Summer Rain (19 popular articles)
never give up
2023-11-22 05:32:16
Grade 3
describe the scenery

Summer Rain (1)

Wednesday, April 9, 2016 Weather: thunderstorm

Today's weather is just like my mood - gloomy. Father Sun is like a mysterious magician. In the morning, I was still smiling, but in the afternoon, I burst into tears.

Speaking of the rain this summer, it's very strange. It doesn't nourish everything like spring, but it comes and goes quickly like flowing water. At noon today, the sun was scorching and it was very sultry. After a while, a few dull thunders came from the east sky, and light rain began to fall in the sky. As the dull thunder became louder and louder, the drizzle gradually turned into a downpour. Call the wind, call the lightning, to talk about their unhappiness. Looking at the magnificent scenery outside and the rainstorm outside, I was amazed! Summer rain, he likes to come without warning, also like to leave quietly

Summer Rain (2)

The rain of summer comes to the world quietly, this time, the rain will come again.

The sky was overcast. The dark clouds didn't come up completely, but the sky was yellow and red, very hot, although there was a cool wind. The cicadas kept shouting, and the women quickly put away their clothes. At this time, the sky turned yellow, and the cicada cried loudly. After a while, black clouds came up and drove away the clouds and the sun. I remembered two lines of poetry: "Black clouds roll over the mountains, white jade jump into the boat."

At this time, lightning flashed and thunder thundered, and we were startled. In the rain, the soybeans fell down and hit the ground like beans fried in a pot. The people on the electric car carefully looked forward and rode. The car also drove slowly for fear of accidents. The streets are full of water. The big tree could not resist the attack of the heavy rain, and fell down reluctantly. The flowers had no time to take back their petals, so they were beaten down several pieces. I tried to stretch my head out to see if I could get my father back, but unfortunately, the rain beat me back because it hurt too much.

The rain stopped, the sewers were blocked, the water quickly reached my thighs, and the streets were almost the Yangtze River. People looked at the distance in fear at home, afraid of rain and thunder. The plump buds of the flowers have been beaten to a minimum by the rain, and even the tall trees have been knocked down. The earth emits the fragrance of earth, the sky takes on a new look, like brushing with a brush, and the big tree straightens up to meet the next challenge.

Rain is a natural phenomenon, and spring rain is soft and nutritious; Xia Yu is violent; Autumn rain gives people a fresh taste; The winter rain is very cold. They have their own characteristics and magic, but I prefer the rain in summer.

Summer Rain (3)

"Xili, Xili" The sky is playing a beautiful melody, how crisp and sweet.

The rain in summer is as thin as thread and as thick as hemp. When there was a thin rain, everyone went out almost without umbrellas. The cool rain hit their faces, and the heat of summer was thrown out of the clouds. A cool feeling came to their hearts, and they felt very comfortable; During the rainstorm, the raindrops like soybeans came down quickly, like coarse hemp, beating the window fiercely, making a light sound of "Pa, Pa" from time to time. The young trees were too full to drink, one by one, and said: "I... I drank... too full! "The flowers hung their heads and looked listless. The wings of the birds were wet, so they had to stop on the poles and sing songs.

After the rain in summer, the bamboo shoots are more distinctive: they stick out of the soil, look around the new world, and the washed roads are more bright. As cars drive by, the splashes are like naughty little water babies, The wet soil for the wheel "bathing" is soft like a sponge, and a rainbow stands in the sky. The bright colors relax people's eyes, and the rainbow looks more unique under the sun.

This is the rain in summer, refreshing. Comfortable, giving people a sense of happiness.

Grade 5: adadadada

Summer Rain (4)

In the summer evening, the air was very hot, the sky suddenly covered with dark clouds, the wind suddenly rose, cicadas stopped playing music, and dragonflies flew low by the river. Then, thunder roared and a flash of lightning broke the sky. People closed the windows tightly. All this indicates that a heavy rain is coming.

"Dongdongdong" big raindrops fell from the sky, and flowers and grass fluttered in the wind and rain, as if dancing. Pedestrians on the road held up various umbrellas and hurried past, as if many colorful mushrooms were moving. The car flew by on the road, splashing water one after another, and there was a little white tail behind the car. Looking out of the window, I could not see the trees and houses clearly. It's raining like nature is having a grand banquet!

The rain in summer comes and goes quickly. I think: small raindrops should be tired. People walked out of the house and found a rainbow hanging in the sky. The air was very fresh and the sun was smiling again. The little frog called "quack quack", and the fish in the water swam happily... Everything was beautiful.

Summer Rain (5)

Summer is really like a child's face. It changes when you say it changes. Suddenly, the sky darkened and the sun was swallowed by dark clouds. A strong wind blew and the leaves rustled. The sky is getting darker and darker, as if it will be pressed down. The clouds are dark, as if they can squeeze out water. Then the lightning, accompanied by the "rumbling" thunder, tore a hole in the sky, and the wind also came to join in the excitement, blowing the branches disorderly.

Suddenly, the raindrops fell down like thousands of broken beads, making a slight "rustling" sound. Falling on the soil, the soil greedily sucks; Falling on flowers and grass, they raise their faces and kiss raindrops; Fall on the leaves, playing a wonderful music; Big trees, houses, grasslands and roads seem to be immersed in the crystal world, dancing with the wind.

Gradually, it rained more and more heavily, more and more quickly, as if it were a waterfall falling from the sky, rushing towards the earth, almost attacking the earth. Finally, the rain poured into the world crazily, with a tendency of overwhelming mountains and seas. The windows were made "bam bam" by the raindrops, and the whole city was shrouded in white rain.

After a few minutes of this, the dark clouds slowly spread, the sky gradually brightened, the rain gradually stopped, and the Duke of Lei gradually disappeared.

The rain has gone, the wind has stopped playing, and the dark clouds are tired, so they go back to rest with their soft bodies. I hurried outside, greedily breathing the fresh air after the rain. The crystal clear water drops play on the slide between the green leaves, and in the blink of an eye, they slip to the tip of the leaf. The grass is greener, the trees are more energetic, and the flowers are more brilliant when they look up. The mountains in the distance are clearly visible.

The rain in summer is so strange that it can come and go.

Summer Rain (6)

"There are no three sunny days in spring, and the rain is like breaking the river.". The rain is really acute, like a group of lively children jumping around, like a string of broken pearls, it seems to be rushing into the arms of Mother Earth.

The raindrops hit the basketball rack "dong dong dong dong" and "hua la la la la". On the plane tree, "ding dong dong" hit the roof of the teaching building. So the small ditch in front of the teaching building flows like a conveyor belt.

Open the pink lace umbrella and walk in the park. Listen to the rain on the birch tree, on the grass, on the petals, on the stones... The whole park is like a concert hall.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew and raindrops were left on the leaves! Chuck! Chuck! Chuck! Dong dong dong! make love! On the ground, it seems that someone is singing Dorami's words...... And it becomes a song to welcome the summer.

I reached out my hand, and the raindrops fell in my palm, just like beads in my hand, rolling in my heart.

The rain stopped, the sun came out, and the grass woke up, breathing fresh air. The flower looked up and smiled again. The young trees have the strength to straighten the waist and make great efforts to grow; The birds were so happy that they sang sweet songs

"Summer rain flows all over the ground" is really like this.

Summer Rain (7)

It's so hot! The sun is baking the earth, the flowers cover their delicate faces with branches and leaves, the dog is so hot that it sticks out its tongue, the cicadas are screaming irritably in the trees, the industrious ants are still moving, and their team is like a long black line. It seems to tell me: "Go home quickly, it's going to rain heavily!"

Dark clouds came from the sky, like thousands of troops driving away the sun and occupying the sky. The wind was blowing, the trees bent down, and the grass was begging for mercy, but the wind just ignored them. After a while, it got dark. Suddenly, a flash of lightning cut through the dark sky, like a sword splitting the sky in two.

In a twinkling of an eye, the soybean like raindrops fell from the sky and hit the ground with a round seal like copper coins. Gradually, it rained more and more heavily, forming a dense rain curtain between heaven and earth. With the strong wind, the sky and the earth are misty, just like the ethereal purple gauze. People with umbrellas proudly opened them and were complacent about their preparations. But the wind could not spare them and blew their umbrellas into a trumpet shape.

Finally, the dark clouds gradually dispersed, the rain stopped quietly, and the sun came out. The rain drove away the heat, and the earth became much cooler. The grass straightens its waist and greedily sucks the summer rain.

Ah! How beautiful the rain is in summer!

Summer Rain (8)

In the morning, the sky in the east is full of dark clouds, but in the west is full of white clouds. It's really strange! I went to have breakfast with my mother. As soon as I got to the restaurant, the raindrops began to fall. My mother ordered steamed buns and milk for me and hurried to buy vegetables.

Suddenly, the sky darkened, and then, the raindrops fell down, and many raindrops as big as soybeans hit the roof, the car, and the ground...... "Crackling" and "ding ding dong dong dong" nature played a magnificent music. The raindrops, like brave soldiers, rushed down from the sky fearlessly one after another. In an instant, The earth is soaked by the rain!

At this time, my mother came back, but the rain was so heavy that we could not go home, so we had to sit in the hotel and wait for the rain to stop. The rain is really too heavy. Look at the distance, the trees, the houses... I can't see clearly. Near, on the eaves, it looks like a waterfall is hanging. The water pours down and forms a river at the entrance of the hotel! The raindrops hit the ground and splashed water one after another. How beautiful! Pedestrians on the road held up umbrellas one by one. Raindrops fell on the umbrellas and immediately splashed out. Looking at it, I thought: It's a pity not to play in such a heavy rain! So, I also held up an umbrella, and then rotated it. Ho ho, it was so funny. The umbrella was like a big top, throwing the rain far away. I giggled and was very happy! However, my mother refused to let me play because she was afraid that I would throw the rain on others, which was not good. I have to stop playing.

The rain in summer is really strange. It comes and goes quickly. When the rain is light, my mother and I go home.

Summer Rain (9)

The sun was already covered by black cloud beads, and the sky gradually overcast, and black clouds slowly shrouded the sky. The weather is sultry.

The swallow flew low, and the ant moved his house to a tree. The cicadas chirped in the trees, as if to say, "It's so hot -- so hot --" and the frogs also chirped, as if to say, it's too hot! Let's have a shower! People also fan under the trees in the shade and say: too hot! It's too hot!

It's beginning to rain. The lightning pierced the dark clouds and lit up. The thunder rumbled as if the devil had made a dull sound. The rain came crashing down. The rain on the roof flows down from the eaves like a waterfall. The water flowing from the roof and the rain falling on the ground converged into a stream.

About half an hour later, the rain finally stopped and the sky became bright. The sun comes out, the rainbow comes out, people say it's cool! The trees seemed to say, ah! It's raining hard this time! The air also became very fresh.

I take a breath, ah! It's cool.

Summer Rain (10)

Two days ago, the weather forecast issued a red warning, telling people to go out as little as possible to avoid typhoon, lightning and rain. The weather is extremely sultry, without a trace of wind, the tree tops are still, and people can hardly breathe. Suddenly, the sky was gradually covered by dark clouds, and a typhoon swept over the whole city of Nanjing. It was accompanied by a downpour. Soon the road at the door had become a river, and you had to raise your pants when you went out. The rain kept falling down from the sky, and the thunder crackled and rumbled ceaselessly. One flash of lightning followed by a burst of thunder. I dare not go out at all. Then I heard the sound of 120 ambulances, saw the tree in front of the door was blown down by the typhoon, and heard someone was knocked down by the fallen tree. It's raining, people are comfortable, but the rain is too fierce, people have no time to dodge. It has caused many traffic accidents and personal injuries to our human beings. I silently begged Grandpa Tianwang: "Let the storm come gently!" People love the summer rain, because everything becomes pure and clean after the rain. The earth often needs rain to wash.

Summer Rain (11)

The sun in summer is like a big red balloon hanging in the sky. Some people blow air conditioners at home, some people blow electric fans at home, and some children swim happily in the swimming pool, The luckiest animals in summer are frogs and small fish, because frogs and small fish can swim happily in the river. The trees were too sunburnt to lift their heads, and only the lotus flowers stood in the middle of the lotus pond like a graceful girl.

The weather in summer is changeable. At the beginning, the sun was scorching. Soon, dark clouds and thunder were gathering. At this time, the sky became dark. At this time, people cheered for rain! People hurriedly packed their belongings and prepared to go home to hide from the rain, while the sellers packed their belongings and hid under the tents to prevent their belongings from getting wet. After a while, the rain fell like beans, and every grain fell like transparent pearls on the leaves, which were covered with drops of water. When it rained, The ant hurriedly moved to the high place with his luggage. After the rain, the trees smiled, as if to say thank you for the rain. The car ran like a ship on the wet road. The dog wagged its tail, as if to say "cool! Cool!" The cicadas stopped barking. The lotus was covered with drops of water and rolled around, like little pearls on the lotus leaf, The fish surfaced and swam. People hurried home and packed their clothes. The ground looked like flowers. I was very happy because it was cool after the rain.

Summer Rain (12)

The rain in summer is always very urgent. The little rabbit is still playing outside. Suddenly, dark clouds are gathering and it is about to rain. The rabbit was worried, and said to himself: What can I do? As soon as he turned around, he found a large mushroom not far away. He ran to it, pulled it out with force, used it as a mushroom umbrella, and walked home.

It began to rain. The rabbit hurried home with a mushroom umbrella. As he was walking, he heard a buzzing sound. When he looked back, he saw that it was two little bees. The little bee said, "Little white rabbit, let's hide in your umbrella for a while."! The little white rabbit said: OK, come in. Two little bees happily flew into the mushroom umbrella, and they three walked forward together.

As he was walking, the rabbit heard another voice calling him. He looked down and saw that it was a small ant. The rabbit said, "Ant, what can I do for you?"? The little ant said: I also want to hide in your umbrella for a while, OK? The little white rabbit said: Yes, yes. So the little ant came in.

In order to keep the bees and ants from getting wet, the rabbit moved its umbrella to them and got wet. After a while, the rabbit sent the ants and bees home, and it also went home. Then the rain stopped.

The rabbit took off his wet clothes and put them on the rope. The sun came out. He smiled and said to the rabbit, "You are so kind. I will dry your clothes.". The rabbit smiled happily. It smiled and said: Thank you, Father Sun.

Summer Rain (13)

[Chapter 1]

The rain in summer is not my exaggeration, it really has temper. When it is gentle, you can love it effortlessly; But when it gets angry, even the king of beasts is afraid of it, and people should take protective measures.

When it is gentle, you can hardly feel it unless you see a little rain on the ground. At that time, you will feel very cool. But I advise you to take shelter from the rain, because it means that it is going to get angry, don't believe it? Look! It had not been a few minutes before he became unhappy and lost his temper. He picked up the "Gatlin" type "water gun" he carried and shot at the ground everywhere, probably to frighten people. It also picked up one after another "grenades" and threw them out. The "explosion" of the "grenades" turned into lightning. Even if you pick up the most advanced "shield" - umbrella, or put on the most advanced "bulletproof coat" - raincoat, it is impossible to prevent it.

Summer rain, it is not only very angry, but also like pranks. There is an old saying that "the rain in summer, the cattle eating grass across the back of the cattle, and the flying birds wet half their wings." That is to say, the rain in summer, there is a rainstorm here, and there is a sunny day there. For example, you were not far from home when it suddenly began to rain. When you thought of drying clothes at home, you hurried home. When you got home, you found that it was still a sunny day.

The temper of summer rain is so confusing!

[Chapter 2]

The thunderstorm in summer gives people an indescribable happiness. The fresh and natural heavy rain came, and the feeling of heat disappeared.

Summer thunderstorms are coming. I sat by the window, feeling a little cold, and looked up. In an instant, the wind blew hard. Like a fierce beast sweeping the city. The sky was covered with dark clouds, and then it began to rain heavily. The rain became heavier and heavier, like countless silk threads. The rain floated into the room along the wind, wet my face, and I quickly closed the window.

It rained cats and dogs. I looked through the window and saw that the sky and the earth were like a huge curtain of drops of water. The rain fell on the roof and splashed. The whole roof seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist.

The rain is getting lighter. The sun came out, and the sun shone on the earth. A rainbow appeared in the sky, like an overpass waiting for someone to find its source, step on it, and walk to the sky. A group of birds are flying higher and higher under the blue sky.

[Chapter 3]

I like the thunder shower in summer. It is straightforward, with a few wild.

That day was Gu Yu, the baptism of Miss Xia before she came to the world.

It was so hot that we looked like ants on a hot pot, but in a blink of an eye, the sun that had just been shining was immediately subdued by a dark cloud. In an instant, the sky, ten thousand horses stood silent, the thunder god made a great work. Then, the sound of crackling and crackling became more and more dense. It was Sahara just now, but the sprinkler just passed by.

I never thought it was just a prelude to a thunderstorm——

"Wow ---" The rain, without any concession, poured down one after another, caught the wind, and the rain ran wildly, whipping the windows and everything around. "Boom ----" Suddenly, the heavy rain escalated, and the huge water column hit the earth at the same time, making a deafening sound, like a mountain falling into the sea. Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, sending out a deep glow. My heart trembled. The most feared thunderbolt came, and I quickly blocked my ears. The god of thunder finally got angry, and he kept using lightning and thunder to wreak havoc on the earth, as if to destroy the earth on earth. Covering my ears and holding my heart, I secretly prayed for rain! Stop quickly! Thor! Please be gentle! They just play with the human world.

I don't know how long it took, but the sound of rain suddenly became smaller and softer. I like the rain most at this time. It is like a slim girl, wearing a soft veil, looking at people shyly. The dark clouds are gone, the rain is weaving, and the earth is green, as if the Weaver Maid is weaving green summer clothes for the earth.

On the street, pedestrians hold umbrellas and enjoy the touch of light rain. Colorful umbrellas flow around like a flowing ribbon.

Everything in front of us is clear and thought-provoking. Green, become deep and delicate, fascinating.

In summer, the light rain after the thunderstorm is my favorite. It is so gentle, with a few silks of Shuya.

Summer Rain (14)

Summer is like a baby's face, which can change at any time. Just now, the sun is shining brightly. Now thick black clouds roll from the sky like mountains and seas. A rainstorm is coming! A dazzling lightning flashed across the sky, covering everything with layers of silver light.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through, and the branches resisted under the raging wind, with the sound of "rustling". Then, there was a loud roar all over the sky. Soon, there was a storm, thunderstorm and "elves" came one after another. People hurried home with umbrellas. I stood under the eaves and listened to the rain. People also sat in the room and listened to the sound of "elves" beating the windows.

The rain is less, the flowers are more colorful, the trees seem more green, and the leaves are fluttering with the wind; Like a girl dancing in the rain.

The rain stopped and the clouds dispersed. The air is particularly fresh, with the fragrance of soil and flowers.

Summer Rain (15)

The scorching sun is like fire. In the hot summer, it is always so hot, but there is also a cool side! You see, today's heavy rain poured the old pipe!

In the afternoon, I only heard the sound of "boom" passing by my ears from time to time. When I looked outside, lightning came one after another and passed through the air, as if to tear the sky of the city. The wind was howling, the leaves were rustling, and the branches were shaking constantly. In a moment, it was drizzling down on the roof and floating on the branches, Dropping on the small pool in the pit, the floating water splashed a little bit of halo.

The dark clouds are even more dense. In a moment, the big raindrops like scattered beads fall down disorderly and irregularly. The rain warms the houses and streets, cleans the dusty trees, and irrigates the dry farmland. Everything becomes so confused and wet that there is not even a person on the road.

In the twinkling of an eye, the raindrops were getting smaller and smaller, leaving little by little. The rain stopped, the sun showed a smiling face from the clouds, the birds flew out of the nest, stood on the branches and sang loudly. The cicadas refused to be outdone, and opened their loud voice. The sky is brighter, the air is fresher, and the grass is greener. The summer rain is really like a naughty child. It just came and hid in a twinkling of an eye!

Grade 5: waghh

Summer Rain (16)

This afternoon, the sun was scorching and cloudless. I sat at home as if I were sitting in a stove. Dragonflies flew very low, as if to say, "It's so hot, it's so hot." The trees also blew their heads away, and the leaves hung their heads.
The day in June changed like my mother's mood. After a while, I quickly gathered together like asking hackers. Miss Feng blew the grass disorderly, like blowing up the hair of Mother Earth. Duke Lei knocked the big drum that had been hidden for a long time. Aunt Lightning took out her magic weapon, and split the sky in two. Pea sized raindrops fell from the sky. The falling raindrops made beautiful little splashes, like the individual concert of brother Zhang Jie. The wind, rain, thunder, gradually become gentle.
At last, the sun smiled again, and the rainbow came out. It was really a rainbow bridge in the blue sky. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, seven colors.

Summer Rain (17)

In the afternoon of summer, the air gradually became stuffy. Swallows and dragonflies flying freely in the air slowly flew close to the river. Walking in the park, I was hit by several drops of rain in the air. I looked up and found that there were more and more dark clouds. I realized that it was going to rain soon, so I walked home quickly, but Grandma Feng came just a few steps away.

As soon as she made her contribution, all the rain fell down obliquely, as if it were a meteor shower. At this time, the little flower, who had been depressed, was moistened by the rain and immediately became energetic and straightened up; After a rain, the big tree, which was lack of vitality, gradually became bright, as if wearing a green coat.

Gradually, it began to rain heavily, turning from the original drizzle into big raindrops, falling from the sky to my neck and sliding into my clothes, which made me shiver. Suddenly, a silver sword cut down from the sky, and then heard the "roar" sound, deafening. This flash of lightning seemed to summon more rain. They jumped down from the sky like energetic airborne soldiers, and all of them hit me, turning me into a drowned rat.

Gradually, the rain is getting smaller and smaller. The dark clouds also gradually dissipated, and a rainbow of seven colors appeared in the distance. In an instant, the whole sky was blue, as if it had just been washed away. The sun also shone a dazzling light, hit the rainbow, and a colorful picture hung on the horizon.

I love summer rain, short and beautiful!

Summer Rain (18)

At noon, the sun was scorching and the heat wave was striking. There is no cloud in the sky, only a slight wind; The asphalt road was burned by the sun, and black oil came out. The car ran over the road and made a squeaking sound. The flowers hung their heads as if they were ill.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind; The sky was covered with dark clouds, and then it began to rain cats and dogs. The raindrops hit the face and hurt and tingled. The raindrops hit the window as if it were shedding tears. The window was covered with raindrops. The flowers seemed to have drunk enough water. They immediately raised their heads. The raindrops hit the leaves and made a "rustling" sound. The thunder became louder and louder, and the lightning became brighter, I asked my mother, "Do you see the lightning first or hear the thunder first?" My mother said, "Go and see whether you see the lightning first or hear the thunder first." I said, "See the lightning first." My mother said, "This is because light travels faster than sound in the air." "I see."

After the rain, a rainbow appeared in the sky. All the children came out to play in the water. Some walked barefoot in the water, and some put the paper boat into the water to let it drift. After the rain, the flowers became more colorful, the leaves became greener, the grass became more tender, and even the snails came out to breathe. The scene after the rain is beautiful. I like rainy days!

Summer Rain (19)

In the rain all the year round, my favorite is the rain in summer. It is so cool and powerful.

Summer is usually sultry, and the heat makes people panic, just like ants on a hot pot. At the beginning of the day, there was a large area of dark clouds, followed by a strong wind. The small trees were rustling. There were some twigs that could not withstand the test of the strong wind, but only heard a "click" and broke.

Then, like a sharp sword, the lightning boomed, as if splitting the sky in two. Lei Gong also sounded his beloved drum. The dark clouds became more and more thick, and the raindrops finally fell. The big raindrops, like crystal pearls, hit the glass and made a sound of "dong dong". It fell into the pond and rippled one by one. The originally upright treetops were also knocked down by the rain. The rain is getting heavier and heavier, which makes the air less stuffy and makes people feel cool.

Just after a while, the rain stopped slowly, and the sun slowly climbed out of the dark clouds. A beautiful rainbow was formed in the sky after the rain. The small trees, flowers and grass on the roadside were as lively as after taking a bath. The rain has changed everything in the world.

This is the rain in summer. It comes and goes quickly, which makes you leave before you enjoy it enough, and makes you unprepared.