Bold Attempt (19 Collections)
let nature take its course
2024-02-17 07:12:15

Try boldly (1)

Everyone has once made a bold attempt, perhaps to use his mother's cosmetics to make up for himself, or to use his father's money to invite his classmates to eat... And one of my bold attempts was to bathe my little sister.

I remember that it was a Saturday night. I stayed at my aunt's house. I was ready to watch TV after taking a bath. The power had just been turned on. Before I picked up the remote control, the TV was blacked out with a "click". All of a sudden, my heart was agitated. Because only on weekends can I watch TV for a while. It's not easy to look forward to this wonderful moment. Can't you let me relax? I asked: "Who is it? That's too much?" When I turned around, I saw it was my aunt. My aunt said to me: "Yiyi, the company called, something happened temporarily, I want to go out for a while, please help me take a bath for my sister! She is already in the bathroom, and I have put the water in." Before I came back to my senses, my aunt hurriedly opened the door and ran out. Although I was reluctant, I came to the bathroom. Miao Miao is taking off her clothes. I quickly step forward to help Miao Miao take off her clothes. I slowly hold Miao Miao and carefully put her into the bathtub. However, Miaomiao was afraid of water. As soon as she was put into the water, she burst into tears. At the same time, she kept slapping the water with her hands and feet, splashing me all over with water and making it hard to open my eyes. I quickly cried out: "My God, good Miao Miao, don't cry first. With the protection of my sister, there will be no accident. First, I wet a towel and gently put it behind her head to avoid hurting her head. I washed her hair first. In order to prevent water from flowing into Miao Miao's eyes, I told Miao Miao to close his eyes. I asked him to open them when he opened them. When I started to wash my hair, I wet it, and the water ran to Miao Miao's ears. What should I do? In my haste, I quickly pressed Miao Miao's ear against his cheek to prevent water from flowing into his ears. I chatted with Miaomiao while washing. Fortunately, she always cooperated with me and didn't cry anymore. After washing her hair, I washed her body with bath gel and then washed her with clean water. Finally, I dried her body and changed her into clean clothes. I picked her up and put her on the stool, let her sit still and blow dry her hair quickly. After I settled her down, my aunt also came back soon. She looked at me and praised me with a thumbs up. I felt very happy. I thought I would bathe my sister in the future.

From that time on, I learned that I should try everything bravely. Try boldly, it can dominate many unexpected things, it is the key to the soul, it is

Try boldly (2)

[Chapter 1]

On this day, the sun was bright and cloudless. My mother took me to the "Hongshan Zoo" to play.

I had just entered the zoo when I saw the four characters on the right sign: "Adventure Forest". I could not help rubbing my fists and eager to try, and repeatedly begged my mother: "Let me go to the 'Adventure Forest' to play!" My mother did not think about it, and agreed without hesitation. So we headed for the "Adventure Forest".

When I got there, I looked around and found that the game was very challenging. People who play this game are crossing the "single wooden bridge" and "swing" in the air... When my mother has bought the ticket, I can't wait to wear the "suit" to prepare for the "big fight".

Under the guidance of the coach, I soon mastered the basic methods to pass the test: pulling the rope, sliding in the air, climbing the ladder... So I climbed up 4 meters high along the rope and began to complete the first test - "single wooden bridge". I carefully tried to walk out of the first step and the second step. Every step was scary, for fear of accidentally falling down and falling down. Gradually, I got some experience and passed the first level slowly. I shook my hand and found that my hands were sweaty. Soon, I got the second and third levels one after another. Although each level was thrilling, I was not afraid and did not flinch, and finally passed the whole level.

This is really!

[Chapter 2]

Everyone has tried something in his life, including success, failure and unforgettable. However, what impressed me most was the experience of "rock climbing" at the Phoenix Fitness Club in Jinpeng 99 Square!

When I arrived at the site, a big wall "soaring into the sky" was across in front of us, and there were many places for my feet to step on. When some children beside me were dumbfounded, I took the lead to climb up. I found that I had not fastened my seat belt, and people on the ground were sweating for me. Although I was not afraid to climb on my own, my heart was pounding, When I climbed to a height of almost two meters, my hands and feet began to disobey me. I couldn't help looking down, "My mother, how high!" After this look, I learned a lesson, didn't look down anymore, rested for a while, and recovered my strength. Then I jumped up and down again like a monkey, and in a twinkling of an eye, I actually climbed to a height of three meters, It may be due to overexcitement. When climbing the next step, one slipped and the whole person fell down. I thought it was over. "Strange, why not?" I found that I was standing on a big soft mat. Alas, I forgot that the teacher said there was such protective measures! I heard the cheers of children, and of course, applause!

Through this bold attempt, I not only strengthened my courage, but also let me know that life is not smooth, there are happiness and sorrow, life will not be smooth, there will always be many stumbling blocks, of course, happiness is the most, next time I must climb four meters high! Of course, you must remember to fasten your seat belt first!

Try boldly (3)

That's what happened when I learned to ride a bike when I was six years old.

I remember that it was a bright morning. My mother said that I should learn to ride a bike. She asked me to push the bike with an auxiliary wheel to the stall for bicycle repair. The stall owner took the auxiliary wheel down and let me try to ride it. Without the help of the auxiliary wheel, I feel very unaccustomed. I only dare to pedal hard on the ground with my feet to push me and my bike forward. If there is any deviation, I will use the foot brake immediately.

When I came to the Central Park, my mother let me find a flat and straight road to start practicing. She asked me to push the pedal to get the power to move forward, instead of pushing on the ground with my feet. I tried. It was faster to pedal than to pedal on the ground, but I couldn't brake in time when I was about to fall. I fell several times before I realized that my body should not lean to one side, which would cause the bike to lose its balance and make me and the bike fall to the ground heavily. I sat right on the bike and started riding again, only to find that even if I sat right, I would still fall to the ground inexplicably.

After careful observation, I found that it was because I did not hold the handle of the bike well and did not grasp the direction of travel well that the bike would rush to the side uncontrollably. This time, I firmly held the handle of the bike and kept it in the direction I wanted to go, trying to keep my balance. This time, I rode a long way. Finally, I learned that I didn't fall down again.

From learning to ride a bike, I learned a truth: only by persevering in the right direction, can we succeed.

Try boldly (4)

Being bold may not mean anything to others, but it is really a great event for me!

I have to start from my grandfather's birthday. On my grandfather's birthday that day, many guests came to my house, especially the toys brought by the children, which opened my eyes: cyclists, computer players, and skaters

Looking at my envious eyes, Grandma touched my head with heartache and murmured: "If only my family were richer, it would be better not to let my granddaughter suffer so much!" I said hurriedly: "Grandma, I don't like to play these games."

The next morning, I was surprised to find that bicycles and skates appeared at home! I thought: Did my wish come true under the stars last night! Later, I knew that Grandma had lost a lot of words and bought them from other people's houses! I seemed to see Grandma's embarrassed expression, and I couldn't help crying!

Looking at these hard won shoes and cars, I thought: I must not waste Grandma's mind! Just do it. I'd better learn skates first! At first, I held the wall and walked slowly. Soon, I held the pole and gradually dared to let go. It didn't seem so difficult! If we continue like this, I will soon learn to ride a bike!

With the joy of success, I quietly launched the bike. This is a big guy! But I'm not afraid! I must learn how to surprise my grandmother and them. I'm bold enough, huh. Riding a bike is not as easy as learning skates. I don't know how many times I have fallen, and my body is also scarred! But I don't give up! Kung Fu pays off. I finally learned it!

I will never forget this bold attempt, because I understand that as long as I work hard, I can succeed!

Try boldly (5)

During the summer vacation, my father took me to swim. There are so many people in the swimming pool! Seeing so many people, I didn't dare to go into the water. Encouraged by my father, I decided to make a bold attempt: learn to swim in the swimming pool.

At the beginning, I carefully took the exercise board and slowly swam in the swimming pool, saying, "Dad! Dad! Come here quickly." When I swam to the fourth lap, Dad pulled the exercise board away when I was about to reach the shore. I fell into the deep water with a sound of "plop". It was useless for me to struggle desperately. Finally, my father picked me up. I said angrily, "Dad! What are you doing?" But Dad smiled and said, "You swim well!"

I was puzzled and said with a pout: "Dad, I choked on water, and you said that I was swimming well?" Dad said: "Baby, you have mastered the balance of your body, throw away the exercise board and try to swim in the shallow water area." Looking at my father's encouraging eyes, I thought, since you should not be afraid of water to learn swimming, so, Daringly threw away the exercise board and began to try swimming.

Although I haven't completely learned how to swim, this bold attempt made me unforgettable. I feel brave!

Try boldly (6)

Ye Jingnan, Class 6, Children's Tour Center Primary School

In everyone's life, there will be many first attempts. If you didn't try, how could your life be wonderful? I did make a bold attempt

Since the computer at home has been connected to the Internet, I have a regret that I can't send "email" in front of the computer every day like a net worm, so I use the only online time every week to build an email address for myself. The class is now sixth grade, and learning is tight. My parents will never allow me to play with this boring thing. What can I do? Suddenly, a bold plan was brewing in my mind

It was planned to be implemented three days later. At about 1:30 in the morning, I was awakened by the alarm clock with a weak sound set in advance. I got out of bed quietly, and I could only hear the heartbeat sound of "thumping" around me. I sat in front of the computer like a thief, turned on the computer, and searched the Internet. Soon, I found an @ icon. Isn't this the code of email? I was ecstatic to operate. Suddenly, I vaguely heard footsteps. Maybe my father got up. Damn, it will be over if my father finds me playing computer so late. I quickly turned off the monitor, and a "carp butting up" flew to bed. After a while, no one came in. I thought to myself, I was suspicious. Nobody got up at all. So I crept back to the computer again. I clicked @, and then quickly filled in the account, password, address, etc. Finally, after clicking "Done" and writing down my email address in the notebook, I quickly turned off the computer, jumped back to bed, and started my "Spring and Autumn Dream".

So far, I still secretly rejoice, because so far, no one has found my secret. This bold attempt has brought me rich fruits!

Instructor: Peng Zhenghong

Try boldly (7)

Life is full of many "firsts": the first time to cook, the first time to perform, the first time to keep a pet... The "firsts" are like footprints on the road of our growth. The most unforgettable "first time" is washing dishes.

I remember that in the morning of that spring, the bright sun shone on the willows, and the spring wind blew the willows. The yard was full of vitality. My mother, who is used to doing morning exercises, can't help the attraction of spring in the garden. She puts down her chopsticks and trots to the corridor. I come to the balcony and watch her mother's every move: she sometimes does aerobics, and sometimes "rubs her hands" with the spring breeze. What a beautiful picture! Looking at this moving scene, I also want to go down and kick some "sweeping legs". But when I saw the disheveled table and thought of my parents' hard work, I was not "tempted".

So he took out an empty basin, put in the tableware for breakfast, took half of the basin of water, poured in a few drops of detergent and soaked it, mimicking the parents' "standard" action: holding the bowl in the left hand, holding the cloth in the right hand, and quickly wiped it. In less than a minute, the "symphony of pots and pans" and "performance" were over. I looked left and right, admiring the fruits of my labor. At this time, a ray of sunshine came in, and the clean dishes were shining brightly. I jumped around and felt happy! At this time, my energetic mother came back. Seeing the bright and clean kitchen, she said happily to me, "Bruce Lee, you have grown up and know how to take responsibility for your parents! That's great!" I felt extremely happy when I saw her smile. I thought, I can finally do something for my parents, and I will do more for my parents in the future.

"Nothing is difficult in the world as long as you are willing to climb". After this "first time", I understand that on the surface, the first time is very difficult, but in fact, you should have the courage to face anything and do it carefully. In this way, we can do a good job, and nothing is difficult for us.

Try boldly (8)

I remember my mother took me to Nha Trang last summer vacation. We played two exciting rides on Pearl Island, one was a roller coaster, the other was a mountain speeder.

My mother and I played the roller coaster. Before the game started, my mother took my hand and comforted me, saying, "Baby, don't be afraid, as long as my mother is there, you will not be in danger." The game began, and only saw the roller coaster slowly rise, after reaching the top, it rushed down at a speed of lightning speed, and the roller coaster whirled all the way, Our whole body was empty, only to hear my mother scream "ah..." and then tightly grasp my hand, which hurt my hand, my mother and I were scared out of our wits.

Before long, my mood gradually calmed down, so I opened my eyes boldly, laughed and enjoyed the excitement of high altitude

The roller coaster soon ended, and we went to play the mountain speeder again. My grandmother and I drove together, and my mother drove together. My grandmother and I sat in a blue car and fastened our seat belts. My mother told my grandmother and I, "We will take a picture in the middle of the journey, and you and Grandma will cooperate!" Then the game began. The mountain car first rose slowly, and then drove out at a slow speed. Along the way, bursts of flowers came to my nose. After a while, my grandma and I saw a camera, so we posed beautifully and took some photos, and then the mountain car continued to drive.

The mountain speeder stopped at the top of the mountain. When it stopped, two brothers of the staff gestured for my grandma and me. I understood what the staff meant, so I pointed to a handle and said to my grandma, "This handle, pushing forward is accelerating, and pulling backward is decelerating."

However, Grandma didn't understand, she pushed the handle forward to the bottom, and the high mountain flying car flew out like an arrow without its strings. It was really a flying car! The speed of the car is getting faster and faster, especially at the curve, I feel that our bodies are almost thrown out, my grandma and I are scared and panicked. After a while, I finally get used to it and begin to enjoy the fresh and exciting feeling.

I enjoyed the brilliant flowers on both sides along the way, the beautiful sea in the distance, wandering in the romantic sea of flowers, as if soaring in the blue sky, more like roaming in the vast sea!

While I was intoxicated, the mountain speeder slowly stopped, and I still wanted more! This game really challenged the impossibility of Grandma and me!

We played many interesting games again. It was dark, we stayed in the seaside villa, and fell into a sweet dream in the sweet smell of frangipani flowers

Try boldly (9)

Trying is a kind of beauty, and the imagination before trying is a kind of beauty; Persistence in trying is a kind of beauty; The appreciation and intoxication of the works after trying is more beautiful.

Early on, I was very interested in cameras. When I was a child, I thought that the camera was a magic box, and everything was put into it. Now, I think the camera is a time machine, which can take me to look back on the past bit by bit. Finally, at that time, I excitedly picked up the charming and square camera and began to take my first picture

Soon, my photography technology developed rapidly. Gradually, I was not satisfied with shooting those dull pictures. So I decided to take a picture of the moment when the water drops just touched the water - to be honest, I was surprised by my bold idea. But I didn't think much about it. I did what I said.

In midsummer, I came to the West Lake Park, and the rippling lake was right in front of my eyes. Desperate to enjoy the beautiful scenery, I set up a camera, but accidentally found that a grass was bent by dew drops, and water drops from the grass tip to the lake from time to time. Ha ha, God helps me! I thought success was in sight, so I quickly focused on the grass——

A few minutes passed, but in front of the camera, I was sweating and frowning - in fact, it was not easy to shoot this picture!

My ordinary camera could not capture the shooting time accurately, but the moment the water drops onto the lake, it should be accurate, slightly vertical, and fleeting. I can only shoot again, but the next time that moment was still before I pressed the shutter, I slipped past

I've been sweating in the sun for several times, and my eyes have been dry and exhausted due to my long concentration... I don't know how much it is, I seem to ignore everything except the mechanical action of pressing the shutter

I pressed the shutter countless times, but my finger suddenly stopped: this, this picture

A crystal clear drop of water is close to the lake, as if it is part of the lake, but clearly separated from the lake; The lake is like a mirror, but a circle of water splashes around the water, shining with golden light.

Isn't such a beautiful picture? Isn't such an attempt aesthetical?

Life is a painting. I try to paint it. Life is a house. I try to build bricks and tiles for it. This is a bold attempt, I tried to find the wonderful life!

Bold Attempt (10)

People, in this world, have many firsts. It is possible that the first time is exciting; It is possible that the first time is afraid; However, my first attempt was bold. Now, let me take my time!

I heard from my mother that I began to learn violin when I was four and a half years old! When the violin teacher saw me for the first time, he shook his head straight and said to my mother: "No, no, such a small child is not easy to teach, and this is very profound, she certainly does not understand!" At this time, I heard, suddenly unwilling, someone said I was stupid! Mother also said to the teacher, "Let her try. If she can't learn, I will take her home right away." After hearing this, the teacher had to accept me "exceptionally". When I heard this, I jumped three feet high happily.

In the next year, I will go back to the teacher every week and accept new courses. I practice, practice, and practice every day carefully... I want the teacher to see how powerful I am.

When I was five years old, my teacher asked me if I wanted to take the grade exam. I nodded and began to prepare for the first exam in my life. The subjects included Chinese music "Osmanthus Blossom Everywhere in August" and foreign music "Bassinet", as well as etudes and scales. The teacher said that I should memorize music scores. I played hard for several weeks.

On August 8, my mother took me to the Grade Examination School - Sunshine Art School. Before coming, my mother asked me: "Are you nervous?" I made a grimace and said: "Don't worry. I want to test well." As soon as we arrived at school, the first level exam began. To be honest, I really had a plan in mind for that exam.

Entering the examination room, there was a strong smell of gunpowder in the examination room, and even the "bang bang" heartbeat could be heard. But I didn't care. I smiled and bowed 90 degrees to the judges. Then I picked up the piano and started to pick up the first song. The beautiful sound of violin filled the whole classroom. I seemed to see people's happy smiling faces and people dancing happily with my music hand in hand... Soon, I finished all the tracks, walked out of the classroom and threw myself into my mother's arms. My kung fu has paid off. Two months later, I received the grade examination certificate, "Ah! Excellent!" My mother hugged me happily and shed tears. The teacher said that the grade examination judges said that I was very talented. Children as old as me in Anhui Province rarely reach this level, so I must insist on practicing the piano.

With these encouragement, I am more energetic. Last year, I passed the exam of Grade 9, and this year, at the age of 11, I am going to take the exam of Grade 10. Hee hee... This is the most advanced and the last level of violin examination.

My friend, in the long road of life, there are many examinations. Don't be afraid to try boldly. Remember, "The rainbow will come after the storm"

Bold Attempt (11)

"I'm so nervous, so nervous, so nervous." I have been reading this morning. Because our family will go to the amusement park today. Everyone who has been there should know that some large-scale projects there are very exciting. At the thought of this, my heart is really excited and nervous!

When we arrived at the amusement park, we first played some small amusement projects all over. Now, we are ready to move forward to large-scale projects. I was very happy to be there, because there were not many people, so we didn't have to queue up. "The first is the roller coaster," my sister said excitedly. The moment I sat on it, I regretted it. I felt that I was tied down and could not move. But the roller coaster won't regret after you. It just kept rushing forward. I already felt my face a little deformed. My mouth could not be closed due to the speed, and I could not even speak. I just heard bursts of screams and the voice of "hahaha, how cool! How cool!" issued by some brave people. At the end of the day, I didn't come to my senses. My family kept shouting my name. When I came to my senses, they almost called the doctor.

After playing the roller coaster, we ran to play the pirate ship again. In fact, when we went there, I had a shadow in my heart, but I still went there. When I sat down, I asked my sister next to me: "Eh? Sister, you are much less daring than me. Why didn't you shout? What's the secret?" My sister calmly replied, "When you sit down, don't want to close your eyes directly." I listened to my sister's words, which seemed like a reassuring pill. I was not afraid in an instant. I tried it and it worked.

The final highlight is the extreme sport --- bungee jumping. I was faintly afraid when I climbed the stairs, because it was more than 100 meters high. Anyone who saw it would be afraid. After they tried one by one, I was left alone. I stood there alone, terrified. When I tied the rope and looked down, my legs were weak and I couldn't move. As a result, I didn't know who pushed me with his hand, and I flew down like a falling meteorite

It seems that you should be prepared to play these large-scale projects. This is my bold attempt.

Bold Attempt (12)

Some people say that the meaning of life lies in choice; Some people say that the meaning of life lies in persistence; Others say that the meaning of life is to enrich; Others say that the significance of life lies in optimism; But I want to say that the meaning of life is to try!

In my memory of the Milky Way, it was an unforgettable and bold attempt.

It was at the sports meeting that the students took part in various events. I was envious of watching them eager to try. Because I didn't have the courage to run slowly, I didn't dare to try, and I was afraid of losing face because I ran last. Under such circumstances, the first day of the Games passed.

Finally, the next day, at noon that day, I had made up my mind to tell my teacher that I would sign up for the 800 meter race, but when I saw the teacher, I was hesitant. Finally, I decided to make a bold attempt. I signed up for the 800 meter race. After all, this is my first time to participate, and my heart will inevitably be a little nervous. When we go to the call, my classmates have been trying to persuade me not to be nervous. If I can't persist, I will go to the end. I nodded and gained strength in my heart. The referee led us to our respective runways and let us get ready. With the sound of a shot, we were like wild horses rushing forward. Seeing that two students had overtaken me, I made efforts to continue running. This 800 meter race seems simple, but it's really a long way to run. Along the way, several students have been cheering for me, encouraging me, and making me stick to it. The cheering sound has given me strength. I have been persevering. I ran again and again, and finally it's time to sprint. I try to speed up. How excited I am when I rush to the end, How happy I was! I won the No. 3 flag when I crossed the finish line. I waved the flag happily. It was not only a ranking, but also a kind of persistence and encouragement, and also a try!

When I walked to the podium, the Chinese teacher smiled at me. I knew that the smile implied encouragement and praise from the teacher. After I received the award, my classmates were sending me congratulations. At that moment, I realized that only if you dare to try, can you know the final result. If you dare not even try, how can you know the final result? If you dare not even try, how can you know whether you will succeed in the end? At the same time, only if you dare to try, can you find something from it, The true meaning of life is to dare to try!

Bold Attempt (13)

On a sunny morning, everything in the world woke up. The sun shone on my body, as if it had covered me with a layer of golden battle clothes.

Father Sun gradually 'walked to the middle, "Alas! I'm going to my English class again." I said to myself, and my mother came to me and said: "Don't you like English class? Do you always want to take a car to English class, if I let you take a car to English class, would you like to?" I didn't know how to get the spirit, Excited, she cried out, "I am willing, I am willing, and I promise you that if I go to English class alone, I will never hate English class in my life!" My mother nodded her head in agreement, and I was almost crazy with joy.

When I arrived at the station, I suddenly played a retreat. My mother seemed to see what was on my mind, touched my head, smiled at me, and I also smiled at my mother, but there was still a sense of fear in my heart.

The bus gradually pulled into the station. After getting on the bus, I sat in the seat next to the window. When I saw my mother making a refueling gesture to me, my heart secretly summoned courage. As the bus slowly pulled out of the station, I waved to my mother.

As the bus passed station by station, a man in black clothes, black shoes, black hat and black glasses came up and sat right beside me. My heart suddenly became nervous. Finally, I got off the bus when I got to school, but what made me even more nervous was that the man also followed me and followed me into the school. After class, I was surprised to see the new teacher. The man in black who had been following me was our new teacher.

This attempt made me understand that trying is happy, trying is nervous, trying is far-reaching, trying is beautiful, and I will always remember this attempt.

Bold Attempt (14)

Try is valuable, as long as you try, no matter how you will benefit a lot.

On the busy playground, our PE teacher, Mr. Mo, took us to the sandbox to clear our throats and said, "Today we are going to have a long jump practice. Who will be the first to come?" Just after his words, our class sports committee member, Xiao Ye, raised his strong right hand with a whoosh. When Mr. Mo saw it, he was very happy and asked him to try it first.

Lin stands at the starting line with his back bent, his right leg bent like a hungry wolf staring at his prey. At the command of the teacher, "Run", Lin ran past me with a whoosh. I felt a gust of wind, "Bang". Lin's left foot firmly stepped on the takeoff board, and his light body rowed through the air. But it was not long before he fell to his knees in the sand pool. Some students met and said, "Eh... It's really rubbish." When the teacher saw him, he quickly helped him up, He walked out of the sand pool with a red face and head bowed. I clearly saw that there were some drops of blood oozing from some places where his hands and knees were red with sand.

The teacher settled Lin and asked, "Is there anyone else who wants to try

When I heard the teacher's point, my heart cooled for the most part. I didn't want to be afraid of the same result as Ye's. I thought, "Maybe I can try it. I haven't even tried how to know whether I can do it or not. How can I know how to fly in the sky?" I firmly walked to the starting line, hunched my back, pointed my left foot to the ground, and bent my right leg. At the teacher's command, I ran out like an arrow in the dark. There were three meters, two meters, and one meter left on the internal springboard... "Bang", I stepped on the springboard hard, lifted my right foot hard, and then extended forward. I just squatted on the sand pool smoothly, and the students couldn't help but "ah". I looked at my feet, and I jumped over the range where the teacher had loosened the sand, When I walked out of the sand pool happily, my classmates immediately gathered around me and asked me how I jumped so far... At this time, my heart was sweeter than honey.

This is a successful attempt. I have tasted the taste of success, and also learned a truth that we should be brave to try anything, success or failure. As long as we work hard, success will not be far away from us.

Bold Attempt (15)

Attempts are like small footprints. Only more and more attempts can make a path. Some of these attempts make you scared, some make you braver, and some make you gain a lot.

When I was in the second grade, I was elected as an ordinary team leader by the "children's shoes". One day, our teacher was going to hold a meeting for the monitor. She was afraid that everyone would make a mess, so she asked me to take "children's shoes" to check the papers. "Can I do it?" I hesitated. The teacher definitely said, "You can! Believe yourself!" I slowly walked to the platform with the test paper. I wrote on the blackboard: "Please take out the test paper and say:" Take out the children's shoes of the test paper. Oh no, please read the words of the first question several times. "After saying that, my face burned badly, and I was always afraid that my classmates would laugh at my slip of the tongue, But the students were all "working hard", and no one "complained". My heart was much easier at once, even when talking, it was much easier, and the "three ones" on my forehead also slowly disappeared. When the paper was half right, there began to be a voice in the class. I wanted to tell them not to talk loudly, but the words came to my lips: "Right!" Our class's troublemaker said: "I said the monitor, no, the deputy monitor, we were facing the question, but you shouted a right word, even a fool would think you stupid!" "You you!" I was too angry to speak. "The peacemaker" said: "Don't make any noise. The teacher will come here if you make any more noise. Monitor, you should hurry up." "Well!" She called me monitor, and immediately became more confident. She boldly said: "Don't talk, now go on to the topic!" I looked at "the peacemaker", and happened to meet his eyes. We both smiled tactfully, and then went to do their own things.

Through this attempt, I exercised my ability and made me understand that as long as I try boldly, there is nothing impossible!

Bold Attempt (16)

People, in this world, have many firsts. It is possible that the first time is exciting; It is possible that the first time is afraid; However, my first attempt was bold. Now, let me take my time!

I heard from my mother that I began to learn violin when I was four and a half years old! When the violin teacher saw me for the first time, he shook his head straight and said to my mother: "No, no, such a small child is not easy to teach, and this is very profound, she certainly does not understand!" At this time, I heard, suddenly unwilling, someone said I was stupid! Mother also said to the teacher, "Let her try. If she can't learn, I will take her home right away." After hearing this, the teacher had to accept me "exceptionally". When I heard this, I jumped three feet high happily.

In the next year, I will go back to the teacher every week and accept new courses. I practice, practice, and practice every day carefully... I want the teacher to see how powerful I am.

When I was five years old, my teacher asked me if I wanted to take the grade exam. I nodded and began to prepare for the first exam in my life. The subjects included Chinese music "Osmanthus Blossom Everywhere in August" and foreign music "Bassinet", as well as etudes and scales. The teacher said that I should memorize music scores. I played hard for several weeks.

On August 8, my mother took me to the Grade Examination School - Sunshine Art School. Before coming, my mother asked me: "Are you nervous?" I made a grimace and said: "Don't worry. I want to test well." As soon as we arrived at school, the first level exam began. To be honest, I really had a plan in mind for that exam.

Entering the examination room, there was a strong smell of gunpowder in the examination room, and even the "bang bang" heartbeat could be heard. But I didn't care. I smiled and bowed 90 degrees to the judges. Then I picked up the piano and started to pick up the first song. The beautiful sound of violin filled the whole classroom. I seemed to see people's happy smiling faces, people holding hands and dancing happily with my music... Soon, I finished all the tracks, walked out of the classroom and threw myself into my mother's arms. My kung fu has paid off. Two months later, I received the grade examination certificate, "Ah! Excellent!" My mother hugged me happily and shed tears. The teacher said that the grade examination judges said that I was very talented. Few children as old as me in Anhui Province can reach this level, so I must insist on practicing the piano.

With these encouragement, I am more energetic. Last year, I passed the exam of Grade 9, and this year, at the age of 11, I am going to take the exam of Grade 10. Hee hee... This is the most advanced and the last level of violin examination.

My friend, in the long road of life, there are many examinations. Don't be afraid to try boldly. Remember, "The rainbow will come after the storm"

Bold Attempt (17)

A bold attempt can hone one's courage; Interesting attempts make people ecstatic; The failed attempt is unforgettable; Successful attempts will benefit people a lot. I still remember that attempt.

I remember that day, on a Sunday in spring, my father and I went to Yancheng Park to play. We had a great time: the rolling and interesting "merry go round", the "dancing frog" jumping up and down, the uncontrollable bumper car, the exciting torrent, but the most unforgettable thing for me is the "crazy roller coaster". When I saw this giant for the first time, I had already felt a sense of retreat. The guy was dressed in a red coat and had five small carriages. It was like a concentrated train. It was different from ordinary trains. Its track was different. It climbed up, dived down, spiraled and spun, Seeing the people on the bus crying and crying, father and mother, and from time to time hearing a scream, I was frightened. But my father had seen my timidity, and without saying anything, he forced me to sit on the seat, so I had to close my eyes

"Ringing bell -----" A crisp bell woke me up from my "dream". The car slowly moved forward and climbed up. It seemed to be very stable. I opened my eyes and was enjoying the beautiful scenery around. Suddenly, the car rushed down. My heart was in my throat, while my father was standing there with a calm demeanor, trying to pacify and encourage me. "One wave is not even, another wave is rising" The car suddenly spun around, and all of a sudden, I felt dizzy, only heard screams... After seven or eight minutes of suffering, finally ended this thrilling ride, and when the car stopped steadily, I was the first to release my seat belt and fly off the car.

I finally defeated myself.

To defeat an opponent is strength, and to defeat oneself is courage. Students, let's try bravely on the long road of life in the future and defeat ourselves constantly!

Bold Attempt (18)

On that day, after the blizzard, a thick layer of snow covered the yard, rocks, leaves and walkways. The snow is like ice cream. The snow glitters after being exposed to the sun. What a fantastic weather it is to snow.

My sister and I went outside with the washbasin to catch snow and play with it. There is little difficulty in getting snow. There is ice on the ground and it is easy to slip. In order to play with snow, we are not afraid of difficulties to catch snow. My grandfather piled snow together, so there is a "small snow mountain" in my yard. "Little Snow Mountain" is gorgeous.

We shoveled the snow into the washbasin with a shovel, and after shoveling it full, we decided to play "fried vegetables" - fried snow. We use shovels as vegetable shovels and washbasins as pots to play the game of frying snow. It's like a mother cooking for her children!

I am a person who likes the new and hates the old. After playing for a while, I don't want to play anymore. I came up with a way to play, which is an interesting way to play - making ice cream. I want to have a cup to hold clean snow, and add a little milk to make a delicious ice cream, which tastes like milk.

I took the cup to find clean snow. I wandered in the village near my home, and finally found a large piece of snow on a cement board. I was afraid of eating bad, so I dug out a layer of dirty snow and dug a cup of clean snow. I jumped and ran with the cup and went home happily. When I got home, I took out some milk and poured some into the cup. It's really like ice cream. I took a small bite. Ah, how delicious! This moment is warm and cold at the same time into my heart! My sister saw it and said, "Sister, aren't you afraid of eating bad?" "Of course not." I replied proudly, "I don't believe you eat." My sister took a bite, smiled and said, "Oh, really." "I mean it!" I went to shovel snow with my sister.

I wish I could eat this warm and cold ice cream every day. This is really a bold attempt.

Bold Attempt (19)

Sixth grade final exam composition topic: bold attempt

The bold attempt makes people hone their courage, the interesting attempt makes people ecstatic, the failed attempt is unforgettable, and the successful attempt benefits people greatly. I still remember that attempt.

When I got downstairs, I saw my brother holding a lighter in one hand and a firecracker in the other. He skillfully lit the firecracker and then calmly threw it away. Just listening to the "bang" of the firecracker, it exploded, which increased my fear even more.

My brother asked me to let it go. I said, "I dare not let it go." In order to attract me, my brother cut the firecracker from the middle with scissors and lit it again. This time, there was not a "bang" but a splash of stars. Now I was so excited that I asked my brother for one. Then I nervously turned on the lighter, carefully lit the firecracker, and threw it away.

Then we waited for the firecrackers to explode. After two or three minutes, there was no explosion of firecrackers. After a careful look, I threw it away before it arrived. My brother came to teach me a topic: "You don't have to be afraid. It's not too late to throw it after you see it lit. The key is to calm down and not panic." He demonstrated again in person. This time, I calmed down and did as my brother taught me. I saw that the fuse was lit, and then I calmly threw the firecracker out. It drew a beautiful arc in the air and exploded. I succeeded!

Only if you dare to try, will there be a day when the fruits of victory blossom. Only if you dare to try, will life be more brilliant. Only if you dare to try, can you go to a higher level!