasure in the gentle breeze. I turned my head and looked at my father's silhouette in the red sunset not far away. Suddenly, I felt a warm feeling in my heart. Along the way, my father silently cared and supported me in his own way.

Dad, I love you!

You warm my sight 600 (9)

Warm? What is warm? Is it the warm bed in winter? Is it the sunshine of the four seasons? Or the only fire in the ice and snow. For me, sincere help between people is warm. Why do I say that? Come and listen to my story.

I still remember that the first time I felt warm was in a winter.

The winter of that year was particularly cold, but I had to go to school every day under the wind and snow. But I also did a good job of keeping warm -- I had thick gloves on my hands, warm cotton shoes on my feet, and thick cotton padded jacket on my body, so I wouldn't be frozen.

But that time, I couldn't find the purple gloves, but I dared not tell my mother, so I had to put my red hands into my pocket. At the school gate, my hands were getting colder and colder. I could not help squatting down and yawning to keep warm, but it seemed useless.

I was hopeless, and tears could not help falling down. Just then, an old man in his forties came up to me, handed me a paper towel, and gently said to me, "How old you are! Why are you still crying?" I could not help but blush and wipe the tears off my face. After that, he noticed my hand again, as if he understood something, he took the gloves off his hands, I still said something that made me remember: "I will give you my gloves. Don't cry. I believe that every child is the flower of the motherland. This time I help you, it is good to serve the motherland. By the way, when you grow up, you must help others, pass on love, and be a person beneficial to society." I nodded repeatedly after hearing that, Then he laughed, and he laughed with me.

This 40 year old man gave me my first warmth. Although I met him for the first time and we are not familiar with him, I know he is a kind-hearted person, and he makes my heart swell with warm waves

You warm my sight 600 (10)

Seeing the word "warm", I thought of the unknown aunt, and my heart warmed up.

Last Sunday afternoon, I finished making up lessons in Pengpu and was preparing to go home. Suddenly, the sky was overcast with thunder and lightning. I didn't care, but I was still complacent: hey hey, luckily I went home by bus, there must be many people who are going to be drowned!

Just thinking, I used to touch the right pocket. Eh? Where are my two dollars? You know, this is my bus fare! I felt a little nervous, and immediately touched my left pocket again, but there was nothing. Did I lose my money? I'm worried. I can't go home without the bus fare! Besides, I didn't bring an umbrella. If I walked home... I was gloating just now, and now I'm foolish. Seeing that the students had gone, I had no choice but to walk out of the cram school.

As soon as I went out, I was startled by the sound of "boom". What can I do? How can I go home? I suddenly lost my head and stared at the gray sky. Just then, a mother who picked up the baby looked at me and asked me: "What's wrong, little girl? No one answered?" "I... I..." In the face of the stranger's sudden question, I stumbled at the moment. "I came by car myself, but unexpectedly... I lost my two yuan fare back..." My eyes were moist after saying that. Without thinking about it, my aunt took out two coins and an umbrella and handed them to me, saying, "Take the money and go home quickly!" "Ah? This..." I clenched my fists and refused to take her money. Aunt suddenly put the money into my pants pocket and said, "It doesn't matter. You are classmates. I helped you today, and she may need your help someday!" She pointed to the little girl beside her. It seems that this is right, but before I chew it carefully, she and her daughter have left with an umbrella together

You warm my sight 600 (11)

In that familiar mine, in that ancient and beautiful city, a group of strangers appeared, out of time, amid the noise of red light and green wine. They embarrass others, but people are still curious about them. The dusty face is so yellow, unkempt, and has no eyes. The dim eyes are always scattered on the uncertain horizon. They were in rags, and their worn-out cotton padded jacket smelled. Cotton unknowingly stretched out its "head", and its toes echoed them, eager to see the cold world. Their hair has become an amusement park for insects. It seems to be an international amusement park. Insects have fun in it. Walking up and down with slow and weak steps, people's eyes are still "enthusiasm", sympathy and ridicule.

They came from the ancient and poor Yellow River basin. They walked all the way through the Yangtze River basin and begged for a living. It is the poor who leave their hometown to survive. The flood took away their homes. Infinite sympathy comes from the heart. They came out, came out, and carelessly scanned the whole city. Look at that young man with messy hair. He looked up as if he were looking at something. Then his eyes sparkled, brighter than the Polaris at night!

What he saw was a beam of sunshine.

The sunlight reflected on the green leaves is particularly moving. The leaves are green, the color of life. The tender color of green leaves and the colorful aperture of the sun are integrated together, completely integrated, soft and bright, with unpredictable vitality.

There is a bird calling! Its singing is so graceful, just like the clear singing of a brook. The sound is as light as a feather, as white as a feather, pure and deep, elegant and distant. Maybe it's the dance music of sunshine, and the world is the stage.

How big the heart is, how far the dream is.

This young man has a poor heart. Materially, he has no property, but mentally, he is a millionaire! It can be said that he is rich and can appreciate the purest beauty. Maybe you can refuse to appreciate beauty, but you can't refuse. Beauty does not show off magnificence, it only lives in the heart of the wise.

Do you see the sun?

You warm my sight 600 (12)

There are always some words that touch the soul; There are always some actions to warm your heart; There are always some people who keep it in mind notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Footstep · Touch · Three Chunhui

"Study hard in the morning, bring the moon and the stars home". It was late at night. I rubbed my tired eyes and looked at the homework in front of me. I couldn't help but give up. The sound of "Dong Dong Dong" is like rain on the eaves, like tapping the keys of the piano. It is clear and beautiful -- Mom's footsteps. "Zhi --" The door opened, and a fragrance of tea wafted. Then, a big hand fell on the head and gently stroked it, like a breeze blowing on the lake, like the sun pouring down on the ground. It was gentle and warm -- it was Dad's touch. The three were speechless, but a burst of footsteps and a touch drove away the fatigue and brought infinite power.

Tears · Cigarette · Genghua

Did you remember? You have pondered over the teaching plan for countless nights, just because we have a bright future; Did you remember? You lead us to declare loudly, arousing a cavity of blood in our chest; Did you remember? You look at us, who are immersed in the topic, light a cigarette, and express your concern with joy. This morning, you were faced with us who were about to leave. You lit a cigarette again, and a tear slipped from your eyes. Teacher, just a tear, a cigarette, your heart will have reached our hearts.

Butterfly · Letter · Ruobin

"Above rivers, under mulberries, light and shadow are crisscross". I will never forget Xiao A's flowing handwriting, and the time I spent with him seems to be near at hand. On that day, I disagreed with my deskmate and came to talk to Xiao A. Small A smiled mysteriously, took out a piece of cardboard, and soon a lifelike paper butterfly stood in his hand. Small A's mouth rose, "Fly, take away the trouble. "A bosom friend in the sea is like a neighbor in the world" is Little A's wish. This butterfly, a letter, xiao a and i talked face to face.

In the long river of life, these little bits of warmth, like downwind, constantly give us the impetus to move forward.

Thank you for your warmth and wish me a long voyage!

You warm my sight 600 (13)

In love, there are no four seasons in the world, and every day is warm.

Grandpa doesn't know how to express his love for me. He is clumsy in expressing his love. But I know that he and Grandma are the two people who love me most. The love and warmth he brought to me is inexpressible.

Not long ago, I "searched for books" in my grandfather's study and found a small book on my desk. I didn't care. You can think: How could grandpa have such an exquisite notebook? Out of curiosity, I opened it.

As soon as I opened it, I was stunned. The contents of this book are actually about me! It said: It was cold in December, and Tianyi began to cough. We should prepare more Chaihu drinks and Pudilan at home. There are also many examples of how to treat various diseases, what kind of medicine to use, and how to judge the disease.

I turned back a few pages and found that the content on it had changed into exercises for junior high school and senior high school students. There was also the process of Grandpa writing in pencil on it. Although it was wiped carefully, the marks and scratches could still be seen.

I was surprised: How did Grandpa know so many names and treatments? Where did he come up with so many exercises? I ran to ask Grandpa. Grandpa just came out of the balcony and saw me. He smiled and said to me, "I was looking for you. What would you like to eat tonight? How about beef noodles? The spiced beef I just bought this morning is fresh!"

I didn't answer grandpa, but held the book in front of grandpa. Grandpa smiled awkwardly like a lie was exposed. At the end, he only said, "I'm afraid I can't teach you in the future, and I'm worried about your body..." Grandpa looked at me with love in his deep eyes.

My heart suddenly trembled. I remembered that a few days ago, when I got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, the light in my grandfather's study was always on. It should be that my grandfather was looking for information.

In December, the wintersweet is in full bloom, in the glow of the sunset, in the warm current of my heart.

You warm my sight 600 (14)

At 14:28 on May 12, 2008, it was an unforgettable moment. At that time, Wenchuan, Sichuan, was hit by an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0 on the Richter scale. Suddenly, the mountains collapsed and the houses collapsed, turning into a "sea of ruins". Many fresh lives were threatened by the "god of death". If the rescuers came late, they would be in danger of being taken away by the "god of death". Many parents cry bitterly for the loss of their children, and many children cry bitterly for the loss of their parents.

After the earthquake, many people donated money to the disaster area. One hundred for you, fifty for me, and one thousand for him. All the little things add up to one thousand. They united the hearts of the people of the motherland. Some people donated their food to the disaster area. Although Sichuan was damaged, it was as warm as the sun in spring after being helped.

During the earthquake, there were many moving stories: there were many little heroes who would save themselves in the earthquake field, and they were in a calm state, which was admirable. Lin Hao is the youngest of the earthquake relief heroes, but his courage is not less than those older than him. On the day of the earthquake, the houses collapsed, and the stones "plopped" and "plopped" down from the mountains. Two of Lin Hao's classmates were unconscious and pressed on Lin Hao. Lin Hao climbed out of the ruins recklessly, carrying the two students out. At this time, Lin Hao was exhausted, and injuries, diseases and hunger haunted him, but he finally overcame difficulties and successfully rescued himself.

There are many little heroes like Chen Hao. On the day of the earthquake, under the leadership of his teacher, he was the first one to rush out of the classroom tactfully, but when he went back to save his classmate, he was pressed down by a wall like the sky and the ground. The classmate was saved, but he was seriously injured and was dug out by the rescue team and sent to the hospital... Although the earthquake has passed, But the little hero of earthquake relief has not been forgotten by us. We should learn from their spirit of being selfless and not afraid of difficulties.

Natural disasters are merciless and human beings are affectionate. Let's use human warmth to resolve this disaster!

You warm my sight 600 (15)

The warmth flows slowly in every corner of the earth, and all warm things can stay in my mind, and the memory is still fresh. When it is cold, it always takes out warmth to warm everything.

I like to stay in a coffee house full of coffee fragrance. It's not important to smell it, but to feel warm. I close my eyes and feel warm. A childish voice broke the beauty: "Little sister, there is no free table in the shop, I wonder if I can sit with you?" The girl was a little shy, but I didn't notice, and agreed. She immediately gave me a big, sweet smile. With a warm smile, we are surrounded together. Feel the warmth around you again——

On the cold road, the dark sky, the pale moon, and the owl standing on the withered vine. And don't you need the warmth of friendship when you walk alone on the road? With friends, no longer lonely and cold.

Friendship, really warm!

In the vast ocean, the relentless waves beat against the boat and told you to give up, would you? Although the wind and waves blew their own cold, and again let you give up, do you agree? As you are about to reach the other side, will you go back? No, although the body is cold and cold, fear is warm.

Hold on, it's really warm!

When you fail, fail, or don't know what to do, a word of comfort from a friend is like a word of comfort to your heart. Don't you feel warm at this moment?

Comfort, really warm!

When you are proud, you will not look down on others. When you raise yourself, your parents' criticism is to let you lose your pride. At that time, I would not be reconciled, but later I realized that what my parents did was beneficial to me. Don't you feel warm in your heart?

Criticism, really warm!

Life is short, time is gone, but we use our hearts to feel the warmth around us, and warmth is everywhere. A casual look and action may warm others.

Feel warmth, not for anything else, just to live in happiness;

Feel warmth, not for anything else, just to live in happiness;

Feel warm, not for anything else, just to live in harmony;

Feel the warmth, not for anything else, just to live in the warmth!