You Enshi's Composition (3 Collections)
Listen to the wind in the rain
2023-09-22 09:36:58

You Enshi's Composition (1)

On National Day, our family took the high-speed railway to Enshi City, Hubei Province, and lived in Lichuan County. Lichuan is a beautiful place with many mountains and caves. We came here to see Enshi's world-famous Grand Canyon.

At 9 o'clock the next morning, we drove to the Grand Canyon Scenic Area, parked our car, and then waited in a long line to transfer buses twice to the entrance of the scenic area.

After buying the tickets, we will begin to climb the mountain! We first came to the "ground seam" for sightseeing. We thought we would soon finish the "ground seam", but we didn't expect it to be so long! As the road was too narrow and there were many tourists, we had to queue up and walk forward step by step. It was not easy to get under the "ground crack". There are many waterfalls flying down, the gurgling clear spring is clear and cold, and there are many huge stones around, which is very strange. After walking through the "ground crack", we began to climb the mountain. I don't know how long it took, but everyone was exhausted.

As we walked and played, we came to the entrance of the Grand Canyon Scenic Area. Continue to take the cable car to the middle of the Grand Canyon, and then start climbing the Grand Canyon! At this time, everyone was already very tired. Some people were discouraged when they heard that it would be four hours before they climbed the Grand Canyon. But in order to fulfill this wish, everyone encouraged each other and began to be energetic again. The Grand Canyon really deserves its reputation. I have never seen such a steep peak before. There are many dangerous peaks and jagged rocks. Walking on the edge of the cliff is even more terrifying. If you fall off the cliff, you will fall to pieces.

At this time, the sky gradually darkened. After the hard climb, we finally climbed the canyon! When I went down the mountain, I sat on a short "ladder" and suddenly felt very relaxed. We are proud to climb the Grand Canyon today!

You Enshi's Composition (2)

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Enshi Chieftain City is an architectural community of the ancient Tujia nationality. I'm really happy to be here.

As soon as we entered the door, my sister and I ran forward like birds out of the cage. After a while, we came to the gate tower, only to see a bridge on the green lake, with a pavilion on it, full of poetry and painting.

When we got off the pavilion, we came to the Jiujin Hall along the broad road. There was a stilted building with black baskets and other farm tools. Not only that, look, the beautiful couplet "Enshi has people from all over the world in spring, summer, autumn and winter" accompanies us to the entrance of the "Great Wall".

Seen from afar, the Great Wall looks like a long dragon, winding and circling between the mountains. With the pleasant sound of the bell, we walked briskly and finally arrived at the Bell Tower, and then visited the beautiful scenic spots such as the Grass Pavilion and the Qunfang Pavilion. In a few minutes, I arrived at the Crouching Tiger Cable Bridge. I heard that the cable bridge was very dangerous. I was a little scared when I walked on it, so I moved forward with small steps. Slowly, I felt that I was not afraid at all, and I mustered up the courage to move forward.

After walking across the rope bridge, we came to the hexagonal pavilion, and then ran to the boating pool.

When we came to the boating pool, several children jumped into the cabin and pedaled hard. The boat moved slowly. We picked up the oars and rowed hard. With the mountain, the boat turned left and right. Every song and every turn, it unfolded an excellent landscape painting for you.

When the boat docked and got off, we reluctantly left the beautiful Tusi City.

You Enshi's Composition (3)

The Grand Canyon is located in Enshi Mufu. It is said that it was a wonder formed by a natural disaster long ago. On May 1, the sun was shining and the breeze was blowing. Everything was so beautiful. We walked around mountains, crossed a clear river, and soon came to the beautiful Grand Canyon.

Looking up at the top of the mountain from the foot of the mountain, I can see clouds and mists, touching the Grand Canyon. The continuous mountains are winding and winding, like a soaring dragon. Under the background of the clouds and mists, they are indistinct, charming and beautiful as a fairyland. We came to the "cliff promenade" with danger as beauty. The corridor is about 488 meters long and 1 meter wide. It is 5 meters long and has 118 steps. The highest elevation is about 1700 meters. The height drop of the corridor is about 300 meters. It is an overpass built manually on the cliff. Standing on the promenade and looking into the distance, I saw that the road was winding, like a thin white line circling in the mountains; A bird's-eye view of the buildings at the foot of the mountain, like building blocks, is arranged in an orderly manner in the lush forest; In the parking lot, there are many "buns" in order.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and I could not help but have a cold war. Suddenly, I felt dizzy and my heart beat faster. The staff of the scenic spot shouted loudly: "Don't walk to see the scenery, don't walk to see the scenery!" Only some tourists grabbed the stone wall and moved forward carefully, fearing that they would fall down if they didn't pay attention. But their eyes kept looking around, eager to see all the beautiful scenery.

Along the stone steps, we came to the Holy Land of Strange Stones. The stones here are different in shape, some like eggs, some like accordions, some like a book... various and lifelike. Further on, you will come to the "one stick of incense" with marvelous beauty. A huge pillar, about 150 meters high and about 3-4 meters in diameter, rises into the clouds. If you look carefully, you will find that this pillar is divided into three sections, as if it has been formed through thousands of years of ups and downs. At the top of the pillar is a vigorous old greeting pine, which nods to us in the wind. In the cracks of the stone, we often find unknown flowers and plants. Looking up at the tall and straight body of the stone pillar, suddenly, I felt very small. People call it "a stick of incense", but I think it is the golden hoop stick that Monkey King inserted here after he came back from the western sky, which is why such a spectacle is formed!

With the stone stairs going up and down, we walk and stop, sometimes watching, sometimes taking a rest, looking at the mountains in the distance, and seeing the flowers and plants near... The beauty of the Grand Canyon is better seen than heard!