Heart topic (20 excellent articles)
How to be a man without going through vicissitudes
2024-03-11 09:25:09
Grade 3
topic of conversation

Heart topic (1)

I have seen the magnificent Hukou Waterfall and the naive and natural long lake, but I have never seen Mount Emei surrounded by clouds. Today, my family was lucky to come to Mount Emei, which is famous far and near, to see its magnificent scenery.

In order to see the sunrise of Mount Emei, we got up very early and climbed to Jinding, the highest place of Mount Emei. On the Golden Summit, we saw that the Elephant of Universal Virtue loomed in the clouds, like a golden giant from afar. We waited anxiously for the sunrise. Suddenly, the clouds around the place where the sky meets the water appear light red. I guessed that the sun was going to rise from there, so I stared at it intently.

Sure enough, the sun was slowly rising there, and it was getting bigger and redder. At this time, the sun was like a flower girl, dancing with her skirt on her arm. In this state, even small insects and other small animals can not help but cry a few times. All kinds of cries form a beautiful sunrise symphony. Ah! How beautiful the sunrise of Mount Emei is!

Next, we are going to visit the characteristic temple of Mount Emei. Look! There are eighteen Arhats, and here is the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. There are countless! Buddha statues are made lifelike. It is said that some of the Buddha statues here were destroyed by the Japanese when they invaded China, and some were preserved. The damaged stone statues were repaired later.

After visiting the Buddha statue, we went to Fuhu Temple. After we had a good smell there, we went around. I suddenly found a strange phenomenon - why did the dead leaves on the big tree not fall on the roof? The big tree is very close to the roof? A monk came to tell us that the dead leaves on the roof were blown down due to the influence of air flow, and some people said that the dead leaves floated down by themselves to respect the Buddha statue.

I love the beautiful scenery of Mount Emei! Love its history and culture!

Heart Topic (2)

When I first came to Mount Emei, I was amazed at the beauty of Mount Emei.

Mount Emei is a beautiful Buddhist fairy mountain. Although Mount Emei has a long history of Buddhist culture, I prefer its natural scenery. At the foot of the mountain, I heard the sound of rushing. When I looked up, I saw two waterfalls. There is a huge stone in the middle of the waterfall, which is marked "Xiujia Tianxia". Sitting on the stone bench, facing the waterfall, you can see its panorama. Up and down are empty, like a goshawk floating in the sky with its wings spread. It was a misty day in spring, with slight clouds flowing overhead. Rocks and grass show green in wetting. And the waterfall seemed to ring exceptionally. The waterfall hit the rock sharply from top to bottom, and then splashed. The splashing water is crystal clear, and looks like white plum blossoms and light rain from afar.

The glittering green of Mount Emei beckons me to climb carefully with crutches and stones. A few hours later, I came to the top of the mountain. The mist was all around the mountainside, and the winding stream flowed down the river. But there is no stream in my heart. My heart is shaking with the red of azalea. The intoxicating red is like the rosy sunset on the horizon. It's strange red. I want to open my arms to hold it, but what a delusion! Standing here and looking over there, the ups and downs of red are really cute. It gently swings, like thousands of dancers dancing; The pink red, like a baby's face, wants to kiss it.

Seen from afar, green is mixed with red, and red with green. The green mountains are indistinct and the water is far away, and the fog locks the mountains and the mountains.

On my first visit to Mount Emei, I couldn't help marveling at the beauty of Mount Emei!

Heart Topic (3)

Mount Emei is higher than the five mountains and is the best in the world. It is known as "Emei is the best in the world". I went to see it today. It really deserves its reputation.

Come to Wannian Temple. Wannian Temple is one of the main temples in Mount Emei. First called Puxian Temple, it was later renamed Shengshouwannian Temple. For more than a thousand years, it has experienced 18 earthquakes without any damage, which is a miracle in China's construction history. This temple is the largest temple in Mount Emei and is also famous in China. Inside, there are the Mahavira Hall, the Beamless Brick Hall and other halls. In one of the halls, there is a tall statue of Bodhisattva, which is the largest statue of Bodhisattva in Wannian Temple.

Monkeys are spiritual animals. The greatest wish of this trip to Mount Emei is to meet the monkeys. At the foot of the mountain, the tour guide warned: Do not wear bright clothes when going up the mountain, or you will suffer if you encounter lecherous monkeys; There are different kinds of monkeys that are greedy and lustful... It is conceivable that monkeys have a bad reputation.

Before I could walk a few steps, I heard the monkeys squeaking. At once, I turned into a monkey and jumped happily to meet him. I turned around and shouted, "Hurry up, take a picture of me and the monkey.".

Several monkeys have emerged from the bottom of the deep mountain valley, climbed over the fence and came to the side of the mountain where people went up. Some of them were lying, squatting and fighting with each other, which attracted people to stop and watch. Several mountain guards separated the tourists. But curious monkeys are not afraid of people. They even go to people and grab food without hesitation. Years of experience has taught monkeys to recognize the objects in people's hands, and they pick up the plastic bags of food in people's hands to rob them. An uncle nearby volunteered and said, "Monkeys like to eat peanuts. Who has peanuts?"

Tourists with peanuts took out peanuts in succession, while tourists without peanuts went to buy peanuts. Fortunately, I was prepared early. I took out the peanuts and shook them in the air so that the monkeys could see them. A monkey saw it and jumped to grab my peanuts. I spread my hands, which means: Here you are. It happily ate my peanuts, and I asked my mother to take a picture for me.

In the evening, my mother took me to a five-star hotel. It's so expensive. But very comfortable, very thorough service. I was very tired and went to bed after taking a bath.

The next day, I reluctantly left Mount Emei. It's so picturesque that I must go there.

Heart Topic (4)

In life, there will always be people who need help. It may be a small thing. Someone may help you inadvertently. Some people will always remember his (her) kindness, while some people will become ungrateful. But I believe that there will always be someone in the world who will remember others' kindness.

What I want to say is that it is not people and people but animals and people. I remember that I read an article "The Old Man and Seagulls" about an empty nest old man who was very lonely, and seagulls would appear in his life. In winter, seagulls will fly to Cuihu Lake, and at this time, the old man will come to Cuihu Lake every day to accompany seagulls. He never wants to spend a dime to take a bus, but he always buys cookies for seagulls. He named the seagulls. When he talked about the story of seagulls, he liked it. Seagull wanted to accompany his children for many winter days. But the story happened suddenly. A few days later, the news of the old man's death came. The old man's remains were placed beside the Green Lake. The seagulls did not forget the old man's kindness to them. They hovered in front of the old man's remains, like white winged angels guarding the old man's soul. It can be seen that the old man has deep feelings with seagulls.

We have realized the feelings between the old man and the seagulls. Now let's listen to this "old lady picking up newspapers". This is an article I saw. One day, a girl always saw the figure of an old woman downstairs, who was sweeping the street downstairs. Then she went downstairs and handed the old newspaper she didn't want to use to the old granny, asking her to sell it for a few dollars. The grandma accepted her kindness, so if she had a unwanted newspaper every day, she would give it to the grandma. Taking the unwanted old newspaper would be like giving someone a push of garbage. But the old woman regarded it as a kind of thing. During the festival, she gave her half a bag of corn flour. Grandma did not forget the girl's kindness to her and returned it to her. This is gratitude and gratitude, the simple truth of the world.

Helping others is the foundation of happiness. When you help others, maybe one day when you need help, that person will also appear.

Heart Topic (5)

When I was born, my first cry proved that I came to this colorful world; When I was young, when I faltered and babbled, it was you who carefully taught me beside me; When I was a little older, when I entered the campus and began the long road of learning, it was you who said gently: "You should study hard in school and make more friends!" Now, I am about to enter adolescence, and gradually disdain your warmth! But whenever I think about it, I feel extremely guilty! Yeah! When I was sad, you brushed my sadness away with the gentle touch of the morning light like a breeze; When it is cold, you use the warmth of the charcoal fire to the ice and snow, which seeps into my cold heart; When I am in pain, you moisten all my pains with the moisture of flowers like rain and dew.

In learning, you also care about me very much! I remember one time, I only got 70 points in my Chinese exam. Suddenly, my mood fell to the bottom. Disappointment, fear and fear surged. My body also trembles with fear, I am afraid that you will be disappointed in me; I'm afraid you will scold me for it. Somehow, I ended my class and somehow got home. When I got home, you prepared a table for me as usual. I always eat delicious food, but it is tasteless when facing a table of dishes. When you saw my abnormality, you asked, "What's wrong?" I trembled for a moment and said weakly, "Mom, I...... I...... I scored more than 70 points in Chinese..." You were stunned, smiled and said, "It doesn't matter! Do you remember? In your first grade, I scolded you because you didn't do well in the exam. In fact, I regret it. After all, failure is the mother of success! Just like the song in "True Heroes", "Seize every minute of life and go all out to our dreams. How can we see the rainbow without going through the storm? No one can casually succeed" "At that time, I laughed! Laughed happily!

I still remember that when I was young, I liked stars very much. I always took a chair and sat on it, looked up at them and blinked. Once, sitting outside for too long, it blew a lot of wind and was a little cold. Then stagger to you and say: "Mom, I'm cold!" You touched my forehead and said in surprise: "Ah! Hanhan you have a fever! Hurry up! Crawl on your mother's back, and mother carries you!" You carried me to the nearest small clinic. Because you were too thin at that time, your bones hurt me in the process of running again. When I wanted to tell you, I saw the sweat slowly dripping on your forehead. I was silent, because I know that you should be more uncomfortable than me! The disease will always be good, but this short journey to the clinic makes me unforgettable!

I can't express my feelings in words now. The only thing that can express my thoughts is the song "Grateful Heart"! As the song goes, "Thank you for being with me all my life. I have the courage to be my own grateful heart. Thank fate for blooming and falling. I will cherish the grateful heart. Thank you for being with me all my life. I have the courage to be my own grateful heart. Thank fate for blooming and falling. I will cherish the same" Yes! Thank you for being with me all my life. I have the courage to be myself. Isn't that true for everyone? You will have your parents' company and encouragement in your whole life. From now on! Learn to cherish, learn to be grateful!

Heart Topic (6)

In life, there are many things that need Zhu Beibei's gratitude, so please learn to be grateful, because it is the most important door in your life - an inscription

On a snowy night, Xuexin rode her bike to her home alone. It was so cold that Xuexin couldn't help shrinking Mozi into her sweater. Passing through the busy street at the lower end, Xuexin decided to bring his father his favorite mutton soup for the night. Thinking about it, Xuexin smiled happily, as if his father was drinking soup.

I remember when she was very young, Xue Xin also loved to drink soup. For this reason, my father once said, "My daughter likes mutton soup as much as my father. She is really following my father and my mother!" It was also a snowy night. Young Xue Xin was arguing for mutton soup. It was already so late, and it was snowing outside. Where can I buy mutton soup! Dad thought for a while, changed the raincoat, and rode into the darkness. About half an hour later, Dad bought the mutton soup Xuexin wanted to drink, but he was wet all over, and his eyebrows were still covered with very short ice. Xuexin finally drank the mutton soup, and his father smiled happily. But that night, my father had a high fever. He blushed like a persimmon and had already covered several quilts. But my father still cried cold. Xuexin's mother said to her, "Look at you, what kind of mutton soup do you want to drink? In order to make you drink the soup, do you see what your father has become? Is it just a mistake?" But my father still said, "Don't blame her, don't blame her." Young Xue Xin seems to realize something. "Wow" cried and kept saying, "Dad, I was wrong. I will never drink mutton soup again. Dad, you should get better soon!" At this moment, Xue Xin clearly saw the tears in his eyes. Since then, Xue Xin has never drunk mutton soup, but her father still hasn't changed this habit. Thinking about it, Xue Xin cried for her own willfulness and for her father's own willfulness. She had no time to think, because there were two people at home waiting for her return, two hearts hanging because of her.

Do you know when someone lost their youth for you? Do you know when someone has turned your black hair into white hair? Do you know when someone has spent a lot of time for you? Please remember that these people are your parents, you said my father and mother. Students, please learn to be grateful. Let your parents be happy and proud of you!

Heart Topic (7)

Gratitude is a virtue, a noble virtue. If you are grateful, you should know how to repay others.

I remember once seeing in a report that the sports superstar Yao Ming, who was in a foreign country, still remembered his mother's upbringing and won glory for his country in front of foreigners; In order to repay the kindness of all sectors of society to him, Xu Benyu resolutely left the bustling city after graduating from college, walked into the dilapidated grass shed in the backcountry, and sent the rain of knowledge to the children who were thirsty for knowledge... There are countless stories like this. These touching deeds have taught us to be grateful.

In our side, there are often some small things, although ordinary but let our hearts warm. Last weekend, I went to the movies with my good friends. On the way back, a big sister asked us the way. After I answered, she said "thank you" several times, which made me feel happy: helping people is the foundation of happiness, which is absolutely right! The big sister's thanks are also a way of thanksgiving. These "thank you" sounds are like the warm spring breeze in March, caressing my cheek. It's very pleasant!

As the ancients said, "A drop of grace should be repaid by a gushing spring". Each of us will accept the kindness of others, and our parents are our greatest benefactor. They raise us up and take care of our life every day. They are the people we should give back most. But now many children are unwilling to support their parents when they are old. What a shameful act!

I hope everyone has a grateful heart, and everyone is a grateful person. If everyone is like this, the relationship between people will be more harmonious and the social life will be better.

Heart Topic (8)

"A grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, and let me have the courage to be myself..." Whenever I hear this song, I am filled with emotion. Along the way, I need to thank too many people: thank my parents for their upbringing, thank my grandparents for their meticulous care, but what I want to thank most is Mr. Ke's hard training for me. It was she who taught me to be proactive; It was she who taught me to overcome difficulties; She made me like Chinese; It was she who made me...... Whenever I see the figure of my dear teacher Ke, I remember the scene of her carefully teaching me.

I remember that when I was in the fourth grade, I took part in the composition contest held in the school district, and my performance was very unsatisfactory, which made me frustrated and made me angry. He was silent and unhappy all day long, and even dared not look at the teacher directly in class, for fear that the teacher would blame me. At this time, the teacher found out and walked up to me with a light step and said kindly, "What's wrong with Bifang? She is in a bad mood?" I bowed my head and stammered, "Teacher, yes -- no -- get up, I -- -- didn't do well in the exam this time, I'm sorry."

The teacher's expression became serious and said to me: "My child, the teacher doesn't blame you for not doing well in the exam this time. You should know that you can't lose heart in doing anything. As long as you use your will to overcome difficulties, difficulties can't stop you from moving forward! With the determination to overcome difficulties and the knowledge you have learned and the spirit of hard study, you will succeed! The teacher believes you can do it! If I have a chance, I will give it to you. Work hard and believe I can do it! " After listening to the teacher's words, I seemed to have a guiding light on the road of life, and gradually learned to overcome difficulties.

Then, I decided to study hard and study hard later. I really did my best. I finally won the first prize in two consecutive composition competitions. Whenever I encounter setbacks, the teacher's words will echo in my ears, giving me great encouragement and strength. Mr. Ke is my first teacher, and also a primary school teacher whom I am most grateful to.

Heart Topic (9)

However, only you make me want to forget.

Remember? We often argue over little things. Every time, you give in first, and always say, "Because we are friends!" Sometimes, I really envy your smartness and tolerance, but it is always limited to envy, not like you.

Remember? In PE class, I always fall down while running, but you who are far ahead turn around and run with me again and again. Sometimes, I even doubt whether you want to laugh at me, but when I heard you say, "We are friends!" smartly, I began to extremely despise the self who once doubted you. But I can't say that sentence like you.

Remember? You are always angry that I don't know how to take care of myself. Sometimes, I just don't have breakfast and my stomach hurts. You just look at me with tears in your eyes, with a trace of complaint. It seems that you are blaming me for not taking good care of myself. Then, you run straight out of the school gate and rush out to buy me breakfast despite the guard's dissuasion. When I asked you why, you still said: "We are friends!" At that time, I was really moved. I really wanted to say "We are friends", but I could not say it all the time.

Today, we are separated.

Remember? When you left, I just held your hand tightly, afraid that your temperature would gradually disappear, and you used your last strength to say at the top of your voice: "We are... friends..." Yes, then you closed your eyes and never opened them again... At that time, I was like crazy, and kept repeating the same sentence, "We are friends!" It has been repeated all the time, but unfortunately, you may not hear it again

I can't accept the fact that you have left, I have been deceiving myself that I didn't know you, and I have been forcing myself to forget you... At first, I'm sorry... I can't do it... I can't forget... You will be the scenery I left in my heart... Never forget.

Heart Topic (10)

Do you still remember your simple self when you were young? Some people remember, but some have forgotten. If you ask me this, I will say that I forgot, yes, I forgot. When I was young, I had an inexplicable pursuit of learning, but when I grew up, I forgot what I was and what I wanted!

I still remember that I was an ignorant little girl at that time. At that time, I didn't know anything, but I was happy every day. At that time, it was vaguely when I was five or six years old. That was when my brother had already gone to school, but I was still young and had not entered school. My brother was two years older than me. He also studied two years earlier than me. At that time, he liked to follow his brother, but he only went to school, I can only stay at home. It doesn't matter. When my brother studies, I also want to study. So my brother studies at school, while I study at home. At that time, I held this calendar every day and learned to count by learning the numbers on the calendar. So I can count before I entered the school. When my grandmother brought me back, I still kept my enthusiasm for learning. Later, I went to school, I still love learning!

At that time, I was very happy tomorrow. I learned different things every day, whether at home or at school. Six years later, I entered junior high school, but I don't know when to start. I don't know why I learned. I don't understand how to learn and how to love life!

Now, when I step into the society, I have to live a hard life and struggle in this society to understand that learning is a better future. When I look back on the past, I find that I have forgotten the original thing, the original intention.

"Never forget your original intention, and you will always be there!"

Heart Topic (11)

The times are dancing above our heads with whirling dance steps, and we are stepping on the cement board, shuttling through the traffic flow in a hurry. Is there a moment when you want to stop and enjoy the gentle and profound Chinese culture in the massive updated data and the cheers of the starting line? Do you want to accept the baptism of culture and bathe in the simple and scholarly culture? Do you want to find the clean and gentle original heart like water? The Book of Rites · University said: "The way of university is to be virtuous, to be friendly to the people, and to be good." It can be seen from the history and culture of thousands of years that the so-called "bottom color of life" of the original mind is "to be virtuous, to be friendly to the people, and to be good".

"Mingde" is as clear as water. In ancient times, Tao Yuanming said that he would not give up for five bushels of rice. Liu Yuxi lived in a humble house with elegant feelings. Ji Xianlin, an old man, lingered for every tree and grass in Tsinghua Garden. They are full of cultural baptism, and they are all virtuous. Mingde is a clear spring flowing down the mountain stream, free from worldly dust and mud; Mingde is a beautiful jade in the blue field. It is pure and produces smoke; Mingde is not contaminated with sludge. Lotus, which is pure from water, has a pure heart, noble and elegant attitude, and makes Mingde always accompany like water!

"People friendly" is as soft as water. "It is no good to be intoxicated and drunk, and the soup of millet rice and quinoa soup can nourish the mind." Although Su Shi is in a high position, he does not dwell on wealth, nor indulge in drunkenness, but believes that simple food is the most nutritious. He does not regard himself as lofty, and is willing to share human suffering with the poor. Bai Juyi described the misery of the toil during the autumn harvest and the oppression of the people by the officials in "Watching mowing the wheat". At the end of the poem, he uttered a sigh of "I am ashamed to read this, and I cannot forget it recently". It can be seen that he was aware of the feelings of the people. His poems mostly reflect the sufferings of the people and are simple and straightforward. It is his kindness to people and his compassion that have written the hearts of many people and made them deeply respected.

"The best" is like water and love. Water is a loving mother who moistens all things without any sound. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "the highest good is like water", and there are countless contemporary examples, which moved the top ten Chinese people to tears again and again. The most beautiful teachers and the most beautiful grandma let us believe that the truth and the good still exist! Then, please let your heart open white flowers and bring the fragrance of goodness to every corner!

The Book of Songs says: "From the valley, move to the trees." There is much pomp in the world, and sincere loyalty to the original intention is the real wisdom. Only by being virtuous and friendly to the people can life be as beautiful and fragrant as April.

Like Lv Bicheng, people are like their names. With a clear heart, they stay clear all the time; For example, Lin Huiyin is full of poetry, and he uses his gentle heart to compose a hundred generations of city leanings; For example, Bing Xin is gentle and kind-hearted, and wields a hundred years of pure voice with the heart of fraternity. If you are like me, you will leave behind a lifetime of elegance with your clear and kind-hearted original intention!

I hope you and I will keep our original intention, and pour the fragrance on every inch of land in the search for flowers, mountains and waters.

Heart Topic (12)

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning shines in front of the window, don't forget the happiness when you harvest warmth; When the first cool wind of summer blows over your face, don't forget the happiness gently blowing; When the first leaf of autumn is flying in the air, don't forget how you feel the vicissitudes of life in the fallen leaves; When every snow comes in winter, don't forget to bless people.

It's easy to stick to a life, but difficult to stick to a beginning.

I remember the tree plum.

It was a cold winter. Maybe there are too many people in the campus, which is a little warmer than outside. Some plants barely survive in such a winter, but their branches and leaves are yellow and lifeless. In this way, only for their own survival. In such a bleak scene, I saw her a white plum tree.

In this way, the flourishing and vitality of a tree blooms quietly on the branches, like ink and wash, with non gorgeous beauty and simple and elegant temperament, like poetry and painting. It is so amazing, like the bright stars in the sky, which have washed away the dust of my heart without any cover.

She remembers her original intention.

Bloom in the cold, not afraid of everything, white jade, just for the world to send a beautiful, a warm. When a small bud spreads on the branch, she has a firm desire: I want to open for the beauty of the world, I want to bloom my own graceful, even if I am so weak, but I can't give up! In this way, she has her own original intention.

I looked at the plants that were once colorful and admired by countless literati. Maybe they also had the original intention and swore in the bottom of their hearts like that white plum. Now they have forgotten their original intention to survive and become what they are today.

So, who will remember our original intention? If you have the original intention, it is childish in many people today.

But they are ignorant. I once read a book, "The Little Prince", which was a lively, innocent and lovely child, but this image was disdained by many adults. But I believe that he will not forget his original intention, even if he grows up, he will not.

At the beginning of my heart, what are the storms and thunder, and what are the poisonous snakes and beasts? At the beginning, I am full of positive and optimistic. I believe in smiles, rainbows, beautiful fairy tales and everything. It was such a pure crystal heart. Sigh! However, it is polluted by the society of overt and covert struggle, which is no longer as clear as the sky.

How hard it is to see this plum! She didn't forget her original intention! I admire it from the bottom of my heart. Because I don't remember my original intention.

The longer a person grows, the harder it is to remember his original intention.

We all lost our original intention.

Heart Topic (13)

Time flies like an arrow. With the rapid development of science and technology, people's original intention has gradually dissipated

"Ouch!" The voice of an old man came into my ears, and curiosity prompted me to approach step by step. I was like an ant drilling into the tiny gap, and the scene in front of me came into sight. There was an old man lying on the road with sweat dripping down his cheeks, his face twisted and pale. The old man kept rubbing his knees with his hands and groaning in pain. There was a large crowd around, but no one came to help. Some people frown, others hesitate, and some people talk about what they are thinking and afraid of? What's wrong with people now? They dare not lend a helping hand. Are they afraid of being held accountable? Do they forget the most innocent original intention: unity, friendship and mutual help?

Chuxin, where are you?

At this time, a young man with the appearance of a student squeezed in from the crowd, comforting and inquiring the old man. He ignored other people's comments and helped the old man to get up and walk to the hospital. Looking at their backs, I felt a twinge of joy. Isn't this the original intention?

I remember in my childhood, the children in a class seemed to be a big family with mutual help and solidarity. When someone needs help, all the children in the class rush forward, hoping to contribute their part, as the song says, as long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better world. Unity, friendship and mutual help have always sprouted in the hearts of children, which is our original intention.

Now it is the 21st century, but the original intention of solidarity, friendship and mutual help is getting farther and farther away from us. We hope people can get to know each other again, play the slogan of "solidarity, friendship and mutual help", and find the most pure original intention.

Heart Topic (14)

As life goes on, there is no trace after years. When you raise your hand, it is spring. When you drop your hand, it is autumn. Only green silk is stained with frost. It is inevitable that you will feel a wordless pain in your heart, a helpless feeling washed away by years and abandoned by youth. Time flies, all the way wandering, the hurried pace took away too much reluctant, suddenly looking back, the fleeting wind and frost haggard too many faces, filled with too many reluctant thoughts! Peach blossom is everywhere and everything goes with the water. In the long river of years, no one can control his fate. After seeing the bustling world of mortals, the marks on the bluestone slabs are piled up with wonderful fragments, from ignorance to ignorance, and from ignorance to maturity. The world is full of cold and warm in the misty eyes, and we get together and leave each other.

In what year is this night? I raise my glass to invite the bright moon. When I feel deep, I will taste a piece of sadness and heartbreak. I will fall in love with each other in the tenderness of time. Alas, there is no way back in life. Even if there are hundreds of turns and thousands of turns, it is impossible to return to the original origin. No matter how beautiful the world is, no matter how touching the story is, it can not withstand the fleeting time.

Only in such a lonely night can I think of the innocent and out of tune nursery rhymes of my childhood and the sounds and smiles that accompany my childhood. However, how many old dreams and old things have changed. So, I picked up my pen and inked. On Sanchi Suxuan, the soft tip of the pen could not draw the trace of time, but the fragrance of calligraphy was full of the charm of returning to nature.

Sitting quietly with a pen, wearing a yellow scroll for thousands of years, immersed in the Tang and Song poetry, admiring the heroic spirit of "Jingkang shame, still not snow, courtiers hate, when will it end?" "Hunger for food of captive meat, laughing about thirst for Huns' blood". Occasionally, it becomes a kind of desolation that "I go to the west tower alone without words, the moon is like a hook, and the lonely Indus courtyard locks the autumn.".

Silent as before, the moonlight is like water, pouring thousands of miles, without complexity and noise. In the quiet time, listen to the rhythm of the wind blowing bamboo at night, and savor the true meaning of "bamboo is born in the wild, and the top clouds are towering for hundreds of miles". A cup of clear tea is full of fragrance, a song of clear voice is gentle and gentle, and after careful consideration, the 40 year old has arrived quietly. The crossroads ahead are no longer confused. There is no sigh of "thousands of sails will pass by the sunken boat, and thousands of trees will spring in front of the diseased tree", and there is no sadness of "birds will fly away, and solitary clouds will go idle alone". Yimei is quiet and good. She keeps this trivial thing of the world of mortals. Although "no one appreciates the high festival", she is also "holding her virginity".

Through the vicissitudes of life, I am used to seeing the autumn wind and winter rain. The road is at the foot. With a pure heart and a sense of indifference, I embrace a ray of poetic breeze, and wander in the vast night, accompanied by the dense tea fragrance, to precipitate my original intention.

Heart Topic (15)

Looking back at the long years, who is silently supporting us behind, who is selflessly offering them willingly, and who has paid their blood and sweat for us without a word of complaint. They don't ask for return, they just want us to live well. I believe that children's love is the best return.

I remember a poem like this: the thread in the hands of a loving mother, the coat of a wandering son. Before leaving, I am afraid of returning late. Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui.

This is a touching poem. The kind mother's reluctance and love for her children are all stitched into the clothes of the wanderer. Every stitch on the clothes contains the mother's eagerness to hope her son will be safe and return early.

I believe that wearing this dress on my son will definitely make him feel warm and flow into his heart.

I always think that there are still the closest people waiting for us to go home. Not lonely, not empty. Because we have the friendship of relatives to accompany us.

The word "parents" means "father and mother". In ancient times, there was a saying that "strict father and loving mother". Father is recognized as the most severe person by children. However, I think this should be an expression of the father's love for his children. If both husband and wife dote on their children, they will dote on their children in a lawless way. In the end, it is themselves and their families who suffer.

On the contrary, if the husband and wife are very strict with their children, often accuse each other, beat and scold the children, and regard this way of treating the children as love, this result may have a great impact on the physical and mental health of the children. The children are afraid of going home and running away from home.

In the family, one person needs to play the role of a villain, and this role is very suitable for a father who is not good at expressing his heart. Gradually, this role has been deeply rooted, deep into the hearts of children, that the father is very strict.

Whether a loving mother or a strict father, both of them think of their parents together. They are loving, caring and caring for us in their own way. Let's look back, in fact, they have been at our side!

Heart Topic (16)

Because of you, the world will be colorful.

notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Since I can remember, my mother has taught me that a person should have a grateful heart and be good at discovering the beauty of life. Since then, I have determined to bring this spirit to every corner of my life.

Give a grateful heart to our parents, they raised us. Our parents are our enlightenment teachers, and their earnest teachings make us remember. They put up with hardships, and they sacrifice themselves for us. Our parents have accompanied us for more than ten years and educated us for more than ten years; Our parents nagged us for more than ten years, but they worried about us for more than ten years.

Give our teachers a grateful heart, and they will take us on the right track. The teacher is like a gardener, who works hard to water our budding flowers, tirelessly, tirelessly and painstakingly. It is true that the teacher "comes with a heart and doesn't take half grass".

Giving a grateful heart to difficulties gives us a reason to persist. Difficulties are like springs. If you are strong, they will be weak. If you are weak, they will be strong. Only by overcoming difficulties can we see the light of hope. When difficulties collide with persistence and spark, the first thing to be erased is the fear of persistence.

Giving a grateful heart to my best friends is that they silently support, pay, protect and accompany me in the most difficult time. They helped me out. I shared my happiness, joy, depression and tears with them

Send a grateful heart to books, because they enrich our life; To send a grateful heart to the ancients is that they left behind the historical civilization of the Chinese nation; Giving a grateful heart to all people in today's society is their creation and continuation of a happy life; Send a grateful heart to

Thank you.

Heart Topic (17)

"Thank you, thank you, give me a lifetime, let me have the courage to be myself." Whenever I hear this song, my heart will be moved. Relatives, teachers, friends, all came to you to care about the ship, the ship is full of love, full of true feelings.

When you were born, you saw the world for the first time. Do you remember the kind and happy faces of your relatives?

When you step into a quiet and clean campus, is your teacher's first education the key to your lifelong enlightenment? Is the first criticism of you a step towards success?

When you enter the society, as the saying goes: rely on your parents at home, and rely on your friends when you go out. When the ruthless social life pushed you to the bottom, did your friends use those loving hands to pull you up, or did your friends use those sunny words of encouragement to strengthen your beliefs again?

But have relatives, teachers and friends ever been grateful? As long as you have this heart!

Have you ever thanked your parents for letting you come to this world and experience the truth, goodness and beauty of the world; Have you ever thanked the teacher for sowing bad seeds in your childish mind and educating you to be a positive person; Have you ever thanked the wind and snow for letting you find the most beautiful rainbow after sunny days; Have you ever thanked for setbacks and made you understand the meaning and value of success; Have you ever thanked fate for making you know so many friends in the vast crowd; Have you ever thanked fate for making your life colorful

In fact, we should be grateful for everything in the world. No matter whether it is good or bad, if we change our perspective, we will always find the good side. Just because we are grateful, we may be able to rein in those who are hanging in the abyss of evil.

My friends, let's sing a song "Heart of Gratitude" loudly to release the deepest passion of our hearts. Let's sing our most sincere call to the world of love.

Heart Topic (18)

Most people know Xue Zhiqian because of the song "Serious Snow", which, together with the song "Poisonous Perfume" and "Mice Love Rice", said that the three great masterpieces necessary for burying noble mobile phones.

"I don't care how scarred I am, but I care who you will accompany in the future."

In the middle school era when I could only study hard and like to moan about nothing, I like to copy these lyrics as a proof of youth.

Listening to Yellow Maple Leaf again, I could not help liking Xue Zhiqian's style. Maybe I like the things of the minority and hope to appear out of the ordinary. If he is really popular, I should not be so serious about him, let alone like him.

"The Past of Zurich", "The Return of the Prince", "The Hairpin Phoenix", I will listen to even these unpopular songs. Later on, "What do you want me to do?" I don't know how many lovelorn people have been cured.

"At least when I left, I was generous. Later, I would always choose to bypass that street and hope to meet in another street."

Xue Zhiqian was interviewed at CCTV15, and the host asked him: "Why did you go to play?"

He replied, "I want to be popular, so that more people will listen to my songs."

Xue Zhiqian opened a chain of hot pot stores in Shanghai and did a good job in clothing business when he could not become popular. In fact, he is not poor in money. He can leave the entertainment industry like Ren Quan and become his own boss, free and unrestrained. When you want to act and sing, you can guest star in your own investment.

But he still insists on writing songs. The habitual rhythm and melody in his works can tell that they are the works of the same person. In addition to Jay Chou and Xu Song, I found that my favorite singers are creative talents with strong personal style.

"Never forget the original intention" sounds very hypocritical, but it is not so easy to do.

When we were young, we wanted to be cartoonists, web writers, stage performers, and hosts. Later, we compromised because of the pressure of survival, or lost our leisure when we had money. I can't do it. Maybe you can't do it, but some people insist on it silently. It will take ten years to do it.

Heart Topic (19)

The golden autumn of September is also the beginning of school. I grew up again unconsciously. One year later, I entered a new stage of life. how are you? One year later.

I don't know what you have experienced in this year, nor how many times you have cried with laughter, nor do I know that one year later, those friends are still not beside you. Now, are you reading books with the help of a desk lamp or playing recklessly in the moonlight? I don't know. I only hope that your original intention has not changed. Maybe you are very decadent, afraid that your past self will be copied again. But I want to say, whose life is not turbulent?

Life is like an electrocardiogram. It hangs up when everything goes smoothly. So, if you are really afraid, listen to your favorite songs. Listen to how you came here. Take a look at your idol again.

How are their waists? Have they recovered from their injuries? Are they still sticking to it?

If the answer is yes, please don't give up. Don't forget why you chose this road. Do you remember the oath you made, never turn back, never give up? Even if you are constantly hypnotized by the world, you should also remember the last light in your heart.

Do you still remember that you were stupid and cute at that time. You don't know how to fight back when others bully you. Gradually changed, you became a real girl. From then on, you realized that a strong person on the outside is always fragile on the inside. You long to be protected by others, but only with the shadow. You are looking forward to a better life every day, and only bursts of crying can respond to you. So you encourage yourself every day and use violence to make yourself unbearable.

You want others to know you, but you don't open your heart to others. Change everything about yourself, and do not change the original heart. Remain true to our original aspiration.

Heart Topic (20)

In fact, I know your heart composition 1

People are not plants, who can be ruthless? I will always remember your kindness to us. I think every hardworking heart should be protected, and every hard work should be rewarded. The original intention of all actions should be understood. As a song says, good people live a peaceful life! This article is written to let you understand my heart: even if all people do not understand you and hate you, I will still support you and respect you as always. Besides, there are so many students who love you deeply!

I know you are like a red candle, burning your time silently, burying all the pain and tears in your heart, bringing us knowledge and warmth. I know that you have broken your heart in order to let us grow up healthily on the way of study and life. Your love for us is even beyond your parents.

In the face of the harm we have brought you again and again, you have been silent and tolerant again and again; In the face of adolescent rebellious us, you talked with us again and again, and taught us tirelessly. Because you clearly understand your mission: teaching and educating people.

You always think about our future. All your original intention is to make our future brighter and more brilliant. Although some of your practices are difficult for some students to understand, I believe your starting point is good. Maybe some students complain about you or even hate you because of this, but I know that all this is only temporary. One day when they have become parents and experienced the experience of life, they will thank you, and they will also regret their mistakes and the damage they caused to you in the past.

At the time when teachers are required to be almost perfect, I can understand the pain and bitterness in your heart: you are an ordinary person, and you also have your own life. For students, you can work hard. At school, you are an excellent head teacher, but at home, you may not be a competent father. I have seen your child, very cute, but very thin.

You always teach us to be upright and not to engage in evil ways. This is also your true life portrayal. You are conscientious in your work. Over the years, there have been many peaches and plums all over the world. You have principles in life. You should feel your conscience and ask what you do. If anything goes against your conscience, you will stand up and firmly oppose it. To tell you the truth, I like your frank character, a little straightforward, and also some natural and unrestrained. Every time I talk to you, my heart will be touched. Seeing the tears falling from your eyes, I feel that you are a child who has suffered a lot of grievances and has no place to vent. Sometimes, I mistakenly think that you are not a teacher, but a friend of mine, or even a big brother, although our age gap is wide.

Now I want to tell you that you are not serious and sometimes even humorous, which is why I like to get so close to you. It is my pride to have a class teacher like you in this life. If time can go against the current, I can choose a class teacher again, and I will still choose you without hesitation.

Having said so much, I just want to tell you that I know your heart. I will always support you, respect you, and hope you can understand my heart.

In fact, I know your heart Composition 2

My mother is not only concerned about my food, clothing, housing and transportation, but also about my study.

The first monthly exam last semester, I entered the exam room with confidence. I thought it would be OK to get seven or eight tenths. As soon as the paper was handed out, I covered the score and wondered whether it was 70~85 points. Because my mother said I got a reward for 70~85 points. But when I moved the notebook to the left, 4 appeared, and I still moved the notebook with confidence. I was stunned for a moment. I couldn't believe that there was an "o" in my eyes.

After school, the students ran home happily with their test papers. I had to put it in my schoolbag. Along the way, a big red brick seemed to be added to the schoolbag, which was very heavy. Back home, I stood in the corner of the wall, waiting for my mother's "prize" - Xiaozhuzhi. My mother also came back. I wiped my tears and almost cried out. My mother asked me how many points I got in the exam, but I didn't dare to say that I was afraid of "prizes". My mother probably saw that I didn't do well in the exam, and comforted me, "Xiao Ming, it's OK that I didn't do well in the exam this time, and I will add more oil next time." Before I finished listening, I felt relaxed as if I had removed ten thousand tons of boulders. Mother not only didn't hit me, but also told me to take me to Zixia Mountain to fly a kite on Sunday. On the way, a bicycle collided with my mother's bicycle. My mother's bicycle fell over and I fell down. I got up and helped my mother up. When I saw her hand was broken, I said, "Mom, let's not go." My mother said, "It doesn't matter. It's nothing if we polish the skin. We should get up and move forward. Do you know?" Then my mother took me to Zixia Mountain.

A month after the new semester began, the monthly exam began again. My mother said, "Xiao Ming must double this time!" I nodded. With my mother's care and encouragement, I passed the exam this time. Although not 85 points, my mother is already very happy.

Mom, I know your heart!

Actually, I know your heart Composition 3

"Mom, I love you!" Looking at the surprised smile on her face, I felt satisfied. The beginning of the story is as follows:

It was another afternoon when I went back to school. As soon as I got home, I entered a tense learning state. Then my mother came to me and said, "It was not easy to make myself so nervous one weekend, and the school has a way~~~" In the face of your endless words, I said loudly: "Everyone else is studying, I don't study, and then you blame me if you fail in the exam!" You didn't continue to say, put down the milk and gently close the door.

Holding the milk with your temperature, I feel remorse and regret. I shouldn't speak to you so loudly. In fact, I know your heart. I know you see that I work too hard in school. I hope I have a relaxed weekend. But you know, if you relax a little, you will be followed by failure in learning. I know you love me and love me, but I can only choose to study under the pressure of the high school entrance examination. But after thinking about it, I think I should apologize to you.

When you saw me go out of the study door, you smiled and said, "That's right, and proper rest is also necessary." For my violent temper, you turned around and forgot. I felt remorse and regret. "I apologize for what I did just now, Mom, I love you!" You smiled, and the bright smile hit my heart, making me feel warm.

In fact, I know you, Mom. As the days went by, I found you were right. Proper rest is very helpful for adjusting the mentality and learning efficiency. Under your "combination of work and rest" education, my study has made rapid progress.

In fact, I know you. Your love for me is unparalleled. The methods you told me are all based on your experience. But because of my "willful behavior", I hurt you again and again. Mom, I'm sorry, I will change this character.

In fact, I really understand you. I remember what you have done for me.

I know you, Mom.