First day of the first day of school (16 compilations)
2023-12-28 02:09:20
Junior 1

First day of school (1)

Time flies. Today, I am no longer a child who often cries loudly; Today, I am no longer an ignorant pupil who interrupts in class; Today, I am a freshman who has grown up a lot and is full of vigor!

I entered the long-awaited school gate, everything seemed to make me feel fresh. The campus is located in the embrace of Zijin Mountain, which looks so beautiful. Statues of great men and shop windows are full of humanistic atmosphere; The red runway and the green football field make people feel more intimate. With a happy heart, I entered Class 17 of Junior One in the next three years. Looking at the strange faces, I am more confident: I will make new friends and integrate into this new group!

The first day of school is the most unforgettable for me. The first class of the day was biology. The monitor asked us to sit down and wait for the teacher to arrive. One question after another came to my mind: Is the teacher male or female? Is the teacher ferocious and strict? In doubt, our biology teacher came in, wearing a pair of red glasses, not very fierce. I felt that the first class was so interesting that it seemed to bring me into a strange biological world. The next few classes were also very interesting. The teacher gave a lively lecture on the platform, and the students listened carefully. Whenever the teacher asked questions, I would think carefully... The first day, I felt the interest of junior high school life.

Gradually, gradually, I felt the difference between junior high school and primary school: the teacher gave lectures faster and assigned more homework. This makes me feel a little pressure, but without pressure, how can I improve my study?

In junior high school, I will study harder and achieve better results!

First day of school (2)

The military training ended quickly. It's time to go home.

I spent almost all my holidays playing. I can't stand the intensity of military training, so I always count with my fingers in the first two days and think, "I want to go home, I'll be fine in * days." Then I got used to it and stopped counting.

The training of military training made me suffer from the old problem of my leg, which always hurts faintly. In the afternoon of the fourth day, I really couldn't stand the pain and had a rest all afternoon. I sat beside them and watched them work hard to train. I suddenly felt tired, more tired than I insisted on practicing. I really want to continue. Fortunately, my leg still gave me face in the next few days. It didn't hurt much, so I insisted.

Military training is very hard, which makes me feel uncomfortable as a girl who is well fed. But after I fell in love with it, I didn't care whether it was hard training or physical pain, whether it was the drillmaster's occasional sternness or the "simple" meal of potatoes. Because I love them.

When the group photo was taken after the training ceremony on the 27th, one of the students kept crying. We all know that she was reluctant. We don't want to, but we can't cry. But when I got on the bus and just left, I looked at the drillmaster from the window, and he just looked at me, looking at his smile, thinking of his dedication to our teaching, thinking of his best efforts to help us achieve perfection, my tears suddenly ran out of control. Instructor, I don't want you!

Military training is short, but what it taught me will be useful for my whole life.

First day of school (3)

Five and a half days of military training have passed in the blink of an eye. Although the time is short, I have gained a lot.

Military training not only cultivated my spirit of unity and cooperation with my peers, but also honed my will. Su Shi, a poet of the Song Dynasty, once said, "In ancient times, people who made great achievements not only had extraordinary talents, but also had perseverance." Five half day military training made me feel hot and tired; I realized the strict discipline of the soldiers; It made me understand that unity is strength. As a member of the collective, I should always think about the collective.

"Without wind and rain, there is no rainbow." "Without cold and bone cutting, there is no fragrant plum blossom." I think this military training is also a small exercise. Although military training is tiring, there are also happy times. During the break, the students sat together, talking and laughing, and talking about some interesting stories. The sunny face shows a happy expression.

The effort of the students in our class did well on the day of the show and won the first place.

Time is like a gurgling brook, which passes away in a twinkling of an eye. Five and a half days of military training life seemed to be in front of me, which made me unforgettable. This will also become a star on my growth path, and I will always remember it.

Military training accompanies my growth.

First day of school (4)

Today is my first day of school. The stars are moving and days and months are flying. The day has sent me to the gate of middle school. I got up early with excitement and fear, quickly put on the clean clothes I had prepared yesterday, had breakfast, and hurried to the experimental middle school.

As soon as I entered the school gate, I saw beautiful teaching buildings and neat rows of bicycles. Look! There are many basketball stands and a table tennis table on a wide and flat playground in the distance, which is great! Because I love playing basketball and table tennis, which will leave me in the future. According to the list, I found Class 5 of Junior One on the second floor.

Mr. Zhang, the head teacher, kindly said to me: "Your name is Zhang Chuanqi, right?" "Yes" "Come on, put a tick on the enrollment list, and then find a seat to sit down." The classroom is spacious and bright. There are cameras, projectors, air conditioners and balconies in the classroom. The classroom is spacious and bright, with brand new desks and benches.

After a while, when everyone arrived, the teacher suddenly took something out of the desk and put it on the ear. I could see at a glance that it was a headset for expanding the sound. It was so high-tech!

The teacher said to us: "You are no longer a primary school student, but a middle school student. You should have the ability to learn independently and consciously." He also said: "I don't care whether it was good or bad in the past, from now on you are a piece of white paper in my mind, everyone is equal..."

Mr. Zhang's words made me feel a lot. I was determined to study hard and give full play to my level and ability in junior high school, give up the past, forget the past, let myself surpass myself every day, make every day a new start, and become a top student in the school.

First day of school (5)

Just said goodbye to primary school life, and in the twinkling of an eye, it was junior high school again.

When I entered the middle school, everything was so strange and beautiful. New teachers, new environment and new classmates made me feel so unreal.

People often say: "Meet, meet is fate, there is a destiny in the dark."

When the library entered the middle school, we welcomed military training and instructors. In these ten days, we worked hard, persevered, and did not retreat. We shed sweat and tears in the school playground. Yes, we trained hard in the sun. We cried here because we could not persevere. We complained about the instructors and even the school in these days. Time passed so fast, as if ten days were just a flash, and then disappeared, Turning around, the memory is in front of me. The former Women's Tenth Squadron has already been disbanded, and my teammates have been assigned to various classes, while I am still lingering.

After ten days of military training, we ushered in the formal class again. The teachers at the school made me feel very friendly. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm a student!

In school, I often meet my former teammates and friends. Gradually, I will not be nervous when facing my classmates. Even if I do wrong, I will also face up to this problem, slowly correct it, integrate into the new class, and get familiar with the new teacher. I have done it. Now, it is time to integrate into the class as soon as possible!

Farewell to the past and grasp the time of junior high school. I thought time was slow, but now I feel time flies.

Sometimes, looking at a face that is both strange and familiar, I always feel a sigh. Sometimes, I feel that friends I haven't seen for a long time have changed a lot! Sometimes, I have to lament that time is so fast that it is not too hard to describe it with an hourglass.

Junior high school is the second stage and the second world of our life. From today on, I will study hard, listen carefully, be positive, correct my shortcomings, and let everything in the past pass! My youth does not regret, let my future no longer distant!

First day of school (6)

The rain stopped, the sun came out, and our summer vacation ended quietly. This morning, I went to school alone to report for duty. The dirt road at the school gate was covered with a layer of "quilt", so that if it rains in the future, we don't have to go on the dirt road. I believe many students will be happy. But my mood is not so good. I have a new teacher in the new semester, and I don't know she is an angel? Or "devil"? I don't know whether her Mandarin is standard or not? I don't know how she teaches.

I came to the school with a lot of questions. There were many junior students in the school, and their parents were happily going to sign up for them. The small trees in the school have also grown up. I hope they will grow into towering trees early. There are many flower beds nearby, and the green grass seems to say: "Welcome back to school, and I wish you a good start in the new semester!"

As soon as I entered the classroom, I found that it was more beautiful. For example: "The walls that used to worry teachers are now covered with a layer of bricks. The white bricks with gray flowers add another color to the classroom.

I finally met the teacher Ji Fa'e who has puzzled me all the time!

I also saw many students who missed every day during the summer vacation. I found that each student has grown up, become more sensible and taller. Originally, the little Xia Ke was almost as tall as me. As soon as the students meet, they chatter incessantly.

I believe there will be a new me in the new semester!

First day of school (7)

The summer vacation has passed and school has begun. I have stepped onto a new ladder and entered junior high school.

On the first day of school, the school gate was crowded with people and cars. A sea of people flooded there. When the school gate was opened, it rushed in like a flood. I was the first one to rush in and found my name on the list posted, yeah! Yes, I am in Class 12.

People from all classes came to the playground to stand in line. I stood in the team of Class 12 and began to observe our new campus. The grass was full of energy and green. The runways on both sides were spotless, like new exercise books. In the middle was a football field. The green lawn made me think about the feeling of playing football on it. How enjoyable!

There are basketball stands and sports equipment on both sides of the playground. If you think of my fat body, you must exercise more and pack light. Unconsciously, everyone arrived. The teacher took us to the classroom. All the way, everyone was excited. They talked and guessed what class Class 12 was like?

Everyone sat in the classroom, full of expectation, the headmaster came, brought the head teacher, and also brought the answer we most want to know - Class 12 of the 12th Middle School is an elite class! At this time, the students cheered and I was overjoyed. The class was full of excellent students. I would like to learn from others and make myself better!

The first task at the beginning of school is military training, which can enhance students' organizational discipline, cultivate the style of hard work, and improve students' comprehensive quality. We were very excited when we sent out the military uniforms. All the students put on the military uniforms. Ha, one by one, they were amazing. Some saluted, some held the gun and shot. After taking us around the campus, the teacher led us to the military training ground, and the morning passed.

In the afternoon, we held the opening ceremony, and all the teachers met with us. Everyone's mental outlook was very good. It can be seen that they were full of energy and were ready to meet the challenges of the new stage of junior high school!

First day of school (8)

The waste heat of the holiday has not completely faded, and a new semester has quietly arrived.

Today, we are back to the familiar campus. With our return, a new semester full of vitality has begun.

In the last semester, both the whole school and individual students have made many gratifying achievements. However, those are all gone. In the new semester, we will all face our own new tasks. Senior high school seniors and senior high school seniors will make the final push in this semester, and strive to make the last move towards their ideal universities. Here, I also sincerely wish all the seniors and sisters can enter the ideal university to continue their studies. Our sophomore students will also face the decision to choose subjects. We should also have a comprehensive and thorough understanding of our own strength and make a plan for our future. How to correctly grasp the direction of our future life and give full play to our advantages has become an important issue before us. After a semester, the junior and junior high school students have also adapted to the life of high school, and have achieved certain results. In the new semester, you should continue to work hard for greater progress.

I firmly believe that as long as we work hard and strive, the goal will be achieved.

This year, our school will celebrate its 60th anniversary.

Our school is an old school with a certain influence in Pudong New Area and even in Shanghai. In the wind, rain and rain, our school has gone through 60 years. During this period, she has been brilliant and declined. But no matter what, she came over.

As a Yangsi person, we should be proud. We are happy to study and live here with everyone.

However, while we are happy, we also shoulder the mission entrusted by history: how to revive our old school of history is the goal that our generations of Yangsi people have to strive for.

Last year, our school has passed the acceptance work of "Civilized Unit" and "Model School of Three Codes of Conduct". These encouraging news shows that our school has been in a rising stage. All these are gratifying.

I believe that as long as all the teachers and students of our school unite and work together, our school will be able to reach the peak of history again in the near future.

First day of school (9)

Today is the first day of the new semester, and the happy summer vacation has passed like a dream. Until I sat in the classroom, I was still immersed in the scene of climbing Tianhua Mountain in Dandong

Today's school is like a concert. Those little brothers and sisters who just entered the school run around in groups on the playground, shouting "Mom" later, which reminds me of the scene when I entered the school: Mom and I looked for my name on the student list posted at the door of each class, but only saw "Zhang Wenjing" and "Zhao Wenshuo". That day was really messy

This semester, there are three teachers in my class. Let me introduce them one by one:

The most humorous foreign teacher - at first, he deliberately pretended to be very serious, but a few minutes later, his humorous nature was revealed. He said "My Chinese is very good", but when he called his classmates' names, he didn't speak in a straight line and beat about the bush. For example, when "Zhang Kexin" was pronounced "Qin Koni", and "Cao Yu" was pronounced "English", we were trying to laugh at him, but he was deliberately teasing us

The most strict science teacher - Miss Yang. In the 40 minute science class, she only talked about one question - the rules of class. We listened without moving. It seemed that everyone was shocked by her

Mr. Zhang, the deepest math teacher, was the first male teacher in my primary school. He was medium height, wore a gray T-shirt, and his voice was deep and loud. Because he didn't leave homework on the first day, we all liked him very much

New weather in the new semester. I want to be an excellent team committee. I want to be a good student. As my mother said, I want to be a child who "speaks carefully and acts attentively"

First day of school (10)

Look forward to the stars, look forward to the moon, and finally look forward to the beginning of school! Early in the morning, I wore a mask, carried my schoolbag and went to school happily. Along the way, the "whoop" wind and the "toot" horn sound merged into a beautiful symphony, like cheering for this new day. Graceful willows on both sides of the road danced with the wind, swinging their green dresses, high and low, left and right.

Unconsciously, I have come to school. I jumped out of the car excitedly, and ran to the school gate, looking around. I found that it was quite different from the busy and noisy opening scene in the past. In order to avoid the gathering of people, the school adopted off peak school. I only met three or five students wearing masks like me at the school gate. There are six security inspection channels at the gate of the campus. Through the channels, we can see our teaching building. I was surprised to find that the ivy on the teaching building had put on a new layer of light green clothes.

I can't wait to rush to the classroom and walk into the classroom. Although I wear a mask, I still close my eyes and suck the long lost classroom atmosphere. I sat in the classroom I had missed for a long time, and when I looked up, I saw my classmates casting excited eyes at me. I hurried back to them with the same excited eyes. We smiled across our masks and passed our greetings that we had not seen for a long time. After a while, all the students arrived. At that time, Mr. Wang, the head teacher, came into the classroom, told us the precautions for class during epidemic prevention, and led us to watch the First Class.

At noon, we went to the canteen to eat. Everyone consciously arranged one by one at one meter intervals. Everything was in order. After receiving my meal, I sat down on the seat next to the partition board and began to eat. "Eh, what's the matter?" Haha, I forgot to take off my mask, and my food was robbed by the mask... I took off the mask again and began to taste the food. The food today is really delicious. No wonder the mask is competing with me!

Good times are always short, and soon it will be school time. We know that the return to campus is the result of countless heroes' efforts. We will protect ourselves, live up to our time, and study hard for the strength of our country and the rise of China. The first day of school is not only a day full of excitement and excitement, but also a day full of hope.

First day of school (11)

400 words composition on the first day of school [1]

Today is the first day of school.

As soon as I went to school, I encountered unpleasant things.

What is it? As soon as I entered the classroom today, I saw Qiao Zhili sitting in my seat. Many students shouted, "Here comes Qiao Zhili, you should sit in your original seat.

”So I'm not happy.

My mother said that it was the teacher who asked me to sit there, but the students kept shouting and shouting. I didn't know what was going on, so I followed my mother all the time. I followed my mother wherever she went, and I didn't go in when my mother pushed me into the classroom.

Finally, my mother found Teacher Wu downstairs. Teacher Wu dragged me into the classroom, and the students dared not shout again.

Teacher Wu led me to the first row and let Qiao Zhili sit at Fuqiang's seat, so that the seat problem was solved.

After the third class, the exam results came out! When I announced my score, I thought I could definitely score 100 or 99. As soon as the teacher announced my score, I knew that I had scored 90 or 85. I was not satisfied with the score, because I knew what were the two numbers between 8 and 10 when math was wrong? But I don't know how wrong the Chinese is, because the test papers are never handed out. Later, I saw his test papers at a noisy house.

Although I didn't do well this time, I will do well next time! I thought to myself.

400 words composition on the first day of school [2]

School begins today.

I got up early, checked my schoolbag carefully again, and my mother had already prepared breakfast.

After dinner, I packed everything and kept looking at the time. I arrived at school at 8:30. I felt that the time passed slowly and my heart had already flown to school.

8: 15, I put my schoolbag on my back and set out.

Today's fog is a little heavy, but it has not affected my happy mood in the slightest.

When we arrived at the classroom, some students had arrived. We greeted each other and talked about interesting things during the holiday.

I saw some students grow taller during the holiday, some become "fat", and some become more handsome and beautiful.

We were having a heated discussion when Mr. Zhang came in, and the classroom immediately became quiet, just like a frightened little frog, and suddenly stopped the frogs.

Mr. Zhang looks younger.

She first summarized the results of the last semester and told us the arrangement of this semester. Then we began to clean up.

After cleaning, the teacher gave us new books, and we all looked carefully. I felt that the books in this semester were a little harder than those in the previous semester, but I was confident to learn them well and grasp them firmly.

After the teacher gave us some requirements for this semester, he announced that school would be dismissed early today, so we carefully packed our books into our bags and went home happily.

400 words composition on the first day of school [3]

In the morning, the naughty sun peeped in from the window.

Open the window, and the fresh air comes in with the warm smell of sunshine.

Everything indicates that today will be an extraordinary day.

After the long and substantial summer vacation, the students returned to the classroom - our common home.

Before the door was pushed open, I had already heard the laughter of my classmates.

I saw the students gathered together in twos and threes like old friends who had met again after a long separation, talking, laughing and chatting happily.

Some talked about their new experiences during the summer vacation, some talked about their reading experiences, and some talked about their pleasant feelings.

There are many things to talk about.

Although there are many voices, they are not noisy; Although there are many laughs, they are very beautiful.

I looked out of the window at the blue sky and white clouds, as if I had become a swallow flying in the sky, free and carefree, flying to the sun, flying to the future.

"Jingle bell......" The class bell rang, and the classroom became quiet.

We sat up straight and stared at the door of the classroom, eager to see the teacher's bright smiling face and hear her encouraging words earlier

The plan with thick ink and paper fragrance has already been written. The ideal in my heart is like a ship carrying hope, waiting for us to set sail.

400 words composition on the first day of school [4]

Today is the first day of school.

I was carrying a brand new bag on my way to school. I was very happy and nervous.

I am glad that I can meet the teachers and students again today. I am nervous that I will make mistakes on the first day of school.

Be careful, you can't make mistakes.

I remind myself in my heart.

I looked up and saw that the students were all dressed in neat school uniforms, talking and laughing as they walked, as if they were talking about their happy holiday life.

I walked to the teacher's door and heard the students' reading aloud.

I quickly opened the door, went to the seat, took out the Chinese book, and read the text "Youth, Youth, the Spring of the Motherland" with emotion

Ding Ling - Ding Ling, the class bell rang, the sound was the same as usual, there was no difference.

But when I heard it, I thought today's bell was particularly clear, perhaps because today is the first day of school.

Yes, the teacher told us vividly in class, and the students listened attentively. From the teacher's eyes, I have seen the surprise and satisfaction, needless to say, because we have grown up one year and become sensible.

With tension, excitement and harvest, I ended my study life on the first day of school.

First day of school (12)

A diary of 500 words on the first day of junior high school Fan Wenyi

I came to the new campus happily. I stood on the playground and shouted, "Ah! It's so beautiful."

There was no one in the classroom, and I thought, "Eh? Why didn't anyone come to our class today? Will there be no class today?" I was thinking that one of my classmates came out. I looked up and saw that it was my kindergarten brother, "PangPang Pig". He looked at me and said, "Eh? Are you in the same class with me?"

"Yes," I said.

"We can play dominoes together," he shouted.

But there are no dominoes here! Suddenly, I saw a lot of fairy tales stacked on the teacher's desk, including my favorite "Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea", "Green's Fairy Tales", "Education of Love" and so on. I immediately lined up the books. We were having fun when a large group of people rushed in.

I saw this group of people are my kindergarten brothers. We are six Vajra supermen, Wukong, God of Wealth, Zeus and so on. When we played together, we heard footsteps in the corridor, and one of them hid behind the door, ready to frighten people. In the blink of an eye, we saw a tall shadow had come to us, and just heard the sound of "Dong -" and closed the door. At this time, I immediately returned to the seat, as if playing with toys. At this time, someone said loudly, "What happened in the classroom? It's like a riot in heaven." I saw that it was the headmaster with a pair of glasses and a serious expression!

A diary of 500 words on the first day of junior high school

Today is the first day of school. I was carrying a brand new bag on my way to school. I was very happy and nervous. I am glad that I can meet the teachers and students again today. I am nervous that I will make mistakes on the first day of school. Be careful, you can't make mistakes. I remind myself in my heart.

I looked up and saw that the students were all dressed in neat school uniforms, talking and laughing as they walked, as if they were talking about their happy holiday life.

I walked to the teacher's door and heard the students' reading aloud. I quickly opened the door, went to the seat, took out the Chinese book, and read the text "Youth, Youth, the Spring of the Motherland" with emotion

Ding Ling - Ding Ling, the class bell rang, the sound was the same as usual, there was no difference. But when I heard it, I thought today's bell was particularly clear, perhaps because today is the first day of school. Yes, the teacher told us vividly in class, and the students listened attentively. From the teacher's eyes, I have seen the surprise and satisfaction, needless to say, because we have grown up one year and become sensible.

With tension, excitement and harvest, I ended my study life on the first day of school. I secretly made a decision: cherish every day and study hard.

First day of school (13)

Today is a very happy day for me, because it is the first day of school. In the summer vacation, I have to do a lot of homework and take extra classes every day. Although there are many children in the extracurricular class, I miss my lovely classmates and beloved teachers more, because they make me happy every day.

When I got up in the morning, I was very excited. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, had some breakfast, and hurried to carry my schoolbag to school. On the way, the breeze blew across my face, so cool! Enjoying the colorful flowers, humming the songs sung by my classmates, I rushed to school like an arrow.

When I got to school, I finally saw my old classmates. They were all new. Some wore beautiful clothes, some carried new school bags, and some students had grown tall or fat. Before class, the students were discussing their plans for the new semester and their interesting stories. They talked and laughed. Suddenly, the class was quiet and thought, "What's wrong?" It was the teacher. When the teacher walked to the platform, my heart was very excited because I had not seen my dear teacher for a long time. Although the teacher's face was covered with wrinkles, he was still smiling and amiable, which made me feel warm like returning home.

In the class, the teacher talked eloquently and vividly, and the students listened carefully, did not make small movements, sat upright, and answered questions actively. Look! All the students have made new progress and also made new changes.

With new plans for the new semester, I am determined to study hard, unite classmates, help others, be full of love and compassion. Become more sensible and clever, help teachers do what they can, and strive to be good students of teachers, good children of parents, and good citizens in Ji'an.

[Example 2]

More than a month's holiday has passed like a dream, and a new semester is about to begin. It seems that teachers and students have appeared in front of me. When I think of them, I wish I had no school at once

Jingle the bell! The alarm clock rings. Today is a special day. Because the new semester has begun, I am still sleepy and wake up immediately. After dinner, I pick up my schoolbag and hurry to school. There are a lot of people on the road, some go to work, some go to school The police uncle kept order on the road. Everything was so lively. When he came to the classroom, the students grew one year old. Some became fat, some became thin, and some grew taller The new book has also been released, which can be said to be completely new! After class, the amiable teacher Wang walked into the classroom as usual and opened a new page. The holidays also passed. The first day of school was also the first class. The students listened attentively. The blackboard seemed to become a magnet, sucking the students' eyes. After class, I looked out of the window, but Uncle Feng blew knowledge, Grandfather Tree is going to be wise, and the sun lights up the colorful day.

With the arrival of spring, we welcome a new semester, and I will work harder to live up to everyone's expectations.

First day of school (14)

Time flies like an arrow. Now I am not a little girl sitting on the grass playing "family", nor a primary school student reading aloud "bright moonlight in front of bed, suspected frost on the ground", but a junior high school student who leaves his childhood and walks into the life of junior high school with a vision of the future.

Today, I stand on a new starting line. Standing outside the school, I entered the gate of No. 12 Middle School with excitement and curiosity, and everything around me felt so strange. Look, a group of small sparrows came over smiling and chirping, as if they were saying to me, "Welcome!" They looked up at the sky, and white clouds were dotted in the blue sky like cotton candy... I could not resist the excitement anymore, and ran over like a sword in Class 1, Grade 7.

Wow! Who is that? A strong man standing on the platform must be our teacher. She is directing students like industrious bees. After a while, the classroom was cleaned up. In this way, we have created a new atmosphere of vitality, harmony and progress.

In the new semester, in the new study, I will certainly have new achievements, or the old saying "How can I see the rainbow without going through the storm? How can I get rewarded without paying? How can I taste sweet without suffering?" No one can casually succeed, and no one can casually fail. Only four masters and disciples like Tang Seng in Journey to the West have crossed countless mountains and rivers, experienced countless hardships, eradicated countless demons and ghosts, and defeated countless temptations. In the end, the merits are perfect and the hardships are sweet.

There is no end to learning. I will study hard and face the new journey. Maybe there will be setbacks, but I will overcome all difficulties and reach the other side of success!

Monday, September 1, 20xx Sunny

On the first day of school, I was so excited and nervous. When school starts, I'm going to another unfamiliar place. I'm not used to it.

There are so many people on the campus that the students of the whole school (junior high school and senior high school) gather in one campus, which is inconvenient to access. I didn't meet an acquaintance in this strange place. I stayed alone on the grassy playground in a daze.

After an hour, the teachers have divided their classes. At the same time, I saw my former classmates, and I was very excited and happy, because I was very likely to be in the same class with them. But contrary to our wishes, the students were all assigned to Class 1, and I was the only one assigned to Class 2. Alas~~I am alone. Facing those strange faces, I look sad because I have no common language with them.

Maybe my heart is too heavy, and the weather has "shed tears", so I have to go to work. The students were originally in a neat line, but when they arrived at the door of the classroom, the line became disordered, and they scrambled to sit down one by one. Only me, who seemed so constrained, became their "back cushion" and reached the last corner of Group 4. Alas, there are two flies flying around me. Maybe they have sympathy for me.

Sitting in this classroom, all I can do is to be in a daze. Everyone in the class knew each other in primary school, except me. They don't know each other and haven't talked to each other. At this time, my wish is to go home from school early and not always be dumb. I'm not used to it.

In this way, the whole morning passed. I don't want to go to school when I get home, but I don't want to be absent on the first day of school. After eating, he lay in bed and fell asleep. When I got up, it was 2:00. I thought it would be 2:30, but when I got to school, I was late! I'm late! When I entered the classroom, only my position was vacant. I was late on the first day of school.

In the afternoon, school was over, and other classes were gone, except our class. When the teacher was away, the classroom was in chaos. I wanted to go out for fresh air and walked out of the classroom. Only one minute later, the door was closed. I thought all my classmates had left, but I heard voices inside. Ah, the door is open! The teacher glanced at me and said, "Come in quickly!" His eyes were so terrible and his words were fierce. I was so scared at that time. Other students told me that the teacher came into the classroom as soon as I left. They thought I was back. Fortunately, my schoolbag was still there, or I would be punished if I remembered my name!

The first day of school was so unlucky. I left such a bad impression on the head teacher. Does this mean that the life will be more difficult in the future!

The long-awaited junior high school journey began, but the first day of junior high school life left me so overwhelmed.

Monday, September 1, 20xx Sunny

September came again with its light steps. We put aside the joy of the holiday and carried the hope of our parents to come to the school we are familiar with again.

How interesting it is to find your name in the noisy crowd and be pushed around in the 'sea of people'. Finally, I found my own name among thousands of names. Looking at the strange classroom and the noisy crowd, I felt a sense of sadness.

Looking at my original class, looking at my friends' distant back, looking at the strange students, I felt an impulse to cry. I shook my head helplessly, carrying the extremely heavy burden, and walked to the new classroom.

Strange students, teachers, tables and chairs. The faces I have never seen make me feel lonely. I sat down at random and looked around. The students talked and laughed. Their smiles made me feel a little warm.

The teachers showed up one by one, kind and strict... Each class was so wonderful and had its own style. I have never listened to their lectures before. I felt very comfortable today when I listened to them for the first time. We do experiments together, discuss problems in groups, and help each other between teachers and friends, which always makes our classroom full of fun.

The class was cleaned, and there were busy students inside and outside the classroom, who were meticulously doing their assigned tasks. Sweat ran down their cheeks, but they did not care. They wiped the sweat on their forehead and began to work hard again. At that moment, I realized that they had already regarded Class 84 as their own home and their classmates as relatives. At that moment, I felt the warmth of home. At that moment

The students have all contributed their own strength to the class. As one of them, should I work hard not to lose face for the class?

Class 84 is always the most beautiful group in my heart. For it, I should contribute my own light and heat! For the sake of our class, how hard each student works!

I believe that with the company of so many people, our second day life will be very wonderful. As long as we work together, our class will win the honor!

First day of school (15)

Fan Wenyi's Diary of the First Day of Junior One

Today is the first day of school. I went to school with both pleasure and reluctance. I am happy because I can meet my classmates and good friends again at school. I am reluctant because I want to leave this long holiday, pick up my mood and go back to school.

Today is the first day of school. It's not traffic jam on campus, but laughter and speech. Early in the morning, the vehicles in the campus poured into the campus like bees. The campus also fell into chaos. Some volunteer teams and school workers help to maintain the traffic order on campus. I am happy to step into the campus today, just like taking stimulants.

On campus, I saw many students and teachers come to school one after another. Some first-year students are very unfamiliar with the campus when they first step into the real campus, so they all cry and jump to go home. But some first-year students are different. They don't cry, and they all sit quietly in the class, just like fools.

And I, with a brisk step into the class. There are not many students in the class, only more than 20 people. I quickly put down my schoolbag. Then, I talked with Huang Zhangfeng, my good friend at the next table, about the interesting things that happened during the holiday. We chatted and chatted until the teacher stepped into the classroom at the beginning of the conversation.

After a while, the teacher assigned us tables and chairs to facilitate the allocation of seats to us. After the seats were allocated to us, the teacher gave us the first lesson.

I am happy today because I can meet my friends again. In addition, I can learn more valuable knowledge in the new year.

Fan Wener's Diary of the First Day of Junior One

Today is the first day of school. The teacher said that we should divide classes this year. Early in the morning, I got up and finished everything. Finally, I hurried into the school. In front of the bulletin board, I carefully looked for my name, oh! Yes, in Class Seven One. "Find out who knows in Class One", he thought. "Ah, there are two girls, Wang Huiyi and Jiang Xiner. Well, it's nice to have two good friends, so I won't be so lonely." Then I went to register for duty. After checking in, I entered the classroom of Class 71 and felt very strange. Wang Huiyi and Jiang Xiner had not come yet, and they were bored. Shen Ling from Class 2 came to me, so I played with her and had classes. Wang Huiyi and Jiang Xin'er finally arrived. I hurried to them and told them interesting things about summer vacation. Suddenly, the teacher came, and I simply sat beside them to "communicate". The teacher came in and asked us to clean up. "Alas, we have to clean up again." The whole class heard such a voice. But what can we do? Sanitation still needs to be done. I can't help it. The whole class followed the teacher to the new health area. In this way, we cleaned for most of the day and finally finished. "Go upstairs," I said, and Wang Huiyi and Jiang Xiner also responded. The teacher said to adjust the seats, and we lined up from low to high. The teacher called me away and arranged the seats one by one, thinking about who I would sit at the table with. The teacher called, "You, and the one behind you, should be the fourth position in the third group." I was stunned, and then I came to the classroom.

Fan Wensan's Diary of the First Day of Junior One

As a new student of Maosui Middle School, I deeply felt the pride and pride, as well as my own mission and sense of responsibility. After listening to the speech of the teacher representative of the school, a belief of "I am proud of one middle school today, and I am proud of one middle school tomorrow" came into my heart. From the speeches of several leaders, I learned that Maosui Middle School has a good reputation, and teaching gives priority to institutions of higher learning; I know that my dream will come true, and I will set sail with this sailing boat to find the ideal in my heart. I can feel the teacher's ardent advice and hope for the new students. What the teacher said moved me even more and encouraged me. They used their hoarse voice left by years of education to tell us that students should first position their own lives; Second, we should plan the future goals of life; Finally, take the school as the carrier, and take concrete actions step by step to prove to others and yourself. Hearing this, I was very excited. I felt that it was not like the opening ceremony in the general sense. There was no big talk, no platitudes, and no slogans. It was like the starting light and guiding light of our life. What the teacher representatives said was also very practical. They told us to get familiar with the campus as soon as possible, to adapt to the environment, and not to let the environment adapt to you. What the new student representative said was also wonderful. From his words, I heard my own voice, which came from the bottom of my heart, an inexpressible sense of trust and infinite expectations. The summer vacation is over. Want to throw them all into the recycle bin and empty it. Hehe... In the new semester, I must study hard and use my grades to repay my parents and teachers for their concern.

First day of school (16)

Today, the first day of school, I came to the school happily with a new bag and uniform.

As soon as I entered the school gate, I saw the new environment of the campus. The campus was very clean and tidy, and the plants in the biological garden were growing vigorously.

When I walked into the classroom, I saw that the classroom was seething. I saw that the students were talking about their interesting holiday stories. As I spoke, laughter came and went.

Unconsciously, the bell for class rang, and we quietly waited for the arrival of the teacher.

A familiar figure appeared at the door of the classroom, with a smile and sparkling eyes. Wearing neat teacher's clothes, Proud and healthy walked into the platform. She was our teacher Zhong, whose kind smile seemed to return to our classroom of Class 3 (6).

First of all, Mr. Zhong asked us whether we were happy in the summer vacation and how we had finished our homework. Then, Mr. Zhong emphasized several things to us. Then, Mr. Zhong announced the textbooks that we were waiting for. After receiving the textbooks, we read them attentively.

The first day of school is coming to an end. The students have to leave the classroom reluctantly, but they will never forget the first day of school.